The official 2015 race programme is online


The official 2015 race programme is online
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60 85 100km
• CO
•C O
5-8 FEBRUARY 2015
Welcome to the Tarawera Ultra Marathon 2015
Kia Ora Welcome
Paul Charteris
A Cultural Perspective
Manu Rangiheua and Rev Graham Patio Te Rire
Event Information
Race Week Events
Athlete Information
Course Map
Crew and Spectator Information
Driving Instructions and Parking Maps
Safety in the Tarawera Forest
Course Records & Previous Champions
Elite Athlete Profiles
Tarawera Ultra Marathon 2015 Entrants
100km Athletes
85km Athletes
60km Athletes
Relay Teams
Hazards and Risks
Race time!
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
2 0 1 5 TA R AW E R A U LT R A M A R AT H O N
Kia Ora. Welcome.
Stepping up to the Challenge
Dear Tarawera Tribe,
Welcome to the seventh annual Tarawera Ultra Marathon and a
special welcome to every athlete taking on the challenge of their
first ultra distance run.
Trail ultramarathons, by their very nature, are bloody hard work.
Running for longer than the 42.2km marathon distance, with
hills, roots and rocks, they’re a test of both mind and body. For
organisers, they’re even worse. Fortunately, you, the runners, are
in safe hands this year as I hand over the job of Race Director to
Tim Day. Tim has run in the event many times and over the past
couple of years he has shone through with his passion for the
event, his dedication to the running community – not to mention
immense organising skills and the ability to get out and GPS
remote parts of the course at a moment’s notice. Thank you for
stepping up to the challenge Tim.
The Tarawera Ultramarathon, no matter which distance you
tackle, is a tough physical test. Even the fittest athletes will
struggle at times. Over the course of 60, 85 or 100km, there’ll
be sore legs, smashed feet, tears, sweat, twisted ankles, falls,
scrapes, body parts doing weird things – and some colourful
language (usually directed at either Tim, myself or the hills). At
the end of this grand adventure, every single finisher’s medal,
from the very fastest 100km runner to the final 60km runner is
earned. Not given – earned.
As organisers, we make it easy for athletes to enter, train and
communicate with fellow runners. On race day we support you
every step of the way with an army of more than 200 volunteers,
safety staff, buffet aid stations and a well-marked course. But,
we cannot do everything - runners are responsible for knowing
the rules of the event (including the withdrawal policies), the
course, the compulsory gear requirements and what goes on
during race week. The policies and rules we have in place are
there for two main reasons. Safety and fairness. We want to
ensure all runners enter fairly from the waitlist, that everyone is
treated the same when they withdraw and that all runners make
it across the finish-line safely.
We aim to give all runners, supporters and spectators a simply
amazing race week experience that will last for a lifetime.
Unfortunately, sometimes we have to disappoint. This year, more
than 200 signed up on the wait-list too late and won’t get to
race. In 2012, permanently high water levels meant that parts of
the course were flooded and runners got wet feet. In 2013, we
re-routed the race when extreme fire risk made it impossible to
continue to Kawerau - in fact, the fire risk on that Saturday was
the highest of the past decade. Last year Cyclone Lusi dictated
that we could not implement key parts of our safety plan and the
race was shortened.
Spectators and supporters will need to rise to the
challenge on race day. A much bigger race means many
more vehicles on roads and in communities that were
never designed for such large numbers. Please make
sure you know where you plan to be on race day,
that you have your Tarawera Forest permit (if
you are accessing later part of the course
with your car) and please wait patiently
for the buses. Just as the runners will have
a long hot day on their feet, supporters
can expect to travel a long way on race day – with many other
vehicles going the same way. Please be courteous and patient
out there.
The Ultra-Trail World Tour® has been amazing for this event. It
has created an international buzz like nothing else, encouraging
over 350 overseas runners to come to New Zealand, and
attracting some the greatest trail ultra runners in the world
today to the start line.
Race week is Thursday to Sunday. On Thursday, please join us
for the FREE Buff – ‘Flat is Boring’ rogaine on Thursday evening.
The race welcome will be at Te Puia on Friday morning followed
by the race Expo, seminars, race registration, elite athlete Q&A
session, briefings, keynote address by Malcom Law and race
registration at the Rotorua Holiday Inn – all in the afternoon.
Finally, join us for prizegiving on Sunday when your long run
is over. These are the events where friendships form, and
experiences that last a lifetime are forged.
And spread the vibe. Share your passion for this event and
for trail ultra running, with our generous sponsors, with the
volunteers and your fellow runners.
Whether you are racing or supporting, you will see many media
personnel before, during and after the event. There will be
reporters, camera people, photographers and more, from around
New Zealand and the world. If media ask you a question or for
a photo, help share the incredible vibe of achievement and
celebration — be approachable, and give them an answer or a
smile. You never know where in the world of running your photo
might appear.
Please do the same with your own news and reporting. Post and
share photos and comments to the race Facebook group. As the
Tarawera Tribe we are huge, and we’re sharing in something
THANKS to all of our sponsors and partners, especially the New
Zealand Major Events Investment Fund.
THANKS to all of the volunteer groups that help make this event
possible: Rotorua Trail Running Club, The Gravity Sports Club
(Kawerau), Hamilton Hawks Running Club, Rotorua Association
of Triathletes and Multisport (RATs), Rotorua Search & Rescue
(SAR), Coastguard.
Thank you to the Land Owners and Land Managers and cooperation of the following groups: Rotorua District Council,
The Redwoods, Rotorua, Timberlands Ltd, CNI Iwi Holdings
Ltd, Rotorua Mountain Bike Club, Lake Okareka Community
Association, The Department of Conservation, Hancock Natural
Resource Group, The Okataina Scenic Reserve Board Trust, Te
Mana o Ngāti Rangitihi Trust, Maori Investments Ltd, Tarawera
Hunting Club, Kawerau District Council.
All the best with your final preparation. Please continue to
support and encourage each other on this journey. I look
forward to running with you from Rotorua to Kawerau and Tim
has been practicing his finish-line hugs.
This is your guide to the event. A PDF version is posted on the
Paul Charteris
The Tarawera Ultra Marathon
January 2015
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
A Cultural Perspective
He Mihi
Ko Makatiti te Maunga
Ko Okataina te Moana
Ko Ngati Tarawhai te kawai kawe tapuo o nga o Te Arawa
Tihei Mauri Ora!
Aotearoa (New Zealand) was settled by different tribes on
various waka over many years, centuries ago - all from Eastern
Polynesia or Hawaiiki as Maori prefer to call their Pacific Island
homelands. The lakes and their surrounds that athletes pass
before reaching Kawerau belong to Te Arawa. Te Arawa is the
ancient sea going vessel (waka) that brought the ancestors of the
Nga Ohomairangi tribe and finally rested at Maketu, the people
settling areas inland from there to all of the inland Bay of Plenty
or Waiariki as far as Tongariro.
As the inland lakes became the home of descendants of the Te
Arawa waka they grew to become prosperous tribes named after
prominent ancestors such as Tuhourangi, Tarawhai, Whakaue
and Pikiao to name just a few. Tribes throughout Aotearoa were
known to share resources, build settlements, live in harmony
with their surrounds and defend themselves against other tribes.
Maori were great believers in deities or gods which directed them
in their daily activities. Leadership was vital as was a healthy
lifestyle of gardening, hunting and gathering to feed the large
families and to sustain them over the colder months. Ngati
Tarawhai whose settlements and fortified pa were around Lake
Okataina defended their lake and surrounds under chivalrous
chiefs of note such as Tarawhai himself, Te Rangitakaroro, Te
Iwimokai, Te Horeta and many others over the centuries, all
had guidance from venerable tohunga who were seers, omen
seekers, preists and experts in history and genealogy among
other specialised fields.
With the abundance of trees Ngati Tarawhai became renowned
carvers of waka, whare (houses), and implements and were
regarded as experts to the point of being widely sought after to
provide these valuable skills and objects to other tribes. Evidence
of their work can be found around the country and in national
As the lake had no natural outlets it was subject to rapid rises
and fluctuations in height. It was this and the influence of the
Pakeha which caused Ngati Tarawhai to relocate as it was said
that during the 1860’s the lake rose up to 12 metres submerging
villages and gardens. As our Te Arawa tribes flourished over
the centuries, they strived to live noble lives by adhering to
strict rules and practices and passing on values, histories and
cultural practices which held them in good stead until the arrival
of the Pakeha. Land thereafter became alienated, deforested,
confiscated and polluted in less than a hundred years since the
arrival of the first Pakeha whose pressure and diseases left
Maori struggling to survive. In the recent past Te Arawa tribes
have regained some justice by having lands and lakes returned
to them and work today to rebuild a new legacy for posterity.
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
In order as runners leave the Redwoods are Lake Tikitapu,
Rotokakahi and Okareka which belong to Tuhourangi, Lake
Okataina which belongs to Ngati Tarawhai and Lake Tarawera
which is shared by Tuhourangi and Ngati Rangitihi. Te Arawa
today have worked to maintain a balance between conservation
and commercial interests but are always indebted to and
acknowledge their ancestors.
Manu Rangiheua
Ngati Tarawhai, Tuhourangi, Ngati Pikiao
The impact of Mt Tarawera on the people of Rotorua and the
greater Bay of Plenty region is most significant – for cultural,
historical, geological and tourism reasons.
Much has been written and said of Mt Tarawera’s importance
and the special place it occupies in the history of the region. For
the peoples of Tuhourangi and Ngati Rangitihi, it is a source of
cultural identity and pride. As a tourism attraction, the region
including Mt Tarawera, Lake Tarawera, Lake Rotomahana, and
the former Pink and White Terraces has fascinated tourists for
some 150 years.
Rotorua was first inhabited by Maori people some 600 years ago,
and the district is rich in Maori history and legend. On 10 June
1886, Mt Tarawera erupted spreading lava and ash out over the
Bay of Plenty, completely burying Te Wairoa and Te Ariki villages
killing 153 people. Lake Rotomahana blew up throwing mud five
miles into the air destroying the famous Pink and White Terraces.
The eruption of Mt Tarawera had devastating repercussions
as the ash deposits affected much of the land, and it took
many years for the ash to consolidate so that pasture could be
re-established. The eruption also blocked the Outlet of Lake
Tarawera with volcanic debris and over the years the lake rose
50 feet. In 1904, this barrier burst and sent a massive flood down
the Tarawera River. It look a week to drain the lake and the flood
washed away several acres of terrace flats within the Kawerau
area. It also caused extensive flooding on the Rangitaiki plains.
Right on Kawerau’s doorstep is Mt Putauaki, a volcano which
became dormant about 1000 years ago. Before the township and
the Tasman Pulp and Paper Mill was established, the district was
known as Onepu. In 1953 the name Kawerau was applied to the
town and district. An english translation of Kawerau is “kawe”
(meaning to carry) and “rau” (meaning leaves). This came from
a Maori ritual where fruit of the kiekie (a vigorous climbing fruit)
was gathered and taken back to Maori settlements across the
Tarawera River in the month of November. The fruit was carried
in a basket made of leaves which was then tied to wooden rails
and allowed to mature.
Reverend Graham Patio Te Rire
January 2015
Event Information
Social media
Interviews and more on
Live race updates on
Ultra-Trail World Tour @ultratrail #utwt | @rotoruanz |
Tarawera Ultramarathon App
The Rotorua Holiday Inn is the race venue. This is the location of
race registration and briefing.
Transport and Travel
Rotorua is 50 minutes. If you have paid your bus money, you are
welcome to grab a car ride back to Rotorua with other runners
and their crew.
Weather forecast
Yes, you may listen to music during the run. Don’t use them on
the public road at Okareka, as you will be running with cars.
Athletes’ Emergency Contact
We will check the phone number of your emergency contact at
race registration. This must be a contact who can be reached on
race day.
Race numbers
Runners of each distance are clearly recognised by their race
number and the colour of the numbers.
Getting to this race is REALLY easy if you don’t have a car. Three
hot tips:
100km ultra runners
red numbers
85km ultra runners
red numbers
1. From Auckland Airport
60km ultra runners
red numbers
• Rent a car or campervan and drive three hours’ south to
Rotorua. This is easily the most flexible option. It gives you a
range of travel options.
relay runners
blue numbers
Pacer numbers
• Shuttle bus from Auckland Airport to Rotorua. The shuttles
will drop you door-to-door.
85/100km pacers have white numbers, same number as their
runner. All ultra runners have their name and country flag on
their race numbers. All relay runners will have their team name.
• Bus from Auckland Airport to Rotorua. Tends to be cheap – but
not always the most direct route.
Timing Chips
• Fly to Rotorua airport from Auckland. The domestic terminal
is right next door to the international terminal at Auckland
airport. Catching connecting flights is pretty quick at easy. If
you are staying at Holiday Inn Rotorua – you can catch the
free shuttle from Rotorua airport to the Holiday Inn.
• FREE option -grab a ride with one of the hundreds of other
runners making the same trip at the same time. Just post
to the Tarawera Ultra Facebook group that you’d like a ride.
Overseas travellers quite often use this option to share rental
cars. Auckland runners are often very obliging to pick up
overseas runners from the airport and drive them down to the
Run over the timing mats at Blue Lake, Okareka, Okataina,
Humphries Bay, Tarawera Falls, Titoki, Awaroa (the far end of the
loop) and Fisherman’s Bridge Aid Stations.
Relay Teams – do not forget to hand over your timing chips at
each relay changeover (Okareka, Okataina, Tarawera Falls).
Mobile app and LiveTrail Tracking
The event mobile app is available in both iPhone and Android
format. Download from the App Store® or from the Google Play
Store®. LiveTrail will allow you to track each runner during race
day as they pass over timing points. Details are to be posted soon
2. Race Start
Drive to the race start on Longmile Road, Rotorua. No car? Walk
out of the Rotorua Holiday Inn door sometime after 5am, and
about 400 other people will be doing the same thing as you at
the same time. Grab a ride with one of them.
3. Back to Kawerau from 60km finish line
Grab a ride with your crew or with other spectators and
supporters going in the same direction as you. Sorry, due to
narrow roads, we cannot provide buses as we had originally
4. Bus back to Rotorua
We have buses from the finish line in Kawerau back to the
start. Pay for a bus ticket when you sign up online, or pay at
registration on Friday before race day. The buses will depart
Kawerau every hour from 4pm. The bus will drop you back to the
Redwoods or Rotorua Holiday Inn. You will need to show your bus
There are plenty of cars heading out in the same direction as you,
so it will be easy to grab a ride. Driving time from Kawerau to
Ultra-Trail® World Tour Visa Stamps
All 100km finishers are eligible for a visa stamp. You will receive a
visa stamp when you cross the finish line in Kawerau. Ultra-Trail®
World Tour passports will be sold at the Expo on Friday.
Race Safety
Please take care of both yourselves and the other competitors on
the course. If someone needs help, please stop and help them.
