St. Catherine Labouré Roman Catholic Parish


St. Catherine Labouré Roman Catholic Parish
St. Catherine Labouré Roman Catholic Parish
Served by Claretian Missionaries, Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Pastor - Rev. Fred LeClaire, CMF
Deacon Mike Holmes
Deacon Mike Johnsen
Physical Address: 2062 N. Hwy 89, Chino Valley, AZ 86323
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 152, Chino Valley, AZ 86323
W eb s it e: www. s t cat h eri ne c v.o r g
Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil 5 PM
Sunday 7:30 & 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:30 AM
Daily Mass
Monday 7 AM
Tuesday to Friday 8:30 AM
First Saturday Mass 8:30 AM
Confession Schedule:
1st & 2nd Thursday 11 AM - Noon
3rd, 4th & 5th Thurs. 6 - 7:30 PM
Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 PM
Or by appointment
Español solo con cita
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
7 AM to 7:30 PM
Tuesday & Thursday
7 AM to 5:30 PM
10 AM to 4 PM
Closed every day Noon to 12:30 PM
E - ma il : s tca t hl ab @cab leo n e. ne t
We, the community of St. Catherine Labouré,
empowered by the Holy Spirit, will strive to serve
the Gospel message in reaching out as the Body
of Christ to serve our brothers and sisters.
We wish to extend a warm welcome to all visitors and new parishioners. We are blessed to
have you join our parish family in worship today, and we hope to see you again very soon!
Asistencia disponible en español:
el lunes y miércoles 3:30 pm a 7:30 pm
Bulletin Item Deadline
el viernes 11 am a 7:30 pm
10 AM Tuesday two weeks before requested date
el sábado 10 am a 4 pm
of publication
Phone: 928-636-4071
Emergencies: 928-642-4398
Baptism (ages birth to 6 years): Parental
and godparent preparation classes required.
Classes are offered in English and in Spanish. Make arrangements in advance.
Marriages: Pre-Marital classes required.
Must be arranged nine months in advance.
Ministry to the Sick / Communion for
Shut-ins: Contact church office
Eucharistic Adoration: Available anytime
Mass is not being celebrated. Contact church
office for Chapel key code.
Adult Bible Study: Contact church office
for details.
Religious Education and Sacramental
preparation for grades K & up: Follows
school calendar year (September to May),
meets on Sunday mornings in English and
Wednesday afternoons in Spanish. Contact
church office for details.
Announcement Deadline
10 AM Tuesday two weeks before requested date
of announcement
Bulletin Advertising Contact chur ch office.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Ladies of St. Catherine: 10 AM on the 1st
Adults): Meets August to May. Contact Tuesday every month in the hall.
church office for details.
Knights of Columbus #11827: 7 PM on the
Childcare (birth to age 5): during the first Thursday every month in the hall.
9:30 AM Mass in the chapel every Sunday. St. Vincent de Paul: 9 AM on the first and
Volunteers welcome—contact Barbara Cox third Thursday every month in the multipurat 925-2043 for information.
pose room.
First Friday Adoration: First Friday of Parish Library Hours: open after Mass;
the month from 9 AM to 10 AM in the Tuesday and Thursdays 8 AM to 11 AM & 1
PM to 4 PM
Rosary Cenacle: First Saturday of the Library Book Club—third Monday of the
month 9 AM.
month. Stop by the library to find out what we
Rosary for Life and Vocations: First are reading!
Saturday 4 PM in the church, First Sunday at Prayer requests: Contact church office.
7 AM and 9 AM in the church. Rosario en
To serve as a Lector, Extra ordinary Minespañol, el viernes a las 7 PM en la capilla.
ister of Holy Communion, Altar Server,
Divine Mercy Chaplet: Tuesday through Choir member, Usher, Minister of Care,
Friday 8 AM in the chapel
Greeter, Counter: Contact the church office.
Finance Council: 6 PM on the 2nd Thurs- Pro-Life needs and concerns:
day of each month in the multipurpose room. 1-888-735-3448
Special Needs Religious Education: Follows school year calendar, meets on Sunday Pastoral Council: on the 1st Monday of
St. Vincent de Paul Assistance:
evenings. Contact church office for details.
every other month, (July, September, No928-899-2030
Catholics Welcome Home: Meets during vember, January, March, May) at 6 PM in
Spiritual Direction:
Lent. Contact church office for information. the multipurpose room.
Mary Anderson, 928-925-6831
January 25, 2015—The third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions
Weekly Readings: Year “B”
“In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
Jn 1:1
Sunday January 25 (g) The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
(1) Jon 3: 1-5, 10 (PS) Ps 25 (2) 1 Cor 7: 29-31 (G) Mk 1: 14-20
The Ninevites heard the preaching of Jonah and repented of their evil ways, thus experiencing the Lord’s compassion. Do we repent when we hear the preaching of Jesus?
Do we invest our lives in the world rather than in God’s kingdom?
January 26 (w) - Sts. Timothy & Titus, bishops
(1) 2 Tm 1: 1-8 or Ti 1: 1-5 (PS) Ps 96 (G) Mk 3: 22-30
January 27 (g) - St. A ngela M erici, virgin
(1) Heb 10: 1-10 (PS) Ps 40 (G) Mk 3: 31-35
January 28 (w) - St. Thomas Aquinas, Pr iest, Doctor of the Chur ch
(1) Heb 11-18 (PS) Ps 110 (G) Mk 4: 1-20
January 29 (g) - Weekday [3r d Week of Or dinar y Time]
(1) Heb 10: 19-25 (PS) Ps 24 (G) Mk 4: 21-25
January 30 (g) - Weekday [3r d Week of Or dinar y Time]
(1) Heb 10: 32-39 (PS) Ps 37 (G) Mk 4: 26-34
January 31 (w) - St. J ohn Bosco, Pr iest
(1) Heb 11: 1-2, 8-9 (PS) Lk 1: 69-75 (G) Mk 4: 35-41
Sunday, February 01 (g) The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
(1) Dt 18: 15-20 (PS) Ps 95 (2) 1 Cor 7: 32-35 (G) Mk 1: 21-28
Jesus came as one who spoke in the name of the Lord, teaching with authority. Let us listen to His voice and adhere to Him above anything else.
