Nov 16 - St. James Catholic Church
Nov 16 - St. James Catholic Church
Saint James Catholic Community Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 St. James Catholic Church 309 S Stewart Road, Liberty MO 64068 Office (816) 781-4343 Fax (816) 792-8691 School (816) 781-4428 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-4:00 On the web @!/groups/stjamesliberty/ Mass Schedule: Weekdays: M-F 8:00am (During school year Friday, 9am) Saturday, 5:00pm Sunday, 7:30am, 9:15am, 11:00am, 6:00pm 8:00pm William Jewel College, when in session Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4pm and Anytime by request St. James Catholic Church Page 2 Our Pastoral Team Rev. Mike Roach, Pastor .............................. x201 Rev. Timothy Armbruster, C.PP.S, .............. x203 Deacon Chuck Koesterer ............................. x223 Jim Newell, Operations Manager .................. x204 Danny Baker, Dir of Liturgy and Music Ministry ...................... x207 Cecilia Richardson, Dir of Religious Ed Ministry ...................... x206 Bobbi Roman, Dir of Youth Ministry ....................... x208 Sandy Gagnon, Dir of Christian Initiation Ministry ........ x200 Molly Doherty, School Principal .................... x213 Daryl Ann Sweetland, Office Manager ......... x200 Loretta Venneman, Secretary ....................... x202 Katie Klassen, Finance/ Bookkeeper ............ x220 Vicki Fischer, Development Director ............. x261 Lori Tajchman, Dir of Children's Music Ministry November 16, 2014 Did you know? Construction Update: To meet the November 16th bulletin deadline, this article was submitted on November 10th. • Landscape and irrigation people continue to put final touch on project. • Shoulders on entry - exits are completed. Thank you” Jim Newell, Operations Manager Pastoral Council and Assignments: Phil Baumert Mike Carr, Secretary Clint Elliot Steve Gregoire Matthew Maggi Doug Lewey Randal Pearson David Jones, Chair Anne Crossett, Vice chair Michael Hundsceid 415-4559 394-9675 October 2014 – Tentative Final 407-1922 792-8399 808-1281 781-0075 792-2997 Operating Fund MTD Operating Fund YTD ACTUAL $154,387 $681,820 BUDGET $184,866 $743,240 * Includes Offertory, and Misc Church Income. *Does not include New Church Fund. “Thank you all.” 792-3331 792-1873 225-323-1262 Mission Statement We, the community of St. James, are a prayerful and Eucharistic people who treasure our Catholic traditions. We strive to grow in our faith by being good stewards of the gifts God has given us; sharing God’s truth with all. As the Body of Christ, we are called to love and serve everyone, especially the marginalized, with joy and hospitality. The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combating sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse: 1. Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-392-3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18), 2. Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, and After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authorities, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Jenifer Valenti, at 816-812-2500 or, if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Please contact Victim Advocate Mary Bultmann at 816-714-2387 or for more information. St. James Catholic Church Page 3 From the Pastor’s Pen Mass Intentions As we celebrate this month of November, we are grateful for all that is happening here at St. James! As we recall our beloved dead, and all those gone before us, we are reminded we are carrying one of the Corporal Works of Mercy---'to bury the dead'. We are also grateful for the tremendous response to our annual Advent Giving Tree--and to all who are so generous in giving of their time, talent and treasure to carry this beautiful tradition of serving the poor and needy this Advent. A reminder that the Liberty Ministerial Alliance will be hosting their annual community-wide Thanksgiving service at 7 pm on Tuesday, November 25th. This year’s ecumenical service will be held at the new Liberty United Methodist Church - Rush Creek campus. You are invited to come and join us as we give thanks to God as a community! Also in the month of November, we thank you for your generosity to St. James! This year we are not having a formal annual pledge drive for our