EY25W - Subaru Robin
EY25W - Subaru Robin
WISCONSIN ROBIN WR-W1 -EY25WPM REV DATE: 01-92 Introduction This catalog is designed to identify Wisconsin Robin parts. When ordering parts, it is always advisable to listthe engine model, specification number and serial number. With this information, we can check your order for any incomect part numbers. Use your Service Parts List to ensure proper part number and nomenclature identification. TELEDYNE TOTAL POWER reserves the right to modify, alter and improve engines and parts. Part numbers and the structure of parts may change from those shown this in catalog. Table of Contents Crankcase and Cylinder Head ........................................................................................... 1 Crankshaft, Camshaft, Piston, Rod and Valve ................................................................. 2 Governor and Speed Control ....................................... .. ..................................................... 3 Shrouding, Muffler and Starting Pulley ......................... .......................... .............. ...........4 Fuel Tank............................................................................................... ................................ 5 Magneto ............................................................................................. .. .... .. .......... .............. ....5 Carburetor and Air Cleaner ................................................................................................ 6 Magneto, Charging Coil and Flywheel forStarting Motor ............................................ 7 Control Box, Switches and Rectifier ........................................... .......................................8 Electric Starting Motor ....................................................................................... .................. 9 Electrical System ......................................... ........................................................................ 10 Recoil Starter Assembly ............................. ....................................................................... 11 6:1 Gear Reduction Unit ............................................................... .... ......_........... ............... 12 CRANKCASE and CYLINDER HEAD Group . For Model EY 25W Fig 1 22 . 15 11 12 16 NOTE: lRef. YO T . Items without a part number Part Number 1 ore not sold seporotely No Description CYLINDER Ref No .. .CRANKCASE ...................................... E Y 2071420503 VALVEGUIDE 3 EY0105100050 STUD. cylinder head mounting 10mm x 74mm long 4 EY 0105100060 STUD. cylinder heod mounting 10 mm x 50 mm long 5 6 EY 0105080031 STUD. governor control mounting ........ EY 0013106351 STUD. carburetor mounting .................. 6mm x 35mm long . . 2 ............ 4 ............ 4 ...................... 7 EY 0013108301 8 9 EY 0600300020 BEARING.crankshaft main ................ DOWEL PIN. gear cover ...................... mounting .. . 2-4 2 . STUD.muffler 8mm x 3 0 m m long . ... 1 2 2 .......................... COV.ER assembly ...................... 20 21 22 EY 0023810000 LOCKNUT, cylinder head 23 E Y 0650140031 (optional) SPARK P L U G with gasket Chompion L86, AC43F. NGK B6HS 24 EY 2071440401 25 EY 0851080020 26 E Y 0 1 10060020 SCREW, 27 t t 28 1 29 30 E Y 2033<20101 16 17 t t GASKET. gear cover ............................ .............. . EY 0016608250 SCREW. gear cover mounting 8mm x 25mm long, hex heod E Y 0401140030 ........ OILDRAINPLUG.(metal)with EY 0211 140020 Gasket Beginning with engine Serial No 260694 1 1 to When ordering parts: Always give t 31 EY 0021908000 32 t t 1 1 .... .................. 