Winter Quest Newsletter


Winter Quest Newsletter
God Bless Our Community
Feeling energized once again by the Christmas season, we naturally embrace a
feeling of gratitude to God for the many blessings He has so generously bestowed
on all of us. At Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School, we join in those feelings.
On behalf of the Administration, Faculty, Staff and Students of KMC, I want to open
this issue of Quest by thanking all of you who have helped make our school what it
is today and by hoping that you and your family shared a glorious Christmas season.
We have had a busy and unusual start to our school year. Many of you I am sure know that at the beginning
of our year, we lost one of our most tenured and beloved faculty members, Renee LaFever, who passed
away suddenly. Ms. LaFever embodied three qualities that made her an iconic member of our KMC family;
she was a teacher, a mentor and a friend to all. In her memory, the KMC community has celebrated her
unbounded capacity to love, and we have reminded ourselves that each day should be treated as “another
day to touch lives,” which was a mantra for Ms. LaFever. May she rest in Christ’s eternal peace.
Additionally, we have welcomed into the KMC family a new Director of Development, Mrs. Chenay
(Dixon `95) Sloan. Mrs. Sloan is a veteran of diocesan and other non-profit development, is an alumna of
Kapaun Mt. Carmel and is a mother of four future Crusaders. She and her husband, Chad, are members of
St. Thomas Aquinas parish in Wichita. Mrs. Sloan joined our team in September and has been busy ever
since. She has launched this year’s Annual Fund, materials for which you should have received in the mail.
On behalf of Mrs. Sloan, I invite you to be a part of this year’s Annual Fund and help us Bridge The Gap
with your generosity.
Thirdly, we have seen the reassignment of our Chaplain, Father Daniel Duling. Fr. Dan has been named as
Priest Assistant to Bishop Carl Kemme, the newly ordained Bishop of Wichita, and Associate Vocations
Director for our diocese. Fr. Dan, who will continue his role as the Master of Ceremonies for the diocese,
leaves Kapaun Mt. Carmel after a short stint of only one and one-half years. In that short time, however,
Fr. Dan experienced firsthand Renee LaFever’s mantra, and he used every day as a day to touch the lives of
our community. We wish Fr. Dan all the best in his new roles, and we promise to keep him in our prayers.
In the midst of all this activity, we have also been able to solve a mystery. In last summer’s Quest, I relayed
a story about a mischievous artist or artists who took it upon themselves to advertize for Chaplain Kapaun
Memorial Jesuit High School by painting in block letters the word “KAPAUN” on a local water tower back
in 1961. I wondered aloud whether anyone would now take credit for the rather public display of courage
and pride. Figuring that nothing bad could now come out of confessing to such a story, one of our proud
and quite accomplished sign painters stepped forward. Below is the email I received shortly after the
summer Quest was published:
I received my Quest today and saw you’re looking for the culprits of WSU tower vandalism. That would
be me and my accomplice, Charlie Kurth, class of 1961. Charlie was a childhood friend from Mary
Magdalen through Kapaun & Regis. He was a straight arrow and I was pretty much the opposite:
suspended from Kapaun 4 times for filling up my demerit card. On the eve of graduation he decided
to be wild and crazy so we bought 5 gallons of paint and drove to the tower.
continued on next page...
A quarterly newsletter celebrating our former students and present supporters
Mount Carmel Academy • Chaplain Kapaun Memorial • Kapaun Mt. Carmel
Winter 2015
God Bless Our Community (continued)
office of development
We found the ladder was elevated to keep miscreants like
us from bothering the tower so we had to go buy a rope to
haul ourselves up to the ladder. We were successful until the
return trip when Charlie ran out of strength and fell from
the rope on the descent. I drove him over to my uncle, CT
(Tom) Hagan, MD, who lived nearby. Charlie had injured
his leg but was not hospitalized.
“Catholic schools are an outstanding apostolate
of hope, seeking to address the material,
intellectual and spiritual needs of children
and students. It also provides a highly
commendable opportunity for the entire
Catholic community to contribute generously
to the financial needs of our institutions. No
child should be denied his or her right to an
education in faith, which in turn nurtures the soul of a nation.”
-Pope Benedict XVI
The next day we were to graduate. Principal Fr. Carl Rheinert S.J. (nicknamed “Snake”) was earnestly looking for the
perpetrators so he could withhold their diplomas. When
Bishop Carroll issued the diplomas everyone was gathered in
the lobby and I heard at least a half dozen guys taking credit
for the paint job.
Charlie [has passed on], and I’m preparing to meet my maker.
I just want to go out with a clean slate, so I confess.
The KMC Annual Fund theme of Bridge The Gap parallels so
soundly with Pope Benedict’s belief in a Catholic education and
the opportunity for all to contribute to the “soul of a nation.”
Dan Crowley
Kapaun Class of 1961
Each day, our dedicated teachers and staff tirelessly work “to
educate and form the total person in the image of Jesus Christ”
for 884 students. It is, however, the responsibility of the “entire
Catholic community” to provide the means for that education.
Several weeks later, I had the pleasure of meeting Dan Crowley
and his lovely bride, Lynn, as they came to the school for a visit.
Despite his report that he is preparing to meet his maker, Dan
is in great health, and appears as ornery as ever. We had a great
visit, and I look forward to seeing him and many more alumni
from CKM, MCA and KMC. We are an enviable community,
and I hope in the memory of those like Renee LaFever, Charlie
Kurth, and even Father Kapaun himself, we can continue to grow
together in the faith, hope and charity which are exemplified to us
through our school. May God bless us all in 2015.
Whether you are a current KMC parent, grandparent or one of
9,000+ KMC Alumni - I compel you to consider helping us Bridge
The Gap for Catholic education here at KMC. The KMC Annual
Fund is not a “rainy day” fund. Its true purpose is to:
• Cover a $500 per student deficit. The cost to educate a
student is $6,000, yet parish support, fees and other income
cover only $5,500, so there is a gap of $500 per student.
• Offer a stewardship model for Catholic high school
education. The Diocese of Wichita is likely the only Diocese
in the U.S. that offers a stewardship model for education that
extends through high school. Most Catholic high schools in
our neighboring Dioceses charge an average of $8,500 per
student per year of education.
• Help in the faith formation of our young people. Currently
MCA, CKM and KMC alumni boast no fewer than 75 priests
and sisters, along with 14 young men and women currently in
formation for religious life.
• Keep the doors of KMC open to any Catholic student
regardless of income.
• Assist the parishes of 13% of our students to carry out the
mission of Catholic secondary education. Without the
Annual Fund, those students might not be able to attend
Catholic high school.
Rob Knapp `82
Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High
School’s mission is “to educate
and form the total person in the
image of Jesus Christ.” The school
is committed to continuing its
long tradition of excellence in
academics, athletics and extracurricular activities within the
contest of Christian and moral
formation. Kapaun Mt. Carmel is now accepting
enrollment applications for students in grades 9 through
12 for the 2015-16 school year. We invite both our
fellow Catholics and our brothers and sisters of other
denominations to join our school community. We are
fully accredited by the State of Kansas and North
Central Association. Detailed information about the
school and our programs can be found at www.kapaun.
org. For additional information regarding the enrollment
process please call Rob Knapp at 316-634-0315.
The KMC Annual Fund provides social, athletic and spiritual
opportunities for all. Please prayerfully consider making a
donation to help us Bridge The Gap.
Happy Holidays!
Chenay Dixon ’95 Sloan
Director of Development
Veterans Day 2014
Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School bears the name of Fr.
Emil Kapaun, who gave his life for our country and the troops he
served. His bravery is why we are here today, and as a Kapaun Mt.
Carmel community, we strive to model our lives after him.
Therefore on November 11, a special Veterans Day all-school
Mass was held in the KMC gym. Any veteran in the KMC
community was invited to attend. 16 active duty and retired
veterans joined us for this Veterans Day celebration. A special
intention was also read during Mass for more than 50 veteran
names that were submitted.
At the conclusion of Mass, a small ceremony was held. Three
KMC students read their award-nominated essays about what
Veterans Day means to them. Additionally, each veteran in
attendance was recognized, with a short bio of their service read
to the student body. There were veterans there from World War
II, the Korean Conflict, the Vietnam War and Desert Storm. A
reception in honor of our veteran guests was held in the commons
after Mass.
On behalf of the students, teachers and staff of Kapaun Mt.
Carmel Catholic High School, we want to say thank you to all
veterans for their great sacrifices for our country. Fr Kapaun, Pray
For Us.
In Memory of Renee LaFever
On August 24, 2014, God called our beloved
teacher, mentor and friend, Renee LaFever, to
his eternal home. The KMC community was
stunned by the death of Ms. LaFever. As we
struggled to understand and cope with the
loss of one of our most tenured teachers, the
beauty of our Catholic faith and the strength
and resilience of our student body shined
through. We hastily organized a memorial
service for Ms. LaFever with the assistance
of the student council and National Honor
Society. In attendance on August 27 were her
family and approximately 700 of our KMC
family. Our Chaplain, Father Dan Duling,
led us through evening prayer. Reflections
and, more importantly, laughter, were shared,
as we remembered the one who seemed to
have an unbounded capacity to love.
Following the service, we all shared in a
“Glucose Builder,” a phrase coined by Ms.
LaFever herself to describe a snack day for
her classes and avoid the school’s no inclass parties policy. Glucose Builders were
always pot luck, so students and families
were encouraged to bring their favorite snack
food to share with the community in Ms.
LaFever’s honor. It was a fitting and healing
memorial that brought us together as a family
of believers who knew that Ms. LaFever was
seeing the rewards of her faith and works on
There were several student reflections shared
at the service. Since then, we have read many
written by alumni as well. The following is
one such reflection that captures the memory
of Ms. LaFever perfectly.
Not Your Average
by Anna Gonzalez ‘12
She was extraordinary.
It is so rare for a student to find a teacher
with whom they can relate on a deep,
personal level no matter what background
they come from. Renee LaFever was
that teacher. She cared so deeply and so
passionately about every single one of
her students. Room 109 at Kapaun Mt.
Carmel was a safe place for every student
who walked its halls. It breaks my heart and
the hearts of my fellow KMC students and
alumni to know that she will no longer be
standing at her podium, writing frantically,
speaking passionately, listening intently. It’s unfortunate that it takes such
a tragic event to make people stop and
think about what made a person so great.
