Women's day honour for banking staff


Women's day honour for banking staff
Gulf Daily News
Tuesday, 13th January 2015
Email: gdnnews@gdn.com.bh
Call to foil terror threats
His Royal Highness Prime Minister
Prince Khalifa bin salman Al Khalifa
yesterday urged GCC states to work
collectively to thwart mounting terror
“The current developments in the
region necessitate alertness and prudence,” he said as he received His Royal Highness Prince salman bin Hamad
Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy supreme Commander and First Deputy
He stressed the need to work collectively to confront the terror spillover
resulting from regional tremors.
The Crown Prince stressed the importance of the Premier’ timely visit
to Kuwait to further bolster bilateral
relations and strengthen GCC co-operation.
The two leaders affirmed the government’s resolve to expand economic
and social development and upgrade
n HRH the Premier in talks with HRH the Crown Prince
Development push
‘has to continue’
HRH the Premier has warned
of being distracted by attempts to shift the focus from
development to politics.
“The challenges facing us
at local, regional and global
levels, and the scarcity of resources require us to act collectively to diversify income
resources and reinforce security and stability to maintain
the pace of development,” he
The Premier made the
statements as he received at
Gudaibiya Palace yesterday
shura Council chairman Ali
saleh Al saleh, former parliament chairman Dr Khalifa Al Dhahrani, parliament
first deputy speaker Ali Al
Aradi, MPs, shura Council
members and a senior state
He asserted that Bahrain
boasts a parliamentary system that is considered the
best, being the outcome of a
Royal will emanating from
aspirations of the people.
He pointed out that reinforcement of security and
n HRH the Premier receives Shura Council members, MPs, senior state officials and dignitaries
stability is among the most
pressing priorities of the current phase to pave the way for
the development process to
proceed without obstacles.
He expressed regret that
terrorism in Bahrain is being carried out by “Bahraini
hands” who lack volition, and
who are used as tools to serve
the agendas of those seeking
no good for the homeland and
its people.
The Premier said that when
Bahraini citizens chose their
representatives to parliament
by their own free will, they
were looking forward to
achievements and expecting
their aspirations to be met.
He promised that the government will provide all
support to parliament to assume its monitoring and su-
pervisory roles, noting that
discussion of national issues
is “healthy’ and natural in a
democratic society like Bahrain as long as the ultimate
goals are to achieve national
interests and meet citizens’
n Kuwait hails Bahrain ties
THe Kuwaiti Cabinet, yesterday during its weekly meeting headed
by Prime Minister shaikh Jaber Al Mubarak Al Hamad Al sabah,
highlighted that the visit of HRH the Premier and his delegation to
Kuwait reflected the deep-rooted fraternal relations bonding the two
states and their people. Yesterday the Cabinet stressed that the visit
accentuated keenness on developing co-operation between the two
countries and other GCC countries, and on discussing various issues and
developments witnessed by the region.
n Exchange of expertise discussed
Labour Minister Jameel Humaidan yesterday received Pakistani
ambassador Mohammed Said Khan and discussed co-operation in
exchanging professional expertise. They also agreed to activate a
memorandum of understanding on labour and training.
n Paediatric cardiac patients in spotlight
MinisTeR of Health sadiq Al shehabi received irish cardiothoracic
surgeon Professor J Mark Redmond. The professor’s two-day visit aimed
to share irish expertise and assess and develop services provided to
paediatric cardiac patients. The minister emphasised Bahraini-irish cooperation especially in the field of health, welcoming the reinforcement
of these relations and opening areas for training of the ministry’s
medical, nursing and technical staff members.
n Efforts to provide services detailed
SociaL Development Minister Faeqa al Saleh yesterday received
MP Ghazi al rahma and discussed efforts to provide services for
citizens and meet their needs. The meeting was attended by underSecretary Hanan Kamal and other officials.
n Shaikh Khalid wins Dubai award
suPReMe Council for Youth and Sport first deputy chairman and Bahrain
Athletics Association president shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa will
today head to Dubai to attend the final ceremony of the Mohammed bin
Rashid Creative sports Award. The award distribution will be held under
the patronage of Dubai Crown Prince and Dubai sport Council president
shaikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. shaikh Khalid
will be honoured for launching the Khalid bin Hamad swim Challenge and
winning the 42km race from saudi Arabia to Bahrain in 20 hours.
n Ambassador received
PreMier’S adviser Shaikh Salman bin Khalifa al Khalifa
yesterday received outgoing algerian ambassador Nejib Senoussi
and hailed his efforts to bolster co-operation.
n HRH the Premier and HRH the Crown Prince yesterday attended the wedding ceremony of Shaikh Isa bin Hussam bin Isa Al
Khalifa, son of Prime Minister’s Court president, and daughter of Deputy Prime Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa.
They congratulated the married couple and wished them a happy married life. Women’s day honour for banking staff
Bahrain Women’s Day this year
will celebrate women working
in the financial and banking sector.
Her Royal Highness Princess
sabeeka bint ibrahim Al Khalifa, wife of His Majesty King Hamad and supreme Council for
Women President, announced
this yesterday as she received
Central Bank of Bahrain Governor Rasheed Al Maraj.
The move aims to highlight
the crucial role of financial and
banking, whose foundations were first laid
50 years ago.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the financial and banking sectors
and leading women to discuss ways of
highlighting achievements at the annual
event which falls on December 1 every
The First Lady stressed the importance
n Princess Sabeeka in talks with Mr Al Maraj
of supporting women’s presence in the
banking sector to continue its crucial contribution to the national economic development.
she pointed out the need to attract young
talents, highlight Bahraini women’s success stories and shed light on the potential
of the banking sector as a purveyor of opportunities.
Princess sabeeka stressed the importance of the event which recognises Bahraini women’s achievements in a particular
she hailed the CBB’s role in promoting equal opportunities and encouraging
banking and financial institutions to foster
positive practices and attract female professionals.
n Nepalese workers’ condition reviewed
LABouR Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) chief executive osama
Al Absi yesterday received nepalese Ambassador Mani Prasad Bhattarai
and discussed conditions of expatriate workers in Bahrain. The meeting
was attended by nepalese embassy labour adviser Bishoraj neupane and
LMRA officials.
n Farewell for Algerian envoy
ForeiGN Ministry under-Secretary abdulla abdullatif
abdulla yesterday hosted a farewell ceremony for outgoing
algerian ambassador Nejib al Senousi and presented him with a
commemorative gift.
n Ebola readiness focus of WHO talks
BAHRAin is taking part in the third meeting of the World Health
Organisation’s regional office for the East Mediterranean. More than
170 international, regional and national experts will discuss anti-ebola
virus readiness plans focusing on the implementation of global health
regulations. The meeting comes after WHo experts had assessed antiebola readiness in18 countries.
n Interior Minister Lieutenant General Shaikh Rashid bin
Abdulla Al Khalifa yesterday received MP Dhiab Mohammed Al
Nuaimi and discussed key issues.
n Energy Minister Dr Abdulhussain Mirza yesterday received
German Ambassador Sabine Taufmann and discussed cooperation in the energy sector.