Current Bulletin - St. Mary`s Catholic Church
Current Bulletin - St. Mary`s Catholic Church
St. Mary’s Church and Rectory 412 E. 8th Street ~ Wayne, Nebraska 68787 402-375-2000~Office hours 9:00am – 1:00pm Email: ~ Webpage: ~ Parish Information Fr. Jeff Mollner, Pastor Deacon Pat Gross Deacon Gary French Tuesday September 20 Vision Statement A parish/campus where every person is loved, has a lasting relationship with Jesus, and strives to share Him with everyone. Core Values Prayer: Having a living, daily relationship with Jesus and the Church. Having this relationship at the heart of everything we do. Compassion: Meeting people right where they are. Having a special concern for those on the fringes, the hurting, and the poor. Unity: Parish, School, and Campus Ministry working together to fulfill the vision. Work with non-Catholic groups, when appropriate, to foster deeper unity. 5:15pm 9:00pm † Earl Larson WSC Newman Center & FOCUS Wednesday September 21 8:15am 5:15pm † Mark Ahmann People of the Parish Thursday September 22 5:15pm † Albert & Eleanora Walsh Friday September 23 8:00am † Jim Keating Saturday September 24 6:00pm † Mark Ahmann & Family Sunday September 25 8:00am 10:00am 9:00pm † Mark Ahmann WSC Newman & FOCUS Parish Personnel Parish Secretary: Sarah Claussen High School & Adult Lay Minister: Amy Woerdemann Grade School/Junior High Religious Education Coordinator: Becca Leatherdale Hispanic Coordinator: Cecilia Modrell Monday September 19 3:15pm 1:00pm New Parishioners: You are invited to register at the rectory or see the pastor following Mass. College Students & Visitors: We welcome you and pray you will feel at home worshipping with us. Coordinators of WSC Catholic Newman: Fr. Jeff Mollner & Amy Woerdemann Prayer Group PMC Tuesday September 20 9:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry Meeting WSC Catholic Newman Mass Holy Family Hall Church Wednesday September 21 6:50pm Religious Education Thursday September 22 6:00pm Hispanic Prayer Group & Rosary Church Saturday September 24 2:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm Beza Wedding Gonzalez Baptism Nicolas & Segundo Baptisms Church Church Church Ministry Schedule From Your Pastor ~ Fr. Jeff Mollner September 24/25 SAT 6:00 PM HOSPITALITY USHERS READER SERVERS *EMHCS J & A Fleming R Ruhl / G Kathol V French J Arroyo / S Belt A Sty / C Osten E Osten Volunteer / T Hypse M Kathol / S Hasemann / T Jacobsen MUSIC MINISTRY COUNTERS October 1/2 Respect Life Sunday HOSPITALITY USHERS READER SERVERS *EMHCS MUSIC MINISTRY COUNTERS SUN 8:00 AM SUN 10:00 AM VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEERS SAT 6:00 PM SUN 8:00 AM SUN 10:00 AM B & S Grone L Haase / J Davis C Osten I Braun / T Braun R & S Ruhl T Hypse Volunteer / K White M Kathol / G Kathol / B Belt G & J Nemec K Prokop / M Reynolds D Spieker L Kallhoff / A Wieseler B Heithold / L Hochstein T Reinke One String One Voice L & J Lindsay T Jenkins / R Hunke D Harm R Haschke / C Dickes J Kielty / M Schlichter *S Jaixen Volunteer / P Heinemann If you are not able to fulfill your assigned ministry role, please trade with someone or find a substitute. Thank you! EMHCS: The name underlined at the 8 o’clock Mass will take Communion to CareAge. The name underlined at the 10 o’clock Mass will take Communion to Brookdale. The name with the * by it will take Communion to shut-ins. St. Mary’s Prayer List Please pray for those suffering from illness and their families that they may find relief from their burdens and feel the comforting presence of the Lord. Parishioners: Mary Adams, Bob Baumert, Chris Geidner, Lucille Nelson, Norbert & Elizabeth Dickes, Maria Vallejo, Tony Kochenash, Betty Meyer, Derek & Ashley Meyer. Family/Friends: Loren Horstman, Karen Mott (friend of Dan & Connie Sukup),Tom Fletcher (brother-in-law of Irene Fletcher), Melvin Brunssen (father of Pam Monahan), James