Early Childhood Education Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012


Early Childhood Education Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012
Early Childhood Education Centre
Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
Building upon a tradition of academic excellence within a supportive community, we enrich the learning
experience of our students to foster self-confidence, resilience, and creativity to enable each student to
reach her unique potential. We value character development, social responsibility, critical thinking, and
effective communication.
We educate girls for life.
Table of contents
Expectations of the school community
History of the school
Heads of school
School song
Centennial school song
Important dates
Traditional events
Staff directory
First week of school
School routines
Supply lists
Emergency preparedness
Inclement weather
Comfort kits
Health and safety
Medical forms
Junior school library
Privacy policy
Student safety
Telephone procedures
Lost and found
Extended day program
School uniform
Uniform shop
ECE Centre uniform requirements
Traffic safety
Student responsibilities
The school website
Code of conduct
Student rights and responsibilities
Environmental awareness
Agenda books
Field trips
Parent evenings
School property
Student evaluation
Progress reports
Social services
Student leadership
House system
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
Expectations of the school community
We believe, as did Miss Ellen K. Bryan (headmistress, 1942–1958), that the initials C, H, and S also stand for
courtesy, honour, and service.
Showing respect for one another by speaking courteously, holding doors open, offering assistance with carrying
books or moving equipment, and generally showing consideration at all times; listening to one another and
respecting one another’s opinions; attending all classes and arriving on time; assisting visitors to the school.
Demonstrating personal and intellectual honesty; submitting only one’s own work on tests and assignments;
learning the difference between research and plagiarism on projects; respecting property by asking permission
before using the belongings of others and by not defacing property; wearing the school uniform with pride.
Helping others and volunteering one’s service at school and in the community.
History of the school
Crofton House School was founded in 1898 by the Gordon sisters, Miss Jessie Gordon, Miss Mary Gordon, and
Miss Edith Gordon, in their father’s home on Georgia Street. Three years later, in 1901, the school moved to the
corner of Jervis and Nelson. The name Crofton House was suggested by memories of the Crofton Cottages just
outside Cambridge, where Miss Jessie Gordon had lived while studying at Cambridge. The ivy leaf, the emblem of
the Gordon clan, was chosen as the school emblem and the motto became “Servabo fidem” (I will keep the faith)
In 1937, the Misses Gordon retired and CHS became an educational trust. Miss Sara E. G. Macdonald became
headmistress and in 1942 the school moved to the present 10-acre site on West 41st Avenue. On the day of its
90th birthday, the school received its own coat of arms, granted by Lord Lyon. To mark this occasion, the Rev Dr. T.
Herbert O’Driscoll wrote a hymn for the school called “We Thank You, Lord, For All the Years.”
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
Heads of school
Founder and First Headmistress, Miss Jessie F. Gordon
Miss Sara E. G. Macdonald
Miss Ellen K. Bryan
Miss Muriel Bedford-Jones
Miss Rosalind W. Addison
Mrs. Barbara Emmerson
Ms. Barbara M. Walker
Dr. Patricia J. Dawson
School song
Crofton House, Crofton House
Thine Ivy Leaf of green
Lies firm upon the breast of youth
Heartfelt and seen.
For written there are words of stress
Servabo fidem CHS, CHS.
Centennial school song
The “Centennial School Song” lyrics were written by Crofton House School’s Bev Willms Best.
May those returning find us faithful
And may our hearts be strong and true
To the lessons we have learned
And the wisdom we have earned
In everything we say and all we do
May those returning find us faithful
Faithful, wise, and true
“Servabo fidem,”
Find us faithful to Crofton House our school.
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
Important dates
Fall 2012
Labour Day—school closed
Staff administration—no classes
First day of classes
ECE Centre Curriculum Night
Professional Development day—no classes
Thanksgiving Day—school closed
ECE Centre Parent/Teacher Conferences—no classes
Province-wide Professional Development day—no classes
Lieu Day for Remembrance Day—school closed
Mid-term break—school closed
ECE Centre Winter Concert
Carol Service: 11:30am at St. Andrews-Wesley Church
Winter Holidays December 22—January 13
Winter 2013
Classes begin
Professional Development day—no classes
Family Day
School birthday celebration—early dismissal 12:00 noon
ECE Centre student-led conferences
Spring Break March 16—April 31
Spring 2013
Good Friday—school closed
Easter Monday—school closed
Classes begin
ECE Centre Spring Concert
ECE Centre Grandparents’ Day
Victoria Day—school closed
Sports Day
Graduation Ceremony at Chan Centre. Regular school day for ECE Centre.