annual appeal Recently we were all invited to 'come on board' to support our Building Fund campaign. With our new parking lot in the process of being finished, we are hoping that spirit will carry us to look to the future, and help our new church become a reality! In the meantime, we still have a responsibility to give annually - on a weekly/monthly basis - so that our parish can continue to offer our ministries and support the regular operations of our parish. We are very grateful to all who are such good and faithful stewards! Lastly, just a request: from time to time, we have families approach us who are going through difficult financial struggles, due to the loss of a premature child, or other tragic circumstances. We try to help them in various ways, but sometimes the requests are beyond our reach. If you could financially help with these families ‘get back on their feet’, after having been off work and having other unexpected financial burdens, we would deeply appreciate it. If you would send the donation to me personally, I promise to make sure it goes to a family in need. Thanks again for your caring and generosity, and continuing to help those among us in need. May we all be grateful for God's generosity among us, and live that gratitude out in all that we do! - Peace, Fr. Mike Week of November 17-23: Monday 8am Raymond Rombeck Tuesday 8am Our loved ones serving in the military Wednesday 8am Gerald Brackett Thursday 8am First responders Friday 9am Al and Teresa Stichnot Saturday 5:00pm Lance Huddon Sunday 7:30am John Gusman 9:15am Joseph Tran 11:00am Carl Hilts 6:00pm Bob Omes Sunday night Mass at 8pm William Jewell College Campus, Grand River Chapel. All are welcome Mass Intentions The custom of requesting a priest to offer the Mass for a specific intention, is a longstanding tradition in the Church. When we celebrate the Eucharist, in addition to prayers for the deceased, a particular intention may be included. If you would like to have a Mass offered for one of your loved ones or for a special intention, please call the parish office at: 816-781-4343. A donation may be offered. Contact Info Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat 4pm until finished; any time requested. Sacrament of Baptism: Baptismal Preparation Classes: 2nd Wed of each month. Contact JoAnn in Parish Office, ext. 205 Religious Education: For Preschool through adult spiritual development, please notify office of needs. New Parishioners: Please register at the parish office. We Welcome You! St. James School: PS-8th grade offered. Call the School Office, to inquire, 781-4428 Sacrament of Marriage: 9 months advance notice Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office. To Schedule an event in our Parish Facility: email or call Daryl or Loretta in Parish Office. All Bulletin articles must be submitted by Monday 12Noon to: St. James Catholic Church Page 4 The Week Ahead Sun November 16: Respect Life Ministry serve coffee and donuts after the 7:30 & 9:15 Mass. All are welcome —Religious Articles Sale after Masses Social Hall Mon Nov 17: Mass at 8am, rosary to follow Mass at 10:00am —Liberty Terrace Mass 10:30am —St. Elizabeth of Hungary Tue Nov 18: Mass at 8am, rosary to follow —St. Rose Philippine Duchesne St. James Day of Remembrance On Sunday November 23 we will hold a special Day of Remembrance to remember our family and friends who have died in this past year. Wed Nov 19: Mass at 8am, rosary to follow —Sponsor’s for Christ meet 1st and 3rd Wed —Over 50 Luncheon/meeting noon Social Hall We invite you to join us for a prayer service beginning at 12:30 followed by a luncheon served in the social hall. Thurs Nov 20: Mass at 8am, rosary to follow —9:00am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. All are welcome to stop by the church for quiet prayer until 9pm Although it is not required, we would appreciate an RSVP to help us know how many to expect for lunch. Please call or email the parish office by Wednesday, November 19 at 781-4343 or Fri Nov 21: Rosary prayed at 8:15am —School Mass at 9am —Financial Seminar 7-8:30pm Mallen Room —Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sat Nov 22: That Man is You at 6:15am —Saturday morning faith sharing group at 10am —Rosary prayed at 3:00pm —Parish Cleanup Day —St. Cecilia Sun Nov 