8 INSPECTION COVER .......;....-............ .............................. inspection cover .................... 1 B R E A T H E RT U B E 1 10mm . 1 . 2 ................ 1 ............................ GASKET,breather p l a t e ...................... GASKET. muffler mounting .................. NUT.muffler mounting ........................ 1 GASKET, inspection cover B R E A T H E RP L A T E 8 m m thread, hexagon brass GASKET. insulating plate . 1 1 2 .................. ...... 1 ......... 2 1 33 EY 20632901 03 INSULATING PLATE, carburetor 3 5 EY 0032006000 LOCKWASHER. carburetor mt'g 6mm, spring l o c k 1 36 E Y 0022806000 37 EY 2083600303 GASKET. carburetor flange ...!............ 1 38 E Y 003 1006000WASHER, carburetor mounting ............ 6.4mmI.D.x 13rnmO.D.,plain steel 2 1 . 8 * * 1 . . EY 042014001 1 OIL DRAIN PLUG (obsolete - rubber) Previous Serial No . 260694 . E Y 21.414301 11 t . 15 - 6 m m x 12mm long. hex flange head 2 2 E Y 2071110211 GEAR Includes: Bearing (Ref 8) E Y 0440300030 OIL SEAL ................ E Y 0420220010 P L U G (not i l l u s t ) NOTE: Gear cover assombly for 6:l Reduction Unit, Refer t o page 12 E Y 2066360117 O I L F I L L E R - DIPSTICK ................ Includes: EY 0213200010 GASKET .................. 14 1 ................................ EY2071320113 ...................... E Y 2 0 ~ 1 5 6 0 1 0 1GASKET,cylinderhead wire CYLINDERHEAD I1 13 1 .................... EY 0241030020 GROMMET.ignitionwire 1 . ... .................... EY 0241080070 GROMMET. ignition 19 EY0440300030OILSEAL.crankcase 12 . ig- Description 18 IO . . Part Nurnber NUT. carburetor mounting .................... 6 m m thread. hexagon s t e e l 39 EY 0655000050 CAP.spark 1 .. . . plug 1 2 ............. ............-...... . Model. Specification and Serial Numbers o f e n g i n e 1 MRP-112.1 CRANKSHAFT, CAMSHAFT, PISTON, ROD and VALVE Group Fig. 2 For Model EY25W 18 N O T E : Items without a part number are not sold separately. Ref. No. Part Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description Qtr. C R A N K S H A F T w i t h g e a r ................... KEYWAY SHAFT (std.) i l l u s t r a t e d .. T H R E A D E D pump shaft extension ... T A P E R E D generator shaft ext. ........ 1 EY2072030101 EY2072040101 EY2072050101 EY0230300090 EY0230300100 EY0230300110 A D J U S T I N G C O L L A R 'A'.740-.748" .74a t o .7s6 '8' .756 t o .764 'C' 1 EY0323030010 KEY, f l y w h e e l m o u n t i n g 3 mm w i d e x 6 mm high, woodruff EY0032014000 EY0021814000 .................... LOCKWASHER, f l y w h e e l n u t 14 mm s p r i n g l o c k NUT, f l y w h e e l m o u n t i n g ._.................. 14 mm thread, hexagon steel E Y 2072351 107 RING SET, s t a n d a r ds i z e C o n s i s t i n g of: EY2072351207 EY2072351307 7 EY2072340103 EY2072340203. E12072340303 e8 9 - ............ ................. ...................... SCRAPER RING' ................................ O I L R I N G ........................................... .010' o v e r s i z e R i n g Set .020" o v e r s i z e R i n g Set PISTON, s t a n d a r d s i z e .010' o v e r s i z e P i s t o n .020' o v e r s i z e P i s t o n EY2072330103 PIN, p i s t o n EYOM5160010 SNAPRING, ..................... 15 No. Port Number 10 E Y 2132250100 ?of. Description .......... 1 EY 2072310103 OIL SCRAPER ....-. EY 2072320103 LOCK PLAT€ ...... EY 2072300103 ROD B O L T ............ 1 1 2 CONNECTING ROD assembly Includes: 11 12 13 1 1 1 1 E Y 2132250200 .020 i n c h u n d e r s i z e c o n n e c t i n g r o d .. - 14 15 16 17 EY 2073180121 CAMSHAFT assembly, includes: ...... G O V E R N O R . P L A T E assembly ...... R I V E T , 4 m m x 13mm)ong. rd. head PIN, governorsleeve. ...................... 