Most Recent Service Bulletin


Most Recent Service Bulletin
Our Year of
Deepening the
An inclusive Christian family encouraging spiritual growth
through Worship, Friendship, Learning and Action.
February 1 , 2015
350 Queens Avenue, London, Ontario N6B 1X6
TEL (519) 679-8182
OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 830-1230 and 1-4
Welcome visitors!
Your presence is a blessing to us, allow our church family to be a blessing to you.
We hope you will take a moment to make yourself known to one of the ushers or ministers.
Please join us after the service for Coffee and Conversation downstairs in Proudfoot Hall.
Parents, we offer professional Nursery care during the service for infants up to 3 years old,
and Sunday School for youth, 3 yrs. to 18.
The Worship Committee is pleased to be leading the worship service this morning.
Prophets are the focus of today's reading and sermon. Many of the prophets, most notably
Elijah, understood themselves to be successors to the mission of Moses, and called the people to return
to the covenant with God which Moses first established. Moses is also a forerunner of Jesus, and the
words from the scripture lesson of Deuteronomy are often taken as announcing his future advent.
We Gather in God’s Presence
Bold type indicates congregational response. * indicates to stand, if able
Welcome and Announcements
Minute for Mission
An Epiphany Prelude
Margaret Trethewey, Flute
C. Callahan
R. Bonighton
John McDonald
Barbara Dalrymple
*Sharing the Peace of Christ
Peace be with you
And also with you!
Bell Peal
Lighting of The Christ Candle
Call To Worship
Jane Westmorland
By this I have known the presence of the Lord:
in the rising of the sun, in the smile of another’s face,
in the touch of a hand or the sound of a laugh,
in the scent of a flower holding the promise of spring.
By this I have known the power of the Lord:
in the healing of hurts, in the forgiveness of sin,
in the giving of gifts beyond all expectation,
in the shower of love that comes from God’s son.
Let us give thanks to the Lord with all of our hearts!
Let us worship our God, whose presence and power endures forever!
-3Opening Prayer
Almighty and most merciful God,
we give thanks that you know us and love us.
Help us, through the power of your Holy Spirit, deeper, wider,
and fuller in our knowledge and understanding of your ways.
Help us, through the bestowal of your divine Wisdom,
grow closer to you and your Son, Christ our Lord,
in whose name we pray. Amen
(Prayers are by Erik Alsgaard, from
* Voices United # 255
The Living God Be Praised
Children will gather at the front during the singing of the last verse.
High school students may leave for class
Children's Time
Kerry Stover
Children's Hymn
This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine (2x)
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine
(Children leave for Church school)
Prayer of Confession
Gracious God
We acknowledge and confess in your presence
the smallness of our love, the narrowness of our concern,
the denial of our true humanity.
Through careless hands have slipped opportunities not taken,
people not cared for, days not celebrated.
We are ashamed and sorry for the ways of our unfaithfulness,
and ask for reassurance and forgiveness. Amen.
Silent Confession
Assurance of God`s Grace
No matter where we are, God is there.
No matter what we have done, God forgives.
No Matter our reluctance to accept God, God has accepted us.
With that assurance, receive forgiveness, and live in fullness and in hope.
Jim Silcox
Praise God from who all blessings flow,
praise Jesus Christ and in him grow,
praise to the holy Spirit give,
that we with them in love may live.
We Listen for God`s Word
First Lesson Deuteronomy 18:15-20
Ministry of Music
Dr. Steven Adams
NRSV p.174
God Be In My Head
Text VU # 430
Sarah Longland & Leah Morise, Soloists
“Raising it Up!”
Second Lesson
P. Wilby
Jacqueline Davis & Barbara Cunningham
Mark 1:21-28
For the Word of God in Scripture, among us and within us.
Thanks be to God.
We Respond and Go Forth
*Voices United # 620
Silence, Frenzied, Unclean Spirit
(The choir will sing the first verse with all joining on verses 2 & 3)
Prayer of Thanksgiving, Intercession and The Lord’s Prayer
Offertory Music
And I Saw A New Heaven
Text: Revelation 21: 1-6
Joan Bancroft
M. Archer
*The Presentation of Our Gifts
Voices United #542
We give you but your own, what-e’er the gift may be;
all that we have is yours alone, we give it gratefully.
(18% of envelope giving goes to the Mission and Service Fund of the United Church of Canada)
*Prayer of Dedication
Barry Tiffin
Holy God, how precious are your thoughts!
