C-all (06-30-05).indd - The Rappahannock Record
C-all (06-30-05).indd - The Rappahannock Record
Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, VA June 30, 2005 • C1 'FIK?<IE'<:B &+$-)% Worldwide Exposure! All classifieds in this section also appear weekly on the Rappahannock Record web pages at www.rrecord.com. You can add a color photo linked to your classified for only $25 for up to 13 weeks. Classified deadline: 12 noon Tuesday. Display ad deadline: 5 p.m. Monday. Call 804-435-1701 or 1-800-435-1701. Real Estate Real Estate VIEW LISTINGS in the Realtors Data Base Updated Daily www.NorthernNeck RealEstateSearch.com Pat Schelling Long & Foster 804-435-2728 (June-30-4t) $119,000! 4AC Waterfront flagpole shaped lot, Great Wicomico River, w/50’frontage. Septic installed, electricity on site. Call Tom Kimmitt, Middle Bay Realty, 1-877-983-7273 or visit www.northernneckrealestate. com(June-30-13t)photo-on-line $135,000. WATER ACCESS homesite, community pier, boat ramp, water/septic hookup available. Lancaster, Northern Neck. Ava Lewis, 804-436-4469, Bragg & Co. 804435-2299 X106, leave message; lewis@keyisp.com(X)SS 1390SF 2-story home, Saluda: 3BR, 2.5BA, spacious eat-in kitchen, LR, den, UR, 2-car detached garage. 0.636AC landscaped corner lot close to public boat landing. $189,500. Call Cathy Rowe, Select Properties of VA, 804-438-9882 crowe@pleasantlife. com(June-23-2t)SS $289,950 110 JACK’S COVE LANE, White Stone, 22578 Located on a 1.6 acre wooded lot, on cul-de-sac with private road. 28x20 LR; 18x11 DR; 3BR’s, 2BA, GAS & WOOD FIREPLACE;SCREENED VERANDA; MAINTENANCE-FREE EXTERIOR; TWO YRS. OLD. CALL YOUR BROKER, OR OWNER @804-436-9311 (June-9-tf) 1.5AC LOT on Dividing Creek on culde-sac in beautiful LaGrange Estates. Level, cleared w/3BR septic letter. Over 190’ of waterfrontage. Community boat launch too. Just reduced to $175,000. Rebecca Lemmon, Long & Foster, 804-580-1238 or www.nnkpremierproperty.com. (June-23-3t) 1.5AC WATERFRONT LOT: Cod Creek w/2-3’ MLW, few hundred yards from Potomac. Only $160,000. Call Tom Kimmitt, Middle Bay Realty, 804-453-9081 or visit www.northernneckrealestate.com (Mar-3-tf) www.pleasantlife.com Waterfront, Village and Golf course properties from Virginia's Potomac to the James River. Real Estate Real Estate $499,500! EXPERIENCE Sunsets over Rappahannock River. Substantial waterfront home. 3+MLW pier. Detached garage/workshop. 2.6± acres. Catherine Bennett. Melrose Plantation Real Estate, 800-711-4620. www. MelrosePlantation.com (May-12-13t) ***WOW*** 4.22 ACRES Great Wicomico River. Two excellent waterfront building sites plus 1930s home, 2 rental homes. $649,500. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, 800711-4620 www.MelrosePlantation. com..(June-2-13t) 7.9AC WATERFRONT LOT: Headwaters of Myer Creek, rich nature habitat. Owner financing! $225,000. Call Ken Michaels, Realtor, 804-761-1763, Bay Meadows Real Estate..(June-30-4t) 76 ACRE WATERFRONT Farm: 7’MLW, 4600’ waterfrontage on Cockrell’s Creek. Restrictions preclude subdivision. Call Tom Kimmitt, owner/agent, Middle Bay Realty, 1-800529-5122 or 804-453-9081 or visit www.north ern neck re ales tate.com (Nov-11-tf) 8 UNIT APARTMENT building. Prime downtown Kilmarnock location. Brick front. Rear parking. Excellent history. $1 million. Catherine Bennett, Realtor, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, 800-711-4620 www.MelrosePlantation.com..(June-23-13t) 9.95AC on PINKARDSVILLE ROAD: Wooded, level, perk letter. Can be rezoned to subdivide. $55,000 negotiable, by owner. Call 804-435-0494 or leave message..(June-30-4t) A TRUSTED name in Virginia Real Estate Sales for over 60 years. Ownby & Associates, Inc. Farm, Land, Waterfront properties. Call Diane Bennett Ph. 804-730-0500..(June-16-13t) APPRAISED OVER $400,000. Former R.J. Reynolds Company retreat converted to upscale 4BR/2BA home. $374,500. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, 800711-4620 www.MelrosePlantation. com..(June-2-13t) ARE YOU wondering what your property is worth? Free, confidential analysis. Catherine Bennett, Licensed Real Estate Broker and Realtor, Melrose Plantation Real Estate. 800711-4620. www.MelrosePlantation. com(Apr-14-13t) AUTHENTIC TIDEWATER waterfront 3BR/2BA farmhouse in charming coastal village. Restored to former beauty. $550,000. Catherine Bennett, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, 800711-4620 www.MelrosePlantation. com..(June-2-13t) BUYING? SELLING? Get professional help! Contact Derwin Booker, Realtor, licensed in VA. Long and Foster Real Estate, White Stone, VA 804-435-9610 or 1-877-435-2673 or Derwin.Booker@LongandFoster. com..(May-26-13t) BY OWNER: Hills Quarter, St. John’s lot #28. Large, wooded homesite, golf course view, water and sewer. Privacy. $119,000. Call 804-4350288..(June-23-4t) CHESAPEAKE BAY waterfront, Heathsville. 2500sq 2BR, 2BA, Florida room, hardwood floors throughout, Anderson windows, hardy plank siding, 2 gas FPs, 8 ceiling fans, jacussi, private sand beach, 1.14AC, spectacular views of bay. Lower $800,000s firm. 703-501-0572 www.landofmoonandsun.com..(Feb-10-tf) COAN HARBOR ESTATES: New Craftsman style home, 4BR, 3BA, 2900± sq.ft., 3-5’MLW, 1.8AC wooded lot. All the best materials/construction. Realtors welcome. $679,000. Call 804-580-7774. See pictures at www.wksllc.com.(May-5-tf) CONDO: WINDMILL Point townhouse: 2000+sf, 2-story LR w/gas fireplace, kitchen w/new appliances, new sliding doors, washer and dryer. 2BR, loft, 2.5BA. $467,900. Sale by owner. 804-569-1637 or 804-4357854..(June-30-4t) CORROTOMAN: 2 large waterfront lots off the Eastern branch. $195k each w/owner financing. Call 757898-5079 for details, site plans and pictures..(June-30-13t) CORROTOMAN RIVER WATERFRONT COTTAGE Immediate weekend getaway! 2BR, 1.5BA retreat on 2+ private acres 2-car garage, screened porch, dock, boat slip, 132±’ waterfront PAT SCHELLING Long and Foster Realtors 804-435-2728 w w w. N o r t h e r n N e c k R e a l E s t a t e Search.com (June-30-4t) 1-TIME LISTING: Rappahannock River view on saltwater tidal pond, Morattico, 2.4AC, lot #3, standard 4BR perk, cleared. $295,000. Call 804-462-7022 email for photos vlsale225070111@webtv.net..(X) 1.25AC on DIVIDING CREEK: 3 miles from Kilmarnock. Concord trailer w/2 rooms added w/patio. 3BR, 1BA, double carport, large workshop. Dock w/building, boatlift, 5’MLW, 250+ waterfrontage facing bay. 804-435-0248. (June-30-2t) 1.25± WATERFRONT Acres, Indian Creek, Clifton Landing. Deep water, protected harbor, towering trees. 60ft. RPA. $309,750. Catherine Bennett, Realtor, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, 800-711-4620 www.MelrosePlantation.com..(June9-13t) 18+AC: Excellent secluded location off Rt. 3 between Kilmarnock and Lancaster. No Covenants & Restrictions. $65,000. Catherine Bennett, Realtor, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, 800711-4620 www.MelrosePlantation. com..(June-23-13t) 2AC WATERFRONT lot on Myer Creek. 4BR septic, 2-4ft. MLW. Partially cleared. Priced for quick sale at $275k. Call Ken Michaels, Realtor, 804-761-1763, Bay Meadows Real Estate..(June-30-4t) 3 BEDROOM/2 BATH home in waterfront community. New shingles, new appliances, new heat pump, new ceramic tile in bath. Amenities include pool, boat ramps, tennis courts and more! $149,999. Call 804-4535180..(June-30-2t) 3AC LOT W/no restrictions in Wicomico Church. Beautiful, level & private lot off Mila Road. $26,000. Rebecca Lemmon, Long & Foster, 804-5801238 or www.nnkpremierproperty. com. (June-23-3t) 3BR WATERFRONT brick ranch on Antipoison Creek. 2 car attached garage, separate garage w/loft and workshop. 3 slip dock w/electric and water. Call 804-436-3395 owner/ agent..(Apr-21-tf) Find out What’s Happening. Read the Record CORROTOMAN RIVER BROWNS CREEK LAUREL POINT Your destination for life. Yes, your uncompromised life of leisure in the lap of luxury: attuned with nature, in touch with yourselves. Life - enhancing pleasantries such as bright rooms, abundant use of glass, and ease of maintenance, all for today’s lifestyle, are yours - eloquent in the creation of home. This moderately contemporary, mint-condition, one-level, brick home is masterfully designed and exactingly built, and the quality of the materials is just as unyielding. Wonderfully wooded. Unsurpassed views. Pristine privacy. Supremely serene solitude. 1.7± acres with over 330’ of waterfront. 41/2 ’ MLW. Great floor plan. $815,000. GLENN C. COCKRELL CONSISTENTLY, OVER THE YEARS. AWARD-WINNING MARKETING. LEADERSHIP RESULTS. FOR YOU. 804.438.6677 www.g-cockrell.com REGULAR CLASSIFIED RATES: $6 for up to 25 words; $4 to repeat same ad second week and each successive week, or $40 for 13 weeks. $.24 per word for ads over 25 words. Personals, Card of Thanks, In Memorials and Work Wanted ads must be paid in advance. 10 percent discount for cash, non-refundable (no discounts on credit card sales). CUSTOM CLASSIFIED RATES: $9.00 per column inch for Legals, Notices, Resolutions, Memorial and other custom classifieds. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY )SA"ELL+(ORSLEY 2EAL%STATE,TD View These Fine Properties @www.HorsleyRealEstate.com .ORTHERN.ECK 7IDE#HESAPEAKE"AY6IEWS PLUSSHELTEREDANCHORAGE7ATERFRONT ,ARGE"RICK(OME"AY0ORCH &IREPLACEINX&AMILY2OOM 0ARLOR◆ +ITCHEN -ASTER3UITE◆ 'ATHERING2OOM 3&"AY$ECK!TTACHED$OUBLE'ARAGE 3TORAGE"UILDINGX #HESAPEAKE"AY %NDLESS6IEWS 4HE4IDES)NN )RVINGTONMINUTES 0ARTLY7OODED 'REAT"EACH ACRESASKING “We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s policy for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap. Chesapeake Bay 7 - 8ʼ MLW Antique Pine Floors 2 Fireplaces High Ceilings 27ʼ Master Suite Double Garage All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.” This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at (804) 367-8530. Toll free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing impaired call (804) 367-9753. E-mail: fairhousing@dpor.virginia.gov. Web site: www.fairhousing.vipnet.org.” $879,000 Antipoison Creek 11/2 Acres + 205ʼ Waterfront New Boat Dock 5 Minutes to Bay ! $349,000 Nelson B. Horsley, Jr. White Stone 435-2644 435-0773 Urbanna 758-2430 C2 • Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • June 30, 2005 COVEWOODS CORROTOMAN RIVER RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER BIG OYSTER CREEK EASTERN BRANCH The simple life. Imagine a great old-fashion cottage on a great parcel of land on a great creek in a great location. Great views. Great sunsets. Easy access to the Rappahannock River and Chesapeake Bay and all the joys and rewards of these tributary treasures are yours. Enjoy this property as it is for years to come, or tranform it, or replace it with a great new home of your preferred design. Either way, your life will be enriched and your enthusiasm renewed by life on Big Oyster Creek. This cottage provides three bedrooms, an enclosed porch, a cook’s kitchen, and an ample gathering room. Great views from most rooms. Over five hundred feet of waterfrontage. 