I hate that it took her passing to make me
really stop and think to fully comprehend
and appreciate what she did for me. She
gave my struggles meaning and purpose.
She was the only teacher who really truly
believed that I could make it to Notre
Dame one day, and now that I’m here, I
appreciate her support and her confidence
more than ever before. She told me that
by opening up, I could inspire others who
fought similar battles. She taught me not
only Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, but
also that learning and having a passion for
knowledge are the best way we can thank
God for our existence.
For a woman who understood her
students who suffered in silence, she was
remarkable for also suffering in silence.
Very rarely did she hint to me at the fact
that she was sometimes unhappy with her
life. I suppose I was one of the few who got
to know that because I spent more time
with her than others, but she suffered in the
quietest way possible. Even for the most
attentive person, it was almost invisible.
I laugh because she was so afraid of
losing her job, and she joked about it often.
Screening “Ferris Buehler’s Day Off ” and
“Mean Girls” already put her at risk, but
then add on her parties (aka “Glucose
builders”) and the fact that she snuck in
her dogs, Gracie and Ruby, into class only
made things worse. But administration
knew that, even though she had days where
classwork was put on the back burner,
she taught her students more about
psychology, sociology, and life in general,
than they could have ever hoped for.
Of all the teachers my older brother
had in his four years at KMC, Renee
LaFever was the only one he told me I had
to make sure I had for class at least once.
I took his advice and then passed it on to
my younger sisters, and now it kills me to
know that they won’t have that chance. I
pray that Renee will somehow make sure
her successor is just as good. Knowing her,
she won’t let anyone less than fantastic fill
her shoes. She’d also make sure they’re just
as addicted to Diet Coke as she was.
As her student, I learned from her. As
her teaching assistant, I learned with her
and about her. I had access to her most
private things. That woman was a saint.
The number of emails she received from
students in need was astounding and she
always responded. She spent hours and
hours of her free time writing letters of
recommendation and staying to talk to
students after class. She really cared. She
may have had no children of her own, but
she was a second mother to the hundreds
or thousands of students who walked in
and out of her classroom for the many
years she was at KMC.
I know she’ll never read this, but for
selfish reasons, I have to say, thank you, Ms.
LaFever. Thank you for being the eclectic,
crazy, unorganized, wonderful, kind,
attentive, amazing woman that you are and
always will be. I look back on the years I had
you in class and can only smile. I met some
of my best friends in your classes, and that
includes you. I hope you have all the Diet
Coke, pugs, and bulldogs in Heaven that
you could have ever dreamed of. On behalf
of the students of Kapaun Mt. Carmel, I’d
like to say we love you and we’ll miss you
It’s revealing of her fun nature that one of the few photos I have
with her is from Homecoming Week. I’m dressed as Belle from
“Beauty and the Beast,” and she’s dressed as Mrs. Doubtfire.
Alumni Directory Update
Although it has been mentioned in the last few issues of the
Quest, we wanted to update alumni again on the KMC Alumni
Directory status. At this point, we regret to tell you no directories are being printed and none have been mailed out.
If your class ends in either a “5” or “0”, then your class is up for
a reunion during 2015. If your class is not listed below, it is because no one has stepped up to lead the charge for your class!
Reunion coordinators are needed.
As you may recall, the contracted Alumni Research Group sold
directories to dozens of alumni, only to be found as a fraudulent
company and are currently under investigation by the Attorney
General of the State of Florida, Consumer Fraud Division. KMC
was never provided a list of paying alumni and never received
any money. We are sorry to say that it is unlikely anyone will be
reimbursed for those directories.
Planning a reunion is easy, and you do not need to live in the
Wichita metro area to help. For more information, please contact Chenay Sloan in the Development Office, at 316.636.9612
or by email
For more information on the status of the reunions listed below, go to the KMC home page at and click on
“Class Reunions” in the Quick Links box. One more lick on your
class, and all of the information on your class reunion or links to
it will be available.
Additionally, many requests were submitted to the KMC Development office to print alumni contact information from our
database. After further review, that is not practical. Such a directory would be over 400 pages in size and not possible to mail.
Some mailed in $10 checks for a copy. Those checks are being
DATE: OCTOBER 9-10, 2015
Lead Coordinators:
Chaplain Kapaun Memorial
Pat Harter: 316-683-6610 or We sincerely apologize for not being able to provide an alumni
directory. It will be our effort to research more reputable companies with a renewed interest sometime in 2015. Any questions, please call Chenay Sloan, Director of Development, at
316.636.9612 or
Mount Carmel Academy
Pam Kenny Hamrick:
316-634-6000 or
Sacred Heart Academy:
Patty Bissing Schnittker:
303-759-9170 or
Stay in Touch with KMC!
St. Mary’s:
Eileen Carney Nevers:
or If you have not received a KMC Flash Update yet
this school year, then we probably don’t have
your e-mail address on file.
Get added to the list by sending an e-mail to with the Subject: “Capture
Me”. Alumni, please list your name and class
year. You will then be in the loop!
Lead Coordinator:
Chelsea Wamsley Whitehead:
Alumni soccer game, October 16
We are still looking for coordinators for the following
1955- 60 year CKM and MCA
1970- 45 year CKM and MCA
1975- 40 year KMC
1985- 30 year KMC
1990- 25 year KMC
1995- 20 year KMC
2000- 15 year KMC
2010- 5 year KMC
Back row, left to right: Coach Shepherd, Jessie Seachris, Anthony Cantele, Brian
Carrillo, Kelly Waugh, Jack Strickland, Travis Smith, Colin Lisenby, Mark McKee
To help plan your reunion, please contact Chenay Sloan in the
Development Office, at 316.636.9612 or by email csloan@
Kneeling, left to right: Zach Marshall, Rhys Allen, Logan Wells, Jack Masterson, Nick
Sobba, John Cornwell, Jake Greer
class reunions
60 years MCA Class of
1954 Reunion
Class of 1964 Reunion
The Mount Carmel
Academy class of met for
lunch at Larkspur Bistro
on September 13th. Special thanks for Jackie Tatman for coordinating.
50 years 1964 Four
The classes of 1964 from
Chaplain Kapaun Memorial, Mount Carmel
Academy, Sacred Heart
and St Mary’s got together over the weekend of
October 10-11 for a fourschool 50-year reunion.
Friday evening found
the alumni gathered at
the KMC football game,
then onto the Candle
Club. Saturday morning,
the individual schools
hosted their own smaller
events, with the CKM
men at Crestview Country Club for golf, the ladies of MCA had a lunch
at the East YMCA, and
the ladies of Sacred Heart
had a lunch at Newman
Saturday evening, all
four schools reunited for
dinner, drinks and dancing at Tallgrass Country
Club. More than 130
people attended the festivities. Special thanks to
the many reunion coordinators, including Rigby
Carey, Paula Hesse, Connie Hotze and Diane
class reunions
40 years - KMC Class of
Class of 1964 Reunion
The KMC class of 1974 held their 40-year reunion the weekend of October 17-18. Ray Gans
pulled things together for a fun weekend and a
great turnout for ’74 grads!
Friday night started the fun with a casual get together at Walkers Bar and Venue. Many hilarious
stories were shared and all attending shared an appreciation for how close their class still remains.
Saturday evening classmates and spouses got together for dinner and dancing at the City Arts
building in Old Town. A special treat was listening to the rocking sounds of Ray Gans’ band play
the classic hits. A great time was had by all!
30 years - KMC Class of
The KMC class of 1984 held their 30-year reunion
on Saturday, July 5th. The reunion was planned
under the leadership of Mary McGill Bahr, Patty
Rietcheck Karr and Michelle Nixon May.
Saturday’s festivities included a special mass, dinner at Doo Dah Diner (owned by classmate Patrick Shibley) and more socializing at the Pumphouse Bar and Grill. Everyone had a great time!
20 years - KMC Class of
The KMC class of 1994 held their 20-year reunion on the weekend of July 25-26. The events
were expertly planned by a team led by Maggie
Rapp Purvis, Heather Lies Chapman, Shannon
Maltbie Herrman, and Whitney Fritzmeier Maloney.
On Friday night, the class met at the Fox and
Hound for a party that began at 7 pm and lasted
into the wee hours. Saturday afternoon, dozens of
classmates met at KMC for a campus guided tour.
“The school looks so different,” was a common
saying during the tour. Saturday night, dinner,
drinks and dancing was held at the Candle Club
where the 1994 time capsule was opened.
Everyone is looking forward to 2019 for their 25year class reunion.
Class Reunion Recaps
10 years—KMC Class of 2004
The KMC class of 2004 held their 10-year reunion on the weekend of October 3-4. The weekend couldn’t have happened without
the effort of Scott Burrus who coordinated the festivities.
Friday night kicked things off with a happy hour and appetizers at The Hill Bar and Grill before everyone headed over to the KMC
vs Southeast football game. After the game, drinks and socializing were done at the Pumphouse with a reserved area by the back
Saturday was a full day with alumni invited to participate in the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Octoberfest 5K that started
at 9:30 am. Many gathered for lunch, drinks and football at the Fox & Hound Bar and Grill, before heading over to KMC for a
guided tour of the updated campus.
The evening activities began with Mass at St Thomas Aquinas, before heading over to the KMC commons for dinner and drinks.
Dinner was provided by Corporate Caterers. After dinner, classmates met at Ernie Biggs Piano Bar to wrap up a fantastic 10- year
5 years- KMC Class of 2009
The KMC class of 2009 held their 5-year reunion on Saturday, August 16. Many couldn’t believe how fast 5 years has gone by and how
different KMC looks since they graduated. The evening started at KMC with a reception in the Crusader Lounge where classmates
socialized and reminisced. Later that evening, a bus picked up everyone for some revelry in Old Town Wichita.