1 1 2 1 18 E Y 20641901 13 GOVERNORSLEEVE ........................ I N L E T V A L V E ..................................... E X H A U S T V A L V E .............................. V A L V E S P R I N G .................................. RETAINER, v a l v e s p r i n g .................. 1 2 ............ 2 19 E Y 20733401 13 20 EY 20733501 13 21 EY 2063360103 22 EY 20633701 13 23 EY 20633801 13 LOCK, v a l v e s p r i n g r e t a i n e r 24 EY 2073330203 1 COMPRESSION RING 25 EY2079900117 1 1 VALVE TAPPET ................................ ENGINE GASKET SET Consisting of: ...................... .............. .......... GEAR COVER g a s k e t C Y L I N D E RH E A D gasket B R E A T H E R P L A T E gasket INSPECTIONCOVER g a s k e t ........ M U F F L E R F L A N G E gasket C A R B U R E T O R F L A N G E g a s k e t .... AIR CLEANER gosket .................... 26 1 ..................... 2 EY 0230300120 WASHER, governor thrust (obsolete) .. Serial # 267229 thru # 323770 - When ordering ports: .Always give Model, Specification and Serial Numbers of engine. MRP-113-1 ...................... .......... 1 .......................................... piston pin - 17 16 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J GOVERNOR and SPEED CONTROL Group Fig. For Model EY 25W 16 - NOTE: Items without Ref. No. - Number 0 EY 2074230 117 Port a part number are not !sq !ef. to. Port Number G O V E R N O R L E V E R ond SHAFT SET (Includes Items 1 t h r u 7, 21 ond 22). ................ GOVERNOR LEVER 1 0 EY 2074330107 1 11 SCREW, governorlever ............_....... 6 m m x 25 mm long, hex head. 1 Ho. - ~~ .......: 1 2 LOCKWASHER, governorlever 3 ........ - 1 .......................... GOVERNOR CONTROL LEVERSET (Includes Items 11 t h r u 20). C O N T R O L L E V E R ..._... .................... ~ .......................... 1 .............. 1 12 F R I C T I O N WASHER 13 SCREW, controlleverstop 14 1 N U T , lever stop screw head. .._.._..._............1 .......................... .................................... WASHER, s t o p p l a t e 1 C L I P , shaft retainer .......................... 6 m m 1.0.x 12mm, O.D. 1 16 S T O PP L A T E 1 17 ....................... 1 WASHER, w i n g n u t ........._......-.......... 8 m m I.D., p l o i n s t e e l . 18 WING NUT, control lever 8 mm threod. 19 C L I P , c o n t r o l m o u n t i n g s t u d ............ 4mm I.D. x 9 m m O.D., U type. 1 20 SCREW, c o n t r o l w i r e l o c k ................ 4 m m x 14mm long, hex head. 1 7 SCREW, yokemounting .................... 4 mm x 8 m m long, round head. 2 GOVERNOR SPRING and L I N K SET.. (Includes Items 8, 9 , 10). GOVERNOR LINK ............................ 1 ? ~ 15 GOVERNOR YOKE ..I 8 ~~~ No. Zeq 6 m m thread, hexagon steel. 6 EY 2074250107 - Description 1 GOVERNORSHAFT 5 19 6 m m x 4 0 m m long, hexagon 6 m m , s p r i n g lock. 4 18 - sold separattt l v Description 17 SPRING, governor link GOVERNORSPRING 3 1 ...................... 1 21 WASHER, governorlever 6 m m I.D., p l o i n steel. ........................ 1 22 NUT, governorlever 1 ......._........_. 1 ...._............... 1 ............................ 