ECE Centre—dismissal at 12:00pm
Traditional events
Traditional events at Crofton House School are held throughout the year:
November: Remembrance Day Service, Board of Governors Annual General Meeting
December: Carol Service
March: School Birthday Celebration, Alumnae Reunions
June: Sports Day, School Closing and Awards Ceremony, Graduation Ceremony, Graduation Dinner and Dance
Other events include school concerts, stage productions, extra-curricular and co-curricular events, house events,
and special alumnae events.
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
Staff directory
Dawson, Patricia
Head of School
Hutchison, Susan
Director of the Junior School
Beauchamp, Karrie
ECE Centre Coordinator, Senior Kindergarten
Bell, Jennifer
Senior Kindergarten
Beukman, Vasti
Teacher Intern
Campbell, Christina
Junior Kindergarten
Locke, Priscilla
Junior Kindergarten
Martin, Alison
Teacher Intern
Maskell, Patricia
Teacher Librarian
FA 64
Schmidt, Leah
Junior Kindergarten
Smee, Colleen
Junior School Admin Assistant
Steiger, Alaina
Junior Kindergarten
ECE Centre Office Assistant
An outline of the first week of school
Monday, September 3
Labour Day—School Closed
Tuesday, September 4
Staff Administration—No Classes
ECE Centre Parent Meeting 5:00 to 6:00pm in the ECE Centre
Wednesday, September 5
Term 1 begins; staggered entry for ECE Centre students.
Group 1 JK and SK: 9:00 to 11:00am
Group 2 JK and SK: 1:00 to 3:00pm
Thursday, September 6
Regular school day for all Junior and Senior Kindergarten
Extended Day Program begins
Friday, September 7
Regular school day for all Junior and Senior Kindergarten
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
School routines
Assemblies are held each week on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:40 – 9:00am.
Assemblies are opportunities to address issues such as values, community responsibility, and current events.
The format of assemblies varies, and may include reading stories or poems, watching videos, or enjoying special
Singing is an important aspect of every assembly. Parents are invited guests on the first Tuesday of each month.
Arriving at School
School begins at 8:35am. Students should arrive at school between 8:00 and 8:30am. Upon arrival at school, students
must be signed into the attendance log book located in the classroom and connected with the classroom teacher.
Leaving School
School ends at 3:05pm. Students may be picked up between 3:00 and 3:30pm. When your daughter leaves school,
you must connect with the classroom teacher and sign her out of the attendance log book located in the classroom.
Students are welcome to celebrate birthdays at school by singing a special song with their friends and teachers. Due
to food allergies and concerns, we ask that you do not send special treats. As well, CHS believes in inclusivity and
has a concern for environmental waste. Therefore, please do not send loot bags or gifts.
For any party outside of school, invitations are distributed by mail, phone, or email; please refrain from distributing
invitations at school.
All students in the ECE Centre program receive a nutritious snack in the morning, a balanced lunch, and juice with
a light snack in the afternoon. Snacks and meals are delivered directly to the ECE Centre and students eat in their
classrooms. No additional food is required from home.
Crofton House School contracts out the food service program with Sodexo. With its trained and certified dieticians
and nutritionists, it will continue to actively promote a healthier eating menu and ensure maximum variety. Food
allergies will always be accommodated.
Peanuts, peanut butter, or nuts of any kind are not permitted at school for the safety of students with severe
Supply list: items to remain at school
Junior Kindergarten
Waterproof boots, running shoes, track pants and hoodie, box of tissues, soothing items for rest time (stuffy toy,
book, photo), crib sheet, blanket, small pillow, reusable water bottle.
Senior Kindergarten
Waterproof boots, running shoes, track pants and hoodie, box of tissues, reusable water bottle.
Please label all items clearly.
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
Emergency preparedness
Earthquake or Fire
The school regularly conducts fire and earthquake drills. During an emergency, all staff and students will gather in a
common area until everyone has been accounted for. A Student Release Centre will be set up in Bedford-Jones Hall,
if it has been deemed structurally sound. Alternatively, the centre will be located on Kent Field. Parents coming to
sign out their daughter should enter through the Blenheim Street gates and proceed to the release centre. For those
families who are not able to reach the school, alternate plans to care for the students will be made. Accurate records
will be kept for all students. The school has three-day emergency packs for all staff and students.
We will communicate information to parents via CBC (AM 690 on the radio dial). The school has an out-ofprovince emergency telephone number to contact if the school cannot be reached. As soon as possible following an
earthquake, the school will contact Strathcona Tweedsmuir School in Alberta at 403-938-4431.
Emergency procedures
Fire Drills
When the alarm rings everyone must evacuate all buildings as quickly and safely as possible and assemble in the
designated area for attendance.
