SJNewsletter062815 - St. James Catholic Church
SJNewsletter062815 - St. James Catholic Church
Saint James Catholic Community Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 28, 2015 Daughter, your faith has saved you. Mark 5:34 St. James Catholic Church 309 S Stewart Road, Liberty MO 64068 Office (816) 781-4343 Fax (816) 792-8691 School (816) 781-4428 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-4:00 On the web @!/groups/stjamesliberty/ Mass Schedule: Weekdays: M-F 8:00am (During school year Friday, 9am) Saturday, 5:00pm Sunday, 7:30am, 9:15am, 11:00am, 6:00pm 8:00pm William Jewel College, when in session Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4pm and Anytime by request St. James Catholic Church Page 2 Our Pastoral Team Rev. Mike Roach, Pastor .............................. x201 Rev. Timothy Armbruster, C.PP.S, .............. x203 Deacon Chuck Koesterer ............................. x223 Jim Newell, Operations Manager .................. x204 Danny Baker, Dir of Liturgy and Music Ministry ...................... x207 Cecilia Richardson, Dir of Religious Ed Ministry ...................... x206 Bobbi Roman, Dir of Youth Ministry ....................... x208 Sandy Gagnon, Dir of Christian Initiation Ministry …………………. x200 Jennifer Smith, School Principal ................... x213 Daryl Ann Sweetland, Office Manager ......... x200 Loretta Venneman, Secretary ....................... x202 Katie Klassen, Finance/ Bookkeeper ............ x220 Vicki Fischer, Development Director ............. x261 Lori Tajchman, Dir of Children's Music Ministry Pastoral Council and Assignments: Phil Baumert Mike Carr, Secretary Clint Elliott Steve Gregoire Matthew Maggi Doug Lewey Randal Pearson David Jones, Chair Anne Crossett, Vice chair Michael Hundscheid 415-4559 Did You Know ? Preparations for launching the 2016 - 2018 Capital Campaign progressing. Leaders for the 13 teams in the primary areas of focus ̶ Communication, Prayer, Response, and Education ̶ have been selected and training on their specific duties and responsibilities has taken place over the past couple of weeks. Inserted in next weekend’s Bulletin will be a message from Fr. Mike and Fr. Timothy introducing the campaign and its leaders and providing suggestions about how you can play a part in supporting this exciting campaign. Many thanks to all who have volunteered their time and talent to be a member of one of the 13 teams. It’s not too late to help. Information about each of the teams and a description of their responsibilities is on the St. James website at To quote Fr. Mike, “We invite EVERYONE to ‘come on board’ and be a part of this exciting adventure”. Contact the parish office and let us know that you want to share your time and talent. We look forward to hearing from you. Jim Newell, Operations Manager June 2015 - Week 3 394-9675 810-7886 Operating Fund MTD Operating Fund YTD ACTUAL BUDGET $119,743 $155,654 $2,021,655 $2,289,396 792-8399 808-1281 * Includes Offertory, and Misc Church Income. *Does not include New Church Fund. 781-0075 “Thank you all.” 792-2997 868-5718 792-1873 225-323-1262 Mission Statement We, the community of St. James, are a prayerful and Eucharistic people who treasure our Catholic traditions. We strive to grow in our faith by being good stewards of the gifts God has given us; sharing God’s truth with all. As the Body of Christ, we are called to love and serve everyone, especially the marginalized, with joy and hospitality. The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combating sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: 1. Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-392-3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18), 2. Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, and After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valenti, at 816-812-2500 or, if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Please contact Victim Advocate Mary Bultmann at 816-714-2387 or for more information. Page 3 June 28, 2015 From the Pastor’s Pen Mass Intentions This past weekend, members of our Pastoral Council spoke to us on a new program underway that is very exciting and will benefit children in the Liberty School District, and our neighboring public school, EPIC. Week of June 29 - July 5 The ‘Backpack’ program is sponsored by Harvesters’ Food Network, and provides children of low-income families with food and nutrition over the weekends during the school