Bulletin - Our Lady of Malibu


Bulletin - Our Lady of Malibu
Our Lady of Malibu Catholic Church
3625 Winter Canyon Road, Malibu, California 90265
Telephone (310) 456-2361
Fax (310) 456-3942
Website: olmalibu.org
E-Mail: parish@olmalibu.org
Parish Office
(310) 456-2361
(310) 456-3942
Rev. William F. Kerze, Pastor
Sr. Brigid McGuigan, Pastoral Associate
Peggy Thomas, Parish Manager
Tom Thomas, Parish Bookkeeper
Marie Slaton, Director of Religious Education
Daily Mass (Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri.)
8:00 AM
(Thurs) Eucharistic Service
Saturday morning Mass
8:00 AM
(unless otherwise listed)
Liturgical Morning Prayer
7:50 AM
8:30 AM
Sunday Vigil Mass (Saturday)
CONVENT Sister of St. Louis
(310) 456-6156
Peter Torsiello, Director
(310) 281-9603
Laura DeMieri, Associate Director (310) 456-2361
Marie Slaton
(310) 456-2361
(310) 456-8071
Michael Smith, Principal
Karen Medrano, School Secretary
Tom Thomas, School Bookkeeper
Sunday Masses
7:00, 8:30, 11:00 AM
Holy Day Masses
8:00, 12:00 PM, 7:30 PM
First Friday Mass
8:00 AM
4:00 to 4:45 PM
By Appointment
Altar Servers Jean Muldoon
(310) 457-5017
Catholic Student Association
Dr.Tom Vandergon
(805) 604-1938
Baptism Instruction: A parent wishing to have a child baptized
at Our Lady of Malibu must contact the Parish Office to register.
Detention Ministry
Lectors & EM’s Debra Domeyer
(310) 589-2690
Legion of Mary Bill Baldau
(310) 456-2252
Ministry to Homebound Shirley D’Haenens (310) 457-5383
Pro-Life Chair Katherine Cimorelli
Safeguard the Children Karen Dion
5:00 PM
Marie Slaton
Fourth Sunday of the Month
(310) 456-2361
Marriage: Anyone within Our Lady of Malibu Parish boundaries
wishing to contract the Sacrament of Marriage must contact a
priest at least six months in advance of the wedding date.
RCIA Program: Sr. Brigid McGuigan
(310) 456-2361
Picture of OLM Done By: Ellen Cerniglia
(310) 456-2361
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Our Lady of Malibu Catholic Community
March 15, 2015
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Our Mission
The Catholic Community of Our Lady of
Malibu welcomes all people to worship
God, to grow spiritually in the Catholic
faith, and to receive encouragement and
direction in shaping the wider world in
light of the Gospel.
Spiritual Lenten Gathering
Join us on Fridays for Stations of the Cross at 6:00pm in
the Church, followed by a Simple Soup Supper in Sheridan Hall.
The Soup Suppers will be hosted by:
March 20th
Confirmation Class
March 27th
Catholic Identity Corner
Lent has begun…How are you going to celebrate the gift of
this journey? Through sacrifice, service or both?
Another day is dawning
Another day has begun
Another Day to turn to God
And pray they will be done
A day to share God's blessings
In quiet countless ways that
Touch the heart with hope and
Joy and brighten cloudy days
A day to live with purpose
A day to show you care
When others turn to you
Distraught, confused
Or in despair
A day to slay both doubt and fear
And know within your soul that
As you give yourself to him he'll
Bless and make you whole
Palm Sunday
Saturday, March 28
Vigil Mass 5:00 PM*
Sunday, March 29
7:00 AM, 8:30 AM*, 11:00 AM*
*These masses are preceded by
blessing of palms and a procession.
Sacred Triduum
Holy Thursday
Thursday, April 2
Morning Prayer 8:00 AM
Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:30 PM
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament to Midnight
Good Friday
Friday, April 3
Morning Prayer 8:00 AM
Stations and Veneration of the Cross 12 Noon
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 7:30 PM
Holy Saturday
Saturday, April 4
Morning Prayer 8:00 AM
Mass of Easter Vigil 7:30 PM
Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 5
Masses 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM
Penance Service
and Individual Confessions
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
7:30 PM
God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the
world, but that the world might be saved through him.
—John 3:17
Individual Confessions
Friday, April 3, 2015
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Sunday Roundtable Discussions
Special Presentations
■March 22nd at 9:45am, Sheridan Hall
Professor Doug Kmiec will guide a discussion on Same
-sex Marriage in the Constitution –what is an empathetic, nonjudgmental, but nevertheless orthodox, religion
to do?
■April 12th at 9:45am, Sheridan Hall
Is SB 128 Going To Kill You?
Come hear Betty Odello, R.N., M.S.N., talk about the
proposed Physician Assisted Suicide Bill
Praying With Mary Magdaene
Page 3
Sun, 15th
Mon, 16th
Fourth Sunday of Lent
AA Meeting, Hall, 6:30pm
Al Anon Meeting, Hall, 8:00pm
Tues, 17th NA Meeting, Hall, 7:30pm
Thurs, 19th Bible Study, Lower Conference, 10:30am
Fri, 20th
Stations of the Cross, Church, 6:00pm
Soup Supper, Sheridan Hall, 6:45pm
Men’s AA, 8th Grade Classroom, 6:00pm
Al Anon Meeting, Okoneski Room, 6:15pm
Sat, 21st
Legion of Mary, Rectory, 8:30am
OLM Musical “Beauty and The Beast”
Sheridan Hall, 2:00pm and 7:00pm
Confessions, Church, 4:00- 4:45pm
Vigil Mass, Church, 5:00pm
Journeys through the Grieving Process
Have you recently had someone close to you die? Do
you ask questions such as: “Why won’t they let me talk
about her and say her name?” “Why did God take him
and leave me here alone?” “Will this loss ever stop
For more information contact Carolyn Wallace at 424235-2403, or Carolyn.Wallace09@gmail.com
Radical Kindness
of Msgr. John Sheridan
Free Screening
Sunday, March 29, 2015 at 5:30pm
Please join us at Pepperdine’s Elkins Auditorium for
"The Radical Kindness of Monsignor John Sheridan."
Msgr. Sheridan touched the lives of countless people. His
forty-five years of service as a parish priest and Pastor at
OLM are highlighted in this film narrated by his dear friend
Martin Sheen.
RSVP to https://radicalkindness.eventbrite.com
Panel discussion to follow film.
When you arrive on campus, please request a parking token
and park in the main Smothers Theater Lot.
OLM Musical Theatre
Daily Mass Schedule
March 17
March 18
Susan Motley Ludes
Isabel Gomez
If you are new in the Parish or have moved to a new
address, please complete this form,and return it to the
Parish Office or place it in the collection basket.
“Beauty and the Beast”
NAME ____________________________________
Sheridan Hall, Saturday, March 21st
This performance features the Junior Company with
selected and supportive appearances by members of the
Senior Company. Seating is very limited and must be
reserved. Open seating. Tickets: $10 For reservations,
please call 424-248-9799.
ADDRESS __________________________________
CITY _____________________
ZIP _____________
PHONE ___________________
DATE ___________
□ New Registration
□ Change of Address
□ Moving out of Parish
□ Volunteer