Current Bulletin - Prospect Presbyterian Church
Current Bulletin - Prospect Presbyterian Church
RESPONSE: THE SERVICE FOR THE LORD’S DAY 2nd Sunday after Epiphany January 18, 2015 11:00 am PRELUDE Give Me Jesus Entrance of the Light of Christ Acolyte Sadler Stewart “Joy to the World” No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make His blessings flow Far as the curse is found, Far as the curse is found, Far as, far as, the curse is found. WELCOME AND CONCERNS OF THE CONGREGATION Please sign the Attendance Register found at the center aisle of each pew. If you are a visitor, please give your full address, email, and telephone number. INTROIT Come, Now is the Time to Worship A TIME FOR THE CHILDREN OLD TESTAMENT LESSON: ANTHEM CALL TO WORSHIP (Taken from chapter 12 of Paul’s letter to the Romans) We come this morning to present ourselves as a living offering, holy and acceptable to God. We come that we may not be conformed to this world, but rather may be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We come that we might discern what is good, what is acceptable, what is the perfect will of God. We come that the Spirit of Christ might shine in us all. Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty Pg. 574 I Need No Other Argument arr: Cliff Duren Romans 7: 18b-25; 12: 1-4 THE SERMON Willpower STATEMENT OF FAITH: Pg. 147 Rev. Mark P. Clark Pg. 14 The Apostle’s Creed PASTORAL PRAYER AND THE LORD’S PRAYER My Faith Looks Up to Thee No. 383 No. 482 PRAYER OF PRAISE & CONFESSION (Taken from chapter 7 of Paul’s letter to the Romans) I can will what is right, O Lord, but I cannot do it. For we do not do the good we want, but the evil we do not want is what we do. When I want to do good, evil lies close at hand, and the law of my body does battle with the law of my mind. Rescue us from our inner war, O Lord. Send us your Spirit to free us and declare peace in our hearts. We lift our conflicts up to you now in this moment of silent prayer... ASSURANCE OF PARDON Proverbs 25: 26-28 NEW TESTAMENT LESSON: *HYMN *+HYMN OF PRAISE Rev. Mark P. Clark OFFERING OF GIFTS Offertory Sweet Hour of Prayer/Just As I Am without One Plea *The Doxology *Prayer of Dedication *CHARGE AND BENEDICTION *CHORAL RESPONSE 3-fold Amen *POSTLUDE Call It Praise The Light of Christ goes before us into the World Acolyte Sadler Stewart *Please rise in body or in spirit CCLI# 2659202 +Latecomers may be seated Please place all cell phones and pagers on silent. Thank you. WE GREET YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST AND WELCOME all who worship here today. We trust that our service of worship will enable you to sense the presence of God and the fellowship of God’s people. A nursery is provided in the educational building for our youngest friends. We’d love to have you become part of our church family. Please speak to our pastor or any of the elders at the door as you exit to receive more information about our congregation. We invite you to worship with us again soon. We welcome as our guest worship leader this morning Rev. Mark P. Clark, Parish Associate at the Unity Presbyterian Church in Denver, NC. Mark, a native of Arkansas, is married to Rev. Carol Clark and they serve together as pastors at Unity. Before entering the ordained ministry, Mark was a trial lawyer and practiced in both Arkansas and Texas. The beautiful flowers in the sanctuary today are given to the glory of God and in memory of Freddie Seamon by Pam Seamon and family. Congratulations to Paul and Emily Moore on the birth of their daughter, Allison Margaret Moore, born Tuesday, January 13, 2015, at 7 lbs 2 oz and 19 inches long. Congratulations to grandparents Vance & Nyra Moore and Mr. & Mrs. Jerry McCullough of Pale City, AL and Mr. & Mrs. Steve Entrekin of Gadsden, AL and great grandparents Charles & Jackie Moore and Colleen Kennerly. To the Congregation of Prospect Church: One of the most endearing images for the Christian life is one of journey. It has been my privilege to have shared the last eighteen months of that journey with the saints at Prospect. Now for the joint health of Christ’s church this part of our shared journey must come to a close. The interim contract recognized by the Administrative Commission concluded on January 15, 2015. With the end of this contract, my service with the congregation will come to a close. My prayers will continue for you as you seek God’s will for this congregation. Blessings, Rev. Dr. Charles Davenport. Health Moment: Wash – Wash – Wash! Hand washing is the #1 way to prevent and decrease the spread of germs and disease. Wash your hands with soap and warm water frequently. John 10: 10, “I have come that you would have life and have life to the fullest.” Jesus said. Prospect Presbyterian Church 9425 West NC 152 Highway Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 (704) 664-1514 Organized 1824 Your 2014 Contribution Statements are available in the Commons Area. Please review your statement and notify the church office of any omissions or corrections. This