Weekly Chronicle - Concord Road Church of Christ


Weekly Chronicle - Concord Road Church of Christ
January 18, 2015 Volume 2
Coming April 1, a 9-week course that can change everything!
We all need a plan for our money. Dave's class will show
you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend
and save wisely, and much more!
This isn’t your typical “money class.” Financial Peace University (FPU) is
practical, entertaining and fun!
More than 1.5 million families and individuals have taken FPU.
The average family completing the course pays off $5,300 and saves $2,700
in just 90 days. That’s an $8,000 change in position!
Whether you’re struggling to make ends meet or you’re a millionaire, FPU
has something for you.
FPU is based on more than 800 verses of Scripture and is a proven plan that
will work for you.
Stay tuned for more information, or see Dan Chambers
for all the details!
with Paddy Flanagan
God Is Our Fortress
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91.1-2)
Throughout the Psalms David refers to God as his fortress, refuge, and strength. He faced many physical
and spiritual battles throughout his life and saw
firsthand how God provides a strong fortress regardless of what attacks us. In the ancient world the fortress was often walled off from the rest of the city,
supplied with food, water, and ammunition where the
people could be protected and the city could be defended. David knew that he did not need to fear, because in God he found a fortress stronger than any
attack this world could muster.
We all have our own fortresses that we run to when
we face overwhelming circumstances. These fortresses can take the shape of people or relationships. They
can also be material things in our lives that we think
will bring happiness and take our minds off of our
problems. Like David, we should realize that the one
true fortress we have is with the one true God. This
fortress will always protect and never let down.
Calendar of Events
Tonight: High School Devotional after evening services at
the building. Please bring $5 for pizza.
January 28: YG (HS & MS) Chick Fil-A
Night at Cools Springs & Brentwood-5:456:30 p.m.
Mission Missive
Ghana Bible College
Academic work resumed at GBC in the last week of August with
all students and staff reporting. The only challenges the college
has experienced is the taking ill of one of the lecturers, making
the workload on some other faculty members to be increased.
That besides, all is going on well.
About the status of accreditation, all the visits by the accreditation
team have been done, with positive assessment of faculty and
staff, library and infrastructure. The college now waits for the certification from the accreditation board. That can happen any time
from now since all visits to the college have been completed.
Continue to pray for a speedy receipt of the great news of the
accreditation of the college that we all have been working at all
these years.
The Capital funds have also been put to use. A brand new vehicle has been bought as you can see in the picture below.
Radio Program
Since my return from the States the radio show has recorded 3
baptisms. The month of October was dedicated to teaching on
Forgiveness. In November and December the topics; the Plan of
Salvation and True worship shall be the focus of teaching on the
radio show. As the year 2014 rounds up we can only say the Lord
has been good to the program and as always gives us the baptisms that He wants to add to His church. We look forward to next
year’s radio show and humbly ask for assistance expanding the
program from 30 minutes to an hour program per week (two- 30
minutes –twice a week) so that the good impact from the program
is continuous and grows bigger.
February 1: There will be a Middle School Super Bowl Get
Together on Sunday, February 1, after evening services at
the home of Scott & Julie McFarlin. If you plan on coming,
you MUST notify Scott or Julie in order to help them with
food preparation. Food is being provided.
February 16: Freed Hardeman Campus Visit Day-Sign up
on Paddy’s board.
Sunday Morning Worship…..........................9:00 AM
Sunday Morning Bible Study…...…………....10:15 AM
Sunday Evening Worship………..………..…….6:00 PM
Wednesday Evening Bible Study…..………....7:00 PM
There is also an ongoing construction of the water reservoir as
you can see in the picture, which was part of the capital funds
request to be completed by next month. With its completion, water will never be a problem to the college.
