pdf file - Britannia Tours Malta


pdf file - Britannia Tours Malta
January 2015
Britannia Tours
Head Office
Paola Branch
Mosta Branch
Gozo Branch
191, Merchants Street, Valletta VLT 1172
Tel: 2123 8039, 2124 5418, 2124 1904
Fax: 2123 7721 e-mail: info@bsl.com.mt
Web: www.bsl.com.mt
143, Antoine de Paule Square, Paola
(between Main Street and APS Bank)
Tel: 2180 9930 Fax: 2180 9868
e-mail: paola@bsl.com.mt
Independence Avenue, Mosta
Tel: 2141 3030
Fax: 2141 0002
e-mail: mosta@bsl.com.mt
10, Triq Mro. Dirjanu Lanzon,
Victoria, Gozo
Tel: 2156 5620 Mob: 7920 0488
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2 - 6 April
(3 April - Festa Pubblika)
Lourdes, Bartres, Meridien Shopping
Arcade u Pont d’Espagne
Free excursion to
Schaffhausen and
Rhine Falls
Constance, Mainau Island,
Dorotheenhutte, Strasbourg,
Stuttgart, Hohenzollern
Castle, Furtwangen, Triberg,
Titisee, Europa Theme
Park, Colman, Freiburg,
Schaffhausen and Rhine
L-Gœid æewwa
2 ta’ April (Œamis ix-Xirka) | Il-grupp
jiltaqa’ l-ajruport fil-11.25 a.m. minn fejn
permezz ta’ titjira diretta tal-Air Malta nitilqu
gœal Lourdes fis-1.25 p.m. fejn naslu fit-3.50
p.m. Hemmhekk nsibu coach li teœodna
gœal-Lukanda Lys De Marie (3 star superior)
jew simili. Sistemazzjoni tal-kmamar u wara
jkollna ç-çena. Fid-9.00 p.m. nieœdu sehem
fil-funzjoni ta’ Œamis ix-Xirka li ssir fil-Baÿilika
San Piju X.
3 ta’ April (Æimgœa l-Kbira) | Wara
l-kolazzjon inÿuru l-Grotta fejn il-Madonna
dehret lil Santa Bernadette. Il-grupp jieœu
ritratt ta’ tifkira quddiem il-Baÿiliki. Inkomplu
bil-programm billi nÿuru t-tliet Baÿiliki u wara
nagœmlu l-mixja tal-Via Crucis. Wara naraw,
u fejn ikun possibbli nÿuru, diversi postijiet
ta’ interess konnessi ma’ Santa Bernadette,
fosthom il-Boly Mill (fejn twieldet u gœexet
sakemm kellha 10 snin), il-Cachot (kamra
f’œabs abbandunat li gœexet fiha matul iddehriet) u l-Knisja tal-Qalb ta’ Æesù (fejn
tgœammdet). Pranzu u wara fit-3.00 p.m.
nattendu gœall-funzjoni tal-Æimgœa l-Kbira
fil-Baÿilika San Piju X. Çena u wara fid-9.00
p.m. nieœdu sehem, bœala grupp, fil-Via
Sagra Internazzjonali.
4 ta’ April (Il-Viæilja tal-Gœid) | Wara
l-kolazzjon inkunu nistgœu mmorru filbanjijiet li qegœdin viçin il-Grotta u hemm
nagœmlu t-talb tagœna. L-ilma tal-banjijiet
jitwassal minn nixxiegœa li qegœda filGrotta, proprju œalli titwettaq l-istedina
tal-Madonna biex wieœed jinÿel fl-ilma,
jirrikonçilja u jitlob gœall-intenzjonijiet
tiegœu. Pranzu u wara jkollna optional
excursion ta’ nofs ta’ nhar gœal Bartres
u l-Meridien Shopping Arcade. Bartres
huwa villaææ ÿgœir ftit ’il bogœod minn
Lourdes, fejn Santa Bernadette gœexet
gœal ÿewæ perijodi matul œajjitha.
Hemmhekk inÿuru l-Knisja Parrokkjali
ddedikata lil San Æwann Battista,
fejn kienet tmur titlob. Wara mmorru
l-Meridien Shopping Arcade. Çena
fil-lukanda u wara nattendu gœallfunzjoni tal-Viæilja tal-Gœid li ssir filBaÿilika San Piju X.