6 m m thread, square steel. When ordering ports-: A l w a y s g i v e Model, Specification and Serial Numbers 3 of engine. MRP-114-1 SHROUDING, MUFFLER and STARTING PULLEY Group Fig. 4 9 8 For Model EY25W 1 7 S H R O U D I N G F O R E L E C T R I CS T A R T Zef. 40. - 10 3 16 ENGINES ROPE S T A R T ( o b s o l e t e ) Port Number Description SHROUD, flywheel, for manual 1 EY 2075130107 2 E Y 20751 3 E Y 2075260107 COVER, c y l i n d e r h e a d 4 EY 2075300107 B A F F L E , cylinder 5 EY 01 10060020 SCREW, b a f f l e a n d shroud mounting 30307SHROUD, 6mm x start.... flywheel, for electric start 12mm .. .......................... ................................ long, hex .. ................ EY 20756201 07 COVER, starter pinion drive 7 E Y 066200001 1 STOP BUTTON assembly 8 EY 0150040010 SCREW, 4 x 8 m m lg. self topping, pan 3 - for starter pinion cover. 2 - for stop button assembly. Part No. - Number 9 E Y 2147320101 .................... .............. IGNITION WIRE, stopbutton .......................... 11 STARTING PULLEY, rope start 1 ...... 3 EY 0703080020 STARTING ROPE assembly ................ 1 14 EY 2075447607 SCREEN, f l y w h e e l a i r i n t a k e .............. 1 15 EY0110060010 SCREW, flywheel screen mounting ...... 4 16 E Y0568080010 CLAMP, i g n i t i o n w i r e When ordering parts: Always give Model, Specification ond'serial Numbers o f engine. 4 1 13 6 m m x 8 m m long, hex flange .. 1 ........ SCREW. s t a r t i n gp u l l e ym o u n t i n g 8 mm x 12 mm long, hexagon head. MRP-115-2 !eq, EXHAUST MUFFLER EY 2075420301 N 0. Description 10 E Y 2073015001 12 EY 0016508120 f l a n g e head. 6 Ref. head. .......................... 1 J FUEL TANK Group Fig. 5 M A G N E T O Group For Model 1'2 1-3 NOTE: Items \ without a port number sold arenot E Y 207602021 7 2 - - Description 1 E Y 2137015308 F L Y W H E E L , beg. w i t h S/N 550568 E Y 21 3701 2008p r e v i o u s to S/N 55056I 1 1 2 EY 2137013018 IGNITION COIL, beg. w i t h S I N 550561 E Y 207701 0208 previous to S/N 55056E 1 ............................ 1 3 E Y 0043106250 SCREW assembly, ignition c o i l 6rnm x25mm long, round head. ...................... 1 E Y 2067010407 POINTS and CONDENSER KIT ..._._- 1 Beginning with Serial No.550568 EY 2067010207previous to S/N 55056E Kit includes: C O N T A C T B R E A K E R ...................... 1 Ref. E Y 0642000702 FUELSTRAINER 4 EY2076170101 BRACKET, 5 EY 0021708000 NUT, tank t o bracket 8 mm threod, hexagon tank 3fY No. 1 - FUEL TANK assembly ..............._.... Includes: EY2066900107 CAP withgasket .. fuel mounting ...... 4 4 EYOO22710000 NUT, brocket to head mounting ...... 10 mm thread, hexagon s t e e l 4 7 EY0031010000 WASHER, bracket to head nut ........ 10.5 mm I.D. x l 6 m m O.D., pluin stee 4 F U E L LINE ossembly ..................... Consisting of: F U E L L I N E ........... EY0561100030 CLAMP .................... EY0521060100 BANJO FITTING ... 1 E Y 207626131 1 9 10 11 ,1 - steel 6 8 CONDENSER 6 WASHER, 7 LOCKWASHER, 8 NUT, 9 1 2 1 EY 2096233508 BANJO BOLT, fuel I3 EY2076234508 GASKET, banjo bolt line ................. ........................ 12 2 13 2 1 ................ 1 E Y 2067 110307 HARDWARE SET, for points and cand. Beginning with Serial No. 550568 E Y 20671 10207previous t o S/N 550568 Consisting of: BREAKER COVER ........................... 1 point terminal w i r e .......................... L E A D WIRE ....................................... SCREW, point bracket mounting .._... O I L F E L T , breaker 1 1 1 1 4mmx 8mm long, round head. 14 - When ordering parts: Always ......... point terminal w i r e 10 1 No ReC ....__.._.._..._...__............_.... 1 point terminal w i r e .......... 1 5 11 12 8 Part Num ber 3 6 separately. Description 1 Fig. E125W E Y 2067600203 give Model, Specification 5 SCREW, point cover 4 m m x 12mm long, DUST FELT, flywheel mounting pan head. ......... ...................... 