23: Cub/Boy Scouts serve coffee and donuts after the 7:30 & 9:15 Mass. All are welcome —Day of Remembrance Prayer Service and luncheon 12:30 —Knights of Columbus meeting 7pm Social Hall Scriptures for November 22/23 Masses: Give Thanks and Praise! Annual Liberty Ministerial Alliance Thanksgiving Service November 25, 2014 at 7 pm At the Liberty United Methodist Church - Rush Creek campus 100 Rush Creek Pkwy, Liberty, MO All are invited to this inter-faith service of prayer, scripture readings, song and sermon. The service will focus attention on our gratitude to God and our responsibility to help and serve others. Join Fr. Mike and the St. James choir who will be participating in this service. Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 Gift Bearers for November 22/23: Sat 5:00pm: Georgia Hampton, Debra George, Jacqueline Filardo Sun 7:30am: Larry and Loretta Venneman 9:15am: Sam and Sune Pham 11am: Darren and Sherri Hennen and family 6pm: Steve and Karen McKee and family Hospitality Greeters for November 22/23: Sat 5:00pm: Dick and Becky Eggleston Sun 7:30am: Jim & Lynn Streu, Damon & Lynn Kizzire 9:15am: Ima Rahter and Linda Hoover 11am: Jeanette Keck 6pm: Open to a parish family “One generation praises your deeds to the next and proclaims your mighty works. They celebrate your abounding goodness and joyfully sing of your justice.” -PS 145: 4, 7 Page 5 A from the Liturgy/Music Office YOUTH CHOIR SCHEDULE Here is our current schedule of rehearsals for the St. James Youth Choir. Please note there are some changes!! November 16: NO REHEARSAL November 23: 2:30-3:30 November 30: 2:30-3:30 December 7: 2:30-3:30 December 14: 2:30-3:30 I would like the Youth Choir to sing at our annual Lessons and Carols Service on Monday, December 15th at 7:00pm. Children’s Choir Join us at a Saturday practice at 10 am, in the church. Open to children in Kindergarten through 5th grades. For more information, contact Lori Tajchman at November 16, 2014 Someone is Watching and Wondering I think it is safe to say that many of you, like me, receive an abundance of catalogs in the mail. I also think it likely that you discard them without even a single glance at the contents. That is usually the case for me, however, once in awhile I take a gander to see what is being offered. A simple glance last week brought a true treasure; a simple verse, exactly what I needed to hear. I want to share that verse with you, and perhaps you will find comfort, especially this month as we remember loved ones who have died. “If I could talk with you right now, I would tell you that I love you, I’d ask that you not cry for me or be sad that we’re apart. I would embrace you with a good long hug and warm you with a smile, I’d take your tears and all your fears and give you all my joy. I would tell you that God is great in all His magnificent glory, that I live in light and dwell in love and am home in heaven’s story. And before I was through with my moments spent with you, I would take your hands in mine and tell you a little something so wonderful about time. I’d say that we will join paths again in sunshine and in joy, because the life on earth goes fast, the bonds of love forever last.” “Beloved we are God’s children now, what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this, when He is revealed, we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is.” John 3:2 Your Sister in Christ, Sandy Gagnon St. James Catholic Church Page 6 We pray for Our Country, Leaders, and Loved ones serving our Country: Chad Wilson, Paul Mooney, Jeff Auksel, Phil Plack, Robert Harrison, John Barry Jake Harman, Alex Reilly, Gary Lee, Bobby Kern, Geoff Wiese, Casey Snodgrass, Chris Griese, Ryan Villines, Paul Tyrrell, Charles Hensley, Gary Hogan, Jeremy Finn, Michael Caine, Alex Worth, Dan Knudson, Kyle Coday, Paul Starner, Jarrett Muck, Bong Vtug, Brianna Hannum, Aaron Dolak, Tony Velasquez Jr., Colleen McCloskey, Raymond Lopez, David Castro, Jr., Jeff Gardner, Brad Nees, Josh DeLeone, Joe Binggeli, Jeremy Pyle, Cody Londo Jason Lyday, Andy Sparks, Jacob Weller, Ray Writesman, Cody Zoglman, Adam Parnacott, Charlette Pruett, Daniel Wilson, Nicole Dobbelaere Martindell, Jeffrey Pelling If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be gone under. H.O.P.E. / SCRIP GIFT CARD NEWS Coming Soon