2.89± broad, open acres of level land. 3-1/2 feet MLW at the property. Slightly less at the entrance of the creek. Life $395,000. GLENN C. COCKRELL GLENN C. COCKRELL CONSISTENTLY, OVER THE YEARS. AWARD-WINNING MARKETING. LEADERSHIP RESULTS. FOR YOU. CONSISTENTLY, OVER THE YEARS. AWARD-WINNING MARKETING. LEADERSHIP RESULTS. FOR YOU. 804.438.6677 804.438.6677 www.gcockrell.com www.gcockrell.com EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY GLENN C. COCKRELL EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ANTIQUE PROPERTIES, INC. CARTERS CREEK Imagine 7’ MLW and the freedom to go boating whenever you wish . . . . Imagine truly beautiful views of this tributary treasure and the peace of mind that is your true reward . . . . Imagine the pristine privacy that replenishes your spirit and restores your enthusiasm . . . . But keep in mind that imagining these wonderful benefits is a poor substitute for experiencing them . . . . A wonderfully wooded 1.18± acre knoll. A great floor plan. Includes second site. UNDER CONTRACT CONSISTENTLY, OVER THE YEARS. AWARD-WINNING MARKETING. LEADERSHIP RESULTS. FOR YOU. CORROTOMAN RIVER Your destination for life. Yes, your uncompromised life of leisure in the lap of luxury: attuned with nature, in touch with yourselves. Mint-condition, one-level, brick home masterfully designed and exactingly built, and a quality of the materials just as unyielding. Wonderfully wooded. Unsurpassed views. Pristine privacy. 1.7± acres with over 330’ of waterfront. 41/2 ’ MLW. Great floor plan.. 804.438.6677 www.gcockrell.com CARTERS CREEK 7’ MLW at your pier. Great views of the main, open part of the creek. Located in the heart of Irvington, this .69± acre parcel is a true waterfront wonder: nothing but waterfront. A 12,287 square foot building envelope for the home of your dreams where your joyous experiences will transform those into fond family memories. Shoreline completely bulkheaded. Septic system installed. Town water to the property. Level bulding site. $1,245,000. $815,000. $650,000. DYMER CREEK HENRYS CREEK INDIAN CREEK An unsurpassed setting. Charming views over 450’ of waterfrontage. 31/2’MLW. Wonderfully wooded building envelope with a 100’ setback from mean high water. Partially open land. 3.6± acres. 3 bedroom septic approved. Pristine privacy surrounded by hundreds of acres of prime farm land and timber land. The serenity of Long Lane Farm begins as you turn off VSH #3 and drive along the tree-lined lane into this grand gathering of fine waterfront homes. UNDER T C A R T N O C $375,000. The right place. The right time. Home. Indeed, it’s been said: To create a home in a special spot is to search for a better world. Great small cottage and one and one-half car garage. Ancient hardwoods to shade in the summer. Great views of the creek and even greater views of Fleets Bay. A new dock will reach 4.5’ MLW. Currently, three bedrooms, cook’s kitchen, one full bath, and a large living room. A great opportunity to transform this property into a family retreat. UNDER T C A R T N O C $375,000. Location, location, location. Two miles to the services and conveniences of Kilmarnock and two miles to the rewards of Chesapeake Bay. Enjoy the freedom of having your boat right at your back door. Ancient hardwoods to cool those southeasterly summer breezes. Mature landscaping. Mint -condition, one level, brick home with water views from most rooms. Three bedrooms, two full baths, and a large, well equipped kitchen. Gathering room with a wood burning fireplace. UNDER T C A R T N CO $323,500. Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • June 30, 2005 • C3 Real Estate )SA"ELL+(ORSLEY 2EAL%STATE,TD View These Fine Properties @www.HorsleyRealEstate.com ‘Bluff Point Cottage’ .ORTHERN.ECK 6)%7ACROSS#(%3!0%!+%"AY-,7 "RICK&IREPLACE◆"DRMS ◆ "! ◆ &URNISHED CED REDU "TQFO$PUUBHF A CIRCA (ISTORIC.ORTHERN.ECK &IREPLACES 0ARLORX "EDROOMS 7IDE(EART0INE&LOORS (IGHLY-OTIVATED3ELLER [!SPARAGUS'RAPES2ASBERRIES] DEEP SAILBOAT Depth Waters: Elegant contemporary, wide open floor plan, +++construction, 4 bedrooms, 3-1/2 baths, prestigious waterfront community. Please call Roger Coleman, Port & Starboard RE, Inc. 804529-5641..(June-23-10t) FABULOUS SPACES open and bright. 2003 “Architectural Digest” kitchen, beautifully elevated site. Master gardens, overlooking Carter’s Creek In Irvington. $1,495,000. Susan Beauchamp, Rivertowne Properties, 804-436-6760..(Apr-21-13t)photo-on-line GET YOUR PROPERTY moving! If selling, let me focus on your property. Call Joe Emerson, Middle Bay Realty, (o)804-436-1150, (h)804-580-2053, (cell)410-610-9890 toll-free 866-436-1150 www.northernneckrealestatetreasures.com(Apr-7-13t) GOLFERS DELIGHT Prestigious Tartan Golf Course living. New all brick executive ranch. Overlooks pond surrounded by 7th, 11th, 12th fairways. 3BR, 2BA home on .5AC Adjoins historic Tides Lodge/Marina walk to Carter’s Creek. Offered jointly by Byrl Phillips-Taylor, 804-356-7879 Pat Schelling, 804-435-2728 Long and Foster Realtors (June-30-4t) GREAT WICOMICO River: 4.6AC waterfront lot, 5’±MLW, sand bottom, $399,000. Call Tom Kimmitt, Middle Bay Realty, 1-877-983-7273 or visit www.northernneckrealestate.com (June-30-13t)photo-on-line GREENVALE CREEK: Wee, spiffied up cottage, workshop, shed, aboveground pool, deeded right of way to creek. Only $129,500! Port & Starboard R.E. 800-529-5071..(May-167t) HEATHSVILLE: Charming 3BR, 2BA cottage style home w/over 1800sf of living space w/bonus room and .97±Ac. Conveniently located in the heart of town near shopping & city services. $180,000. Rebecca Lemmon, Long & Foster, 804-580-1238 or www.nnkpremierproperty.com (June-23-3t) INDIAN CREEK Waterfront farmhouse on 9+AC. Parcel could be subdivided. Priced at appraisal of $420,000. v JIM & PAT CARTER REAL ESTATE, INC. v Brokers for Unique Waterfront Properties and Estates Since 1957 -OSQUITO#REEK 2APPAHANNOCK2IVER 4HIS ACRE WOODED HOME SITE IS A RARE OFFERINGFORABEAUTIFULANDPRIVATEWATER FRONTRETREAT3ITUATEDON-OSQUITO#REEK OVERLOOKINGTHE2APPAHANNOCK2IVERBLUE SKY AND SPARKLING WATER MEET TO LIFT THE SPIRIT AND SOOTHE THE SENSES ,OCATED JUST MINUTES FROM 7HITE 3TONE THE PROPERTY OFFERS THE PERFECT COMBINATION OF PRIVACY ANDCONVENIENCE &YDMVTJWFMZPąFSFEGPS %WELL0RONG #ORROTOMAN2IVER &ROMTHEEXPANSIVEFRONTLAWNTOTHELOVELY WATERSIDEGARDENSTHISDELIGHTFULPROPERTY ISANOASISTOENJOYNATUREANDTHEREmECTIVE BEAUTYOFLIFEONTHEWATER4HECHARMING LOWMAINTENANCE HOME BUILT IN FEATURESANOPENLIGHTlLLEDINTERIORWITH LIVINGROOMlREPLACEDININGROOMEAT INKITCHENBATHSBASEMENTTWOCAR GARAGE4HEWATERSIDELIVINGEXPERIENCEWOULD NOTBECOMPLETEWITHOUTASCREENEDPORCHTO ENJOYTHEVIEWSANDADOCKTOKEEPYOUBOAT &YDMVTJWFMZPąFSFEGPS (ENRYS)SLAND #HESAPEAKE"AY 4HE SPECTACULAR SETTING OF (ENRYS )SLAND OFFERS PANORAMIC VIEWS OF THE #HESA PEAKE "AY AND IS DESIGNED WITH A RELAXED COASTAL STYLE IN MIND4HESE BUILDING SITES TOTALING Ò ACRES WITH GOR GEOUS SAND BEACH HAVE OFFSHORE BREAK WATERS AND REMOTE DRAIN lELDS INSTALLED &YDMVTJWFMZPąFSFEGPS DEEP CREEK •2.82± waterfront lot $275,000 •2.0± waterfront lot $225,000 •4BR, 2BA waterfront home, 1.95AC $555,000 #ORROTOMAN2IVER Rappahannock/Chesapeake Bay Northern Neck ◆ Lancaster County An upscale Area of Fine Properties off ± 5ʼ MLW ± 1.50 acres $350,000 Please call ANNA PAGE CAMPBELL, REALTOR (H)804-580-6639 (cell)804-3660640 The Virginia Land & Real Estate Co. (X) KILMARNOCK Commercial property on Route 3. North Main Street. 25 Acres - $2,200,000 BURGESS WATERFRONT BUILDING SITES $49,500 - $99,500 INLAND SITES $10,500 - $15,500 NORTHUMBERLAND CO. 3.4 Wooded building site $20,000 DYMER CREEK 3.81 acres fronting creek & Route 3, Short run to Chesapeake Bay and town amenities. $190,000. )NDIAN#REEK ACRES ◆ -,7 'REAT2OOMX'AS&IREPLACE #ATHEDERAL#EILING#REEK2OOM "EDROOMS ◆"ATHS [6ERY0RIVATEX-ASTER3UITE] 3UN$ECKS[/WNER!GENT] Indian Creek off Bay ± 285ʼ Waterfront 5ʼ MLW ( Indian Creek Y&CC Two Minutes by Auto ) One mile to open Bay Waters…$229,000 Weems / Irvington Brick Home Double Fireplace Vaulted Ceilings! New Sun Room 3 Bedrooms, 21/2 Baths, Garage $240ʼs .ORTHERN.ECK Lancaster County +1 Acre 3 Bedrms ◆ 2 Baths “Oak” & Tile Floors New Listing ! 462-5011 Lively {Kilmarnock: 15 Minutes} $159,000 ÇxnÓ{Îä 1, Ê /ÞÊÀiÌÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ{ÈÓÇÈän >VÞÊ >ÀÌiÀÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ{ÈÓxäÓx >À>Ê7 Ìi i>`ÊÊÊÇÇÈÇÈÈn iviÀÊ`>ÞÊÊÊÊ{ÎxxÇx iÊ,ÕLiÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ{Îx{ä{ -ÕÃ>ÊÝ >ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ{ÎÈn{£ä iiÊ>ÕÀiÀÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ{Îx{nä iÀLÊ-ÌÛiÀÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ{ÈÓäääÎ Taxes: 409 435-2644 White Stone -Ì>Ê 7 Ìi i>`Ê ÇÇÈÇÈÈnÊ iÊiiÞÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ{În{ÈÎ >VÊV ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ{ÎxÎä{{ -Ì>ViÞÊÀiÌÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ{Îxä£ÎÓ Ã>iÊÀÃiÞÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÈÎÎnÓÈ -i`Ê/«ÃÊÊÊÊ{ÎxÈnxä >ÌiÊÀÃiÞÊiÜÊÊ{ÎxÓxÎ iÃÊÀÃiÞÊÀ°ÊÊ{ÎxäÇÇÎ G. C. DAWSON REAL ESTATE 804-435-3166 or 800-526-2166 (X) LANCASTER CO. Waterfront lots: 2listings on Carters Creek, 1 in Greenvale Manor, from $195,000. Call Tom Kimmitt, Middle Bay Realty, 804-4539081 or visit www.northernneckrealestate.com (Mar-3-tf) LIKE NEW: 3BR, 2BA low maintenance, starter/retirement home. Walk to boat slips, pool, more. Very nice community. Only $149,900 Robbie Booth, Shore Realty, Inc. 804529-7020x5..(June-16-13t) LUXURIOUS HOME on Betz Mill Creek in Burgess: Gorgeous 3+BR, 2.5BA custom built home on 2.9+ wooded acres w/428’+ of waterfrontage, 5’+ MLW, pier & boat lift. Enjoy complete privacy & water views on wrap around deck. Only $800K. Rebecca Lemmon, Long & Foster, 804580-1238 or www.nnkpremierproperty.com..(June-23-3t) MILLION $$$ VIEW for only $300,000 Taskmakers Creek, Reedville area. Protected mooring w/wide water views. .89AC, installed artisian well 3BR septic, electricity Property can connect to Reedville sewer line for larger home Gravel driveway, 1-car garage, sm.shed 2002 trav trailer (sleeps 6) conveys PAT SCHELLING Long and Foster Realtors 804-435-2728 www. NorthernNeckRealEstateSearch.com (June-30-4t) THINKING OF SELLING your home? Wondering what it is worth? Call Rebecca Lemmon, w/Long & Foster, Realtors for free & confidential market analysis. Call 804-580-1238 or visit www.nnkpremierproperty.com (June-23-3t) TWIN DUPLEXES, good investment: 4 units. 2BR/1BA each. Cul-de-sac neighborhood between Kilmarnock & Lancaster. $200,000 duplex. Catherine Bennett, Realtor, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, 800-711-4620 www. Mel rose Plan ta tion.com..(June-2313t) UNDER CONSTRUCTION, 4 bedrooms, water access home in Riverwood. 2500s.f. attached garage study, elevated lot, community dock. $429,000. Wally Beauchamp, Rivertowne Properties, 804-4363605..