• CLASS OF 1940
Florence (Fleitman) and Daniel
• CLASS OF 1941
Carolyn (Adell) Walsh
• CLASS OF 1944
Polly (Wieser) and Joe Clement
• CLASS OF 1950
Kathleen Shea
• CLASS OF 1951
Fran (Hogan) Welsh
Doris (McAdam) Winchester
• CLASS OF 1952
Marcella Chambers
Kay (Weigand) Greenleaf
Mary Lou (Roberts) Tinker
• CLASS OF 1953
Marian (Green) and Mike Girrens
Mary Dean (Rousseau) and Leo
• CLASS OF 1954
Ann (Shields) and John
• CLASS OF 1956
Mary Ann (Farnik) Farnik
• CLASS OF 1957
Clarice (Molitor) and Duane
Larry and Jolene Novascone
James and Sara Weldon
• CLASS OF 1958
Mary Lynn (Massey) Gilliland
Carole (Umscheid) and Adrian
Gerald and Margaret (Ryan) Peay
John and Carlene Prichard
Gary Smith
Albert Spies
John and Janet Talbot
• CLASS OF 1959
Henry and Carol (Faber) Brenner
Kurt and Vicki Chandler
Kay (Ahlf) Charles
Dan and Dianne Coffey
Richard and Tanya Finn
Marie (Oeding) and Paul
Larry and Kathy McDonough
Mark Peddecord
Linda (Patterson) Peltzer
Sheila Shea
Sharon (Reed) and Gary Stanley
John and Janet Wintrol
• CLASS OF 1960
Joan (Helgerson) and Alan
Jeanette (Nelson) and E. Gregory
Patricia (Carney) Hansen
Larry and Martha Orth
• CLASS OF 1961
Sharon (Carney) Bishop
Roger and JoAnn Gerstner
John Hesse
Pat and Kathy (Coffey)
Fred and Donna Sauer
Molly (Hoffman) and Azey
Neal Van Der Voorn
Joe and Dianne (Gates) Williams
Bill Zimmer
• CLASS OF 1962
Thomas and Bonnie Baalmann
John Culhane
Elizabeth (Buzzi) and Charles
Dennis and Faith Mauro-Huse
Margaret (Ryan) and Gerald Peay
Marge (Spade) and Lenny Rankin
Harry Starnes
Doris (Oeding) and Gary Unruh
John and Elizabeth Wareing
• CLASS OF 1963
Andy and Sharon Anderson
Anne (Koelker) Buck
Harold and Deanna (Pfeifer)
Vince Corbett
Arnie and Natalie (Booth) Dowd
Jim and Sharon Hagan
Terry Keller
Ronald and Petrina Morley
Joyce (Williams) and David Rush
Larry and Merlene (McLaughlin)
• CLASS OF 1964
Mary (Monk) and Gary Adkins
Stephen and Therese Arnold
Victor and Lisa Barry
Rigby Carey and Mary Eves
Deanna (Pfeifer) and Harold
Barbara (Schreck) Craemer
David Gittrich
Leslie (Clark) and Michael Glaza
Gary Kipp
George and Lois Kreidler
Paul and Brenda Ludwick
Mary Michael (Orsman) Madison
John and Peggy Oxler
Gerrie (Tucker) Padgett
Greg Rau
Merlene (McLaughlin) and Larry
Maggie (Sullivan) and John
Mary Nell (Eikenberry) and Gene
Gary Thome
Nancy (Bush) and David Young
• CLASS OF 1965
Kathy (Kenny) and Tom Arenz
Frank and Susan Furstenberg
Pat and Kathy Harter
James and Sheryl (Goscha) Hays
Dennis and Linda Hemken
Peggy (Novascone) Larson
Marlene (Chadd) LeBlanc
Roger Rausch
Michael and Hanna Reding
Diana (Forbes) and Alan Smith
Ronald and Donna Wasinger
• CLASS OF 1966
Barbara (Skaff) and Gary Carson
Dick and Pat Dwyer
Kathy (Gosselin) Favreau
John and Barbara Gunter
Janyce (Grosse-Rhode) Howard
Robert and Margaret Konecny
Maurice and Christine (Lisowski)
Michael and Candice Wagner
Sharon (Cupicha) and Robert
• CLASS OF 1967
Kathy (Snyder) and Peter Hanas
Jay and Justine Hickerson
Sally (Armstrong) and John
Virginia (Escareno) and David
Mary (Grass) and Richard Wilken
• CLASS OF 1968
Tony and Sherry Catanese
Roger and Karen Hickel
P.J. Hutsey
Mark and Patricia Lester
Carolyn (Gegen) and Dennis
John Peters
Bob and Sharon Razook
Paula Skinner
Joe and Sandra Steven
Mike Wagle
• CLASS OF 1969
Renee (DiMattia) and David
Carol (Legge) and Charles Close
Harry and Judy Funke
Ruthie (Becker) and James
Richard and Deborah Hansen
Sheryl (Goscha) and James Hays
Brent Herrig
Patricia (McMahan) and Hugh
Theresa (Churchill) Johnson
John and Connie Kennedy
Patrick and Vicki Malone
John and Pat Schwartz
Janet (Kehr) and Jerry Seibel
Beth (Carroll) and Whitney
Marilyn (Snyder) and Dennis
• CLASS OF 1970
Thomas and Vicki Broderick
Paul and Janet Burger
Missy (Skaff) and Steve Cohlmia
Marty and Terri Dondlinger
Bob and Jane Hagan
Marty and Anna Hess
Ruth (Russell) Howard
Kirk and Maribeth Lester
Mary Jo (Reeves) and Robert
Brian and Donna Schreck
Carolyn (Armstrong) and Phillip
Jane (Fitzgerald) and Thomas
Don and Lori Weiss
William and Patricia Wright
• CLASS OF 1971
Linda (Ullom) and Tyler Brewer
Thomas and Mari (Dunn) DiMattia
Bob and Kim Dwerlkotte
JoAnne (Finn) Finn
Judy (Letourneau) and Eric
Ken and Martha Kapaun
John and Dana (Hilger) Mastio
Ron and Cheryl Mersman
Cindy (Lynch) and David Quillen
James Quinley
Patricia (Zimmerman) and John
Teresa (Partridge) and Sid Rose
Marleen (Kirsch) Valliere
• CLASS OF 1972
Jim and Pam Burgardt
James and Ursula Duncan
Jeff Hesse
Donald and Rebecca Manson
Jeff and Cyndi Roth
Marilyn (Oeding) and Randy
Jeannie (Hughes) and Joe
Judy (Howell) Worrell and Jimmy
• CLASS OF 1973
Greg and Jan Bauer
Mike and Kathy (Smith) Burrus
Dana (Hilger) and John Mastio
Pete and Suzi (Ullom) Meitzner
Julie (Jenista) O’Ceallaigh
Sarah (Illidge) and Jim Pirtle
Mark and Nancy Sheets
Kathy (Regan) and Jim Siebert
Jim and Carol Stoltz
Mike and Michele
(O’Shaughnessy) Traeger
• CLASS OF 1974
Stanley and Angie Kuhn
Susanna (Ramirez) and Eric Peck
Rodney Ruvalcaba
• CLASS OF 1975
Sara (Schaefer) and Gary Bartak
Paul and Debbie Carroll
Steve and Lisa Gebert
Greg Hesse
Mike and Beth Hogan
Sister Mary Ann Kirkland IHM
John and Diana Maloney
Erin (Cyphert) and Drew McEwen
Suzi (Ullom) and Pete Meitzner
Mike and Sharon (Heinen) Perez
Rob and Diane Wagner
Kent and Brenda Weixelman
• CLASS OF 1976
Debbi (Johnson) and Chris Davis
Mike and Barbara Gonzalez
Bill and Marsha Manning
Karen (Leftwich) and Cliff Nielsen
Nancy (Bennett) and Mike
Larry and Marta Warren
Gary Wood
• CLASS OF 1977
Rev. Brian Bebak
Rob and Dawn Chisholm
Michelle (Schreck) and Tim
Anne Cummings
Bob and Lucy Cunningham
Michele (Boswell) and Kent
Rev. Joseph Gile
Michael and Maria Gillespie
Beverly (Kouba) and Kevin
Tim and Joanie Koehler
Colleen (Quinley) and Jon Lee
Mark and Danell Oxler
Ann (Farmer) and Calvin Rider
Keith and Becky (Klein) Rossillon
Mark and Chris (Wright) Sevart
Therese (Mertes) and Mike
• CLASS OF 1978
Mary (Maloney) and David
Bill and Nika Cummings
Lynda (Weixelman) and Kevin
Matt and Patty (Mertes) Hesse
Kelley (Organ) and Dale Hoyer
Rev. John Lanzrath
Beth (Vickers) and Mike Lockard
Alex and Annette Meitzner
Caroline (McCarthy) and Doug
Cathy (Disante) and Dan Riedl
Christopher and Linda Sutter
Vincent Umscheid
Robert and Pamela Van Deventer
Lisa (Jonas) and Rick
Annette (Bordelon) and John
• CLASS OF 1979
Shelly (Hurst) and Mike Babich
Gary and Kelly Gillespie
Jon and Carrie Hullings
Connie (Skolaut) and Kirk
Margaret (Mertes) and Jimmy
Drew and Erin (Cyphert) McEwen
Max and Cecilia (Kennedy)
Becky (Crow) Peine
Stanley and Heather Pyles
• CLASS OF 1980
Mike and Shelly (Hurst) Babich
Nancy Bradley
David Eads
David and Lisa Goldberg
Kevin and Cindy Howell
Greg and Nancy (Drummond)
Andrea (Corbett) and Michael
Geoff and Trudie Perkins
Stuart and Tracy Peters
Dennis Regan
Becky (Klein) and Keith Rossillon
Risa (Ralls) and Howard Schultz
Elena (Brito) and Mark Sifferlin
Kent and Chris (Byer) Webber
• CLASS OF 1981
Jerry and Tamara Bauer
Patrick and Mary (Peters) Bauer
Dave and Lorie Cunningham
Paul and Ann Graf
Chris Hesse and Cathy PupkoffHesse
Jackie (Johnson) Johnson
Mark and Maria Kozan
Laurie (Novascone) and Carlos
Laura (Kirkland) and John Lara
Kate (Berry) and Daniel Scheer
Christy (Smith) and Craig Smith
Brigid (Halpin) and John
• CLASS OF 1982
Julia (Martinez) and Charles
Cathy (Meitzner) and Brent
Timm and Tierney (McGannon)
Sheryl (Jennings) and Steve
John and Lisa Flynn
Susan (Frisch) and Joe
Todd and Dawn Hungate
Dennis and Diana Maloney
Brian and Keli (Miller)
Bryan and Kelly Mick
Bethel Ann (Baumann) and
George Randall
