Weekly Announcements - The Church of Reconciliation


Weekly Announcements - The Church of Reconciliation
The Church of Reconciliation, Presbyterian Church (USA)
110 North Elliott Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27514
(phone) (919) 929-2127
(e-mails) churchrec@churchrec.org
(website) www.churchrec.org
Sunday, January 18, 2015
WELCOME GUESTS! You enrich our life! We’re glad you’re here! Please sign one of the
yellow Visitor’s Cards located in the chair pockets on the seat in front of you and place it in
the Offering Basket during the Offering.
WELCOME STUDENTS! We hope that our inclusive environment is attractive to you and that
you will make the Rec your spiritual home away from home during your studies. For any needed
assistance please contact the pastor or the elder-on-call.
WELCOME FAMILIES! CHILDCARE is available during worship for children six and under in
the Preschool Building on Sunday mornings. Childcare Caregivers for this week are: Elaine Criswell,
Robyn Davis Stephens, Brennan Stephens, Elias Stephens. Children’s packets are available in the
Fellowship Hall.
DEACONS CARD - If you would like for a Deacon to contact you, please use a pink Deacon’s Card
located in the chair pockets on the seat in front of you and place it in the Offering Basket during the
FAIR TRADE COFFEE, TEA, & COCOA in the Fellowship Hall! EQUAL EXCHANGE helps
small-scale farmers in the developing world. We also have EXTRA-VIRGIN OLIVE OIL from
Palestine, chocolates and nuts. See Wes Hare for more information.
Remember to pick up your nametag from the narthex on Sunday mornings!
We have prepared nametags for new folks who have requested them too!
Considering membership? We’d love to welcome you into our church community! Any member of
the Session (names in the worship bulletin) or the Pastor will be glad to answer your questions. We also
gladly welcome into the life of our community fellow-travelers – seekers, doubters, adherents of other
religious traditions -- who want to share their lives with us in this community of faith.
THIS WEEK: January 18 - 24
CAREGIVERS: Sarah Stitsinger (919-563-0738) Gann Herman (919-220-0900)
ELDER-ON-CALL: Ron Norris (919-237-3091)
The Respite Cafe Circle of Light would like to invite the congregation to join us after church today, January
18 for a second hour conversation on RACIAL RECONCILIATION. We will be discussing - in small
and large group formats - how we might respond individually and collectively to the racial injustice exposed
by events in our communities and nation over the past six months. We will serve a light lunch.
-- Steve Unruhe, Gann and Dale Herman, Lynn Howie, Jennifer Hardison Walters,
Claire and Allen Wilcox, Carolyn Ikenberry, Lucy Richardson
Second-Hour Conversation & Lunch – Sunday – 12:15 PM – Fellowship Hall
Deacons – Tuesday – 6:00 PM – Parish House Library
New Voices Choir Rehearsal – Tuesday – 7:30 PM - Sanctuary
GIVE A WOUNDED VETERAN A SMILE -- All ages are invited! This means you!
TO: Sign a paper Valentine Card
FOR: A wounded veteran in hospital care
WHEN: Sunday, January 25, 2015
WHERE: Fellowship Hall
TIME: Immediately following Worship
It’s even easier to reach out to a veteran in need of friendship this year. Just sign your name on the alreadyprovided mini-valentine cards. (The VA specifically requests these little cards for tray favors!) Chocolate
The Memorial Service for Rec member Jay Olson will be held on Saturday, January 24 at 2:00 in the
afternoon. A reception will follow. If you can bring food, please contact Lil Royal at < lmbroyal@gmail.com>
or 919-933-2363.
ADULT ED IN JANUARY/FEBRUARY - 9:30 AM in the Parish House Chapel
January 18, 25 and February 1 - The Old Testament books of Ecclesiastes, Job, and Song of Songs
represent three distinct philosophies of living. On January 18, we will take a look at what the author
of Ecclesiastes says about life and how to live it; on January 25, we’ll turn to the book of Job with
the same questions; and on February 1, we’ll conclude by considering what the Song of Songs says
is the essence and purpose of life. Bill Andrews will lead discussion of key passages from each of
these books on these three successive Sundays.
9:30 AM Sunday School and 11:00 AM Worship --at the Rec!
Preaching: Mark Davidson
Elder-on-Call: Craig DeBussey
Caregivers: Diana Barefoot & Geof Manley
Liturgist: Gay Scannell
Greeters: Ellen Davis, Patt Grandstaff
Musician: Allen Wilcox
Sanctuary Assistants: Jill Friedman, Ken Hoover
Chancel Asst: Brenda McLeod & Bill Peay
Sound: Mary Charles Blakebrough
Offering Counters: Raymond Farrow, Lisa Anthony
Lock-up: Alex Hawkins
Childcare: Robyn Davis Stephens, Elaine Criswell, Jennifer McGovern, Major Bonin
L & S On-Call: Charron Andrews (919-360-8757, charron_andrews@med.unc.edu)
LECTIONARY: Jonah 3:1-5, 10; Psalm 62:5-12; I Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20
At the close of the congregational meeting on January 11, Session extended an invitation to those who
have pledged (or haven’t yet pledged) for 2015 to revisit their pledge decision in light of the Priorities for the
2015 Budget that Session presented during the meeting. The window for submission of revised pledges will be
open from January 11 to January 25. On January 28, during its regular monthly meeting, Session will review
whatever increases to 2015 pledges come in and factor those figures into its decision on the final 2015 budget,
which Session will approve on January 28. All increases in pledging for 2015 will merge into the total pool of
pledged monies that Session considers when addressing the needs of the whole church in 2015.