1. In-Class Procedures
• Students take direction from their teachers; teachers secure emergency packs and close the classroom door.
• Students assemble as instructed by their teachers on Kent Field.
• Everyone leaves the building in silence.
• Teachers take attendance and report to the ECE Centre office assistant.
2. Outdoor Procedures
• Students join their class at Kent Field, in the designated assembly area.
Earthquake Drills
Earthquake drills at CHS will be signalled by three rings of the bell or “tone.” Fire alarms and security alarms may
be set off by an earthquake. If it is obviously an earthquake, ignore the other alarms.
1. In-Class Procedures
When the earthquake alarm rings OR at the first tremor OR when a teacher issues the command indicating an
earthquake, students should:
• move away from windows and heavy objects that might fall
• in laboratories, extinguish all burners if possible before taking cover and stay away from hazardous chemicals
that may spill
• move to an interior wall and/or drop to their knees
• turn away from windows (so their back is towards the windows)
• take cover under desk or table
• assume the crash position: keep knees together, fold arms close to knees, and hold on to desk or table legs
• count aloud to 60
• evacuate the building following CHS fire drill procedures.
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
2. Outdoor Procedures
At the sign of the first tremor OR when a teacher issues the command indicating an earthquake, students should:
• move to an open space (away from buildings, trees, and overhead power lines)
• lie down or crouch (legs will be unstable)
• count aloud to 60
• join their advisor class at the designated assembly area on Kent Field.
In an effort to ensure the school is well prepared for all types of emergencies, Lockdown Policy and Procedures have
been developed. A lockdown can be prompted by a violent incident or by the police. A lockdown will be activated by
an announcement via the PA system.
1. In-class Procedures
Students will take direction from their teachers; teachers will close all window coverings and lock classroom doors
where possible. Students assemble as instructed by their teachers. Teachers will take attendance.
2. Outdoor Procedures
Once an announcement has been made via the PA system, teachers will accompany students to Kerrisdale Annex.
Inclement weather
If weather conditions warrant (e.g., snowstorm), school may be dismissed early. Should conditions develop
overnight, please listen to the radio (CBC AM 690) for information regarding a school closure. A telephone tree is
in place to provide timely information.
Students play outside in all weather, and should be prepared with appropriate outdoor gear.
Comfort kits
As part of our Emergency Preparedness Procedures for Crofton House School, we ask for your cooperation by
providing us with a small Comfort Kit for each of your children in the ECE Centre. The idea of a Comfort Kit is quite
simple. Every student in the ECE Centre would have her own small Ziplock bag containing a few items from home
to reassure her in the event of an emergency.
Contents of comfort kits include:
• a family picture
• personal reassuring note written to your child
• a small, flat game or toy (e.g. deck of cards, puzzle, crayons, story book, notebook, etc.).
All of these items must comfortably fit in a 17cm x 15cm Ziplock bag and be brought to school in the first week.
Please be sure that your daughter’s name is clearly marked on the baggie. These Comfort Kits will be returned to
you at the end of each school year to be updated and replenished.
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
Health and safety
ECE Centre students do not need to bring food from home. All food is provided through CHS food services in the
However, it is important to note that in response to serious allergy alerts associated with peanuts, Crofton House
School has established itself as a nut-aware school. A number of students at CHS have peanut and nut allergies
(some of which are life-threatening). We ask that no products containing nuts (peanut butter sandwiches, cookies,
candy bars, etc) be sent to school with any child. There are some children who have a severe reaction to even slight
exposure. Additional and less common food (and other) allergies will be addressed with the school community as
Please be certain to notify us if a student has recently been exposed to, or has suffered from, any communicable
conditions such as measles, chicken pox, head lice, impetigo, etc. This allows us to notify parents in the appropriate
classes so they can be alert to the possibility of their own child contracting the disease or condition. Also, please
notify the school if any change occurs in a student’s health status throughout a medical leave.
Staying well hydrated enhances physical well-being and brain activity. Students are encouraged to drink water
regularly during the school day. Covered bottles, containing only water, are encouraged for use in classrooms.
To ensure the health and safety of everyone on the school property, the following rules are vitally important:
• If a student does not feel well, she MUST talk with her teacher who will consult with the ECE Centre office
assistant and first aid attendant. If she is too unwell to remain at school, her parents will be phoned to
arrange for transportation home.
• Medications and/or prescriptions should be left with the ECE Centre teacher (accompanied by a note). She
will administer the necessary amount. Please note that these should never be left in lockers or desks.
• Some students have food allergies. Crofton House School is a nut-aware environment. To respect children
with severe allergies we ask that no nuts be at school.