Melissa (Jones) and Stan Smith
Lynnie (Coulter) and Christopher
Christopher Wettig and Lindi
• CLASS OF 1983
Pat and Michele (Organ) Boushka
Brian and Susan Burrus
Molly (Kriwiel) and Jon Cyphert
Chris and Bonnie Foote
Eric Gustavson
Joseph Hogan
Robin and Lisa Kriszcziokaitis
Frank and Denise Novascone
J. Patrick and Jeanie
Paul and CY Suellentrop
• CLASS OF 1984
Joan (Whitehead) and James
Jon and Molly (Kriwiel) Cyphert
Beth (Mertes) and Claudio
Troy and Maria Hertel
Chris and Gayla McAuliffe
George and Bethel Ann
(Baumann) Randall
Kristin (Sedbrook) and Patrick
Chris (Wright) and Mark Sevart
Kevin Sevart
Rev. Eric Weldon
Todd and Sally Whitchurch
• CLASS OF 1985
Greg and Kerri Ast
Jesse and Debra Bradley
David and Heather Bullock
Crista (Kouba) and Randy Burnett
Mike Hutterer
Cinthia (Schreck) and Guadalupe
Patrick and Michelle McDonald
Trey and Ginger Oliver
• CLASS OF 1986
Gwen (Glass) Glass
Audrey (Egan) and Mike Heiland
Molly (Lynch) and Tony Loehr
Doug and Sally (Knackstedt)
Todd and Shari Powers
Christine (Ramsey) and Blake
• CLASS OF 1987
Catherine (Barba) and Mike Abay
Rusty and Kate (Guinan) Brown
Darcy (Onofrio) and Drew Estes
Suzanne (Kriwiel) and Paul
John and Kristine Mertes
Aaron and Vanessa O’Brien
Kelly (McGannon) and Allen
Brenden and Heather O’Neill
Helen (Khoury) and Dwight
Gretchen (Braun) and Frank
• CLASS OF 1988
Michelle (Orth) and Craig Bay
Tyler and Mary (Novascone)
Paul and Suzanne (Kriwiel)
Mike and Julie Herman
Roger and Cheryl Hipp
Christine (Jones) and Tom
Ellen (Wilson) and Jose Luis
Craig and Stacy Schmidt
Chrissy (Schlapp) and Jason
Karla (Kerschen) and David
Jennifer (Vosburgh) and Jay
• CLASS OF 1989
Mara (Stegman) and Shawn
Mark and Shawna Geist
Amy (Pfeifer) and Mark Marshall
Matt and Krista Onofrio
Michael and Natalie (Greenstreet)
Jon and Heather Steffens
• CLASS OF 1990
Christopher and Susan Bloomer
Kate (Guinan) and Rusty Brown
Kevin and Amy Hogan
Kristin (Malcom) and J.R. Jessen
Jennifer Mack
John and Jeny (Kouba) Mash
Todd and Sarah (Loudon)
Natalie (Trollope) and Sean
Danielle (Knipp) and Chris
Rev. James Weldon
Robert and Marci (Hurley) Werne
• CLASS OF 1991
Christina (Scott) and Todd Davis
William and Jennifer (Blanton)
Kevin and Corrie (Steckart) Mallot
Amy (Hutchinson) and Sean Miller
Natalie (Greenstreet) and Michael
• CLASS OF 1992
Slade and Gina (Larson) Adams
Jennifer (Blanton) and William
Stacey (Rempe) and Aaron
Matthew and Karen Schaefer
• CLASS OF 1993
Amy (Weldon) and Eric Davis
Mary (Novascone) and Tyler
Kimberly (Ebben) and Matthew
Kristy (Rose) and Michael Vigil
• CLASS OF 1994
Gina (Larson) and Slade Adams
Caroline (Hess) and Keith Goodall
Jennifer Greer
Tony and Nicole Guiliano
Corey and Kelly Novascone
Brian and Andrea Orth
Andra (Wilbert) and Sean Puckett
Christopher and Geralyn Sobba
• CLASS OF 1995
Gordon and Julianne Braun
Teresa (Ebben) and Dan Carroll
Frances (Betzen) and Bryan Cook
Brian and Ashleigh (Laham) Hipp
Jared and Shannon Hund
Keli (Moran) and Andrew Stone
• CLASS OF 1996
Alison (Blackmore) and Justin
Barbara (Weldon) Burleson
Kate Dove
Charles and Melissa Howarth
Daniel Novascone
Michael Tran and Margaret
• CLASS OF 1997
Todd and Stephanie Burrus
Sarah (Loudon) and Todd
Todd Peters
Ryan Worrell
• CLASS OF 1998
Emily (Wescott) and Andrew
Evan and Andrea Grier
Alison (Hund) and Michael
Sarah (Nixon) and Brandon
Christian and Rebecca Lehr
John and Jasmin Rupp
Nick and Annie Taylor
• CLASS OF 1999
Jason and Kari Knoblauch
Julie Valliere
• CLASS OF 2000
Matthew and Megan (Spikes)
Katie (Rott) and Tanner Erdman
Kelly (Larson) and Doug Knipp
Elaine (Meyer) and Clinton
• CLASS OF 2001
Monica (Wescott) and Jared
Alan Brinkman
Doug and Kelly (Larson) Knipp
Pete and Courtney Krsnich
Matthew and Kate Rohr
Brandon and Mary Smith
• CLASS OF 2002
Luke and Kate Records
• CLASS OF 2003
Stephen and Katie Hund
Philip and Stephanie (Hattrup)
Jason and Nicole (Liebst) West
• CLASS OF 2004
Michaela (Kryzer) and Daniel
Nicholas and Christina Kreutzer
Andrew and Jenny Wilson
• CLASS OF 2005
Scott Cillessen
Deacon Zachary Pinaire
Amanda Rinkenbaugh
• CLASS OF 2006
Robert Cillessen
Ray and Danielle Luman
Miguel and Amanda (Lewis)
Anne Sauber
Christine (Hickerson) and Kelby
• CLASS OF 2007
Ben Burrus
Courtney Johnson
Alexandra Peterson
Luke Westerman
• CLASS OF 2009
Joseph Cillessen
Brian and Jenny Adams
Dan and Debi Adelhardt
Patrick and Georgia Ahern
Janice Akao
Sue and Ben Ames
Dave and Susie Anderson
Jim and Liz Anderson
Marolyn Anderson
Annie Anderson-Sauber
Clay and Sheryl Appl
Kevin and Donna Arkin
Kevin and Roxanne Arnel
Paul and Kim Attwater
Joe and Kay Auer
Joe and Lu Ayala
David and Joyce Babich
Cathy Bachrodt
Edgardo and Consuelo Baez
John and Donna Baldessari
Scott and Diane Ball
Frank and Deb Banfield
Kevin and Kathy Barker
Mary and Paul Barker
Doug and Heather Barleen
Richard and Julie Barth
Jon and Amy Baxt
Mike and Mary Beatty
Fredrick Becker
Tom and Connie Belton
Brenda Benning
Maciej and Beata Bernas
Kristie Berscheidt
Laverne and Harriet Bina
Mike and Gretchen Bina
Kenneth and Kathleen Blackburn
Mark and Joann Blackmore
Galen and Marigene Bloomer
Chris and Sandra Bohm
Jennifer and James Bolinger
Robert and Laurie Boorigie
Russell and Mary Booth
Kelly Born
Todd and Janel Born
Russell and Mary Borst
Greg and Jill Boulanger
Mark and Serena Boulanger
Russell and Jeanette Bowker
Marty and Carey Boyzuck
Tony and Kelly Brandt
William and Mary Braun
Don and Karen Breault
Jeff and Shelly Breault
Kurt and Kim Breitenbach
Alan and Bonnie Brewer
Rosemary and Dan Brooks
Leon Brown
Sean and Jody Buchanan
Ken and Charlene Bui
Bill and Dorothy Burmeier Bernadette Burns
James and Fortunata Burns
Mike and Teri Burns
Dave Burrus
Barbara and Don Bushell
Maria and Robert Butler
Gregory and Jennifer Byrd
Rowena Cabrera
Mauricio and Patty Calderon
Brian and Elaine Campbell
John and Sue Cantele
Anthony Caputo
Terry and Cindy Carlson
Dale and Vicki Carter
Diane and Brian Cassidy
Carlos Castro and Aida Vargas
Jason and Nicole Cervantes
Dale and Mary Channel
Chris and Monica Chessmore
Leonard and Teresa Chvilicek
John and Paula Cillessen
Earl Clark
Kerry and Lise Clark
Mike and Jeanne Cleary
John and Kristen Clevenger
Calvin and Angela Coady
Patricia and Alfonso Coca
Derek Cochran
Lawrence and Angela Colabucci
Michael and Alice Coltrane
Ralph Conrad
Richard and Stephanie Cooksey
Charles and Joyce Cookson
Dante and Ana Corimanya
Matthew and Kristi Cornejo
DeAnna Cornelious
John and Constance Crandall
Curt and Roberta Crawford
Kari and David Criger
Randy and Diana Crook
Brad and Mary Crumley
Nikki Currie
Jack and Nancy Curtis
Frank Cvetkovich
Kelly Dandurand
Patti and Darrell Davidson
Donald and Clarice Davied
Cortney Davis
Maria and Javier De Luna
Danilo and Dolores de Mesa
Charles and Amy Debbrecht
Leo DeBroeck and Jeanette
Mike and Kris Decker
Dave and Amy Degenhardt
Claudia and Jorge Della Costa
Billy and Millicent Dempsey
Jeremy and Laura deNoyelles
Patricia and Scott DePriest
Mark and Sarah DeVries
John and Doris Di Sante
Ru Do and Hoang Tran
Van and Nancy Do
Hien and Mai-Hoa Doan
Sue and Al Dobbs
Bob and Diane Dolechek
Mike and Jolynn Dowling
Craig and Mary Ann Dreiling
Barbara and Mark Dresselhaus
Laura and Ben Drouhard
Peggy and Greg Duick
Rev. Daniel Duling
David Dunlap
Bob and Sara Dunne
Bill and Carol Dwyer
Suzanne Dwyer-Ailslieger and
Paul Ailslieger
Vallarie and Bill Eades
Phyllis Eads
Andrea and Rodney Eastman
Dee Eck
Tim Eckberg
Paul and Toni Egan
Chris and Sandy Elliott
Bruce and Georgie Elson
Terry and Deanna Ercolani
Abbie and Adam Erker
Joel Erskin
Millie and Sol Esposito
Oscar and Roxana Esquivel