5 ta’ April (Œadd il-Gœid) |
Kolazzjon u wara fid-9.30 a.m. nieœdu
sehem fil-Quddiesa Internazzjonali
Sollenni tal-Gœid li ssir fil-Baÿilika
San Piju X; esperjenza unika u xeni
mpressjonanti ta’ devozzjoni. Pranzu
u wara optional excursion gœal Pont
d’Espagne li jifforma parti mill-Park
Nazzjonali tal-Pyrenees. Eskurzjoni fuq
il-muntanji fejn nitpaxxew b’xenarju
mill-isbaœ u naraw œafna kaskati
meraviljuÿi bl-ilma nieÿel b’veloçità
kbira. Dan il-post huwa popolari œafna
ma’ dawk li jœobbu jmorru mountain
climbing. Çena fil-lukanda. Wara
ç-çena, œin liberu sakemm nitilqu
mil-lukanda gœall-ajruport. (Œrug millkmamar fis-7.00 p.m.)
6 ta’ April | It-titjira titlaq minn
Lourdes gœal Malta fis-1.45 a.m. fejn
naslu fl-4.10 a.m.
Nota: Jista’ jkun hemm xi tibdil filprogramm taç-çelebrazzjonijiet talÆimgœa Imqaddsa minœabba li meta æie
ppreparat dan il-programm kien gœadu
ma æiex ippubblikat il-programm uffiçjali
tas-Santwarju ta’ Lourdes.
Kbar f’kamra singola
Tfal ma’ ÿewæ adulti (2 - 5 snin)
Tfal ma’ ÿewæ adulti (6 - 10 snin)
Titjirijiet mal-Air Malta: Malta/Lourdes/Malta
Coach transfers: ajruport/lukanda/ajruport
Akkommodazzjoni fil-Lukanda Lys de Marie
– 3 star superior jew simili
Full Board: 3 kolazzjonijiet/3 pranzi/4 çeni
Kmamar kollha bis-servizzi privati
Servizz ta’ Tour Leader
Servizz ta’ Direttur Spiritwali
Taxxi kollha
Tfal taœt it-12-il sena jœallsu nofs prezz
Bartres/Meridien Shopping Arcade
Pont d’Espagne
20 - 23 February
Northern Greece
Thessaloniki, Meteora, Kalambaka,
Mount Olympus, Edessa waterfalls
Friday 20th February
| We meet at the Malta
International airport at 1.50
a.m. for our direct flight to
Thessaloniki departing at
3.50 a.m. We arrive at 6.30
a.m. in the capital city of
Northern Greece, the second
most important city after
Athens. On arrival we are
transferred to our four star
central hotel. We check in
our rooms and have buffet
breakfast. We later go on
an optional panoramic city
tour of Thessaloniki, Greece’s
second city. It has excellent
restaurants, museums and
sights, plus an increasingly
hip and inventive nightlife
scene fleshed out by many
thousands of Greek and
foreign university students.
Saturday 21st February | An early
buffet breakfast and early start to the
day, as we head towards Meteora and
Kalambaka on this spectacular optional
full day excursion. Meteora is an area
in Central Greece and is a UNESCO
protected heritage, and Kalampaka is
the city under the rock towers of
Meteora. The thing that makes
Meteora so special is the monasteries
on the top of the rock towers. We
return late to our hotel.
Sunday 22nd February | Buffet
breakfast and we start with an
optional excursion to Dion and
Mount Olympus which has an
altitude of 2.917 m The walk to Mt Olympus
leads us to the springs of Litohoro, the
beautiful village which is the “gate” to the
spectacular mountain. In the evening we
join the locals for some carnival partying in
various bars and clubs and some live shows.
Monday, 23rd February | Buffet breakfast
and we start our last day with an optional
excursion to Edessa and enjoy the day in
the town and it’s beautiful waterfalls. There
are also wonderful vineyards where we can
enjoy some wine-tasting. Check out of rooms
at 8.00 p.m. We depart late at night on
our way to the airport for our flight back to
Malta departing Thessaloniki at 0.30 a.m.
arriving in Malta at 1.15 a.m. (Tuesday 24th
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Children with two adults
Half Board (4 meals)
Supplement 5 star Mediterranean
Palace Hotel
Half board in 5 star (4 meals)
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
** There are many restaurants and taverns close to the hotel from
where to eat. Our suggestion is to enjoy the atmosphere of the
local restaurants. Its worth doing!