Medical forms
It is vital that the school have students’ complete medical information on file, as well as telephone numbers to reach
parents in case of an emergency. Please advise the school of any changes throughout the year.
You will be asked to complete a forms package in the summer. Please ensure all medical information is included
and up-to-date. A current immunization record must be included as part of the forms package, but a physician’s
examination is not required. If a student has a chronic illness (e.g., diabetes, acute asthma, anaphylactic allergy),
please alert the school in writing and include the doctor’s instructions for treatment. If a student is known to have
an anaphylactic response to any allergen, please make contact with your daughter’s teacher, and Karrie Beauchamp,
ECE Centre coordinator or Susan Hutchison, director of the junior school before the opening of school.
If an EpiPen® is required, one must be provided to the ECE Centre office for safekeeping. If the student is EpiPen®
reliant (has a life-threatening allergy), she must wear or carry an EpiPen® with her at all times. If a student is
required to take medication throughout the school day, please provide the school with that information and the
medication will be kept in a secure location.
Please communicate frequently with the school regarding health and safety concerns.
Medical Information
The ECE Centre office assistant is the first aid attendant; she treats all minor illnesses and injuries. As well, all
ECE Centre teachers have first aid training. In the case of illness or severe injury, the office assistant consults with
Karrie Beauchamp, ECE Centre coordinator and/or Susan Hutchison, director of the junior school.
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
Minor Illness and Injuries
Illness or injuries that present or occur outside of school hours should be attended to by a regular family physician
or an after-hours clinic.
In the event that a student becomes ill at school, she will be assessed, and if she is too ill to stay at school, her
parents will be called to make family arrangements for her care.
If a student is seriously injured at school, her parents will be contacted. In the event of an acute illness or injury,
the school will call 9-1-1 and the student will be transported directly to the hospital; parents will be contacted by
the school at the same time.
Junior school library
The library, located in the Fine Arts building, is open Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm.
• All students in the ECE Centre and the Junior School may borrow up to 10 items and keep them out for two
weeks. Overdue notices are sent weekly.
• Fines are not charged for overdue books; however, students must return an overdue book before additional
books may be checked out.
• Students who lose or damage books beyond repair will be charged for the replacement cost of the book at the
end of each term.
The goal of the junior library program is to foster a love of reading and to equip students with information literacy
skills that will enable them to function effectively as they move through their education and continue as lifelong
learners in society.
The teacher-librarian selects and organizes the library resources, both print and electronic, and then works together
with the teachers to plan and teach lessons and units that incorporate information skills into classroom topics.
The library assistant works with the teacher-librarian to organize, manage, and circulate the collection.
School desktop computers and laptops, along with wireless Internet access throughout the campus, provide students
and teachers with instant access to the resources of the library and the Internet.
Privacy policy for students and parents
A link to the Privacy Policy can be found at the bottom of any page of the school’s website.
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
Student safety information
No student may leave the grounds during regular school hours without written permission from her family. In
the event of an emergency, parents should telephone the school and then come into the school to pick up their
child. All members of the school community must sign out in the classroom log book before leaving the school
grounds during the regular school day. As well, students must be signed in when arriving late or returning from an
appointment. It is essential that the school know who is on the school grounds at all times in case of an emergency.
If a student needs to leave for an appointment or errand, she must bring a note from her parent or guardian. When
the student returns to school after her appointment, she must be signed into the log book in the classroom.
If a student sees a stranger without a visitor’s pass on the school grounds, she should immediately report him or her
to the nearest staff member. Students are supervised outside by teachers. Teachers carry walkie-talkies for quick
access to the office and facilities staff during break and lunch.
Telephone privileges and messages
Students may use the telephone in the office with the permission and guidance of their teacher. Frequent use of
the telephone is not encouraged. Students are also discouraged from calling home to ask for items to be brought to
school. Please make after-school or play arrangements before coming to school whenever possible.
Cell phones may be used for safety purposes before or after school. They may not be used during instructional time
or in instructional areas of the school.
It is difficult to call students and staff to the phone during class time. Except in emergencies, messages left in
the office in the morning will be conveyed by lunch; those in the afternoon by 3:00 p.m. Messages will always be
conveyed to students and teachers regarding changes in pick-up arrangements.
Valuable items that are found should be turned into the ECE Centre office. Students should not bring valuables or
large sums of money to school at any time. If a student must bring money or valuables, she should give them to her
teacher or the ECE Centre office for safekeeping.