Believe it or not - in less than 2 weeks Thanksgiving will be here. Unlike the Pilgrims, you’ll not need to go hunting for your turkey or forage in the woods and fields for all the other foods to compliment your meal. Ladies, Glory Be Tea tickets are now on sale before and after all weekend Masses through December 7th or until sold out (excluding Thanksgiving weekend). Tickets will also be available in the parish office during the week. Cost is $12.50 per person. Wonderful speaker and entertainment is planned. Hope to see you there! All of the fixings for your special Thanksgiving meal are already on the grocery store shelves. So, simply trot down to HyVee, Price Chopper, Walmart, or Target and buy the food you need to make your Thanksgiving the best ever. But before you go shopping, be sure to buy or order HOPE gift cards for all the stores where you plan to shop. “Black Friday” is November 28, and we anticipate heavy sales of HOPE gift cards, as many of you begin your Christmas shopping that day. Don’t be disappointed ! To be sure you get the HOPE Gift Cards you need for your “Black Friday” shopping, order all of the cards you’ll need (including those we normally have in stock) for your shopping expedition by 10 am Monday, November 17. They will be available for pick up on Friday, November 21. Thank You For Supporting H.O.P.E. St. James Fall Cleanup St. James will be holding the annual fall cleanup at the church on Saturday November 22nd from 9:00am to 12:00pm. Everyone is invited to assist with raking, and clearing out several areas around the church. Please bring gloves, garden tools, and a great attitude to help with get the church yard looking great for the holiday season. Page 7 November 16, 2014 2nd Annual Drop and Shop … Children’s Christmas Workshop Come and drop the kids off to us where they can create some great Christmas crafts to take home and you can have some time to shop! Children will create a Christmas canvas painting, complete a “surprise” wrapped gift and enjoy pizza, too! Two sessions will be offered: Friday, December 12th from 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM or Saturday, December 13th from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. St. James Little Saints: This workshop will be held in the St. James School Art Room and is for children ages 7 – 13 years old. Cost is $25 for one child and $15 for each additional child (per family). Little Saints Monday Meetings 10 to 11:30 am, Social Hall The workshop will be taught by Ms. Biggs (St. James Art Teacher) and Mrs. Sobotka. This workshop sold out last year and spots will fill quickly. Pick up a registration flyer in the back of church, outside the school office doors and/or email to register your child ASAP. Calendar: 11/17: Thanksgiving Gathering 11/24: No Little Saints St. Pius X High School Christmas Bazaar St. Pius X High School will host a Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, November 22nd from 9am to 3pm. There will be Christmas Specials in the Pius Armoury (Uniform/Spirit Wear store) outside vendors will be present. Vendors include: Thirty-One, Premier Designs Jewelry, Norwex, Avon, and DJ Dazzle. Keeler Women’s Center 2220 Central Ave., Kansas City, KS 66102 Please call 913.906.8990 to register for programs. All programs offered at Keeler Women’s Center are free. Donations accepted. • • • • • • • Peaceful Living: Two Minutes at a Time is a five-week support group for those who would like to experience greater freedom from stress and anxiety in their daily lives. Come and learn how to locate peace in the midst of chaos and how to come to peace even when we have just two minutes! Learn about and experience physical relaxation and mindfulness. Five Tuesdays, November 18-December 16, 12:15 pm -1:00 pm. Facilitator is Alyce Collins, B.A., counseling intern. A Support Group for Care-givers, is being offered on Tuesdays, from 1:30-3:00 pm, beginning November 18th. Caring for a loved one who is ill or dying is very difficult and it helps to be supported by others. Facilitator is Jackie Tigges, MSW, LSCSW. Getting Ready for the Holidays: Budgeting and Decorating on the Cheap, Wednesday, November 19. A light supper will be served at 5:30 pm with program from 6:00-8:00 pm. Men and women welcome. Presented in partnership with