Flights: Malta/Thessaloniki/Malta
3 nights in 4 star Hotel Capsis
Daily buffet breakfast
Services of Tour Leader
Return airport transfers
All taxes
Thessaloniki city tour
Kalambaka and Meteora
Mount Olympos
Edessa waterfalls
All excursions include an English Speaking Guide
3 - 7 April
(3 April - Public Holiday)
Kambos, Armolia, Mesta, Vrontados
and Anavatos
Chios a dream island in Greece
Free city tour of Chios
Friday 3rd April | We meet at the Malta
International airport at 1.15 am for our direct
flight to Izmir to depart at 3.15 am. On arrival
at Izmir airport at 6.20 am, we are transferred
to Cesme harbour for our ferry to Chios island
(30 min). We are immediately transferred to
our Chandris Hotel which is situated in the
most central area of Chios. We check in and
rest before we start exploring the promenade
in the hotel area full of shops, cafés and
restaurants. The island has a population of
55,000 inhabitants and was for almost 400
years under Turkish occupation. We visit the
city centre and its main square which is one of
the finest in Greece. Later we have dinner at
the hotel and one can even enjoy the night life
after dinner.
Saturday 4th April | After enjoying our
breakfast we go on an optional excursion to
Kambos. Our guide takes us to see the old
mansions which date back to the Genoese
Period, the Citrus Museum, where we see the
production of Chios’ spoon-sweets, and of
course we will also see the orchard. Our next
stop is to the historic monastery of Agios
Minas. We continue to the Folcloric Museum
of Kallimasia. After the museum, we visit a
location with mastic trees. Our excursion
continues to the beautiful sandy beach of
Komi before we return to our hotel. Dinner
and fee time to enjoy the magical night
atmosphere of this island.
Sunday 5th April | We start the day
with breakfast followed by an optional
excursion to Mastichochoria (the Mastic
Villages). We pass through the Kampos
area with its unique mansions, and arrive
in Armolia, village, famous for its ceramic
pottery. We stop at Pirgi, with its unique
graffiti decorations on the facades of
the houses. Some free time before
we continue to the Caveof Sykia at
Olympi at 57m depth, which is rich
in calcite formations (stalactites &
stalagmites). We proceed to Mesta, the
medieval castle with the Old Church of
Taxiarxhis and narrow streets. We drive
by the volcanic breach of Emporios
before we return to our hotel.
Monday 6th April | Breakfast and
today we visit another part of the
island. This optional excursion takes us
to visit the fishing villages of Kardamyla
& Langada. On the way to Vrontados
area, we stop at the Three mills in order
to take some nice photos. We continue
our trip to Kardamyla, very famous
for the big summer houses of the ship
owners and well known for its nautical
heritage. Kardamyla village is divided in
2 sections - Ano Kardamyla (the oldest
part and built on the cliff side) and
Marmaro (the new part built down by
the sea and being also the port of the
village). Our last stop will be in Langada,
another famous fishing village. We return
to our hotel to enjoy our last evening on
this idyllic island.
Tuesday 7th April | We start our day
with breakfast and then we go on an
interesting optional excursion to visit the
monastery of Nea Moni (11thC.), the most
important monument of the island before
proceeding to Anavatos, also known as the
“Aegean Mystras”. This is built on a steep
cliff and definitely a must see. We travel along
the picturesque villages of Avgonima and
Volissos, the largest village of the northern
part of Chios, on to Limnos before we return
to our hotel. Some free time before we
check out of the rooms and in the evening
we proceed to the harbour for our ferry
to Turkey. We are transferred to the Izmir
Airport for our flight back to Malta departing
at 0.20 a.m. arriving in Malta at 1.15 a.m.
(Wednesday 8th April).