Emanuel (relative of Margie Melena), Jeff Connelly (brother of Sara Jaixen), Sarah Naeve (sister of Amy Woerdemann), Nathan Staab & Mark Sukup (family members of Dan & Connie Sukup), Helen Tunink (mother of Sheri Eaton), Shelly Wieseler (daughter of Glendora Wieseler), Randy Janke (father of Mindy Haase), Arvid Sorensen (grandfather of Jilliane Allemann), Karla Peter (sister-inlaw of Laura Hochstein), Paula Dartman (daughter of MaryEllen Maxey), JoAnne Puckett (friend of Mark & Jolene Klein), Justin Walsh (brother of Jilliane Allemann), Gary Mueller (brother of Ann Witkowski), Danita Beadle (sister-in-law of Ray Nelson), Deena Creamer (daughter of Vona Sharer), Linda Hochstein (daughter-in-law of Sally Hochstein), Cec Vandersnick (friend of MaryKay & Scott Hasemann). “Pain and suffering have come into your life, but remember pain, sorrow, suffering are but the kiss of Jesus - a sign that you have come so close to Him that He can kiss you.” ~Blessed Mother Teresa Liturgical/Sacramental Life Baptismal Instruction Contact the Parish Office. Parents are to attend pre-baptismal catechesis prior to the baptism. Marriage The Archdiocese of Omaha requires a minimal six months waiting period for proper preparation for marriage. Reconciliation ½ Hour before Masses on Saturdays & Sundays or by appointment. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) If you know someone who is interested in knowing more about the Catholic Faith, please have them contact the Parish Office. It is important that we continue to pray for an end to abortion in our country and in our world, and to pray for every mother and father who find themselves facing a difficult or unplanned pregnancy, and let us also add those involved with “Catholics for a Choice” to our prayers that they may be converted and begin to see the beauty and dignity of every human life. Mary, Mother of the Church Pray for us Fr. Jeff “Our Story of Faith” Recently you received a letter from Archbishop Lucas inviting your support of the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Please give prayerful consideration to how you can respond. Jesus challenges us to make room for God and other in our lives and to be ready to give a full account of our stewardship. May our discipleship reflect the mercy God has shown us. Plate: Adult Envelopes: Children: Holy Day: On-line: Utilities: Special: Total: Year to Date: Actual: Budget: Avg./wk. Actual: Budget: Sep 20 Tue: Prv 21: 1-6. 10-13/ Ps 119: 1. 27. 30. 34. 35. 44/ Lk 8: 1921 Thank you for your generosity! We will be starting RCIA classes in September. We would love for you to join us! St. Mary’s Catholic Elementary School News St. Mary’s School: 402-375-2337 Principal: Stacy Uttecht St. Mary’s Catholic School is looking for a volunteer(s) to help in the Kindergarten/PreK room. Please call Mrs. Uttecht for more information (402) 375-2337 about this exciting opportunity. Parents, Families, and Friends~ We are still in need of more Prayer Partners for our children. Please prayerfully consider helping us in this rewarding experience that takes minimal effort and time. Sign-ups are in the back of church or contact the school for more information. Phone:(402) 375-2337 Picture Day is on Monday, Sept. 26 All School Rosary at 3:05 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 26 Families and Parishioners are invited to attend. Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, Sept. 29 from 4:00-8:00. Early Dismissal (2:00) on Thursday, Sept. 29. Box tops and labels may be left in the back of Church. That Man Is You The Bible and the Virgin Mary Thursday mornings Breakfast at 5:45am, Holy Family Hall All men are welcome! Sep 21 Wed: Eph 4: 1-7. 11-13/ Ps 19: 2-3. 4-5/ Mt 9: 9-13 Sep 22 Thu: Eccl 1: 2-11/ Ps 90: 3-4. 5-6. 12-13. 