Monday, February 02 (w) The Pr esentation of the Lor d
(1) Mal 3: 1-4 (PS) Ps 24 (2) Heb 2: 14-18 (G) Lk 2: 22-40
Tuesday, February 03 (g) St. Blaise, bishop, m artyr; St. A nsgar, bishop
(1) Heb 12: 1-4 (PS) Ps 22 (G) Mk 5: 21-43
Wednesday, February 04 (g) Weekday [Week 4 of Or dinar y Time]
(1) Heb 12: 4-7, 11-15 (PS) Ps 103 (G) Mk 6: 1-6
Thursday, February 05 (r) St. Agatha, vir gin, mar tyr
(1) Heb 12: 18-19, 21-24 (PS) Ps 48 (G) Mk 6: 7-13
Friday, February 06 (r) St. Paul Miki, mar tyr , and Companions, mar tyr s
(1) Heb 13: 1-8 (PS) Ps 27 (G) Mk 6: 14-29
Saturday, February 07 (g) - Weekday [Week 4 of Or dinar y Time]
(1) Heb 13: 15-17, 20-21 (PS) Ps 23 (G) Mk 6: 30-34
Sunday February 08 (g) The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
(1) Jb 7: 1-4, 6-7 (PS) Ps 147 (2) 1 Cor 9: 16-19, 22-23 (G) Mk 1: 29-39
Job’s cry of hopelessness stands in marked contrast to the hope of those who put their
trust in Jesus who “heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds”. Such are the
blessings of the good news.
February 09 (g) - Weekday [Week 5 of Or dinar y Time]
(1) Gn 1: 1-19 (PS) Ps 104 (G) Mk 6: 53-56
February 10 (w) - St. Scholastica, vir gin
(1) Gn 1: 20—-2: 4a (PS) Ps 8 (G) Mk 7: 1-13
February 11 (g) - Our Lady of L ourdes
(1) Gn 2: 4b-9, 15-17 (PS) Ps 104 (G) Mk 7: 14-23
February 12 (w) - Weekday [Week 5 of Or dinar y Time]
(1) Gn 2: 18-25 (PS) Ps 128 (G) Mk 7: 24-30
February 13 (g) Weekday [Week 5 of Or dinar y Time]
(1) Gn 3: 1-8 (PS) Ps 32 (G) Mk 7: 31-37
February 14 (w) - Sts. Cyr il, Monk, and Methodius, bishops
(1) Gn 3: 9-24 (PS) Ps 90 (G) Mk 8: 1-10
Vestment color indicated in parenthesis after date. (w) = white; (g) = green, (r) = red, (v) = violet
Italicized names = optional memorial for a saint for the day
Abbreviations for the
books of the Bible:
Acts—Acts of the Apostles
1 Chr—1 Chronicles
2 Chr—2 Chronicles
1 Cor—1 Corinthians
2 Cor—2 Corinthians
1 Jn—1 John
2 Jn—2 John
3 Jn—3 John
1 Kgs—1 Kings
2 Kgs—2 Kings
1 Mc—1 Maccabees
2 Mc—2 Maccabees
1 Pt—1 Peter
2 Pt—2 Peter
1 Sm—1 Samuel
2 Sm—2 Samuel
Song—Song of Songs
1 Thes—1 Thessalonians
2 Thes—2 Thessalonians
1 Tm—1 Timothy
2 Tm—2 Timothy
Saturday January 24
5 PM  Greg Jennings
Sunday, January 25
7:30 am: Rev. Fred LeClaire, CMF—Int.
9:30 am: for the people of St. Catherine’s
11:30 am: Vulfr ano Gomez & family—Int.
Monday January 26 @ 7 am
Jose & Alva Sanchez—Int.
Tuesday January 27 @ 8:30 am
Jeff Jeromin—Int.
Wednesday January 28 @ 8:30 am
Bill & CeCe Cutshaw—Int.
Thursday January 29 @ 8:30 am
Paul & Barbara Connolly—Int.
Friday January 30 @ 8:30 am
Gene Murphy—Int.
Saturday January 31
5 pm  Frank Mayer
Sunday, February 01
7:30 am:  Allan Mullany
9:30 am: for the people of St. Catherine’s
11:30 am: Blanca Gomez—Int.
Monday February 02 @ 7 am
Lucille Hurley—Int.
Tuesday February 03 @ 8:30 am
Jordan & Erin Cuka—Int.
Wednesday February 04 @ 8:30 am
Butch Arenivaz—Int.
Thursday February 05 @8:30 am
Leona Couch—Int.
Friday February 06 @ 8:30 am
Tom & Mary Tackage—Int.
Saturday February 07
8:30 am  Ross Pettigrew
5 pm for the people of St. Cather ine’s
Denotes a deceased person
Collection Information
January 17 & 18—$ 4,178.06
Average weekly plate income needed to
meet budget $ 5,865.38
Diocesan Special Collections
Special Needs (Africa, Latin America, Europe…..Jan. 24 & 25
Diocese of Phoenix CDA………………..…...February
Catholic Relief Services…………….…March 14 & 15
Holy Land (Good Friday)………………….…...April 3
Catholic Home Missions……………......April 25 & 26
Communications……………………..….May 16 & 17
Peter’s Pence………………………...…..June 27 & 28
Native American & Black Missions……...July 11 & 12
The Catholic University………………...….Sept. 6 & 7
Gospel of Life Appeal………………..…….Oct. 3 & 4
Mission Sunday…………………….……Oct. 17 & 18
Campaign for Human Development…….Nov. 21 & 22
Retirement for Priests & Religious….…..Dec. 12 & 13
This Week at St. Catherine’s
Sunday January 25—
7 am Rosary (church)
7:30 am Mass
8 am Donut Sunday (hall)
8:30 am Library open
9:30 am Mass
9:30 am Childcare up to age 5 (chapel)
10:30 am Donut Sunday (hall)
10:30 am Library open
11:30 am Spanish Mass
Monday January 26—
7 am Daily Mass (chapel)
Tuesday January 27—
8 am Divine Mercy Chaplet (chapel)
8:30 am Daily Mass (chapel)
6 pm RCIA (St. Michael Room)
6:30 pm ELKS Bingo (hall)
Wednesday January 28—
8 am Divine Mercy Chaplet (chapel)
8:30 am Daily Mass (chapel)
9:30 am Crossways Bible Study (St. Michael Rm)
6:30 pm Spanish Ministry meeting (hall)
7 pm Sanctuary Choir practice (church)
Thursday January 29—
8 am Divine Mercy Chaplet (chapel)
8:30 am Daily Mass (chapel)
6 pm to 7:30 pm Confessions
Friday January 30—
8 am Divine Mercy Chaplet (chapel)
8:30 am Daily Mass (chapel)
5:30 pm Spanish EM training (church)
7 pm Catholic Thinkers Take Action (St. Michael Rm)
7 pm Family Movie Night (hall)
Saturday January 31—
3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Confessions
4:30 pm First Saturday Rosary
5 pm Mass
Sunday February 01—
7 am First Sunday Rosary (church)
7:30 am Mass
8:30 am Blessing of throats (church)
8:30 am Ladies donuts & coffee (hall)
8:30 am Library open
9 am First Sunday Rosary (church)
9:30 am Mass
9:30 am Childcare up to age 5 (chapel)
10:3 am Blessing of throats (church)
10:30 am Ladies donuts and coffee (hall)
10:30 am Library open
11:30 am Spanish Mass
12:30 pm Blessing of throats (church)
12:30 pm Spanish Cursillo School of Leaders (hall)
A Day of Prayer
Including: Remembrance at Mass, the Divine
Office, Rosary, Adoration Hour and Prayerful
Good Works
Will be offered by
The Nuns of Our Lady of the Angels Monastery
For St. Catherine Labouré Church
On January 28, 2015
In appreciation for your continued support of
Please pray for: Por Favor orar por:
Andy Anderson, Louann Anson, Barbara Bagley, Pat Behary, Theresa Bennett, Rosemary Bressler, Catheryn Carey, Joyce Cassara, Lenore Clark, Nancy Clark, Marge Colbath, Alice Cold, Mary Christiano,
Jim Couch, Steve Dinneen, Tom Dorgan, Al Dufrane, Charles Engers, Jr., Helena Francis, Connie
Gates, Stephen Herb, Mary Herget, Adam Hernandez, Shaylyn Hutchison, Shirley Hutchison, Shirley
Hyatt, Maureen Johnson, Jim Johnston, Kathy Johnston, Grace Lange, Sherry Leary, Fidi Lee, Maggie
Liffick, Barbara Lohmeier, Bill Lohmeier, Mary Mahar, Toni Maneely, Art Martinez, Sylvia Martinez,
Don McCauley, Barbara McLaughlin, Thomas McLaughlin, Verne Nadeau, Anthony Palermo, Mary
