Most recent Service Bulletin


Most recent Service Bulletin
Welcome To
An inclusive Christian family encouraging spiritual growth
through Worship, Friendship, Learning and Action.
February 8 , 2015
I Wanna be a Sheep!
350 Queens Avenue, London, Ontario N6B 1X6
TEL (519) 679-8182
OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 830-1230 and 1-4
Welcome visitors!
Your presence is a blessing to us, allow
our church family to be a blessing to
you. We hope you will take a moment
to make yourself known to one of the
ushers or ministers. Please join us
after the service for Coffee and Conversation
downstairs in Proudfoot Hall.
Parents, we offer professional Nursery care
during the service for infants up to 3 years old,
and Sunday School for youth, 3 yrs. to 18.
Worship Notes. Today the confirmation class
is presented to the congregation as they begin
their journey of inquiry. They are making a
commitment to work with their mentors and
explore faith together. In April, they will have
the choice as to whether they will confirm their
faith and become full members of First-St
Andrew’s United Church. During these four
months, we make a commitment to pray for
them. Please remember confirmands and
mentors in your personal prayers.
We Gather in God’s Presence
Bold type indicates congregational response.
Call To Worship
David Pederson Lay Liturgist
On this week leading to Valentine’s Day, we
rejoice that we are made in the likeness of a
loving God. We are made in love, of love and
for love.
We gather together to renew our spirits.
We gather together to be in community.
We gather together to sing praises.
We gather together to reflect about our
We gather together to heal our hearts.
Opening Prayer
Healing One, touch our hearts with your
loving spirit.
Comfort and protect us. Bring us your joy
and your peace.
Voices United # 339
When Morning Gilds the Skies
Laudes Domini
Children’s Story
I Just Wanna Be a Sheep
Jane Dockrill
* indicates to stand, if able.
Congregational Covenant With Confirmands
Prelude Fantasia on “How Brightly Beams
The Morning Star”
D. Buxtehude
Covenant Questions and Promises
Welcome and Announcements
*Sharing the Peace of Christ
Peace be with you
And also with you!
Bell Peal
Lighting of The Christ Candle
(to mentors; Barbara Ridgewell, Chris Lindsay,
Michael Feeney, Jane Dockrill)
Mentors, you have heard God’s call.
Will you share your faith with the confirmand
whom you support?
Will you love and care for them?
Will you honour your commitment of time and
Will you also take seriously your role as a
learner, studying the scriptures and teachings of
our faith?
Yes, we will.
-3(to confirmands; Isaac Stewart, Ishmael (Izzy)
Stewart, Andrew Wood, Jordan Wood, Bronwyn
Tufts, Robyn Swartman, Ella Tufts, Naomi Tufts)
As disciples of Jesus.
Will you do your best to learn together?
Will You respect and pray for your mentors?
Will you be honest with yourself and each
other as you seek to affirm your faith with
integrity and joy?
Yes, we will.
Congregational Pledge
We remember the promise we make at
baptism to provide Christian nurture and
example for all.
We celebrate the response of these
mentors to God’s call.
We celebrate the curiosity of these
confirmands as they seek to deepen their
We will be partners with you all, holding
you in prayer.
United in the Spirit, we are the Body of
Presentation of Bibles
As your brothers and sisters we celebrate the
work you are beginning together.
Thanks to be God!
VU. #567
Will You Come and Follow Me vs.1
(Young people ages 3 through high school will
leave for Church School classes.)
Prayer of Confession
Loving God, we know we are made for
love, yet sometimes we forget or get
distracted from our loving path.
For those times we struggle to love
ourselves, help us remember we are
For those times we judge others and fail
to see your love in them.
Help us remember to open our hearts in
For those times we take your creation for
granted, stir our hearts into awe and
Open us to your loving presence. Amen.
Silent Confession
Lord have mercy upon us,
Christ have mercy upon us,
Lord have mercy upon us.
Assurance of God’s Grace
God knows our souls’ longings and with the
tenderest love, pours out mercy, compassion
and forgiveness on us.
Through Christ we are given new and
abundant life. Thanks be to God!
Praise God from who all blessings flow,
praise Jesus Christ and in him grow, praise
to the Holy Spirit give, that we with them
in love may live.
We Listen for God`s Word
First Lesson
Isaiah 40:21-31
Bob Peel
NRSV p.668
Psalm 147 1-11
Voice United pg. 868-869
Bob Peel
(The soloist will sing the refrain then repeat
it with all joining in. Repeat as printed)
Second Lesson
Mark 1:29-39
Rev. Dr. David McKane
NRSV p. 35
Ministry of Music
How Brightly Beams The Morning Star
Text: Voices United #98 vs. 1 alt.
D. Sweelinck
Rev. Dr. David McKane
I wanna be a sheep!
For the Word of God in Scripture, among us
and within us.
Thanks be to God.