2 1 - and Serial Numbers of engine. MRP-116-1 Fig. Ref. No. 0 1 2 CARBURETOR and AIR CLEANER Group 7 NOTE: Items without a part number are not sold separately. Port Description Number - EY2073262400 Discowi:wu, AIR CLEANER assembly Consisting of: GASKET ( a l s o in engine .................................................... ........................................... EY2073602201 COVER ........................ SCREW, air cleaner mounting ........_.... 3 4 5 6 ..._.............. gasket set).... EY2063600303ELEMENT t* EY0016506100 ......... EY2076230230 CARBURETOR a s s e m b l y ..................._ (Includes Items 9 t h r u 31) N O Z Z L E ............................................... 12 13 14 15 16 17 t 19 EY2076252128 20 E Y 2096230208 .,.....................+.................. x 5 THROTTLE SHAFT ............................ 24 EY 2096244500 SPRING, throt. stop and 25 EY 2096235208 SCREW, throttle stop .......................... 4 mm x 12 mm l g . , f l a t f i l l i s t e r h d . 1 1 26 1 27 t t .................................... 2 1 28 2 1 29 30 1 CHOKE SHAFT ..................................... ..................................... F U E L V A L V E and SEAT assembly .... EY 2076253508 I 1 P I L O T SCREW PILOT JET pilot screws .......................................... BOLT, f u e l l i n e c o n n e c t o r ................ GASKET, f u e l l i n e b o l t ...................... For B O L T ond GASKET (See Fig. 5 , Ref. 12 and 13.) EY 2096244608 EY2096235308 31 32 t* 0 EY2073260810 SPRING, c h o k e r e t a i n e r ..................... .......... .................................. 1 2 1 1. 2 1 S T E E L B A L L , choke retainer 1 CASK ET, f l a n g e 1 AIR CLEANER - Heavy Duty Type 1 C o n s i s t i n g of: ................. B A C K P L A T E ..................................... COVER ................................................. EY2073260008 ELEMENT 1 1 34 1 35 1 0 EY2076230207 REPAIR KIT, 0 EY2076230107 GASKET SET, 4 mm long, pan head CHOKE VALVE 1 1 23 EY 2076253008 1 1 .............................. t * WASHER, j e t h o l d e r ............................. EY2076240008 t MAIN JET ............................................. HOLDER, m a i n i e t ............................... t SCREW, c h o k e a n d t h r o t t l e v a l v e ...... EY2076252608 1 .......................... 1 FLOAT CHAMBER 18 .......................... THROTTLE VALVE FLOAT FLOAT PIN t- Qtr GASKET, v a l v e s e a t GASKET, float chamber 3 mm - ...................... .................................................. bescription Mum ber 22 x 10 mm long, hexagon head 8 t* 21 1 LOCKWASHER, air cleaner mtg 6 mm, s p r i n g l o c k EY 2096 230 108 1 1 EY0032006000 11 - RETAINER 7 10 1 No. BODY 6 mm 9 QtY .................... For Model EY25W 1 t carburetor P a r t s i n c l u d e d in k i t . carburetor P a r t si n c l u d e di ns e t . 1 1 - When orderino D a r t s : A l w w s give Model, Specification m d Serial Numbers of engine. 6 1 1 1 MAGNETO - CHARGING COIL and FLYWHEEL for Starting Motor Fig. 8 EY 25W For Model I -NOTE: Items without a part number ore not sold separately. Zef. No. Port Number 1 EY 21 370 1S O 8 - hf. Description No. ...................... EY 2077100203 RING GEAR ............ FLYWHEEL assembly Part Number LOCKWASHER, point cover 10 ................................ 3 EY 2077010208 lGNl TlON COIL 4 EY 0043506250 SCREW 5 EY 20670 10207 POINTS and CONOENSER KIT - ............ 3mm, spring lock Includes: 2 . Description .......... WASHER assembly, i g n i t i o n c o i l , 6 m m x 2 5 m m long, pan head ...... Includes: 11 SCREW, condenser mounting ............ 