Click Here - Camp Hill United Methodist Church


Click Here - Camp Hill United Methodist Church
Camp Hill United Methodist Church
417 South Twenty-second Street
Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011
Phone (717)737-5631
Fax (717)737-3844
Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:00AM-4:00PM
Friday 9:00AM-12:00PM
Welcome to Camp Hill United Methodist Church (CHUM), where our mission is
to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We strive
to be rooted in God through faith in Christ as we worship the Lord together
and individually; to relate to other believers for fellowship, accountability, and
spiritual growth through small groups; and to reach out beyond our church
and ourselves to meet the needs of others, inviting them to follow Christ with
us. Whether you are a visitor or a regular attender, we celebrate your presence with us today.
January 18
Pastor Stephen Gallaher
New Life
Holy Communion
Pastor Jake Waybright
January 25
Pastor Tom Willard
New Life
Pastor Jake Waybright
Services—9:30 & 11AM
We offer two worship styles every
Sunday morning. Each of them includes biblically-rooted, relevant messages. Celebration services in the
sanctuary include choral and instrumental music, congregational singing,
and printed liturgy. New Life services in the Wesley Center include
singing led by a praise band and incorporate multi-media and visual
Sunday School for all ages 9:30
Please stop by the Welcome Center in the Lobby for information, directions and
other assistance.
We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month in Celebration
and the third Sunday in New Life.
We provide a safe, well-staffed nursery for infants and small children during
worship services and Wednesday night activities.
Our sanctuary is equipped with “t-loop” capabilities for digital hearing aids.
Please check the CHUMC website, for worship messages, announcements, dinner menus and more. And find us on Facebook at
Camp Hill United Methodist Church.
Membership is open to all who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and
who are committed to growing as fully devoted followers of Jesus through active participation in the ministry of the church. Please contact Pastor Jack
Grove at home 691-4796, or email
Help celebrate the birthdays
of our home-bound members by
sending them a card.
Home-bound birthdays:
Anna Long - Jan. 2
Angie Ackerman - Jan. 6
Attendance for January 11
As of January 14, 2015
Claremont Rehab
Steve Kocher #423
Health South
Virginia Hostetter #239
Holy Spirit
Ray Donley #376
9:00 Worship
11:00 Worship
VibraLife Rehab
Suzanne Myers #101
Sunday School
Grief Share is offered at Aldersgate
UMC in Mechanicsburg on Wednesday
nights starting at 6:30. See bulletin
board for more information.
When we share in communion, we acknowledge and remember that we are connected in Christ, not only to one another, but to Christians around the world. This summer, we will all have the opportunity to experience this connection in new ways.
CHUM is participating in the Ministerial Exchange Program of the World Methodist
Council. For 6 weeks in June and July, British Methodist Pastor, Rev. Stephen Caddy
and I will switch places. He and his wife will serve and lead at CHUM, live in my parsonage, and drive my car while my family and I do the same at his appointment in
Beverly, England. When I have had the chance to describe the exchange to people,
they often remark, “Oh, so it’s ‘Pastor Swap’, the church’s version of the reality show
‘Wife Swap’.” To an extent this is true! In the show, the families learn things about
themselves and about different family cultures by doing life together. My hope is that
kind of learning and connection will also happen during the exchange for everyone
involved. (Hopefully with less drama than on the reality show). The Sundays of the
exchange will be June 21 to July 26. I am excited for the opportunities this exchange
will bring for CHUM and for my family. I am also grateful for the Church Council for
supporting this adventure. As the time draws closer, you will begin hearing more details about the exchange and about Pastor Caddy and his wife. If you are interested
in finding additional information about the Exchange Program you can find it on the
web at under the tab “What We Do”, or ask me about it.
Thank you for your prayers as we look forward to this time of experiencing new connections within the Body of Christ. Pastor Jake
CHUM’s Weekly Prayer List is on tables at the back of the worship spaces and at
the Welcome Center. Or go to and follow the Prayer List link.
Is there someone whose face you’ve missed in worship recently? - If so,
please let the church office (737-5631) know. It’s also a good idea for you to reach
out and let them know that you’ve missed them.
* * * How you can Help * * *
Family Promise—Thank you to all the volunteers who served during Christmas
week. Our families could not have been more appreciative. CHUM’s next opportunity to serve will be February 15-22. Sign-ups can be done on line using the following
link: or call Chris and Laura Durant (717-525-8501) for more
information. Again, thank you. We look forward to serving with everyone in 2015.
Bethesda Mobile Mission for January—Our next service opportunity for Bethesda Mobile Mission is Friday January 16, 2015. January focus collection will be Men's
and Ladies socks and underwear. Men's : Medium, Large and Extra Large (both
briefs and T-Shirts) and Ladies sizes 6 or 8. White Athletic socks are always
best. All items can be placed in the Bethesda Mission collection box located near the
Missions Table. While there check out all of the service opportunities for Bethesda
Mission and many others. Questions, contact Chris Durant at 717-525-8501.