statement should be used for reporting your charitable contributions on your 2014 income tax return. Italian lunch out! Come and join the Golden Prospectors at the Italy Café in Mooresville at 11:00 am on Tuesday, January 20th. Should be fun and great fellowship! If you would like to ride in the church van, please be at the church by 10:30 am. If you have any questions, please contact Jim Bigler at 704-660-1517. Please consider serving our young families by providing care for our infants and toddlers during the worship service. Name: ____________________________________________ I would like to serve: Once a quarter: _________ Once a month: __________ As a regular substitute: _____________ Do not schedule me on the following dates: ______________ _________________________________________________ Please see Judy Brumley or call her at 704-213-3809 with questions. Note: All of our nursery volunteers must comply with our Policy on the Prevention of Child Abuse. A Continuing Reminder: If you have not turned in your pledge card, please do so as soon as possible. They may be mailed in to the church office or dropped in the offering plate today. Thank you for your continuing & generous support of God’s work in this place. Extra pledge cards are available in the narthex. Your 2015 offering envelopes are available in the commons area. If you do not see yours, please contact the church office. Please pick yours up today! The Flower Calendar for 2015 is on the wall outside the church office. If you would like to place flowers in the church for Sunday worship in honor of or in memory of someone special in your life, please choose your Sunday and make your reservation on the calendar. Hart Scholarship applications are available in the church office. Completed applications should be put in the box marked “Hart Scholarship Committee” in the commons area. The deadline for applications is Thursday, February 26, 2015. Sunday evenings at 5:30 pm, there will be a time of prayer in the sanctuary for this church body, for our Elders, for the Pastor Nominating Committee and for the Administrative Commission. This time of prayer will continue every Sunday evening until such time as the Pastor Nominating Committee can report “we have found the candidate.” All are welcome. Whether you choose to attend these times of prayer or not, please be in prayer for God’s grace and His guidance for this Church, for our Elders, and for the work of all those in leadership. For Prayer Nursing Homes and Retirement Facilities Mac Atwell (Trinity Oaks – Salisbury) Janice Bradshaw (Crown Colony - Mooresville) Colleen Kennerly (Genesis – Mooresville) Harriet Lipe (Genesis – Mooresville) Bill & Betty Lowrance (Trinity Oaks - Salisbury) Dot Richards (Genesis – Mooresville) Verla Williford (The Pines – Davidson) Ruth Wilson (Genesis – Mooresville) Please Remember Dottie Bigler Martha Poston Don LaShomb Dot Alexander Rick Lyerly Bob Atwell Virginia Blackwelder Allen Jackson Martha Meredith Jerry & Rachel Powers Wayne Connolly Mary Freeze Louise Beeker Marilyn Hinds Friends and Family of the Congregation Sandy Kirkley (Lung Cancer, friend of Randy & Sandy Baker) Judy Johnson (Bone Cancer, sister of Ginny Bennett) Tommy Steele (Cancer, father of Beth Stephens & Edie Steele) Chip Warren (Cancer, friend of Vi & Don LaShomb) Johnny Smith (Cancer, Father of Rhonda Smith) Benny Crosby (Prostate Cancer, Grandfather of Alex Crosby) Vickie Haigler (Breast Cancer, Friend of Frances Ann Neel) Chris Lawing (Cancer, friend of Vi & Don LaShomb) Peter Flanagan (Throat Cancer, Brother in Law Mel Eaton) Jeff Reid (Cancer, Cousin of Pam Seamon) Pamela Rigsbee (Pancreatic Cancer, Friend of Purvis’s) Diane Hudson (Sister of Toni Wheeler) Mike Peeler (Thyroid Cancer friend of Aaron Styborski) Ann Stayer (Breast Cancer, Sister of Doris Teeter) Jim Alley (Cancer, friend of Stephen Waugh) On Call: Elder: Allen Jackson (704) 663-3359 Front Before / West After Service: Allen Jackson Acolyte: Sadler Stewart Nursery: Jamie Hovis Sign Duty: Reba Connolly Church Opening & Closing: Matthew Hagerty Sound System: Paul Moore Newcomer/Visitor: Teresa Compton Ushers/Offering: Chip Atwell, Head Usher, Lynn Atwell, Andrew, Brian & Jennifer Jackson, Kenny Seamon & Edie Steele This Week at Prospect Sunday, January 18, 2015 9:45 am – J.A.M. Choir 10:00 am - Sunday School 11:00 am – Worship w/Guest Preacher Rev. Mark P. Clark 5:30 pm – Time of Prayer in Sanctuary 6:30 pm – Called Session Meeting Monday, January 19, 2015 11:00 am – Exercise Class Tuesday, January 20, 2015 11:00 am – Golden Prospectors to Italy Cafe 7:00 pm – Nurture & Growth Committee Wednesday, January 21, 2015 7:00 pm – Chancel Choir Practice Thursday, January 22, 2015 11:00 am – Exercise Class Sunday, January 25, 2015 9:00 am – Worship Committee 9:45 am – J.A.M. Choir 10:00 am - Sunday School 11:00 am – Worship w/Guest Preacher Rev. Laurie Valentine 5:30 pm – Time of Prayer in Sanctuary Sunday, January 11, 2015 Attendance: Sunday School: Worship: Offering: 43 129 General Fund: $1711