If you decide to pledge or increase your pledge, you may submit a pledge card noting your increase and
put it in the offering or in the wooden box next to the pledge cards in the narthex. You may also email David
Robinson or Jim Spaeth with the increased amount of your pledge: davidr@duke.edu or
jimspaeth25@gmail.com. Thank you for your consideration.
AN INVITATION -- The Reconciliation Peace Community invites all who are interested to join
us for a 5-month study of the Presbyterian Peace Affirmations which were approved at the last
General Assembly. We will meet on 5 Sunday afternoons on the 4th Sunday of each month (with a
couple of exceptions) at 12:45 following worship for 1-1/2 hours. The dates are as
follows: January 25, February 22, March 22, April 19, May 31.
Pastor Mark will lead the study and materials will be available in the Narthex and online at pcusa.org
(put peacemaking in the search box and follow the prompts) prior to each meeting so that participants
can come prepared for these in-depth discussions. We will meet in the Parish House Chapel, and
each person is asked to bring a bag lunch and to commit to attending all sessions if possible. All
ages are welcome and childcare will be arranged if needed. We are excited about this opportunity
to study and share on this very relevant issue for our denomination. There will be a sign-up sheet
in the narthex for those who would like to participate or you may e-mail Jane Hare –
j4justice@nc.rr.com or Ted Shohfi – tshohfi@nc.rr.com. We ask for prayers as we discern God’s
calling for us and our denomination.
The next meeting of Durham Congregations in Action will be their Annual Banquet on
Tuesday, JANUARY 27, at 5:45 PM at St. Philip's Episcopal Church (403 East Main Street,
downtown Durham). The keynote speaker will be Dr. J. Kameron Carter, Associate Professor
of Systematic Theology and Black Church Studies at Duke Divinity School. In the midst of
escalating awareness of the racial inequities in our community and nation that are not only
economic, but extend to our disparate experiences of policing and public safety, Professor Carter
brings a deep and searching perspective to the role of spirituality and faith for social reconstruction
and renewal. Author of the much acclaimed book, Race: A Theological Account and numerous
essays and articles, he is completing a forthcoming book entitled The Secular Jesus: Religion and
the Project of Civilization.
The dinner is $14 per plate, and reservations need to be made by January 23 by calling 919688-2036 or emailing dci.action@gmail.com. Payment will be accepted at the door (checks
should be made payable to “DCIA” and noted for the 2015 banquet).
The Rec's book group has come up with dates and books for the next three months.
We'll meet the second Tuesday of each month at 2:00 PM
(i.e.: 2-Tue-at 2) with the following dates and places set:
Tuesday, February 10 - An Altar in the World, Barbara Brown Taylor
Jill Ryder Friedman's home, 2802 Friendship Circle, Durham (919) 490-0947
Tuesday, March 10 – The Spiral Staircase, Karen Armstrong
Joyce Regier's home,1201 Red Ash Circle, Durham (919) 477-6568
We welcome you to join us, even if you haven't read the book.
IFC's Current Food Pantry Needs are: Jelly, Pinto Beans, Cereal, Canned Fruit, Pork & Beans,
Vegetable Soup, Deodorant, Toiletry items are also always welcome: soap, shampoo,
toothpaste/toothbrushes, deodorant, razors, toilet paper, paper towels, and diapers. Many thanks for
your offerings to those in need. Questions? See Lisa Anthony.
OCIM, Orange Congregations in Mission, serves the people of Orange County and is in
need of non perishable items for its pantry. -- Thanks, Pat Hartwell
Land and Structures would like to remind everyone who is using the church house and
fellowship hall to make sure all the doors are locked when you leave. The doors should be
tried from the outside to ensure that they are closed tightly and the locks are engaged.
Also be sure to put your meetings on the schedule with JoAnn in the office. Thanks!
Structures is working with Earth Care to develop and implement the best ways for us to expand our recycling
at the Rec. In addition to the basket in the narthex where we have always collected bulletins for recycling,
we also have these options:
1. Large blue recycling container in the kitchen and fellowship hall takes glass, paper and some metals
and some plastics. See the label for specifics.
2. We also have a compost container at the back door of the kitchen and a food scraps collection bin on
the kitchen counter. See the instructions for how that system works.
3. You are welcome to bring food scraps (no animal products) from home for the outdoor compost bin.
4. There are two large roll out blue bins from the Town of Chapel Hill placed near the shed in the parking lot. The bins are labeled with what is acceptable for recycling. No sorting needed but unfortunately NO CORRUGATED CARDBOARD and NO PLASTIC BAGS.
5. We take corrugated cardboard home or to the containers at the recycling center at University Mall or
other town sites.
6. We have blue boxes in our other buildings for recycling everything that can be picked up by the
Town of Chapel Hill (paper, glass, and some plastics and some metals)
Please help us by recycling and reusing all materials that we can.