New Hope Ministries Needs Toilet paper, paper towels, hand & laundry soap,
shampoo, diapers 4-5-6, toothpaste, toothbrushes. Contact: Burton Lee, 766-4569.
Food Pantry Focus Item: Breakfast - Cereal (large and individual sizes), pancake mix and syrup, pop tarts, Donation of any nonperishable food item is always
welcome. Thank you. Ernie & Martha Speck, 766-4922.
Helping Hands— Coffee, iced tea mix, hot chocolate mix, sugar, powdered creamer, forks, & napkins. Collection box at the Missions table. Thank you!
Sanctuary sound & video operators—Technical gifts not required; training is
provided. In particular, we can use some operators to operate the sound board during choir practice Wed. evenings. If you are interested, contact Jim Foster at or 717-649-5505.
2015 Upward Basketball Concession Stand Volunteers Needed: Help is
needed in the concession stand on Friday nights and Saturday mornings from January til March for the 2015 Upward Basketball season. We're using VolunteerSpot to
organize our activity. There is a link on the CHUM website under Upward for signups. Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you
prefer not to use your email address, please contact me @620-3181 and I can sign
you up manually. Thanks, Ellen Iorfido
Check Out Youth Ministry ~ Anyone in grades 6-12 is welcome
The Bridge: We end our 3 week series on sharing our faith today. Life in
6 Words
67 Grapple: Love God, Love Others Week 1: Learning to Love Others
Tonight: Rooted Youth Planning and Practice for Youth Led Worship next Sunday!
CHUM Youth Winter Retreat: ZETEO is right around the corner, Jan. 30- Feb. 1,
led by Salt 'n Light Youth Ministry, at the Blair County Convention Center in Altoona.
Cost is only $75 for the weekend if paid by 1/26. See Drew for more info!
Sunday Morning at CHUM
8:30 Pastors’ Prayer Warriors ~
9:30 Celebration ~ Sanctuary
9:30 New Life ~ Wesley Center
9:30 Nursery SS ~ 116
9:30 2 yr-olds SS ~ 114
9:30 Preschool SS ~ 18
9:30 Kindergarten SS~ 20
9:30 1st Grade SS ~ 24
9:30 2nd Grade SS ~ 30
9:30 3rd Grade SS ~ 29
9:30 4th—5th Grade SS ~ 28
9:30 67 Grapple ~ 118/119
9:30 Youth “The Bridge” ~ 125
9:30 Footprints of God SS ~ 2
9:30 Coffee in the Kitchen ~ Fellowship Hall Kitchen
9:30 Pioneer Adult SS ~ 7
9:30 Fidelity Adult SS ~ 117
9:30 Challenger Adult SS ~ Fireside
10:30 Carriers of the Light ~ Jenny’s
11:00 Celebration ~ Sanctuary
11:00 New Life ~ Wesley Center
11:00 Pathfinders ~ Fireside Room
11:00 Infant - 3 yr-olds ~ 116
11:00 CFC ~ Fellowship Hall
Calendar for January 18 to January 25
Sunday 1/18/15
6:00 Rooted Youth Gathering ~ Wesley
Monday 1/19/15
6:00 Upward BB Practice ~ Wesley
6:00 Upward Cheer Practice ~ 125
6:30 Celebration Ringers ~ Sanctuary
7:00 Band of Brothers ~ Fireside
7:15 Chancel Bells ~ Sanctuary
Tuesday 1/20/15
6:00 Men’s Breakfast ~ Summit Rest.
6:00 Upward BB Practice ~ Wesley
6:00 Upward Cheer Practice ~ 125
Wednesday 1/21/15
12:00 Senior Luncheon ~ Wesley
4:15 Jr. Youth Bells ~ 119
Wednesday Connection
4:45—5:45 Dinner ~ Wesley
5:30 Youth Bells ~ 119
5:45 Laurel Towers Bible Study ~
off site
6:00 Kinder Connection ~ 19/20/21
6:00 Kids Connection ~ 18/23
6:00 Child Care ~ 105/106
6:00 Youth - The Pursuit ~ Catacombs
6:00 Confirmation ~ 28
6:00 A Disciple’s Path (Pastor Tom) ~
Fellowship Hall
6:30 A Disciple’s Path (Jessica Schneck)
~ 117
6:30 Angel & Alleluia Choirs ~ 118/119
6:30 Sanctuary Choir ~ Sanctuary
7:30 New Life Praise Team ~ Wesley
Thursday 1/22/15
6:00 Women’s Breakfast ~ John’s Diner
10:00 Bad Girls Bible Study ~ Fireside
1:00 Sheltering Arms ~ 117
2:30 Linden Terrace Bible Study
6:00 Upward BB Practice ~ Wesley
6:00 Upward Cheer Practice ~ 125
7:00 Mission Team ~ 117
New Life Production Team ~ Fireside
9:00 Wesley Volleyball ~ Wesley Center
Friday 1/23/15
6:30 Men’s AM Bible Study ~
2:00 Lois Sims Memorial Service ~
5:00 Upward BB Games ~ Wesley
Saturday 1/24/15
9:00 Upward BB Games ~ Wesley
Sunday 1/25/15
6:00 Rooted Youth Gathering ~ Wesley
Upcoming Adult Studies ~ Stop by the Adult Spiritual Growth table in the Gathering Space to check out the spring offerings which will begin right after Ash
Wednesday. Sign up for a class and order materials while you’re there.