Some volunteers hold first aid qualifications. Some will have
radio communications with the Race Director and Safety Director
in case of an emergency. Mountain bike safety patrol will also be
on hand to help you out. St. John’s ambulance will be present.
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
Food and drink at the Kawerau finish
There will be hot food and drink at the Kawerau finish line until
10pm. Make sure you include some cash in your finish line bag for
extra food.
Pacers run for FREE. All pacers must check-in at the finish line
in Kawerau and pick up a pacer number on race day. This is so
we know you are part of the event. You can pace your runner
from the Aid Stations - Outlet, Tarawera Falls, Titoki, Fisherman’s
Bridge and River Road. Competitors, you can use two pacers –
but only one at a time (they must change over at an Aid Station).
Buses will transport pacers into the Tarawera Forest.
Tarawera Forest Permits
A permit is needed if you take a car into the Tarawera Forest (this
includes any Aid Station between The Outlet and River Road).
Runners do not need permits. Only cars. Each car will need to
get a forest permit from the Kawerau Information Centre before
entering the Tarawera Forest. There are two ways to do this:
1. At registration
• Following a long, straight forestry road, you’ll come to a
bridge over the Tarawera River. Runners will exit River Road,
cross over the main road at the bridge and continue along the
river track.
• A 300-400 metre section before runners make the right-hand
turn to River Road.
• A 300-400 metre section after runners have left the Titoki Aid
Station and passed over the bridge.
Spectators travelling to the Tarawera Outlet will encounter
runners on the upper end of Titoki Road for about 200 metres.
To avoid extreme congestion at the Tarawera Falls, we encourage
85/100 runners’ crews and 60k/relay crews to take two different
routes through the Tarawera Forest.
100/85km spectators, crew and supporters
2. Get and complete the form at the Kawerau Information
Centre on race day.
Travel to The Outlet, this is the first place to see your runner after
the Okataina aid station. This requires a small 100 metre walk to
see your runner. After The Outlet, you will have plenty of time to
travel down the road to view your runner at Titoki. From the Titoki
carpark area, you have a 1.5km walk to the aid station to see your
100km runner, or a 50 metre walk to see your 85km runner (after
they have left the Titoki aid station).
You will still get a permit but it will likely take a lot longer.
60km/Relay spectators and crew
Fill in the form in your race registration pack. There will be spare
copies at race registration. Pay $5 for your permit and you will
receive a stamp on your permit allowing you to access the forest
on race day.
If you do not have a permit, Forest Security will prevent you from
entering the Tarawera Forest.
Travel to the Tarawera Falls and park at Carparks 1,2, or 3. You
will need to walk in 1.4km to meet your runner.
In the Tarawera Forest slow down wherever you see cones on the
road and/or flashing lights and marshals. These are high traffic
volume areas or locations where runners may be present.
The Tarawera Ultramarathon is a four-day long ‘race week’.
The Tarawera Forest is accessible only via unsealed forestry
roads. They are dusty. Do not speed on these roads. Spee limit
is 70Km/hr. Road signs will indicate runners are present. Cars
in the Tarawera Forest will encounter runners at the following
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
Significantly, in 2015 the event falls during Waitangi weekend
– New Zealand’s national holiday. Rotorua will be busy – so be
Race Week Events
The Tarawera Ultramarathon will be selling neat stuff:
The Buff ‘Flat Is Boring’ Forest Rogaine
A one hour (approx.) rogaine run in the forest – in teams of up to
• WallArt
When: 5:30pm
Outside The Outdoorsman Headquarters, 6
Tarawera Road, Rotorua.
Cost: FREE. Open to everyone.
The tradition continues with your chance to run with some of the
world’s greatest trail runners at the Thursday evening run.
This year’s event will be a little different – and a whole lot more
fun. We are going to have a rogaine. This is a ‘treasure hunt’
completed in teams, where you’ll be given a map with a number
of points to find. The highest value points are placed the furthest
away. You’ll have a fixed time to get as many points as you can
within the allotted time (probably one hour). For every minute
that your team arrives after the cut-off time, you lose points.
The rules? Anything goes! You do not need to stick to the tracks
– you can jump over logs, run straight up the hills and get
yourselves hopelessly lost – it’s all part of the fun. Team up with
your friends, grab a famous runner (or two!) and speed off into
the forest.
New Zealand’s National Holiday
Official Race Welcome
When: 8:30am.
Te Aronui A Rua Marae, Te Puia, Hemo Road, Rotorua.
Cost: FREE for all registered athletes. Friends and family pay the
standard Te Puia rates. More info at
Haere mai – Welcome to Rotorua, New Zealand! The official
welcome to the event will be a Powhiri (welcome) at Te Aronui a
Rua Marae, Te Puia, Rotorua. In the traditional style of the people
of the Te Arawa tribe, you will be welcomed onto the marae
(meeting house). It is an honour for the event to be welcomed
onto such a magnificent and sacred site. You will be welcomed
by Her Worship, Steve Chadwick, Mayor of Rotorua. The official
2015 race photograph will take place in front of the marae
immediately after the welcome. Te Puia is a 10-15 minute walk
from the Rotorua Holiday Inn.
Event Expo
When: 12 noon to 7.00pm.
Rotorua Holiday Inn, 10 Tryon Street, Rotorua.
The Race Expo will be open during this time so you can find
all the latest and greatest stuff in the world of trail running,
including specials from Marmot Clothing, Ultimate Direction,
Hammer Nutrition and Buff Headwear. There will also be
exhibitions and deals from Te Puia and Rotorua i-Site Visitor
Information Centre. You can pick up your Tarawera Forest permit
from here too. Croucher Brewing will be offering free samples of
their craft beers to help settle your pre-race nerves. Have a go in
the Ultimate Direction Fast Draw competition – taking place at an
aid station in the Holiday Inn carpark. There are tons of prizes to
be won. Donate a can of food to a local charity and pick up your
free custom Tarawera Ultra buff from the Buff stand.
The Tarawera Trail Marathon and 50km, held in November 2015,
will be offering a one-time only $50 discount off the entry price
at the Expo. You must present photo ID of yourself to claim the
discount code which can be used in the first 24 hours that entries
are open for the 2015 race.
• FreeMapsandPosters
• Souvenir T-shirts at the Kawerau finish line
Race Briefing #1
When: 12 noon – 12:30.
Pohutu Cultural Theatre, Rotorua Holiday Inn.
Who: Paul Charteris, Tim Day, Manu Rangiheua, Rev Graham
Patio Ti Rere, and Dr Ben McHale.
Race briefing for runners and their crew. This covers the course,
race rules, drop bags, relays, Aid Stations, spectating and
crewing, travel times. Unfortunately seating is limited to 500 and
we have more than that number. Please arrive early! This briefing
will be repeated at 5pm.
Keynote Address
Malcom Law – Ordinary is No Barrier
When: 12:35pm - 1:05pm.
Pohutu Cultural Theatre,
Rotorua Holiday Inn.
Mal Law is not an elite athlete.
And he’s no spring chicken either. But
these things do not stop him from
chasing daunting goals. His profound
belief that “ordinary people can achieve
extraordinary things” has led him to several audacious running
firsts, inspired many people to push their own boundaries and
raised more than $500,000 for causes close to his heart. This
year’s Tarawera Ultra is special for Mal, being Day 1 of his worldfirst attempt to run 50 mountain marathons and climb 50 named
peaks in just 50 days.
Elite Athlete Q&A
When: 1pm - 2pm
Pohutu Cultural Theatre, Rotorua Holiday Inn.
Moderated by the ever-entertaining and knowledgeable Kerry
Suter, twice a winner of this event, the elite athlete question and
answer session will be your chance to ask some of the world’s
top runners about their training philosophy, race strategy,
nutrition, shoe choice, recommended beer… This session was a
crowd favourite last year. Your chance to learn from the best.
Trails In Motion Film Festival
When: 2pm - 5pm
Pohutu Cultural Theatre, Rotorua Holiday Inn.
In 2015, Trails In Motion Film Tour will once again bring a
collection of the finest trail running films to passionate
audiences around the world. There will be a varied montage of
high-quality film content from dynamic filmmakers in this genre
- a visual and social celebration of the sport.
Race Registration
When: 12 noon to 7pm
Rotorua Holiday Inn
• You will be able to register anytime from midday to 7pm.
Please bring a print-out of your email confirmation or photo ID.
• Pick up your race packs and race numbers during this time. No
race numbers or timing chips will be handed out on race day
morning. If you cannot make it on Friday afternoon – make
sure someone else can pick up your race pack for you and they
have a copy of your race confirmation email or a copy of your
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
the following morning. There will be no exceptions.
photo ID.
• Make sure you queue up in the right line – there will be signs
above the registration desk.
• 85/100km runners must weigh-in at the room behind the
registration area.
• Make sure you pick up your timing chip. The chip will be
scanned to make sure your details are correct.
• Make sure you pick up your bus tickets if you paid for them
when you signed up online.
• Your race number, race programme, Hammer gels and
endurolyte fizz will be in your race packs.
• Make sure a volunteer records that you have received your
race pack.
• You can change your details at registration. A $20 admin fee
Race Briefing #2
• Leave your labelled drop bags with the appropriate truck or
van before 7pm.
When: 5pm-5:30pm
Pohutu Cultural Theatre, Rotorua Holiday Inn
• You must indicate if you have decided to change your race
distance (and pay the difference).
Who: Paul Charteris, Tim Day, Manu Rangiheua, Rev Graham
Patio Ti Rere, and Dr Ben McHale.
• Volunteers (and myself, Paul Charteris) will be on hand
to answer questions during the race check-in on Friday
afternoon and during the pre-race briefing. Ask lots of
Race briefing for runners and their crew. This covers the course,
race rules, drop bags, relays, Aid Stations, spectating and
crewing, travel times. Unfortunately seating is limited to 500
and we have more than that number. Please arrive early! This
briefing is a repeat of the 12-noon presentation.
• If you do not register before 7pm on Friday, you DO NOT RACE
Chase your personal best.
IN A World Heritage Area where the Eucalypt forests of Sydney’s Blue Mountains plunge into the
shadowed depths of spectacular sandstone cliff lines.
15th - 17th May
Athlete Information
6am Race Start
The race start will be very busy and crowded. To ensure we get
underway on time, please aim to be at the start no later than
5.20am. There will be hot tea, coffee and espresso at the start.
There will also be toilets and portaloos.
Gates close to the Rotorua Redwoods at 11.30pm on race day.
IMPORTANT If you think you will be back in Rotorua after 11.30pm
on Saturday evening, park your car outside the gates on Long
Mile Road and walk (or hop a ride) to the start line (only 1km
away). Please aim to assemble at the race start no later than
5.30am. The start area gets very busy after that time.
Parking will be tight. Essentially, the earlier you arrive, the closer
you will park to the start line. Please park where directed on both
sides of the road. There will be a 10-minute briefing before the
race start. The race start is at the Redwoods Visitors Centre, Long
Mile Road, Rotorua.
Sunrise is at 6:40am. The Redwood Grove is very dark prior to
sunrise so having a headlamp is strongly recommended. We
will have a volunteer pick up headlamps at the 4km point (at
the water tower near Tarawera Road). You can ditch your named
headlamp (and surplus clothing) with the volunteers and pick
them up at the Kawerau finish.
Compulsory Gear
In the week prior to the race and at registration, competitors will
be advised, and again at the pre-race briefing, what compulsory
clothing and equipment items they must carry (based on
the expected weather conditions). If there is little risk of bad
weather, the most likely Compulsory Gear list will be A.
There are three compulsory gear levels:
A. No compulsory equipment
B. Waterproof jacket
C. Base layer long top wool/polypropylene, base layer
long pants wool/polypropylene, waterproof jacket
(seam-sealed), thermal hat (Buff accepted), thermal
required for the race, the Race Director may choose to randomly
spot check a sample of competitor items on the morning of
the event at the race start. At least one random inspection of
one or more item(s) will be undertaken along the course for all
We strongly recommend you carry water between Aid Stations.
Optionally (but recommended) you should carry any gels or other
form of calories with you between Aid Stations.
We also strongly recommend you plan ahead and have all items
in List C available to bring to Rotorua.
Race Numbers
You MUST have your race numbers facing the front and timing
chips attached to your ankle when you line up at the start.
This is essential. Race numbers must be visible because they
are recorded throughout the day. If numbers are not visible,
we may need to stop you to check your number. There will be
a compulsory one-minute penalty in the sin-bin (at random
locations) for runners failing to display their race numbers.
Course Markings
Only follow the fluoro pink/orange ribbons in the trees, and red
arrows. There should be no other markings. Any turns should
be obviously marked with these pink/orange ribbons and/or red
arrows. The wrong way will be indicated with hazard or warning
tape. Glowsticks fluoro ribbons/cones and glow spray will help
to mark the course from the Awaroa Aid Station to the Kawerau
finish line.
Aid Stations
The Aid Stations are very generously stocked with food –
‘world-famous’ Heather Bars, Hammer endurolytes, lollies,
chips (chicken, salted and salt & vinegar flavours), pretzels,
sandwiches (with Pic’s really good Peanut Butter, Comvita
manuka honey, jam and nutella), fruit (bananas, watermelon,
oranges, apples), ice, water, Coke, Mountain Dew, Ginger Beer ,
Hammer Fizz and HEED. The order of the Aid Station offerings
will be: drinks in cups > food > fruit > drink containers to fill your
bottles > Vaseline and sunblock etc. Hammer gels will be in your
race packs and will not be distributed to the Aid Stations. We
have budgeted on three gels per athlete. If you plan on relying on
gels, make sure to bring plenty for yourself – do not rely on the
gels in your race pack. Some aid stations will have Burger Fuel
kumara fries and Hell Pizza.
Signs will be placed 200 metres before the Aid Station. Exit signs
will indicate distance to the next Aid Station.
There are six new toilets at the Redwoods Visitors Centre and
there will be extra portaloos. There are also toilets at Blue Lake
Aid Station, Okareka Aid Station, Okataina Aid Station, Humphries
Bay Aid Station, The Outlet Aid Station (over the bridge), Tarawera
Falls (60km finish) and the finish line in Kawerau.
Etiquette and pooing / peeing
You will be sharing these trails with hikers and trampers. Please
make sure you move off the trail to allow these other users to
pass by. When passing slower runners, please indicate that
you’d like to pass by saying “passing on your left (or right)” when
Sometimes you will need to poo or pee when you are far away
from a toilet. When that happens, you should step well away
from sight (25 metres) and very far from waterways. Bury
any waste by digging a deep hole with the heel of your shoe.
Completely bury all waste.