year. Our Pastoral Council is undertaking inviting our parish to be part of this endeavor to help families in need. This past weekend was their first invitation and people were very generous ̶ raising over $1,700 to get the program underway. More details are here in the Bulletin. Thanks so much for being so responsive to helping those in need. You’ll be hearing more about this program and how you can get involved over the next few weeks. Our Campaign is underway, and our 6 Co-Chairs and Team Leaders are doing a great job and we have lots of enthusiastic folks on board. We really have as our goal to be able to raise enough money through our efforts this Fall to get a church underway. It’s a huge effort and it’ll take every parishioner being part of it, so if you haven’t signed up yet, you can still do so. Let’s spread the word about all the good that is happening here to build our community in so many ways!! We pray in gratitude for the Precious Blood Community, for their dedicated service to St. James for so many years. Their community is celebrating their 200th Anniversary and Fr. Timothy, along with members of his community, are headed to Rome to celebrate world-wide this exciting milestone. We as a parish are extremely grateful for the Priests and Brothers of the Precious Blood Community who have served this parish, as well as the Companions who continue to share the message of St. Gaspar del Buffalo with our parish to this day! The CPPS community will have their local celebration of the 200th Anniversary on Sunday, August 16th at 4:00 p.m., to which we are all invited. May you and your families continue to know God’s Blessings as we journey through the summer!! Peace, Fr. Mike Monday 8am Tuesday 8am Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles Elena Lopez DeUralde’s Loved Ones Andy and Debbie Pickett’s Intentions Wednesday 8am Sr. Katie Gunther Thursday 8am Doug and Mary Schuster and Family Friday 8am St. Thomas, Apostle Magdalena Pfeiffer Saturday 5:00pm Mauriene Wiederholt Sunday 7:30am Bob Ohmes 9:15am Cheryl Kaspzyk 11:00am Kevin and Nikki Power’s Loved Ones 6:00pm Louis Kelsey William Jewell College Mass resumes in the Fall Enjoy your summer Our prayer support is with … Pamela Gash and family in the death of her mother Loretta Stabb on June 19. May the healing hand of our Lord Jesus be felt by all who are coping with grief and missing loved ones. Contact Info Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat 4pm until finished; any time requested. Sacrament of Baptism: Baptismal Preparation Classes: 2nd Wed of each month. Contact JoAnn in Parish Office, ext. 205 Religious Education: For Preschool through adult spiritual development, please notify office of needs. New Parishioners: Please register at the parish office. We Welcome You! St. James School: PS-8th grade offered. Call the School Office, to inquire, 781-4428 Sacrament of Marriage: 9 months advance notice Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office. To Schedule an event in our Parish Facility: email or call Daryl or Loretta in Parish Office. All Bulletin articles must be submitted by Monday 12Noon to: St. James Catholic Church Page 4 The Week Ahead Sun June 28 : Cub Scouts / Boy Scouts serve coffee and donuts after the 7:30 & 9:15 Mass. All are welcome Mon June 29 : Mass at 8am, rosary to follow Mass —Reflections in Faith at 5:00pm in the church —North Star Boy’s Choir at 7:00pm in the church. All are invited to attend Tue June 30 : Mass at 8am, rosary to follow Wed July 1 : Mass at 8am, rosary to follow —Sponsor’s for Christ meet 1st and 3rd Wed Thurs July 2 : Mass at 8am, rosary to follow —9:00am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. All are welcome to stop by the church for quiet prayer until 9pm Fri July 3 : Mass at 8am, rosary to follow Sat July 4 : First Saturdays Devotion: Confessions begin at 5:00, Rosary at 6:30 and after Mass; Mass at 7:15 —Rosary prayed at 3:00pm Sun July 5 : Knights of Columbus serve coffee and donuts after the 7:30 & 9:15 Mass. All are welcome Scriptures for July 4th and 5th Masses: Ez 2:2-5 / 2 Cor 12:7-10 / Mk 6:1-6 Gift Bearers for July 4th and 5th Masses: Sat 5:00pm: Mary Jo Hopkins and Valerie Beumer Sun 7:30am: Mike and Jean Kieffer and Rick Conard 9:15am: Don and Geri Binggeli and Charlie and Jan Mobry 11:00am: Corcione Family 6:00 pm: Open to a Church Family Hospitality Greeters for July 4th and 5th: Sat 5:00pm: Tom and Pat Bellman Sun 7:30am: Larry