Heartland Habitat for Humanity. Reservations required. Keeler Women’s Center, in partnership with Project Rachel, will present What I Learned after My Abortion, on Thursday, November 20, 1:00-2:30 pm. PAS is real. Healing is real. Call KWC to register or call Project Rachel at 816.591.3804. A special Advent Retreat, Daring to Come into God's Presence, will be presented on Wednesday, December 3, 6:30-9:00 pm. A light supper will be served at 5:45-6:30 pm. There will be time for input, sharing, reflection, and prayer. The retreat will be directed by S. Constance Krstolic, OSB. Reservations required. All Addictions Group, a support group for women dealing with any kind of addiction, at any stage of recovery, meets on Tuesday evenings, 6:00 – 7:00 pm. Call to register or register on-line at Weekly Scripture Sharing and Reflection, Wednesdays, 9:30-11:00 am. Call to register or for more information. St. James Catholic Church Page 8 Our Faith In Action Youth Group Happenings Corporal Work for November FALL BLOOD DRIVE ‘Tis the Season! The holiday season is upon us and there are so many things to do. As you make out your to-do-list, please don’t forget to include “DONATE BLOOD”. Many local patients will be spending the holidays in the hospital without your generous donation. Join us in our efforts to help others have a blessed holiday by attending our next Community Blood Center blood drive on Tuesday, November 25th from 12:30-7:00 pm in the social hall. Appointments are encouraged and you can sign up online at using sponsor code ‘stjames’ or contact Nikki Power at 816-407-1208 or For medical eligibility questions, please call 1-800-245-7035. Walk-ins are welcome and childcare is available. Each registered donor will receive a KC Chiefs t-shirt while supplies last. Volunteers are an essential part of each blood drive and we are looking for friendly faces to help staff the refreshment table and babysitting area. A few extra helping hands around 7 pm to help with cleanup would also be appreciated. Please contact Nikki if you would like to help. Service hours will be available for students. Now go get started on that to-do-list and we’ll see you on the 25th! Corporal Work for November is Bury the Dead. To follow this work, we are called to take action and support all who are facing death. We are called to help ease their suffering regardless of the circumstances surrounding their passing. But how? • Provide companionship, be a good listener, have compassion. • Offer prayers for the terminally ill, and for the peace and comfort of surviving family. • Urge those who have difficulty in coping to seek pastoral or professional counseling. • Support organizations which care for the dying and those that offer grief counseling. •Attend funeral or wake services; your presence can mean so much to survivors. In addition, we should also work to address the underlying health and social justice issues which contribute to untimely deaths. Be sure to visit the Narthex and our Altar of the Dead. We invite you to place the name of a loved one who has passed in our Parish Book of the Dead also you are invited to add a picture of a loved one to our altar. Upcoming Youth Ministry Dates Sun Nov 16 Confirmation 7:00pm-8:45pm Wed Nov 19 6th-8th Faith Sharing 6:30-8pm Sun Nov 23 NO High School Café KCYC Sat-Sun Wed Nov 26 NO 6th-8th Faith Sharing Sun Nov 30 No Classes Page 9 Parish Religious Education RE Calendar Dates Nov 16 Sun RE Nov 19 Wed RE Nov 23 Sun RE Nov 26 NO Wed RE: Thanksgiving Nov 30 NO Sun RE: Thanksgiving Dec 1 First Reconciliation Service 7 pm Dec 2 First Reconciliation Service 7 pm Corporal Works of Mercy: Bury the Dead This month’s Our Works of Mercy project is Bury The Dead. This can be a difficult one to confront, as it often pushes us to grapple with our own feelings of grief and loss. We encourage all families to write their deceased loved ones' names in our Parish Book of the Dead, which is being prominently displayed in the Narthex. We also invite you to bring in a photo of your loved ones to hang in our display. The display will be up all month and we invite and encourage you to participate. The stories that we will be reading this month in our Opening Prayer time all feature characters coming to terms with the loss of a loved one. As Catholics, we hold