Running extra (or less) distance
If you have entered the 60km or 85km and you decide to run
further, you must let the Aid Station volunteers at Tarawera Falls
and Titoki respectively, know you are continuing on. To be fair,
please pay the difference at the finish line (or Sunday morning) if
you ran further. Comparing the entry form to the results – we’ll
easily know who you are. If you entered the 100km or 85km and
you complete the 85km or 60km instead, your result will not
show as a DNF. Your results will be your place (and time) for that
distance. If you drop at any point during the race, you must let
the nearest Aid Station or a course marshal know that you have
pulled out of the race.
Anyone caught deliberately littering will be given the job of
clearing gorse and blackberry around Lake Okareka by hand
wearing only jandals and shorts. You will be served warm orange
cordial to keep you hydrated.
Any runner who is unable to finish the run must personally
inform the nearest Aid Station captain of their decision to
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
withdraw and make sure their race number is recorded. We will
use forest radio or some other means to try and contact your
crew. If you do not have a crew, we will do our best to transport
you to where you need to go. Usually you won’t have to wait long
but there is a chance you may have to wait several hours for a
non-emergency lift back to Event HQ.
Drop Bags
A support crew is certainly not necessary in the event. Drop bags
are OPTIONAL for solo ultra runners and can contain your own
goodies (gels, food, change of socks, shoes, shorts, bodyglide
etc.). For solo ultra runners, at registration, you should put your
filled and labelled drop bags and finish line bags in the pile for
the correct Aid Station. These bags must be a soft, reasonable
size – do not pack the kitchen sink. Leave your drop bags with us
in the correct truck or van at race registration before 7pm Friday.
Please do not use the drop bag service for any Aid Stations where
your support crew will be definitely attending.
If you have a drop bag at an Aid Station you will be asked to move
it from the ‘unused pile’ to the ‘used pile’ even if you did not use
your drop bag. This allows us to transport your drop bags quickly
back to the Kawerau finish line. This will help allow the drop bag
tent to remain orderly for the benefit of runners yet to arrive.
Drop bags must not contain any glass. All liquids must be secure.
Label your drop bags with your name and the correct Aid Station:
Fisherman’s Bridge**
Tarawera Falls*
Finish line in Kawerau***
Titoki Road**
* 60km runners
Pack a change of clothes, comfy shoes/jandals, towel etc. for
when you finish at the Tarawera Falls. There are beautiful places
in the river for a swim near the finish. In Kawerau there are hot
pools and free hot showers, so bring a towel. Pack some money
for hot food and drinks at the Kawerau finish line.
** 85/100km runners
If you think you’ll need a headlamp for the finish, you can put it in
your Titoki, Awaroa or Fisherman’s Bridge drop bag. Or your crew
can deliver a headlamp to you at the Titoki, Fisherman’s Bridge or
River Road Aid Stations.
*** Kawerau Finish Line
Pack a change of clothes, comfy shoes/jandals, towel etc.
Excellent swimming in the river plus free Kawerau hot pools and
free hot showers so bring a towel. Pack some money for hot food
and drinks. Remember to put your bus ticket in your finish line
bag. Extra bus tickets will be available at Registration ($20).
Aid stations and cut-off times
Cut-off and pace times are shown in the tables. These cut-off
times will be “extremely generous” meaning you have ample time
to walk tough sections, stop at Aid Stations, and still get through.
We have no intention of pulling people off the course for going
At the same time, we do not want to have runners in the forest at
midnight with the possums. These cut-offs represent an average
of just under 11 minutes per km pace. In other words, just over
seven and a half hours for a marathon. The 5.20pm cut-off at the
Tarawera Falls Aid Station does not apply for runners completing
the 60km solo run. The cut-off times in 2015 are a more generous
(by 50 minutes) than 2012.
Cut-off times reflect the deadlines for LEAVING the Aid Station.
If you return to an Aid Station after the cut-off, you will be pulled
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
from the run. The Aid Stations will strictly enforce the cut-off
times: anyone leaving an Aid Station after the cut-off time will be
disqualified. This rule is for the safety of all participants. IF YOU
MISS THE CUT-OFF, YOU MUST STOP. Significant sanctions will
apply to anyone breaking this rule.
If you do not make the Titoki 100km cut-off time, you will need to
finish on the 85km course. You cannot complete the 100km.
Course changes from previous years
The 2015 course has a number of changes that will help you, and
the other 1000 runners, get off the start line efficiently, make a
few key locations safer, and make the most of some stunning
alternative alignments to ensure you run at least the distance
you’ve entered. The most significant change is over the first
5km of the course, where we have chosen wider, yet even more
stunning, alternative trails to reduce congestion before the first
section of single track. The detail of the 2015 course changes
have been posted on the event Facebook page and website.
Basically, if you follow the course markers, you can’t go wrong!
Podium Spots and Race Records
Runners who switch distances on race day and finish in the top
five (men or women) for that distance will still be recorded for
their time and place in that distance on the website.
However, for all media, prizegiving ceremony, place-getter
medals, and official Tarawera Ultra communications, only those
who entered that distance will be acknowledged as being in the
top five per distance/gender.
Course records will be set by any runner who completes the
distance in the fastest ever recorded time on race day. For
example, it may be possible for an 85km or 100km entrant to
break the 60km course record if they reach that Aid Station in the
fastest ever time.
This is a running event, not a walk! Unless you are an exceptional
walker (we have had one) you cannot expect to walk the entire
course and still finish before midnight. All runners will walk the
course at times, especially the uphills. Runners will probably
walk more later in the event as fatigue sets in.
Kawerau finish line food and drink
The race will provide free drinks (a locally-brewed Croucher beer,
ginger beer and other drinks) and fruit for each finisher (including
60km finishers that join us). Meals and drinks will be available
to purchase so pack some money in your finish line bag for extra
food and drinks. Hot food will be available until 10pm on race
night – stay behind and cheer in the final runners to the finish of
an epic day!
There are FREE Kawerau hot pools and hot showers at Maurie
Kjar Pools in Kawerau. These are open and free to everyone
(including the general public) before 8pm. After 8pm, the pools
are booked to the Tarawera Ultra and you are still free to use
them. You can only bring beer in to the pools after 8pm. There is
a free spa pool and nice hot showers. The hot pools are opposite
the Information Centre on Plunket Street, Kawerau.
Lost Property
Lost gear, start line headlamps and drop bags will be transported
back to the Kawerau finish area and will be available throughout
the day. Labelling or naming your gear is essential. Any
unclaimed gear will be at prizegiving on Sunday morning. After
that, all lost gear will be stored at 2 Pukehangi Road, Rotorua.
We very, very strongly recommend that you claim all of your lost
gear before leaving town.
Aid Station
km covered
Est. time:
Front runner
Est. time:
Final runner
Crew /
6:00 AM
6:00 AM
Tikitapu (Blue
Shuttle bus
Millar Road
1:00 PM
Shuttle bus
Falls (60km
Drop bags
1:10 PM
course only)
(77.8 & 82.7)
12:20 and
7:00 PM &
75.4 (90.8)
12:15 (1:10)
River Road
80.3 (95.7)
12:20 (1:40)
Finish line for
85km and
85.3 (100.7)
12:50 (2:00)
Aid Station
Km covered
start point
Distance to next (km)
Distance from previous
Tikitapu (Blue Lake)
Millar Road
Okataina Lodge
Humphries Bay
Tarawera Outlet
Tarawera Falls (60km
5.3km to Fishermans
Bridge (85k course)
7.7 km to Awaroa (100k
*5.50pm. This is for
runners wishing to
complete the 100km.
Awaroa (100km course
(77.8 & 82.7)
4.9km loop back to
Awaroa. 8.1km to
Fishermans Bridge
7.7 and 5.3
Fisherman’s Bridge
75.4 (90.8)
5.3 (8.1 from Awaroa)
River Road
80.3 (95.7)
85.3 (100.7)
5.20pm - 85/100km
runners only
100km runners only
Pace and Cut-Off Times
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
The guiding principles of this race are enshrined in the charter of
the International Trail Running Association.
The purpose of the performance rules for this event is to
ensure the run’s integrity as a test of individual performance,
providing equal conditions for all. The guiding principles are as
simple as: play fair, be safe, and respect the land. Violations of
any rules may be grounds for disqualification for one or more
years, or other sanctions such as time penalties, fines, and/or
disqualification from awards. In the case of very serious breach
of these rules, Race Directors of the Ultra-Trail World Tour will
be informed of the misconduct with possible sanctions across a
number of events.
• There will be no unofficial runners.
• Each runner’s official race number must be worn prominently
on the front of the body and must be easily visible at all times.
• Runners must follow the marked trail at all times. Any runner
departing from the official trail must return to the point of
departure on foot before continuing.
• Each runner must complete the entire course under his or
her own power. No physical or mechanical aids are allowed,
including but not limited to mountain bikes or boats.
• Except in case of injury, distress or medical emergency,
runners may not accept pushing or pulling assistance in any
form from anyone between checkpoints.
• Runners may not store supplies of any kind along the trail.
• Littering of any kind is prohibited. Please respect the natural
beauty of our trails and the right of everyone to enjoy them.
• Runners must refrain from any act of bad sportsmanship.
• Smoking (yucky) is not permitted at any of the checkpoints or
along the trail. Anyone who smokes in the Tarawera Forest
will be immediately removed by security. Both the smoker and
their runner will receive a permanent lifetime ban from this
• Any runner who is unable to finish the run must personally
inform the nearest Aid Station captain of the nearest
checkpoint of their decision to withdraw, and make sure their
race number is recorded.
• Runners who leave the course without turning in their
race number will be classified as “lost”. The runner will be
contacted on their cellphone and their emergency contact
will be called. If there is no response from either party or the
emergency contact does not know the status of the runner,
a search will be activated. Costs for searching for any such
runner will be charged to the runner.
• Be respectful of all other users, such as recreational walkers.
• You must stay on the course. Short cuts are not permitted.
• The runner is responsible for the actions of their support
crew. Support crews must comply with all instruction from
event staff and officials. The runner may be penalised or
disqualified for actions or breaches of the rules by their
support crew.
• Race management reserves the right to drug test any athlete
competing in this event.
Qualification Runs for Other Major World Ultra
Only the Tarawera Ultramarathon 100km distance is a qualifying
race for the Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run, held in
California each year. The Tarawera Ultramarathon (60, 85 or
100km) counts for points towards qualifying for Ultra Trail du
Mont Blanc, held in August each year.
When: 10:00am - 11:00am.
Pohutu Cultural Theatre, Rotorua Holiday Inn.
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The Ultra Course
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
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Crew/Spectator Information
For Crew/Spectators
Support crews are most welcome at the Tarawera Ultra
Marathon. We love support crews – especially those that dress
up and cheer loudly! The more people and the more enthusiastic
you are – the better the atmosphere for the runners. To keep
the event manageable as well as fair and safe for all runners,
and to make sure support crews do not get lost, there is some
information that support crews need to know.
Support crews are in for a real treat. This is a spectacular course
and you’ll get to see some amazing parts of New Zealand. The
event has grown significantly so all spectators and crew should
be patient, well prepared and willing to walk some distance
to meet their runner. There will be hundreds of support crew
vehicles driving and parking on narrow roads. Please keep your
speed down and be careful entering and exiting all parking areas.
There is absolutely no need to speed to see your runner at the
next Aid Station. You have plenty of time.
There is cellphone coverage on the first 5km and the last 2km
of the 100km course only. The remainder of the course is a
cellphone deadzone. There is cellphone coverage in Rotorua until
you travel a few kilometres past the airport.
Pacers run for FREE. All pacers must check-in at the finish line in
Kawerau and pick up a pacer number on race day. Pacer numbers
will be white. This is so we know you are part of the event. You
can pace your runner from the Aid Stations: The Outlet, Tarawera
Falls, Titoki, Fisherman’s Bridge and River Road. Competitors, you
can use two pacers – but only one at a time (they must change
over at an Aid Station). Pacers are responsible for their own
NOTE: from the 2015 race onwards, due to space restrictions, the
Okareka and Okataina will only be accessed using shuttle buses.
Driving Instructions
Rotorua end of the Course
You can view runners at the following locations:
Start at the Rotorua Redwoods.
Top of the water tank on Tarawera Road.
Opposite the Black House on Tarawera Road.
Blue Lake/Okareka Loop Road intersection.
Okareka Aid Station. BUS ONLY. Also first relay changeover. You
can only access this point by using the bus from the Blue Lake
pick-up and drop-off point. Due to congestion NO CARS will be
allowed in Okareka township.
At the far-right of the carpark when you first arrive at Blue
Lake. This is across the road from the bus pick-up and drop-off
point for the Okareka aid station.
Blue Lake Aid Station. This is the lookout between Blue and
Green Lakes. Limited space for vehicles at this Aid Station.
Okareka Bus:
Pick-up: Blue Lake Reserve, Tarawera Road.
Drop-off: Boyes Beach, Lake Okareka at the Okareka Aid Station.
--- Okareka Bus Loop
To Okataina,
Tarawera Falls
and Kawerau
Lake Rotorua
Lake Okataina
Lake Okareka
Lake Tikitapu
(Blue Lake)
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
Lake Tarawera
Bridge and River Road Aid Stations. Due to forest fire safety,
some carparks are distant from aid stations. If you wish to access
some of the most distant aid stations, you must be prepared to
walk (and no whining!).
Driving Instructions
Tarawera/Kawerau End of the Course
1 A few kilometres past the Rotorua Airport take the right turn
towards Whakatane.
For team runners, at Ruato Bay, turn right down small road on
the right to Lake Okataina.
Shuttle buses will pick you up (exact location to be confirmed)
and take you to the Okataina Aid Station.
Okataina Bus:
Pick-up: TBC
Drop-off: Okataina Aid Station
100 metre walk to The Outlet.
1500 metre walk to Tarawera Falls. (60k finish)
1800 metre walk to Titoki.
300 metre walk to Fisherman’s Bridge.
200 metre walk to River Road.
PLEASE NOTE - The Tarawera Forest is private land. The forest
owners can prevent private cars from entering the forest on race
day. This will be enforced by forest security.
Tarawera Forest:
You will need a forest access permit to enter the Tarawera Forest
and The Outlet, Tarawera Falls (60km finish), Titoki, Fishermans’
Ruato Bay
Lake Rotorua
Kawerau i
Lake Okataina
Tarawera Forest
Lake Okareka
Lake Tarawera
Turn off to Kawerau
The Outlet 85 and 100km crew and spectators
Tarawera Falls (60km finish)
Fishermens Bridge
River Road
--- Walk
Firmin Field
To all
Tarawera Forest
Aid Stations
85km & 100km
Kawerau Finish Line
The Kawerau finish line is on Firmin Field, Waterhouse Street,
Kawerau. This is next to the Tarawera River. You will be instructed
where to park.