Phone: (615) 373-4353 Newsline: (615) 373-3038
Fax: (615) 373-9743
Preschool: (615) 661-4612
Toll Free Phone: (877) 226-5747
Website: www.concordroad.org
Mobile Website: m.concordroad.org
Join us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ConcordRoad
Follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/concordroadorg
Elders: Buddy Williams Ron Thomas Jerry McCormick
Dwayne Stubblefield
Carl Haedge
January Chairman for Elders: Jer r y McCor m ick
Ministers: Minister : Dan Cham ber s (615) 815-5382
Youth Minister: Paddy Flanagan (615) 829-4276
Office: Office Adm inistr ator : Melissa Tolber t (615) 373 -4353
Christian Service Group
Prayer List:
Michael McEndree, a visitor at
Concord Road, has been diagnosed
with multiple myeloma. He will be
undergoing a stem cell transplant
on Friday, January 23. Cards: 1823
Barnstaple Lane, Brentwood, TN
37027. You may follow his progress
on his Caring Bridge website:
Bob & Glenda Guy, Linda Haedge; Martha
Harris, G.W. Head; Jack & Dot Joyner,
Carmie Miller, Josephine Prickett, Ann
Thompson, LeEleanor Tomberlain & Jim
Continue to Remember:
Roy Arnold; Doris Beasley; Gail Duff;
Jerry Flowers; James Hunter, LeeAnn
Hunter; Jeanne McWhirter; Gina Owens;
Harold Pratt; Sue Baker (mother of Linda Gilliam); Kenneth Demumbran (father of
Kevin Demumbran); Lynn Fraizer (sister of
Janet McCormick); Darla Jennings (cousin
of Pam Stevens): Virginia Johnson (mother
of Sheri Daniel); Betty Pate (mother of Lori
Bailey); Vicky Rogers (aunt of Sheri Daniel); Natalie Seale (granddaughter of Betty
Harris); Harrison Warren (nephew of Lisa
Grissim); Stephen Zavorski (husband of
LauraLee Zavorski).
Sympathy: Our sympathy
goes to the family of Lee
Tomberlain who passed
away on Friday, January 9.
A memorial service was held
on Thursday, January 15.
Jail Ministry Baptism: We rejoice
that Adam Reale was
baptized on Sunday,
January 11, by Greg
Smith & Steve King at
the jail. Please keep in
your prayers this new
Visitation Team #3, led by Roger
& Whitney Jenkins, will meet tonight after evening services at the
front left of the auditorium for their
New Address
Tom & Lorelle Coursey
Windlands South
Apt. #518
3800 Sam Boney Drive
Nashville, TN 37211
*Please make this change in your directory.
Attention World Bible School
Teachers: We have a
large number of lessons
from Malawi that were
previously being managed by Ruth Orr before
her passing. Let’s help keep Ruth’s
mission going & have these lessons
graded & shipped out as quickly as
possible. Please see Brian Cooper
& David Harper if you have questions or would like to start working
with WBS. Thank you for your help
& support!
2014 Contribution Statements of
individual donations
$250+ have been
mailed. The $250+
does not include cumulative donations for the year, but all
one time donations of that amount
or more at any given time. All missions’ contributions of any amount
are also included. Please contact
Ron Cooper with questions.
Concord Road Preschool is currently taking enrollment for the 20152016 Fall sessions.
The school serves
ages three years
through five years. If you would like
more information, please call 6614612 or contact Melissa Hardeman.
Reading Through
the Bible in 2015:
With the New Year
just beginning now
is the time to think
about continuing or starting a good
habit! So please pick up a copy of
the 2015 Daily Reading Schedule
on the tables in the foyers.
January Prayer Topics
Red Group: Father, help us to
grow in our prayer life in the
coming year.
Blue Group: Father, help us to
grow in our giving back to You in
the coming year.
Green Group: Father, help us to
grow in our reaching out to others in the coming year.
Yellow Group: Father, help us to
grow in our knowledge of Your
word in the coming year.
Orange Group: Father, help us to
grow in our daily Bible reading in
the coming year.
The Little Leaders will
begin practicing today at
5:00 p.m. in the Children's Bible Hour room.
They will meet every other Sunday
night. This is for kids 2nd grade &
below. Please see Kelly Alsup for
more information.