Ann Posante, Phil Posante, Michael Pulley, Hugh Rathbone, Marge Rathbone, Grace Resetar, Noel
Riner, Pat Rote, John Rowley, Alice Shorkey, Felicia Siler, Samuel Stafford, Dorothy Stec, Milton Stec,
Evelyn Sullivan, Madge Surak, Michelle Surak, Manuel Torres, Frank Vassallo, Robert Van Liere, Harold Vandervort, Gloria Washington, Pamela Watson, Ina Wesson, Ann Whitehead, Buck Whitehead, and
Mary Williams. Due to space limitations, this list is for registered parishioners only. If you have a
loved one in need of prayer who is not a member of our parish, please contact our Prayer Warrior team
leader, Mary Anderson, at 925-6831.
“True happiness consists only in our conformity with our Savior.”
St. Francis Xavier Seelos
Stressed Out? Need some quality quiet time? Having Another
Sleepless Night? Come spend time in the peaceful
company of Jesus! Registered parishioners are invited to
stop by the office to sign up for an entry code for the
chapel. With your code, you are welcome to use the
chapel at any hour, as long as Mass is not being celebrated.
you can avoid the “stern looks” from other parishioners. As
we truly feel that children are a blessed part of our parish
family, once they have calmed down, we hope you rejoin
the rest of the congregation! We also have a selection of
books available in the vestibule for your children to read
during Mass. We ask that you return them to the basket as
you leave Mass so that others may enjoy them too!
Communion to the Sick—Are you or a loved one unable to attend
Mass due to a temporary or permanent medical condition? Please
contact the parish office and let us know! We have several volunteers who would be happy to bring Communion to you!
Please Pray for the Members of Our Parish Currently Serving in the
Angel Astorga, Edwar d J ulio Astor ga, J acob L.
Bostwick, Jack Free, William Gagnon, Raul A. Martinez, Josh Mikkelson, Monique Quinones, and Jon Szymanski. St. Catherine’s would like
to recognize any family member from our parish who is currently serving in the military. Please contact the office to have their name included. May God keep them safe and bring them home soon!
Are You New To Our Parish? WELCOME! We ar e glad you
are here! Please fill out a Registration form (found under the bulletin board in the vestibule). Please drop it in the collection basket or
bring it by the office—we’d love to meet you in person! We ask
that you periodically make sure your information (family members / address / phone) is correct. If you are leaving our parish,
you will be missed and our prayers will go with you. Before you
leave, please let the church office know.
Are You Getting Your Monthly Newsletter? If you ar e not—
maybe we don’t have your address! Please take a moment to
check with the office—the newsletter is our best means of keeping
you informed of all that is happening here at St. Catherine’s! In
the newsletter, you will find a monthly event calendar, a monthly
“pep-talk” from Father Freddy, “Ask a Catechist”, the monthly
birthday & anniversary calendars, and so much more!
“Sanctuary Choir" r ehear ses on Wednesdays 7:00-8:30
PM in the church. If you can hold a tune and are willing to
come to rehearsals, please join us on Wednesdays. We still
are in need of a couple more men. Come and see what all
the noise is about. We do have fun at practice, 7:00 p.m.
on Wednesdays. "Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord!" Therese
Holladay, Music Director 760-525-7233
Childcare for children up to age 5 is available in the chapel
during the 9:30 AM Mass. Parents are welcome to join us if they
Check Out Our Parish Website! You
can view our Parish calendar, Minister schedules, bulletins, a daily
meditation, and so much more!
Do You Feel Called to be a Minister of the Word (Lector), Extra Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EM) or Minister
of Care (Communion to the sick and homebound)? Ask your self these questions: Are you at least 16 years old? Have you been
registered at St. Catherine’s for at least one year? Have you received Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion in the Catholic Church? If you are married, are you married in the Church?
Have you completed the required Called to Protect class? Are you
willing to do at least 6 hours of continuing formation every year?
If you can answer every one of these questions with a “yes,”
please let the office know and we will have the appropriate coordinator contact you.
Quiet Please! We have been r eceiving complaints about the
noise levels inside the church before Mass begins. Please remember that once you enter the double doors leading into our worship
space, you are in a HOLY place that should be reserved for prayer!
If you must speak with your neighbor, please whisper!
Parents, if your small child is having a difficult time r emaining
quiet during Mass, we encourage you to move to the chapel so that
Tax Statements—If you would like a tax statement for your
contributions to the church for 2014, please provide a stamped,
self-addressed envelope to the church office. Please remember
to include your envelope number! If you did not use envelopes, but made your contributions by a check, we are also able to provide a tax statement. Please let us know that this was how you made
your contributions and we will be happy to put together a statement for
you. Statements will be issued beginning in January.
Donations to SVdP—If you would like a tax statement for contributions
made to SVdP during 2014, please contact them at St. Vincent de Paul,
PO Box 2159, Chino Valley, AZ 86323. They also need your envelope
number! IRS laws do not let the church track the donations made to
SVdP, as SVdP is a separate 501c3 organization.
Do You Have Questions or Concerns About St. Catherine’s? You
are encouraged to discuss them with the members of our Pastoral and
Finance Councils. Council members are now wearing name badges to
help you identify who they are. You are also invited to attend their meetings. The members are:
 Pastoral Council Members (meetings on the 1st Monday in July,
September, November, January, March, and May at 6 pm in the St.
Francis Room): Wes Brownfield Cristina Brownfield, Joyce Ford,
JoAnn French, Joe Merkley, Mike Miller, Al Parnell, Len Rechichar,
and Dorothy Swehla.