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
Unrivalled legal and strategic advice
for everything
commercial and farming
Mark Copeland is a Rotorua-based commercial lawyer who has been
involved in endurance sports for 30 years. From mountain running to
orienteering, multisports to ultra-running Mark has competed, organised,
marketed, sponsored, governed and everything else besides. Representing
clients nationwide Mark understands the qualities that make endurance
athletes successful – the same qualities which make lives and businesses
Rotorua and Auckland
P: 021 279 3029 E: W:
Safety in the Tarawera Forest
• Always be courteous to other forest users.
• ALL vehicles require an access permit.
• Fires are NOT permitted.
• For further instructions and access instructions please refer
to your permit.
• Smoking is not permitted.
• In case of emergency call 111.
• Unless authorised, do not cut, fell or remove any live or dead
trees, shrubs or other forest produce.
• Keep within the forest boundaries noted on your access
• Always follow instructions of any forestry security staff (from
ISCL Ltd.) – be courteous.
• Always drive to the road conditions and be prepared to stop
within half the visible road distance ahead.
• Observe the speed limits within the forest - 70km/hr
• The provisions of the New Zealand Road Code must be
• Keep left at all times
• If you observe any unsafe or suspicious activity (such as
smoking) contact ISCL 07 347 8880.
• Park safely – as far off road edges as is practicable
• Every permit holder must carry with them photographic
identification along with their Access Permit.
• Max 30km/hr in any area where runners are encountered on
• Do not drive in a dust cloud – pull over until the dust settles
• All people using the forests must comply with New Zealand
Thanks to all of the volunteer groups that help make this event possible:
Rotorua Trail Running Club, The Gravity Sports Club (Kawerau), Hamilton Hawks Running Club, Rotorua Association of Triathletes and Multisport (RATs),
Rotorua Search & Rescue (SAR), Coastguard
Thank you to the Land Owners and Land Managers and co-operation of the following groups:
Rotorua District Council, Timberlands Ltd, CNI Iwi Holdings Ltd, Rotorua Mountain Bike Club, The Department of Conservation,
Hancock Natural Resource Group, The Okataina Scenic Reserve Board Trust, Te Mana o Ngāti Rangitihi Trust, Maori Investments Ltd, Tarawera Hunting Club,
Kawerau District Council, Kawerau JAB Rugby
& 50K
Pohutu Geyser, Te Puia to Hotwater Beach, Lake Tarawera
“Tarawera 50k : the ultramarathon with geysers, waterfalls – and a cream tea” THE GUARDIAN, UK
Course Records & Previous Champions
Leg / Event
Leg 1 to Okareka
Kerry Suter/NB Hamilton Flyers
Leg 2 to Okataina
Sage Canaday
Leg 3 to Tarawera Falls
Aaron Pulford/Hamilton Flyers
Leg 4 to Kawerau
Phil Murray/NB Hamilton Flyers.
Leg 4 to Awaroa (100km only)
Vajin Armstrong
Leg 5 to Kawerau (100km only)
Sam Wreford
60km Men
Kerry Suter
60km Women
Kathryn Gardner
85km Men*
Daniel Scarberry
85km Women
Sarah Carpenter
85km 4 Person
Hamilton Flyers
85km 2 Person
Wandering Guys
100km Men
Sam Wreford
100km Women
Nicola Gildersleeve
*Kerry Suter ran a 07:22:23 in 2009 on a different course.
NOTE: 2013 and 2014 courses were modified due to extreme weather and are not included in our course records.
Mens Champion
Womens Champion
Kerry Suter*
Jean Beaumont*
Kerry Suter
Fleur Bromley
Sam Wreford
Amy Campbell
Mick Donges
Nicola Gildersleeve
Sage Canaday
Ruby Muir
Sage Canaday
Jo Johansen
* Winners of the 85km distance. The 100km was introduced in 2010.
2014 Winners
Shona Stephenson (AUS) left, and Jo Johansen (NZ) the 2014 Tarawera Ultra women’s champion
Male: Sage Canaday (USA)
Female: Jo Johansen (NZL)
Male: Marty Keyes (AUS)
Female: Jackie Holley (NZL)
Note: 2014 course was modified due to
extreme weather.
22001155 TTAARRAAW
BUFF® and Flat is Boring® are registered trademark property of Original Buff, S.A. (Spain)
and ria Pica
at t h
pla ce
2n d
Proud Sponsors of the Tarawera Ultra Marathon
Elite Athlete Profiles
27th IAU 100km World Championships, Doha QATAR
1st Oxfam Trailwalker Sydney, Australia
1st Team Oxfam Trailwalker Brisbane, Aus.
#430 Ruby Muir
Barefoot Inc., NZ, Vibram
1st Kepler Challenge, NZ
1st Vibram Tarawera Ultramarathon, NZ
1st The Otter, South Africa
1st Trail Des Cagous, New Caledonia
1st Glow Worm Trail Marathon, Australia
3rd Speed Goat, USA
#591 Jackie Holley
1st Tarawera Ultra 63k, NZ
1st Aorangi Undulator, NZ
1st Abel Tasman Ultra, Course record, NZ
#228 Jo Johansen
Ultimate Direction, Hoka One One NZ
1st Team and female course record holder
10th, The North Face 100km NSW, Australia
2nd Coburg 24 Hour, Melbourne Australia
World Age Best Performance, 100 miles (track)
#51 Kovo McDonald (nee Kowaleski)
1st The Taniwha 60km Waikato RiverTrails, NZ
#600 Nuria Picas-Albets
Buff Europe
1st Vibram Tarawera Ultramarathon, NZ
1st Hutt River Trail 60k, NZ
1st The Hillary 80k, NZ
3rd Kepler Challenge, NZ
#89 Jodie Oborne
1st Washpool World Heritage Trails, 50km (course
record), NSW, Australia
3rd Surf Coast Century (100km), Victoria, Australia
2nd Mountain to Surf Marathon, NZ
4th Rotorua Marathon, NZ
1st Double Rainbow Trail Run, NZ
1st The Legend Marathon, NZ
Ultra-Trail® World Tour champion
1st Templiers – Grand Trail Des Templiers, France
1st The North Face 100, Australia
1st Ultra-Trail Mt Fuji, Japan
1st Salomon Ultra Pirineu, Spain
1st Ultra Cavallis del Vent, Spain
1st North Face Transgrancanaria, Spain
2nd The North Face Ultra-Trail du Mt Blanc, France
2nd Transvulcania Ultramarathon, Spain
#441 Ruth Croft
The North Face Taiwan, Garmin
1st The North Face Taiwan 50km. Taiwan
The Western States 100 gathers the best runners
in the world in a competitive crucible unlike any
other – the ultimate proving ground in the sport.
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
2nd Tenzing Hillary Everest 60km, Nepal
1st Mt Fuji Ascent, Japan
1st Mt Kinabalu Climbathon, Borneo, Malaysia.
3rd MSIG Lantau 50km, Hong Kong.
2nd Kepler Challenge, NZ
1st Surf Coast Century 100km, Australia
2nd Routeburn Classic Adventure Run, NZ
Joelle Vaught
Montrail, Clif Bar, Drymax socks, Pulse Running
and Walking
#258 Shannon-Leigh Litt
THIR, Endurobeet, Balance Sports Nutrition, Boosta
2nd Tarawera Trail Marathon & 50km, NZ
2nd Blackhall Ultra Trail 100km Australia
1st XTERRA Waihi 60 km ultra trail - Waihi, NZ
2nd BearChase 50 Lakewood, Colorado, USA
3rd Revel Rockies Marathon, Colorado, USA
5th Ultra Race of Champions 100 km Mountain Ultra, USA
Shona Leigh-Litt cont.
#476 Andrius Ramonas
3rd Devils Mountain Ultra 50km - Pagoso Springs,
11th Vibram Hong Kong Mountain 100 km
#584 Shona Stephenson
Inov-8, Hammer Nutrition, Ay-Up,
1st Wilson Creek 50K, USA
1st Hagg Lake 50K, USA
2nd The North Face 100 Australia
1st River of No Return 100K, USA
11th Transgrancanaria 83K, Spain
1st Tarawera Trail Marathon and 50K, NZ
1st Speight’s Westcoaster Trail Marathon, NZ
4th Swiss Irontrail 135K, Switzerland
1st Ultra Trail South West 100K, UK
1st Place Blackall 100 Queensland Australia
1st Place Lamington Classic 42km /21km
10th Ultra-Trail du Mt Blanc, Chamonix France
6th Place Ultra Trail Mt Fuji, Japan
The North Face 100 Blue Mountains Australia
6th Vibram Tarawera Ultramarathon, NZ
8th ranked female Ultra-Trail World Tour
#210 Ben Malby
3rd “Up the Buff” Trail race, Australia
1st Gold Coast Trail Series, Australia
1st “Up the Buff” Trail race, Australia
7th The North Face 100k, Australia
1st Nerang state forest trail race, Australia
1st race 4 Nerang short course trail series, Australia
#49 Whitney Dagg
The North Face, Ultimate Direction,
Endura Sports Nutrition
JuLy, 18Th & 19sT 2015
GrInDeLwAlD / sWiTzErLaNd
ThE CoUrSe GoEs ArOuNd GrInDeLwAlD,
AlOnG ThE FaMoUs HiKe «FiRsT - FaUlHoRn ScHyNiGe PlAtTe» AnD BeLoW ThE ImPrEsSiVe EiGeR NoRtH FaCe.
2500 M
* cOuPlEs wElCoMe
E101 101 KiLoMeTeR + 6700m / - 6700m
E51* 51 KiLoMeTeR + 3100m / - 3100m
16 KiLoMeTeR + 960m / - 960m
2250 M
2000 M
1750 M
1500 M
1250 M
1000 M
10 KM
20 KM
30 KM
40 KM
50 KM
60 KM
w W w. e I g E r U lT r At R a I l .c H
70 KM
80 KM
90 KM 101 KM
Fa C e B o O k .c O m / E i G e R u Lt R aT r A i L
Vagin Armstrong, NZ
#593 Dylan Bowman
The North Face, Hypoxico Altitude Training
1st Sean O’Brien 50, USA
1st TNF Bear Mountain 50, USA
3rd Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run, USA
#4 North American Ultrarunner of the Year
#1237 James Kuegler
CADENCE Coaching, Barefoot Inc, Total Sport,
Buff, Injinji.
7th The North Face Endurance Challenge
Championship, USA
USATF 100km National Champion and CR holder, USA
Great Wall Marathon CR holder
World Record 50km indoor, USA
1st Coastal Challenge, Costa Rica
1st UVU North Pole Champion - Course Record,
The Arctic
1st Big Sur Marathon Champion, USA
1st Squamish 50 Miler/50K. Course Record, USA
6th 50K World Championships-Doha, Qatar.
#1079 Moritz auf der Heide
ASICS, Sziols, Lupine
7th Vibram Tarawera Ultramarathon, NZ
1st Australian 100km Road Champs, Australia
1st Mt Buller Skyrun, Australia
2nd Brisbane Marathon, Australia
13th Munich Marathon & German Marathon Champs
1st Pilgrims Challenge: 8:08 & New CR, UK
1st Iznik Mountain Marathon & new CR, Turkey
2nd West Highland Way 96 miles, UK
1st South Downs Way 100 mile, Course Record, UK
#551 Vajin Armstrong
Macpac, Ultimate Direction
RRCA 100 Mile National Champion
#549: Michael Wardian
Hoka One One, UVU, Vitargo, Nathan, Injinji, 110%,
Big Spoon Roasters, Race Dots, Succeed, Suunto
#599 Robbie Britton
inov-8, Julbo, Petzl, TomTom, Big Balls Beanies
2nd Wings For Life World Run, NZ
#597: Jorge Maravilla
HOKA One One, San Francisco Running Company,
Clif, Julbo
1st Ultra Trail Barcelona 100k, Spain
3rd Buff Epic Trail, Spain
1st Templiers – Grand Trail Des Templiers, France
2nd Kepler Challenge, Te Anau, NZ
3rd Vibram Tarawera Ultramarathon, NZ
4th Vibram Hong Kong 100k
2nd The North Face 100km, Australia
2nd Zugspitz 100km, Grainau, Germany
2nd Swiss Alpine Marathon 78km, Davos,
#286 Yoshikazu Hara
1st Soochow International Ultra-Marathon 24-hour
285.3km (6th furthest of all-time)
1st Soochow 24hr, Japan - 273km 2013
1st River Shimato 100km Japan 2013
1st Ultra Trail Mount Fuji, Japan 2013
Member of Japan IAU 100km Team
#411 Yun Yanqiao
The North Face, MET-Rx
2nd Vibram Tarawera Ultramarathon, NZ
1st ZhangYe 100km Trail Champion, GanSu, China
1st Beijing International Mountain Walking Festival
100K, Beijing, China 2014
1st The North Face100k ,Hong Kong 2014
1st YiShan100km Champion, ShanDong, China
1st Vibram Hong Kong100k
#601 Pau Bartoló Roca
1st CCC® (Courmayeur Champex Chamonix) 100k.