4 mm x 6 mm long, round head 12 LOCK 13 POINT COVER 14 L E A D WIRE WASHER, condenser mounting 4mm, s p r i n g l o c k .................................. ........................................ Contact Breaker and Condenser 0 denser mounting. Consisting of items 6 thru ...... SCREW, point bracket mounting 4mm x 8 m m long, round head’ 7 LOCKWASHER, p o i n t b r a c k e t 4mm. s p r i n g l o c k 8 WASHER, point bracket mounting 4mm, p l a i n s t e e l 9 SCREW, point cover mounting ......... ...:.......... 16 EY 0043506300 SCREW -WASHER assembly, charge c o i I, 6 mm x 30 mm long, pan head 17 EY 0241050020 GROMMET, c h a r g e w i r e 18 EY 21775oO103 CLIP, charge wire grommet 14 6 L 15 EY 21 37014508 CHARGE COIL w i t h c a b l e EY 2067 1 10207 HARDWARE SET for points and con- ................... ............. ... ........ 3 m m x l O m m long, pan h.ec.! When ordering parts: Always give Model, Specification and Serial Numbers o f engine. 7 MRP- 126 CONTROL BOX, SWITCHES and RECTIFIER Group Fig. 9 For Model EY 25W 11 lef. No. 1 EY 2077526101 2 EY 0732001 080 L A B E L ( B A T T E R Y ) 3 EY 0732001290 L A B E L (STOP SWITCH) 4 EY 0732000410 LABEL (START 5 EY 2077250100 6 EY 2177140101 - Description ................ CONTROL BOX assembly ( I n c l u d e s Ref. 2 and 3) .......................... No. - Num Part bur 1 13 EY 0032006000 LOCKWASHER, bmm,springlock 1 for control box cover 4 - f o r c o n t r o l box 14 EY 0031006000 WASHER, r e c t i f i e r m o u n t i n g 1 ................ 1 STARTER SWITCH assembly ........... 1 DIODE RECTIFIER assembly .......... I ......... EY 21 477001 10 MAGNETIC SWITCH assembly 8 EY 06620000 1 1 9 EY 208731 1201 WIRE a s s e m b l y , s t o p s w i t c h ( b l a c k ) EY 2087320901 ?ef. 1 SWITCH) STOP SWITCH .................................... WIRE assembly, .................................. I 6 atv. .................. 7 10 - c _ I Part Number 12 13 Description - .............. 1 ....... 2 LOCKWASHER, m a g n e t i c s w i t c h mt'g. 2 6mm, 15 EY 0021705000 I.D., plain steel N U T , magneticswitchmounting 5mm thread, hexagon steel 16 EY 0032005000 5mm,springlock 1 17 1 EY 01H3040010 SCREW, s t o p s w i t c h m o u n t i n g .......................... EY 2077606001 COVER, c o n t r o l b o x 12 EY 0016506100 SCREW, 6mm x lOrnm long, hex head 1 for rectifier mounting 1 for control box cover 4 for control box - .......... 4 m m x 8 m m long, s e l f topping, pan head 1 1 magnetic switch to starter 11 1 6 - When ordering parts: A l w a y s give Model, .... 5i p e c i f i c a t i o n 8 and Serial Numbers of engine. 2 ELECTRIC STARTING MOTOR F o r Model 10 Fig; EY 25W 4 NOTE: Items without a part number are not sold separately. - - Port Number Description 0 E Y 2147050200 STARTING MOTOR complete ........... Consisting of i t e m s 1 thru 22 1 E Y 2147055708 ARMATUREassembly ef. lo. - - No. Port Number 1 14 EY 2147055208 15 EY 2107052708 T H R U B O L T 16 EY 2147050108 FLANGE assembly, front 17 E Y 0043104120 18 EY 2147055508 WASHER KIT, thrust ........................... (Includes items 19, 20, 21, 22) ....................... 1 2 FRAME ossemb ly ............................... 1 3 SCREW, pole core ............................... 4 4 INSULATOR, terminal stud 5 F I E L D C O I L and CORE assembly ._....+........ ... 1 EY 1137053508 BRUSH ( + ) ........................................ 2 7 E Y 1 137054008 BRUSH ( - ) (See Ref. .................. 2 8 EY 1137053008 BRUSH HOLDER assembly (Includes items 7 and 9 ) ............... 1 EY 1137054508 10 E Y 1137050508 BRUSHSPRING .................................. COVER assembly, rear 11 EY 2147055908 PINION DRIVE assembly 12 E Y 2147055108 C O L L A R , pinion drive E Y 21 47055408 SPRING, 8) return, pinion ...................... 