Lost and found
All personal items should be clearly labelled with name and grade. Lost and found bins are placed in the junior and
senior kindergarten classroom. Items with no name are sorted by parent volunteers and returned to students. If
items are not claimed after 3 weeks, they will be recycled or disposed of.
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
Extended day program – before and after school
CHS operates a supervised program before and after school for ECE Centre students. Pre-registration is required on
a monthly basis. The after school program includes a nutritious snack, activities, and play time outside. Please note
that we will always care for your daughter after school in the case of a family emergency related to pick up.
Children may be registered for any combination of days before and/or after school. The cost for use of this program
will be charged to your account. Students should be picked up on time. If a family is unable to meet the commitment
of pick up time, we will work together for a solution.
Before school program
The before school program operates from 7:30 to 8:00am at a cost of $5.00 per day. Remember to connect directly
with the teacher and sign in at the attendance log book in the classroom.
After school program
The after school program operates from 3:30 to 5:30pm. Families have the option of registering for 3:30 to 4:30pm
at a cost of $10.00 per day or 3:30 to 5:30pm at a cost of $15.00 per day. A snack is provided. Remember to connect
directly with the teacher at pick up time and sign out at the attendance log book in the classroom.
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
School uniform policy
All Crofton House School students must wear the complete regulation school uniform during school hours. We ask
that parents assist in having their daughters attend in correct school uniform.
The Number One Uniform is worn on special assembly days (as specified by the school), school outings, and formal
school occasions. All uniform items should be clean and pressed at all times and clearly labelled with the student’s
name. Tunics must be of an appropriate length, that is, a minimum of fingertip length plus one repeat (or pattern)
of the Gordon plaid when the student is standing tall with arms down at the side. Shoes are to be flat or low heeled,
black in colour, and not shiny. Hair must be tied back. No coloured accessories should be worn under the school
Uniform shop
The Uniform Shop is operated by the Crofton House School Alumnae Association. The shop is open alternating
lunches from 12:00 to 2:00pm and after school from 3:00 to 4:45pm on Wednesdays from October through June.
Proceeds from the Uniform Shop are returned to Crofton House School by way of bursaries and gifts to the school.
Regulation Crofton House School uniform clothing is available for purchase at the Uniform Shop. The shop is
located in The Village, facing Balaclava Street. For further information, see the Uniform Shop brochure on the
school website.
Uniform Shop Hours
August 20
9:00am – 3:00pm
August 21
9:00am – 3:00pm
August 22
9:00am – 3:00pm
August 27
9:00am – 3:00pm
August 28
9:00am – 3:00pm
August 29
9:00am – 3:00pm
September 4
9:00am – 3:00pm
September 5
12:00pm – 4:00pm
September 6
12:00pm – 4:00pm
Note: The Uniform Shop will be open weekly on Wednesdays starting September 12, 2012. Please see the calendar
on the school website for the latest days and times.
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
ECE Centre uniform requirements
Number One Uniform
The Number One Uniform will be worn for Monday assemblies, special assemblies, and on field trips
unless otherwise specified.
The Number One Uniform includes:
Winter Option
(Terms 1 & 2 only)
Spring Option
(Term 3 only)
a Gordon tartan school tunic
a navy school V-neck, cardigan, or vest sweater
a white placket-front, short-sleeve blouse or golf shirt
navy bloomers or (bike) shorts
navy knee socks
black shoes (no boots, party shoes, patent leather, or black athletic shoes; shoes should not
have stripes, tassels, studs, zippers, etc.; heels must be less than two inches; no platform
CHS-issue navy knee socks
CHS-issue navy or black tights
CHS-issue white blouse
CHS-issue polo shirt
CHS-issue white turtleneck shirt
white socks: ankle or knee-high
white tights
CHS-issue white blouse
CHS-issue polo shirt
Except for the CHS fleece jacket outerwear is not to be worn inside the school buildings.
Physical Education
navy, dark green, or black three-quarter or full-length raincoat or jacket
fleece jacket
CHS poncho
CHS hat
Athletic hoodies are part of the PE uniform and are not to be worn with the tunic or skirt. All physical
education clothing must be of Crofton House School design.
white running shoes (no Keds or similar footwear)
navy CHS biker shorts and blouse or golf shirt
track pants
fleece hoodie
House Shirt
Optional. Available in house colours.
The house pin is part of the school uniform. The only forms of jewelry permitted are watches, plain
small earrings, medical bracelets, plain signet or school rings, and plain gold or silver chain necklaces.
Hair must be tied back. All hair bands, scrunchies, ribbons, and barrettes should be navy, black, dark
green, white, or Gordon tartan, without commercial logos. Students may dye their hair any natural
hair colour; extreme hairstyles and/or colours are not permitted.