Chamonix, France
1st Transgrancanaria Advanced, Spain
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
2015 Ultra Entrants
50 Mal Law Wanaka NZ
1 Clive Start Lower Hutt NZ
51 Kovo Kowalewski Hamilton NZ
2 Chris Hope Auckland NZ
52 Scott Thomson Sydney Australia
3 Ryan Cooke Auckland NZ
53 Neil Dreadon Auckland NZ
4 Simon Clendon Auckland NZ
54 Carl Laffan Wanganui NZ
5 Brian Prescott Cambridge NZ
55 Fiona Hayvice Wellington NZ
6 Dean Muggeridge Rotorua NZ
56 Blair Tupp Hamilton NZ
7 Forsyth Thompson Auckland NZ
57 Azmil Tayeb Canberra Australia
8 Vera Alves Auckland NZ
58 Rob Bathgate Tauranga NZ
9 Nicola Ayson Kapiti NZ
59 Mike Prentice Auckland NZ
10 Peter Attwood Auckland NZ
60 Hesta Prentice Auckland NZ
11 Carla Moriarty Tauranga NZ
61 Craig Johnston Sydney Australia
12 Paula Ward Hamilton NZ
62 Christopher Williams FPO AP United States
13 Craig Price Papamoa NZ
63 Nick Golledge Wellington NZ
14 Kunaal Rajpal Auckland NZ
64 Jo Petersen Whakatane NZ
15 Andrew McDowall Auckland NZ
65 Jasjot Kohli Auckland NZ
16 Stephen Healey Tauranga NZ
66 John Drysdale Nhulunbuy Australia
17 Thorsten Vieth Singapore Singapore
67 Muriel McLean Brisbane Australia
18 Jon Cox Paraparaumu NZ
68 Brent Simpson Waitara NZ
19 Mark James Tauranga NZ
69 Euan Beattie Levin NZ
20 Matthew Nye-Hingston Auckland NZ
70 Will Hayward Auckland NZ
21 Tago Mharapara Manukau NZ
71 D Lynn Williams Sydney Australia
22 Mike Hindley Sydney Australia
72 Mark Guy Auckland NZ
23 Greg Swan Brisbane Australia
73 Gareth Thomas Wellington NZ
24 Mike Pilgrim Masterton NZ
74 Kate Jenkins Otaki NZ
25 Andrew Donaldson New South Wales Australia
75 Nora Senn Hong Kong Hong Kong
26 Doug Richardson Sydney Australia
76 Virginia Elvy Coffs Harbour Australia
27 Steven Blackburn Auckland NZ
77 Alice Cumming Sydney Australia
28 Darren Holloway Napier NZ
78 Paul Byrnes Sydney Australia
29 Geoff Higgins Auckland NZ
79 Mark Rigby Christchurch NZ
30 David Kayes Auckland NZ
80 Raelene Williams Ngatea NZ
31 Dave Knudsen Auckland NZ
81 Mick Tarry Ashburton NZ
32 Gus Black Auckland NZ
82 Malcom Anson Brisbane Australia
33 Nathan Foley Inglewood NZ
83 Maria Proctor Brisbane Australia
34 Matt Watts Palmerston North NZ
84 Rik De Smet Whangaparaoa NZ
35 Glenn Dawson Matamata NZ
85 Cam Blacklock Christchurch NZ
36 Jean Le Roux Wellington NZ
86 Gene Andrews Auckland NZ
37 Matthew Orange Auckland NZ
87 Hamish Travers Auckland NZ
38 Carl Schodde Brisbane Australia
88 Kirstin Kowalewski Inglewood NZ
39 Hsin-Ping Wu Singapore NZ
89 Jodie Oborne Brisbane Australia
40 Michael Courtney Wellington NZ
90 Andy Robinson Hull United Kingdom
41 Reon Symon Lower Hutt NZ
91 Olga Bolan FPO United States
42 Acacia Newell Palmerston North NZ
92 Simon Forsey Auckland NZ
43 Cherie Richardson Christchurch NZ
93 Hirosho Ogawa Tokyo Japan
44 Jason Buckley Auckland NZ
94 Tom Frentz Wellington NZ
45 Shane Caske Wellington NZ
95 John Nairn Auckland NZ
46 Mark Colthart Auckland NZ
96 Mike Leopard Rotorua NZ
47 Brendan Meffan Te Anau NZ
97 Steffan Crausaz Wellington NZ
48 Linda Dabley Victoria Australia
98 Mgcini Masuku Hamilton NZ
49 Whitney Dagg Dunedin NZ
99 Gavin Murphy Gisborne NZ
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
100 Matt Clark South Warnborough United Kingdom
152 Gillian Russell Sydney Australia
101 Khairul Anuar Abdul Rahim Puchong Malaysia
153 Kirsty Skidmore Hastings NZ
102 Chantal Whitby Dunedin NZ
154 Phill Jones Wellington NZ
103 Malcolm Graham Auckland NZ
155 Michael Shaw Palmerston North NZ
104 Nicole Van Gurp Brisbane Australia
156 Yadi Guan Beijing China
105 Jerrod Smith Brisbane Australia
157 Rose Jones Brisbane Australia
106 Dianne Kowalewski Stratford NZ
158 Julie Sager Cairns Australia
107 Cameron Mumby Hamilton NZ
159 Galli Stephane Noumea NZ
108 Chris Trudgeon Auckland NZ
160 Sam Weir Gold Coast Australia
109 Barney Bonthron Hamilton NZ
161 Matt Akehurst Kaiapoi NZ
110 Phillip Prujean Palmerston North NZ
162 Sarah Warren Cairns Australia
111 Michael Pullar Dunedin NZ
163 Laird Wharton Perth Australia
112 Yu-Chun Hsieh Auckland Taiwan
164 Barry Gill Auckland NZ
113 Jason MacDonald Auckland NZ
165 James Fraser Lower Hutt NZ
114 Mark Bristow Queensland Australia
166 David Ryan Birkenhead NZ
115 Paul Stables Auckland NZ
167 Mike Wall Auckland NZ
116 John Nestel Sydney NSW Australia
168 James Parsons Wellington NZ
117 Phil Calder Wellington NZ
169 Nick Smith Sydney Australia
118 Melissa White Whakatane NZ
170 Bur Stephane Dumbea New Caledonia
119 Russell Lake Tauranga NZ
171 Pamela Ens Auckland NZ
120 Adrienne Hannan Wellington NZ
172 Von Johnston Nabiac Australia
121 Scott McIntyre Wellington NZ
173 Karin Burgess Hornsby Heights Australia
122 Lesley Park Papamoa NZ
174 Steve Fairbanks Queensland Australia
123 Dougie Kyle Napier NZ
175 moreRon King Auckland NZ
124 Adam Casey Sydney Australia
176 Bronwyn McKeage Auckland NZ
125 JR . Newcastle Australia
177 Andrew Donnelly Hastings NZ
126 Kevin Foyle Christchurch NZ
178 Gemma Worland Canberra Australia
127 Sally Aitken Wellington NZ
179 Jim Pearson Taurnga NZ
128 Benjamin Merryweather Palmerston North NZ
180 Helen Steenbergen Nelson NZ
129 Daniel Milne South Australia Australia
181 Eddie Hussy Wellington NZ
130 Paul Jaffray Los Angeles United States
182 Mathew Dean North Narrabeen Australia
131 Christian Stockle Auckland NZ
183 Chee Guan Foo Kuala lumpur Malaysia
132 Kenneth Ali’imatafitafi Auckland NZ
184 William Hunter Christchurch NZ
133 Charne Musgrove Forster Australia
185 Dion Hardy Hamilton NZ
134 Dean Simpson Forster Australia
186 Malcolm Sewell Christchurch NZ
135 Jane Snowden West Australia Australia
187 Terry Smith Brisbane Australia
136 Jeremy Weight Auckland NZ
188 Bernie O’Fagan Christchurch NZ
137 Luke McLean Western Australia Australia
189 Simon Fisher Auckland NZ
138 Antony Bowesman NSW Australia
190 Martin Graham Auckland NZ
139 Kirk Bakes Auckland NZ
191 Shane Thrower Christchurch NZ
140 Malcolm Hyslop Willoughby Australia
192 Nicola McLean Wellington NZ
141 Silvia Smith Alton Downs Australia
193 Dan Hunt Wellington NZ
142 Mike Johnson Auckland NZ
194 Frans Monintja Auckland NZ
143 Mal Hingston West Australia Australia
195 Nat Thompson Tauranga NZ
144 Gerry le Roux Palmerston North NZ
196 Yuanchao Cheng Geelong Australia
145 Wouna le Roux Palmerston North NZ
197 Sarah Murphy Adelaide Australia
146 Wanbo Bao Beijing China
198 Peter Dalby Tauranga NZ
147 Lawrence Harper Whakatane NZ
199 Misha Rosoff Plainfaild United States
148 Alan Trusler Opotiki NZ
200 Gerard Santamaria Melbourne Australia
149 Brendan Pearce Eastwood Australia
201 Eugene Bingham Auckland NZ
150 Brendon Hamill Auckland NZ
202 Wayne Richards Rotorua NZ
151 Steve Borkin Matamata NZ
203 Brent Kelly Red Beach NZ
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
204 Fiona Hogarth Sydney Australia
256 Grant Hibbert Sydney Australia
205 Deion Campbell Tauranga NZ
257 George Davidson Hamilton NZ
206 Hamish Langford Singapore Singapore
258 Shannon-Leigh Litt Rotorua NZ
207 Paul Barnes Dargaville NZ
259 Juswil Adriani Sjaiful Putrajaya Malaysia
208 Andrew McManus Auckland NZ
260 Andy Turner Melbourne Australia
209 Anthony (LittleBrownRunner) Hancy Hamilton NZ
261 Jesse Bailey Palmerston North NZ
210 Ben Malby Gold Coast Australia
262 Keith Scholes Gisborne NZ
211 Cheryl Symons Victoria Australia
263 Jan Nilsen Chonburi Thailand
212 Shanelle Hill Palmerston North NZ
264 Tamyka Bell Brisbane Qld Australia
213 Ross Steele Tauranga NZ
265 Richard Leary Christchurch NZ
214 Paul Cuthbert ACT Australia
266 Matt Ford Mt Maunganui NZ
215 Ian Tanner Wanganui NZ
267 Libby Masterton Wellington NZ
216 Andrew Robertson QLD Australia
268 Dennis de Monchy Tauranga NZ
217 Gregg Porter Adelaide NZ
269 Feng Zhu Shao Xing City China
218 Nick Johnston Auckland NZ
270 Sean Ward Sydney Australia
219 Stuart Barker Hong Kong Hong Kong
271 Iain Westphall Wellington NZ
220 Will Marshall Sydney Australia
272 Brett Tucker Perth Australia
221 Kirra Balmanno Melbourne Australia
273 Barry Fredheim Tauranga NZ
222 Quinten King Palmerston North NZ
274 Wen-Hsiao Chiu Zhubei City Taiwan
223 Benjamin Sutherland Wellington NZ
275 Razinah Sharif Kuala lumpur Malaysia
224 Pat Coglan Brisbane Australia
276 Norm Gofton Queensland Australia
225 Benjamin Blackshaw Sydney Australia
277 Cindy Robertson Queensland Australia
226 Brendan Holland Sydney Australia
278 Mark Fletcher Ashburton NZ
227 Blair Hurst Bathurst Australia
279 Tim Locke Sydney Australia
228 Jo Johansen Paraparaumu NZ
280 Heather Barnes Christchurch NZ
229 Michael Morris Auckland NZ
281 Cameron Lawes Nelson NZ
230 Matt Suddaby Wanaka NZ
282 Angus Brown Auckland NZ
231 Tim Grammer Auckland NZ
283 Richard Newbury Rotorua NZ
232 Mark Eustace Waiuku NZ
284 Chris Field Lower Hutt NZ
233 Reuben Cheang Singapore Singapore
285 John Benson Auckland NZ
234 Geoff Barnes Nelson NZ
286 Chad Preece Porirua NZ
235 Andreas Borger Auckland NZ
287 Garth Ingle Thames NZ
236 Ian Richardson Rotorua NZ
288 Peter White Christchurch NZ
237 Claire Walton Auckland NZ
289 Warren Hamilton-Ritchie Melbourne Australia
238 Riki Sila Manukau City NZ
290 Luke Carmichael Sydney Australia
239 Andy Gaze Sydney Australia
291 Malcolm Greig New Plymouth NZ
240 Eric Ami Sila Auckland NZ
292 Caroline Bertrand Heatherton Australia
241 Takehiro Koshizuka Chiba Japan
293 Gabriella Guy Auckland NZ
242 Richard Poole Sydney Australia
294 Meagan Edhouse Kawerau NZ
243 Adrian Garnett Townsville Australia
295 Lee Barton Kawerau NZ
244 Meghan Arbogast Cool United States
296 Steve Hinton Whitianga NZ
245 Fuyuhiko Sato Yokohama Japan
297 Raimona Peni Rotorua NZ
246 Jean-Charles Dumas Perth Australia
298 Daniel Woods Auckland NZ
247 Patricia Stichbury Manawatu NZ
299 Rei Ishikawa Dunedin NZ
248 Fran Mortell Tauranga NZ
300 Ruby Francis Auckland NZ
249 Jean Tiran NSW Australia
301 Sara Jones Hogan Auckland NZ
250 Stephane Moulin Rouse Hill Australia
302 Andrew Scott Mount Maunganui NZ
251 Gavin Thompson Rugby United Kingdom
303 Steve Taft Auckland NZ
252 Dadong Wang Zhoushan China
304 Floro Astronomia Wellington Phillipines
253 Deo Encarnacion Christchurch NZ
305 Travis Stull Tauranga NZ
254 Paulo Osorio Auckland NZ
306 Tom Hunt Auckland NZ
255 Michael Zo Auckland NZ
307 Steve Wickham Tauranga NZ
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
308 Bruce McCallum Dunedin NZ
360 Olivier Lacoua Paraparaumu NZ
309 Dafydd Malcolm Rotorua NZ
361 Karen Murray Wellington NZ
310 Lee Alexander Rotorua NZ
362 Richard Fletcher Wellington NZ
311 Eddie Meijer Rotorua NZ
363 Jo Bannister Auckland NZ
312 Glenn Marvin Auckland NZ
364 Kelly McFadzien Auckland NZ
313 Ben Smit Rotorua NZ
365 Jason Good Whakatane NZ
314 Graham Tottey Adelaide Australia
366 Anita Maes Antwerpen Belgium
315 Carmen Boulton QLD Australia
367 Heidi Fromm South Auckland NZ
316 Simon Bray Tokyo Japan
368 Liz Goer Hamilton NZ
317 Brendan Heal Auckland NZ
369 Graham Scott Cambridge NZ
318 Tanya Schindler ACT Australia
370 Kevin Jones Levin NZ
319 Yaroslav Jurkiw Canberra Australia
371 Katherine Seward Auckland NZ
320 Arvin Gardiola Auckland NZ
372 Nathan Bycroft Auckland NZ
321 Franco Jr Baguna Auckland NZ
373 Sanja Kolonic Mt Hawthorn Australia
322 Shane Simpson Sydney Australia
374 William Graf Auckland NZ
323 Shane Simpson Sydney Australia
375 Huw Crosweller Wellington NZ
324 Brad Monaghan Wellington NZ
376 Andrew Stanley Rotorua NZ
325 Alastair Franklin Tauranga NZ
377 Graeme Wall Ashburton NZ
326 Nicholas Gibb Auckland NZ
378 Mike Smith Auckland NZ
327 Peter Adams Christchurch NZ
379 Matt Rayment Auckland NZ
328 Dirk Wallace Christchurch NZ
380 Thom Shanks Auckland NZ
329 Stewart Mathiesen Auckland NZ
381 Steve Pelham Taupo NZ
330 Samantha Isbell Sydney Australia
382 Jan-Jilles van der Hoeven Brussels Belgium
331 Gavin Evans Sydney Australia
383 Danny Pinny New Plymouth NZ
332 Luis Javier GarcinuÒo Gil Zaragoza Spain
384 Graham O’Neill Auckland NZ
333 Manuel Schmid Seon Switzerland
385 Andrew Hewitson Auckland NZ
334 Kirsty Hamlin Whangarei NZ
386 Andrew Laufso Auckland NZ
335 Steve Roberts Levin NZ
387 John Kendall Auckland NZ
336 Alex Howarth Hong Kong Hong Kong
388 David Jennings Victoria Australia
337 Stacey Chait Auckland NZ
389 Mathilde Heaton Hong Kong Hong Kong
338 Duncan Wilson Christchurch NZ
390 Jihee Nam Sydney Australia
339 Dennis Hunt Rotorua NZ
391 Kim Long Len Wellington NZ
340 Melanie Barton Melbourne Australia
392 Bruce Hargreaves Brisbane Australia
341 Robert Henderson Palmerston North NZ
393 Adrian Peterson Hamilton NZ
342 Simon Wooding Christchurch NZ
394 Ian Lochrin Sydney Australia
343 Ronan Phelan Christchurch NZ
395 Dylan Ewing Auckland NZ