 Finance Council Members (Finance Council meetings are on the
2nd Thursday every month at 6 PM in the St. Francis Room.): Barbara Braendle, Mary Ellen Chavez, Mike Chavez, Linda Hill, Mike
Merchant, Rachel Smith and Leonard Venardos.
Smile! You’re on Catholic Camera! Secur ity cameras are operational here on the church property. This is
to help ensure the safety of our members, our resident
pastor, and our facility.
Attentions all Groups/Ministries—A sign up sheet for
our upcoming Friday night Lenten Stations of the Cross
and meatless soup and bread suppers (February 20
through March 27) has been placed in the sacristy. If
your group would like to lead the Stations of the Cross
beginning at 5:30 PM, and host the soup supper that follows, please sign
up as soon as possible. Each group provides a person (or persons) to
lead the Stations, and then provides the soups and bread for supper. The
parish will provide the paper goods (bowls, spoons, cups, napkins).
Typically, we do not offer dessert at these suppers as we are in Lent, but
that is a decision that the host group can choose to change. This Lenten
tradition here at St. Catherine’s is a wonderful way to spend time contemplating the sacrifice of Christ, while spending some time with the
very people He sacrificed for!
Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life
O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to
pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels
of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses
of Faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives
teaches us to make a more perfect offer-ing of ourselves to you.
Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the
Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord Jesus
Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God,
for ever and ever. Amen.
Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life And Vocations • © 2014, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Logo
courtesy of National Religious Vocation Conference. Used with permission.
“Window to Eternity” —Sponsored by the Ladies of St. Catherine
In mid-January, the Ladies of St. Catherine will be using the two windows in the vestibule
to establish a memorial consisting of 108 plaques that will cover the two windows, in
standard colors, with the name of a deceased loved one on each plaque. Name plaques
will be ordered and purchased from “A Better Sign” company. A sample plaque and order forms will be available in the vestibule at the beginning of January. Plaques cost
$27.50 per plaque (includes the tax and installation fee).
Payment will be made directly to A Better Sign company via check made payable to “A
BETTER SIGN.” Beginning in January, you may drop off a completed order form and
the check to cover the cost of each plaque in a sealed envelope to the church office with
“Window to Eternity” written on the outside of the envelope. This will be given to the
sign company representative when they come in. They will then contact you. Installation
will take place on a weekly basis until all of the available spots have been taken. FIRST
COME - FIRST SERVED. There are only 108 spaces available. You do not get to pick
the placement of the name, and the names will not be in alphabetical order. Please limit
your request to three (3) names.
Any questions, please contact the Ladies of St. Catherine. The office is not involved in
this project, and does not have any information regarding the window plaques. Thank you
for your cooperation!
Sacred Heart Parish
Women’s Day of Reflection—“Trip to the Promised Land”
Fr. Darrin Merlino, CMF –Presenter
January 28, 2015—beginning with Mass @ 10 am
Join Fr. Darrin for Mass, talk and slide show of his experience in
the Holy Land. You will hear first hand the experience of walking
in the footsteps where Jesus was born, preached and died. Don’t
miss this wonderful opportunity!
Lunch served at 11:30 am
Talk and slide show presented 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm
Contact: Michele Andrade 778-6166
Safe Environment Training —In the Diocese of
Phoenix, ALL clergy, employees, and volunteers are
required to attend Safe Environment Training.
FOUNDATION classes ar e r equir ed for anyone
wishing to serve as a volunteer in any capacity here at
St. Catherine’s. Volunteers must first complete a Safe
Environment FOUNDATION class, complete a faceto-face interview with the leader of the group they
wish to volunteer with, and provide three references
for a reference check.
ALL new volunteers must complete these requirements, and all paperwork must be on file in
the office BEFORE beginning your ministry.
RENEWAL pr ogr ams for those who have alr eady
completed a Foundation class must be completed as
If you are clergy, an employee, someone who
volunteers with minor children, does pastoral
care (Ministers of Care, or St. Vincent de Paul),
you must complete a yearly RENEWAL session
between July 1st and November 30th each
ALL other volunteers are required to complete a
RENEWAL class every-other year between July
1st and November 30th.
Due to the nature of the material presented, NO ONE
under the age of 18 is allowed to be present during the
class. We DO NOT offer childcare during the classes.
Classes start PROMPLTY at the scheduled start time—
once the class has started, you will not be allowed to
attend the class.
RENEWAL classes can be completed online at Select “Youth Protection”
then select “Safe Environment” and then select
“Online Renewal.” Please note: Y ou MUST watch
the credits at the end of the session and wait for the
“pop-up” that says you have completed the class to
receive credit for the online class! To read the entire
Diocese of Phoenix Policy and Procedures for the
to, and click on “Policies and
Procedures.” You will find the latest revision (July
2014) available for reading or printing. A copy of the
Diocesan Policy for the Protection of Minors is also
available for review in the office.
Classes are also available at Sacred Heart (445-3141)
and St. Germaine’s (772-6350). You will need to call
for class availability. You may also register for classes at all three parishes online at:
A note from the Diocese for parents registering their children for the 2015-2016 school year at Sacred Heart School: In or der to r eceive
the school’s reduced Catholic Tuition Rate, your pastor must determine whether your family meets the criteria set by your parish for Registered,
Active, Participating members. The definition of registered, active, and participating varies by parish, but usually includes attending Mass regularly as well as contributing with an envelope to the offertory along with supporting the ministry life of the parish. If you have questions about your
family’s status, please contact your pastor directly. (Note: All Diocesan high school students receiving the reduced tuition rate for the coming year
must have their status verified by their home pastor before they can be registered as Catholic.)
Una nota de la Diócesis para los padres de familia que inscriben sus hijos para el año escolar 2015-2016 a la escuela Sagrado Corazón: par a
recibir una reducción de la Taza de Matricula Católica de la escuela, su párroco deberá determinar si su familia cumple con el criterio definido por
la parroquia sobre miembros Inscritos, Activos y Participando. La definición de inscrito, activo y participando varia por parroquia, pero normalmente incluye asistiendo a Misa en forma regular también como contribuyendo al sostenimiento de la parroquia por medio de su ofrenda en sobre y
apoyando a la vida ministerial de la parroquia. Si tiene alguna duda sobre el estatus de su familia, por favor comuníquese con su párroco directamente. (Nota: Todos los alumnos de la secundaria de las escuelas diocesanas quien reciben la taza reducida de la matrícula del año entrante, deberán tener su estatus verificado por su párroco antes de que puedan inscribirse como Católicos.)
God’s Word, Your World!
Reflections and Actions for Catholic Teens!