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child Sharing
Half Board (4 meals)
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursion are taken
Air Malta direct flights to Izmir
4 nights in 4 star Chandris hotel in Chios
Rooms with private facilities, TV and a/c
Daily buffet breakfast
Return airport transfers
Free city tour of Chios
Services of tour leader
All taxes
Nea Moni Monastery
3 - 7 April
(3 April - Public Holiday)
Kusadasi, Turkey
plus a touch of Greece
Free excursion to Kusadasi and Izmir
Kusadasi, Samos island (Greece),
Ephesus, Pamukkale and Izmir
Friday 3rd April | We meet at the Malta
International airport at 1.15 a.m. for our
direct flight to Izmir to depart at 3.15 a.m.
On arrival at 6.20 a.m. we are transferred
to Kusadasi, one of the most beautiful areas
of the Mediterranean. We check in at our
De Luxe hotel, have an early breakfast and
we can either rest or enjoy the facilities of
our hotel (spa, sauna, fitness centre) during
the morning. We later meet our guide
for an optional city tour visiting the Gazi
Begendi ,the place with the beautiful view
of the whole Kusadasi. Our next point is
the pigeon island - the symbol of Kusadasi
with the beautiful views of the city and the
harbour with a chance to see the Byzantine
castle once used against the pirates. We
continue the tour to Caravanserai - a
fortress built in the Ottoman times and
now the place where the wonderful Turkish
night shows are arranged. We will have
time to walk along the promenade packed
with restaurants and coffee shops. In our
free time we suggest to visit the Grand
Bazaar and the Orient Bazaar for a real
Turkish memento.
Saturday 4th April | Greece is so near
with so many lovely islands to visit. The
mountainous island of Samos is just
across the water from Kusadasi and
provides a great snapshot of another
country and culture. And on this
optional trip, we will board a ferry
(included) to the capital Samos Town.
It is set around a horseshoe bay, and
is a charming place with a bustling
harbourfront, shop-filled streets
and an interesting archaeological
museum. The main square is a lively
area full of boutiques and shops
selling Samiot wine and other local
treats. We visit the fishing port of
Pythagorion which is the birthplace
of Pythagoras. This pretty town has
cobbled lanes and ancient ruins that
easily fill our time before we return
by ferry to Kusadasi. In the evening
we go for a spectacular “Turkish
Night Show” held in Caravanserai
which we visited on Friday. The
show includes dinner and folklore
and belly dancers (extra).
Sunday 5th April | Happy Easter!
We start the day with breakfast
followed by an optional day
excursion to Ephesus. Ephesus
is one of Turkey’s must-sees and
it attracts millions of tourists
every year. Being one of the best
preserved and largest ancient sites
in the Mediterranean, Ephesus
offers sights like the Temple
of Artemis (one of the Seven
Wonders of the Ancient World),
the library of Celsius, the Ancient
Brothel and an impressively large
Amphitheatre which has hosted
stars like Elton John and Tom Jones.
Ephesus has played a great role in
the history of Christianity. St Paul
stayed here for three years and
the Virgin Mary came with St John
to spread Christianity and spend
her last days on earth. The shrine
has been declared a pilgrimage
site by the Vatican. A short visit to
Isa Bey Mosque, one of the oldest
and most impressive architectural
works remaining from the Anatolian
Civilisations, breaks the barriers
between religions. We return to our
hotel. In the evening after dinner, we
go to Barlar Sokak – or Bar Street as
it’s better known. It is a neon-lit strip
in the old town. It’s one big noisy
line-up of Irish pubs, disco bars and
places belting out karaoke until 4am.
Kusadasi does have a quieter nightlife
option as well if you want it – a few
minutes away there is the Kale district,
where traditional houses have been
converted into bars and restaurants.
Monday 6th April | We start the day
early with breakfast and then we leave
on a spectacular optional excursion
to the famous and protected work of
nature, Pamukkale. The rich thermal
springs, which pour down the hillside
over thousands of years, have formed
these bizarre cascades of travertine and
mineral pools. With its peculiar lime
terraces and mineral baths, Pamukkale
is a perfect work of mother-nature and
unique in the world today. The sights of
ancient Hierapolis are in walking distance
and equally impressive.