344 Stephanie McLean Sydney Australia
396 Ruth Bellew Te Anau NZ
345 Barry Harrison Auckland NZ
397 Chris Randle Auckland NZ
346 Greg McNeil Auckland NZ
398 Tarne Berry Kangaroo Valley Australia
347 Dan Druff Ohaaki NZ
399 Colin Berry Kangaroo Valley Australia
348 James Poynton Ensay Australia
400 Deborah Blomfield Invercargill NZ
349 Shelby Hyslop Auckland NZ
401 Lucy Robinson Auckland NZ
350 Lyn Clark Wellngton NZ
402 Brett Coradine Taumarunui NZ
351 Johannes Malchow Auckland NZ
403 Myles Robinson Auckland NZ
352 Alan Potter Auckland NZ
404 Gary Walden Auckland NZ
353 Graham Morton Auckland NZ
405 Stephen Lukey Christchurch NZ
354 Chris Truscott Sydney Australia
406 Rocco Smit Sydney Australia
355 Ivan Ferraroni Singapore Singapore
407 Sally Mcilwaine Sydney Australia
356 Stefano Lupi Singapore Singapore
408 Timothy Lyndon Sydney Australia
357 Shane Tuhi Auckland NZ
409 Jean Beaumont Porirua NZ
358 Steve King Christchurch NZ
410 Kirk Golding Adelaide Australia
359 Daniel Jacques National Park NZ
411 Yun YanQiao Beijing China
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
412 Stuart Heighway New Plymouth NZ
463 Libby Oed Auckland NZ
413 William Waite Auckland NZ
464 Martin Barrie Taupo NZ
414 Chris Martin Lower Hutt NZ
465 Matt Gerstenberger Lower Hutt NZ
415 Mark Tunney Palmerston North NZ
466 Edward Batty Dursley United Kingdom
416 Daniel Philpott Hamilton NZ
467 Jared McGregor Palmerston North NZ
417 Billy Bridle Wyongah Australia
468 John van Polanen Ashburton NZ
418 Kent Dapiere North Shore NZ
469 Xiaochuan Qiu Jining China
419 Caroline Daly Hamilton NZ
470 Andrew Flaws Waitakere NZ
420 Ken Maplesden Auckland NZ
471 Xinde Liang Hangzhou China
421 Sarah Fisher Wellington NZ
472 Jodi Kelly Wellington NZ
422 Stephen O’Neill Christchurch NZ
473 Morgan Williams Melbourne Australia
423 Paul Charteris Rotorua NZ
474 Scott Black Victoria Australia
424 Andy Bennett Carterton NZ
475 David Green Waikanae NZ
425 Eileen Collins Sydney Australia
476 Andrius Ramonas Vilnius Lithuania
426 Claire Akin-Smith Auckland NZ
477 Oliver Postings Napier NZ
427 Rodrigo Freeman Lopez Leighton Buzzard United Kingdom
478 Ceana Priest Hamilton NZ
428 Dylan Newell Victoria Australia
479 Howard Norton Adelaide NZ
429 Jan Vermeer Auckland NZ
480 Francis McGregor-Macdonald Auckland NZ
430 Ruby Muir Napier NZ
481 David Sinclair Auckland NZ
431 Gidion De Haan Auckland NZ
482 Ivan Doubell Perth Australia
432 Roland Meyer Queenstown NZ
483 Chris Jacobson Brisbane Australia
433 Yoshikazu Hara Takarazuka Japan
484 Mark Blampied Melbourne Australia
434 Robert Rawnsley Auckland NZ
485 Isara Soto Pucon Chile
435 Matt Chapman Auckland NZ
486 Scott Wootten Auckland NZ
436 Gustavo Wofcy Diez Ciudad AutÛnoma de Buenos Aires
487 Ingo Siebert Remscheid Germany
437 Tomohito Igusa Waitakere NZ
489 Derek Zabriskie Victoria Australia
438 Steven Christie Auckland NZ
490 Jon Coburn Sydney NSW Australia
439 Stuart Erskine Camrose Canada
491 Sarah Lavender Smith Piedmont United States
440 Irene Fox Auckland NZ
492 Ian Fearnside Auckland NZ
441 Ruth Charlotte Croft Taipei Taiwan
493 Damon Ramsay Noosa Australia
442 Nathan Sleep Victoria Australia
494 Mark Leone Wellington NZ
443 Neil Barker Atiamuri Rotorua NZ
495 Matt Marino Darling Point Australia
444 Shane Druery Brisbane Australia
496 Dean Chiplin Hamilton NZ
445 Robyn Bruins NSW Australia
497 Jay Beddow Tokyo-to Japan
446 Scott Garrett Auckland NZ
498 Nita Nand Wellington NZ
447 Maddy Boyd Manukau NZ
499 Chris Kumm Denver United States
448 Alida Cross Brisbane Australia
500 Barry Devenney Wellington NZ
449 Daran Gilbert Lake Heights Australia
501 Ben Dennien Mudgeeraba Australia
450 Andrew Walker Winchester United Kingdom
502 Sabrina Dumont Hong Kong Hong Kong
451 Simon Huntley Christchurch NZ
503 Clement Dumont Hong Kong Hong Kong
452 Craig Watson Auckland NZ
504 Arturs Vadzis Drusti Latvia
453 Eamonn Lowe Rangiora NZ
505 Chris Morrissey Tauranga NZ
454 Den Finneran Newcastle Australia
506 Dave Stephenson Bingley United Kingdom
455 Aileen Waldron Sydney Australia
507 Andrew Fifita-Lamb Manukau City Auckland NZ
456 Michael Shep Florida United States
508 Steven McDonald NSW Australia
457 Matthew Waddell Newcastle Australia
509 Richard Hirst Ontario United States
458 Tim Stone Mosman Australia
510 Georganna Quarles Marathon United States
459 Steve Pemberton Brisbane Australia
511 Caleb Pearson Auckland NZ
460 Ricardo Estrada Toluca Mexico
512 Carol Hitchcock Queensland Australia
461 Daniel Houghton San Francisco United States
513 Rebecca Butler Adelaide Australia
462 Nick Houghton Auckland NZ
514 Danny White Sydney Australia
488 Anton Marsden Wellington NZ
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
515 Andrew Marshall Auckland NZ
567 Jennifer Atkinson Wellington NZ
516 Larissa Wilson QLD Australia
568 Glen Porter Gold Coast Australia
517 Veronika Schwarzenberger Auckland NZ
569 Shigeru Toyazaki Kanagawa Japan
518 Sean Falconer Auckland NZ
570 Kate Sutton Merseyside United Kingdom
519 Dave Morrison Hamilton NZ
571 Bruno Falissard Ballainvilliers France
520 Mark Harvey Auckland NZ
572 Jochen Fergen Bonn Germany
521 Natalie Wallace Victoria Australia
573 Don Maccoll Brisbane Australia
522 Natalie Wallace Melbourne Australia
574 Tommy Ha San Jose United States
523 Mike Hosegood Kapiti NZ
575 Richard Houghton Auckland NZ
524 Amy Yeoman Hamilton NZ
576 Paul Munro Melbourne NZ
525 Bryan McCorkindale Christchurch NZ
577 Elizabeth Woodgate Sydney Australia
526 Lauren Beswick Anglesea Australia
578 Solveig Litchfield Brisbane Australia
527 Sadie Cranston Adelaide NZ
579 John Egen Brisbane Australia
528 Jon Gapes Adelaide Australia
580 Shaoli Chen Shanghai China
529 Siva Govender Hamilton NZ
581 Andrew Dimmer Victoria Australia
530 Nick Little Doncaster Australia
582 Michael Buchi Pontresina Switzerland
531 Stuart McKinnon Auckland NZ
583 Nigel Blakeborough Tauranga NZ
532 Gerry Mekkelholt Auckland NZ
584 Shona Stephenson Brisbane Australia
533 Richard Lee Auckland NZ
585 Justine Helminiak Indiana United States
534 Allen Mills Temuka NZ
586 Sam Mcgrath Singapore Singapore
535 Mark Ambridge Auckland NZ
587 Alan Crowe Wellington NZ
536 Lachlan Clark Sydney Australia
588 Greg Wallace Sydney Australia
537 Samantha Evans Brisbane Australia
589 Craig Brighouse Hamilton NZ
538 Gael Masse Taupo NZ
590 Tomio Hamakaji Shimane-ken Japan
539 Seamus McCabe Queensland Australia
591 Jackie Holley Wellington NZ
540 Meg Davidson Queensland Australia
592 Richard Turner Singapore Singapore
541 Glen Alexander Auckland NZ
593 Dylan Bowman Mill Valley United States
542 Mike Duckett Auckland NZ
594 Robbie Hendrickx Darwin Australia
543 Miguel Gomez Denver United States
595 Anna Donovan Brisbane Australia
544 Yun Phua Brisbane Australia
596 Stuart Hughes Victoria Australia
545 Shiri Leventhal Perth Australia
597 Jorge Maravilla Mill Valley United States
546 Hugo Smith Perth Australia
598 Jim Hawkridge Auckland NZ
547 Scott Macalister Rotorua NZ
599 Robbie Britton Hayward’s Heath United Kingdom
548 Simon Neate Papamoa NZ
600 Nuria Picas Berga Spain
549 Michael Wardian Arlington United States
601 Pau Bartolo Avia Spain
550 Rose Byass Melbourne Australia
602 Geoff Neal Auckland NZ
551 Vajin Armstrong Christchurch NZ
552 Lucie Barney Sydney Australia
800 Sandra Grey Taupo NZ
553 Yiming Zhu Shanghai China
801 Owen Means Waimauku NZ
554 Anderson Moquiuti Gold Coast Australia
802 Ann Mullins Melbourne Australia
555 Yuko Takahashi Tokyo Japan
803 Debbie Skilton Auckland NZ
556 Kevin Harvey Auckland NZ
804 Raewynne Blommerde whakatane NZ
557 Jimmy Davis Athelstone Australia
805 Hayden Goodwin Brisbane Australia
558 Stu MacLean Hastings NZ
806 Martyn Cherry Wellington NZ
559 Nick Barlow Sydney Australia
807 Anna Morgan Cairns Australia
560 Allison Lilley Sydney Australia
808 Vanessa Drysdale Nhulunbuy Australia
561 Suzi Heaton North Curl Curl Australia
809 Corinne Williams FPO AP United States
562 Angelique Tostee Australia Australia
810 Csilla Gelegonya London United Kingdom
563 Lukas Travineck New Plymouth NZ
811 Naomi McRae Papakura NZ
564 Soren Frank Hansen Copenhagen Denmark
812 Katie King Brisbane Australia
565 Donna Fay Brisbane Australia
813 Rachael Tucker Victoria Australia
566 Jordan Lees Bendigo Australia
814 Sonoko Matsubara Tokyo Japan
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
815 Holly McLean Taupo NZ
816 Lisa Brebner Whakatane NZ
1000 Jeremy White Wellington NZ
817 Yvonne Harper Whakatane NZ
1001 John Mills Hamilton NZ
818 Jacqui Haggland Porirua NZ
1002 Jenny Hirst Rothesay Bay NZ
819 Tatsuru Ito Auckland NZ
1003 Kimberley Turrell Wellington NZ
820 Chee Boon Tan Petaling Jaya Malaysia
1004 Paul Shattock Hamilton NZ
821 Katherine Samplonius Auckland NZ
1005 Jaimee Phillips Auckland NZ
822 Karl Murton Rotorua NZ
1006 Gareth Morton Wellington NZ
823 David Walters Feilding NZ
1007 Beth Hampton Matamata NZ
824 Sharon Hilton Tauranga NZ
1008 Alison Slack Wellington NZ
825 Sandra Barron Christchurch NZ
1009 Andrew Slack Wellington NZ
826 Kellie Whitfield Bunbury Australia
1010 Georgie Heffernan Paraparaumu NZ
827 Neil Tincknell Salisbury Australia
1011 Bronwyn Young Ashton Australia
828 Gemma Enright Sydney Australia
1012 Allan Porter Gisborne NZ
829 Scott Dawkins Sydney Australia
1013 Diane Gillard Tauranga NZ
830 Patrick Rousseau Whangaparaoa NZ
1014 Cameron Durno Wellington NZ
831 Lee Atkinson Taupo NZ
1015 Tim Oborne Balmoral Australia
832 Janice McCorkindale Christchurch NZ
1016 Jay Anderson ACT Australia
833 Tanya Robinson ACT Australia
1017 Elizabeth Palmer Wellington NZ
834 Sian Kelly Tauranga NZ
1018 Shelley McKay Tauranga NZ
835 Ben Perske Brisbane Australia
1019 Ian Handcock Thames NZ
836 Richard Gould Perth Australia
1020 Elizabeth Russell Brisbane Australia
837 Roger Colquhoun Tauranga NZ
1021 Grant Pritchard Lower Hutt NZ
838 Rhonda Good whakatane NZ
1022 Michele Wynyard Hamilton NZ
839 Rodney Deacon Auckland NZ
1023 Lisa Beck Paraparaumu NZ
840 Jon Davies Pukekohe NZ
1024 Paul Garske Sydney Australia
841 Nigel Fromm Pukekohe NZ
1025 Carmen McBrydie Tauranga NZ
842 Ying Zhang Beijing China
1026 Chris Batt Brisbane Australia
843 Robin Snook Godalming Surrey United Kingdom
1027 Jaimi Greenslade Logan Australia
844 Michael Addidle Tauranga NZ
1028 Jonathan Moulds Wellington NZ
845 Julie Smith Christchurch NZ
1029 Tui Hambrook Tauranga NZ
846 Andy Steele Brisbane Australia
1030 David Free Tauranga NZ
847 Juan Carlos Flores Rodriguez Alcala de Henares Spain
1031 Samantha Harper Goose Bay Canada
848 Jessica Kite Sydney Australia
1032 Laurie Wilson Auckland NZ
849 Justine Kinch Sydney Australia
1033 Cameron Beck Paraparaumu NZ
850 Robbie Williams Sydney Australia
1034 Jeff Wood Wellington NZ
851 Philip Horne Auckland NZ
1035 Alex Napier Cairns Australia
852 Orlaith Heron Hamilton NZ
1036 Matthew Doolan Wellington NZ
853 Dee Richards Christchurch NZ
1037 Teresa Mumby Hamilton NZ
854 Ivy Ong Melbourne Australia
1038 Daniel Ryan Auckland NZ
855 Carl Southgate Sutton Coldfield United Kingdom
1039 Ingrid McClymont Auckland NZ
856 Samantha Young Hanoi Vietnam
1040 Jamie Hawker Christchurch NZ
857 Scott Bomann Wellington NZ
1041 Kaye King Rotorua NZ
858 Paul Randles Auckland NZ
1042 Brooke Reid Wellington NZ
859 Chris Wharam Auckland NZ
1043 Sarah Gloyer Waiheke NZ
860 Hayden Chisholm Cologne Germany
1044 Lynley Ruck Waiheke Island NZ
861 Rudi Smith Perth Australia
1045 Karen Kranz Waiheke island NZ
862 Sophia Walker Auckland NZ
1046 Katie Kerrod Waiheke island NZ
863 Piripi Inia Rotorua NZ
1047 Anna Dalton Thames NZ
864 Ruling Xing Beijing China
1048 Bryony Shaw Auckland NZ
865 Dru Carruthers Hamilton NZ
1049 Olivia McLean Western Australia Australia
866 Penny Comins Waikato NZ
1050 Jeremy Browne Whangarei NZ
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
1051 Julie Ferik Cairns Australia
1103 Jason Judkins Auckland NZ
1052 Min Lo Auckland NZ
1104 Susan McLachlan Papakura NZ
1053 Sarah Jackson Auckland NZ
1105 Alexandra Porter AP United States
1054 Tracey Hay Rotorua NZ
1106 Fiona Palmer Rotorua NZ
1055 Kim Manford Wellington NZ
1107 Michael Rodliffe Auckland NZ
1056 Tania de la Cruz Brito Christchurch NZ
1108 Phillip Thompson Porirua NZ
1057 Penny Angell Wellington NZ
1109 Fiona Stokes Porirua NZ
1058 James Churchill Melbourne Australia
1110 Paul Wheeler Pukekohe NZ
1059 Shane Munro Auckland NZ
1111 Richard Attfield Vancouver Canada
1060 Sue Hardy Auckland NZ
1112 Bev Attfield Vancouver Canada
1061 Lisa Joblin Ohaupo NZ
1113 Ian Hoad Sunbury Australia
1062 Geoff Hardy Auckland NZ
1114 Arthur Green Hamilton NZ
1063 Ying Ying Lee Petaling Jaya Malaysia
1115 Jaime Quinao Rotorua NZ