and Loretta Venneman 9:15am: Anthony and Mary Jose and Family 11am: James and Lori Keller 6pm: Adam and Angela Swearingin Bloomer Attention All Knights of Columbus June 28 Meeting Information The June 28 Knights of Columbus meeting will be held at Our Lady of Mercy Country Home at 3:00pm. Following the meeting, we will pray the rosary and have dinner in Tighe Hall with the Mercedarian sisters. Your wives and family are invited to join us for the rosary and dinner. If you need directions, call Glen Ahlfield @ 816-781-7982. BEGINNING EXPERIENCE A Weekend Away for a Lifetime of Change The Beginning Experience ministry facilitates the grief resolution process for those who have suffered a loss through death, divorce or separation, thereby enabling them to again love themselves, others and God. The next Beginning Experience Weekend is July 17 - 19, 2015 at Precious Blood Center, Liberty, MO. For more information visit: email: or contact Lynne 816 457-0391 or Jerry 785-843-2079. The Snack Snack-- Pack Program A project of the United as One Ministry The Snack-Pack program is for children in the St. James and Epic schools that qualify for the free and reduced lunch program. It provides some sustenance for the child over weekends when they do not have access to school lunches. In our first weekend, we were able to collect approximately 30% of the monies needed to fund this program for one school year. No one deserves to go hungry, especially children. Please continue to give to this program and look for updates showing our progress in reaching our goals. Look for our donation box on the hope gift card table. For further information or volunteer opportunities, please contact: Anne Crossett : phone 816-792-1873 Doug Lewey: cell: 816-783-3761 Betsy Lewey: cell 816-679-9910 Steve Gregoire: Cell: 816.916.2034 Page 5 A from the Liturgy/Music Office North Star Boy’s Choir “Voices Of Gold” Coming To St. James June 29 at 7:00 pm June 28, 2015 Someone is Watching and Wondering In six days we once again celebrate the birth of our nation. There will be parades, picnics, fireworks, and endless speeches about freedom; freedom fought for by solders over the past 200+ years, and guaranteed by our constitution. Even the Pledge of Allegiance states we are “One nation under God, with liberty and justice for all.” Without sounding unpatriotic, I sometimes question the truth of these words and concepts, and feel repelled at their meaningless repetition in public addresses. What is true freedom? How are we witnesses of liberty and justice for all? Recently I read a quote from Pope Francis’ Evangelii Gaudium. As preface to these words let me say that I believe our Pope’s words and actions are a beautiful example of the true freedom, found through knowing, loving and serving Christ Jesus. I also feel Pope Francis example of simplicity and inclusivity are the only way to bring liberty and justice to all humankind. Here is his quote: All are invited to attend this extraordinary concert of sacred and secular music presented by this award winning choir of 24 boys, ages 8-15. Winner of bronze and silver medals at the World Choir Games in 2012, and proclaimed “Voices of Gold” by two German newspaper critics, this is a choir to be heard. With crystal clear voices, and wonderful intonation, the North Star Boys’ Choir from Minnesota, will delight audiences of young and old alike. To believe that the Son of God assumed our human flesh means that each human person has been taken up into the very heart of God. To believe that Jesus shed his blood for us removes any doubt about the boundless love which ennobles each human being. Our redemption has a social dimension because ‘God in Christ, redeems not only the individual person, but also the social relations existing between men.’ To believe that the Holy Spirit is at work in everyone means realizing that he seeks to penetrate every human situation and all social bonds. ‘The Holy Spirit can be said to possess an infinite creativity, proper to the divine mind, which knows how to loosen the knots of human affairs, even the most complex and inscrutable.’ Evangelization is meant to cooperate with this liberating work of the Spirit.” (para. 78) I intentionally highlighted parts of this quote, because I believe these words help define us as followers of Jesus, Catholics, and citizens of the United States. As such we are obligated to work for peace and justice for all. We cannot remain idle while our brothers and sisters go without nourishing food, safe shelters, medical care, and education. We cannot view others as outside God’s embrace because they look, live or act differently. St. Paul urges: “As many of you were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is no longer Jew of Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” All humanity was made in the image and likeness of God; He emptied himself and became like us in everything but sin; and we are all God’s beloved children. Jesus lived on the margin of His cultural world. He challenged the status quo. He reached out to those shunned, hurting, and alone. His life was one of emptying and letting go. So too for each of us a life of hope and love is a life of emptying and letting go. Jesus revealed that fullness of life comes from recognizing our radical and complete dependence on God. That for me is true freedom, and worth praying for. Happy Fourth of July. Your sister in Christ, Sandy Gagnon St. James Catholic Church Page 6 We pray for Our Country, Leaders, and Loved ones serving our Country: Chad Wilson, Paul Mooney, Jeff Auksel, Phil Plack, Robert Harrison, John Barry, Alex Reilly, Gary Lee, Bobby Kern, Geoff Wiese, Casey Snodgrass, Chris Griese, Ryan Villines, Paul Tyrrell, Charles Hensley, Gary Hogan, Jeremy Finn, Michael Caine, Alex Worth, Dan Knudson, Paul Starner, Jarrett Muck, Bong Vtug, Brianna Hannum, Aaron Dolak, Cole Roberts, Tony Velasquez Jr., Colleen McCloskey, Raymond Lopez, David Castro, Jr., Jeff Gardner, Brad Nees, Josh DeLeone, Joe Binggeli, Jeremy Pyle, Cody Londo Jason Lyday, Andy Sparks, Jacob Weller, Ray Writesman, Cody Zoglman, Adam Parnacott, Charlette Pruett, Daniel Wilson, Nicole Dobbelaere Martindell, Jeffrey Pelling, Jeff Duncan, Nick Caine If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be gone under. H.O.P.E. / SCRIP GIFT CARD NEWS July 4 Celebrate Independence Day during the July 4 weekend by inviting friends and family to your home for a picnic or cookout.. What could be better than a menu of fresh corn, potato salad, deviled eggs, baked beans, fried chicken, or maybe some barbecued ribs, and a specially decorated 4th of July cake? Makes your mouth water thinking about this feast, doesn’t it? Before you go shopping for all of the yummy foods that will make your celebration meal complete, pick up a HOPE gift card or two from Price Chopper, HyVee, Target, or Walmart. These stores have everything you need to create a spectacular meal. Plus, these merchants have 4th of July themed tableware and other decorations to make the holiday more festive. HOPE Gift Cards are sold after every weekend Mass and in the Parish Office during regular business hours. And, for your shopping convenience, register as a St. James Parish family at and shop from home – try it, you’ll like it ! Learn More about At St. UPC CODES FROM BEST CHOICE PRODUCTS We remind you to save your UPCs from all Best Choice products and please bring them to the designated box on the bulletin table in the narthex. This is the only fundraiser our Over 50 Group has, and it is easy to support them. Just cut of the UPC codes and drop them in the box. Thanks, Over 50 Members Saints Peter and Paul Feast Day - June 29 These two saints are the founders of the See of Rome, through their preaching, ministry and martyrdom there. Peter, who was named Simon, was a fisherman of Galilee. Jesus gave him the name Cephas (Petrus in Latin), which means ‘Rock,’ because he was to become the rock upon which Christ would build His Church. St. Paul was the Apostle of the Gentiles. His letters are included in the writings of the New Testament, and through them we learn much about his life and the faith of the early Church. In the year 395, St. Augustine of Hippo said of Sts. Peter and Paul: “Both apostles share the same feast day, for these two were one; and even though they suffered on different days, they were as one. Peter went first, and Paul followed. And so we celebrate this day made holy for us by the apostles' blood. St. Thomas, Apostle Feast Day - July 3 Best known for his initial unwillingness to believe the other apostles in their claim that Jesus had risen from the dead, St. Thomas can teach the faithful about believing without seeing. When he was told about it by the other apostles, he said, "Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails, and place my finger in the mark of the nails, and place my hand in his side, I will not believe." When