Frames should be compatible with uniform colours and the tunic. Avoid brightly coloured frames.
No makeup or nail polish.
Note: All clothing must be clearly marked with the student’s name.
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
Traffic safety
Managing traffic safety on the campus and surrounding streets is a major concern for the Crofton House School community
and its neighbours. Blenheim Street is crowded during peak times of the morning and afternoon, West 41st Avenue is a very
busy traffic artery, and Balaclava Street continues to experience larger volumes than in past years. Our goal is to provide
safe traffic conditions and encourage alternate means of transportation. We suggest students consider walking, cycling, using
public transit, or carpooling with neighbouring students.
Provident Security will continue to support safe pedestrian crossing at the Blenheim gate, control the traffic entering and
exiting the round-about, and assist on Balaclava Street.
Below are the school’s traffic guidelines as a reminder to parents, staff, and students to keep our traffic areas safe for everyone.
Cooperation in following the guidance given by Provident Security and our facilities staff is greatly appreciated.
Drop-off and Pick-up
Blenheim Guidelines
1. ECE Centre students are to be dropped off and picked up in the round-about off Blenheim Street.
2. There are designated ECE Centre parking spaces across from the front door from of the Centre.
3. During peak morning and afternoon hours, only right-hand turns will be allowed into and out of our round-about.
4. No left-hand turns will be allowed into or out of the round-about on school days from 7:30 to 8:30am and 3:30 to
5. The gates to the round-about will be closed at the entrance from 3:00 to 3:20pm with the exception of early pick-up for
the ECE Centre.
6. Cars will be allowed into the round-about when it is expected that the girls will have been dismissed and are waiting
curbside for safe pick-up.
7. The round-about is a drop-off and pick-up zone for junior school students only; it is not a parking area with the exception
of the designated ECE Centre parking spaces.
Remember, all areas surrounding the school are “Idle Free Zones” as posted by the City of Vancouver.
Parking Off Campus
Parents and visitors may park for up to three hours on streets adjacent to the school. When parking in these areas, please
respect the property and needs of our neighbours. As roads in the area are narrow, extra caution is required to ensure traffic
circulation is not hindered and driveways remain open.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our community safe!
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
Student responsibilities
Academic Honesty Policy
Crofton House School values academic honesty. All student submissions must be the student’s own work.
Academic Honesty in the Preparation of Essays, Assignments, and Presentations
We recognize that research is built on the prior work of others. At CHS, we expect that students will reference all
resources used to complete an assignment.
Academic Honesty during Tests and Examinations
Cheating is the use of unauthorized assistance and includes, but is not limited to:
• copying the work of another student
• assisting another student with an answer
• using any unauthorized assistance, such as cheat sheets
• having work prepared by another individual
Students who cheat on tests and examinations will receive a mark of 0.
Attendance at school is mandatory; therefore, families should arrange appointments outside of school time. If a
student knows in advance of an absence for a medical appointment or other family reasons, the school must be
notified in writing as soon as possible.
When a student is absent for any reason, the parent or guardian must let the ECE Centre office assistant know
before 8:00am on the first day of the absence and each day thereafter. Please contact the ECE Centre office assistant
by phone at 604 676 0457 or by email ece@croftonhouse.ca. If notification is not received and a student does not
arrive, then the school will undertake to call the home as a safety measure. When the student returns to school, a
written record of the absence is required for government funding. The correspondence should be directed to the
student’s teacher and the ECE Centre office. Email is sufficient as a record of absence.
If a senior kindergarten student accumulates an excessive number of unexcused absences as defined by the Ministry
of Education, then the school is subject to a loss of the student’s grant (this does not apply to junior kindergarten
students). The loss would be calculated on a prorated basis at that point and the family would be required to cover
the amount lost up to the per-student grant of approximately $2,670. Unexcused absences include vacations outside
of school holidays.
Our holiday schedule is already generous. For this reason, the school discourages the extension of holidays.
Extended absences for holidays can undermine the academic program of a course as well as the sense of priorities
and discipline that we are trying to develop in our students. If families intend to lengthen a holiday or take their
daughter out of school for a trip during the school term, they should request permission from the director in writing
well before the projected absence. When permission has been granted, it is then important to discuss all necessary
arrangements with the form teacher, who may be able to provide work to be done during the student’s absence.
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
Student success is richly enhanced by parents’ consistent care and involvement in school life. Parents should
ask their daughter about school, take an interest in her work, visit the classroom, speak with her teachers, read
correspondence from school, access school information and news on the school website frequently, talk with the
director of the junior school and the ECE Centre coordinator, attend parent evenings, and phone or write the
school. With matters of concern, first contact the classroom teacher, then the ECE Centre coordinator and director
of the junior school, then the head of school.