closely the importance of remembering those who have gone before us. November is a good month to talk about those we love whom have died. Suggestions for ways to live out this Work of Mercy: •Attend wakes and/or funerals of those you knew. •Volunteer with a hospice program. •Supply a dish for a funeral luncheon. •Help a widow or widower in need with yard work or errands. •Visit the cemetery and pray for the dead. •Donate to ministries that help fund burials for those who are unable to afford one. First Reconciliation News This week begins the readiness interviews for First Reconciliation. If you have not already set up your appointment, please set that up as soon as you can. You should receive a reminder email from Signup Genius. Due to the Thanksgiving holiday crunch, please be sure to note your interview date and time on your family calendar! You should also have received a Signup Genius for your First Reconciliation service date. If you need to change your date once you have signed up, please be sure to update the Signup Genius as well, so that your child's certificate is there on the night of your chosen service. November 16, 2014 St. James School News School Mission Statement The St. James Catholic School Community, a ministry of the parish, empowers students to achieve their full academic and Christian potential, become prayerful, lifelong learners and good stewards of God’s gifts. Advent Giving Tree This year’s Penny Carnival collected $873 in change for our adopted families. The money will be used to purchase items for families from the parish Advent Giving Tree. ARTIST OF THE WEEK ELEENA SALAZAR: Kindergarten Student The students learned about different types of lines and colors. They also reviewed how to hold a brush and paint various strokes. Eleena’s painting represents her new knowledge of lines and how to use the color wheel. Lastly, Eleena checked to make sure she had included the primary and secondary colors in her artwork. Eleena used the LIFESKILLS of Cooperation, Curiosity, and Problem Solving while making her project. Perfect painting, Eleena! SJS Do-Dads We would like to invite all dads, uncles, grandfathers and friends (parishioners and school families) to join the SJS Do-Dads! The Do-Dads are fathers, family and friends coming together to help serve the needs of the parish and school. The Do-Dads are men who offer their time, talent and treasure to raise funds and perform various improvement projects for the St. James community. It’s a great way to meet parish and school members. This meeting will provide information on upcoming projects and events! St. James Catholic Church Page 10 Birthdays this week: Today we celebrate all that you with God’s help, have accomplished. Claudia Miller Emery Duethman Addison Beffa Julie Ohde Jordan Gaona Ashley Brown Ashleigh Perez James Griffis Robert Clark Janice Peterman Lucy Hemphill Brayden Cox Jay Savaiano Ryan Houghtaling Larry Daleo Calvin Seever David Jones Jonah Elliott Georgiana Henry Lehr Elisabeth Singleton Mary McClain Hampson Joey Smith Christina Moore Brian Hixson Megan Sumpter Samuel Nash Richard Lauren Taylor Susan Pittman Kapetanovich Kara Wiggins John Stephens Kevin Kilkenny Jaret Willhite Jennie Stewart Aaron Kleinmeyer John Gatzemeyer Jeffery Willhite Michael Landuyt Christopher Greer Deo Zubiri Jacquelyn Ashley Grogan Gladys Acsenvil Marchisio Kim Lenger Jennifer Bauer Bobbie Morris William McCarthy Amanda Berger Angelo Motta Aaron Mikessell Mark Bross John Mreen Alexis Cox Oneita Parrish Matthew Pallo Scott Dorman Brant Prather John Rupp Lindsay Fuller Paul Preston Kelly Ryan Seth Halford Alfonso Saladino Stacey Salazar Cooper Schergen Terry Hernandez Celina Sanchez Clayton Ingham Gabriella Usera Andrew Wright Leslie VanBibber Lynnewood Martin Tse Awasom Amerli Monzon James Esser Grace Cotton Michael Moore Andrew Gerlach Ernest Craig Lukas Mortensen Jane Hake Carolyn Forgues Robyn Novak Anna Kain Judy Hixon Brian Rockers Brittany Landewee Michael Ingham Michael Rowe Justin Leach Riley Kurtenbach Annany Mendoza Sylvie Van Dusen Victoria McCabe William Angles Denise Morrison Dakota McIntire Stephen Bacon Michael Sharp Christina Kara Brown Daniel Venditti Obranovic Hunter Ekern Conchita Weir David Roach Jayden Halter Maria Wilson Jennifer Roach Katherine Ildza Don