Christ appeared later he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it into my side and do not be unbelieving, but believe.” Pope Benedict XVI said “The Apostle Thomas’ case is important for at least three reasons. "First, it comforts us in our insecurity; second, it shows us that every doubt can lead to an outcome brighter than any uncertainty; and, lastly, the words that Jesus addressed to him remind us of the true meaning of mature faith and encourage us to persevere, despite the difficulty, along our journey of adhesion to him." Page 7 June 28, 2015 Our Lady of Fatima The Five First Saturdays Devotion Join Us on Saturday, July 4th for the 3rd of The Five First Saturdays Devotion Subsequent First Saturdays Devotion Will Be Held On ... August 1 and September 5 The Promise of Our Lady of Fatima “I promise to assist at the hour of death, with the graces necessary for salvation, all those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall confess, receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary, and keep me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me.” Confessions Heard Beginning at 5:00 am The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to 3 shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal on the 13th day of six consecutive months, beginning in May 1917. 15 Decades of the Rosary Begin at 6:30 am and After Mass Mass Begins at 7:15 am For more information on The Five First Saturday Devotions, go to and click on The Five First Saturdays Devotion on the left Last Call To Register For VBS July 6 -10, 8:30 am to Noon 6- Register Now This year, the theme for Vacation Bible School is called Everest. The children will be embarking on an "icy" mountain adventure - exploring God and His Word. The kids learn to overcome obstacles with God's awesome power. This is a week of fun, games, singing and crafts. VBS brings kids together — kids who are happy, hurting, curious, doubtful, wonderful, wounded, and weak. In five days of mountain adventure, VBS helps them discover God’s mighty power. Kids will leave as more confident, faith-filled people ready to pursue a lifelong friendship with Jesus — no matter what! Cost is $20 per child, which includes their t-shirt, music cd and all the fun stuff for the week. VBS is open to children from those 3 years old by 8/1/15 to those entering the 5th grade next fall. St. James Catholic Church Page 8 Our Faith In Action Little Sisters of the Poor Employment Opportunity The Little Sisters of the Poor is a Catholic, International Religious community whose sole ministry is providing Homes for disadvantaged elderly of all ethnic and religious backgrounds since 1884. The Little Sisters of the Poor are seeking: Part-time Laundry Aide 6:30am to 3:00 pm - Friday & Saturday + PRN Full & Part-time Charge Nurses Various shifts and hours Part-time Certified Nurse Assistants Various shifts and hours Interested Parties should contact: Tim Spellman Human Resources Manager Little Sisters of the Poor, 8745 James A Reed Rd Kansas City MO 64138 - Phone 816 761 4744 hrkansascity@littlesistersof the Missionaries of the Precious Blood Volunteer Opportunity Serve others and grow in your faith as a Precious Blood Volunteer. Live in community for six months to a year, and discover more deeply your vocation through service to people who are suffering. Opportunities available in the Kansas City area. Precious Blood Volunteers minister with people in parishes, education, health care, and social services. Contact Tim Deveney at 816-781-4344 or for more information. Hear from Precious Blood Volunteers about their experiences at our website: Employment Opportunity Natural Accents Lighting Design Natural Accents Lighting Design in Liberty is looking for a lighting technician to assist in the installation and maintenance of low voltage exterior lighting systems. Work from 20 - 40 hours per week, depending on work available. Training provided. No experience necessary. Must be able to do ladder work, lift 50 lbs., work on hands and knees, have a clean driving record, submit to a drug test and be available for some evening work. If interested, call John Pletcher at 816 407-1300. Youth Group Happenings Summer 850 Prayer Challenge Calling all 6th-12th grade teens….. There are 85 days of summer break and all you need to do is set aside 10 minutes per day for prayer. At the end of the summer you will have (at least) 850 minutes of prayer. So we can keep a