(Apr-21-13t)photo-on-line WATERFRONT at head of Senior Creek; quick access to Corrotoman. Consisting of 2 parcels totaling 5.5 Acres. Improved access to the water with pier and storage. Power, water and disposal system in place; ready to build. Great for canoes and kayaks. Must see. $130k. Call Judy Bridge at 804-435-2330 for details (Owner Agent)..(June-16-3t) WATERFRONT, MEACHIM’S Creek: 1 acre, perked lots w/permits or 3-6 acres parcel. Lots from $115,000. Owner financing call Bankie Benton 804-758-5815..(June-2-tf)SS &LEETON0OINT #HESAPEAKE"AY 4HISSPACIOUSRETREATFULlLLSEVERYREQUIRE MENTFORTHEVERYBESTINCASUALWATERFRONT LIVING4HE CHARMINGLY DECORATED HOME REVEALSROOMAFTERROOMOFCUSTOMDETAILS %XTENSIVE DECKING AND PORCHES ABOUND HIGHLIGHTEDBYABOATHOUSEMODELEDAFTER AN EARLY "AY LIGHTHOUSE4HE LIGHTHOUSE FEATURES A COZY ROOM FOR APPRECIATING THE TRANQUILBEAUTYOFTHE"AY &YDMVTJWFMZPąFSFEGPS #HESAPEAKE"AY 7ITHANENDLESSPRISTINESANDBEACHAND TRANQUIL TIDAL POND THIS ACRE HAVEN OFFERSANATURALSECLUDEDANDALLURINGSET TING 4HIS BRICK ONESTORY HOME OFFERS THREEBEDROOMSTHREEBATHSKITCHENWFP LIVINGRMWFPANDABRIGHTOPENFAMILY ROOMWFP!NIDYLLICPLACETOENJOYSURF SANDANDSOLITUDE %XCLUSIVELYOFFEREDFOR i0XM)BWFO'BSNw :FPDPNJDP3JWFS 'SPN UIF FYQBOTJWF QPSDI UP UIF QSJWBUF TBOECFBDIUIJTFBSMZIPNFJOWJUFTZPVUP TMPXZPVSQBDFTBWPSUIFRVJFUTPMJUVEF CFBVUZ PG UIF /PSUIFSO /FDL PG 7" i0XM )BWFO 'BSNw FODPNQBTTFT BCPVU BDSFT XPWFS GU TIPSFMJOF ɨF TR GU GBSNIPVTF JT TFU JO B QJDUVSFTRVF MBOETDBQFPGFYQBOTJWFMBXOXNBUVSFTIBEF USFFT%FFQXBUFSQJFSTXJNNJOHQPPM EFUBDIFEHBSBHF &YDMVTJWFMZPąFSFEGPS %ZNFS$SFFL $IFTBQFBLF#BZ ɨJTDIBSNJOHFBSMZIPNFJTQFSGFDUMZTJUFE POBQSJWBUFQPJOUPO%ZNFS$SFFLɨF TQBSLMJOHXBUFSWJFXTVSSPVOETUIFIPNF QSPWJEJOHTQFDUBDVMBSXJEFCMVFWJTUBTUP UIF $IFTBQFBLF #BZ .BHOPMJBT $SFQF .ZSUMFT BOE %PHXPPET BSF BNPOH UIF BCVOEBOUNBUVSFUSFFTBOETISVCTXIJDI GSBNFUIJTHSBDJPVTTFUUJOHɨJTQSPQFSUZ PĊFSTBSBSFPQQPSUVOJUZXJUIHSFBUQPUFO UJBMGPSBCFBVUJGVMIBWFOCZUIF#BZ &YDMVTJWFMZPąFSFEGPS FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: EMILY CARTER 435-3144 v 4OLL&REEv &AX #HESAPEAKE$RIVEv 0/"OXv7HITE3TONE6IRGINIA EMAILECARTER CARTERREALESTATECOM v C4 • Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • June 30, 2005 *)-0!4#!24%22%!,%34!4%).# #SPLFSTGPS6OJRVF8BUFSGSPOU1SPQFSUJFTBOE&TUBUFT4JODF 7EST"R#ORROTOMAN^ #OBBS#REEK^ )NDIAN#REEK^ 6ILLAGEOF7EEMS^ 4AYLOR#REEK^ )NDIAN#REEK%STATES^ 2IVERS"END%STATES^ 2APPAHAN2VR6IEW^ 9ORK2IVER^ #ORROTOMAN2IVER^ )RVINGTON^ #ARTERS#REEK^ 7AKE(ORSE&ARM^ -EACHIM#REEK^ +ILMARNOCK^ 0ARROTT)SLAND^ #ARTERS#REEK^ 4OWNOF,ANCASTER^ "ELLS#REEK^ 2APPAHANNOCK2VR^ #ARTERS#REEK^ 7HITE3TONE^ 3ENIOR#REEK^ -EACHIM#REEK^ 7ELOOKFORWARDTOWELCOMINGYOU IN)RVINGTON+ILMARNOCKANDASALWAYS7HITE3TONE 3HAREOURTRADITION #(%3!0%!+%$2)6% 7()4%34/.%6! )26).'4/.2/!$ )26).'4/.6! WWWCARTERREALESTATECOM ./24(-!).342%%4 +),-!2./#+6! Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • June 30, 2005 • C5 v v +̢ӅT̢DȢMȢȐSǑҿ̢OHΝӅS /ǑҿJΝT#̢SUIEBZӭ̢Ư ҿSFǚґӅSFȠ˪Ǒ̢ͥMZҿSBȜ̢ҿJΝͩT JIM & PAT CARTER REAL ESTATE, INC. Brokers for Unique Properties and Estates Since 1957 v v C6 • Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • June 30, 2005 #HARLIE#ARNEAL $IANE#APLAN #OLLEEN3HAUT #ATHY2OWE 0EGGY#ATHEY +ENDALL6ICKERY *OHN$ORSEY 4ERRI'ROH )RVINGTON2OADs)RVINGTON6IRGINIAss EMAILSELECT PLEASANTLIFECOMs7EBSITEWWWPLEASANTLIFECOM ed – Exceed %XPECTATIONS-ET✓ h7ATERMANS7HARF v 3ALUDA h4REEHOUSEv h5RBANNA#REEK&ARMSv ,OVELYSQUAREFOOTTWOSTORYHOMEOFFERINGTHREEBEDROOMSTWO ANDONEHALFBATHSSPACIOUSEATINKITCHENLIVINGROOMDENUTILITYROOM ANDTWOCARDETACHEDGARAGE4HISWELLMAINTAINEDHOMEISSITUATEDONA NICELYLANDSCAPEDACRECORNERLOTCLOSETOPUBLICBOATLANDING !3%,%#402/0%24)%3%8#,53)6% /FFEREDFOR #ARTER#REEK ,IKE.O/THER %IGHTABSOLUTELYBEAUTIFULDEEPWATERHOMESITESFRONTINGON!NTIPOISON #REEKOFF7INDMILL0OINT2OAD/FFEREDFROM &IVELARGEINLANDSITESRANGINGFROMACRESTOACRESWILLOFFERBOAT SLIPANDRAMP/FFEREDAT 2ESERVATIONSBEINGACCEPTED0LEASECALLFORDETAILS !3%,%#402/0%24)%3%8#,53)6% )FSPO$PWF7JMMBT SOLD /NTHE'REAT7ICOMICO ,USH VEGETATION SURROUNDS THIS CONTEMPORARY HOME THAT IS ELEVATED FROMWATERSEDGEANDTOWERSAMIDSTMATUREPLANTINGSONTHISACRE PROPERTYLOCATEDONTHE7ICOMICO2IVER4HELAVISHUSEOFWOODSTONE TILEANDSKYLIGHTSTHROUGHOUTTHISSQUAREFOOTHOMEPROVIDEWARM ANDCOOLLIVINGSPACESDURINGTHECHANGINGSEASONS,IVINGAREASINCLUDE KITCHENDININGAREAFAMILYROOMWITHCATHEDRALCEILINGANDTWOSTORY STONElREPLACETHREEBEDROOMSDENANDTHREEBATHS!SPECIALhTREETOPv OFlCEISLOCATEDONTHETHIRDmOOR4HEWATERSIDESCREENEDPORCHOVERLOOKS THEPOOLTHATAPPEARSTOmOATOVERTHEINCREDIBLYGREENLANDSCAPEDGARDENS TOTHEPIERWITHÒWATERDEPTHBOATHOUSEANDWATERSIDEGAZEBO! 3%,%#402/0%24)%3%8#,53)6% /FFEREDFOR .JEEMFTFY$PVOUZ 7ALTON#OVE/N'LEBE2OAD 4HESOLITUDEOFGRACIOUSLIVINGINTHEHEARTOF)RVINGTONON#ARTER#REEK ,OVELYCUSTOMHOMECONSTRUCTEDINÒSQUAREFEETINPRISTINE CONDITION4HREEFOURBEDROOMSBATHS-ASTERSUITEONlRSTmOOR 3PACIOUS DECK SCREENED PORCH OVERLOOKING #ARTER #REEK 0IER TO Ò -,7#RAFTSMANQUALITYCONSTRUCTIONANDINTERIORTRIM6ERYOPENmOOR PLAN0LEASECALLFORANAPOINTMENT !3%,%#402/0%24)%3%8#,53)6% /FFEREDFOR ǰF$PWFTBU8JMUPO$SFFL 8POEFSGVMPOFTUPSZDPOEPPĊFSJOHUXPCFESSPNTPOFCBUILJUDIFO XJUIOFXBQQMJBODFTMJWJOHEJOJOHBSFBBOEXBUFSTJEFEFDLBMMJOB QSJTUJOFXPPEFEXBUFSGSPOUTFUUJOHɨJT7JMMBIBTKVTUCFFOSFGVSCJTIFE XJUIOFXDBSQFUBOEUIFJOUFSJPSGSFTIMZQBJOUFE"NFOJUJFTJODMVEFB DMVCIPVTFXJUIQPPMUFOOJTDPVSUTCPBUUSBJMFSTUPSBHFBOECPBUSBNQ "4&-&$51301&35*&4&9$-64*7& $IFTBQFBLF#BZ 0ąFSFEGPS (SFBU(PMG i$PVOUSZ -JWJOHw XJUI B DPOUFNQPSBSZ nBJSOFX DPOTUSVDUJPO JO B HPMmOHDPNNVOJUZ'JSTUnPPSNBTUFSTVJUFPQFOnPPSQMBOHBUIFSJOH SPPNFBUJOLJUDIFOMPXNBJOUFOBODFBOEBEEJUJPOBMCFESPPNTJO VQQFSMFWFM"MMUIJTIPNFOFFETJT:06 "4&-&$51301&35*&4&9$-64*7& 0ĊFSFEGPS i8BUBWVFw &TDBQF ɨJTDMBTTJDXBUFSGSPOUSFTJEFODFJTBTFDMVEFEHFNQSPWJEJOHCSFBUIUBLJOHWJFXTTBOECFBDIQSJWBDZBOEFMFHBODF4JUVBUFEPOTJYBDSFTUIJTNBSWFMPVT UXFMWFSPPNIPNFJTBQQSPBDIFECZBHFOUMZXJOEJOHESJWFTVSSPVOEFECZWFSEBOUOBUJWFWFHFUBUJPO3PPNTJODMVEFGPZFSPQFOJOHUPMBSHFGPSNBMMJW JOHBOEEJOJOHSPPNPWFSMPPLJOHUIFQPSDIJODSFEJCMFHPVSNFULJUDIFOXJUI#VUMFSTQBOUSZXIJDInPXTUPGBNJMZSPPNCSFBLGBTUBSFBBOETVOSPPN ɨJTTQBDJPVTNBTUFSCFESPPNIBTBMBWJTICBUISPPNɨSFFCFBVUJGVMHVFTUSPPNTIBWFWJFXTPGUIF#BZ*OBEEJUJPOUIFSFJTBOFYFSDJTFSPPNPċDF NFEJBSPPNBOEUISFFDBSHBSBHF"NFOJUJFTJODMVEFGPVSmSFQMBDFTBDVTUPNTPVOETZTUFNTUBUFPGUIFBSUDPNNVOJDBUJPOTTQSJOLMFSBOETFDVSJUZ TZTUFNT"4&-&$51301&35*&4&9$-64*7& ǰF$PUUBHFTBUUIF(PMEFO&BHMF 3BQQBIBOOPDL$PSSPUPNBO3JWFS ɨFOBNFTBZTJUBMM'BCVMPVTXBUFSWJFXTGSPNFWFSZNBKPSSPPN4QB DJPVTGPVSCFESPPNUISFFBOEBIBMGCBUIIPNFXJUIUXPCFESPPNPOF CBUI HVFTU DPUUBHF BU UIF XBUFST FEHF ɨF JO HSPVOE QPPM IBT BNQMF EFDLJOHQMVTBOFYUFOTJWFUFSBDPUUBQBUJP.-8BUQJFS"MMPO BDSFT-PDBUFEJO8FFNT"4&-&$51301&35*&4&9$-64*7& 0ąFSFEGPS h0OP#ASTLEv !#4 #/.42 0OUIF'JSTU(SFFO 0OFXPSE4QFDUBDVMBSy1FSGFDUJOEJWJEVBMDPOEPIPNFPWFSMPPLJOHTU HSFFOPG(PMEFO&BHMF$PVSTF1SJTUJOFIPNFXJUIBMNPTU4'ɨSFF FOTVJUFNBTUFSTJ[FCFESPPNTPċDFUXPDPVSTFTJEFTVOSPPNTGPPU DFJMJOHTNBTUFSDBSQFOUFSCVJMUJOTUXPQJFDFDSPXONPMEJOHFWFSZUIJOH ZPVEFTJSF3FMBYCZUIFQPPMQMBZHPMGFOKPZUIFDBSFGSFFMJGF "4&-&$51301&5*&4&9$-64*7& 0ąFSFEGPS (ISTORIC'EMONTHE2APPAHANNOCK2IVER !NEXCELLENTEXAMPLEOFTHE'REEK2EVIVALSTYLEh0OP#ASTLEvWASBUILTINANDISLOCATEDONASHADEDGRASSYSITEOVERLOOKINGTHE2APPAHANNOCK 2IVER4HEORIGINALARCHITECTURALFEATURESHAVEBEENEXQUISITELYMAINTAINED4HISSUBSTANTIALHOMEOFOVERSQUAREFEETOFFERSlVEBEDROOMSWIDE HALLSANDSPACIOUSFORMALANDINFORMALROOMS4HEPROPERTYENCOMPASSESTWELVEACRESANDISENHANCEDBYANCIENTOAKSMAGNOLIASBOXWOODSWIDE WATERVIEWSANDSANDBEACH-ANYOFTHEOUTBUILDINGSHAVEBEENPRESERVED(ISTORICALLYSIGNIlCANTTHEPROPERTYISLISTEDONTHE6IRGINIA,ANDMARKS 2EGISTERANDTHE.ATIONAL2EGISTEROF(ISTORIC0LACES!3%,%#402/0%24)%3%8#,53)6% /FFEREDFOR 7!4%2&2/.4"5),$).'3)4%3 Laurel Point Wooded, elevated 3.6 A Brownʼs Creek $210,000 Carter Creek ESTATE HOME SITE 3ʼ MLW 14+ Acres, 400+ Shoreline $575,000 Drum Point NEW to market! 2 wooded acres Pier- (needs work) Just $99,000 Water View Lots one lot, wooded, Rio Vista 2.3 A $70,000 Antipoison Creek Level site, private lane. Wooded 2+ acres, 254ʼ frontage $350,000 Myers Creek Wonderful views. Wooded Protected Shoreline $152,500 THIS IS JUST A SAMPLING – PLEASE GIVE US A CALL – WE HAVE MANY MORE Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • June 30, 2005 • C7 #HARLIE#ARNEAL $IANE#APLAN #OLLEEN3HAUT #ATHY2OWE 0EGGY#ATHEY +ENDALL6ICKERY *OHN$ORSEY 4ERRI'ROH )RVINGTON2OADs)RVINGTON6IRGINIAss EMAILSELECT PLEASANTLIFECOMs7EBSITEWWWPLEASANTLIFECOM d – e Exceed %XPECTATIONS-ET✓ (OLLY(AVEN2OAD &ERN#OTTAGE h(ERON#OVEv !#4 2 4 . / # 4AYLORS#REEK 7ONDERFULONESTORYHOMEWITHBEAUTIFULVIEWSOFTHECREEKOFFERINGOVER SQUAREFEETOFLIVINGSPACE4HREEBEDROOMSTWOANDONEHALFBATHS ACENTRALlREPLACEANDVAULTEDCEILINGSEPARATETHELARGEEATINKITCHEN ANDLIVINGROOM&ORMALDININGROOMDENANDRIVERROOMCOMPLETETHIS SPACIOUSHOME!DDITIONALLYTHEREISAONECARDETACHEDGARAGEANDDECK OVERLOOKINGTHECREEKANDPIERWITHBOATLIFTTOWATERDEPTH,OCATED ONELEVATEDWOODEDACRESLANDSCAPEDWITHLAURELDOGWOODCAMELLIA ANDHUGEAZALEAS!3%,%#402/0%24)%3%8#,53)6% /FFEREDFOR 'OLDEN%AGLE'OLF#OURSE ,IGHTANDAIRYONESTORYCONDOMINUMWITHLARGEROOMSANDEASYmOOR PLAN'ORGEOUSVIEWSOFTHEGOLFCOURSEFROMTHEGLASSENCLOSEDFAMILY ROOM+ITCHENHASNEWAPPLIANCESVINYLmOORANDCOUNTERTOPS4HELIVING ROOMENJOYSALARGElREPLACEANDVAULTEDCEILINGS!PRIVATECOURTYARDIS LOCATEDONTHEFRONTOFTHEHOMEWITHBRICKmOORSANDLOVELYPLANTSAND mOWERS!3%,%#402/0%24)%3%8#,53)6% /FFEREDFOR 7INDMILL0OINT2OAD 7ILDLIFEABOUNDSONTHISACREPROPERTYLOCATEDAT"RIGHTWATERSON 7INDMILL0OINT#REEK4HIS,INDAL#EDARHOMEWASSUPERBLYDESIGNED TOBRINGTHEOUTSIDEINWITHTHEEXTENSIVEUSEOFGLASSSHOWCASINGWATER VIEWSFROMNEARLYEVERYROOM4HEMAINLIVINGSPACESINCLUDETHREEBED ROOMSFOURBATHSGREATROOMWITHCATHEDRALCEILINGANDSTONElREPLACE DININGSUNROOMDENANDFAMILYROOM4HEEXPANSIVEWATERSIDEDECK ISPERFECTFORSUMMERENTERTAINING!SPECIALFEATUREINCLUDESAhCOVERED BRIDGEvTOHOUSEYOURRECREATIONALVEHICLE4HEPIERENJOYSÒWATERDEPTH ANDBOATLIFT!GORGEOUSSANDBEACHONTHERIVERISONEOFTHECOMMUNITY AMENITIES!3%,%#402/0%24)%3%8#,53)6% /FFEREDFOR 3/,$ 0ROVIDENCE0OINT %ARLYS&ARMHOUSE $ELIGHTFULEARLYSFARMHOUSEOFFERINGBEDROOMSBATHSLARGE COUNTRYKITCHENSPACIOUSDININGROOMLIVINGROOMWITHGASSTOVE SEVERALOUTBUILDINGSINCLUDINGCARDETACHEDGARAGEANDSUBSTANTIAL FENCEDAREAFORYOURDOG3ECONDmOORMASTERALSOWITHGASSTOVEHAS ADJOININGSITTINGROOMWHICHCOULDBEUSEDASATHIRDBEDROOM0UBLIC BEACHANDCARTOPLAUNCHAREAAREASHORTDRIVEAWAY !3%,%#402/0%24)%3%8#,53)6% /FFEREDFOR #HESAPEAKE(ARBOR 7ATERFRONT3ANCTUARY 2ESTINGATTHEWATERSEDGE0ROVIDENCE0OINTPROVIDESSQUAREFEETFORCOMFORTABLEFAMILYLIVINGANDGRACIOUSENTERTAINING4OTALESTATECONTAINS ACRESWITHASANDBEACHANDALMOSTFEETOFWATERFRONTAGE4RULYASINGULAROPPORTUNITYTOOWNAHOMEAFFORDINGRAREPRIVACYANDTRANQUILITY &ULLSERVICEPIERHASSAILBOATDEPTHWATERANDISLOCATEDINITSOWNPROTECTEDCOVEJUSTACROSSFROMTHE4IDES)NN4HEGUESTLODGEORSTUDIOISJUSTASTEP FROMTHESPARKLINGPOOLANDSURROUNDINGSLATEPATIO#ALLFORATOURON#$!3%,%#402/0%24)%3%8#,53)6% @#OVEHAVEN4HE,ANE #ARTER#REEK)RVINGTON 2ANCHSTYLEHOMEWITHBEDROOMSONWESTENDMASTERSUITEONEAST END#ENTRALKITCHENGREATROOMDININGAREACREEKROOMWITHVAULTED CIELINGWATERVIEWS4WOCARATTACHEDGARAGEPIER3OLDFURNISHED *USTMOVEINANDENJOY!3%,%#402/0%24)%3%8#,53)6% /FFEREDFOR #ARTER#REEK 7ONDERFULTWOSTORY#OLONIALFARMHOUSEBUILTINANDSITUATEDON ACRESOFLANDSCAPEDGARDENSOFFERINGAVARIETYOFMATURETREESAND PERENNIALPLANTINGS%VERYASPECTOFTHISSQUAREFOOTHOMEEXUDES CHARMANDCOMFORTFROMTHEWRAPAROUNDPORCHESTOTHEWHITEPICKET FENCE4HE lRST mOOR LIVING SPACE INCLUDES LIVING ROOM WITH lREPLACE FORMAL DINING ROOM EATIN COUNTRY KITCHEN SPACIOUS SUN ROOM WITH BAYWINDOWBATHANDFAMILYROOM5PSTAIRSOFFERSTHREEBEDROOMSTWO BATHSANDFAMILYROOM4HEDETACHEDONECARGARAGEHASWALKUPSTAIRS TOSECONDLEVELIDEALFORSTORAGEORARTISTSTUDIO!PIERON#ARTERS#REEK OFFERSWATERDEPTH!3%,%#402/0%24)%3%8#,53)6% %STATESIZEPARCELOFACRESnCLEAREDANDWOODEDWITHROADINPLACE FOUR BEDROOM SEPTIC APPROVAL AND RECENT SURVEY ON lLE -INUTES TO THE2APPAHANNOCK2IVER#HESAPEAKE"AYAND9ACHT#LUBnINVESTMENT PROPERTYORBUILDYOURh2IVAH$REAM(OMEv!3%,%#402/0%2 4)%3%8#,53)6% /FFEREDFOR /FFEREDFOR h(OLLY0OINTv -ORAN#REEK%"RANCH#ORROTOMAN2IVER )NDIAN#REEK0ITTMANS#OVE "LACK3TUMP2OAD )NCREDIBLYPRIVATEPOINTOFLANDCONSISTINGOFPRIVATEACRESWITH OFWATERFRONT4HEHOMEISAMOSTSPACIOUSONESTORYWITHBEDROOMS LARGEBATHROOMSHALFBATHSALLARELARGEROOMS4HEREISADETACHED SQFTWORKSHOPWITHAFULLBATH3HORTRUNTO#HESAPEAKE"AY -,7ATPIER!3%,%#402/0%24)%3%8#,53)6% 4HISNEWHOMEISNEARINGCOMPLETIONANDOFFERSOVERSQUAREFEETOFLIVINGAREA&OURBEDROOMSSIXBATHSTWOGOURMETKITCHENSOPENLIVINGAND DININGROOMSGREATROOMRECREATIONROOMACTIVITIESROOMFAMILYROOMANDDEN!MENITIESINCLUDETHREElREPLACESELEVATORANDEXTENSIVEWIRINGFOR HOMEENTERTAINMENTANDSECURITY%XQUISITEMATERIALSANDDETAILSAREUSEDTHROUGHOUTTHISHOME/UTDOORLIVINGONYOURSCREENEDPORCHDECKORPATIO 4WOCARATTACHEDGARAGEANDTHREECARDETACHEDGARAGE"EAUTIFULVIEWSOVER-ORAN#REEKINTOTHE2APPAHANNOCK2IVERANDWIDEVIEWSOFTHE#ORROTO MAN2IVER+EEPYOURKAYAKONTHE#REEKANDYOURSAILBOATONTHE2IVER!3%,%#402/0%24)%3%8#,53)6% /FFEREDFOR /FFEREDFOR )NDEPENDENCE$AY (APPY"IRTHDAY!MERICA C8 • Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • June 30, 2005 Animals for adoption For Rent For Rent For Rent 1200 SQ.FT. Office or retail. Full bath. Good Parking. Rt. 33, Hartfield. Call 804-776-7760 or 804-776-8086. (June-30-2t)SS 1BR COTTAGE on water: No pets, deposit and references required. Includes utilities. $600 month. Call 804435-6991, leave message..(June-302t) 2 NEW INDEPENDENT Commercial office suites, Kilmarnock, prime location, Main Street. Separate entrances, 650sf each, handicap access, off-street parking. $600 each, 1-year lease. oteromed@aol.com 301-7181977..(Apr-14-13t) 2BR, 2BA, 1500sf ranch on Western Corottoman River, estate. LR w/fireplace, DR, 2 screened porches, CHAC, W/D, attached garage. $895. References and security check. Pool and pier privileges available. Call 804-462-7603..(June-30-2t) 3BR BRICK Rancher, spectacular view, relatively secluded, no pets, central air and oil heat, dock w/boat lift included, long term lease preferred. $1400/month. Deposit required. 804438-6254 or 436-6545..(May-26-tf) 3BR, 2BA Fully furnished. Pondview, river access. Very private, on 2+acres. Near Lottsburg. $800 plus utilities. Also similar, near Tappahannock. 804-472-2290, 804-761-1716. (June-30-2t) 4BR/3BA VICTORIAN. Picket fence, screen porches, ceiling fans, CHAC. Upscale updates. Kilmarnock. $950 month. Catherine Bennett, Owner/ Agent. Melrose Plantation Real Estate, 800-711-4620. www.MelrosePlantation.com..(May-12-13t) APARTMENT, WATERFRONT: 1BR efficiency, 3rd floor of home, private entrance, facing bay, Prentice/Dividing Creeks, 10 minutes from Kilmarnock. Ideal for single or someone building a home. No pets, 1-year lease, $495 month. Available now. 804-435-2572..(May-12-tf) COMMERCIAL Building: 429 E. Church St. leaving Kilmarnock. Approximately 2500sq.ft. Six offices. Entrance secretary area. Restrooms, handicap entrance and restroom, plus storage area. Copier area. Available now. Call 804-435-1774 or 804-7962838..(Sept-2-tf) COMMERCIAL STORAGE: Ideal for contractors, boats, RV’s. Shackelford. VA off Rt. 3. $98 month 14’x40’. Call 804-405-5061..(Apr-7-13t) FARM: 30 fenced acres in pasture, 6stall barn; water and electricity, horses/cattle, long or short term lease OK; $6,000 year. Callao, VA. Fred, 804529-6868..(May-12-13t) HARTFIELD: Large modern, clean 2BR home with den/office. Huge eat-in kitchen w/deck & views of golf course. High efficiency heat pump and AC. All new appliances including washer, dryer, dishwasher, refrigerator and stove. For 1 or 2 occupants only. Security deposit and credit check required. Call 804-761-1763. (June-16-4t)SS HILLS QUARTER: The Randolph, 3BR, 2.5BA, 2-story Colonial home located in St. John’s. Approx 1,826SF. Wooded lot borders Golden Eagle Golf course. $1500 month plus utilities. Call 804-435-8830..(June-23-2t) HILLS QUARTER:The Carter, 3BR, 2.5 BA, 2-story Colonial home located in St. John’s neighborhood. Wooded lot borders Golden Eagle Golf course. $1500 month plus utilities. Call 804435-8830..(June-23-2t) INDIAN CREEK: Golf Club Community, waterfront home on 15th green. Sunset views from porch, all appliances kitchen, glassed greatroom, 1BR, 1.5BA. $850 month. Call 804-7582430 or 804-580-4566..(June-16-4t) IRVINGTON, King Carter Drive: 3/ bedrooms and 2/baths, large garage for storage. Credit check and security deposit. $850/per month. Al Ludwig, Bay Meadows Real Estate, 804-4351287..(Mar-10-tf) IRVINGTON: 2BR, 1BA cottage, lawn & water included, $750 mo. Call 804438-9884 or 804-438-9890..(Apr-7-tf) IRVINGTON: 3BR, 2BA, 1 year lease. $650 month. Off of Steamboat Road. Credit check. Al Ludwig, Bay Meadows Real Estate, 804-4351287..(June-30-tf) KILMARNOCK OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE 3 offices, available in 60 to 90 days — 6-12 month lease required. Mail responses to Lease, P.O. Box 400, Kilmarnock, VA 22482..(June-16-4t) LARGE PRIVATE Estate Home on 12 acres, furnished, deep-water harbor, boathouse, pier. One-year lease required. $3500 per/month, negotiable. Credit check required. Call Debbie Morgan, Broker, Morgan & Edwards Real Estate. 804-725-1951..(Dec23-tf) OFFICES FOR Lease, various sizes. Ample parking, good location, a must see. Located in White Stone, Va. Phone 804-435-3988..(May-26-13t) PARTIALLY FURNISHED, quaint 2BR, 2BA water access cottage in quiet Jackson Acres, Deltaville. Screened-in porch, large yard, work shed. Boat ramp and dedicated boat slip in Sturgeon Creek. $650 per month plus utilities. 804-758-2347 or 757-515-0141..(June-16-3t) RAPPAHANNOCK, WEEMS: Unfurnished, yearly lease, 2BR, 1BA, LR w/fireplace, DR, kitchen, CHAC. Trash, mowing, water, pier, washer, dryer included. $950 month. Security, references required. 804-4385456..(June-16-3t) ROOMMATES WANTED: Northumberland Co., Ophelia area. Bedroom w/private bath, utilities, washer, dryer, TV, kitchen privileges included. Security required. $100 week. Call 804453-4799..(June-30-4t) STORAGE UNITS: 10x10, $60 a month; 10x15, $70 a month; 10x20, $80 a month. Units available! Call 804776-8086 or 804-761-2531..(June30-2t)SS STOREFRONT: Irvington Road, Kilmarnock. Available May 1. 900± square feet. $600 month security deposit and references required. Call 804-435-6501..(Apr-14-tf) WATERFRONT HOME: Totally renovated, no pets, 2BR, 2BA. $1500 month. Call 804-435-7709..(June-233t) WATERFRONT: Small 1 bedroom efficiency for single, professionals. $550 per month, includes all utilities. Available now. Call Laurie 804-4368036..(June-30-2t) WATERFRONT: Wilton Creek off Piankatank. Mariner’s Point Condo. 2BR, 2BA, beautifully furnished, fireplace, satellite TV, pool, tennis, 40’ yacht slip. $1275/mo. 804-586-3368..(June9-tf)SS WEEMS: 2BR, 2BA home in quiet neighborhood. Large yard w/mature trees, 2-car garage. All appliances included. Pets negotiable. Security, references required. $675 month. 804462-7658..(June-30-2t) WINDMILL POINT RD: 3BR/2BA, fully renovated, new kitchen, central air, water view, .75AC. Yearly lease. Available immediately. Reduced to $800/month, security required. oteromed@aol.com 301-718-1977. (Apr14-13t) Want to Rent ROOMMATE WANTED: Female, ages 21-30, to share nice 3BR home on 1.3 acres in Callao. $350 month, includes utilities. References required. 804-529-7098..(June-16-tf) 4 3 5 - 17 0 1 ADVERTISE ADVERTISE ADVERTISE h,OCAL+NOWLEDGE7ORKING&OR9OUv !SSISTINGYOUWITH!LL9OUR2EAL%STATENEEDS #!4(92/7% 0,%!3%#/.4!#4 /2CROWE PLEASANTLIFECOM )RVINGTON2OAD)RVINGTON6! 6ISITOURWEBSITEWWWPLEASANTLIFECOM $IVIDING#REEKTOTHE #HESAPEAKE"AY The Animal Welfare League has many animals for adoption to good, loving homes. The dogs, puppies, cats and kittens change rapidly; in lieu of listing them, interested persons may call the league at 435-0822 or Joyce at 462-0091 to be advised of what is available at that time. Visits to local animal shelters also are encouraged. CARTERS CREEK IRVINGTON An unsurpassed location in the heart of Irvington. A truly rare opportunity, limited only by your imagination, to expand your own personal preferences for life. An allwaterfront wonder with a 12,287± square foot building envelope for the home of your dreams. Indeed, you’ve dreamed, and we’ve delivered. You want seven feet mean low water for the freedom to go boating anytime you wish? You’ve got it. You want beautiful views of the eastern branch of this tributary treasure? You’ve got it. You want a charming vibrant special spot for your retreat? You’ve got that, too. Southern exposure for all-day sun for your pool. A completely bulkheaded shoreline of over 260 feet ±. Water and electric to the property, and septic installed. $650,000. GLENN C. COCKRELL CONSISTENTLY, OVER THE YEARS. AWARD-WINNING MARKETING. LEADERSHIP RESULTS. FOR YOU. 804.438.6677 www.gcockrell.com EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY -IDDLE"AY2EALTY 'OUGERS#REEK )NTHESTYLEOFA SOUTHERNCOASTAL PLANTATIONHOME PRESENTEDWITHSIX STATELYCOLUMNSYOU AREWELCOMEDTO THEFRONTDOORBYA BRICKWALKWAYAND ARAISEDBRICKPORCH "EAUTIFULTWOSTORYWATERFRONTHOME%NJOYBEDROOMS BATHS (ARDYPLANKSIDINGCARGARAGEPIERWITHBOATLIFT 4HEFOYERACCENTED WITHFOURCOLUMNS PRESENTSTHEDIN INGROOMANDLIVING ROOM4HEFAMILY ROOMWITHITSTWO LEVELCATHEDRALCEIL INGANDMASONRY lREPLACESURROUNDED BYMARBLEDRAWSYOU TOTHEHEARTOFTHE HOME4HEKITCHENISDESIGNEDWITHANABUNDANCEOFRICHSOLIDCHERRYCABI NETSANDGRANITECOUNTERTOPS4HEMASTERSUITEWITHITSMULTITUDEOFWINDOWS ANDBAYEDSITTINGAREAFRAMESTHESPECTACULARVIEWS4HETILEDMASTERBATHIS APPOINTEDWITHGRANITECOUNTERSDOUBLESINKVANITYSTEAMSHOWERAND*ACUZZI WHIRLPOOLTUB4WOGUESTBEDROOMSAHOMEOFlCEALARGEHOMEENTERTAINMENT ROOMPLUSATWOCARGARAGECOMPLETETHEMAINHOUSE4HE'ENTLEMANS"ARNIS COMPLIMENTARYTOTHEMAINHOUSEWITHTWOXBAYSANDASEPARATEWORK SHOP4HEGUESTAPARTMENTCOMPLETEWITHLIVINGROOMKITCHENBEDROOMAND BATHISLOCATEDABOVETHE'ENTLEMANSBARN4HISPROFESSIONALLYLANDSCAPED ACRESITEFEATURESTWOIRRIGATIONSYSTEMSANDISENCOMPASSEDBYFENCING 3HORTBOATRIDETOTHE'REAT7ICOMICO,OCATEDONACRES SQFTFT-,7&INISHINGTOUCHESNOWBEINGAPPLIED %XCLUSIVELY/FFERED&OR "ARBARA-"RAGG EXTEXT EMAIL"ARBARA BRAGGCOCOM 3OUTH-AIN3TREETs+ILMARNOCK6IRGINIA WWWBRAGGCOCOM +ENNY+UYKENDALL!GENT #ELLs/FlCE /PENDAYSAWEEKTOSERVEYOU WWW-IDDLE"AY2EALTYCOMsDONEL SYLVANINFONET Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • June 30, 2005 • C9 Bay/River Office 804-435-2673 877-435-2673 (Toll Free) ÛiÀ}ÊÌ iÊ ÀÌ iÀÊ iV >` ``iÊ*iÃÕ> www.chesapeakebay-river.com www.longandfoster.com ÎnÇÊ iÃ>«i>iÊÀ° Ê*°"°ÊÝÊ£ää 7 ÌiÊ-Ìi]Ê6ÊÓÓxÇn }iÌÊÊÕÌÞÊÊÇÊÊ>ÞÃÊ>Ê7ii° NE W LIS G TIN NE COBBS CREEK – $399,500 Wonderful 3 bedroom condo overlooking the creek. Large private boat slip with lift. 1st floor bedroom and upstairs loft. Spacious living area and community amenities. Mike Vest–804-776-6534 NE TASKMAKERS CREEK – $300,000 Fabulous bay view–3ʼ+/- MLW - Enjoy now in new 2BR, 27ʼ Travel Trailer. Lot has artesian well, 3 BR septic, shed, garage, elec., road-ready to build. Wanda Bukoski–804-366-2896 Pat Schelling–804-435-2728 INGRAM BAY DR.