The Concord Road Playgroup will
be meeting at Third Coast Clay a
paint your own pottery studio on
Saturday, January 24, at 10:30 a.m.
The cost is $6 plus the cost of an
item to paint. Please sign up on the
playgroup bulletin board. Siblings
welcome. See Jenny Jones for
more information.
Team Concord Road Youth Group
K-5th grade will meet on Sunday,
January 25, from 2-4 p.m. at Let It
Shine Gymnastics. Cost is $7 per
person or $20 max per family. Refreshments will be provided. For
questions & to R.S.V.P. contact
Deena Humphrey.
2015 Baptism Helpers
Needed: Ladies information about this ministry & the sign-up sheet is
on the bulletin board
across from the office. See the church office if you
have any questions.
Communion Volunteers Needed:
Your help is needed!
If you would be interested in volunteering
in preparing the
communion trays
one month out of the year please
sign up on the bulletin board or call
the office. See Rae Isenberg or
Audrey Lambert for more information.
Twitter: Concord Road has a twitter
account to view important announcements & you can follow us at
Members and Visitors:
Please remember to fill out
your attendance card each
Sunday morning so we
have a record of your attendance.
January 18, 2015
9:00 A.M. Worship Service
Call to Worship……...….Song Leader, Stan Gunselman
See how many times you hear the following words in today’s lesson:
Song, “He Lives”……………………………………..….#346
Welcome & Announcements
Song, “I Know Whom I Have Believed”.……………#524
Song, “I Know That My Redeemer Lives”…………..#528
Song, “My Eyes Are Dry”………………………………#792
Prayer....................................................Kevin McCormac
Song, “Why Did My Savior Come to Earth?”………#382
Lord’s Supper…………………..….Preside: David Harper
Assist in serving the Lord’s Supper:
Steve Thomas
Chad Westmoreland
Mike Zelnik
Michael Zemmel
Mac Alsup
Phil Andrews
Chris Arnold
Keith Bailey
James Barrett
Chris Brady
Lyn Caldwell
Brian Cooper
Collection/Song, “All to Jesus I Surrender”………...#662
Dismissal for Children’s Bible Hour
Song, “Jesus Is Coming Soon”…………………...…...#712
Scripture Reading, 2 Peter 3:10-13………….Bill Lambert
Sermon, “While We Wait”……………...…Dan Chambers
Invitation, “When He Comes in Glory By & By”……#854
Song, “When We All Get to Heaven”…..…………..#853
Shepherd’s Prayer…………………….…Jerry McCormick
6:00 P.M. Worship Service
Song Leader.......................................Kevin Montgomery
Prayer………….……..…....….………….…....Mendel Mehr
Scripture Reading, Ephesians 3:14-19……….Lee O’Dell
Sermon, “The Love of God”………..… …Dan Chambers
Preside…...………………..............….……....Glenn Gentry
Prayer of Thanksgiving………....……...……….Eric Owens
Infant’s nursery: Lisa Grissim & Amy Everson
Congratulations to our 2015 Chili Cook-Off Winners!
Katie Bankhead, Michael Mazo, Tina Moore & Helen Zemmel
Toddler’s nursery: Robin Hulen & Anslee Hulen
Children’s Bible Hour: Frank Walton
Study: Moses
Preparation of Communion Trays for January:
Kathy Smith & Malissa Sheppard
Video cameras: Greg Smith & Archie Smith
Sound System for January: Turner Jernigan
Safety Team Members: Tommy Tolbert, Chris Arnold & Mac Alsup
Front: Landon & Emily Hodnett
East: Scott & Carrie Goldman
West: Todd & Amy Griffin
Wednesday Bible Study
January 21, 2015
Song leader: Landon Hodnett
Devotion: Dwayne Stubblefield
Prayer: Bob Lee
E-mail Addresses:
The Record — January 11, 2015
Sunday Worship: AM: 521 PM: 322
Sunday Bible Classes: 449
Wednesday Bible Classes: 324
Contribution TOT: 1-11-15 $23,210
Contribution YTD: $49,995
Contribution Goal YTD:$48,000