Tuesday 7th April | We have breakfast
and a free morning for personal
sightseeing. Early afternoon we check
out of our hotel and make our way to
Izmir, which is a huge modern city - the
third largest in Turkey after Istanbul and
the capital Ankara. There are some scant
classical ruins and an archeology museum
of interest to classics enthusiasts. Konak
offers many shopping facilities with bazaars,
some beautiful Ottoman houses, historical
buildings which are used as cafes and
restaurants. We have dinner in a restaurant
and are later transferred to Izmir Airport
for our flight back to Malta departing at
0.20 a.m. arriving in Malta at 1.15 a.m.
Wednesday 8th April.
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing
Half board
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursion are taken
Air Malta return flights to Izmir
4 nights in 5 Star Hotel Charisma de Luxe in Kusadasi
Buffet breakfast
Free excursion to Kusadasi and Izmir
Rooms with private facilities, A/C and TV
Services of Tour Leader
All taxes
Child under 12 pays half
Somos Island
1-8 April
(3 April - Public Holiday)
Trento, Bolzano, Merano, Canazei,
Ortisei, Riva del Garda, Limone,
Malcesine, Madonna di Campiglio,
Bardolino, Lazise, Sirmione, Gardaland/
SeaLife Aquarium & Milan
The Italian Dolomites
and its flavours
Free excursion to Milan
3 star Hotel Everest in Trento
Wednesday 1st April | We meet at the Malta
International Airport at 10.45 a.m. for our Air
Malta direct flight to Milan Linate departing at
12.45 p.m. On arrival at 2.40 p.m. we proceed
to our hotel in Trento where we check-in our
hotel. Together with our Tour Leader, we will
later go on a familiarisation walk around the
Thursday 2nd April | We start our holiday
with a full day optional excursion to Bolzano,
the biggest town of the Sud-Tyrol region. Here
we see amongst others the Waterplatz. We will
have time to browse in the pretty town centre
full of shops and cafes and also visit the “Ice
Age Man” in the Bolzano Museum (extra).
From here our coach will take us to Merano,
pass by many castles and wonderful scenery.
We will spend a couple of hours in this
medieval town, centred around the gothic Via
dei Portici and also see the nearby Castello
Principiasco and the Duomo before returning
to our hotel to have dinner.
Friday 3rd April | Today we go on an
optional full day excursion to the Dolomites.
This excursion will take us to the spectacular
region of the Dolomites and the lovely
village of Ortisei -here we will board a cable
car, weather permitting (extra) to go on
the Alpi di Suisi. Then we will proceed to
Canazei where we will have free time for
personal sightseeing, before we return to
Trento for dinner.
Saturday 4th April | For today’s full
day optional excursion we head towards
Lake Garda starting from Riva del Garda.
Passing by vineyards and lemon groves,
we arrive at this beautiful tourist resort
and proceed to the town centre.
Later we take a mini-cruise (extra) on
Lake Garda, the largest lake in the
Lombardy region. We disembark in
Limone, where we will have enough
time for personal sightseeing and have
lunch. We then cross over by boat to
Malcesine, another very popular village
by the lake and a tourist attraction
in itself, after which we make our
way back to the hotel and later have
Sunday 5th April | Easter Sunday
will get us on the coach to go on
another optional full day excursion
to the Dolomites. This excursion will
take us to Madonna di Campiglio.
Wonderful scenery throughout this
excursion, which will take us round
the picturesque villages and lovely
mountains, all covered in snow.
Weather permitting we will ride the
cable car (extra). On our way back we
make a short stop in Lago di Tenno.
We will spend enough time before we
return to our hotel in time for dinner.
Monday 6th April | Today will see
us enjoy a full day optional excursion
to Bardolino, Lazise & Sirmione.
Bardolino is one of Lake Garda’s most
popular and lively resorts, with a huge
assortment of bars, gelaterias, pizzerias
and restaurants packed into its trafficfree streets as they wind their way down
to the town’s impressive main piazza.
There’s also an optional 30-minute boat
trip (extra) which will take us around the
lake viewing the ex-Villa of Maria Callas,
the Old Roman Villa, Grotta di Catullo
and the Thermal Baths. Early afternoon
we continue our excursion to Sirmione,
the “Pearl of Lake Garda” and enjoy its
beautiful surroundings. Sirmione has a
pedestrian quarter with cobbled streets
lined with boutiques, cafes and cake
shops. We return to our hotel for dinner.