–$585,000 Your million dollar view. Almost 2000 sq. ft. like new home w/3 BR, 2 BAs & water view from every room (Bay & Harveyʼs Ck) Comm. amenities inc. protected mooring in ck. Al Shriver–804-435-2673 W NE TAPPAHANNOCK–$529,900 Private, serene on 9± wooded acres. Immaculate condition-3 story 4 BR, 3.5 BAs, huge MBR, kit. w/breakfast rm. Work island. Totally finished lower level w/family rm & exercise rm. Skipper Garrett–804-443-2514 ING LITTLE WICOMICO RIVER $229,500 Proposed construction–3 bedroom, 2 bath home in great waterfront community with pier and boat ramp. NE COCKRELL CREEK-9.8± AC. $1,295,000 Incredible Wide Water Views Quick Access to the Bay Additional waterfront homesites or subdivision of parcel possible. Yvonne Hurt-804-453-3036 W T LIS T LIS W T LIS W ING WATERFRONT ESTATE$2,950,000 Extraordinary brick home w/ impeccable craftsmanship–lavish use of glass to showcase stunning waterfront views. Over 400 +/- ʻ shoreline protected sailboat harbor, 10+/- ft. MLW, 3 BR guest quarters, heated in ground pool and spa. Yvonne Hurt – 804-453-3036 Byrl Phillips Taylor – 804-356-7879 Towles Landing–$285,000 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with 180 degree view of the Chesapeake Bay from the roof-top deck. Rear deck and 1-car attached garage. Near Ingram Bay Marina. A must see! www.nnkhomes.com Scott G. Guay–804-453-4309 JACKSON CREEK–$1,300,000 Unique mini-estate in Deltaville on 2.97 +/- ac. 4,200+/- sq. ft, 3BRs, 2.5 BAs, 2 FPs, 2-car garage w/ in-law apartment. Screened porch. 2 piers, boathouse, bulkhead, pool, deck, gazebo. Sensational scenery, quality and comfort. Mark Taylor–804-814-4080 HAGUE–$395,000 In absolutely immaculate condition! Ca. 1762, 3 BR, 1.5 BA Colonial Cape Cod w/4 fps–2 up/2 down. Wide heart pine fls., screened porch w/hot tub, custom kit. cabinets. Jenn-Aire range, much more. 7.46± acres. Skipper Garrett–804-443-2514 ING GWYNNS ISLAND – $375,000 Cherry Point–cute 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath cottage. Sunroom w/ lovely Chesapeake Bay views. Appliances, some furnishings. Frontage on Kibbler Pond w/ access to the bay. Byrl Phillips Taylor–804-356-7879 ING HULL CREEK–$725,000 2-story 4 BR, 3 BA Contemporary on great 2.16+/- ac. point lot. Sand beach, pier w/ 4ʼ+/- MLW. Separate guest apt., screen porch and deck. Long water view. Skipper Garrett–804-443-2514 T LIS W NE KENT COVE–$670,000 Charming 3 BR, 2 BA home shaded by a canopy of tall trees in a quiet neighborhood. Long views and literally minutes to the bay. Artfully landscaped. Pier plus private boat ramp. Ellen Denkinger–804-436-8815 T LIS ING STURGEON CREEK–$349,900 Contemporary vinyl sided 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch on scenic lot w/ deeded rights to ramp, pier and slip across the street. Mint condition. Detached garage. Mark Taylor–804-778-0085 BAY GATES–JARVIS CREEK $695,000 Custom-built Ranch, 3,200± sq. ft. of gracious waterfront living just off the Chesapeake Bay. Call for details. www.nnkhomes.com Scott G. Guay–804-453-4309 ING W NE FARNHAM–Antique Property with 55± ac.-$739,000 with 20± ac.-$575,000 ca 1870, 5800± sq. ft. home w/3 BRs, 2 BAs. Nicely maintained. Original Store/Post Office area. Zoned A-1, Comm. potential. Marina nearby. Yvonne Hurt–804-453-3036 WICOMICO CHURCH $70,000 Relatively new double wide. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Nice 1.1± acre yard. Judy McCloskey–804-435-2833 STINGRAY CREEK –$395,000 Great 2.45+/- acre lot at mouth of creek. Views shoot straight across mouths of creek and Piankatank into the bay! Beautiful vegetation and handsome old trees create a peaceful setting. Pier and driveway already in place! Mike Vest–804-776-6534 T LIS MYERS CREEK–$545,000 Protected wf, fabulous views, 700± ft. wf pt. Pier w/electric & water. Completely remodeled since 1998, 2 BR, 2 BAs, decks/screened porches, large 2-car detached garage. www.nnkhomes.com Scott G. Guay–804-453-4309 CORROTOMAN RIVER–$400,000 Have fun filled weekends w/ this fabulous 2 BR, 1.5 bath cottage. 2+ private acres, 132 +/- ft. waterfront, 2 car garage, large screened porch, shuffleboard court, pier and boat lift, 3ʼMLW Pat Schelling–804-435-2728 PAYNES CREEK Waterfront Lot Partially wooded lot on creek w/view of the Rappahannock River. Covenants & Restrictions. 2.2± acres. $175,000 Skipper Garrett–804-443-2514 TOWLES CREEK–$525,000 Chesapeake Harbor New Home-great floor plan. 3 BR, 2 BA-on 0.59± acre. Wide water view. Pier/bulkhead, quick run to the Bay. 135± ft. shoreline. 2-4 ft. MLW. www.nnkhomes.com Scott G.Guay–804-453-4309 Coan River–$295,000 Lovely water views from this 3 BR, 2 BA water access home on 1.2+/acres. Large garage, in-ground pool. Separate, deeded water access lot w/ private pier. Yvonne Hurt–804-453-3036 GOUGHERʼS CREEK–$320,000 Proposed new construction in waterfront community w/view of creek, off the Great Wicomico. Close to public landing. 3 bedroom, 2 ceramic tile baths, great room w/fireplace and screened porch on 0.93± acres. Wanda Bukoski–804-366-2896 TOTUSKEY CREEK–$925,000 52± Acre park-like setting with awesome views. Very private. Mostly wooded. Power boat depth. Art DeMario–804-436-3290 HARTFIELD–$374,900 Gentlemanʼs Farm– Beautiful 3 BR, 2.5 BA home w/spacious living area, gt. country kit., custom features. 2-car det. gar. Huge equipment bldg. w/ horse stalls, lg. workshop, 6.04± acs. Mike Vest–804-776-6534 Lancaster Creek–$395,000 Very private 4.07+/- for nature lovers. Enough room for horses or a big garden. 312+/- ft. waterfrontage. Seller to install pier. 4-6 ft. MLW Judy McCloskey–804-435-2833 HARDYVILLE –$157,000 Like new home on 3.5+/- private acres. Too many upgrades to mention them all! A must see. Large rooms, huge master bath and Whirlpool tub. Mike Vest–804-776-6534 LANCASTER–$299,500 3 BR, 2 BA home 2.46± ac. w/3 finished room basement. 2-car garage/ greenhouse/outbuildings, Min. from public boat ramps. www. northernneckrealestatesearch.com Pat Schelling–804-435-2673 RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER–$670,000 Spectacular views. 3 BR, 2.5 BA home designed for river living. Open fl. plan. Screened porches, front & back. Large deck around pool overlooking water. 2+ acs. 275ʼ+ waterfront, pier w/4ʼ± MLW.ʼ Al Shriver–804-435-2673 #ALLFORYOURCOPYOF,ONG&OSTERS%XTRAORDINARY0ROPERTIES¸ C10 • Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • June 30, 2005 Vacation Rentals Vacation Rentals Vacation Rentals *****WEEKEND RETREAT***** WHITE STONE, VA • 4 BR HOME • Sandy beach • Panoramic views of bay • Daily/weekly seasonal rates 804-304-2088 www.waterdogrentals.com (Mar-10-EOW)SS ANTIQUES & ROSES: Furnished 17th century plantation cottage on golf course. Poster beds. Kilmarnock. $125/night, $850/week. Catherine Bennett, Owner/Agent. Melrose Plantation Real Estate, 800-711-4620. www.MelrosePlantation.com..(May12-13t) BROWNSTONE at the Bay offers furnished cottages in Northern Neck/ Heathsville area. Available nightly, weekly or monthly. Visit us at bayvacations.net or call 804-436-4062..(May19-13t) ELEGANT and ROMANTIC restored antebellum farmhouse plus guest cottage available separately on private 4AC. Scenic waterfront w/ dock. All amenities: gardens, bicycles, golf cart, cable. 804-285-1224, www.1840whay send farm.com(Apr7-13t) FLORIDA KEYS, Marathon: 2BR plus den, with 50’ boat slip, ocean view, pool and tennis. $1400 week, $4200 month. Beginning April 1 for throughout year. Call 804-529-6131..(Feb10-tf) LANCASTER COUNTY guest cottage: 1BR, 1BA, Florida room, laundry. Available 5/1, $450 weekly. Water access, boat rentals, canoeing, golf, biking, riding trails. Information, 804-462-5638 wilvil@kaballero.com (Apr-14-13t) LANCASTER COUNTY: Minutes from Corottoman/Rappahannock. “The Wilvil”: 2BR, 1BA, GR, laundry, CHAC, surrounded by pastures/horses. Riding trails, water access. $575 weekly. Information, 804-462-5638 wilvil@kaballero.com (Apr-14-13t) NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, Yeocomico River, Lodge Creek, Callao, VA: Furnished, waterfront 3BR, 2BA, washer/dryer, deep water; sleeps eight. $890/week. Free brochure, Fred, 800-529-5071..(May-12-13t) REEDVILLE, VA: Waterfront house. Weekly/weekends/monthly. 4BR furnished w/heat/AC, den, LR, kitchen, 2BA, lighted dock/ramp. Great family vacation or fisherman’s rental. 804745-1422. email Rivahgal@Comcast. net..(Apr-21-13t) "%449"!22!#+ 4/,,&2%% *)-0!4#!24%22%!,%34!4%).# EMAILBARRACK CARTERREALESTATECOM s"EDROOMS s"ATHS sSQFT s¼FT-,7 s0IERS *)-0!4#!24%22%!,%34!4%).# "2/+%23&/25.)15%02/0%24)%3!.$%34!4%33).#% 4478 Irvington Road Irvington, Virginia 22480-0301 www.carter-realestate.com sX"OATHOUSE sFT7ATERFRONTAGE s/FF#HESAPEAKE"AY CARTERS CREEK, TOWN OF IRVINGTON WATER VIEWS & COMMUNITY ACCESS .%7,)34).'5RBANNA(ARBOUR www.andersonbay.com/sailboatcove ◆/N2AILWAY2OADIN7EST)RVINGTON ◆,OTINTHE3AILBOAT#OVECOMMUNITY ◆)SASUNNYSOUTHFACINGHILLTHATHAS ◆0RETTYVIEWSOF#ARTERS#REEKANDIS ◆/NELOTBACKFROMTHEWATERFRONT ◆2ElNEDHOMEOFFERSANOPENmOORPLANWITH ◆/NEmOORLIVINGPLUSAPARTIALLYlNISHED ◆7ALKOUTLOWERLEVELWITHWORKSHOP ◆4HEREARE"EDROOMS"ATHSANDA ◆3CREENED0ORCHTHATSPANSTHEWATERSIDE ◆!'REAT2OOMW&0HARDWOODmOORSAND ◆4HE-ASTER3UITEAREOPENTOTHE0ORCH ◆4HERESA$INING!REAEATIN+ITCHEN ◆4ILED&OYERWWIDEHALL5TILITY2OOM ◆4AKEASHORTWALKTOTHECOMMONAREA ◆7ITH3WIMMING0OOLANDABULKHEADED ◆7ATERFRONT0ARKTOLAUNCHCANOEORKAYAK ◆/RWALKTONEARBYMARINASFORABOATSLIP ◆3AILBOAT#OVEISASMALLENCLAVE ◆7ITHJUSTSIXCOTTAGES s%ASYWALKTOTOWNANDHARBOR s/NELEVELLIVINGAPPROX SQFT s$EEPWATERBOATSLIPFT¼-,7 ON5RBANNA#REEKINCLUDED s4HREE&OUR"EDROOMS s4HREEANDA(ALF"ATHROOMS 2APPAHANNOCK 2IVER3UNSETS %XCLUSIVELYOFFEREDFOR FOR s'REAT2OOMWITHCOLUMNS s"REAKFAST2OOM s+ITCHEN s5TILITY2OOM s'ARAGE s3CREENED0ORCH 0RICEDUNDER !PPRAISED6ALUE MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: BRUCE & JILL ANDERSON (804) 436-4022 Visit us on the web! www.AndersonBay.com Home: 804-435-2378 Email: land4u@kaballero.com s"EDROOMS s"ATHS s$INING2OOM s,IVING2OOM s&IREPLACE s!CRES s3CREEN0ORCH s'ARAGE s0AVED$RIVEWAY -INUTESTO 2APPAHANNOCK 2IVER Home Sites Bordering Community Center s#REEK2OOM s3UN2OOM WOODED LOTS % #' '#&%)!&##$$ &!#%#)!&#$ !!$ &$%!!!