Wratchford Rachel Tischinski Mason LaDue Tanya Peter Urkevich Judy McCarroll Covarrubias “O God of tender mercies, pour forth your light over the hearts of your faithful people: and graciously listening to the glorious prayers of St. Elizabeth, make us to think little of worldly prosperity and to be ever gladdened by heavenly consolation, through our Christ our Lord. Amen.” St. Elizabeth of Hungary was born of a royal family. She married, had 3 children, was widowed, and died at an early age. In spite of her wealth, she lived a simple life devoted to the care of the sick and poor. We Pray to our Lord Jesus for healing Leo Scott Jeanne Collison Marietta Wimmer Cheryl Kaspyzk Tim Collins Rose Swarts Madelynn Hudson & family Sarah Rupp Cameron Samantha Squire Ruth Nelson Chris Alvey R.W. and Connie Hollomon Beasley and Craven Families Mary Decko Lisa Lange Helen Szczech Carol Yeager Laplant Shannon Weir Larsen & Derrick Larsen Vincent Michael Smith James Weishaar. Jessie Rainey Linda Ruppert Patti Busken Gene Smith Howard Higgins Patrick O’Neill Gail Dugdale Jim Wiederholt & family Stephanie Oates & Family Leola Schaffer Iva Durocher Elli Kirkbride John McMahon Ron Shinkle Lyle Davis Robert Lorenzo Bill Douglas Joseph Gubera Jimmy Golden Les VanBibber Chrystal Hampton Morgan Todd Maria Giannelli Sara Stoupa Mike Reinhart Bernadette Pamela Anderson Jeannette Wolken Rich Curasi Emmanuel Monzon Sr. Christy Mock Justin, Amy Eichler & family Kathy Cygiel Br Steve Ohnmacht Jean Roach Rita Lowe Bob McCray Teagen Peters Jeff Smith Nadia Kadi Lola/Joe Lopez John Pfannestiel Nancy Brown Elaine Catalano Bobby Morton Crystal Coley Ed & Conchita Weir Becky Booth Gordley Family Louie Bussjaeger Kenadee Gallagher Phil Wilson Haley Prouty Shawn Adkins Mae Rahter Jason Robinson Andrew Lay Jodi Gusman Randy Canaan Emma Shay Bob Giefer Randi Kim’s Dad Joseph Stoway Leah Biskup Coady Olivia Hernandez Kari Rainey Angelo Motta Sean/Jim Daldrup June Bednar Chrissy Sparks Theresa Crane Becca Sharp Candy Clark Karen Wilson Frank Hosticka Joseph Greenwald Teresa Binder Bud Sutlief Marilyn Niere Darleen Farnan Kenny Erwin Sharon Augh Devona Gilgour Theresa Fortune Mary Bell Jones Arthur Pisana Frances Winslow David Roach Baby Jesse Baby Sienna Joan Swoboda Steve Swoboda Betty and Merle Johnson Susan Kendall Brenda Adams Jonas Miller Frank Benassi Denny Phyllis Monique Noah Lee Schwery Michelle McClune Joann & Greg Hagins Mike Lyons Colin Leypoldt George Kristek Forrestine Hargoe Pat Kocon Dave DeDe Yager Curt Wyles David Torres Jenni Kern Billi Keyes Rachel Johnson Peggy Giefer Kevin Sargent James Clarke Crawford Ben Hon Cathy & Wallace Finley Celia Saenz Anne Robinson Richard Driggers Francis Talbot Dave Landewee Lerah Allen Donnie Smith Shirley Britt Morgan Connie Sullivan Donnie Jim & Cameron Brock Moon Steve Shoemaker Martha H. Brenda Chabot Gerald Fiorino Laura Ann DiGiovanna MyBecquer Aybar Alta Flanigan Jaci Leigh Gwin Charles Gage Gage Gussy Karen Elliott Matthew Pate Nicole Martindell The Doile Family Robert Doleshal Jersey & James Hicks Please notify us to remove your name from our prayer lists when it is time. By law, HIPPA forbids us to print names for prayers, without request from the person or immediate family. UNITED MEDICARE ADVISORS Compare more than 25 of the highest rated independent Medicare Supplement Carriers. SAVE UP TO 65% ON YOUR PREMIUMS! Call today for your Zero Cost Quotes! 877-849-2922 We are a Nationally licensed agency located in Kansas City, MO. ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Glasses & Contacts ■ LASIK Cataracts ■ Macular Degeneration Glaucoma ■ Diabetes And The Eye Dry Eyes ■ Eyelid Correction INSURANCE / MEDICARE ACCEPTED STEPHEN B.WILES, M.D. F.A.C.S. ERIN T. GILLILAND, M.D. RACHEL TISCHINSKI, O.D. 816.455.2020 Located in Creekwood Medical Plaza III ■ 211 NE 54th Street, Suite 202 ■ Kansas City, MO 64118 The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch 1-800-945-6629 5 GREAT REASONS to Patronize the Merchants in Our Church Bulletin! 1. They support the work of our church. 2. It keeps money in our community. For every $100 spent at a locally owned business, $68 goes back into the community and your tax base. For every $100 spent at a chain store, only $43 comes back. Online purchases bring nothing back to our local community. 