total for the entire youth group minutes. Log minutes weekly HERE each Saturday beginning May 30th. Page 9 Parish Religious Education VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 6 - 10 8:30 am - 12 noon We love VBS at St. James! That’s the good news. The "bad" news is that it takes an army of volunteers to produce that week of fun and games for our campers. We need your help to make that week happen ̶ and without it, VBS is just a fond memory of years gone by. We need a few parents to be station leaders ̶ the lessons are already scripted for you; you just need to present them in short, 20 minute sessions. We need a few parents to be team leaders ̶ you just accompany your crew as they move from station to station. And we need a few parents to help with snacks or supervising our teen helpers. And we need teen helpers as well. All roles are easy and the rewards are a-MA-zing. It's just a week, and only half days ̶ could we make it any easier? If you have commitments for some of the days, we can pair you with another volunteer, so don't let that hold you back from signing up. Volunteer sign-up sheet are available in the narthex. PB&J Summer Classes July 14 - August 5 PB&J Summer Classes will be offered weekly beginning July 14 through August 5 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10 am and 6 pm. The Summer PB&J Classes will include music and movement activities reinforcing basic Catholic Faith Formation. Each enrolled child will enjoy a one-time take-home musical instrument. PB&J is appropriate for infants through Pre-K. The cost of the Summer class is $20 per child. Religious Ed Pinterest Page Check out our Pinterest page on the St James website — we have lots of fun activities pinned there already, and more summer fun ideas will be coming! Click on the Religious Education button on the home page, then on the Find Out More link, and you'll find the Pinterest link under "Links for Families." June 28, 2015 St. James School News Our Father, who “works” in heaven, hallowed be thy name…..” Imagine… a school day that begins with prayer, includes a reading of the Word of God, and then time for reflection on what God is saying to each one of us. During our day, we learn how to spread His good news. We celebrate God’s creation and thank Him as we learn to be good stewards of the amazing gifts He’s given to us. We see Him in EVERYTHING: math, literature, nature, history, music, the arts and in each other. A day like this is like each and every day at St. James School, including Kindergarten! We pray together, celebrate Mass together, work together, and encourage each other through successes and trials to help the children enjoy the richness of our Catholic Faith. We have a great school! Our teachers are fabulous! Our motto is, “As good as we are, we can always get better!” So we continually study, go to trainings, and review our practices, so that we give our students the very best education possible. Did you know? As a tithing member of the parish, you will pay no tuition, as our school is a ministry of our church. Become a part of our school! Please contact the school office at 816-781-4428 for more information! St. James Catholic Church Page 10 Birthdays this week: Today we celebrate all that you with God’s help, have accomplished. Sophia Cissell Molly Corrigan Sydney Gardner Jodi Gusman Brian Moore Madeline Reising Tabitha Ryan David Vanecek Nikolas Baumert Seth Brown Michael Bruening Nicholas Caine Rocco Jay Frizzo Anna Fuenfhausen Sophia Grote Mary Henn Blake Howard Amanda Mahony Matthew Messina Bailee Middleton Crystal Myers Aiden Pasieniuk Joyce Pecora Jason Starr Mary Thompson Misty Trinidad Tricia Vulje Ashley Asbury Michael Barreca Eileen Barry Kaylee Browne Debra Carey Elisa Castillo Claudia Caudillo Joseph Disciacca Evie Fortman Joel Ibe Derek King Dominic MacNeil Josephine Muenchow Joyce Sales Ivy Seiler Rhonda Vandel Anna Coday Suzan Corcione Kelly Corrigan John Cuezze Ruby Edwards Amanda Grote Charley Hernandez Monique Johnson Angela Laughman Caleb McClellan Dylan O'Brien Kathleen Rangel Molly Schwarz Haley Tanner Adam Baker James Bednar Mary Garza Debra George Mark Greer Andrew Horsman Jamie Hudnall Anna Mandina Shelby Moore Deborah Obermueller Ava O'Brien Austin Patton Susan Pena Steve Roberts Ariel Sprung Michelle Tweet Cari Usera Shelby Williams Nicole Woodhead Joseph Zegers Patricia Blankenship Donnie Carter Mary Frick Nicollette Hartley Kyle Henry David Holm Margaret