Marvin and Wendy Estes
Angela and Wes Etheredge
Charles Evenson
Todd and Mary Ewers
Jim Farha
Frank and Joan Felts
John and Marge Finn
James and Carol Flax
Dana and Paul Flores
Gordon and Helen Ford
Frances and Norman Foster
Karla and Bucky Fowler
Annette Fox
Ted Fox
Deb and Bill Frailey
Martin and Marilyn Francis
Philip and Sydney Frangenberg
Angie and Jeff Freeman
Kathy and Jim Friling
Karen and Jeff Frye
Tom Frye
Justus Fugate
George and Judy Fulghum
Matt and Deanna Fulghum
Cheryl and Virgil Fulton
Shilo Fury and Anna Stork-Fury
Matt and Debbi Gann
Kathy Gann-McCoy and Roger
Frank and Margaret Garratt
Carl and Deborah Gaul
Ed and Mary Beth Genovese
Paula George
Terry and Mary Jane Gerber
Peggy Giefer
Jay and Cherie Gilbaugh
Kevin and Marie Gilbertson
Bruce and Cecilia Gilkeson
Dennis and Lana Gillen
Patrick and Jacki Gimino
Mary Gitau
Art and Jule Glass
Dan Goevert
Yerko Golac and Leslie Trigo
Joe and Brenda Gorges
Charlene Goscha
Martha and Mike Grant
Larry Greytak
Chuck and Susie Grier
Anne Grommet
George and Carolyn Guinan
Steve and Brenda Hadley
Darlynn Hagen
Susanne Hamker
Sister Cecilia Marie Hammersley IHM
Paul and Phyllis Hampel
Tom and Fata Hand
Scott and Audrey Hane
James Harpel
Robert and Elaine Harrington
David and Vicky Hastings
Irene Hastings
Roger and Sarah Hastings
Michele Hay
Gary Heath
Ron and Beatrice Heikes
Peter Heiland
Frank and Heather Heiman
Kori and Jared Heiman
John and Ann Heise
Wayne Hemmen and Elaine
Kenneth and Carol Hertel
Tim and Heather Hessman
Dan and Jennifer Hickerson
Ila Higgins
Vanson and Dung Hoang
Mark and Sharon Hoffman
Brandon and Shala Hoffmann
Richard and Carol Hollingshead
Suzanne and Richard Hostert
Todd and Judy Hough
Max and Sharon Huffman
Anna Hund
Jeff and Helen Hund
Larry and Margy Hund
John and Julie Hungate
John and Diane Hunt
Shelley and Jim Hunt
Becky Hurtig and Walter Craig
Tony and Kim Hurtig
Otto and Gail Hutchins
Michael and Cindy Huynh
Ronald and Sherry Iacovetta
John and Joleen Ingle
Beth and James Isern
Michelle Jackle
Bernie and Rachel Jauregui
Alan and Lori Jenkins
Mike and Mary Jenkins
Damian and Lori Jensen
William Jenson and Joan Sargent
Anna Belle Johnson
Bob and Karen Johnson
Karin and James Johnson
Jerry and Sally Jonas
John and Kim Kadel
Pauline Kehr
Steven and Michelle Keith
Mike and Kathy Kelly
Jerry and Mary Kempf
Patricia Kenemer
Pat and Jere Kennedy
Rich and Hannah Kerschen
George and Theresa Khoury
Kamal and May Khoury
Diana and Douglas Kidd
Vicki and John Kindel
Jacqueline and Michael Kleespie
Kathy Kliewer
Robert and Barbara Knapp
Michael and Mary Knorp
Kathy Knorr
Lyle and Joyce Koehn
Paula and Ron Komp
Rufus and Doris Komp
Thomas and Gayle Koob
James Korroch
Sally and Dallas Korte
Theodore and Thelma Kozan
Kara and Jason Kramer
Arthur Kretz
Kent and Stephanie Kreutzer
Janet and Mark Kruse
Mary Kaye and Ken Kruse
Ronald and Judy Kuchinski
Vicky Kwasniak
Reneé LaFever
Bob and Victoria Lamkey
Susan Lane
Cynthia Langford
Bernie and Donna Lantz
Mike and Charlotte Lavigne
David and Janey Le
Hai and Kimberly Le
Huong Le and Loan Nguyen
Annie LeFebvre
Dave and Linda Leiker
Mark and Stacey Leivian
Sam and Lida Lett
Katie and James Lewis
Rachel and Kevin Lewis
Randy and Mary Lewis
Mary Ann Lickteig
Michelle and Jim Lickteig
Robert Lida
Evelyn and James Lienhard
Dean and Pamela Lies
Mike and Julie Lievens
Edward and Kimberly Lind
Tom and Myra Lindeman
Francis and Virginia Linnebur
Vivian Livo
Jose Llinas
Jim and Carol Loeffler
James and Geri Loehr
Sandra Lopez
Michelle and Doug Louis
Susan Loy
Becky and Jeff Lucke
Michael and Marleis Ludlam
Charlie and Lori Luman
Kent and Jeannette Lund
Anne and Darryl Lutz
Thai and Tinh Mai
Aziz and Mirna Maksoud
Robert and Connie Malicoat
Bill and Helen Manning
Dick and Mary Lou Marko
Chris and Natalie Martin
Fred and Bessie Martin
Pat Martinez
Candy Mastio
Sean and Jeri Matheny
Rob and Tammy May
Daniel and Jeanette McAdam
Jo Ann and William McCormack
Randy and Sherri McElroy
Linda and Don McGinty
Peter and Sherry McGrath
Shawn and Holly McGreevy
Ella Mae McGuire
Greg McKee
Larry and Kathy McNeil
Bert and Mary Medina
Carla and Merle Meeds
Maurice and Nancy Meirowsky
John and Mary Mertes
Rita and Brian Metler
Brad and Marsha Meyer
Jennifer and Matthew Miller
Ken and Paula Miller
Lynn Miller
Ken and Julie Mindt
Greg Mittman and Johanna FeistMittman
Aimee and Chris Moeller
Ann and Gary Mondry
Charlie and Mary Moon
Scott and Jennifer Moon
Kathi Moore
Robert and Diane Moore
Shelly and Frank Moore
Amanda Morales and Brett
Nicolette Moreno
Jonathan and Jessica Morgan
Rusty and Michelle Morgan
Kevin and Nancy Mullen
Martin and Diane Munoz
Timothy and Kalli Nance
James and Cynthia Nastars
John and Debbie Nece
Corky and Mary Kay Nelson
Edwin and Cheryl Nelson
Thane and Julie Nelson
Bryan and Lillie Nguyen
Hoa and Oanh Nguyen
Linh Nguyen
Luong Nguyen and Thuy Le
Nha and Christine Nguyen
Paul and Hoa Nguyen
Trung Nguyen and T. Dao Luot
Carol and David Nibert
Stephanie and Luke Nichols
Kent and Kim Niebuhr
Cary and Mila Nietfeld
Dzung Ninh
Bill and Sandy Nixon
Tammy and Mike Norman
Norma Nunez
Scott and Susan Oatsdean
David Ocker
Ray and Ruth Ocker
Mark and Paula O’Donnell
Bernie Oeser
Frank and Cheryl Ojile
Patrick and Debra O’Malley
Joseph and Dena Orozco
Regina and LeRoy Orth
Keith and April Osborne
Kristin and Tom Osler
Chris and Mike Ostroski
Pris Partridge
Tim and Ann Patton
Roger Pendergraft
Joe and Clair Pennycuff
Maurice and Jeanine Pfannestiel
James and Sharla Pfeifer
Denise and Patrick Phillips
Randy and Rose Pickle
Keith and Nadine Pierce
Michael and Shirley Pilat
Rob and Kathy Pinnell
Jerry and Carol Piszczek
Igor and Elise Ponomarev
Amy and Chad Pore
Chuck Porter
Marshall Porter
Bob and Mary Potter
Genelle and Rick Powell
Miguel and Olga Prieto
Mark and Tammy Quayle
Ann and Bob Ragan
Patricia Raglin
Celia and Mark Ralston
Tom and Trish Ranallo
Joann and Randy Randall
Kevin and Lori Rathert
Richard and Annmarie Renollet
Marlene and Wayne Rethman
Ty and Terra Reusser
Rhonda and Stan Rickert
Tony and Jennifer Ries
Rita Rinkenbaugh
Robert and Tammi Rinkenbaugh
Weston and Arian Riordan
Paul and Brenda Rios
Sean Ritterhouse
Chris and Lisa Roberts
Dallas and Elaine Roberts
Peter and Christine Rodriguez
Steve and Susan Rodriguez
Doris Rohr
Neal and Susan Rolfes
Audrey and Michael Ronnfeldt
Larry Rose
Bob and Lucy Roth
Thomas and Connie Rudd
Tim and Carol Samsel
Al and Mary Beth Sanchez
Phyllis Santner
Don Sbarra and Susana Corral
Berniece Scanlan
Clark and Amy Schafer
Larry and Betty Schaller
Bob and Jean Schif
Matt and Julie Schindler
Scott and Laurie Schirmer
Ken and Norma Schmidt
Kristin and Kevin Schmitz
Larry and JoAnn Schmitz
Theresa and Tom Schmitz
Stephen and Kelly Schoeppner
Bill and Phyllis Schreck
Douglas and Julia Schreiber
Larry and Kathy Schugart
John Schulte
Kathy and Mark Schulte
A.J. and Jane Schwartz
William and Mary Scobee
Mark and Joanne Scott
Stuart and Susie Scott
Pat and Carol Searle
Bart and Gwen Sevart
Hem and Shirley Sharma
Bill and Catherine Shea
Frosty and Patti Sheridan
Kurt and Victoria Sherry
Kim and Nancy Shoemaker
Michael and Deborah Shogren
David and Emily Shonka
Julie and Alan Siegman
Craig and Laura Singer
Steven and Mary Frances Skinner
Paul and Mary Ann Skolaut
John and Deborah Sleconich
Melissa Smith
Merle and LaVerne Smith
Michael and Kathleen Smith
Shelby and Betty Smith
Wayne Smith
Kay Snyder
Charles and Jennifer Soebbing
Vincent and Jan Soebbing
Jesse and Kristina Sojka
Andy and Julita Solis
Victor and Sharen Soukup
Steve Southern
Jeff Spahn and Jennifer
Jim and Jane Spiess
Lori Sprague
Andrew and Megan Stadler
Patricia Stadler