#" $# #! %! !$%$$%#% % $ &"%! #%#!!&#$ "#%# &%&# %$ &!& %)"!! % $!&#%$ ( "%$ DIRECTIONS: FROM TAPPAHANNOCK/WARSAW: Take Rt. 3 into Kilmarnock, turn right on Rt. 200, 2.2 miles to Hills Quarter on the left. FROM MIDDLESEX COUNTY: Cross over Rappahannock River into White Stone, turn left on Rt. 200, go through Irvington, 2 miles to Hills Quarter on the right. s$INING!REA s"REAKFAST!REA s7ATER%LECTRICON $OCK s.ICE,ANDSCAPING s0AVED$RIVEWAY sFT-,7 sSQFT¼(OME s"EDROOMS s"ATHSss#ENTRAL!IRAND(EATs&IREPLACEs#AR'ARAGE s3CREEN2OOMON7ATERSIDEs,OTSOF$ECKINGs)MMACULATE(OME Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • June 30, 2005 • C11 Vacation Rentals For Sale For Sale WATERFRONT COTTAGES, furnished, Smith Point area: Great fishing, ramp, dock, AC/heat, screened porch, canoe, kayak, motorboat, charter boat, great for families. Weekly/weekend. 804-453-6829. www.saltwatercottages.com(Feb-24-26t) WATERFRONT, LANCASTER, VA: Weekly vacation rental. Private home, sleeps 8. Private pool, beach and pier. Call 804-370-2210..(June-23-2t) ETCHED CRYSTAL by Price, 12 goblets, 17 parfaits, 17-footed deserts, $200. Crestmont by Noritake china service for 12 dinner and salad plates, cups and saucers, $150. 34” 2-speed All House exhaust fan, $20. 2 Hunter-Douglas opaque Alabaster shades, 23”x64”, $80. Call 804-4353545..(June-23-2t) FINISH MOWER: 3pt hitch, needs minor welding, $200 OBO. One bladed plow, $100 OBO. 804-529-6335 or lonrcrow@yahoo.com..(June-23-2t) FLEXSTEEL Sectional sofa with recliner on each end, multi colors of rose, blue and beige. Very good condition, $750. 804-435-1872..(June-16-2t) FOUR EXTRA Heavy duty caster units for multi-ton dollies. $500. Like new Liftex web slings 20’x4”, chaffing gear, shackles. Pair $120. 804-4625666..(X) FRANKLIN SAYE framed prints: Silent Cove, $395. Silent Season, $1295. Rappahannock Rapture, $1495. Call 804-462-0397..(June-30-3t) HEAVY DUTY Hoisting sling. 51/2”x3/4” eye, 4 rubber shrouded wire cables with swivel ends, chain hooks. $45. 804-462-5666..(X) HOIST FITNESS System high quality Universal Home gym, $495. Call 804462-0397..(June-30-3t) INDUSTRIAL Winch. Fixed/freespool right angle gear 2HP 230 volt drive with all controls. $500. Heavy duty 50’ 30AMP extension cord. Locking plug/ socket. $20. 804-462-5666..(X) JOHN MaCLEOD framed print: The Little Jennie Bugeye Coming Home to Solomon, $295. Call 804-4620397..(June-30-3t) MOTORCYCLE: 1989 Yamaha Virago, 750CC, very clean, garage kept with windshield, new battery. Ready to go. $2500.Call 804-4359610..(May-19-tf) MOVING SALE: Several items for sale, including: entertainment center, loveseat, 2 end tables, computer table, glass-top table. Call 804-4627275 for more information..(June23-3t) NEW SYMBOL PEDIC premium visco memory foam mattress. Compare the no difference and save hundreds of these $$$$$$$. Courthouse Antiques, Rt. 17, By-pass Saluda, 804758-4861..(Apr-14-13t)SS NEW/SURPLUS windows, doors, cabinets, factory second Santa Cruz premium leaded glass entry doors, etc. 4000 doors in stock. We build door units for you. U-Save big $$$. BSS Discounts, Stafford, Va. 1-800-2064825. www.bss1.com(Nov-25-tf) PIANO: Kimball Console, walnut finish w/bench, $1200. Excellent condition. Call 804-436-3622..(Apr-21-tf) PROGRAMMABLE STATIONARY exercise bike, like new, $125. Call 804-462-0397..(June-30-3t) REFURBISHED PCs, PIIIs and PIVs with lots of Ram, monitor, keyboard, mouse included. OS installed upon request. Windows 98 SE, 2000 pro and XP pro (sold separately). Starting at $350 up. All PCs come w/14 days free tech support. 804-761-4984..(X) SOCKET WRENCH Set. 3/4” drive. 9 like new Craftsman sockets 1-1/16” thru 1-5/8”. Ratchet drive, breaker bar, 6” extension, adapters. $120. 804-462-5666 SONIC SCOOTER: Great mobility aid. Small turn radius. 2002 model in excellent condition. $500. Call 804435-3046..(June-30-3t) THE FOLLOWING equipment has been in storage never been used. Woods RD6000 finishing mower $1595. Woods RB60 grader blade $300. John Deere #21 trailer $450. Save $250 on all John Deere Lawn & Garden tractors LT150 and larger plus free financing until March of ‘06. Chimney Corner 804-694-5385 or 804-725-2471..(X)SS UTILITY TRAILER HD: 1175lbs, 4x8, foldable, removable sides, super condition, never registered. $285. Call 804-438-5055..(June-23-2t) WASHER/DRYER white, large capacity, excellent condition, moving. $100 pair. Call 804-462-0397..(June-30-3t) WURLITIZER PINAO, $500. Recliner sofa, $50. Call 804-436-0821..(June23-2t) For Sale 03 HARLEY SPORTSTER XL 1200 C 1100M anniv ed. Must sell, $7495, OBO. 804-758-1655..(X) 1990 OAKWOOD Mobile Home: 12’x60’, AC, immediate possession, good condition. $9995. Call 804-5295412..(June-23-3t) 1995 JOHN DEERE 4455 tractor: 4WD, tires at 70%, duals, 3 hydraulic outlets, field ready w/AC, 6535 hours, very good condition. $43,000 negotiable. Potential lease financing available. Contact: United Leasing Corp, 804-730-9500..(June-9-4t-SS) 2004 HARLEY DAVIDSON Sportster: 1200XL custom, deluxe blue, lots of chrome, less than 2,000 miles. $9350. Call 804-435-7360..(June-30-5t) 31’ RV TRAVEL Trailer: Used as fishing and vacation camp, livable condition. $2700. Call 804-453-4263, leave message..(June-30-3t) 42” 16HP STATESMAN: Needs clutch, $150. Call 804-435-2893..(X) A DOLLAR & A DEED is all you need! Forget the Dollar-Bring the Deed & I’ll pay the dollar. Clayton Homes of Ashland 804-798-3206 or toll free 866278-2591..(June-16-3t) ADIRONDACK CHAIRS $79. Nice anytime gifts: Quality wood picnic tables, swings, lawn and deck furniture. Possible custom building. Leslie R. Dawson Jr., 804-580-6391..(July-2252) AM/FM STEREO: Kenwood, speakers, CD, cassette and turntable. $300. Call 804-761-7547..(June-23-2t) ANDERSON DOUBLE casement windows/screens. Excellent condition, $75. 804-435-6291..(X) ATTENTIOIN!! NEW HOME Buyers: 16 new models to choose from Clayton Homes of Ashland. 804-798-3206 or toll free 866-278-2591..(June-163t) AWESOME!!! The most beautiful L Ranch Cape Mod you’ll ever see. By the way if you are looking for a beautiful Mod you’ll need to buy this one! Clayton Homes of Ashland 804-7983206 or toll free 866-278-2591..(June16-3t) BALDWIN CONSOLE classic piano, cherry w/bench. Excellent condition, $1295. Call 804-462-0397..(June-303t) BROWN JORDON rattan bar stools (3) $775. Contemporary Rosewood buffet (71x18-1/2) $45. Wood tall ship model “Flying Cloud” (35”), $675. Call 804-435-9803..(June-23-2t) BUCKET for KUBOTA LA 513 loader. Almost new condition. $400; Alesius QS7.1 professional keyboard with heavy-duty gig bag. Mint. $500. 804453-5941..(June-9-4t) BULK HARDWOOD mulch and bulk mushroom compost available at Farm & Home Supply, Inc., 469 N. Main St., P.O. Box 249, Kilmarnock, Virginia. Phone 804-435-3177..(June-16-13t) CHEST FREEZER Sears 5 C.F., like new $125. Call 804-462-0397..(June30-3t) CLAYTON HOMES of Ashland. Drive a little save a lot. 12244 Washington Hwy. 804-798-3206 or toll free 866278-2591..(June-16-3t) DINING ROOM SET: French Provincial, table, 6 chairs, excellent condition. $250. Call 804-435-6817..(June30-2t) DISNEY/ATTRACTIONS area 7days, 6 nights stay. Must sacrifice (job relocation). Paid $600 sell $199. Call 804-759-8934..(June-23-2t) Indian Creek Apartments Now featuring (1) and (2) bedroom apartments. (1) bedroom $39700-$57000 (2) bedrooms $43400-64400 Handicap/Wheelchair accessible Applications may be picked up at 501 Southport Lane, Kilmarnock, VA 22482 THE RECORD SPORTS ONLINE Yard Sales 15 LAWLER LANE, Hatton to Chase, go around the bend. July 2, Saturday 8a.m.-until. Microwave, w/cabinet base, jewelry, more..(X) 2 FAMILY YARD SALE: Saturday, July 2, 8a.m. China cabinet, 4 wooden chairs, miscellaneous furniture, SKROL saw, exterior door, lawn mower, yard hydrant w/PVC, plants, infant and children clothing, collectibles, books, linens, drapes, other miscellaneous household items. (X) ANTIQUE, JUNTIQUE and Collectibles Tag Sale, Fridays and Saturdays, 9a.m.-3p.m. Printers cabinets, glassware, pottery, linens, tools, kitchenware, books, buttons, garden sculpture, drying racks, glass cabinet, stained glass windows, wooden toys, too much to list. Prices negotiable. Sale located at the Pink Pelican, 24 Court St., downtown Mathews Courthouse, across from the Court Green. Cell phone: 804-366-3556..(June-163t) BIG YARD SALE: Saturday July 2, 8a.m.-1p.m. Lots of stuff for everyone. 119 Hatton Ave., Kilmarnock turn off Main St. by Planing Mill..(X) COMBINING 2 into 1 household sale: Sat/Sun, July 2/3, 7a.m.-until. electronics, DVDs, furniture, linens, toys, more. 127 Forest Hill Rd., off black Stump Rd., Weems..(X) COME SELL your treasures at our giant yard sale. Saturday, July 9, 7a.m.1p.m. $20/space. To reserve your space, call 804-462-6049. Refreshments available. Sponsored by the ULVFD Ladie’s auxiliary. Rain date: Saturday, July 23..(June-23-3t) IRVINGTON FARMERS’ Market: Sat. July 2, 8a.m.-noon, Irvington commons. 80 quality vendors. Art & unique handcrafted goods, plants, flowers, food, etc...(X) LANCASTER FLEA MARKET: Housewares, collectibles, gifts, tools, books, Thai imports. Courthouse Rd. (Rt. 600) 1/4 mi. from Rt. 3. Fri. 11a.m.5p.m., Sat. 9a.m.-5p.m., Sun. 11a.m.5p.m..(June-30-13t) MOVING SALE: Sat/Sun, July 1/2, 8a.m.-until. Inside garage, rain or shine. 142 Winding Trail, Regent Point, Topping, Delores Farmer 804758-3812, directions only..(X) MULTI-FAMILY Garage/Yard Sale: Rain or shine. Rt. 642, 97 Little Bay Rd., White Stone. Household goodies, toys, twin beds, safe, adult and boys/girls clothes, car radio, CB, tools. Saturday, July 2, 8a.m.-12noon..(X) www.rrecord.com .EW7ATERFRONT(OMEIN"URGESS "REATHTAKINGWATERVIEWSFROMEVERYROOMINTHISHOUSE 4HISÒSQFTHOMEOFFERSBEDROOMSBATHSGASLOGlREPLACESHARDWOOD ANDCERAMICmOORSEATINKITCHENWITHKEEPINGROOMSEPARATEDININGROOMPIER CARATTACHEDGARAGELARGEMASTERBEDROOMWITHTRAYCEILINGWALKINCLOSETAND WHIRLPOOLBATH!LLTHISONAPRIVATEWOODEDPOINTLOTINTRANQUILSETTING 3HERRIE#ARROLL -IDDLE"AY2EALTY ,ITTLE7ICOMICO2IVER #USTOMBUILTFORYOURENTERTAININGPLEASURE7HYGOTHROUGHTHEHASSLEOFBUILDINGWHENYOUCANMOVE INANDENJOYTHESUMMER%NJOYBEDROOMSBATHSADOCKWBOATLIFTSTILEBARlSHCLEANINGSTATION SCREENEDGAZEBOOVERLOOKINGTHE,ITTLE7ICOMICOFT-,7!MUSTSEE#ALL(OLLY #OAN2IVER (804) 435-2997 or 435-3810 Jun 16-4t )MMACULATEHOMEFEATURINGBEDROOMSBATHS ,OCATEDONACRESSQFTPIERWITHBOATLIFTFT-,7$ONTLETTHISONEGETAWAY#ALL2ONNIE 7ATERACCESSTO#ORROTOMAN2IVER NEW CONSTRUCTION NEAR KILMARNOCK Great Value in an area of fine homes with a view of Goughers Creek off the Great Wicomico River. Near the Cranes Creek public boat ramp. Built by an outstanding local contractor. Contains 1800 sq ft. Features a Lavish masterbedroomsuitewithsitting/dressingroom,2additionalbedrooms, breakfast area, kitchen, dining area, fantastic great room with fireplace, screenedbackporch,andcolumnedfrontporch.CeramicTile,Hardwood and Carpet Flooring. FREE WASHER AND DRYER AND OTHER DISCOUNTS FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! HURRY TO CHOOSE YOUR COLORS!! FOR ONLY $320,000 WANDA BUKOSKI GRI, ABR, SRES 888-815-5866 804-366-2896 www.waterfrontareas.com wandabukoski@inna.net #ONTEMPORARY,INDALCEDARHOME%NJOYBEDROOMSBATHSSQFTLOCATEDONACRES !MENITIESINCLUDEBOATRAMPANDPOOL#ALL2ONNIE (OLLY2ITTENHOUSE!GENT #ELL -IDDLE"AY2EALTY 2ONNIE#ROCKETT!GENT #ELL /PENDAYSAWEEKTOSERVEYOU WWW-IDDLE"AY2EALTYCOMsDONEL SYLVANINFONET 7ICOMICO#HURCH/FlCE +ILMARNOCK/FlCE C12 • Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • June 30, 2005 For Sale Boats/ Motors Marine Services MULTI-FAMILY Sale: Saturday, July 2, 8a.m.