1064 Malik Owens Davie United States
1116 Jan Nielsen Hong Kong Hong Kong
1065 Luke Stanley Kalumburu Australia
1117 Kelly Field Lower Hutt NZ
1066 Duncan Moxon Auckland NZ
1118 Mike Bray Rotorua NZ
1067 Lorna Mills Rotorua NZ
1119 Amy Bray Rotorua NZ
1068 Brent Agnew Waikari NZ
1120 Karen Howe Whakatane NZ
1069 Sarah Mannion Whangarei NZ
1121 Lindsay Hyslop Tauranga NZ
1070 Ben Harkness ACT Australia
1122 Lee Wenzlick Thames NZ
1071 Sandra Jensen Hamilton NZ
1123 Louise Oliver Auckland NZ
1072 Dale Truman Wellington NZ
1124 Sue Brewster Auckland NZ
1073 Doug Boyd NSW Australia
1125 Jimmy Leyden Brisbane Australia
1074 Glen Thrower Brisbane NZ
1126 Brian (Tracker) Halford Hamilton NZ
1075 Dimity Douglas NSW Australia
1127 Sloane Bayley Wellington NZ
1076 Joanne Simpson NSW Australia
1128 Neville Harding Thames NZ
1077 Rob Buckland Levin NZ
1129 Jen Riley Tauranga NZ
1078 Donna Richards Randwick Australia
1130 Ben Marino Auckland NZ
1079 Moritz auf der Heide Gold Coast Australia
1131 Francis Gates Upper Hutt NZ
1080 Angela Sheppard Auckland NZ
1132 Ryan Gamboa Silay City Phillipines
1081 Natalie Karen Watson Melbourne Australia
1133 Nathan Bennett Rotorua NZ
1082 Anthony Barton Auckland NZ
1134 Michael Brown Christchurch NZ
1083 Kyle Weise Gold Coast Australia
1135 Maria Oates Hamilton NZ
1084 Duncan Darroch Nelson NZ
1136 Karen Hayward Sydney Australia
1085 Cheyuan Chang Kaohsuing City Taiwan
1137 Rodrigo Azaola Mexico City Mexico
1086 Lexi Andrews Manukau City NZ
1138 Nute Shore Sydney Australia
1087 Sarah Harris Wellington NZ
1139 Bronwyn Katen NSW Australia
1088 Karen Shaw Tokoroa NZ
1140 Wil Verar Auckland NZ
1089 Donna Richmond Papakura NZ
1141 Mark Rowell Verar Auckland NZ
1090 Tim McDougal Napier NZ
1142 Gary Carambas Auckland NZ
1091 Kuhn Henrick Noumea New Caledonia
1143 Belinda Simpson Sydney Australia
1092 Linda Blackmore Hamilton NZ
1144 Belinda Simpson Sydney Australia
1093 Shannon Hindley Sydney Australia
1145 Bruce Easton Rotorua NZ
1094 Brian Smith Huntly NZ
1146 Kara Laurenson Tauranga NZ
1095 Jean Dorrell Hamilton NZ
1147 Graham Steele Macmasters Beach Australia
1096 Florian Schaefer Hong Kong Hong Kong
1148 Denise Maguire Macmasters Beach Australia
1097 Ian Dunican Perth Australia
1149 Don Melchor Auckland NZ
1098 Matt Bonner Wellington NZ
1150 Mason Lukey Tauranga NZ
1099 Ryan Young Auckland NZ
1151 Enoch Vahua Whakatane NZ
1100 Sharron Came Wellington NZ
1152 Mark Watson Rotorua NZ
1101 Phil Matheson Auckland NZ
1153 Janine Harrington Mount Maunganui NZ
1102 James Hasloch Sydney Australia
1154 Charlotte Ireland Lower Hutt NZ
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
1155 Joseph Johansen Auckland NZ
1207 Bryn Evans Christchurch NZ
1156 Nick Page Tauranga NZ
1208 Kelly Davis Martin Whitianga NZ
1157 Danielle Forbes Tauranga NZ
1209 Chris Langmead Melbourne Australia
1158 Bryon Mosen Auckland NZ
1210 Rebecca Heald Sydney Australia
1159 Kate Townsley Taupo NZ
1211 Pauline Mathews Auckland NZ
1160 Gwenda Reece Auckland NZ
1212 Robert Strong Napier NZ
1161 Lucy Mills Auckland NZ
1213 Merv Gilbert Ashburton NZ
1162 Pauline Wood Tauanga NZ
1214 Louise Yeaman West Leederville Australia
1163 Alan Thompson Auckland NZ
1215 Steven Gray Rotorua NZ
1164 Connor Wrench Brisbane Australia
1216 Steve Oram Auckland NZ
1165 Patrick Bodzak Wellington NZ
1217 Avon O’Grady Hamilton NZ
1166 Steve McDonald Tuakau NZ
1218 Arnim Wiek Benglen Switzerland
1167 Julie McDonald Tuakau NZ
1219 Frith Brown Nelson NZ
1168 Paul Helm Wellington NZ
1220 Denis Cooper Nelson NZ
1169 Rebecca Smith Sydney Australia
1221 Jonathan Craig Sydney Australia
1170 Stuart Blieschke Hong Kong Hong Kong
1222 Jo Tisch Tauranga NZ
1171 Shay Gordon Auckland NZ
1223 Debbie Clark Tauranga NZ
1172 Michael Hale Auckland NZ
1224 Chris Ryan Tauranga NZ
1173 Wayne Andrews Brisbane Australia
1225 Lucas Duross Hastings NZ
1174 Tessa Brudevold-Iversen Auckland NZ
1226 Johannes Vorster Gisborne NZ
1175 Ciaran Brennan Wellington NZ
1227 Huguette Dall’Armi Auckland NZ
1176 Nerieda Edmeades Auckland NZ
1228 Brendon Angell Auckland NZ
1177 Ross Thornton TeAroha NZ
1229 Nicky Francis Pukehina NZ
1178 Melissa Massey Auckland NZ
1230 Carol Adams Minchinbury Australia
1179 Andrea Hall Hamilton NZ
1231 Bhavin Gandhi Mumbai India
1180 David Atkinson Auckland NZ
1232 Martin Blampied Auckland NZ
1181 Kristian Wynn Sydney Australia
1233 Sandra Andersen Palmerston North NZ
1182 Lucinda Rigby Sydney Australia
1234 Stephanie Duong Sydney Australia
1183 Warrick Heald Sydney NZ
1235 Mark Owen Feilding NZ
1184 Owen Frentz Auckland NZ
1236 Sharyn Bray Palmerston North NZ
1185 Mike Brown Wellington NZ
1237 James Kuegler Auckland NZ
1186 Glenda Banaghan Toowoomba Australia
1238 Sebastian Whincop Auckland NZ
1187 Kellie-Jo Finlay QLD NZ
1239 Todd Calkin Auckland NZ
1188 Faith McGregor Rotorua NZ
1240 Karl Wareham Hamilton NZ
1189 Carl Cairns Gisborne NZ
1241 Suzanne Roberts Auckland NZ
1190 Felipe Vidal Mount Maunganui NZ
1242 Melissa Rodgers Brisbane Australia
1191 Katrine Tuckey NSW Australia
1243 Marjolein Volker Hamilton NZ
1192 Alison Fleming Ashburton NZ
1244 Kane Albrecht Hamilton NZ
1193 Patrice Stichbury Matamata NZ
1245 Hilary Wicks Papakura NZ
1194 Emma Bassett Wellington NZ
1246 Marc Eiro Auckland NZ
1195 Anthony Bus Auckland NZ
1247 Lionel Taylor Brisbane Australia
1196 Will Farrell-Green Auckland NZ
1248 Melissa Greig Palmerston North NZ
1197 Roger King Auckland NZ
1249 Craig Wenham Melbourne Australia
1198 Christine Lear Gisborne NZ
1250 Lara Williams Melbourne Australia
1199 Himanshu Parmar Hamilton NZ
1251 Hayley Lowe Auckland NZ
1200 Matt Storm South Waikato District NZ
1252 Nathalie Conway NSW Australia
1201 Ron Middleton Napier NZ
1253 Brent McKay Mount Maunganui NZ
1202 Donald Cross Brisbane Australia
1254 Simone Guy Forrest Hill NZ
1203 David Christiansen Leicestershire United Kingdom
1255 Debbie Ardern Hamilton NZ
1204 Clarissa Wynne Brisbane Australia
1256 Ruth Tautari Palmerston North NZ
1205 Paul Wynne Brisbane Australia
1257 Shaun Hubbard Christchurch NZ
1206 Bridget McLaughlin Hamilton NZ
1258 Sally Nash Auckland NZ
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
1259 Lucas Grossi Auckland NZ
1287 Rachelle Porter Gold Coast Australia
1260 Jeff Rosemergy Hamilton NZ
1288 Glen Baveystock Tauranga NZ
1261 Chris Owen Wellington NZ
1289 Sean Reid Auckland NZ
1262 David Binney Tauranga NZ
1290 Yufiza Hani Muhammad Yusuf Petaling Jaya Malaysia
1263 Gill Thurlow Auckland NZ
1291 Karyn Mills Napier NZ
1264 James Lovie Wellington NZ
1292 Justin Mills Napier NZ
1265 Julian Dimech Auckland NZ
1293 Steffan Mckinley Auckland NZ
1266 Jo Hyslop Perth Australia
1294 Philip Macalister Rotorua NZ
1267 Simon Brownie Palmerston North NZ
1295 Kerris Browne Rotorua NZ
1268 Simon Brownie Palmerston North NZ
1296 Olivia Goh Tokoroa NZ
1269 Richard Walker Auckland NZ
1297 Andrew Dasselaar Auckland NZ
1270 Chris Sprod Brisbane NZ
1298 Peter logan Sydney Australia
1271 Kimberley Allder Brisbane Australia
1299 David Dudek Hoofddorp Netherlands
1272 Joanne Aitken Wellington NZ
1300 Julie Chiquet Rotorua NZ
1273 Gary Philpott Auckland NZ
1301 Murray Smith Tauranga NZ
1274 Nikki Newcombe Rotorua NZ
1302 Mere Murray Rotorua NZ
1275 Graeme Lear Gisborne NZ
1303 Doug Moore Gisborne NZ
1276 Byron Koester Melbourne Australia
1304 Tess Carruthers Hamilton NZ
1277 Jamie Munro Auckland NZ
1305 Ash Pari Rotorua NZ
1278 Aaron Williamson Palmerston North NZ
1306 Erin Gray Queenstown NZ
1279 Rodger Moana Palmerston North NZ
1307 Rees Buck Porirua NZ
1280 Kristian Day Hastings District NZ
1308 Lisa Markwick Auckland NZ
1281 Andrew Rowe Wellington NZ
1309 Tomas Ridl Durban South Africa
1282 June Wirihana Palmerston North NZ
1310 Romain Majeric-Pariente Auckland NZ
1283 Clare Scammell Whakatane NZ
1311 Annabell Chartres Auckland NZ
1284 Monica Fraser Rotorua NZ
1312 Nic Mead Auckland NZ
1285 Alistair Howard Vancouver Canada
1313 Sarah Murphy Lower Hutt NZ
1286 Mila Siebert Remscheid Germany
1314 Richard Lake Auckland NZ
1315 Jesper Fuhlendorff Auckland NZ
1316 Rob Lelieveld Auckland NZ
1317 Ashley Relf Mill Valley United States
4028 Pukeko Chicks
Leanne Blackwood, Eraina Attwood, Tessa Prout, Robyn
Relay Teams
4029 Thunder Chicks and Lightning
Jackie Toy, Janine Joubert, Jacques Joubert, Lisa Boddy
4000 Tutus Against The Taboo
Malcolm Law, Richard Lang
4030 Racey Mums
Melissa Seath, Pipala Negus, Jane Seath, Lady Kate Stubbs
4001 Those Two
Rod Dick, Alan Tappin
4031 The Girls
Jean Ahipene, Maia Mailoo, Nicole Williams, Colleen Clarke
4002 Silky Smooth
Stephen Silk, Andrew Bardsley
4032 Team Nunns
Amon Nunns, Karen Nunns, Lionel Nunns, Greg Brooks
4003 Beep Beep 2
Ross Dewstow, Mary Carswell
4033 Yeah Nahs
Motu Williams, Tui Corneal, Dominic Lepa, Blair Gilbert
4004 Mental as Anything Chasing 50
Lesley (The LTH) Turner Hall, Rebecca Edgecombe
4034 Three Old Fairies
Peter Maloney, Bob Spooner, Terry Murdoch
4005 Tairua Tugboats
Simon Wickham, Colin Sinton
4035 Hamilton Hobblers
Martin Lovell, Marcus Daws
4006 3Su
Shanshan He, Ziling Su
4036 Chinese Fish Merchants
Elisa Christian, Lauren Milstead, Jake Hocking, Ruth Seatter
4007 Waewae Taniwha
Aana Ngatoro, Casey Moore
4037 Sip Kitchen Supersonics
Darren Blackwell, Vicky Plaistowe
4008 MacMill
Max MacKay, Ben Miller
4038 On Track
Peta Birchall, Alison Scott, Waverley Newson, Sally-Anne
4009 Wellington Scottish
James Richardson, Stephen Day
4010 Rebnda
Darren Ashmore, Rebecca Smith
4011 #CrazyExcited
Pam Tainui, Ann Cameron, Gendi Dwight, Trevor Eastabrook
4012 Beep Beep
Ian Dale, Paula Klein, Marlin Fisher, Rob Hammington
4039 Trying Hard
Jess Blackwood, Kiri Thomas, Jenny Lux, Sophie Leopard
4040 Boys and Bitches
Glenn Graham, Helen Hall-King, Anne Bradley, Colin King
4041 Done and Dusted Tauaroha Holden Rachael Narbey Jenny
Brady Raewyn Richmond
4013 Warraterras
Kevin Knowles, Paul Matthews, Charlie Evans, Katie Stone
4042 Never Too Slow
Tony Martindale, Kere Bennett, Richard Williams, Andrew
4014 Attitude Matters
Felicity Boag, Elaine Baxter, Patsy Bass, Moira Mallon
4043 Ultra Madness
Ashley Hart, Aleta Newton, Ian Yates, Cherie Fitness
4015 Twinkle Toes
Glen Marks, Ng Steve, Phil Taylor, Kate Taylor
4044 Waewae Express
Amanda Broughton, Emily Solsberg, Yuliya Bozkho, Hinano
4016 ANZAC Sisters
Stephanie Thrower, Avis Hawker, Bonnie Hawker, Mitzi
4045 Many Mortons
Sarah Morton, Caroline Morton, John Morton, David Morton
4017 Olympic Girls
Julie Klein, Jean Skilton, Tineke Hooft
4046 Kiwi Trail Runner
Gregor Paul, John Marsh, Rachel Horsey, Jane Evans
4018 Waiheke ExPats
Sarah Short, Emily Taylor (nee Burgess), Philip Taylor, Evan
4047 NB Hamilton Flyers
Phil Murray, Garit Reed, Kerry Suter, Jai Davies-Campbell
4019 The Tron
Jo Mason, Simon Graashuis, Rhys Graashuis, Louise Graafhuis
4048 Hawks Winging It
Beth Hampton, Shanel Cornille, Dawn Tuffery, Malesa
4020 Olympic Chicks
Michelle Van Looy, Ellen Van Looy, Courtney Prosser, Liz Eade
4049 Hamilton City Hawks GBM
Kent Hodgson, Glenn Sexton, Corey Hinde, Stefan Wagner
4021 Team Super Stars
Al MacFarlan, Phil Squire, Frank Clarke, Steve Culpan
4050 Hamilton Hawks Masters
Marc Scott, John Crane, John Bowe, Andrew Wark
4022 Browns Bay Critical Mass
Liz Palmer, Ingrid Johnstone, Brian Newth, Cheryl Newth
4051 Hamilton Hawks Likely Lads
Martin Ferry, Kris Moore, Ryan Stacey, Sam Le Heron
4023 Monkey Punch Donkey
Stephen Thornley, Richard Beaton, Craig Abela, David Gardner
4052 Pukekohe Express
James Baxter, Jo Foster, Lisa Kane, Geof Shuker
4024 EZY 20
Stephen Fisher, John James Mager, Alun Marshall, Daryl Reed
4053 Beano’s Bandits
Bryden Cleary, Maria Cleary, Dafydd Pettigrew, Robert Baxter
4025 Tawa Chicks
Katrina Walter, Sarah Morten, Mandy Russell, Anna Mardon
4054 The Swim Squad
Kat Webb, Sarah Pitcher-Campbell, Charlotte Pearson,
Steph McHale
4026 Just Because
Rina Joy, Sharon Burrell, Annette Bethell, Yvonne Mansell
4027 Back Keith Earl, Carey Hayvice, Rachel Spriggens, Briar Carr
4055 Paul’s Knee
Sophie Wharam Timothy Fanselow Jordan Ropati,
Ashleigh Robins
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
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Te Whakarewarewa Thermal Reserve
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
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0800 TE PUIA
Hazards and Risks
If an incident occurs, please contact one of the Aid Station staff
or a mountain bike safety volunteer, a medical/safety officer
or a marshal on the course. They will radio one of the safety
personnel to respond, or will call in an ambulance or helicopter.
The Tarawera Ultra Marathon is a physically challenging event.