January 21, Noon—CHUMC Senior Luncheon! All seniors (55+) are invited
for lunch and fellowship in the Wesley Center. This month John Maietta will present a program on Classic Toys. You're invited to bring along an antique toy from
your past! Please register NO LATER than SUNDAY January 18 by contacting the
church office (737-5631 x222) or by emailing Pastor Sharon at Thanks for your prior registration which helps with
table set-up and food preparation.
Take-them-a-Meal ~ If you or anyone you know needs to have a meal or meals
delivered (illness or other incapacitation, new baby, etc.), please let the CHUM
office know so we can connect you with our fellowship meals program.
God’s Helping Hands Home Repair Ministry is having its first work weekend
on Friday, February 27 and/or Saturday, February 28 to share hope in our
community through home repairs. Mark your calendar to join us again on the
April 17, 18, 19 – July 17, 18, 19 – Oct 16, 17, 18. If you can help we can find
you a job. Please contact Fred Erway at or 649-1717.
CHUM Scrip—Remember, we’re here every Sunday and SCRIP works well for
birthdays, Valentine’s Day, or your regular weekly groceries as for the big holidays. On average CHUM receives 8.5% of the face value for each gift card sold
with proceeds funding summer camp scholarships. Stop by the CHUM SCRIP table
(in the upper lobby) to purchase these cards, or to place an order for any of the
100+ stores that are participating in our fundraising program. CHUM SCRIP, don't
be caught without it!
CHUM Preschool is now accepting registrations for the 2015-2016 school year.
If you are interested in enrolling your 2-5 year old, please pick up a registration
form at the information centers throughout the church. Questions, please call
Georgia Reisinger at the preschool office at 737-0262.
1st Quarter 2015 Mission Projects—Updates as of 1/11
CACCC Childcare
(Church Affiliated Child Care Center) Scholarships - Multiple denominational / nonprofit / year-round organization serving local families of children aged 6 weeks to
16 years. CHUMC serves as one of their four locations.
Sierra Leone Initiative (Pastors Salaries)
We are pleased to continue in our fifth year of partner support. Your gifts during
this quarter fund our annual commitment to salary support for Sierra Leone pastors.
Ecumenical Food Pantry
The Ecumenical Food Pantry was established in 1972 to provide emergency food
for those in need and serves 2,500 people each month. Your gifts will help offset
the increased demand and higher cost of food.
Beacon Clinic, Hbg
The mission of Beacon Clinic is to share God’s love and witness by offering faith
based, free primary healthcare services to the underserved and under-insured
adult residents of uptown Harrisburg.
Thank you, for your support for Bethesda Mission over the past 12 to 15 years! We
have been blessed to be church coordinators for them during this time. Of particular
note are the ongoing Bethesda Mission Mobile Ministry that serves meals to the
homeless and low-income people of Harrisburg and special collections made
throughout the year including the Thanksgiving food drive. Chris Durant will be the
new church coordinator for CHUM, beginning 2015. Please continue to support the
Bethesda Mission and Chris by signing for the Mobile Mission (sign-up sheet is located at the Missions table). Chris can be contacted at 717-525-8501. God bless you
all, Janice & Mike Percherke.
Today is Human Relations Sunday ~ The UM Human Relations Day offering
makes a difference for people whom society often rejects. Thank you.
God of Life,
Hear our cry for justice
Hear our cry for equality
Hear our cry for your help.
Put an end to racism in every form in every sector.
Stop genocide in our communities and communities around the globe.
Morning has come, yet darkness abounds all around.
Grant us courage to be your vessels of light.
Give us peace.
Make us a peaceful presence in all situations and circumstances that we face.
Endow us with your unconditional love, so that we may be love, know love, and give
love unconditionally.
Rev. LeKisha Reed, Executive Secretary, UM Networks and Constituencies