CHS school website
The CSH website is the central source for information about the school. Please refer to the website for the latest
Crofton news, event details, blog posts, and regular school updates.
The parent community is a password protected section of the website where you can access personal information
about your daughter, including report cards, schedules and attendance. You will also find detailed calendars, grade
pages, classroom newsletters and other important information in this section. If you have not received your
username and password, please contact the IT team at support@croftonhouse.ca or 604 263 3255 ex 4503.
Code of conduct
Students at the school are expected to understand and follow these guidelines. The purpose of these guidelines is
to protect the safety, health, and welfare of the individual students of CHS, as well as the greater CHS community.
Students must understand that their membership in the Crofton House School student body is contingent on
abiding by these guidelines and those who do not may be required to withdraw before the end of the school year.
Crofton House School’s Expectations of Students
• Be responsible for her own behaviour and treat all members of the school community with respect and fairness.
• Demonstrate empathy and show understanding to others through appropriate verbal and non-verbal
communication and behaviour.
• Be inclusive of others at work and play.
• Treat others with respect and fairness and accept and appreciate differences in others.
• Resolve conflict peacefully through non-aggressive means.
• Discourage and/or report the misbehaviour of others as appropriate.
• Attend classes regularly and punctually.
• Use the Internet in a responsible and ethical manner.
• Treat the grounds, buildings, and facilities of the school with respect.
• Report damage to any part of the school (e.g., graffiti, accidental breakage, etc.) immediately to the school office,
a member of staff, or one of the directors.
• Keep classrooms, changing rooms, corridors, and all public areas tidy and free of garbage.
• Eat and drink outside, in designated classrooms, or in the cafeteria; students should clear their tables at the end
of break and lunch.
• Treat the possessions of others with respect; theft is unacceptable.
• Ask permission first from a staff member when using or borrowing any school equipment.
• Be responsible for personal possessions; Crofton House is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
• Abstain from using substances (e.g., alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs) prior to coming to school or while participating
in any on- or off-campus school functions or activities and from possessing such substances while on campus or
while attending any school-related events.
• In summary, demonstrate care of self, others, school property, and the environment.
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
Student Rights and Responsibilities
To feel safe
To feel welcome
To learn
To be yourself
To have a clean and safe space
Respect school property
Respect yourself and others
Report to a caring adult when you or someone needs help
Respect your belongings and those of others
Listen to each other
Come to class prepared
Work hard, play hard
Be accepting of others
Treat others the way you want to be treated
Be engaged and participate
Crofton House is a safe school where all students are able to participate fully in school activities free from bullying.
Students who commit acts of bullying will be subject to disciplinary action up to, and including, suspension or
expulsion from school. All members of the school community have the responsibility of monitoring, reporting, and
addressing bullying.
Bullying occurs when there is a power difference between the bully and target. While it is common for students to
joke around, name-call and tease, the intent of the interaction between a target and bully is in some way to put the
target in distress. Bullying can include, but is not limited to:
physical violence or threats of violence
using power to hurt others
taunting others
scaring or intimidating others
publicly humiliating others
insulting someone’s family
taking personal items belonging to another
• racism
• name calling, dismissive behaviour such as ignoring
others, using put downs, eye rolling, shoulder shrugging
• spreading rumours
• excluding someone from a peer group
• supporting someone engaged in the above behavior
• using the internet to bully others
Students are encouraged to report incidents of bullying to a teacher, counselor, the ECE Centre coordinator, or the
director of the junior school.
Consequences of Involvement in Bullying
Every bullying case is unique. Each situation will be viewed according to the background knowledge particular
to each child and the developmental stage of each child. As well, the situation will be assessed relevant to the
circumstances and the children involved.
If discipline involves a lengthy out-of-school suspension or expulsion from the school, the student and parent(s)
may appeal the decision to the Head of School. The appeal must be initiated, in writing, within ten days of the
decision and must set out the reasons for the appeal.
The Head of School will review the written appeal and any other material she deems necessary and render her
decision. The Head of School’s decision in all disciplinary matters is final.
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
Environmental awareness
At Crofton House School, we promote responsible care of the earth and stewardship of the environment.
Students are expected to:
• use garbage containers on the school property and work together to protect the environment by picking up
garbage even if it is not their own
• recycle whenever possible
• compost
• reuse school supplies
• carpool or walk to school, if possible
Each person can make a difference in maintaining a beautiful, healthy earth.
Agenda books
Agenda books are used in junior kindergarten to grade 7 to help students develop responsibility and organization.
