The people The people The Campus
The people The people The Campus
Joshua In-Depth Bible Study WEDNESDAYS // 7P.M. // Our Savior Chapel Christianity Explored This is an informal seven-week course that gives you time and space to think about the big questions of life and to explore the life of the man at the heart of the Christian faith. It’s run by ordinary people, local to you, and looks at the person at the heart of the Christian faith—Jesus Christ. Class led by Maura O’ Neill and Andy Faust; dinner is included and childcare is available. Fill out Connection Card or Contact Office // Financial Peace TODAY // 7P.M. // Our Savior Chapel This life-changing class taught by Dave Ramsey on DVD and will help you achieve your financial goals by showing you how to eliminate debt, save for the future, and give like never before. You will be challenged and motivated to make a plan for your money. Class led by Amanda Smith. Workbook costs $90.00; scholarships available. Book Study - Caring for Elders MONDAYS Jan. 26th // 7P.M. // Our Savior Chapel So many of us are caught in the situation of facing the care of elderly loved ones and have questions and need help. This course will be discussing the book “The Summer of the Great-Grandmother” by Madeline L’Engle. Class led by Deb Swackhamer. Fill out Connection Card or Contact Deb // Fill out Connection Card or Contact Joyce // Men's Fellowship 3rd FRIDAYS at 6:30 P.M. // Jacoby Parish Hall Bring something you will enjoy off the grill and add a side or dessert for all to share. Don’t forget your favorite drink and lots of jokes or games we will all enjoy. Fill out Connection Card or Contact John Fox // Starbucks Group 2nd & 4th TUESDAYS // 12:30 P.M. Starbucks: NE corner of 2499 & 3040 A group of women that meet at Starbucks twice a month for ministry and fellowship. We are discussing the book “Boundaries” by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. Fill out Connection Card or Contact Joyce // Men's Bible Study 2nd & 4th SATURDAYS // 8-10 A.M. // Jacoby Parish Hall Join St. Nicholas men for bible study, fellowship, and a service project on campus. Coffee & donuts provided! Fill out Connection Card or Contact Jeff // Two Ways to Live Class THURSDAYS Jan. 22nd // 6:30 P.M. // Our Savior Chapel This is a seven-week training course designed to teach every Christian to know the gospel thoroughly and to share the gospel clearly and naturally. The course stems from the conviction that all Christians should know and understand the gospel clearly for themselves and be able to explain their faith simply and clearly when the opportunity arises. DVD class led by Fr. Mark Wright. Workbook costs $15.00. Fill out Connection Card or Contact Fr. Mark // This morning Fr. Mark has taken his boys to Pittsburgh to visit his parents for the week. Pray for safe travels and a great week too for the family. Fr. Andrew Ray is our guest priest this morning. Welcome Fr. Andrew to St. Nicholas Church this morning. Music Ministry Simone Haddad has resigned from her position as Music Ministry director. She has begun a full time teaching position in the Dallas schools. We thank her for sharing her gifts and talents God has given her with us. This morning Jim Henderson has returned as the Music Ministry director substitute. We thank Jim for sharing his gifts and talents with us this morning and driving from Tyler, Tx. Pray for Fr. Mark as he searches for a new Music Ministry director. The office has the job description for this part time position (20 hrs per week) available for you to distribute to anyone you think would be interested in the position. Contact Fr. Mark or Jessica in the church office to email or mail the job description to you if you desire it. For questions or comments please contact the Church Office. Dinner for Six January 23rd or 31st // RSVP by January 18th This is a dinner group of couples or singles. After you register, you are paired with other people to make a group of 6-8. The goal is to be paired with people that are new to you. One couple or person is designated the ‘lead’ by the ministry leader. The ‘lead’ will contact the members to determine time and place. Fill out Connection Card or Contact Dena // Get Connected: W Church St. Nicholas Wifi Network: SNCWifi password: 1225guest . 4800 Wichita Trail Flower Mound, TX 75022 . 