Compliance Institute - Community Bankers Association of Illinois


Compliance Institute - Community Bankers Association of Illinois
2015 Compliance Institute
A Basic Introductory Class for Compliance Officers
Session I: January 13 & 14, 2015 ‐ Opera ons / Deposit Compliance
CBAI Headquarters, Educa on Center, Springfield, IL
Session II: April 20, 21, 22, & 23, 2015 ‐ Lending Compliance
CBAI Headquarters, Educa on Center, Springfield, IL
Presented By:
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2015 Compliance Institute
The Compliance Challenge
Every community bank is faced with a bewildering array of ever‐changing
regula ons. While all banks strive to be in compliance, the regulatory
requirements can seem overwhelming. Most banks do not have the me or
money to build elaborate compliance systems. The problem is ge ng the
right informa on at the right me and finding a cost‐effec ve approach to
managing compliance.
Practical Solution
In response to this need, Community Bankers Associa on of Illinois is sponsoring the Community Bankers
for Compliance Program (CBC). Now in its 26th year, the CBC provides up‐to‐date informa on on
compliance issues and developments in bank regula ons, as well as proven techniques for maintaining
your in‐bank compliance program. Addi onally, it provides a forum where bank compliance officers can
discuss issues and exchange ideas with other community bankers.
Compliance Institute
As the Community Bankers for Compliance Program has evolved, it has become clear that there is a need
for a basic, introductory class for those compliance officers who are either new to banking or new to their
posi ons. To meet this need, we have created a comprehensive compliance program that is divided into
two separate sessions (Session 1: Opera ons/Deposit Compliance and Session 2: Lending Compliance).
Each session is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the major regulatory compliance
regula ons that have been determined to be “must knows” for compliance officers.
New compliance officers, internal auditors, compliance back‐up personnel, and other bank employees who
want to be comfortable with the compliance regula ons should a end this informa ve program. This
program is also an excellent “refresher” for compliance personnel.
When students have completed the Compliance Ins tute, they will be prepared to join the Community Bankers
for Compliance Program and will more clearly understand the regula ons presented each quarter.
January 13 & 14, 2015
Session I: Opera ons and Deposit Compliance
CBAI Headquarters, Educa on Center,
901 Community Drive, Springfield, IL
Hotel ReservaƟons:
Baymont Hotel in Springfield at 217.529.6655.
Special room rate ‐ $63.00
Registra on: 8:30 AM on the first day
Seminar: 9:00 AM ‐ 4:30 PM each day
April 20, 21, 22, & 23, 2015
Session II: Lending Compliance
CBAI Headquarters, Educa on Center,
901 Community Drive, Springfield, IL
Hotel ReservaƟons:
Baymont Hotel in Springfield at 217.529.6655.
Special room rate ‐ $63.00
Registra on: 8:30 AM on the first day
Seminar: 9:00 AM ‐ 4:30 PM (Monday ‐ Wednesday)
9:00 AM ‐ 3:00 PM (Thursday)
The program is designed to assist the a endees in
ge ng mely answers to their ques ons. We encour‐
age bankers to be ac ve par cipants by bringing ques‐
ons, and concerns for review by the group. This two
way flow of informa on increases understanding and
improves the bank’s effort toward a viable compliance
Flexible Format
The Compliance Ins tute has been designed to provide
maximum flexibility to the bank. A endees can a end
one or both sessions depending upon their individual
needs and/or the bank’s needs. This will allow for
more customized compliance training and will maxim‐
ize this valuable compliance training opportunity.
2015 Compliance Institute
Session I:
Operations/Deposit Compliance
Session II:
Lending Compliance
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Monday, April 20, 2015
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Registra on: 8:30 AM on the first day
Seminar: 9:00 AM ‐ 4:30 PM each day
Compliance Management
Privacy of Customer Informa on
Fair Credit Repor ng Act
Customer Iden fica on Program
Bank Secrecy Act
Regula on D: Reserve Requirements (NOW and
Savings Accounts only)
Regula on DD: Truth in Savings Act
Regula on CC: Expedited Funds Availability Act
Regula on E: Electronic Funds Transfer Act
Final Test
Registra on: 8:30 AM on the first day
Seminar: 9:00 AM ‐ 4:30 PM Monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday. 9:00 AM ‐ 3:00 PM on Thursday.