Each day, students keep a record of homework assignments and important upcoming events in their classroom and
the school.
Parents are encouraged to use the agenda books to read messages from teachers and communicate with the school.
Field trips
Crofton House offers unique off-campus learning experiences. These off-campus learning experiences or field
trips are intended to enrich the classroom curriculum and are an important part of Crofton House programs. As
a part of the curriculum, students are expected to attend curricular field trips and travel via school bus to and
from these events. Any exceptions must be approved by school administration. Students and parents will receive
specific trip information and permission forms in advance of every field trip. The permission forms must be signed
and returned to the appropriate teacher by the stated deadline. Without the signed consent form for each specific
outing, students may not participate in the field trip.
Parent evenings
Parent evenings are arranged to discuss topics of interest.
ECE Centre Curriculum Night will take place on September 18, 2012, and is designed to allow teachers and parents
to communicate regarding specific grade curriculum expectations for the upcoming year. Several parent nights are
arranged throughout the year to discuss curriculum, child development, and school-related matters with teachers,
the director, other parents, and special presenters. Parents are encouraged to attend these evenings.
School property
Our beautiful grounds are a source of enjoyment for all and everyone is expected to protect them. Students are not
permitted to pick flowers or leaves or damage the plants in any way. Garbage both inside and outside should be
picked up and placed in the containers and recycling bins provided.
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
Student evaluation
Early Childhood Education: Junior and Senior Kindergarten
Students in the ECE Centre program are expected to demonstrate achievement of the overall expectations of the BC
kindergarten curriculum by the end of senior kindergarten. The expectations are designed to address continuous
progress through junior and senior kindergarten. Students will be assessed and evaluated by teachers using the
following methods: daily observation, daily assignments, quizzes, samples of student work (including photographs/
videos), tests, projects, oral reports, interviews, written reports, portfolio collections, student self-assessments,
and participation.
Primary: Grades 1 to 3
Students are evaluated according to the goals and objectives of the BC curriculum outlines and performance
standards as well as on their daily progress in class.
Intermediate: Grades 4 to 7
Students are evaluated on the BC curriculum outcomes and performance standards, their daily work, and progress
in class, as well as on tests, assignments, and projects.
Progress reports
Progress is reported in a variety of ways. Effective, ongoing communication with parents regarding student progress
is an important focus in the junior school. Three formal reports are issued, in December, March, and June each year.
Reports include checklists and anecdotal remarks. Letter grades are added at the intermediate level with a final
year-end letter grade. Conferences and interviews are arranged formally in October with student-led conferences
in March.
Informal reporting may include telephone calls, notes in agenda books, letters, classroom visits, and personally
arranged conferences with the teacher. Informal reporting represents frequent communication between teachers
and parents and is a critical component in ongoing, effective communication to support students.
Social service
Participating in social service activities is an integral part of the Crofton House School program. Early childhood
education and the junior school focus on local service related to family, school, and community. The senior school
program extends service beyond the community to a global perspective.
Monthly themes may include collecting food for Quest Outreach Society Food Bank, raising funds for UNICEF
projects to build schools in developing countries, raising funds for Canuck Place, YWCA projects in Vancouver,
ChildRun and Jeans Day for Childrens’ Hospital, and off-campus volunteer work with the Vancouver YWCA and
with seniors at Crofton Manor.
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
ECE Centre Parent/Student Handbook 2012-2013
Student leadership
Student leadership involves school spirit, social service, environmental awareness, service learning, sharing,
including others, and playing fair. Grade 6 and 7 students are involved in a more formal leadership training
curriculum and program. All grade 7 students assume leadership responsibilities throughout the year. These
opportunities include involvement with in the Early Childhood Education Centre.
ECE Centre and junior school students are guided to be positive role models and develop personal leadership
The house system
Every student in the junior school belongs to a house. The four houses in the junior school are Hummingbirds
(yellow), Robins (red), Swallows (blue), and Wrens (purple).
In September, new students are presented with a house pin as a gift from the CHS Alumnae Association. Each house
has students from junior kindergarten to grade 7 and provides an opportunity for house activities and meetings
that promote cross-grade relationships and foster a sense of community within the school.
School spirit and competition are developed by collecting house points. The Sports Day Cup is awarded to the
winning house on Sports Day. The Intramural Spirit Cup is awarded to the house with the highest participation
in intramurals. The Gordon Cup is awarded in the final awards presentation in June to the overall winning house.
The grade 7 students have shared responsibility throughout the year as house captains.
3200 West 41st Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia V6N 3E1
T 604 263 3255 F 604 263 4941 croftonhouse.ca