Paul and Joan Stadler
Steve and Pam Stark
Charles and Shelby Steincamp
Kelly and Bill Stenzhorn
Vanessa Steward
Chris and Maria Stewart
Stephen and Elizabeth Stewart
Philip and Ann Stillman
Pamela and Dan Stipanuk
Michelle and Jeff Strecker
Mike and Lisa Strecker
Chris Streckfus
Carol Streiff
David and Denice Strickland
Douglas and Jan Stuhlsatz
George Stump
Mark and Michelle Suchinski
Becky Swart
Eric and Kalyn Swenson
Susan and Thomas Tamplin
Richard and Elaine Taylor
James Tegethoff
Donald and Eileen Ternes
Arlene Tersol
Marie Thomas
Nicole Thomas
Tom and Sheila Thomas
Kenneth and Kathy Thompson
Joe and Sheila Tigert
Mike and Carolyn Tokarz
Kenneth and Leona Toon
Diep and Huong Tran
Ha Tran and Tan Nguyen
Hao Tran and Trang Nguyen
Hien and Lan Tran
Hien and Uyen Tran
Richelle and Rolando Trevino
Ruth and Gil Trevino
Tom and Jane Truman
Denise and Michael Unruh
David and Joanie Urban
Chris Van Sickel
Clare and Mark Vanderpool
James Vanek
William and Marie Vickery
Francis and Kara Visokey
Cesar Vital and Cacelia Tran
Ann Vittitow
Khanh Vo and MyLinh Phung
Connie Voss
Peter and Teresa Vu
Julia Wagle
Doug and Kelli Wald
Bob Wallace
Dan and Megan Wallace
Eldon and Karen Ward
Chuck and Cindy Weber
Marty Weeks
Judy Weigel
Suzanne Weighill
Troy and Susan Weissbeck
Ken and Paige Wells
Todd and Laurie Wenberg
James and DeDe Westerman
Dan and Lynette Wetta
Mark and Heather Whitaker
Chris White
Heng and Lida Wickman
David and Lori Wiebe
Shirley and Mark Wiebe
Tom and Paula Wierman
Brian and Tara Wilbert
Larry and Susie Wilkerson
Lisa and Tony Williams
Mike Williams
Robert Williams
Steven and Shannon Williams
Chris and Cindy Wilson
Steve and Margaret Wilson
Virginia Wise
Mike and Cindy Wolf
Rodger Worrell
Juan and Jeri Yanez
Brad and Carrie Zwick
Eternal rest grant unto
them O Lord, and
let perpetual light shine
upon them
Beverly Jean Harrel ‘54 Ohland
June 14, 2013
Robert L. “Bob” Reif
Father of Rhonda Reif ‘78 Nill
Father of Nancy Reif ‘80 Gehrer
Father of Robert Reif ‘84
Father of Patricia Reif ‘96 Wegeng
Father-in-law of Kevin Gehrer ‘80
Father-in-law of Brett Wegeng ‘95
Grandfather of Jessica Gehrer ‘04
Grandfather of Emily Gehrer ‘07
Grandfather of Kristina Gehrer ‘12
January 9, 2014
Robert Cleo Murrow, Jr.
Uncle of Austin Toombs ‘04
Uncle of Audra Toombs ‘07 Emrich
Uncle of Asa Toombs ‘09
Uncle of Avery Toombs ‘14
April 1, 2014
Lynne Dodenhoff Segraves
Mother of David Segraves ‘97
April 2, 2014
Marie E. Henning
Great-grandmother of Austin Henning ‘15
April 3, 2014
Thomas Patrick Relph
Father of Bruce Relph ‘76
Father of Donna Relph ‘78 Hicks
Father of Tim Relph ‘79
Father of Regina Relph ‘81 Kaiser
Grandfather of Scott Robertson ‘93
Grandfather of Trent Robertson ‘94
Grandfather of Bridget Robertson ‘95 Shannon
Grandfather of Sharon Robertson ‘97 Norden
Grandfather of Tracy Relph ‘99 Cleary
Grandfather of Thomas Relph ‘01
Grandfather of Tiffany Relph ‘04 Mullen
Grandfather of Holly Hicks ‘04 Walsh
Grandfather of Patrick Relph ‘12
Grandfather of Mariah Relph ‘15
Grandfather of Noelle Relph ‘16
Grandfather of Jackson Relph ‘18
April 3, 2014
Brother-in-law of Shelly Smith ‘72 Burrus
Brother-in-law of Mike Burrus ‘73
Brother-in-law of Kathy Smith ‘73 Burrus
Brother-in-law of Susie Burrus ‘74 Sundberg
Brother-in-law of Brian Burrus ‘83
Uncle of Eric Burrus ‘94
Uncle of Jennifer Burrus ‘95 Patterson
Uncle of Ryan Burrus ‘96
Uncle of Todd Burrus ‘97
Uncle of Phillip Burrus ‘98
Uncle of Kelly Burrus ‘00 Long
Uncle of Adam Burrus ‘02
Uncle of Casey Burrus ‘02 Siegrist
Uncle of Scott Burrus ‘04
Uncle of Ben Burrus ‘07
Uncle of Mark Burrus ‘09
Uncle of Patrick Burrus ‘14
April 9, 2014
Grandfather of Alexandra Jinks ‘15
May 8, 2014
Betty J. Luman
Antonio Garcia
Grandmother of Raymond Luman ‘06
Grandmother of Aaron Luman ‘10
Grandmother of Kevin Luman ‘12
April 13, 2014
Don F. Ranzau ‘58
April 15, 2014
Mary Ann Gengler
Grandmother of John Gengler ‘07
Grandmother of Lauren Gengler ‘10
April 21, 2014
Marvin L. Porter
Grandfather of Ethan Porter ‘14
Grandfather of Devyn Porter ‘18
April 25, 2014
Khoan Xuan Trinh
Grandfather of Tracy Trinh ‘16
April 26, 2014
Terrance “Sean” Lynch
Brother of Colleen Lynch ‘70
Brother of Cynthia Lynch ‘71 Quillen
Brother of Sharon Lynch ‘75 Brown
Brother of Molly Lynch ‘86 Loehr
Brother of Mickey Lynch ‘88
Brother of Kasie Lynch ‘89 Maybee
Uncle of Kyle Quillen ‘97
Uncle of Trevor Brown ‘00
Uncle of Bridget Brown ‘02
Uncle of Connor Quillen ‘02
Uncle of Mallory Quillen ‘05
Uncle of Gavin Loehr ‘08
Uncle of Phoebe Loehr ‘13
Uncle of Sophia Loehr ‘15
May 1, 2014
Marcella Mitchell
Brother of Marlene Rethman (former KMC Counselor)
April 6, 2014
Aunt of Michael Hotze ‘62
Aunt of Chris Hotze ‘65
Grandmother of Alicia Mitchell ‘98 Bodecker
Grandmother of Scott Mitchell ‘01
Grandmother of Kelley Mitchell ‘05
Grandmother of Andrea Jones ‘06
Grandmother of Zach Jones ‘07
May 1, 2014
Clarence Charles “Chuck” Peters
Kelley L. Tully ‘76 Collier
Patrick Anthony O’Malley
Grandfather of Alexis O’Malley ‘16
April 5, 2014
Paul Raymond Wetta
Brother of Christina Peters ‘44 Hagood
Father of Richard Peters ‘67
Grandfather of Brent Peters ‘93
Grandfather of Matthew Peters ‘93
Grandfather of Elizabeth Peters ‘95 Drost
Grandfather of Todd Peters ‘97
Grandfather of Angela Macias ‘98 Ricke
Grandfather of Scott Peters ‘98
Grandfather of Philip Peters ‘99
Grandfather of Kevin Peters ‘00
Grandfather of John Macias ‘05
Grandfather of Megan Peters ‘06 Wetta
April 7, 2014
Marjorie M. Jabara
Aunt of Megan Andeel ‘91 Murphy
April 8, 2014
Jerome Thomas “Jerry” Sutera
Husband of Linda Burrus ‘70 Sutera
Brother-in-law of Kevin Burrus ‘72
Theodore S. “Teddy” McFall
Brother-in-law of Bridget Beckwith ‘72 McFall
Uncle of Dustin McFall ‘02
May 11, 2014
Ronald Craig Sauber
Father of Anne Sauber ‘06
Father of Kyle Sauber ‘09
Step-father of Shawn Scott ‘02
Step-father of Tyler Scott ‘05
Step-father of Austin Scott ‘11
Step-father of Jordan Anderson ‘13
Step-father of Reagan Anderson ‘15
Step-father of Brooks Anderson ‘16
May 11, 2014
Father-in-law of Ellen Wilson ‘88 Osorio-Cortes
Grandfather of Veronica Osorio-Cortes ‘16
May 13, 2014
Gladys Marie McAdam
Sister-in-law of Doris McAdam ‘51 Winchester
Sister-in-law of Margaret McAdam ‘53 Frieden
Grandmother of Anna Bailey ‘17
May 15, 2014
Mary Louise Tasheff
Mother of Steve Tasheff ‘64
Mother of Marni Tasheff ‘66 Stone
Mother of Christine Tasheff ‘69
May 15, 2014
Charles V. “Chuck” Lambertz ‘70
Brother of Katherine Lambertz ‘66
Brother of Elizabeth Lambertz ‘71 Guimaraes
Cousin of Margaret Pracht ‘68
Cousin of Devin Lambertz ‘72 Suer
Father of Charles Lambertz ‘97
Father of Katherine Lambertz ‘01 Manning
May 18, 2014
Paul Joseph Veerkamp ‘69
Brother of Margie Veerkamp ‘60 Webb
Brother of John Veerkamp ‘61
Brother of Tom Veerkamp ‘64
Brother of James Veerkamp ‘66
Brother of Veronica Veerkamp ‘67
May 18, 2014
Linus S. Lauer
Husband of Mary Lou Kerschen ‘42 Lauer
Father-in-law of Robert Lester ‘70
Grandfather of Katie Lester ‘01 Gordon
Grandfather of Matt Lester ‘03
Grandfather of Patrick Lester ‘06
May 19, 2014
Donald Earl Anderson
Father of Allison McLauthlin ‘91 Records
May 20, 2014
Barbara Jean Mikus Kelly
Mother of Jennifer Kelly ‘92 Edwards
Mother of Mary Kelly ‘95
May 25, 2014
Sister of Jay Tully ‘79
Sister of Jeff Tully ‘81
Sister of Paul Gerber ‘87
Mother of Andrew Collier ‘02
Mother of Ryan Collier ‘05
Mother of Christopher Collier ‘06
Aunt of Jacob Tully ‘01
Aunt of James Tully ‘03
Step-sister of Kathleen Daniels ‘75 Teel
Step-sister of Robert Daniels ‘77
Step-sister of Mike Daniels ‘78
Step-sister of Tim Daniels ‘81
