St. Michael's Messenger - St Michael's Parish, St Joseph, Trinidad


St. Michael's Messenger - St Michael's Parish, St Joseph, Trinidad
Stations of the Cross St. Michael’s Fri 6:00pm
Benediction every first Friday of the Month 7:00 - 9:00pm
St. Cecilia’s
6.30 am to 6.30 pm
St. Theresa’s
6.30 am to 6.30 pm
St. Michael’s
6.30 am to 6.30 pm
Eucharistic Adoration
Fri 9:00 am - 12 noon
Sat St. Cecilia’s 4:30 - 4:55 pm
Or by Appointment
Intercessory Prayer St. Michael’s church
Eucharistic Service (Lluengo) Third Sunday of every
month 9:30am
Weekend Masses:
St. Cecilia’s
Sat 5:00 pm; Sun 5:00pm
St. Michael’s
Sat 6:30 pm; Sun 7:30 am
St. Theresa’s
Sun 9:30am
Spanish Mass (St. Cecilia’s) Sun 11:00am (Once per Month)
Community Centre (Lluengo) First Sunday 9:30am
Weekday Masses:
St. Michael’s First Sat
St. Michael’s Wed, Fri
6:30 pm
St. Cecilia’s
Tue, Thu
5:45 am
St. Cecilia’s
First Fri
St. Michael’s Chaplet &Novena Wednesdays 5:30 pm
St. Theresa’s
Wednesday 6.00 am
Parish Priest’s
Office Hours:
Wed 9am –11am
Parish Office Hours:
Mon– Fri 8am-2pm
Parish Office
Lay Ministers: Earl Clement, Hugo Huggins,
Stephen Johnston, Wendy Johnston, Rosalie
Labban, Gail Meade, Diane Narine, Judy
Narinesingh, Michael Pancham, Eileen
Pray with the
Spiritual Communion
Fr. Gerard Tang Choon O.Carm Parish Priest,
Episcopal Vicar of the Suburban Vicariate
Deacon Rev. Sheldon Narine
Meditation on the
Sunday Scriptures
Maracas RC School: 662-5814
Principal: Ms. Denise Gordon
Saint of the Week
Quote of the Week
Admin. Assistant: Ms. Jacqueline Jeffrey
Regenerating Moral
and Spirital Values
Secretary: Patricia Plaza
Happy Birthday
Finance Chairman: Mr. Wayne Johnson
Parish Council Chairman: Dr. Karl Theodore
Sick Corner
Mass Schedule
Sextons: Mr. Francis Lezama (St. Michael’s),
Ms. Daisy Laltoo (St. Cecilia’s), Ms. Jean
Narine (St. Theresa’s)
Data Entry: Hazel Ann Michelle Daniel
Serving the Communities of: St Michael,
Maracas; St. Cecilia, La Seiva; St Theresa,
Acono; Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Lluengo
In Residence: Fr. Joseph Phuong
Entrusted to the pastoral care of the Carmelite
Inside this issue:
Sunday 18th January 2015
Parish of St Michael the Archangel
Royal Road, Maracas Valley, St. Joseph
Phone: 662-4103 Fax: 696-0160
2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
(Year B)
St. Michael’s Messe
Parish Mass Schedule
St. Michael’s Messenger
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St. Michael’s Messenger
Pray with the Scriptures
Hebrews 6:10-20
Mark 2:23-28
Tue, Jan 20
Hebrews 5:1-10
Mark 2:18-22
Mon, Jan 19
1 Samuel 3:3-10, 19
Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10 1
Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20
John 1:35-42
Sun, Jan 18
Ps 110:1-4
Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9-10
Hebrews 9:2-3, 11-14
Mark 3:20-21
Sat, Jan 24
Hebrews 8:6-13
Mark 3:13-19
Fri, Jan 23
Ps 40:7-10, 17
Hebrews 7:25--8:6
Mark 3:7-12
Thu, Jan 22
Ps 110:1-4
Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17
Mark 3:1-6
Wed, Jan 21
Ps 85:8, 10-14 -13
Ps 47:2-3, 6-9
Spiritual Communion Prayer
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy
Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive
You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You
sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace
You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to
You. Never permit me to be separated from You. AMEN.
We Pray for
Vocations to the
Priesthood and the
Religious Life
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St. Michael’s Messenger
Meditation on the Sunday Scriptures
Brothers and Sisters in "Christ,
St. John the Baptist, the first to preach Christ, the last and
greatest of the prophets, could not contain himself and cried
out "Behold, the Lamb of God!" to the two disciples with
whom he stood. (John 1:35, RSV CE) Truly filled with the
Holy Spirit, St. John overflows with the divine love in
which he shares, a love which seeks ever to pour itself out
and embrace every soul. He cannot help but shout aloud the
fantastic news of salvation in Christ, the perfect paschal
Lamb who will offer himself in the perfect sacrifice of the
The two disciples, having heard the Word proclaimed, are
capable in faith of recognizing the Lord as "Rabbi",
teacher, with the humility of authentic discipleship. They
follow the Lord, as he invites them to "come and see" the
place where he stays.
In recent remarks the Holy Father spoke of the missionary
impulse of authentic faith, seeking to spread itself, and of
the work of the Church for the Jubilee Year 2000.