4 1 .............. 1 drive ............ CLIP, pinion drive retainer ............... ........................................ sty. 1 2 ........ 1 SCREW, brush p l a t e mounting ........... 4mm x 12mm long, slotted heod 2 cover 1 ............ 19 THRUST WASHER, drive end 20 THRUST WASHER, drive end 21 THRUST WASHER, brush holder end 1 22 THRUST WASHER, brush holder end 1 ..._.._.... 1 1 23 EY 0031008000 WASHER, s t a r t i n g motor mounting .... 8.4 mm 1.D. x 16 rnmO.D., plain steel 2 24 EY 0032008000 LOCKWASHEP,starting motor mt’g. 8mm spring lock .. 2 25 EY 2147900101 SCREW, starting Bmm, hex head, ...... 2 1 .................. stop Description 1 6 9 Re 1. Qty. motor mounting specia I 1 - - When ordering parts: A l w a y s give M o d e l , S p e c i f i c a t i o n and Serial N u m b e r s o f engine. 9 MRP-128 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Fig. 11 For Model EY 25W STOPSWITCH FLYWHEEL + BLACK , Green ,r\d;, DIODE RECTIFIER STARTtNG SWITCH Red 3. Green Do N o t ground any wires which terminateat con- nectors. Enginesequippedwith an electric starting motor are a l s a providedwith a built-in chargingcircuit.There are no maintenance or adjustment requirements because there are no brusher, commutator or belts. The chargingcoilandmagnetic rotor are mounted within the flywheel - sealed offfrom moistureand dirt. A diode rectifier, mounted insidethecontrol box, converts the charge for the battery from alternating current todirect current. Thechargingcircuit is ratedat 12 volts 1.5 amps. 4. Disconnect at least one batterylead charger is used. if abattery 5. Never use a fast battery charger to boost the battery output. WIRING ClRCUlT - Use a 12 volt battery minimum capacity of 18 a m p hrs. Connect ground strap from negative post of battery to a good clean ground surface on theengine. Connections for lights or other electrical accessories can be made to the positive (.~ + 1 side of the battery. - PRECAUTIONS to be exercised in the use of this flywheel charging circuit: cir1. D o N o t operate engine without a battery in the cuit and t h e dioderectifierconnected. To operate engine without a battery, disconnect the two green and white wires from charging coil to the rectifier. STARTINGMOTOR No maintenance is required other than keeping the outside of the motor clean, and insow- - tion for insecure molinting, loose and dirty nections. This is for a negative ground system only. MRP-129 1 M A Y E T I C SWITCH BATTERY CHARGING COIL Do Not reversebatteryconnections. SPARK 10 - cable con- RECOIL STARTER ASSEMBLY For Model EY 25W 12 Fig. NOTE: B e g i n n i n g w i t h e n g i n e s e r i a l number 616978 o t w o p a w l n y l o n reel r e c o i l s t o r t e r r e p l o c e s o three pawl steel r e e l starter o s o c o m p l e t e unit. Individual component ports ore not interchongeoble and should be s e r v i c e d occov, d i n g l y . ond is interchongeoble OLD DESIGN 14 , 6 11 5 15 1216 0 Q 8 10 2 3 1 NEW DESIGN 5 6 13 11 10 NOTE: Items without a p o r t number ore not sold separately. Part NEW Number I EY 20.i5026010 E Y 2075026000RECOILSTARTER B75d SI '20 REEL L ...-..- .-........-.............. .......... P U L L E Y , s t a r t i n g ...... SCREW, p u l l e y mt'g. .. E Y 2075010708ROPE E Y 2075014808 E Y 2075014708 0016S08120 EY .-.................. E Y 2065011508POWERSPRING E Y 2075012218 EY1065010808 !eq .... assembly NEW - 1 Number i I OLD E Y ZOWO'i0117 EY 2075010107 C o n s i s t i n g of: Ref. No. 8, 9 , b f . , N o . 