We Respond and Go Forth
*Voices United # 601
The Church of Christ in Every Age
*Voices United # 417
God, as We Rise to Leave
Lobet Den Herren
Let us go into the world
strengthened and raised up by our
assurance that God is Love and in Love,
amazing Love, we are truly Alive!
VU#529 Benediction
Wareham *Sung Response Gloria
VU.# 37
Gloria, gloria, in excelsis Deo!
Prayer of Thanksgiving, Intercession and The Gloria, gloria, alleluia, alleluia
Lord’s Prayer
Prelude & Fugue in F
Offertory Music
D. Buxtehude
We Cannot Measure How You Heal
Text: Voices United #613
arr. M. Archer Today
*The Presentation of Our Gifts
We give you but your own,
what-e’er the gift may be; all that we
have is yours alone, we give it
(18% of envelope giving goes to the Mission
and Service Fund of the United Church of
*Prayer of Dedication
Holy God, how precious are your
In wisdom, you teach us your way and
call us to follow you.
Help us to trust you in all things.
Then we will be at peace knowing that
you do your best.
May these gifts advance your peace in
our community and to the ends of the
earth. Amen.
(Includes our PAR gifts, prayer shawls, and
gifts of time and talents to the community)
Welcome Greeters: Heather Vouvalidis, John
Vouvalidis, Alan Salmoni, Pamela Salmoni
Coordinator: David Flynn
Scripture Reader Co-Ordinator:
for February: Russ Knight
Los Quinchos Coffee Sales: Pat Pettit
Gift Card Sales: Tara Gonder & Diane
Sunday Morning Worship at 10:30am
February 15 Rev. Dr. David McKane Minister
Emeritus preaching
18 Ash Wednesday—evening Rev.
Tom Hiscock (Sanctuary/
22 Rev. Dr. David McKane Minister
Emeritus Lenten Readings &
Rev. Tom Hiscock— Communion
1 Rev. Sheila McGregor - Kerry
-5Prayer Corner
Notice of Motion
Lectionary Readings - For next Sunday,
February 15, 2015, for use in your personal
Motion for consideration at the 2014
Annual General Meeting of the
Congregation to be held February 22,
Motion: That the congregation of
First-St. Andrew’s United Church,
Middlesex Presbytery, London Conference
Determines and directs that for the year
2015, it will carry only the insurance in
the attached policy; Ecclesiastical
2 Kings 2:1-12, Psalm 50:1-6,
2 Corinthians 4:3-6, Mark 9:2-9
Middlesex Presbytery Prayer Cycle -one
pastoral charge or ministry per week will be
included in the weekly prayers. Please pray for
the mission and ministry of the congregation
and for the well-being, compassion, strength,
and joy of its lay and ordered leadership.
Byron United Church
Rev. Greg Brawn and Rev. Chris Beaumont
Music Notes
William Reynolds says the following about our
offering hymn, “When Morning Gilds The Skies”
in his book, Songs of Glory: “This hymn, as we
know it, was first sung at St. Paul’s Cathedral in
London about 1868. Copies were distributed to
the congregation in the leaflet form and the
organist and the choir led the congregation in
this new hymn and tune. The words of this
joyful song of praise to Jesus Christ are rooted
in a Roman Catholic hymnal prepared for the
diocese of Würzburg, Germany, in 1828. The
author of the German text is unknown. Edward
Caswell translated it into English in 1854. A
poet and linguist, Caswell wrote many original
hymns and translated German and Latin hymns
into English. Fourteen years later the hymn
appeared with the present tune by Joseph
Barnby and then was sung at St. Paul’s
Cathedral In public acceptance, Barnby’s tune
has surpassed all other tunes which have been
written for this text. Branby, educated at the
Royal Academy of Music, was one of the
outstanding church musicians of his day. He
served as organist and choirmaster in London
churches, and his choirs were the finest in the
city. He was knighted in 1892.”
Insurance Co. Policy
Acknowledges that the limits in such
Insurance policy or policies may be less than
the full replacement cost of the buildings
insured under the attached policy or policies;
Releases the Trustees of First-St. Andrew’s
United Church from any obligation to maintain
insurance coverage with higher limits than that
provided in the attached policy or policies, and
agrees to indemnify and save harmless the
Trustees of First-St. Andrew’s for all claims with
respect to such obligations.
Releases the Board of Trustees of First-St.
Andrew’s United Church from any actions taken
on behalf of the congregation in respect of
property held by the Board in the name of the
congregation and agrees to indemnify and save
harmless the Trustees of First-St. Andrew’s from
all claims with respect to such decisions taken
during the year 2014.
Motion: That the Congregation of First-St.
Andrew’s United Church approve the
Annual Report of the Board of Trustees, as
-6We are changing the format of the
bulletin to make it cleaner, clearer and
concise. If you have any feed back please see
Rev Tom Hiscock
Brenda McManus
Dear Friends,
On behalf of St. John the Divine RC Parish,
390 Basline Rd. West, I'm please to invite
you and your friends to attend
An Evening of Information and Dialogue
If you have not already registered your email Understanding the Golden Rule in the
address with the office. Please drop by and
Abaramic Faith Traditions
complete the appropriate paperwork.