Evangelization, he said, is the normal way in which the
Church makes the light of Christ visible to the world. This
light - "of love, of truth, of beauty" - cannot be imposed by
force but must "illumine the spirit and attract the heart".
Evangelization flows from the Eucharist which is the center
and the nourishment of the Church's missionary activity.
The Holy Father speaks of the supernatural desire of those
who love Christ to preach the Gospel and to lead others to
meet Christ in the sacraments, particularly the Eucharist.
Preach, teach and live Christ. Do not keep the Messiah a
secret. If you truly have his love, you will speak of him.
You will not be able to keep silent.
"Come and see; we have found the Messiah!"
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St. Michael’s Messenger
Saint of the week
Blessed Christina
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St. Michael’s Messenger
A reminder that Weekday Masses, Eucharistic Adoration and
Tutoring started back on Monday 12th January
Feast Day: January 18
Born: 1481 :: Died: 1543
Matthia Ciccarelli was born at Luco in Abruzzi,
Italy. She was the youngest of six children and
her father was Domenico de Pericolo. As she
grew up, Matthia felt the call to a life of prayer and penance.
She decided to become a cloistered nun. (Cloistered Nuns are
nuns who live hidden from the world and spend all their time
alone in silent prayer). Matthia entered the convent of St. Augustine in Aquila and took the name Sister Christina.
Sister Christina's life as a nun was hidden and silent but the people of Aquila began to find out about the beauty of her work and
the life she had chosen. She and the other nuns were bringing
many blessings to them through their fervent prayers.
Sister Christina was cloistered but she knew the needs of the poor
people of her area. She and the nuns sent to them whatever they
could. Sister Christina was also aware of the crosses and sufferings
people experienced. She prayed and offered penances to the Lord
for these people.
Jesus blessed Sister Christina with ecstasies. On the feast of Corpus Christi, Christina was seen to float above the ground, and the
image of a Host in a golden chalice radiated from her breast.
A vision on Good Friday caused her to have invisible stigmata (the
five wounds of Jesus) and the pains of Crucifixion until the next
She was also blessed with the gift of prophesy and had the ability
on occasion to know the future. The Lord used her to work miracles for the good of others.
When she died on January 18, 1543, the little children of Aquila
went through the streets shouting that the holy nun was dead. A
large crowd of people came to honor and thank her for the gift she
had been for their city.
Although we may not be able to see the results of our
prayers, the life of this cloistered nun shows us how
powerful prayer can be.
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St. Michael’s Messenger
Regenerating Moral and Spiritual Values in our Society
The Importance of Family Dinner.
It turns out that sitting
down for a nightly meal is
great for the brain, the
body and the spirit and
that nightly dinner doesn’t
have to be a gourmet meal
that took three hours to
Brain food
For starters, researchers found that for young
children, dinnertime conversation boosts vocabulary even more than being read aloud to. The researchers counted the number of rare words –
those not found on a list of 3,000 most common
words – that the families used during dinner conversation. Young kids learned 1,000 rare words at
the dinner table, compared to only 143 from parents reading storybooks aloud. Kids who have a
large vocabulary read earlier and more easily.
Older children also reap intellectual benefits from
family dinners. For school-age youngsters, regular mealtime is an even more powerful predictor
of high achievement scores than time spent in
school, doing homework, playing sports or doing
Other researchers reported a consistent association between family dinner frequency and teen
academic performance. Adolescents who ate family meals 5 to 7 times a week were twice as likely
to get A’s in school as those who ate dinner with
their families fewer than twice a week.
To be cont…next week – effects of the body.
- Confirmation Students are ask to attend a Missionary Movement at Our Lady of Fatima Church on Saturday 24th January
from 9am to 12 noon.
Family Planning, Sexual and Reproductive Health—The Truth.
Saturday 24th January 2015 at St. Charles Borromeo R.C. Parish Hall. Eastern Main Road, Tunapuna. 2pm to 4pm
The Ministry of Health is having a community health fair
on Saturday 31st January from 10am to 2pm at La Seiva
Basketball Court, Center Trace La Seiva.
Quote of the Week
My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him
in song.
Ps: 28:7 NIV
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St. Michael’s Messenger
Happy Birthday - January
2nd—Isidora Pierre-Andrews, June Hezekiah
3rd—Eileen Richardson
7th—Christopher Mohammed
9th—Marlene Narine
12th—Zaria Mitchell
13th—Cindy Sadaphal
14th—Kenneth Bartholomew
15th—Francis (Manzi) Lezama
16th—Br. Nigel Ali
17th—Ann Daniel
18th—Randolph Hezekiah, Maria Lopez
21st—Alicia George—Baptiste, Matilda Robain
22nd—Barkat Mohammed
24th—Justin Gopal, Aliana Gopal, Tianna Gopal, Christian Gopal
The Sick Corner
Patricia Ali
Petra Beatrice
Gerald Bennett
Annie Caesar
Mary Cedeno
Dianne Dennis
Joan Flavergny
Anne Clarke
Cyril Gonzales
Lynn Harewood
Juanita Mendoza
Camilla Morris
Gertrude Noreiga
Matilda Noreiga
Michail Ramsumair
Keith Clarke
Marion Wallace
If you know of any sick that wish to be visited, please contact the
Parish Office and submit the information.
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