Step-sister of Colleen Daniels ‘82 O’Callaghan
May 5, 2014
Esther Boxler
Eldon “EJ” Jinks
Brother-in-law of Patricia Carney ‘60 Hansen
Brother-in-law of Sharon Carney ‘61 Bishop
Brother-in-law of Dennis Carney ‘62
Brother-in-law of Michael Carney ‘65
Brother-in-law of Jama Catt ‘66 Carney
Brother-in-law of John Reals ‘67
Father of David Jinks ‘72
Father of Laura Jinks ‘74 Walthers
Grandfather of Jamie Jinks ‘95 McGowan
Grandfather of Justin Jinks ‘99
Grandfather of Brenna Hale ‘06
Grandmother of Dawn Burchfiel ‘93 Poggi
Grandmother of Patrick Burchfiel ‘96
May 26, 2014
Corlie Opal Mason
Grandmother of Tiffany Mason ‘99 Cohlmia
Grandmother of Katie Mason ‘03 Yost
May 27, 2014
Donald Thomas Blasi
Father of Christina Blasi ‘84 Weber
June 2, 2014
Jerome K. “Jerry” Jonas
Brother-in-law of Colleen Carney ‘68 Reals
Brother-in-law of Joe Carney ‘70
Father of Loretta Jonas ‘75
Father of Elizabeth Jonas ‘78 Watenpaugh
Father of Mari Ann Jonas ‘81 Heeren
Father of Fran Jonas ‘85 Wuestewald
Uncle of Joe Jonas ‘75
Uncle of Patrick Jonas ‘77
Uncle of Paul Jonas ‘79
Uncle of Peter Jonas ‘82
Uncle of Jennifer Rasmussen ‘84 Farha
Uncle of Tim Bishop ‘89
Uncle of Todd Bishop ‘91
Uncle of Tricia Bishop ‘94 Armstrong
Uncle of Jennifer Reals ‘95 Dempsie
Uncle of Ted Bishop ‘98
Uncle of Megan Potter ‘03 Metcalf
Uncle of Alice Reals ‘04
Grandfather of Sean Carson ‘03
Grandfather of Benjamin Heeren ‘10
Grandfather of Luke Heeren ‘13
Grandfather of Kylie Wuestewald ‘13
Grandfather of Ashlyn Wuestewald ‘15
Grandfather of Jacob Heeren ‘17
June 4, 2014
Mary Covelli
Mother of Nick Covelli ‘67
Mother of Kathleen Covelli ‘71 Carney
June 5, 2014
Mary C. Garitson ‘40 Nickason
Sister of Rita Garitson ‘41 Flanigan
Aunt of Elizabeth Flanigan ‘63 Feyerabend
Aunt of Patrick Flanigan ‘65
Aunt of Mark Flanigan ‘79
June 5, 2014
Nicholas M. “Nick” Doffing
Great-grandfather of Demi Gardner ‘12
Great-grandfather of Ally Gardner ‘16
Great-grandfather of Chase Swenson ‘16
Great-grandfather of Kinley Swenson ‘17
June 7, 2014
Marian O. Hurtig
Grandmother of Heidi Hurtig ‘10
Grandmother of Andrew Hurtig ‘12
June 8, 2014
Cousin of Elizabeth Jessen ‘15
June 16, 2014
Charles Claude Smith
Uncle of Holly Jones ‘91 Terrell
Uncle of Bradley Jones ‘94
Uncle of Brady Jones ‘98
June 17, 2014
Gayle G. Koob
Mother of Ashtyn Koob ‘16
June 24, 2014
Brian Wayne Welch
Uncle of Molly Montgomery ‘06
Uncle of Alexander Montgomery ‘09
Uncle of Marshall Pickerts ‘12
Uncle of Noah Montgomery ‘13
June 25, 2014
Peggy J. Novascone ‘65 Larson
Sister of Larry Novascone ‘57
Sister of Kathy Novascone ‘59 Vosburgh
Sister of Jack Novascone ‘61
Mother of Gina Larson ‘94 Adams
Mother of Eric Larson ‘96
Mother of Kelly Larson ‘00 Knipp
Mother of Katherine Larson ‘01
Aunt of Laurie Novascone ‘81 Labarca
Aunt of Frank Novascone ‘83
Aunt of Jay Vosburgh ‘83
Aunt of Missy Vosburgh ‘85 Koppers
Aunt of Jennifer Vosburgh ‘88 Waldenmeyer
Aunt of Michael Novascone ‘90
Aunt of Todd Novascone ‘90
Aunt of Mary Novascone ‘93 Garretson
Aunt of Joseph Vosburgh ‘93
Aunt of Corey Novascone ‘94
Aunt of Daniel Novascone ‘96
Aunt of Jason Novascone ‘99
Aunt of Molly Novascone ‘00 Lowden
Great-aunt of Amber Labarca ‘06
Great-aunt of Cristina Labarca ‘06
Great-aunt of Larry Novascone ‘11
Mother-in-law of Slade Adams ‘92
Mother-in-law of Doug Knipp ‘01
June 26, 2014
Father of Carolyn Setter ‘71 Utter
Father of Janis Setter ‘76 Perigo
Father of Melvin Setter ‘82
Uncle of Michael Ojile ‘69
Father-in-law of Tony Utter ‘70
Grandfather of Chris Utter ‘95
Grandfather of Timothy Utter ‘98
Grandfather of Ryan Utter ‘01
Grandfather of Ellen Pherigo ‘02 Haukom
Great-uncle of Katherine Ojile ‘05 Schneider
Great-uncle of Nicholas Ojile ‘08
Great-uncle of Jared Ojile ‘12
Great-uncle of Jordan Ojile ‘17
July 9, 2014
Ida Marjorie “Joey” Anderson Shaw
Grandmother of Lauren Bartlett ‘02 Irwin
Grandmother of Kelli Bartlett ‘05
July 15, 2014
Arthur Eli “Art” Balthazor
Grandfather of Kylee Gross ‘10
Grandfather of Karston Gross ‘13
July 19, 2014
Steve Rau
Brother of Leon Rau ‘62
Brother of Maurice Rau ‘65
Brother-in-law of Lois Patry ‘65 Rau
July 21, 2014
Marvin “Jim” Weinman
Father-in-law of Tammy Sommerhauser ‘99 Weinman
July 21, 2014
Mary Elizabeth McConico ‘ 61 Davis
July 26, 2014
Larry Cotter ‘58
July 27, 2014
Timothy Osburn ‘68
Brother of Gregory Osburn ‘70
Brother of David Osburn ‘74
August 6, 2014
Dr. James Walker Butin
Laura Dianne Farris
Step-father of Eric Guinan ‘87
Step-father of Kathleen Guinan ‘90 Brown
August 7, 2014
Daughter of Joel Malcom ‘02
Niece of Kristin Malcom ‘90 Jessen
Niece of Brian Locke ‘92
Niece of Andrew Malcom ‘92
Niece of Jennifer Malcom ‘95 Locke
Niece of Peter Malcom ‘05
Cousin of Jonathan Jessen ‘14
Cousin of Elizabeth Jessen ‘15
June 8, 2014
Donald J. “Doodle” Meyers
Mike Strobl
Evelyn E. Morrow
Betty Blair Mastio
Mary A. Yeager
Donald Archie Gillenwater
Ellestine Malcom
Grandmother of Tony Javier ‘98
Grandmother of Elizabeth Javier ‘03
June 8, 2014
Pauline Cecilia Schippers Korte
Mother of Brooke English ‘08
June 27, 2014
Great-uncle of Demi Gardner ‘12
Great-uncle of Ally Gardner ‘16
Great-uncle of Chase Swenson ‘16
Great-uncle of Kinley Swenson ‘17
June 27, 2014
Mother of Deborah Morrow ‘65 Vaughan
June 28, 2014
Father of Joe Gillenwater ‘62
Father of James Gillenwater ‘67
Father of Angela Gillenwater ‘72 Orrey
July 3, 2014
Mother of Steve Korte ‘70
Mother-in-law of Mary Palmer ‘78 Korte
Aunt of Dale Schippers ‘84
Aunt of Lois Schippers ‘86 Bobbett
June 9, 2014
Gina M. McDonald
Geraldine Tedrick “Jerrie” Nelson Johnson
Mother of Peter Meitzner ‘73
Mother of Mike Meitzner ‘75
Mother of Chris Meitzner ‘77
Mother of Alex Meitzner ‘78
Mother of Max Meitzner ‘79
Mother of Cathy Meitzner ‘82 Dewey
Mother of Paula Meitzner ‘84 Nance
Mother-in-law of Suzanne Ullom ‘75 Meitzner
Mother-in-law of Cecilia Kennedy ‘79 Meitzner
Grandmother of Paul Meitzner ‘12
Grandmother of Daniel Meitzner ‘14
Grandmother of Natalie Meitzner ‘14
Grandmother of Christopher Meitzner ‘17
July 9, 2014
Mother-in-law of Kenneth Hattrup ‘80
June 10, 2014
Mary Angela Alfaro
Mother of Delbert Alfaro ‘64
Mother of Richard Alfaro ‘67
June 16, 2014
Louisa Malcom
Daughter of Joel Malcom ‘02
Niece of Kristin Malcom ‘90 Jessen
Niece of Brian Locke ‘92
Niece of Andrew Malcom ‘92
Niece of Jennifer Malcom ‘95 Locke
Niece of Peter Malcom ‘05
Cousin of Jonathan Jessen ‘14
Grandmother of Michael Banfield ‘08
Grandmother of Thomas Banfield ‘09
July 3, 2014
Catherine Anne “Kitty” Curry ‘46 Meitzner
Leon J. Setter
Father of Ronald Setter ‘66
Father of Ken Setter ‘67
Father-in-law of Brian Burrus ‘83
Grandfather of Ben Burrus ‘07
Grandfather of Mark Burrus ‘09
Grandfather of Patrick Burrus ‘14
August 8, 2014
Step-mother of Ann Mastio ‘69 Bauer
Step-mother of John Mastio ‘71
Step-mother of Katie Mastio ‘73 Kaufman
August 15, 2014
Theresa H. Navinskey Heise
Grandmother of John Heise (KMC Athletic Director)
August 16, 2014
Edna Cooksey
Grandmother of Austin Cooksey ‘09
Grandmother of Morgan Cooksey ‘12
Grandmother of Sydney Cooksey ‘15
August 17, 2014
Renee Ellen LaFever
(KMC Teacher)
August 24, 2014
Fr. Jarrel D. “Patricio” Wade
(former CKM Assistant Principal)
August 28, 2014
Nora Lee Siegman
Grandmother of Matthew Siegman ’04
Grandmother of Christopher Siegman ’05
Grandmother of Catherine Siegman ’08
Grandmother of Emily Siegman ’10 Shrestha
Grandmother of Monica Siegman ’14
Grandmother of Andrew Siegman ’16
September 4, 2013
alumni updates
Vickey Malone ‘63 Cheney has published a children’s
book entitled The Snail and the Puppy Dog’s Tail. It
is a read aloud book for all ages and is available on Congratulations, Vickey!