-until. Lots of miscellaneous. No baby clothes, toys. 1636 Taylors Creek Road, Weems. Follow signs. Please drop “buy.”(X) THE RED GERANIUM is having July storewide sale. Located at Stagecoach Flea Market, Rt. 17N, 4 miles south of Wal-Mart. Chock-full of antiques, vintage furniture, etc. 1-5p.m. Mon-Fri. 9-5p.m. Sat/Sun. 804-6423199, cell 757-509-0810..(June-304t)SS YARD SALE: Saturday, July 2, 7:30till. 7706 Northumberland Highway, Heathsville. Large amount primitives, furniture, antiques, collectibles, tools, Everything different from last sale..(X) YARD SALE: Saturday, July 2, 8a.m. 279 Maon Rd., Farnham (off Rt. 3). Household items, tools, workbenches, much more. 2001 PT Cruiser also for sale..(X) YARD SALE: Saturday, July 2, 8a.m.12p.m. 192 Bells Creek Road, Kilmarnock (Bluff Pt. Rd. to Painter Pt. Rd. to Bells Creek Ln.)..(X) BOAT: V.I.P.: 17.5’ bow rider, low hours 100HP Mercury hydraulic tilt, Hummingbird depth/fish finder. LoadRite trailer, electric wench. 1988 boat and upholstery in great condition, boat lift stored in boathouse. $4000/ OBO. Call Bob 804-462-6227..(June23-2t) C. SCOTT VAIL YACHT BROKERAGE LOCATED @ RAPPAHANNOCK YACHTS IRVINGTON, VA 804-438-6443 NAUTI NELL’S Marine Consignments. Turn your unused nautical gear into cash. Easy sales. Ten years experience. Call for information/appointment. Open seven days. 804776-9811 Deltaville..(May-19-13t)SS SURVEYOR, dive cleaning, boats, gear, consultation, crew. White Sails Yacht Services, 1979 Windmill Point Rd., White Stone, white_sails@hotmail.com 804-435-SAIL(7245)..( May-19-13t) Boats/ Motors 11’ BOSTON WHALER, 1987, not in great shape but restorable, $400. 1987 8’ Achilles dingy, $200. Call 804-580-2346 or 804-453-5109. (June-30-2t) 12’ SEA KING Putt-Putt: Hull only, $150. Call 804-435-2893..(X) 13’ WAYLER Windsurfer: Board, mast and sail. $50. Call 804-529-6169, Callao..(June-30-2t) 1972 WINDJAMMER sailboat, 16’9”, fiberglass hull, sails and accessories in good shape. $950 OBO. 804-5804306 or 804-740-5893..(X) 1975 ERWIN 10-4: 25’ SLOOP, $1950. 42’ ketch, free to good home. Call 804-580-3359..(June-23-3t)SS 1978 ALBIN 33 foot fiberglass with flying bridge. Powered by a single 120HP Ford Lehman diesel engine with about 1400 hours. Structurally and mechanically sound. Teak deck has been completely removed and replaced with 5 layers of glass. Hydraulic steering, auto pilot, 2VHF radios, 2 depth sounders, 3 new 8D batteries, A/C and more. Cruising speed 6.5 knots and burns about 2.5 gph. Needs lots of TLC. Reduced to $23,500-offer. Call 804-435-1701 ext 19 days, 804-462-7622 nights..(July1-tf)photo-on-line 1995 PROLINE 27’ center console, twin ‘96 200HP outboards, North Star GPS, Furuno radar, and color sounder, VHF, CB, outriggers, windless, enclosed head, live well and fish boxes. Low hours, very clean, $33,750. Call 804-435-0164..(Mar-24-tf) 1998 19’ FOUR WINNS 195 Sundowner: Cuddy cabin, 4.3L Volvo Pinta outdrive, 195HP, runs and looks like new. All options $13,500. Call 804-462-0421..(June-16-4t) 2001 BOSTON WHALER 18’ Dauntless 135HP Merc. Optimax Saltwater w/255 Hrs). Galv. trailer, Garmin depth finder, Garmin GPS, VHF radio, $21,500. 540-374-1933 or 804453-4170. (June-23-4t) 2004 HONDA Outboard: 5HP, 4stroke, short shaft, pull start feeder tank, less than 2 hours. $800. Call 804-580-8931..(June-30-4t) 20’ ANGLER WITH 115HP Evinrude and trailer. Bimini with full enclosure. Great Rockfishing rig. All in good condition. $7500. Call 804-7766994..(June-23-2t)SS 24’ SPORTFISHERMAN: Flying Bridge w/dual controls, 255 hours on rebuilt Crusader inboard, Tunnel Drive Prop (only draws 14” water), teak swim platform, cuddy cabin, V-births, holding tank, 2 VHF radios, 2 CB radios, interphase fishfinder w/Loran, includes Tandem axle trailer. $7500. Call 804-462-5396..(June-23-2t) 24’ WELLCRAFT Walk-around console cabin, 2 sleeper w/head, bimini top w/curtains 233HP Mercruiser w/180 hours. Long galvanized trailer. Garage kept, in excellent condition. Call 804-462-5981..(June-23-tf) 250 cu in MERCRUISER 165HP, w/ helmet and lower unit, low mileage, excellent condition and Long Magic Tilt trailer for 17-19’ boat, great condition. Both $2000 OBO. 804-4620675..(June-23-2t) 25’ REVELCRAFT, 302 Ford Inboard, new manifolds & risers, w/trailer. Asking $6,000 OBO. 804-580-4046 or 761-7047..(June-30-2t)SS 28’ CARVER FLYBRIDGE: 266 hours on engine, new Lowrance X15 and GPS, new interior, AC, many other new options not listed. Averages less than 10 gallons per hour. $20,000. Call 540-371-8044..(June 2-5t) 32’ Classic CRUSI-A-LONG built at Solomons in 1965. Vberth, galley kit, sink, icebox, table for 4, enclosed head, storage. Both engines replaced (Ford 302s) and bottom refastened in early nineties.Two new fuel tanks installed in 2004. bottom painted every year and boat kept in covered slip at Cockrells Railway. Exterior above deck needs cosmetic work on brightwood and cabin tops. $2500. weekday 757-220-0077, weekend 804453-4062..(June-9-tf) 9.5’ NUTSHELL SAILING Pram w/ Tanbark Sail: Good condition. $1300. Call 804-453-4710..(June-16-3t) Power 1979 Hatteras 43’ MY-$159,000 1973 Egg Harbor 38’Diesels-$75,000 1981 Grand Banks 36’-$149,500 1985 Deadrise Cruiser 36’-$68,500 2003 Bayliner 285 S/bridge-SOLD 1985 Bertram 28’ Flybridge-$46,000 1995 Rinker 265 Fiesta Vee-$19,900 1991 Parker 21’ CC-SOLD 2002 Spincraft Electric 20’-$18,000 Sail 1976 Cheoy Lee 41’-Pending 1971Allied Owens 39’-$59,500 1991 Pearson 38’- SOLD 1981 Tartan 37’ Shoal-$59,900 1983 Irwin 31’ Shoal-$23,500 1984 Bristol 31.1-$59,000 1979 Cape Dory 27’-$17,900 1977 Bristol 24’ Diesel-$8,000 1982 Catalina 22’-$4,000 1990 Brewer Sloop 19’-$14,500 View all listings on www.yachtworld.com/cscottvail SOLD-SOLD-SOLD Now is the time to list! Summer Time (X) CHRISCRAFT: 1985 Catalina 281, twin MerCruiser 230s, hardtop, installed A/C, new seats and canvas cockpit enclosure, trim tabs, swim platform, very good condition, $31,500. 804-435-1834..(May-19-tf) CLASSIC 34’ 1989 Wooden Deadrise: Built by Bobby Green, Deltaville. Loaded, hauled in 2004 by Rappahannock Yachts, kept covered slip, $25,000 OBO. Call 434-293-9990/804-4357918..(June-23-tf) CLASSIC WOODEN 1965 Owens Seaskiff, 28’, 350 Chevy engine, single screw. Galley, head, sleeps 3 $4600. Call 804-580-4746 or 804758-2075 after 5 p.m...(June-30-2t) CUSTOM YACHT SERVICE YACHT BROKERAGE 96 SEAFOOD LANE IRVINGTON, VA 804-438-5563 www.yachtworld.com/customyacht Email your NEWS to: editor@rrecord.com Help Wanted Prepare to Get Your Next Job FREE! Learn how to write an effective resume. Learn and practice interviewing skills. Visit your Workforce Enhancement Partnership at 8275 Mary Ball Road in Lancaster Court House, Tues & Thurs. 11a.m. to 4p.m. or call 804-462-WORK. WEP is a service of the Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce and The One Stop Program. (Jan-16-tf) ACCOUNT SALES: Full or part-time mill-work accounts manager. This is a multidimensional position that includes developing new wholesale and contractor accounts for architectural mill-work sales, credit approval, some light estimating working with formulas and occasionally assisting in product production such as sanding, painting, loading. Experience with wood products helpful. Excellent phone skills and an ability to learn quickly. Salary plus commission. Benefits package. Call 804-529-6440 or fax resume to 804-529-7976. (June-30-4t) ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Part-time, for a real estate investment company, Wicomico Church area. Successful candidate must have a college degree, good communication, organizational, typing, and computer skills. Bookkeeping skills desired. Familiarity w/windows, Outlook, Word and QuickBooks necessary. Flexible hours. Fax resume and salary requirements to 804-580-8318..(June-30-4t) This Independence Day, take a moment to consider the true meaning of the holiday-the men and women who have sacrificed so much that we might enjoy the fruits of freedom. -ODEL(OMESLOCATEDON2T,IVELY6! 0HONEs4OLL&REE %MAILCHESHOMES RIVNETNETs7EBSITEWWWCHESHOMESCOM 4HE3TAFFOF#HESAPEAKE(OME7ISHES%VERYONEA3AFE(APPYTHOF*ULY -ODEL(OMESWILLBECLOSED-ONDAY*ULYTH7EWILLRESUMENORMALHOURS4UESDAY*ULY “Glascove” Power 1976 40 ft. Viking-$109,000 2000 34 ft. Mainship-$144,000 1983 32 ft. Hatteras-$105,000 2002 30 ft. Mainship-$115,000 1986 Lord Nelson Tug 37’-$175,000 1979 20 ft. Aqua Sport-$9,500 2001 West Marine 10’ Inflatable w/motor - $2200 Electric Boats 2002 21 ft. Duffy-$33,900 2001 21 ft. Duffy-$29,000 (Apr-7-tf)SS DELTA 36’ SPORTFISH, twin Cat. diesel, all electronics, gen, heat/ac, fully enclosed bridge, out/riggers, anchor, windless, much more. Fish/cruise. Excellent condition. Must see. $89,000. 804-435-2280..(June-2-tf) FOR SALE or TRADE: 25HP 1996 Yamaha 2-stroke short shaft outboard. Just serviced, but too large for my RIB. Will trade for 15HP engine. 804436-1322..(June-23-2t) HYPALON INFLATABLE w/2001 2HP Evinrude OB $700. Whisker pole from 12’5” to 22’, $500. Miscellaneous nautical and marine gear, hardware, tarps, etc. Just may have what you need. Call 804-580-7084..(June16-tf) NEW 25HP 4-stroke Suzuki engine; 14 foot Starcraft outboard boat on Gator boat trailer. $3900/OBO. Phone 804-435-2316..(June-30-2t) PAMLICO Fiberglass 16’ skiff with 15HP Yamaha 2-stroke: Low hours on motor. Fresh bottom paint. No trailer. $1850. 804-435-2883..(X) V8 PERKINGS Marine Diesel: 325HP, under 1,000 hours use, still in boat and will demonstrate. $4000. Call 804-435-6698..(June-4-9t) -AGNIlCENTLYSITEDOVERLOOKING4IPERS #REEKANDTHE2IVERWITHOVER SQFTUNDERROOF4HISlNEHOME DEMONSTRATESRICHSLATEmOORINGCE RAMICTILESEPARATEQUIETGUESTHOME ATTACHED0IERANDPOOLNEARWATERS EDGE,UXURIOUSWATERFRONTLIVING Marine Services AIR-CONDITIONING, refrigeration, electrical problems. Call John Olivier, Marine Systems, now serving the Northern Neck. 804-529-9500 or 443822-4043 cell..(Apr-14-13t) AMPRO SHIPYARD: Authorized Caterpillar, Detroit, Yanmar, Cummins, and John Deere Marine Dealer. Also servicing Twin Disc and Z-F transmissions. 804-438-6050..(May-12-13t) BOAT SLIPS, Carter Creek: accommodates up to 40’ boat, protected cove, elec/water hookups. Used Bertrams, engines, aluminum masts, S.S. rigging, hardware. Irvington Marina. 804-438-5113..(Jan-8-tf) HAVE YOU LOST any knots or performance of your boat? You may need your running gear and bottom cleaned. Give me a call, 804-4353450..