972.318.7070 STNICKSONLINE.ORG January 11th Fill out Connection Card or Contact Amanda // Women’s group that meets twice a month to share prayer requests and to spend time in fellowship with each other. Guest Priest A member of the Anglican Communion TODAY // 5 P.M. // Jacoby Parish Hall 1st & 3rd THURSDAYS from 9:30-10:30 A.M. Trio’s Coffee House, 2499 next to Fish City The Campus W St. Nicholas Church Fill out Connection Card or Contact Fr. Mark // Women's Prayer & Fellowship W The Love of Christ Changing Lives God said, “Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed.” Increase your faith in God who has put you in His grip and will never let you go! This study will charge you up and encourage you to press on! Discover Truth for yourself. DVD lessons by Kay Arthur, led by Michael Smith. Workbooks cost $20. The people Welcome The people What’s up with St. Nicholas Jr. High & Sr. High YOUTH Matt stroud: 214.298.1640 this morning // Exploring the Word Allen Hall, 10 A.M. tonight // Jr. High, Allen Hall, 5 P.M. // Sr. High, Allen Hall, 6 P.M. wedNESDAY P.M. // 20:20 Groups Various locations, 6:45 P.M. Explore the Word today! Sundays // 10:00 A.M. // Allen Hall All Jr. and Sr. High are invited to join us as we explore the basics of the Christian faith and why we believe what we believe. Come on and join in the fun of discovering eternal truth! Youth tonight: mission trip Madness! Jr. High 5:00 P.M. // Sr. High 6:00 P.M. // Allen Hall Jr. High: come on out tonight for food, fun and more as we talk about the new year and explore ways to help make 2015 the best year ever! Sr. High: Yes it’s January but if we want to have mission trips this summer we need to start praying now! All interested participants (currently in grades 8-12) should come on out and join in the fun. See you at 6! NOTE: The deadline for the ‘early bird’ pricing for both trips is today! W Sunday Morning 8:30 A.M. WORSHIP (Childcare Available) 10:00 A.M. EXPLORING THE WORD SUNDAY CLASS Adults - Our Savior Chapel [Studying Book of Hebrews] Youth - Allen Hall [Studying the Basics of Faith] Children - Moore House [Exploring God’s Word through music, games, and more.] 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP w/ CHILDREN’S CHAPEL (Childcare Available) Weekly Spotlight: Carter Blood Drive the word “And he preached, saying, “After me comes he who is mightier than I, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. I have baptized you with water; but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”// Mark 1:7-8 Coming Up Winning the Fight Event Next Sunday // 3 P.M. // Orand Chapel Winning the Fight (W.T.F.) believes an education is the best way that we can start winning! Therefore, W.T.F. has made a short documentary to bring awareness to parents and youth about drug use. The documentary includes interviews with youth and parents that take a look at personal experiences through their eyes. For more Information see Youth Page Annual Meeting NEXT SUNDAY // 9:45 A.M. // Orand Chapel Adults and teens, join us for the annual meeting this year as we reflect on 2014. Meeting Agenda: * Reflections on 2014 * Vestry Candidates: Jerry Francis, Mike Smith, and Rodney Roderick * Convention Delegates: Bill Maxson, Matt Stroud, Mike Near, Carol Shapiro, Richard Benners, and Robert Schwartz * Budget Presented * Looking Forward to 2015 Kids in Moore House: Wear your favorite jersey and join Ms. Rebecca to play for God’s Team!! This football themed lesson is perfect for the last Sunday before the Super Bowl. Kids will learn that when they put God first, the victory is already won. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper February 17th // 6-8 P.M. // Jacoby Parish Hall “not me” is showing next sunday at 3 Jr.& Sr. High // Sunday, January 18, Orand Chapel Winning The Fight will be joining with St. Nicholas for a conversation we wish we did not have to have, but feel is too important to ignore. Founded by a mother who lost her son to drug use, this powerful time is recommended for parents and their children (Jr. and Sr. High). Don’t miss this informative opportunity to educate yourself and your student on the challenges and temptations in our local schools. W Bring the family and friends and join us for our annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. Cooked by the Men of St. Nicholas and served by the youth group. This is a fundraiser for our youth summer mission trips. Contact church office for more information // Next Sunday, January 18th // 9 A.M. - 1 P.M. Carter BloodCare Bus is coming! Roll up your sleeves and give this month! A photo ID is required to donate blood. Remember to register ahead of time: sign-up sheets in the foyer or register online. Contact Jan McBryde // 817-522-8356 Crawfish Boil 2015 April 25th // 6-10 P.M. // Orand Parking Lot Join us for our annual crawfish boil in the Orand parking lot this year. Full of family, fun, fellowship and of course, crawfish! Tickets will go on sale in March for individuals or a group family price. Fill out Connection Card or Contact Dena //