Every year 1,370,000 lives are taken in the holocaust of abortion. The reason each of these precious lives is lost varies. You can help by
“spiritually adopting” one of these precious
souls. To help stop the anti-life push around the
world, the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen encouraged the spiritual adoption of an unborn child. This
is done by praying that the one particular but unknown child’s life be spared abortion and be allowed to continue to live. To help accomplish this,
it was recommended an individual say the following daily prayer for a period of nine months.
“Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very
much. I beg you to spare the life of [baby’s
name] the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.”
Prayer of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Your prayers CAN make a difference between
whether a baby will be born...or aborted. Our prayers can also be a form of spiritual support for both
of the parents. Please share the love of life given to
you by the Lord of all life and join in spiritually
adopting a baby.
Beginning in July, St. Catherine Labouré parish
“adopted” one such child. Her name is Catherine. We will follow her progress as she develops
week by week until her birth in April. As part of
this process, we are encouraging everyone to make
an extra effort to save their pocket change and place
it in the collection jar for Birthline.
Over the next seven days the lungs
will develop fast in preparation for
delivery which is not too far away.
A layer of cells are forming a lining
in the air sacs to produce a liquid
called ‘surfactant’ that serves to
prevent these air sacs from collapsing between each breath when the baby begins to
breathe after birth.
This week the vernix and lanugo will gradually begin
to fade and Catherine’s skin will grow softer and
smoother. She will have grown quite plump by now
as her skin begins to fill out.
Catherine now measures about one foot and three and
a half inches or 39cm. and weighs approximately
three pounds and two ounces or 1.4kg.
Don’t forget—money donated to our Pocket Change for
Life program goes to help mothers choose Life for their
unborn babies!
Don’t forget—you can use the “God’s Word—Your World” blog to discuss this week’s
column! - click on the “God’s Word –Your World” blog link.
Ministros de Eucaristía y Sacristán: J esus Sotelo, Lectores:
Jose Gonzalez, Ujieres: Benito Sanchez, Coro: Vulfrano Gomez,
Monaguillos: J osé Sanchez, Comité de Eventos Especiales:
Martha Ramirez, Legión de María: José e Irma González
Horario de la Oficina
Lunes: 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. - (Inglés/Español), Martes y Jueves:
7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Miércoles y Viernes: 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. (Inglés/Español), Sábados: 10:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m.— (Inglés/
Español). Cerrada todos los días: 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Tammy Holmes—encargada de oficina/secretaria/recepcionista
Jenny Spalding—secretaria/recepcionista bilingüe
Horario de las Misa
Todos los Domingos: 11:30 a.m. (Español)
“Entrenamiento de Ambiente Seguro” o
“Llamada a Proteger” en Español en Santa Catarina
Clase de Fundación ~ Esta clase se toma si nunca a tomado estas clases
y trabaja o es servidor en cualquier capacidad para la parroquia.
Clase de Renovación ~ Esta clase se toma una vez al año ya habiendo
tomado la primera clase de Fundación. Esta clase se puede tomar por el
internet también. Habla con Jenny en la oficina para saber más.
***Estas clases son requeridas por la Diócesis de Phoenix
***Recuerden que no tenemos cuidado de niños en estas clases. Por
favor tomen las medidas necesarias.
*** Llame a Jenny en la oficina al 928-636-4071 para registrarse en la clase que le corresponda o si tiene preguntas.
Muchas gracias.
Estas clases se toman en el salón de la Iglesia y empiezan a las
Esta clase también se puede tomar por el Internet a:
Se anunciará cuando empiezan de nuevo.
Las Damas de Santa Catarina estan
ofreciendo algo especial para los
feligreses de la Parroquia. Van a
utilizar las dos ventanas en el vestibulo de la Iglesia para establecer un
monumenot que consiste en 108
placas que cubren las dos ventanas, en colores estandár, con el
nombre de un ser querido fallecido en cada placa. El precio para
cada placa es $27.50 (por favor límite su solicitud a 3 nombres
porque solo hay 108 lugares donde poner las placas). La oficina
no tiene nada que ver con los pagos y arreglos porque Las Damas
son los que estan patrocinando este projecto. Las formas de solicitud se encuentran en el vestibulo. Pedimos que ponga su forma
llenada y su pago en un sobre cerrado con las palabras “Ventana a
la Eternidad”, y lo puede dejar con nosotros en la oficina para que
el Sr. de la compania “A Better Sign” pueda pasar a recogerlo.
Una vez a la semana el pasará a recoger las solicitudes. Si tiene
preguntas pueden hablar con las Damas de Sta. Catarina o con
Jenny en la oficina. Muchasgracias y que Dios los bendiga.
Si le gustaría bautizar a su hijo(a) aquí en la Iglesia Santa
Catarina Labouré, registración es requerido para apartar
una fecha de bautismo. Para más información habla con
Jenny en la oficina . Pueden pasar o llamar al 928-6364071. Muchas gracias!
Fecha: 9 de Febrero, 2015
Hora: 6:30 p.m. a 8:30 p.m.
De aquí en adelante tendremos las clases cada otro mes,
el segundo Lunes del mes.
Es necesario hacer cita para tomar la clase y de llenar una
forma de registración. Por favor hable con Jenny en la oficina para hacer
esto al 928-636-4071.
Las fechas son:
Septiembre 3,10,17—Octubre 1,15,22—Noviembre
Diciembre 3,10,17—Enero 7,14,21—Febrero 4,11,25—
Marzo 4,11,18—Abril 8,15,22—Mayo 6,13,20
Clases empiezan: 6:30 p.m.—Terminan: 8:00 p.m.
Endonde: Salón de la Iglesia donde esta la oficina.
"Síganme y los haré pescadores de hombres." Has considerado la vida
sacerdotal o religiosa? Llama al Padre Sullivan al (602) 354-2004, o vaya
w w w . p h o e n i x p r i e s t . o r g
Interesado en convertirse en un Diácono Permanente? Más información, incluyendo los requisitos generales para la admisión a la formación llame al Diácono Al Homiski al 602-354-2014 o visite al \ diaconado (Se habla Español)
Si desea poner un anuncio en el Boletín, distribuir un volante después de Misa,
anunciar algo al final de la Misa: Comuníquese con la oficina y habla con Jenny
una semana antes de cuando quiere el anuncio o el volante distribuido. Con gusto le
ayudara! Todos los anuncios y volantes tienen que ser aprobados por el Padre Fred.
Muchísimas gracias.
Inscripción/Registración en la Parroquia Puede recoger un formulario en la
entrada de la Iglesia, pedírselo a un ujier o pasar por la oficina. Después de llenar, se
puede entregar a la oficina. Gracias.
El Rosario en Español: Se reza todos los Viernes a las 7:00 p.m. en la capilla. Si le
gustaría ser parte de este grupo, hable con José Gonzalez o pase por la oficina y hable
con Jenny los Lunes, Miércoles, Viernes, o Sábados en la tarde. Necesitamos la ayuda
del pueblo! Gracias
Confesiones en Español solo con sita. Favor de hablar con el Padre Fred, o Raj.