(June-23-13t) MARINE SERVICES: Experienced mobile mechanic. Gasoline, diesel, transmissions, carburetors, other systems, OB/IB and electrical. Hundreds of engines and transmissions rebuilt. Excellent diagnostics ability. Rich, 804-529-5912..(Apr-7-13t) GLENN LESTER LESTER CO., CO., INC. INC. GLENN WICOMICO CHURCH, VA RIP-RAP & ARMOR STONE INSTALLATION For appointment, please call . . . LA WLER REAL ESTATE email: lawler@crosslink.net • web site: www.lawlerrealestate.com Road Building Lot Clearing Stone • Mulch “Locally Owned Business for over 30 years” FREE ESTIMATES Call (804) 580-2020 • Toll Free 1 (888) 827-4400 (804) 435-1000 Located on Rt. 3 in White Stone P. O. Box 1433 • White Stone, Va. 22578 • Fax: 804-435-7006 • 1-800-962-1923 Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • June 30, 2005 • C13 Lake Irvington 47).(!2"/23 Golden Eagle Golf Course 2EEDVILLE 6IRGINIA Privately nestled amidst glorious pine trees, golf course and the water. This 4 bedroom 5 full bath transitional, distinguished for its #HESAPEAKE"AY!CCESS design & superb details, has an open & well-lit floor plan & overlooks Lake Irvington. Gourmet kitchen and large master suite. This home is truly a perfect blend of comfort, quality, location, and charm. Visit the virtual tour at www.circlepix.com/ home/GRHUWT $499,000 .EWLYCONSTRUCTED#APE#ODNESTLEDONWOODEDPRIVATEACRES SQUAREFOOTHOMEWITHASQUAREFOOTGARAGE BEDROOMSBATHS "RUCE(ARDWOODmOORSINLIVINGROOM -ARBLEmOORSINKITCHENDININGAREAANDBATHROOM 'ARDENTUBINMASTERBATHWITHWATERVIEW 3CREENEDPORCHONWATERSIDEOFHOUSE #OMMUNITYACCESSTOBEAUTIFULSANDBEACHANDPICNICAREA #OMMUNITYBOATRAMP )RIS&ISHER (OME #ELL 3HORE2EALTY)NC Ellen Denkinger 804.761.4963 Wes Atiyeh 804.484.3388 Ellen.Denkinger@longandfoster.com Ann Davenport 462-7928 Aubrey Hall 758-2464 Judy Bridge 435-2330 Anne McClintock 435-3447 Al Ludwig 435-0140 Paul Crovato 462-7183 Cindy Balderson 435-4014 Wes.atiyeh@LNF.com Martha Smith 435-9633 Esther Stevens 462-5746 Suzanne Miceli 436-9208 Antti Helne 435-0393 Jane Brothers Ludwig 435-0140 David Farley 436-9018 Ken Michaels 761-1763 LARGE ENOUGH FOR GREAT SERVICE AND SMALL ENOUGH TO CARE! WHITE STONE 28.5 ac. landscaped estate has Colonial home w/modern 1990ʼs addition. Long driveway, 2 car gar., w/workshop, guest apt. & deck. New pier & boathouse. Deep water 6ʼMLW avail. Point w/over 600ʼ shoreline. Views of Tabbs Ck. into bay. $1,500,000 “UP THE CREEK” IN MUSKREEK Expansive custom built home with gourmet country kitchen, large living and dining rooms. Three decks total over 1000 sq. ft. Each bedroom has itʼs own private bath, but the 1st floor master bedroom has a shower and Jacuzzi tub. Pier to 3-4ʼ MLW with boat lift. Wide VIEWS into the Rappahannock River. Gas log fireplace, sun porch, SOUTHERN exposure, Half bath, large pantry, attached two car garage with workshop, generator, upstairs family room and MUCH MORE! Call or write for a brochure. MOBJACK BAY - D AVIS CREEK One hundred year old three story Victorian Sea Captainʼs home with million dollar views and 6ʼ+/- MLW on 24.5+/- acres, wrap around water views with 3,400 +/- water frontage, 6 bedroom, 2.5 baths, exquisite chandeliers, original carved banister and plaster medallions, detached garage with studio, pier with boathouse. $1,500,000 $997,500 Ê /ÊÃiiÊ>ÊvÊÕÀÊ>}iÌýÊÃÌ}à ի`>Ìi`Ê`>Þ 7Ê,-}ÊÌ\ÊÊ CORROTOMAN RIVER DEEP WATER property with 7ʼ +/- MLW at the end of the 260ʼ pier. 3 bedroom and 2½ bath. BEACH home is accented by premier life time guarantee siding, Pella windows, POOL and pool house, Rip Rap shore and SAND BEACH. Wonderful views!! Situated on almost 3 acres. $669,950 ÜÜÜ°L>Þi>`ÜÃÀi>iÃÌ>Ìi°V i>\Êi>`ÜÃJVÀÃðiÌ ÈäÇÊ,>««> >VÊÀÛiÊ,Ì°Êή *°"°ÊÝÊ£ä£äÊUÊ7 ÌiÊ-Ìi]Ê6>°ÊÓÓxÇn {Îx£ÓnÇÊ",Ê£nää®Êx{ÓÎx{Î Rappahannock Record CARTERS CREEK Large cocktail style townhouse with three bedrooms, formal living room with fireplace, 2½ baths, den with book shelves, sun room overlooking Carters Creek. Formal dining room, Large Eat-in Kitchen. Located in the GREEN, Weems. $465,000 North Main Street • PO Box •Kilmarnock VA () FAX: wwwrrecordcom C14 • Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, Va. • June 30, 2005 Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted ANNO. #49-05 - HOSPITAL LIAISON DISCHARGE ASSISTANCE PLANNER The Middle Peninsula-Northern Neck Community Services Board [MPNNCSB] is seeking an individual to provide discharge planning services for its consumers who are hospitalized at Psychiatric Facilities. LOCATION[S]: Gloucester and Warsaw Counseling Centers in V A with regular travel to Psychiatric Facilities throughout the state. DUTIES: Work closely with community and hospital staff to develop and implement comprehensive discharge plans for hospitalized consumers. Participate in Regional and facility treatment team meetings; develop resources; manage small caseload of assigned consumers. Provide clinical coordination and administrative services for special populations. Performs after hours/weekend job functions as needed. QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services, plus 3-5 years experience with knowledge, skills and abilities in the Human Services field or equivalent. Must pass drug screening. HIRING RANGE: Salary commensurate with education and experience. Excellent fringe benefits. APPLICATION DEADLINE: July 8th, 2005 at 4:30 p.m. REQUIREMENTS: Valid VA driver’s license and copy of DMV driving record submitted with application. Call for an official CSB application at (804) 758-5314 or (800) 639-9667. Fax application to (804) 758-8526 or mail application to MP-NN CSB Human Resources Dept., P.O. Box 40, Saluda, VA 23149. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER..(X) AVON REPRESENTATIVES needed in your area. Full/part-time. $10 to start your own business. Free gift with sign up. Call Sue, 804-642-1453 or 804-445-0202..(May-12-tf) BROILER LINE COOK: Call for appointment, 804-453-3351..(June-302t) ANNO. #51-05 - Residential Specialist The Middle Peninsula-Northern Neck Community Services Board [MPNNCSB] is seeking an individual to coordinate and supervise the transitional living program and to provide direct care for consumers in the development of independent living skills. LOCA TION[S]: Turning Point in Lively, VA. DUTIES: Assists in the development of individual service plans; reviews and approves plans; ensures that planned activities contribute to meeting plan goals and objectives; provides direction to staff in the development and coordination of consumer activities. Must pass drug screening. QUALIFICATIONS DESIRED: AS in Human Services, Psychology or related field, and 1-2 years experience in direct care programs, preferably involving work with the mentally ill; or any equivalent combination of training and experience which provides the required knowledge, skills, and abilities. HIRING RANGE: Salary commensurate with education and experience. Excellent fringe benefits. APPLICATION DEADLINE: July 8th, 2005 at 4:30 p.m. REQUIREMENTS: Valid VA driver’s license and copy of DMV driving record submitted with application. Call for an official CSB application at (804) 758-5314 or (800) 639-9667. Fax application to (804) 758-8526 or mail application to MPNN CSB Human Resources Dept., P.O. Box 40, Saluda, VA 23149. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER..(X) CARPENTER for Northern Neck remodeling contractor. Tools and transportation necessary. Call 804-4350091..(June-30-2t) CARPENTER needed to work in Lancaster and Northumberland: $15-$18/ hr pay based on ability. Transportation required. Call after 6 p.m. Northern Neck Construction., 804-4356141..(June-30-tf) BUS DRIVERS Needed: Drive Rfuture: Join the Chesapeake Academy team! Seeking trained drivers with current CDL to collect and deliver precious passengers to school by 8:15 AM from private, off road sites, and from school at 3:15 PM (to selected site) and 4:40 PM to the same morning route sites. Routes include the Northern Neck and Middlesex County. About 3 hours per day. Pay based upon experience. Field trips paid separately. Contact: Seth W. Ahlborn, Head of School, Chesapeake Academy, 107 Steamboat Road, Box 8, Irvington, Virginia 22480, 804438-5575, 804-438-6146 (Fax) or sahlborn@chesapeakeacademy.org (June-23-2t)SS CARPENTER: Full-time, EOE, pay to compensate w/experience. Based on ability to work in Northumberland and Lancaster Counties. Transportation required. Call 804-761-0544..(June16-4t) CERTIFIED NURSING Assistant: Warsaw Healthcare Center is currently accepting applications for full-time and part-time Certified Nursing Assistants. Openings available on 3-11 and 11-7 shifts. Must be state certified or eligible. Great benefit package including competitive salary based on experience, Health, Dental and Life, 401K, paid mileage, and much more. For more information or to apply contact, Karen Walker, Human Resources, Warsaw Healthcare Center, 5373 Richmond Rd., Warsaw, VA 22572 or 804-333-3616..(X) Watch the Blue Boxes for Published July /FlCIALh#OME(EREv)NVITATION ),,34!.$/.-9(%!$!.$ ",/7"5"",%3&/29/52"53).%33 )FYOUNEEDAh-OVER3HAKERv .OTA0LUMBERORA"AKER 2APPAHANNOCK2IVER #!,,-% $/.4!2/5.$ #OMEHERESINCLUDED Mark G. Taylor 804-814-4080 877-435-2673 (toll free) marktaylor@cablefirst.net !SPECTACULARRIVERFRONTBUILDINGSITELOCATEDONTHE2APPAHANNOCK 2IVERIN,ANCASTER#OUNTYSHISTORIC.ORTHERN.ECKOF6IRGINIA WITHVIEWSDOWN,UTTRELLS#OVEANDATHREEMILEVIEWACROSSTHE 2APPAHANNOCK2IVERWITHMAGNIlCENTSUNSETS4HISBEAUTIFULWOODED SITEOFFERSPRIVACYONACRESLOCATEDIN2IVER6ILLAGENEARTHE CHARMINGVILLAGEOF7EEMSANDONLYMINUTESTOlNERESTAURANTS SHOPPINGGOLFCOURSESANDMEDICALFACILITIES!WATERFRONTNEIGHBOR HOODWITHUNDERGROUNDUTILITIESPAVEDROADSANDPROTECTIVE COVENANTSINSURESYOURINVESTMENT %XCLUSIVELYOFFEREDFOR Bay/River Office, P.O. Box 1090, 387 Chesapeake Dr., White Stone, VA 22578 Kents Cove 7ESTERN"RANCHOF THE#ORROTOMAN2IVER .EWLY 2ENOVATED 4HISBEAUTIFULBUILDINGSITEISLOCATEDJUSTNORTHOF+ILMARNOCK IN6IRGINIAAHISTORIC.ORTHERN.ECK4WOHUNDREDANDTWENTY lVEACRESREMAINREMARKABLYUNCHANGED&ORTYONEHOMEOWNERS WILLHAVETHISLANDTOTHEMSELVESnTOWANDERTHETRANQUILFOREST PATHSCRABFROMTHEDEEPWATERDOCKSEXPLOREOVERMILEOF RIVERFRONTlSHFORSTRIPEDBASSANDRELAXONTHEPORCHESOVERLOOK INGTHESERENE#ORROTOMAN2IVER4HE7ESTERN"RANCH0RESERVE ISACOASTALCOMMUNITYDEDICATEDTOTHEPRESERVATIONOF6IRGINIA ENVIRONMENTANDLIFESTYLEPROTECTEDBYACONSERVATIONEASEMENT WHICHSECURESTHEUPLANDANDWETLANDHABITATFROMFUTUREDEVEL OPMENT)TISAVERYSPECIALPLACE4HEPRICEOFTHISSITEINCLUDES YOURPIERTOFEET-,7 %XCLUSIVELYOFFEREDFOR "ARBARA-"RAGG EXTEXT EMAIL"ARBARA BRAGGCOCOM s"RIGHTAIRYROOMSs#REEKROOM s,IVINGROOMWlREPLACE s(ARDWOODmOORSSKYLIGHTSCEILINGFANS sCARGARAGEs7ORKSHOPWGREENHOUSEAREA s#LOSETOTOWNANDTHE"AY For appointment, please call . . . LA WLER REAL ESTATE email: lawler@crosslink.net • web site: www.lawlerrealestate.com (804) 435-1000 3OUTH-AIN3TREETs+ILMARNOCK6IRGINIA WWWBRAGGCOCOM Located on Rt. 3 in White Stone P. O. Box 1433 • White Stone, Va. 22578 • Fax: 804-435-7006 • 1-800-962-1923