In wisdom, you teach us your way and call us to follow you.
Help us to trust you in all things.
Then we will be at peace knowing that you do your best.
May these gifts advance your peace in our community
and to the ends of the earth. Amen.
(Includes our PAR gifts, prayer shawls, and gifts of time and talents to the community)
*Voices United # 694
To Us All, to Every Nation
Let us go into the world strengthened and raised up
by our assurance that God is Love
and in Love, amazing Love, we are truly Alive!
Barry Tiffin
Barry Tiffin
*Sung Response
Gloria, gloria, in excelsis Deo!
Gloria, gloria, alleluia, alleluia
Voices United# 37
Alla Marcia
M. Archer
Welcome Greeters: Glenda Robinson, Winnie Wake, Mary Vernon, Donna Travis
Coordinator: David Flynn
Scripture Reader Co-Ordinator: for February: Russ Knight
Los Quinchos Coffee Sales: Barbara Dalrymple
Gift Card Sales: Margo Christodoulou
Guess What! We’re having our U.C.W. Annual Meeting Today! All women of the
congregation are welcome. Come join us for tea and snacks in the Sun Room at noon.
Music at FSA - Sunday afternoon at 2:30pm. Amanda Perera, Soprano
Fiona Robson, Cello.
Freewill offering.
Sunday Morning Worship at 10:30am
Rev. Dr. David McKane Minister Emeritus preaching
Ash Wednesday—evening Rev. Tom Hiscock (Sanctuary/Chancel)
Rev. Dr. David McKane Minister Emeritus preaching
Rev. Dr. David McKane Minister Emeritus preaching
Rev. Tom Hiscock— Communion
Prayer Corner
Lectionary Readings - For next Sunday, February 8, 2015, for use in your personal devotions.
Isaiah 40:21-31, Psalm 147:1-11, 20c, 1 Corinthians 9:16-23, Mark 1:29-39
Middlesex Presbytery Prayer Cycle -one pastoral charge or ministry per week will be included in
the weekly prayers. Please pray for the mission and ministry of the congregation and for the
well-being, compassion, strength, and joy of its lay and ordered leadership.
Arva United Church - Rev. Janet Fradette
Music Notes
Our second hymn “Silence, Frenzied, Unclean Spirit” is a perfect fit with todays Gospel lesson. In his
preface to a collection of new hymns, the author Thomas Troeger says the following about it: “Hymns
have long been a devotional source for the Christian life, and these new hymns have been created in the
light of that tradition. In many cases the hymns follow the pattern of three-step spiritual meditation that
become popular in England in the seventeenth century: Memory - Understanding - Will The opening
verses recall the story from the Bible (memory). The middle verses explore the contemporary meaning of
that story (understanding), and the final verse is often a prayer to live God’s will in accordance with what
has been remembered and understood (will). For example, “Silence! Frenzied, Unclean Spirit” first retells
the story of Jesus exorcising a demon, then probes the meaning of demons today, and concludes with a
prayer for wholeness. This spiritual unfolding of the passage is highlighted by the music, which moves
from percussive repetition into a songful melody that heralds Christ’s healing power. Of course, not every
hymn follows the pattern that strictly, but there is a fundamental meditative structure to nearly all of
them that can assist individuals or a congregation in becoming spiritually centered.”
Friendly Reminder if you have not already picked up your 2015 envelopes they are in the
Atrium. We ask that you discontinue using any previous years envelopes as the numbers have been
Knit Wits will once again gather in the parlour on Feb. 10 from 1:30-3:00 pm. Bring your knitting
project and join us for a relaxing time together. If you don't have a current project, or need some
supplies, we can help with that! See you then.
Help needed Sunday, Feb 15. Crafty hands needed in the fireside room (Sunday School) on Sunday
Feb. 15. at 10:30 am. Please let Jane know if you can come and help the children as they Prep for the
pancake supper.
Sing For Your Supper Just a reminder that this event, Wednesday evenings from 5:30-6:10, is open to
everyone and you can come even if you don't stay for choir. Come and join us for a fun,
community filled evening! Questions? Please contact Allyson Watson,
Middlesex Presbyterial U.C.W. Gathering: *music, *Books, * Drama, * Communion, * Delicious
Lunch. February 18th at Richards Memorial Church. Speaker Rev. Mark Marshall, excellent presenter,
humorous. Topic “Stay Strong and Carry On.” Registration and lunch, $20.00 deadline February 11th.