8, 9 , IO, 11,12, 13. 10, 11, 12, 14, 6 15, 16. /' 1 1 8 1 1 1 3 8 x 12mm hex long, hd. E Y 0016508100 E x l O r n m long, hex hd. SCREW, hsg. flange .... ~~0T10060010 6 x 10 rnm hex long, hd. EY0043106080 6 x 8 m r n long,pon.hd. Port le4 40 ua. Complete. HOUSING EY1065011608 - - Dercription OLD 3 8 9 4 2 3 2 ~ i0) I 07 IARDWARE K I T PAWL ........ 9 10 SPRING, return ._........ ...... 11 RETAINER, pow1 12 WASHER, r e t a i n e r r p o e ... 13 CLIP,retoinermt'g. 14 NUT,retainer, 15 WASHER,retoiner nut 16 CUP, s p r i n g r e t o i n e r When ordering parts: Always give Model, Specification and Serial 1 ......................... SPRING, compression - 11 No. Description 8mm .... . .. Numbers of engine. MRP-118-1 " Fig. 6:1 GEAR REDUCTION UNIT 13 For Model EY 25W 23 Gear Cover for 6:1 R e d u c t i o n Unit 19 20 5 24 3ef. 40. - -OBSOLETE- D i s c o n t i n u e da so fS e r i a l No.545377. U s e dw i t h EY 2071100101 Geor Cover and E Y 2072930101 Crankshaft. obsolete Num bar I T - Ref 1 No. Description leq ..................... 1 EY 207293011 1 C R A N K S H A F T w i t h gear B e g i n n i n g w i t h S e r i a lNo. 545377. E Y 2072930101 p r e v i o u s t oS/N 545377. NOTE: When : ,ck i s d e p l e t e d - U s e n e w c r a n k s h a f t , Geor ( ver, and omit Adopter Ref. 6. 2 E Y 20781 10103 DRIVE SHAFT-GEAR assembly 3 E Y 2078070101 COVER a s s e m b l y , r e d u c t i o n u n i t I n c l u d e s Ref. 4, 5, 19, 20. 4 EY 0600300020 BEARING, t o k e - o f f e n d 5 EY 0440300030 O I L SEAL, toke-off end 6 E Y 2078520103 7 E Y 0101 100010 SCREW, adapter mounting 3 / 8 - 1 6 x 1%' (32mm) long. 8 EY0032010000 9 EY 0440250020 O I L SEAL, adapter .......... ....... ....................... ....................... NO. 1 1 .................... 4 ...... 4 ................................ adapter mounting ................. 1 4 lOrnm, p l a i n s t e e l . ...................... 11 E Y 2078010103 HOUSING, r e d u c t i o n u n i t I n c l u d e s Ref. 18. 12 E Y 2068510103 GASKET, housingmounting 13 E Y 0101080030 SCREW, h o u s i n g m o u n t i n g ( i n n e r ) 5 / 1 6 - 2 4 x 1%' (45mm) long. 1 ................ ...... 1 1. EY0101080040 SCREW, housing mounting (outer) 5 / 1 6 - 2 4 x 1' (25mm) long. 15 E Y 0032008000 LOCKWASHER,8mm s p r i n g l o c k 2 - for housing (outer). 4 - for cover mounting. 16 E Y 003 1008000WASHER, 8mm, p l a i n s t e e l 2 for housing (outer). 4 for covor mounting. ...... 2 ...... 6 ................ 6 ........ 2 .............................. L A B E L , o i l f i l l .................................... L A B E L , o i l l e v e l ............_.................. GASKET, c o v e r t o h o u s i n g ................ PLUG, o i l f i l l e r , 'VENTED' .............. 1 - 17 EY 0033808000 LOCKWASHER, housing, (inner) 8 m m , tab type. 18 E Y 0600150020 19 EY 2069500103 20 E Y 2069500203 21 E Y 2068510203 22 E Y 2068500103 BEARING, h o u s i n g 1/4'sq. head, 1 1 1 1 NPT. 23 E Y 2068500203 PLUG, o i l l e v e l ................................... 1/4' sq. head, NPT. 1 24 E Y 0016608250 SCREW, cover mounting ...................... 8 m m x 25 mm long, h e x heod. 4 25 E Y 2071180101 GEAR COVER assembly .............._.... B e g i n n i n g w i t h S e r i o lNo.545377. I n c l u d e s E Y 0440250020 O i l Seal E Y 2071 100101 p r e v i o u s t o S/N545377. 2 When ordering parts: Description 14 1 1 LOCKWASHER, odopter mounting 10mm, spring lock. Part Number 1 ADAPTER, ( o b s o l e t e a s o fS/N545377) For replacement see Ref. 1 note. 10 EY 0031010000 WASHER, - 7 9 - Always give Model, Specification and Serial Numbers of engine. 1