Regula on Z: Truth in Lending
Regula on B and the Fair Housing Act: Fair Lending
Regula on X: Real Estate Se lement Procedures Act
Na onal Flood Insurance Program
Regula on C: Home Mortgage Disclosure Act
Compliance Management
Privacy of Customer Informa on
FCRA and Regula on V (Lending por on only)
Customer Iden fica on Program (BSA)
Final Test
Compliance Professionals
Bill Elliott, CRCM Senior Consultant and Manager of Compliance
With over 35 years of banking experience, Bill Ellio leads the compliance department at
Young & Associates, Inc. where he conducts compliance reviews, leads compliance semi‐
nars, conducts in‐house training, and writes compliance ar cles and training materials. Dur‐
ing his career as a banker, Bill spent 15 years as a compliance officer in a large community
bank. He has also been a lender for consumer, commercial, and mortgage loans, and has
managed a variety of bank departments including loan review, consumer / commercial
loan processing, mortgage loan processing, loan and credit administra on, collec ons,
and commercial loan workout.
Adam Witmer, CRCM, Consultant
Adam Witmer is a compliance consultant with Young & Associates, Inc., serving client
banks in the Midwest. Having an extensive variety of experience in banking, he per‐
forms in‐bank compliance consul ng, conducts compliance training, and writes ar ‐
cles for various compliance publica ons. Prior to joining Young & Associates, Inc., Ad‐
am served as an officer and the Director of Compliance for a mul ‐bank holding company in
the Midwest. He has held the tles of Compliance Officer, BSA Officer, and CRA Officer for
mul ple banks, and has experience in the areas of compliance, training, internal audit, priva‐
cy, deposit and loan opera ons, retail banking, secondary market lending, and other banking
areas. He holds the designa on of Cer fied Regulatory Compliance Manager (CRCM) by
the Ins tute of Cer fied Bankers in Washington, D.C. Adam earned a BA in Business Administra on
from Taylor University and an MBA in Management and Human Resources from Indiana Tech.
2015 Compliance Institute
Registration Fees:
Both Session I (January 13 & 14, 2015) and Session II (April 20, 21, 22, & 23, 2015):
$1,050 per person for banks who are members of CBAI.
$2,250 per person for banks who are prospec ve members of CBAI.
Session I only (Operations/Deposit Compliance) January 13 & 14, 2015:
$425 per person for banks who are members of CBAI.
$825 per person for banks who are prospec ve members of CBAI. Session II only (Lending Compliance) April 20, 21, 22, & 23, 2015:
$825 per person for banks who are members of CBAI.
$1,625 per person for banks who are prospec ve members of CBAI.
Designated Banker:
Bank Name __________________________________________________________
A endee Name _______________________________________________________
__Both Session I & II __ Session I: Oper/Dep Only __Session II: Lending Only
A endee Name _______________________________________________________
__Both Session I & II __ Session I: Oper/Dep Only __Session II: Lending Only
A endee Name _______________________________________________________
__Both Session I & II __ Session I: Oper/Dep Only __Session II: Lending Only
Address ____________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________ State _______ ZIP ___________
Telephone ______________________________ Fax ________________________
E‐mail(s) _________________________________ _________________________________
(E‐mail address required for registra on)
__ I have special needs, please contact me before the seminar.
Please select your payment method:
__ Check Enclosed
__ Pay at Door
__ Check in Mail
__ Credit Card* * If paying by credit card (Visa & MasterCard accepted), please fill out the following informaƟon:
Name as it reads on card ______________________________________________________
Company name on card _______________________________________________________
Billing address of card ________________________________________________________
Card number ________________________ Expira on date _____ 3‐digit code _________
Total Enclosed: $ ________
For additional information, call:
Tracy McQuinn ‐ Senior Vice President of Educa on and Special Events,
Valerie Johnston ‐ Vice President, Melinda McClelland ‐ Vice President,
Rebecca Ridgeway ‐ Administra ve Assistant, Jennifer Nika ‐ Administra ve Assistant
Department of Educa on and Special Events at 1‐800‐736‐2224 for banks in Illinois or (217) 529‐2265,