gr. 7 – 12 jk - gr. 12 - Gray Academy of Jewish Education


gr. 7 – 12 jk - gr. 12 - Gray Academy of Jewish Education
Friday, January 23, 2015  3 Shevat 5775
Dear JK- Grade 12 Parents,
Gr. 1: to the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra (Jan. 19)
On Monday, January 19 the Grade One classes, along with Moreh David and their teachers
experienced The Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra. The theme of this Musical Discovery concert
was the Circus! Manny the Tuba and Mr. Mark were the ring leaders for a super exciting show.
The students were introduced to the resident conductor, Julian Pellicano and the 50 piece
orchestra. They heard many classical pieces including Claude DeBussy’s, “Claire De Lune”,
while watching clowns, jugglers, a contortionist, an aerialist and a man riding a unicycle! The
students were in awe of this amazing production!
Gr. 7 – 12: Rosh Chodesh in the Rotunda Jan. 21)
On Wednesday the high school gathered together on the three rotundas to acknowledge Rosh
Chodesh Shevat. The Rosh Chodesh candle was lit, the blessing was chanted, the Tu B’Shvat
song “Ha-Shkadeya Pou-rachat was sung and an overview of the month of Shevat was explained.
JK - GR. 12
JNF Tu B’Shvat Tree Campaign
The Annual JNF Tu B’Shvat program is underway. If you would like to purchase trees please
fill out the form that was sent home this week and return it to school by Wednesday, February 4,
2015 – Tu B’Shvat.
Parent Workshop: “Oh No! They’re Growing Up” (Jan 20)
Last Tuesday evening, more than twenty Gray Academy parents attended a workshop titled “Oh
No!. They’re Growing Up”. Linda Plenert from the Sexuality Education Resource Centre
(SERC) of Manitoba presented information, engaged parents in open conversation and provided
reading material and resources for parents on how they can approach this sometimes “difficult to
talk about with your child” topic. Linda talked about family values, being open and honest and
welcoming questions by your children and not always jumping to the wrong conclusions as to
why they are curious about a topic.
Our second workshop on February 18, “Answering Those Difficult Questions: Talking To
Children About Sexuality” will focus on the role parents play when children bring
home questions about the human body, relationships, babies, gender issues, and sex.
This workshop will answer questions like: How should we answer the sexuality related questions
of younger children? How old should children be when we start giving them information? How
much information should we give? And so much more.
This session will address the normal sexual development of children and provide a framework
for increasing parents’ comfort with giving age appropriate information. There will be handouts
and a reading list. If you have not yet registered for this workshop and would like to, please
Join Us…
Elementary & High School Open Houses
Exciting New Interactive Format!
Experience the best of what Gray has to offer.
OPEN HOUSES – 7:00 – 8:30 pm MPR
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Elementary: Junior Kindergarten, Kindergarten & Grade 1
Parents Only
Thursday, January 29, 2015
High School: For families with students currently in Gr. 5 & 6
Parents & Students
Exceptional Experiences
Exceptional Impact
Yasher Koach/Mazel Tov…
CAIS U13 Boys: win over Linden Meadows (Jan 19)
Gr. 7/8 Girls: win over Lindenwoods (Jan 19)
Gr. 7/8 Boys: win over River Park West (Jan 19)
Varsity Girls: win over Southeast College (Jan 21)
Varsity Boys: win over Kings (Jan 19)
win over Southeast College (Jan 21)
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Todah Rabah/Thank You…
 Gr. 10 – 12 Retreat Baking team: Nola Lazar (Chair), Ellen Kroft, Elske Hildes Ripstein,
Hadass Eviatar, Susan Goldstein, Elana Shultz (Class of ’86), Dafna Shore, Gord Steindel
and Sandy Cohen
 Shirley Ransby for donating a table and chair set to the Kindergarten classroom
Shabbat Shalom,
Joyce Kerr
Vice Principal