Si necesita más información, habla con Jenny en la oficina y con gusto le ayudara!
En Familia Radio, la estación católica en español de Phoenix,
invita a todos los católicos de la comunidad a escuchar 24 horas de programación para conocer mas de su fe y reforzar los
valores familiares. Para escuchar EnFamilia Radio sintonícela
en el 740 AM de su radio o también por internet en Colabora para extender el reino de Cristo,
escucha la Palabra de Dios y encuentra tu razón de ser En Familia.
Infant Baptismal Preparation requirements
Classes in English - Instructor Deacon Michael Holmes.
Parent/Godparent classes are required if you have not attended Baptismal Preparation classes in the past 2 years. Please contact the church office if you have any
questions, or to register.
Requirements to attend Baptismal Preparation classes at St. Catherine’s:
San Raimundo de Peñafort, patrón de canonistas
(Festividad - 7 de enero) Nacido en España, St. Raymond era un pariente del rey de Aragón. Desde niño
tenía un tierno amor y la devoción a la Santísima Virgen. Terminó sus estudios a una edad temprana, y se
convirtió en un famoso maestro. Luego renunció a todos sus honores y entró en la Orden de los Dominicos.
San Raimundo era muy humilde y muy cerca de Dios.
Lo hizo mucha penitencia y era tan bueno y amable
que ganó muchos pecadores con Dios. Con el rey Jaime de Aragón y San Pedro Nolasco fundó la Orden de
Nuestra Señora de la Merced. El valiente religioso de
esta Orden se dedicaron a salvar pobres cristianos
capturados por los musulmanes.
Una vez que se fue con el Rey James a la isla de Mallorca para predicar acerca de Jesús. King James era
un hombre de grandes cualidades, pero se dejó dominar por las pasiones. Hay en la isla, también, que estaba dando mal ejemplo. El Santo le ordenó despedir
a la mujer. El rey dijo que lo haría, pero no mantener
su promesa. Así San Raimundo decidió abandonar la
isla. El Rey declaró que castigaría a cualquier capitán
de barco que trajo el Santo de regreso a Barcelona.
Poniendo toda su confianza en Dios, San Raimundo
extendió su manto sobre las aguas, atado una esquina
de la misma a un palo de una vela, hizo la señal de la
cruz, salió a la capa, y navegó a lo largo de seis horas
hasta que llegó barcelona. Este milagro se trasladó al
Rey. Estaba arrepentido de lo que había hecho, y se
convirtió en un verdadero seguidor de San Raimundo.
San Raimundo tenía cien años de edad en el momento de su muerte.
Parents must be registered at St. Catherine Labouré Roman Catholic Parish
in order to have their child Baptized in our parish. If you are not members
of St. Catherine Labouré, you must provide a letter from your pastor giving
permission for you to attend the classes here.
Parents must bring in the ORIGINAL copy of the child's birth certificate to
the office. A copy will be made and the original will be returned to you.
Parents must fill out the Baptismal Registration paperwork BEFORE attending their first class.
The first of the two required classes for parents of children (birth to 6 years
of age) are offered here at St. Catherine’s on the third Thursday of each
month. The second class will be scheduled with Deacon Michael at the
conclusion of the first class. Please note: Deacon Michael, after consulting
with our Pastor, Fr. Fred LeClaire, has the authority to determine that more
than two classes are necessary before Baptism can occur.
Children who are older than 7, must attend CIC classes, and according to
Canon Law, cannot be Baptized as an "infant."
Those wishing to serve as Godparents are also required to attend Baptismal Preparation classes. If the Godparents do not live in the tri-city area, they are required
to attend classes according to the policy of their local Diocese, and to provide a
letter of completion of the classes to the church office BEFORE your child's
Baptism can be scheduled.
Godparents MUST be:
a PRACTICING Catholic (registered in a parish and attending Mass faithfully),
16 years of age or older,
Have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist
and if married, MUST be married in the Catholic Church.
If you are Baptizing your child, or serving as a Godparent in another Catholic
Church, a letter of permission will only be written after you have completed the
requirements as listed above.
Baptismal Preparation Classes in Spanish are offered every other month. Contact
Jenny in the Church office for more information and to register for the classes.
Baptisms will not be scheduled until all required paperwork has been completed and is on file in the office!
NOTICE!!!! For your safety and protection:
 All parishioners are asked not to leave purses or any other valuables unattended in
the pews when they serve as a Lay Minister at Mass, or when coming up for Communion.
 All parishioners are asked to make sure their cars are locked while in the parking
 All cars should be parked in marked spaces—please leave the emergency lanes
 Parents are asked to keep their children with them at all times, and to accompany
them when they need to use the restroom.
 The use of “heelies” (shoes with a built in skate in the heel) is prohibited on all
church property—this includes the sidewalks and the hall.
 Bicycle riding and skateboard riding is not allowed on Church property!
 The use of wax votive candles is not allowed in the church.
And please remember,
 No food or drink is to be brought into the church—this includes candy and gum!!
News, class, and retreat information from the Diocese Office
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – January 25, 2015 - “Let each of you
lead the life that the Lord has assigned, to which God has called you.” If you
are considering a vocation to the consecrated life or priesthood, call the Office of Vocations at 602-354-2004, or see more at
Interested in becoming a Permanent Deacon? Informational meetings
will be held on Febr uar y 7 at Our Lady of Per petual Help in Glendale,
February 10 at Holy Cross in Mesa, and February 28 at Immaculate Conception in Cottonwood. More information, including the general requirements
for admission to formation call Deacon Al Homiski at 602-354-2014 or visit\diaconate (Habla Español)
For information on Diocesan policy for the Sacr aments of Baptism, Confirmation, First Eucharist and Marriage, please visit the Diocese of Phoenix
website at
Diocese of Phoenix Marriage Preparation Program: The Diocesan Mar riage Policy requires that couples contact the parish regarding their intentions
to marry 9 months prior to the date. As part of that 9 months, couples are
required to participate in a Life Skills program and a Natural Family Planning program. Step 1: Meet with your Pastor NINE MONTHS BEFORE you
set a wedding date.
Step 2: Mar r iage Pr epar ation Inventor y done with your pastor .
Step 3: Mar r ied Life Skills Wor kshop Seven to eight months before the
wedding. You will complete an educational component designed to fine
tune practical skills such as conflict resolution, decision-making, financial
management, and communication. This will build on the knowledge you
gained from your marriage inventory. There are various educational programs available in the diocese, with formats varying from a weekend retreat
to multiple evening meetings. Your priest or deacon can help you select the
program that best fits your needs.
Catholic Engaged Encounter—A weekend retreat experience offering
English and Spanish weekend options- (with optional overnight stayEnglish only). Location: Mt. Claret Retreat Center Register on Website:
Love for Life Engaged Weekend--Diocesan commuter weekend for
engaged couples. Register on website.
