St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church and


St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church and
St. John the Evangelist
Catholic Church
San José Mission
800 Gornto Road, Valdosta, GA 31602
Phone: 244-2430 Fax: 244-5352
November 2, 2014
The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed
Pastoral Staff
Fr. Brian LaBurt,
Fr. Paul Ladda,
Parochial Vicar
Pastoral Emergency 506-5483
Deacon David Lasseter
Deacon Columbus Carter
Deacon Pete Falkenhausen
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am, 12:00pm
Spanish Mass
Saturday Vigil: 7:00 pm at San José
(Lake Park)
Adoration Every Sunday (Chapel)
Silent-10:30-11:30 a.m.
Devotional-3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Daily Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 12:10pm
Wednesday: 6:00pm
Friday: 8:10 am
Deacon James Burns
Saturday: 4:00pm
Deacon George Heise
Nursery available during the
9:30 am and 12:00 pm masses
Deacon Paul Worth
Church Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm
(Closed for lunch 1:00–2:00 pm)
Baptism Class: First Tuesday
7:30pm- CHAPEL
Contact the church office at least 6 months in advance .
Church Office Staff
Mass Intentions for the week of
November 2, 2014
Lynn Barfield, Office Director/
Religious Education for Youth
Michelle Kirkpatrick, Bookkeeper/
Bulletin Editor
Lynne Salek, Office Assistant
Saturday, November 1
5:00 pm
+ Benjamin Herron
Sunday, October 26
7:30 am
+ Deceased member of
Brigitte Carter family
9:30 am + Benjamin Herron
12:00 pm People of the Parish
School Staff
School - 244-2556
Chris Wilson, Principal
Marian Mitchell, Secretary
Christy Hatcher, Bookkeeper
Monday, October 27
12:10 pm + Julie Anthony
Parish Ministries
Tuesday, October 28
12:10 pm Special Intention
Wednesday, October 29
6:00 pm
Thursday, October 30
12:10 pm + Lea Filtz
Friday, October 31
8:10 am
Parish Council 2014-2015
President, Lee Crosby - 229-251-6628
V.P., Ryan Hogan - 229-563-3001
Secretary ,Terri Filtz - 229-247-1125
RCIA, Paul & Sue Worth, - 263-5659
Nursery, Hanna Everitt - 247-8942
Campus Ministry,
Bethanie Brogdon561-4456
Children’s Liturgy,
Suzie Puckett- 242-8603
St. Francis Center
Sr. Nuala Mulleady
Tues., Wed., Thurs. 10:00-2:00
2nd Saturday of each month
Phone Numbers
Convent - 244-0050
Parish Center - 249-9281
Knights of Columbus - 247-4913
+ Bond Crosby
All Souls
Mass intentions
Mass intentions may be made at the church office. A donation per
Mass will be collected at the time the intention is made.
Welcome New parishioners
If you are new to St. John, please register at the Church office.
Newman center update
On Sunday, November 2, at 6:00pm. we will have our 1st Mass at
the new Newman Center located at 1524 N. Oak St.
Protecting Our
Diocesan policy requires that all
diocesan adult employees and
volunteers who minister to the
youth of the diocese attend
VIRTUS (safe environment)
awareness training. For more
information call (912) 201-4073/4074 or visit
brick Garden
Honor a loved one or special
occasion with a brick in our
Brick Garden. Bricks are $100
with an inscription of your
choosing. Come by the church
office to order.
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Altar flowers may be purchased
from the florist of your choosing.
Please call the church office
to check the calendar for
Reflecting on Sunday’s Readings
November 2, 2014
All Souls Day on Nov. 2 is a day when we pray for deceased souls. These prayers may be general in nature or
they may involve specific members of our families and our faith communities, including perhaps physically
visiting the graves of our family members.
On All Saints Day, we acknowledge the presence of those who have departed this life. Today, we recognize
and honor them to an even greater extent. To practice stewardship completely we need to be aware of our
personal families and our faith families. Just prior to today’s Gospel reading Jesus reminds us that “I am the
bread of life.” Seven times in Holy Scripture, Jesus states, “I am…” followed by various statements which allow
us to grasp more fully what He is and what He has done for us.
Bread is considered one of those essentials “for life.” Jesus is reminding us that He is essential for life, for
eternal life. Jesus is not speaking of the physical life on this earth, but about “eternal life.” It is that hope
which allows us to trust in Him by living stewardship. This past June at Mass, Pope Francis said, “He Himself
is the living bread that gives life to the world.” Let us embrace that hope.