Steven Gaudreau ‘84 is opening Dempsey’s Burger
Pub in Clifton Square in Wichita, KS. He owns
Dempsey’s in Lawrence, KS and Lincoln, NE as well
as Quinton’s in Lawrence and Topeka, KS. He is
also a partner in Bison Witches Bar & Deli, located
in Norman, OK; Lincoln, NE; Tucson and Tempe, AZ.
Best wishes, Steven!
Tessa Roberts ‘84 Heard has an electrical engineering
degree from Wichita State University. She graduated
from Wichita Area Technical College in December 2013
with a degree in Aviation Maintenance Technology,
which enabled her to become a FAA Airframe and
Powerplant certified aviation mechanic. Tessa is also
an instrument-rated private pilot of complex highperformance aircraft. She is now working towards
her CFI rating so she may be a flight instructor. Tessa
is the section chief of field service engineering for
Bombardier. She also holds the title of Mrs. Kansas
American 2002 and Mrs. Missouri United States 2006.
Congratulations, Tessa!
Katy Cramer ‘90 Dorrah has been named the executive
director for the Wichita Center for the Arts. Katy
was most recently the vice president of resource
development for the United Way of the Plains and
has also served as the president for Junior League of
Wichita. Best wishes, Katy!
Katie Rott ‘00 Erdman and husband Tanner are
expecting their fourth child in December 2014. The
Erdmans reside in Wichita. Congratulations!
Jacob Tully ‘01 and wife Sarah welcomed their first
child, Marina Ashlynn, on September 5, 2013. The
Tullys reside in Wichita. Congratulations!
Meeghan Dunleavy ‘02 was crowned as Ms. Kansas
United States 2014. She has been active with
professional and charitable organizations such as
Young Professionals of Wichita, the World Trade
Council of Wichita, the Kansas Governor’s Exporter of
the Year Selection Committee, the National Association
of Professional Women, the American Cancer Society,
the Kansas Humane Society, Positive Directions, the
Alzheimer’s Association and many more. Meeghan
graduated from the University of Kansas with a degree
in Business Administration and International Business.
Congratulations, Meeghan!
Quinn Tolbert ‘02 married Amber McDaniel of Salina,
KS on July 5, 2014. Quinn works for Pendulum Studio.
The Tolberts reside in Kansas City, MO. Best wishes!
Van Pham ‘03 married Michael Holden in January of
2013. Van graduated from the University of Kansas
School of Medicine in 2010 and completed her internal
medicine residency at Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson
Medical School in New Brunswick, NJ in 2013. She
completed her chief resident year in 2014 and is now
living in Odenton, MD where she will be starting a
Pulmonary Critical Care Fellowship at the University of
Maryland. Best of luck, Van and Michael!
Vinh Pham ‘04 is engaged to be married to Trang Pham
of Wichita. Vinh and Trang are both in their third year
of medical school at the University of Kansas School of
Medicine. Best of luck!
Mark Hagan ‘05 has joined Scheer Dentistry. Mark
graduated from the University of Kansas in 2009.
He completed his Doctorate of Dental Surgery at
Creighton University in 2013. Following dental school,
Mark moved to Denver, CO to complete a residency
program for further training in implant dentistry. During
dental school, Mark spent a month in the Dominican
Republic, where he lived in a remote village and set up
a clinic to provide much needed care for those who do
not have access to a dentist. Mark and his wife Carrie
are excited to be back in Wichita. Best wishes to the
Katie Grelinger ‘05 Rosell has moved to Denver, CO
to begin her three year neurology residency at the
University of Colorado Denver. Best of luck, Katie!
Megan VinZant ‘05 graduated in November 2013 from
the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center with
a Masters degree in Health Science. She is currently
employed as the Physician Assistant for the Kidney
Transplant team at the Nazi Zuhdi Transplant Institute
at Integris Baptist Medical Center in Oklahoma City,
OK. She is involved with both the surgical and medical
aspects of transplants. Congratulations, Megan!
Amanda Lewis ‘06 Prieto and Miguel Prieto ‘06
welcomed their second child, Marlena Brooke “Lainey”,
on May 15, 2014. Lainey joins big sister Braelynn. The
Prietos reside in Wichita, KS. Congratulations to the
Prieto family!
Nick Allen ‘06 has been accepted as a resident at
the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. His specialty is
Psychiatry. Nick’s wife, Ali, was also accepted as a
resident at the Mayo Clinic, in OBGYN. Best of luck,
Nick and Ali!
Jacque Blick ‘06 married Jose Arredondo of Liberal, KS
on July 5, 2014 at Church of the Magdalen in Wichita,
KS. Jaque is a customer business analyst for NetApp
and Jose is a quality inspector for Lee Aerospace. The
Arredondos reside in Wichita. Congratulations!
Keep your fellow
alumni posted!
Include your name, maiden name,
class year, spouse name and their
class year, if applicable.
Clip and mail to:
Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic H.S.
Alumni News
8506 East Central
Wichita, KS 67206-2448
Info for Alumni News (photos
greatly appreciated):
Amy Dow ‘07 married A.J. Owens of Liberal, KS on
September 5, 2014. Amy works for the Mental Health
Association of South Central Kansas. They reside in
Andover, KS. Congratulations!
Kelli Ragan ‘07 graduated on May 17, 2014 with
honors from Stetson University College of Law in St.
Petersburg, FL. She is employed by Bush Ross, P.A.,
a 50 lawyer law firm in Tampa, FL. Best of luck, Kelli!
Sara Ragan ‘09 graduated Magna Cum Laude from
Kansas State University in May 2014, with two degrees,
Finance and Apparel Marketing. Sara is employed
by Cerner Corporation and resides in Kansas City.
Congratulations, Sara!
Emily Baudouin ‘10 graduated on May 17, 2014 from
Hastings College in Hastings, NE with a Bachelor
of Arts in Studio Arts. Emily was recognized for her
achievements throughout the 2013-14 year at Hastings
and was awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award
in Art. She is applying to graduate school for her
Masters in Fine Art. Emily resides in Hastings, NE.
Best of luck, Emily!
Rachel Shearrer ‘12 spent time in July working with
missionaries in India. She spent one week working
with Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity in Prem
Dan, where she helped in one of their houses for the
sick and dying. Her second week was spent with the
Family Missions Company in Pune, India helping with
RCIA, speaking in schools and working in safe houses
for women. Rachel is a student at Wichita State
University. Best of luck, Rachel!
PHONE 316-634-0315
FAX 316-636-2437
Kapaun Mt. Carmel
catholic high school
8506 East Central
W i c h i t a, K S 6 7 2 0 6
Maiden NameClass Year
SpouseClass Year
(if applicable)
Return completed form to Kapaun Mt. Carmel • Office of Development • 8506 East Central • Wichita, Kansas 67206 Thanks for keeping us up to date!
Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School is dedicated to the
education and formation of the total person in the image of Jesus Christ.
Save the Date!
The Quest is a Kapaun Mt. Carmel Catholic High School
quarterly alumni newsletter. Due to limited space and
press deadlines, we reserve the right to edit information
submitted for publication. Email information to:
Grandparents Day
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
8:30 - 11:00 am
8506 East Central • Wichita, Kansas 67206
316-634-0315 • Fax: 636-2437
including all school Mass at 9:30 am
Rob Knapp ‘82, President
Chris Bloomer ‘90, Principal
John Heise, Assistant Principal
and Athletic Director
Kelly Dandurand, Assistant Principal
Ryan Burr, Assistant Principal
and Activities Director
Chenay Dixon ‘95 Sloan, Director of Development
Formal invitation for all
KMC grandparents to follow.
KMC Spirit Store
Online 24/7
Thousands of KMC spirit items available! Go to:
Managing Editor: Julie Valliere ‘99
Designer: Kellee Kruse
and click on the “KMC Spirit Store” in the Quick Links
Check us out at