CORE Engaged Saturday Course: Tempe, Resur r ection Par ish. To
Register: Couple sends email to
Loving Anew: Remarrying Couples Seminar--Diocesan commuter
weekend for couples seeking to remarry following annulment or death
of spouse Register on
Step 4: God' s Plan for a J oy-Filled Marriage - Six to seven months before
the wedding. Based on Scripture and John Paul II's "Theology of the Body,"
and it will teach you not only what the Church teaches about marriage and
sexuality, but why she teaches it. A beautiful vision of the meaning of marriage. Register at
Step 5: Natur al Family Planning Instr uction Four to six months befor e
the wedding. To search for classes by city, parish or NFP method and to
register for classes on-line, please visit the Office of NFP website:
Step 6: Sacr ament of Reconciliation Befor e the wedding, as necessar y.
Step 7: Final Meeting with your Pastor Six to eight weeks before the wedding.
Retrouvaille™ ... a lifeline for Marriages. Is your mar r iage in need of
healing or renewal? Do you feel lost, alone or bored in your marriage? Are
you frustrated, hurt or angry with your spouse? Are you constantly
fighting? Do you simply shut down? Have you thought about separation or
divorce? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille provides
marriage help! Retrouvaille is a Catholic organization supported by the
USCCB to help struggling couples rediscover hope and purpose in their marriages. Upcoming 2014 weekends include January 24-26, March 28-30, June
6-8, September 5-7, and November 7-9. For information, visit or call (602) 254-6723 (English) or (623)
877-9105 (Español).
What Have You Done For Your Marriage Today? Ever need an idea
to help keep the romance in your marriage? The USCCB has created a
website FOR YOUR MARRIAGE that can help by providing ideas for
sustaining the bond created when you married.
Catholic Young Professionals – Join us on First Friday @ the Diocesan Pastoral Center Chapel You'r e invited to join ar ea Catholic
young professionals at the Diocesan Pastoral Center every First Friday
of the month. Confession, Adoration and Mass will be offered for Catholic young professionals (married, single, engaged, discerning...) at the
Diocesan Pastoral Center (400 E. Monroe St., Phoenix, 85004). Fr. Keith
Kenney will preach on Fr. Jacques Philippe’s spiritual classic “Interior
Freedom" through the course of the year. For more information, http:// or contact Angela Gaetano at (602)
354-2321. All are very welcome to attend- and feel free to invite a
Don’t miss the 7th Annual Celebration of Heroic Love and Life,
Catholics in Hollywood: An Insider’s View on Faith, Film and the New
Evangelization, with keynote speaker and screenwriter Barbara Nicolosi
7:00 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 7, 2015, at Xavier College Preparatory Performing Arts Center, 4710 North 5th St., Phoenix. For your FREE ticket
to this annual fundraiser for the JPII Resource Center, visit: For more info call (602) 354-2179.
January 25-31 National Catholic Schools Week: Communities of
Faith, Knowledge and Service. Join our schools as they celebrate Catholic Schools Week with Masses, open houses and other activities for
students, families, parishioners and the community at large. Faith,
knowledge and service are three measures by which any Catholic school
can and should be judged. More: or
February 7, 2015 - 7th Annual Celebration of Heroic Life and Love:
7 p.m. at Xavier College Preparatory Performing Arts Center in Phoenix.
This free event features “Catholics in Hollywood: An Insider’s View on
Faith, Film and the New Evangelization” with keynote speaker and
screenwriter Barbara Nicolosi. Dessert reception to follow. More: or (602) 354-2179.
February 7-8 - Charity and Development Appeal Kick Off: Par tner
with the CDA to raise $8.3 million, which will provide financial support
for over 70 programs and organizations across the Diocese. More:
Mass for Migrants: J oin us as we r emember our br other s and sister s
who have died crossing the Sonoran Desert.—February 20. This solemn
occasion begins at 5 p.m. with a blessing of memorial crosses at the
Diocesan Pastoral Center, 400 E. Monroe St., Phoenix, followed by a
procession to Immaculate Heart of Mary Church for a 6 p.m. Mass. A
panel of experts will be on hand to discuss immigration, and a simple
Lenten meal will be available. More: Ignacio Rodriguez at or (602) 354-2042.
Misa Para Inmigrantes: Todos están invitados dur ante la Cuar esma
a una Misa recordando a nuestros hermanos y hermanas que han muerto
en el desierto. El día Viernes, 20 de febrero de 2015. El programa incluye: 5 p.m. Bendición de las cruces memoriales. 5:30 p.m. Procesión del
Centro Pastoral Diocesano, 400 E. Monroe Street, Phoenix. 6 p.m. Misa
en la Parroquia Inmaculado Corazón de Maria, 909 E. Washington
Street, Phoenix. 7:30 p.m. Panel de Inmigración. Para mas información:
Ignacio Rodriguez at o (602) 354-2042
Tickets for the 5th Annual Phoenix Catholic Women's Conference
are now available! Theme: "That which is True, Beautiful and Good”
Date: Saturday, February 21, 2015 Location: Xazier High School.
Speakers include: Leah Darrow, Leila Miller and Ruth Ristow. The
Vigil Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted.
Cost: Early bird - $50, after January 15 - $60. Please join us for a Spirit
filled day! Hosted by the Phoenix Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.
More information call Roberta at 602-471-1944 or go to
6th Annual Nun RUN - 10K run; 5k run/walk; 1-mile walk - The
Poor Clare Nuns invite you to participate on March 7 beginning at 7:30
am in Tempe. More information Registration fees
include T-shirt and post race refreshments. Register before Feb. 21—$25
adults / $20 under 18. After Feb. 21 to Mar. 6—Adults $30 / $20 under
18. Race day $35 per participant.
Diocese of Phoenix Mass for Shut-Ins—If you are unable to attend Mass
due to illness, you can watch the Diocese of Phoenix Mass for Shut ins.
Mass is broadcast live at 9 a.m. Sunday mornings from Ss. Simon and
Jude Cathedral on KAZT-TV (AZ-TV7, Cable 13 on DishNetwork, DirectTV, and CableOne), followed by local Catholic talk show Catholics
Matter, hosted by Fr. Rob Clements.
The Bishop’s Hour: The Diocese of Phoenix’s locally pr oduced r adio
program about issues from a Catholic viewpoint. Hosted by Michael Dixon, The Bishop’s Hour is broadcast at 11 a.m. every Monday on Immaculate Heart Radio 1310 AM. Catch an encore presentation every Thursday
at 9 p.m. More info available at:
Traveling? MassTimes.or g has listings for Catholic Chur ches in the
United States and around the world. To find Mass in the area you are
going to be staying - go to their website, or call 734
-794-2100. You can also go to, for listings for Masses in the United States.