Next Weekend’s Readings
The Dedication of the
Lateran Basilica
November 9
Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12
1 Corinthians 3:9c-11
John 2:13-22
Anointing of the
On Wednesday, November 5th,
we will be celebrating the
communal Anointing of the Sick
at the 6:00pm Mass. Everyone is
invited to take advantage of this
opportunity. Many people have
chronic conditions or illnesses
for which they would like to
be anointed.
Those who are
st ruggling wit h em ot ional
conditions such as depression,
addiction, or other illnesses may
also wish to be anointed. If for
some reason someone is not able
to receive Communion, they may
still receive the Sacrament of the
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Week of October 19
Those who trust in him will understand truth, and the faithful will abide
with him in love, because grace and mercy are upon his elect, and he
watches over his holy ones.”
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:9
Here’s the ironic thing about people who are generous. Those
that give freely and cheerfully do not do it to be rewarded.
They do it to show their love for God and their neighbors. Yet,
because of their generosity, they typically are given more than
they gave away!
Parish Goal:
$ 91,035
$ 83,571
$ 79,398
This year we are lagging behind the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. If
you have not yet contributed to this annual drive, please consider
the needs that it supports. The Diocese of Savannah is not an
ordinary diocese with some missions; it is a missionary diocese.
Among the endeavors that are funded by the BAA are the many
rural missions that depend upon support that comes from the
BAA. The education and formation of seminarians are also
funded by the BAA. Please consider making a contribution to
the BAA if you have not already done so. And to those
parishioners who have already made their contribution,
Debt Reduction
$ 161.00
Thank you for your generosity
to your church!
Diocesan loan balance
October Payment
Debt Reduction $3,787.06
Total Payment $7,433.96
Online giving
Sign up for online giving
and select the Online
Giving link. Call the
Church office if you need
assistance. Online giving
is a way to remember your
church even when you are
2nd grand opening
The Religious Articles case has new inventory!
Recently arrived items include: Baptismal gift
items, statues of Our Lady,
Crucifix, auto visor medals,
rosary cases and Holy Water
fonts. Please stop by after
Mass and look them over.
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Council of
catholic women
The next membership
meeting of the CCW will be
Thursday , November 6 at
7:00 pm in the Parish Center.
Hope to see you there!
St. john school news
We would like to recognize the following St. John School students for
their achievements during the first quarter of this school year:
A Honor Roll
4th grade—Roberto Beaublanc, Emily Dinkins, Adam Goss,
Catherine Morris, Heather Parr, Hayes Perry, Vivian Price and
Natalie Savoie
5th Grade—Ella Grace Dampier, Will Gerber, Richard Hartnett,
Daniel Holcolmbe, Isabel Kassum, Joseph McDonald, Alex
Roberts, Mary Kate Sanderson and Maryelyse Wilson
8th Grade—Mary Grace Nix
A/B Honor Roll
6th Grade—Sarah Farmer, Rachael Goss, and Sean Manning
All souls day
The collections from the All Souls
Day envelopes will be the
seed money for a new parish
scholarship for St. John School
This new scholarship is different
from the Grace Scholarship
which redirects tax dollars to
our school. It will be established
to bring more funds and students
to St. John School.
As the
scholarship is developed, we will
keep you informed.
7th Grace—Jackson Anderson and Allison Stangl
8th Grade—Catherine Gerber
Ladies Auxiliary Happenings:
If your daughter would like to join the Girl
Scouts at St John's we are accepting 2nd-7th
grade girls. The annual membership is $15.
We meet on Thursdays in the Maturi Room
from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. For information, call
Mary Allende-Niznik at 229-242-0689 .
Bake Sale— On the weekend of November 8 & 9 stop by
the Parish Center to purchase some yummy treats! All
proceeds will support the new St. Anthony of Padua in
Ray City.
Chicken in Every Pot—On Sunday
November 8 & 9, bring a frozen
chicken to mass. They will be
collected and given to the St. Francis
Center and the Horizon Shelter.
American red
cross blood drive
Breakfast With Santa!
Saturday, December 6, 2014
8-11 a.m.
St John's Parish Center
We will have a White Elephant Sale for children to purchase
gifts for parents, teachers, friends, etc. We will be accepting donations from the parish (no furniture, electronics, or clothes).
Beginning in November, there will be a collection box in the vestibule.
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
The Knights of Columbus will
hold a blood drive on Sunday,
November 9, from 9:30-2:30 in
the Parish Center.
You can put the
power of faith into
action and help
save a life.