Participation presents potential medical risks, many of which can
be extremely serious or fatal.
Participation in this event is at the runner’s own risk. Although
Run Management has medical personnel at various points along
the course, the inaccessibility of much of the trail will make it
difficult or impossible for medical assistance to reach the runner
Participants are encouraged to see their own medical doctor
prior to the event. Runners should be knowledgeable about the
stress effects linked to participation in ultra events.
It is important for each entrant to recognise the potential
physical and mental stresses, which may evolve from
participation in this event. Runners may be subject to extremes
of heat and cold, hypothermia, hyperthermia, dehydration,
hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, disorientation and mental and
physical exhaustion. Run Management and the medical staff
strive to work with runners. They will do all they reasonably can
to ensure “safe passage” to Kawerau, but ultimately runners
must understand their own limitations. This is one event where it
is better to follow the dictates of your body, not your ambitions!
Adequate physical and mental conditioning prior to the event is
mandatory. If you have not been able to prepare properly, do not
attempt to run!
Runners should appreciate the risks associated with
participation in this event. Actions may have to be taken on
your behalf under extreme time constraints and adverse
circumstances. We will make reasonable efforts to give
assistance whenever possible. Ultimately and primarily you are
in charge. Be careful, be responsible, and do not exceed your own
abilities and limitations.
Some of the main risks of the Run, but certainly not all of them,
are listed. These should be understood and remembered by all
runners, before and during the event. Please note that death
can result from several of the risk conditions discussed below
or from other aspects of participation in the Tarawera Ultra
There will be vehicle traffic on limited parts of the course. You
should be well aware of this when running on roads. Make sure
you look both ways when crossing any roads. Areas with cars will
be sign-posted, including:
• Crossing Tarawera Road as you leave the Blue Lake
• Running around Lake Okareka Township as you leave the Blue
• Crossing the road a couple of hundred metres before the Blue
Lake Aid Station
• Crossing Tarawera Road (now in the Tarawera Forest)
between the 60km finish line and Titoki Aid Station
The event starts before sunrise. It is dark for the first 30 minutes.
Headlamps are optional for this period. If you plan on finishing
after 7.30pm, make sure you have packed a headlamp in your
drop bags or have your crew deliver a headlamp to you.
Renal Shutdown
Cases of renal shutdown (acute renal failure) have been reported
in this event. Renal shutdown occurs from muscle tissue injury
which causes the release of myoglobin, a protein material,
into the blood plasma. Myoglobin is cleared from the blood
stream by the kidneys and will look brownish-colored in the
urine. Adequate hydration will help flush myoglobin through
the kidneys. Overwhelming amounts of myoglobin may clog the
filtering system of the kidneys either partially or totally. If not
treated, renal shutdown can cause permanent impairment of
Do NOT take any NSAIDs – especially Ibuprofen during
this event. It will greatly increase your risk of renal failure.
Runners have been hospitalised for taking these drugs in
this event. There is a very fine line between hospitalisation /
permanent kidney damage and death.
Heat Stroke/Hyperthermia
Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are serious risks. Kawerau
is consistently one of the hottest places in New Zealand with
temperatures over 30ºC recorded at past races.
These conditions can cause death, kidney failure and brain
damage. It is important that runners be aware of the symptoms
of impending heat injury. These include but are not limited to:
nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, faintness, irritability,
confusion, weakness, and rapid heart rate. Impending heat
stroke may be preceded by a decrease in sweating and the
appearance of goose bumps on the skin, especially over the
chest. Heat stroke may progress from minimal symptoms to
complete collapse, in a very short period of time. Remember
that your muscles produce tremendous amounts of heat when
running up and down hills. The faster the pace, the more heat
is produced. A light-coloured shirt and cap, particularly if kept
wet during the race, can help. Acclimatisation to heat requires
approximately two weeks. It is recommend you train for periods
of at least 90 minutes, in 25ºC heat or hotter, for at least two
weeks prior to the event.
If signs of heat exhaustion occur, we recommend rapid cooling
by applying ice to the groin, neck and armpits. Runners may
drink approximately one-quarter or more of their body weight in
fluids during this event. This means that an average 68kg runner
could possibly drink 17 litres or more of fluid, depending on the
heat factor and individual differences. In addition to drinking at
checkpoints, runners will be encouraged to carry fluids between
checkpoints. To accurately measure fluid intake and output
balance, weigh yourself before and after your training runs.
This will help you establish your personal fluid requirements
(especially during the heat of the day). Remember to replace
electrolytes lost from sweat and fluids. Every runner has
different needs that should be determined during training.
Risks Associated With Low Sodium and
Chloride Counts
Low sodium levels (hyponatremia) in Ultra Marathon
runners have been associated with severe illness requiring
hospitalization. It is important for long-distance athletes to use
fluids containing electrolytes to replace the water and salts lost
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
water intoxication and possibly death may result. This problem
may in fact worsen after the race, as the non-electrolytecontaining fluid, which has been accumulating in the stomach,
is absorbed. Potassium and calcium replacement may also be
important, although these levels change less with fluid loss
and replenishment. Signs and symptoms of hyponatremia
include: weight gain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, headache,
confusion, lack of coordination, dizziness, muscle twitching/
cramping and fatigue. There are two ways to put oneself at risk
of hyponatremia:
1. over-hydration (with water or even electrolytecontaining sports drinks); and
2. replacing sweat with hypotonic fluids. You should use
the salt tablets provided on race day and other salty
foods such as chips.
Those at greater risk of hyponatremia include: female runners,
smaller runners, slower runners, and runners with a low sweat
Risks of hyponatremia can be minimised by acclimatising to
the heat, training the endocrine system, salting foods a few
days prior to the run, matching fluid and electrolyte intake to
sweat losses and monitoring weight. The best way to achieve
proper electrolyte and fluid balance is to hydrate with fluids
containing proper amounts of electrolytes and to replace with
sodium-containing foods or supplements, if required, and as
determined during your training. Potassium, while present in
many electrolyte-replacement solutions, may also be replaced
with fruit, such as bananas or oranges. Beer or other alcoholic
beverages should not be taken at any time during the event.
Electrolyte-containing fluids should be continued after finishing
until the gastrointestinal tract is fully functional, which may take
several hours. Once the gut is working and adequate hydration
has occurred, the normal balance of thirst, hunger, digestion and
kidney filtration will maintain the proper balance of fluids and
Effects of Cold/Hypothermia
Temperatures will likely be warm during the run, but be prepared
for changeable cold weather, even during the middle of the
race. Hypothermia is a potentially serious risk, especially
running late in the evening through to early nightfall since
one’s energy reserves will have been depleted from 14-16 or
more hours of running. Hypothermia can strike very quickly,
particularly when pace slows from exhaustion or injury. The
initial warning signs of hypothermia often include lethargy,
disorientation and confusion. The runner will feel very cold with
uncontrolled shivering and may become confused, unaware of
the surroundings, and may possibly be an immediate danger to
him or herself. Staying well nourished, adequately hydrated and
appropriately clothed will help avoid hypothermia. It is important
that runners have access to warm clothing through their support
crews, drop bags, or both. If there is any question, carry a light
jacket when you leave the final Tarawera River Aid Station.
Use of Drugs
No drugs of any kind should be taken before, during or
immediately after the event! Many drugs can increase the risk
of heat stroke. A partial list of problem drugs include NSAIDS
(including Ibuprofen), amphetamines, tranquilizers, and diuretics.
Injuries from Falling
Falling is an ever-present danger on the Tarawera Ultra
Marathon, with potentially serious consequences. Much of the
trail is narrow, some uneven and rutted patches occur.
2 0 1 5 T A R A W E R A U LT R A M A R A T H O N
Muscle Necrosis
It has been found that some degree of muscle cell death in the
legs occurs from participation in the run. The recovery can take
several months. This seems to be a bigger problem in runners
who become dehydrated or have overexerted themselves.
Medical analysis of blood samples taken from ultra runners
shows that this occurs to some degree in all runners.
Overuse Injuries
Obviously, innumerable overuse injuries can occur, especially in
the knee and the ankle. Sprains and fractures can easily occur on
these rough trails. Blisters may cause you to have a sore day, or
in severe circumstances may prevent you from finishing.
Common Fatigue
One of the dangers you will encounter is fatigue. Fatigue,
combined with the effects of dehydration, hypothermia,
hyperthermia, hyponatremia, hypoglycemia and other
debilitating conditions can produce disorientation and
Getting Lost
Although Run Management endeavors to mark the Tarawera
Ultra Marathon course, it is definitely possible to lose the trail.
If you believe at any time that you may not be on the correct
trail, do not attempt to find your way cross-country. If you
are sure of your route, backtrack to where you last saw a trail
marker and try to find other markers showing the direction of
the trail. If you are unable to find your way, stay where you are!
Wandering randomly will take you farther from the trail and
reduce your chances of being found. If you do become injured,
exhausted or ill, STAY ON THE TRAIL. You will be found there
either by another runner, or the mountain bike safety patrol that
monitor the progress of runners during the event. If you feel
dizzy, disoriented or confused, do not risk falling. Sit or lie down
on the trail until you recover or are found. An unconscious runner
even a few feet off the trail could be impossible to find until it is
too late. If you are assisted by individuals who are not associated
with Run Management, and you elect to leave the trail, you MUST
notify the official at the nearest Aid Station of your decision to
Difficulty in Gaining Access to or Locating
Injured Participants
Much of the Tarawera Ultra Marathon trail is remote and
inaccessible by motor vehicle. Accordingly, in spite of the many
layers of safety precautions instituted by Run Management
(including radio communications, rescue helicopters on standby,
mountain bike search and rescue personnel and other emergency
services and medical personnel at many checkpoints), there is
absolutely no assurance that aid or rescue assistance will arrive
in time to give you effective assistance should you become sick,
incapacitated or injured.
Although medical and other personnel will assist you when
possible, remember that you are ultimately responsible for your
own wellbeing on the trail. Only you will know how your body and
mind feel at any given time. Monitor yourself during the entire
run, and prepare yourself to drop out at the nearest checkpoint if
you find it just isn’t your day. As you continue past each medical
checkpoint, be aware of the number of kilometres to the next
one, realising that getting rescue vehicles into these areas can be
difficult, if not impossible.
Aside from all that – have fun!
Experience New Zealand