14 and 17bc/ Lk 9: 7-9 Religious Ed notes We will begin challenging our students to offer small sacrifices to our Lord this year. Our first challenge will be to kneel without our "seats" touching the pew. It's just a small way we can train our bodies to offer praise and thanksgiving to God. We will offer this sacrifice to Jesus through Mary that she may best apply them to His most holy will! Everyone is invited to join us in our small act of reparation next week and the weeks to continue! Volunteers and aides are still needed for religious ed! Please contact the parish with any weeks you could help. Sep 23 Fri: Eccl 3: 1-11/ Ps 144: 1b and 2abc. 3-4/ Lk 9: 18-22 $ 4,822.61 $ 6,550.00 If you or anyone you know is interested in joining the Catholic church - please have them contact the office at 402-375-2000. Mass Intentions Call 402-375-2000 to schedule. There is a suggested $10 offering per Mass. Sep 19 Mon: Prv 3: 27-34/ Ps 15: 2-3a. 3bc-4ab. 5/ Lk 8: 16-18 $53,048.73 $65,500.00 Wayne's 20th Annual Life Chain will be held on Sunday, October 2 from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. The Life Chain is a peaceful, yet powerful, visible illustration to our community that families everywhere value the sanctity of human life in hope that others will make the same choice. Participants will stand on sidewalks at 7th & Main Streets (forming the shape of a cross) praying and witnessing silently for an end to abortion. We encourage many youth to attend the Life Chain; they are the ones who will carry the fight for Life to the next generation! If you wish to participate in this year's Life Chain, stop at the northeast corner of 7th & Main in Wayne before 2:30 p.m. on Oct. 2 and pick up a sign to hold. Communion to the Homebound If any homebound parishioners would like Holy Communion, give the office a call. Sacrificial Giving (For the Week of September 11, 2016) 1,087.00 2,383.00 70.32 0.00 3,519.00 0.00 0.00 7,059.32 Abortion is the direct killing of an innocent human being in all its forms, the Church has consistently taught and upheld this fact. To say that the killing of an innocent child is matter of Justice is not only misleading, but it is also dishonest. Catholic social teaching has always sought and promoted the good of the individual in line with his or her relationship to God. Servant of God Dorothy Day and St. Teresa of Calcutta provide us with two of the best examples of what social justice looks like in our world. Both of these women also stood proudly against abortion. St. Teresa of Calcutta spoke about the evils of abortion in front of the United Nations, and Dorothy Day was one of the signers of the Catholic Peace Fellowship Statement that called for an end to this horrific practice. Sacrament of the Sick Celebrated individually upon request. If someone is seriously ill, please call the Parish Office. Daily Readings $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ This past weekend a group who calls themselves Catholics for Choice ran a full page ad in the Omaha World Herald claiming that “public funding for abortion is a Catholic social justice value.” This group may call themselves Catholic but they do not represent the Catholic Church in any way, shape, or form. National Life Chain Sunday October 2 Sep 24 Sat: Eccl 11: 9 – 12: 8/ Ps 90: 3-4. 5-6. 12-13. 14 and 17/ Lk 9: 43b-45 Sep 25 SUN: Am 6: 1a. 4-7/ Ps 146: 7. 8-9. 9-10 (1b)/ 1 Tm 6: 11-16/ Lk 16: 19-31 ST. MARY'S FAMILY ROSARY is THIS SUNDAY! Everyone is invited to join us at 2:00 at Jerry and Linda Dorcey's farm (57459 Grainland Rd) for our kick off Rosary and family fun. Grab your rosary and a snack to share and come on out! Saturday, October 29 DJ Sokol Arena at Creighton University We continue to pray for the repose of the soul of: Mark Ahmann Joe Nuss Kelley Swanson Millie Beran Dee Goeden Shirley Fletcher Chris Sherry Into your hands I commend my spirit. (Ps 31:6a) May their family and friends find peace in the Lord. Amen.