Taking a Fashion Stand Against Breast Cancer:
Are you interested in a fun night of tips and tricks on how to boost your fashion in
2015 with the added bonus of knowing you're contributing to a worthy cause? On
Thursday evening February 5, 2015 from 7:00 to 8:30, right here at First-St Andrew's
Proudfoot Hall, Susan Jacobs of Personal Style will show the must have basics in your
wardrobe, show how one piece can be worn four ways, show firsthand how nine
pieces can make 20 outfits, and help you experience the transformative powers of accessories. Proceeds
of the night will go the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry's Team (the Hakuna Matatas) who are
fundraising for St. Joseph's Health Care's “Bust a Move” for Breast Health Event. Registration is $35 and
includes coffee, tea and pastries. For more information, contact Pam Bere at 519 432-2642 or"
To register please use the following link:
FSA needs you. Currently we have vacancies on almost all committees of council. As we look to build
our slate for presentation at the Annual Meeting in February please consider how you might offer your
talents to support the work of our church. The strength of our volunteer leadership continues to ensure
the ongoing health of First-St Andrews. Please contact George Jolink ( (519 854
6845) or the church office if you wish to join one of our committees.
FSA Book Club has been rescheduled for March 16th in the Parlour. We will be discussing the same books
Philomena by Martin Sixsmith and/or The Autobiography of Malcom X.
What’s Jane up to this month?
Sunday Mornings: Children's time, Big Circle Gathering & TNT class. Wednesdays: Sing for
Your Supper, before and after activities (crafts and dishes). Fridays: Youth Group Feb 13 &
20. (currently twice a month) Prep for confirmation program, and season of Lent and Easter.
Kick off the Confirmation Program with Rev. Tom on Feb 4th. CD Meeting on Tuesday Feb
10. Jane is working with The Men’s Brown Bag Lunch Group and the Sunday School Children
and teachers to present a fun Shrove Tuesday Evening: February 17th. See you there! Jane can generally be found at church Tuesday to Friday and of course, Sunday mornings.
Kitchen please check fridge and freezer. Storage information needs to be filled out and dated. Thank
Keep the Date— for more information please check our
website or the bulletin boards in the church
Wed 25
al Meeting
7:00pm FSA Film Night - Pride
5:30pm Pancake Supper
7:00pm Ash Wednesday—Sanctuary/
12:00pm Annual Congregation-
Week At A Glance — February, 2015
Sunday 01
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM Bible Study, SR
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM Soul Care
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Worship Service
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM U.C.W Annual Meeting, SR
2:30 PM Concert - Paul Merritt, SA, PA
Monday 02
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM Getting Ahead, PH
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Bridges Out Of Poverty, PH, FR
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Suzuki, SA
7:00 PM Ministry & Personnel, SR
Tuesday 03
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Staff Planning, LIB
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Soul Care
7:00 PM Worship Committee, CH
Wednesday 04
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Men's Brown Bag Lunch, PAR
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM Getting Ahead, PH
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Sing for your Supper, PH
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Soul Care
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM Children's Choirs, FR, Nursery SA
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Confirmation Class, CH
Thursday 05
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Bible Study, PAR
5:00 PM - 10:00 PM St Joseph's Health Foundation, PH, KIT
7:30 PM Senior Choir, SA
Friday 06
7:00 AM - 6:00 PM Devatree, CH
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Laudamus Bells, SA
6:30 PM - 9:30 PM Soul Care
Saturday 07
7:00 AM - 9:00 PM Devatree, CH
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Soul Care
Sunday 08
7:00 AM - 6:00 PM Devatree, CH
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM Bible Study, SR
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Worship Service
2:15 PM - 3:30 PM Suzuki Recitals, SA
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM FSA Strings, PH
FIRST-ST. ANDREW’S STAFF - Rev. Tom Hiscock Interim and Visitation Minister
Rev. Dr. David McKane, Minister Emeritus
Jane Dockrill, Youth & Young Families
Brenda McManus, Church Administrator
Paul Merritt, Director of Music
Katrina Stolk, Administrative Assistant
Dr. Jo Ann Silcox, Designated Visitor
Tim Miedema, Facility & Maintenance Co-Ordinator Barry Tiffin, Atrium Steward
Amanda Ingrey, Nursery
Rebecca Bromhall, Nursery