Bulletin - Our Lady of Malibu


Bulletin - Our Lady of Malibu
Our Lady of Malibu Catholic Church
3625 Winter Canyon Road, Malibu, California 90265
Telephone (310) 456-2361
Fax (310) 456-3942
Website: olmalibu.org
E-Mail: parish@olmalibu.org
Parish Office
(310) 456-2361
(310) 456-3942
Rev. William F. Kerze, Pastor
Sr. Brigid McGuigan, Pastoral Associate
Peggy Thomas, Parish Manager
Tom Thomas, Parish Bookkeeper
Marie Slaton, Director of Religious Education
Daily Mass (Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri.)
8:00 AM
(Thurs) Eucharistic Service
Saturday morning Mass
8:00 AM
(unless otherwise listed)
Liturgical Morning Prayer
7:50 AM
8:30 AM
Sunday Vigil Mass (Saturday)
CONVENT Sister of St. Louis
(310) 456-6156
Peter Torsiello, Director
(310) 281-9603
Laura DeMieri, Associate Director (310) 456-2361
Marie Slaton
(310) 456-2361
(310) 456-8071
Michael Smith, Principal
Karen Medrano, School Secretary
Tom Thomas, School Bookkeeper
Sunday Masses
7:00, 8:30, 11:00 AM
Holy Day Masses
8:00, 12:00 PM, 7:30 PM
First Friday Mass
8:00 AM
4:00 to 4:45 PM
By Appointment
Altar Servers Jean Muldoon
(310) 457-5017
Catholic Student Association
Dr.Tom Vandergon
(805) 604-1938
Baptism Instruction: A parent wishing to have a child baptized
at Our Lady of Malibu must contact the Parish Office to register.
Detention Ministry
Lectors & EM’s Debra Domeyer
(310) 589-2690
Legion of Mary Bill Baldau
(310) 456-2252
Ministry to Homebound Shirley D’Haenens (310) 457-5383
Pro-Life Chair Katherine Cimorelli
Safeguard the Children Karen Dion
5:00 PM
Marie Slaton
Fourth Sunday of the Month
(310) 456-2361
Marriage: Anyone within Our Lady of Malibu Parish boundaries
wishing to contract the Sacrament of Marriage must contact a
priest at least six months in advance of the wedding date.
RCIA Program: Sr. Brigid McGuigan
(310) 456-2361
Picture of OLM Done By: Ellen Cerniglia
(310) 456-2361
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Our Lady of Malibu Catholic Community
January 18, 2015
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Mission
The Catholic Community of Our Lady of
Malibu welcomes all people to worship
God, to grow spiritually in the Catholic
faith, and to receive encouragement and
direction in shaping the wider world in
light of the Gospel.
Treasures From Our Tradition
Old customs fade slowly, and in 1560 the Council of
Trent tried for significant change in pastoral care of the
sick. People resisted, thinking that the last breath was the
right time for the sacrament. Although physical improvement was often noted after anointing, it was seen as a
kind of bonus, rather than an expected outcome of a
prayer for good health, strength, patience, and even healing. More than four hundred years later, many people
still do not ask for anointing until it is literally too late
for the person to have reasonable hope of healing, or at
least be aware enough to participate in the ritual. By
then, it may even be too late for viaticum, the true “last
We have a treasure in our tradition that we seem reluctant to use. We visit the sick, we anoint those who are
in the first crisis of illness, we give Communion to those
who are dying, and we keep vigil and pray for those
close to death. When anointing is celebrated early
enough, optimally when the sick person is still at Sunday
Mass, it can be a source of courage, faith, and hope for a
difficult road ahead. When we anoint our sick, we remind them that they belong to Christ and a community of
faith. We bring them into the presence of Christ to reconcile, heal, and give strength and hope. We resist forces
that isolate and alienate the sick; the symbol of touch is a
powerful act of acceptance. Why wait until the crisis of
illness is dire before we apply such a rich remedy to
body and soul?
Our Lady of Malibu School
Admissions Night
Thursday January 29th at 7:00pm
Please join us for a night of information to learn about
the "gem" of Malibu.
Now accepting applications for grades K-8
RSVP to Karen 310-456-8071 or just come by!
Children welcome!
Catholic Identity Corner
Did you make any New Year’s resolutions this year?
Have they already fallen by the wayside? Or are you on
your way to adopting a healthy new habit that will last a
while? Typically, New Year’s resolutions are geared toward improving our physical health, but it is just as important to take care of our spiritual well-being.
I was talking to Fr. Bill recently and he mentioned that
he starts his day by reading the daily prayer at this website: http://www.sacredspace.ie/
He pointed out that it is helpful to begin the day by being
centered on God’s word before his day gets too busy.
You might want to visit this website to read the brief
prayer each morning or a page in a book of day-by-day
prayers, or pray a decade of the Rosary while commuting. Whatever you choose to do to take care of your spiritual health, give yourself a few weeks to allow it to become a habit. Once you get to that point, you avoid the
struggle to fit daily prayer and conversation with God
into your active life.
Happy New Year!
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit
within you.
—1 Corinthians 6:19a
Sunday Roundtable
For the next few weeks we will finish discussing the book
“On Heaven and Earth” chapters 24 to 29, available on the
OLM website. These chapters are good food for thought and
will inspire many questions. Please bring your questions and
input to the discussion at 9:45am in Sheridan Hall.
Sun, 18th
Mon, 19th
Tues, 20th
Fri, 23rd
OLM Book Club
Our next meeting is on Tuesday, February 10 at 6:30pm
in the Lower Conference Room. Please join us in reading the short story: The Rich Brother by Tobias Wolff
Sat, 24th
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Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
No Religious Education Classes
School and Parish Office Closed for MLK Day
AA Meeting, Hall, 6:30pm
Al Anon Meeting, Hall, 8:00pm
NA Meeting, Hall, 7:30pm
Men’s AA, Hall, 6:00pm
Al Anon Meeting, Okoneski Room, 6:15pm
Legion of Mary, Rectory, 8:30am
Confessions, Church, 4:00- 4:45pm
Vigil Mass, Church, 5:00pm
Evening Bible Study
With the new liturgical year, we will explore Mark, the
source material for the Gospels of Matthew and
Luke, and the only scripture that depicts Jesus from an
intrinsically human perspective. We will now meet on
Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00pm with a light meal, Lower Conference Room starting Tuesday, January 27th. Contact
Sonia 310.457.5430 or sonia@ottusch.com.
Thursday Morning Bible Study
We will resume our study on Thursday January 29 at 10:30
am in the Lower Conference Room. We will be exploring
the 13 Letters of Paul, the oldest texts in the New Testament
and some of the most influential works ever written. We will
be using a series of video lectures by Fr. Raymond F. Collins
former professor and former dean of Religious Studies at
Catholic University. The study will consist of the lectures
along with discussion. All are welcome.
Daily Mass Schedule
Jan 19
Jan 20
Wanda Kopacz
Kelly Longo
To Visit the Sick
In the Gospel, Jesus reminds us His followers we are to be
servants of all. Visiting the sick to bring the Eucharist, as
well the love, prayers and the support of the OLM community is one vital way to serve, to connect those who are not able
to be with us at Sunday Mass. If you know a shut-in who
would like to be visited by a member of the OLM homebound ministry team, please contact the Parish Office.
If you are new in the Parish or have moved to a new
address, please complete this form,and return it to the
Parish Office or place it in the collection basket.
NAME ____________________________________
ADDRESS __________________________________
CITY _____________________
ZIP _____________
PHONE ___________________
DATE ___________
□ New Registration
□ Change of Address
□ Moving out of Parish
□ Volunteer