Prayer Requests
For Those Who Have Died
Joseph ZurSchmiede, father of
Ann Hilgert
Christina Kija, sister of Fr. Ladda
Sandra Rolland, niece of
Myra Guarino
Alexandrina Vera, sister of
Maria Colwell
Ruth Bosman
Bernie Dorneden
For our sick
Gloria Bailey, George Pruner,
Clyde Pruner, Jose Antonio Sanchez
Andrew Rumker, Salina Rumker,
Leo & Lynette Betlow
Scott & Mary Jane Doner
Brian & Mary Gerber
Jeffrey & Pamela Gullett
David & Rose Ann Hudson
Billy & Michelle Kirkpatrick
Donald & Donna Petty
Hal & Elizabeth Rowe
Micca & Jocelyn Williams
Bill Searling, Terri Filtz,
Joan Pickens, Ben Stubbe
Linda Hayman, Barbara Cunningham,
Tammy McDonald, Jennifer Mills,
Kathryn Brashier, Samuel J. Miller,
Teresa Wetherington, Joe Stavoli
Sick or in the Hospital
If you have a family member in the hospital,
please call the Church office so they may be
included in the hospital visits made by our
priests and deacons.
Please contact the Church office if you would like someone
added to the prayer list. Names will be published for one
month. If prayers are needed for longer, please notify us.
Sunday Morning Adult Education
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is a lay
Catholic organization for men and
women who serve the Church on a
voluntary basis in almost every
country. Meetings are Mondays at
10:00am. in the Parish Center
Conference Room. For information
please call Betty Murphy at
We continue to watch and discuss world-famous Catholic speaker
and teacher Father Robert Barron’s renowned ten-part series
Catholicism. This week’s topic:
Mary, the Mother of God
The class will meet in the Maturi Room from
10:45 to 11:45am. Each film in the series is
independent of the others so that you can
attend all or certain ones that interest you.
Southern cross
Thank you to those of you who have
donated to the Southern Cross. The
parish will be billed for any shortage
in subscription donations. If you
have not had a chance to contribute,
there is still time. We appreciate
your support!
(Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
RCIA sessions continue following the 9:30 Mass in the Parish
Center conference room (10:45-11:45 AM). You are welcome
to attend any of these sessions. For more information
contact Deacon Paul at 229-263-5659 or e-mail at
We will explore the following topics:
November 2 – Heaven, Mary, The Creed
November 9 – The Four Marks of the Catholic Church
November 16 – Stewardship
November 23 – Judge the Living and the Dead, Christ the King,
Liturgical Cycle
November 30 – The Second Coming
A treasured black Rosary with special
religious medals at each decade may have
been left in the chapel or the church. If found
please call the church office.
Thank you, Sr. Rebecca
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
November 1/2
5:00 pm
W. Filtz
S. Boinski
G. Harmon
C. Genter
K. Metzger
D. Metzger
A. Martinez
H. Everitt
7:30 am
9:30 am
J. Kozuch
W. Kozuch
M. Doscher
T. Doscher
C. Stubbe
S/ Findlay
12:00 pm
I. Bauer
R. Bauer
R. Beier
T. Gonzalez
J. Waite
T. Waite
November 8/9
5:00 pm
L. Murphy T. Thomas W. Scoby
L. Salek
Sr. Nuala
M. Doner
A. Ashburn
T. Fendley
M. Fendley
W. Register
C. Falkenhausen
M. Mazurkiewicz
A. Rivera
7:30 am
9:30 am
D. Teter
M. Burns
12:00 pm
R. Amiot
G. Peters
H. Dennis C. Hotcaveg
J. Peters L. Kenworthy
November 1/2
November 8/9
5:00 pm
+ Z. Brice/J Brice
M. Gerber
E. Landers
5:00 pm + J. Brice
7:30 am
+ JD Peterman
L. Peterman
B. Meindl
7:30 am
9:30 am
+L. Struble/C Struble
M. Puckett
J. Puckett
9:30 am
A. Crist
12:00 pm + L. Gonzalez
12:00 pm +J. Gonzalez/L Gonzalez T. Falkenhausen
Z. Brice
T. Ellis
+ M. Rozier
J., Rowe
S. Rozier
+ C. Struble
E. Roy
L. Struble
+ J. Gonzalez O. Kramer
November 1/2
November 8/9
5:00 pm
Carol Hill
5:00 pm
Terry & Jo Cawley
7:30 am
Gail Decima
7:30 am
John Ashburn
9:30 am
Diane Culpepper
9:30 am
Don & Janice Murphy
12:00 pm
Marilyn Singletary
12:00 pm
Inday Bauer & Mary Tomaleski
November 1/2
November 8/9
5:00 pm
7:30 am
Bob Goddard
Elizabeth Rowe
Mattia Goddard
Kevin Berkel
5:00 pm
7:30 am
Marian Burns
J.C. Cunningham
Michelle Kirkpatrick
Angela Carter
9:30 am
St. John School
St. John School
9:30 am
Stephen Findlay
LaVonne Clark
Daniel Lasseter
12:00 pm
John Waite
Heidi Gonzalez
12:00 pm Beverly Lanier
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church