Judaism - Christianity - Islam
Marcus Borg passed away the end of
January. Marcus, a former Proudfoot Lecturer
was one of the world's most notable scholars
of Liberal Theology. He will be deeply missed.
FSA Member Astrid Detje passed away on
February 3, 2015. Service will be held on
Sunday, February 8,2015, 2pm at Memorial
Funeral Home 1599 Fanshawe Park Road,
conducted by Rev. Dr. David McKane.
Join us for presentations by Jewish, Muslim &
Catholic Faith Leaders
Rabbi Catharine Clark, Congregation Or
Dr. Munir El Kassem, President, Islamic
Institute for Interfaith Dialogue
Fr. Jim Mockler, Pastor, St. Peter's Cathedral
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
7 to 9 PM
Refreshments will be served - Admission is
The Swartman family wishes to thank
everyone for their condolences, for including
Your help to promote this event would be
us in their thoughts and prayers, and attending
gratefully appreciated.
the celebration service for Jim Swartman on
January 17th . Your support is very much
Moe Lacerte
appreciated and very helpful.
L'Arche London Banquet, Feb 27th at The
London Convention Centre. Leo Plue of the
Abilities Centre I Oshawa will be the guest
speaker. Tickets available from L'Arche office.
Help needed Sunday, Feb 15. Crafty hands
needed in the fireside room (Sunday School) on
Sunday Feb. 15. at 10:30 am. Please let Jane
know if you can come and help the children as
they prep for the pancake supper.
-7FSA Supper Club
Ever wondered about fostering or
adopting? The Children’s Aid Society of
Tuesday February 24th at 5:45 pm. Come and London & Middlesex will be here to answer
enjoy our Pot Luck Supper, a sing-song led by questions and share information. Wednesday
Paul Merritt, and a presentation by Dr. Barry
February 25th at 6:00pm. Join us first at “Sing
Moore, “Stories with Barry”, part 2.” Barry will for Your Supper” at 5:30. For more
share some experiences of his years in ministry information please contact:
as a student Minister and Ordained Minister in
Alberta, as he did last year. He is a storyteller
par excellence. His stories engage, inspire,
encourage, motivate and challenge us to live
Gracias from Nicaragua!
our faith in real concrete ways. If you are a
Hola, Thank you so much for all of the good
guest or new member you are always
wishes, prayers and donations we received for
welcome. Please call:
our volunteer trip to Nicaragua. With your
June McKay 519-471-5668
donations we were able to buy some school
Jean Wuensch 519-439-3073
supplies for the teachers at Los Quinchos
if you plan to come along.
School which are not easily available there. We
will also be giving them additional money to
buy more school supplies and building material
in Nicaragua. We feel surrounded by your love
as we travel to do our work with our partners
in Nicaragua. Thank you for your support!
Linda, Janice and Jim.
Week At A Glance — February, 2015
Sunday 08
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM Bible Study, SR
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Worship Service
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM FSA Strings, PH
Monday 09
9:30 AM - 2:00 PM Comfort Quilts Group, FR
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM Getting Ahead, PH
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Bridges Out Of Poverty, PH,
7:00 PM Property Committee, LIB
Keep the Date— for more information please
check our
website or the bulletin boards in the church
February Tue 17 5:30pm Pancake Supper
Wed 18 7:00pm Ash Wednesday Sanctuary/Chancel
Sun 22 12:00pm Annual
Congregational Meeting
Wed 25 7:00pm FSA Film Night Pride
Tuesday 10
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Knitwits, PAR
3:00 PM Finance HSM Consulting, LIB
7:00 PM Finance Committee, LIB
7:15 PM Christian Development, CH
Wednesday 11
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Men's Brown Bag Lunch,
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM Getting Ahead, PH
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Sing for your Supper, PH
6:00 PM Paul DVD Presentation, CH
6:00 PM Presbytery F & A , SR
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM Children's Choirs, FR, Nur
7:00 PM Membership & Nurture, LIB
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM FSA Strings, PH
Thursday 12
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Bible Study, PAR
7:30 PM Senior Choir, SA
Friday 13
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Laudamus Bells, SA
Saturday 14
First-St. Andrew’s Staff
Rev. Tom Hiscock Interim and Visitation Minister
Rev. Dr. David McKane, Minister Emeritus
Brenda McManus, Church Administrator
Dr. Jo Ann Silcox, Designated Visitor
Tim Miedema, Facility & Maintenance Co-Ordinator Paul Merritt, Director of Music
Katrina Stolk, Administrative Assistant
Jane Dockrill, Youth & Young Families
Amanda Ingrey, Nursery
Rebecca Bromhall, Nursery
Barry Tiffin, Atrium Steward