3. Keeps our community unique. Where we shop, where we eat and have fun—all of it makes our community home. Our one-of-a-kind businesses are an integral part of the distinctive character of our community. 4. Creates more good jobs. Small local businesses are the largest employer nationally and in our community. 5. Get better service. Local businesses often hire people with a better understanding of the products they are selling and take more time to get to know customers. Primed 2 Paint Quality Residential Painting Chuck Fiegel - Parishioner 816-781-4485 365050 St James Catholic Church (B) RANCHO GRANDE CANTINA Best Mexican Food this Side of the Border! 921 W. Liberty Liberty, MO 816-792-4844 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 For all your landscaping needs Mike Kromeich, Parishioner Our Lady of Mercy Country Home (816) 781-9333 Liberty, Missouri 64068 Junction 33 & 291 Apartments for Independent Senior Living Residential Care Facility Liberty, MO Julie Harman 781-5711 Parishioner JAKE’S SERVICES Cooling & Heating, Plumbing, Electrical Arthur Carpentry WHEN QUALITY MATTERS “No Job Too Small” Since 1976 (816) 781-4323 Roger Arthur, Parishioner Annunciation Community Center Licensed & Insured 816-803-8680 Get your AC checked NOW! Parishioner 705 N. Jefferson Kearney Banquets • Weddings • Private Parties For Reservations Call 816-824-5564 816-777-3212 For All Your Real Estate Needs Visit: ASSOCIATES OF ELITE REALTORS WHY IS IT DOMINIC CUSIMANO CPA LLC A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Corporate Hills North Bldg. Two 851 NW 45th Street, Ste. 303 Gladstone, MO 64116 Tel. 816-399-4965 YVETTE D. LOPEZ, Realtor® C 816.777.4694 B 816.373.8400 Search Homes @ 20% Parishioner Discount with this Ad. For further information, please call the Parish Office. excludes loose & larger, center-stone diamonds, repairs & custom design. MARY MARGARET PARRISH Attorney - At -Law Parishioner Seaport Office Complex Liberty, Mo. — 781-5380 — PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ That’s what our town is made of. State Farm® has a long heritage of helping out in the community. That’s why we’re proud to support our St. James parish community. Get to a better State.® 24/7 HELP 10% to School Endowment Fund 9550 NW Prairie View Rd. FLOOK & GRAHAM Timothy Flook Wills • Personal Injuries • Business Law TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 R. Bradley Gaik, D.D.S. Larinda Hlavacek, D.D.S Parishioner 8568 N. Church Rd. KC MO 64158 Past Recipients of the Best of the Northland Award (816) 792-0500 *First Three Months Your ad Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. 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Call Pat Bellanti 800.945.6629 Park Lawn Funeral Home A DeVry Family owned business South Chapel Liberty Chapel Lathrop Chapel Kansas City, MO Liberty, MO Lathrop, MO 7707 State Ave., Kansas City, KS 66112 Randy Curnow Max Curnow Parishioner Owner Cell: (816) 868-6060 Parishioner Sales Manager Cell: (816) 520-7482 Store: (913) 334-1166 365050 St James Catholic Church (A) could be in this space! COMMUNITY BANK, COMMUNITY PROUD SINCE 1922 Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. email: 906 West Liberty Dr. Liberty, MO 436-6300 ATTORNEYS YOU CAN TRUST ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB Shoal Creek Dental Care Call Mike Steffens ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Mary Ann Surber Ins Agcy Inc. Joe Janacaro CLU, Agent Mary Ann Surber LUTCF, Agent 5555 NW Barry Road 6407 N Prospect Ave Kansas City, MO 64154 Gladstone, MO 64119 Bus: 816-587-8330 Bus: 816-452-1700 1201234 State Farm, Bloomington, IL (816) 781-1998 Licensed - MO, KS, AZ Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. WHY IS IT? Community starts with neighbors who care. I Can Make Your Home Ownership Come True Please Contact Don Brassfield - 809-1552 • Robert W. Haas, MD • Santosh George, MD • Ryan R. Snyder, MD • David J. Steinbronn, MD • Adam W. Rives, MD Parishioner Ken Bohr AUTO • HOME • LIFE 816-792-2949 ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY AND SPORTS MEDICINE 963 W. Liberty Drive, Liberty, MO 781-6066 2521 Glenn Hendren Dr. #204 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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