Radio Family Rosary Monday to Fr iday 6:30—7 PM & Sunday
5:30—6 PM. Spanish program Monday—Friday 7 PM. You can listen to
the Rosary program on your computer!
Catholic Radio in the Diocese of Phoenix—1310 AM in the Phoenix
area or you can listen on your computer!
Are You Suffering From the Loss of a Loved One? The Ber eavement and Grief Support program offered here at Sacred Heart consists of
six weekly sessions that help people to know what to expect and not to
expect during the grieving process. It gives you the opportunity to share
your thoughts and feelings in an environment of understanding and empathy. It also gives you the tools you need for your recovery and healing.
The next program will begin on February 4, 2015. Please give us a call
so we can reserve a place for you, as space is very limited. Carol and
Bud Bevenour: 777-9040
Sacred Heart Catholic School has another no cost fundraiser! Flame
Propane will give $.02 per gallon up to $2000! All we have to do is provide invoices. Flame gives a two page invoice to each customer and the
second page is a special school days receipt. Please bring this receipt to
the school office. Questions: Mary Beth Meinholz 899-3560
Charismatic Prayer Group - The “Light in the Lord” Charismatic
Prayer Group is meeting on Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30pm, at
St. Germaine Parish Church, Prescott Valley. Join us to renew the gifts
of the Holy Spirit in your life. Private prayer is available. Call Barb 775
Catholic Charities Community Services—Paths of HOPE: Take
charge of your finances! Learn to budget and manage your money with
this FREE 3 week series on healthy money management, saving, debt
reduction and asset building. Light meal provided. Drawing for a $50
savings bond held at end of series. Contact Stephie Smith to enroll at
Life Connections Pregnancy Resource and Referral (928) 227-3130
GIFTS? Are you willing to share? Counseling, Community Outreach,
Computer skills, Fundraising, Organizational skills. Help Us GROW!
Scriptural Rosary—available online at
Calling all THINKERS!
Join Deacon Mike Holmes on Friday, January 30 at 7 PM in the St. Michael Multipurpose room for the fir st meeting of
Our purpose is simple—we will be discussing current events and situations in our
world, and, how we as Catholics can DO
something about them!
Following some simple ground rules...
1. There is Truth
2. There is Good
Dear Fr. LeClaire,
Thank you for your support of St. Mary’s Greeting Card Program. Your gift
created 5,320 meals and helped brighten the holidays for many hungry families. Have a wonderful New Year!
Jayme Yantis, St. Mary’s Food Bank
FYI—Fr. Fred used the St. Mary’s Food Bank program to make a charitable donation in the name
of the 38 volunteers who serve leadership roles in our parish. For information on how you can use
this program, please contact Jayme Yantis, at (602) 343-5636 or send her an e-mail for more info
at They are set up to send cards for Thanksgiving, Christmas,
and New Year’s, with a tax deductible donation of $10 per card. You can also order blank cards to
send out on your own.
3. There is Evil
To the Parishioners of St. Catherine Labouré,
4. You Can Do This
All of us here at Birthline thank you so much for your faithful support of
Birthline. We all care very deeply for the precious children that we help.
5. Respect for your right to an opinion that
differs from mine does not mean that I
agree with you, and,
6. Keeping in mind our parish mission
statement is: We, the community of St.
Catherine Labouré, empowered by the
Holy Spirit, will strive to serve the Gospel message in reaching out as the Body
of Christ to serve our brothers and sisters
...we truly can make a
difference. Join us!
God Bless you all, Ginger Gresham
For three weeks during Lent, (beginning Sunday, February 15th and ending Sunday,
March 8th) the Ladies of St. Catherine’s and members of our Family (parents and students) Catechesis programs will be participating in a joint effort to assist abused women
and children through the local Stepping Stones organization.
A basket will be placed in the vestibule to accept donations of personal items (during the three weeks
listed above) that are needed, such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, hair brushes, bars of soap,
hand lotion, shampoo, deodorant, bath towels, washcloths, and feminine items. Abused women who
must leave their home situations, often times with only the clothes on their backs due to violence,
can avail themselves of the services at Stepping Stones for up to 90 days while they seek safe living
arrangements for themselves and their children. The need is great in our area for women and children in these unsafe situations, so please be generous. If you have questions, please contact any
member of the Ladies Guild or teacher in our R.E. programs.
Please Patronize Our Sponsors and Parishioners (*)
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I’m here to help!
Cell 928.642.8862
Live without the pain
Tomar Pain Centers
Thomas E. Masters, D.O.
Pain Management
OMT—Manipulative Therapy
Nutritional Therapy
Women’s Health Issues
1055 Iron Springs Rd., #101
Prescott, AZ 86305
Barbara Braendle
3900 Willow Creek Rd, Prescott, AZ
Dr. Leonda Armstrong
(928) 636-4421
845 S Hwy 89 Chino Valley, AZ 86323
This Space Available
Contact the office
This Space Available
Contact the office
715 N. Montezuma
Prescott, AZ 86301
Cooled & Heated Indoor / Outdoor Runs
Calm, comforting cattery
All Breed Pet Grooming
Homes & Land
Dan &
Experienced, reliable and trustworthy
Arizona Ruffner Wakelin Funeral Home
This Space is Available
(928) 636-0604
Open Mon. - Sat.
7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Serving Yavapai County Contractors & Homeowners
1181 N. Hwy 89, Chino Valley, AZ 86323
Phone 928-636-2026
8056 E. Valley Rd
Prescott Valley, AZ 86314
Fax (928) 759-0965
certified Brain Integration Therapist
Income Tax, Accounting & Payroll Services
Fax: 928-771-2747
Tobin / LeClaire Agency
Auto Home Life Health
Andy Tobin and Frank LeClaire
Employee Group Benefit Specialist
3767 Karicio Lane # A * Prescott, AZ 86303
(928) 442-9800 * Fax (928) 778-1626
3150 Clearwater Dr.
Prescott, AZ 86305
(T ) 928-445-7051
(F) 928-778-1731
7870 E. Florentine
Prescott Valley, AZ 86314
Les pedimos que por favor se mantengan alejados de las zonas de construcción en la
propiedad de la Iglesia mientras trabajamos para completar la instalación de nuestro
nuevo edificio multiuso. A los padres se les pide que por favor mantengan sus hijos con
ellos en todos momentos cuando están en la Iglesia. Gracias!!
Si desea poner un anuncio en el boletín o distribuir un volante después de Misa, por
favor comuníquese con la oficina no menos de una semana antes de que publicamos el
boletín. Si quiere mas información sobre esto, llame la oficina y pregunta por Jenny los
Miércoles o Viernes en la tarde. Gracias
Quiere anunciar su negocio en el boletín? Por favor comuníquese con la oficina al
(928) 636-4071. - Para español, pregunte por Jenny los Miércoles después de las 3:30
p.m. o los Viernes después de las 11:00 a.m.