Lewis Eric Moore Shaun Olson Charlotte Rogers Kate Rooney Stacy Sarver Emmy Seiler Jordan Sellmeyer Leticia Sigler Ryan Westfall Victoria Alessi Kenneth Boc Veronica Dodd Jorge Herrera Antonia Hess Amber Kollasch Zanah McCauley Charles Miller Linda Muhlbauer Ana Newell William Roach Clayton Smith Liam Stamper Landon Swope Lucas Weimer Holy Smoke BBQ Contest The St. James Do-Dads Group is pleased to announce the return of the annual Holy Smoke BBQ Contest! Mark your calendars now for August 21 & 22! It will take place on the south side of the parish grounds and will feature fun and games for the entire family, food vendors, and of course barbecue! For more information including entry details check out our website at or contact Troy Sheeley ( or Jeff Richardson ( Keep your eye on the bulletin for more details! We Pray to our Lord Jesus for healing Sister Elizabeth Eddie Anselmo Janet Harris Newborn Lennox Alyssa Cusumano Jesse Rainey Eddie Anselmo Leo Weber Ed Hughes Spencer Lange Kennedy Noel Holcumbrink Jerry Bobby Morton Bernadette Kaplan Amy Bills Larry Kains Ken Englander Kathryn Polly Brian Karen VanLeeuwen Charles Beckenhauer Sandy Wheeler Nancy Holt Brodbeck Rita Lowe George Massie Darlene Henning Gary Brecht Nancy Goeckle Tony V. Sr. Deric DeMasi John Eggleston Gina Blanck Keegan & Justin Gwin Mary Newell John King Brian Sprung Jeanne Collison Marietta Wimmer Tim Collins Rose Swarts Madelynn Hudson & family Sarah Rupp Cameron Samantha Squire Chris Alvey R.W. & Connie Hollomon Beasley and Craven families Mary Decko Lisa Lange Carol Yeager Laplant Vincent Michael Smith James Weishaar Linda Ruppert Patti Busken Patrick O’Neill Gail Dugdale Leola Schaffer Iva Durocher Elli Kirkbride John McMahon Ron Shinkle Lyle Davis Joseph Gubera Jimmy Golden Les VanBibber Chrystal Hampton Morgan Todd Maria Giannelli Sara Stoupa Mike Reinhart Bernadette Pamela Anderson Jeannette Wolken Rich Curasi Emmanuel Monzon Sr. Christy Mock Kathy Cygiel Teagen Peters Jeff Smith Nadia Kadi Lola/Joe Lopez John Pfannestiel Nancy Brown Elaine Catalano Crystal Coley Conchita Weir Becky Booth Gordley family Louie Bussjaeger Kenadee Gallagher Phil Wilson Haley Prouty Shawn Adkins Mae Rahter Jason Robinson Andrew Lay Randy Canaan Emma Shay Bob Giefer Randi Joseph Stoway Leah Biskup Coady Olivia Hernandez Kari Rainey Angelo Motta June Bednar Chrissy Sparks Theresa Crane Becca Sharp Karen Wilson Joseph Greenwald Teresa Binder Bud Sutlief Marilyn Niere Darleen Farnan Kenny Erwin Sharon Augh Devona Gilgour Theresa Fortune Mary Bell Jones Arthur Pisana Please notify us to remove your name from our prayer lists when it is time. By law, HIPPA forbids us to print names for prayers, without request from the person or immediate family. Frances Winslow David Roach Baby Jesse Baby Sienna Joan Swoboda Steve Swoboda Susan Kendall Brenda Adams Jonas Miller Frank Benassi Denny Phyllis Monique Noah Lee Schwery Michelle McClune Joann & Greg Hagins Mike Lyons Colin Leypoldt George Kristek Forrestine Hargoe Pat Kocon Dave DeDe Yager Curt Wyles David Torres Jenni Kern Billi Keyes Rachel Johnson Peggy Giefer Kevin Sargent James Clarke Crawford Ben Hon Cathy & Wallace Finley Celia Saenz Anne Robinson Francis Talbot Lerah Allen Donnie Smith Shirley Britt Morgan Connie Sullivan Donnie Jim & Cameron Brock Moon Steve Shoemaker Martha H. Brenda Chabot Gerald Fiorino Laura Ann DiGiovanna MyBecquer Aybar Alta Flanigan Jaci Leigh Gwin Charles Gage Gage Gussy Karen Elliott Matthew Pate Nicole Martindell The Doile family Robert Doleshal Jersey & James Hicks Blessed Art Thou RANCHO GRANDE CANTINA Mother, Lady, Mystic, Queen Art by Brother Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Prayers by Father Richard N. Fragomeni Hardcover book $39.95 800-566-6150 Best Mexican Food this Side of the Border! 921 W. Liberty Liberty, MO 816-792-4844 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. Glasses & Contacts ■ LASIK Cataracts ■ Macular Degeneration Glaucoma ■ Diabetes And The Eye Dry Eyes ■ Eyelid Correction INSURANCE / MEDICARE ACCEPTED STEPHEN B.WILES, M.D. F.A.C.S. ERIN T. GILLILAND, M.D. RACHEL TISCHINSKI, O.D. 816.455.2020 Located in Creekwood Medical Plaza III ■ 211 NE 54th Street, Suite 202 TALK ........... Kansas City, MO 64118 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH ■ al mpanion o Person Your Prayer C through 2030 Designed to be 24/7 HELP Readings • Reflections • Prayers ........... In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. 800-566-6150 • $39.95 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Primed 2 Paint Quality Residential Painting Chuck Fiegel - Parishioner 816-781-4485 ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. 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Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 For all your landscaping needs Mike Kromeich, Parishioner (816) 781-9333 Liberty, Missouri 64068 Junction 33 & 291 Julie Harman Our Lady of Mercy Country Home Apartments for Independent Senior Living Residential Care Facility Liberty, MO 781-5711 Parishioner JAKE’S SERVICES Cooling & Heating, Plumbing, Electrical WHEN QUALITY MATTERS “No Job Too Small” Since 1976 (816) 781-4323 Roger Arthur, Parishioner Annunciation Community Center Licensed & Insured 816-803-8680 Get your AC checked NOW! Parishioner DOMINIC CUSIMANO CPA LLC 816-777-3212 Arthur Carpentry 705 N. Jefferson Kearney Banquets • Weddings • Private Parties For Reservations Call 816-824-5564 IPLEY ASSOCIATES OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Corporate Hills North Bldg. Two 851 NW 45th Street, Ste. 303 Gladstone, MO 64116 For All Your Real Estate Needs Visit: Tel. 816-399-4965 We treat both spider & Varicose Veins 816-792-1188 We accept Most Insurance Call for a Free Screening Today ELITE REALTORS YVETTE D. LOPEZ, Parishioner Call or Text 816.777.4694 Mobile App Your Realtor® for Life Licensed - MO, KS, AZ With Hearts and Voices Songs and Prayers of a Faithful People More than 80 traditional Catholic songs and prayers familiar to our moms and dads. Large print for older eyes. Book ($3), Four-CD Music set ($49.95), Spoken Prayers CD ($17.00) 20% Parishioner Discount with this Ad. excludes loose & larger, center-stone diamonds, repairs & custom design. MARY MARGARET PARRISH 800-566-6150 World Library Publications Attorney - At -Law the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. Parishioner Seaport Office Complex Liberty, Mo. — 781-5380 — Music for Reflection and Meditation Blessed Assurance Call Mike Steffens 10% to School Endowment Fund Les Stahl Community starts with neighbors who care. That’s what our town is made of. State Farm® has a long heritage of helping out in the community. That’s why we’re proud to support our St. James Parish. Get to a better State.® Inspiring collection of solo piano arrangements of classic hymns on CD ($17) 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. Timothy Flook Past Recipients of the Best of the Northland Award (816) 792-0500 Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS R. Bradley Gaik, D.D.S. Larinda Hlavacek, D.D.S Parishioner 8568 N. Church Rd. KC MO 64158 816-792-0801 CHARLES PLUMMER COMMUNITY BANK, COMMUNITY PROUD SINCE 1922 Park Lawn Funeral Home Parishioner “Your complete Painting & Decorating Source” Family Owned For Over 80 Years 781-1553 906 West Liberty Dr. Liberty, MO South Chapel Liberty Chapel Lathrop Chapel Kansas City, MO Liberty, MO Lathrop, MO Please Contact Don Brassfield - 809-1552 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA BETTER RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS LLC DAN GRIGGS Health & Income Planning 816-392-4897 365050 St James Catholic Church (A) FLOOK & GRAHAM Wills • Personal Injuries • Business Law THREE AREA LOCATIONS A colorful Catholic ABC book 1178 W. KANSAS, LIBERTY for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help 8140 N. BRIGHTON, KANSAS CITY NORTH 303 S. JEFFERSON, KEARNEY adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover visit us also at $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! MARIO USERA, PRESIDENT 800-566-6150 & PARISHIONER Shoal Creek Dental Care Home of the Famous “300” Burger The BEST Audio/Video Shows. The Largest Video Screens & Music Selection + Karaoke! PARTIES for Any Occasion… Birthdays, Company Parties, Theme Parties, Team Building! 436-6300 ATTORNEYS YOU CAN TRUST Jesus A to Z Janacaro Insurance Agency Inc Mary Ann Surber Ins Agcy Inc. Joe Janacaro CLU, Agent Mary Ann Surber LUTCF, Agent 5555 NW Barry Road 6407 N Prospect Ave Kansas City, MO 64154 Gladstone, MO 64119 Bus: 816-587-8330 Bus: 816-452-1700 Parishioner Parishioner 1201234 State Farm, Bloomington, IL (816) 781-1998 9550 NW Prairie View Rd. Ken Bohr Parishioner AUTO • HOME • LIFE 816-792-2949 963 W. Liberty Drive, Liberty, MO • Santosh George, MD • Ryan R. Snyder, MD • Adam W. Rives, MD • Joshua J. 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