Tuesday 7th April | This morning our
coach will take us to an optional full
day excursion to the popular theme
park, Gardaland, together with Sea Life
Aquarium (entrance included). A whole
day of fun with spectacular shows and
attractions await us.
Wednesday 8th April | Early breakfast
and then we make our way towards Milan,
the capital of the Lombardy region. The
coach will drop us near Castello Sforzesco
where we than proceed to visit the Duomo,
the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele and see the
Teatro Della Scala from the exterior. We
later make our way to to Milan Linate airport
for our Air Malta flight departing at 3.40p.m.
and arriving in Malta at 5.35 p.m.
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
1st Child sharing
2nd child sharing
Half board (6 meals)
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursion are taken
Return flights to Milan Linate
7 nights 3 star Hotel Everest in Trento
7 Buffet Breakfast
Rooms with private facilities, T.V & central heating
Free excursion to Milan
Return Airport Transfers
Services of Tour Leader
All Taxes
Scenic Dolomites
Riva del Garda/Limone/Malcesine
Madonna di Campiglio
Gardaland & SeaLIfe
(entrances included)
¢39 ¢20
¢41 ¢20
¢31 ¢15
¢43 ¢21
¢35 ¢18
31 March - 7 April
(3 April - Public Holiday)
Scenic Italy & Switzerland
Free excursion to Milan
4 star Hotel on Lago Maggiore
Milan, Arona, Lago Maggiore,
Lugano, Locorno, Como, Menaggio,
Zermatt-Matterhorn, Macugnaga,
Stresa, Borromeo Islands and Orta
Tuesday 31st March | We meet the tour
leader at 10.45 a.m. at the airport departing
to Milan Linate at 12.45 p.m. Upon arrival at
2.40 p.m. we proceed for our free excursion
to Milan, the capital of Lombardy. We visit the
Duomo, The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele and
see the Teatro della Scala from the exterior. We
later proceed to our 4 star Hotel in Arona on
Lake Maggiore.
Wednesday 1st April | This morning we
drive to Switzerland on our full day optional
excursion, heading to Lugano where we will
visit the Church of Sta Maria Degli Angeli and
continue our visit in the centre of Lugano.
Then we proceed to a Lake Cruise (extra) on
Lago di Lugano. In the afternoon we leave
to Locarno at the very north-eastern part of
Lago Maggiore where we enjoy the wonderful
Thursday 2nd April | Today’s optional full
day excursion takes us to Como. We stop and
admire the Duomo and also enjoy a short
boat ride (extra) on the world-famous Lago.
In the afternoon we proceed towards the
picturesque village of Menaggio and whilst
enjoying the subleme scenery we have time
to have lunch (extra). Before we return to
our hotel we have plenty of time to visit
Villa Carlotta (extra) which is situated on
the Lago.
Friday 3rd April | We start with a full day
optional excursion which will take us for
quite a long but an extremely rewarding
scenic drive to Zermatt, in Switzerland.
We stop first at Taesch where we take the
train (extra) to Zermatt (it is not possible
to visit Zermatt by coach because it is
a car free zone). The climax in Zermatt
is however the climb on the Klein
Matterhorn where you will visit the
Glacier paradise by a 3 tier system of
cable cars (extra). With scenery worth
the price of the cost of climbing and
which will not be easily forgotten!
Saturday 4th April | We board the
coach and drive towards Bevano
on our full day optional excursion
to discover Macugnaga. The trip is
indeed spectacular whilst driving up
the Anzasca Valley, plunged between
the rugged mountains. Macugnaga
nestles in the foothills of the Monte
Rosa. The village itself is a cluster
of typical Alpine buildings. Free
time before we take the Belvedere
Chairlift (extra) up Monte Rosa to
view the Alps and the glaciers, a truly
unforgettable experience.
Sunday 5th April | Lago Maggiore
is on the programme for our optional
full day relaxing excursion to explore
the islands on the lake. Our coach
takes us to Stresa where after some
free time for shopping and souvenir
hunting we set off by boat (included)
with the tour leader to Isola Bella for a
visit of the sumptuous Borromeo Palace
and its Italian-style gardens. We then
visit Isola dei Pescatori, a tiny, quiet
island with old churches and a good
selection of fine restaurants. Finally,
we cruise around Isola Madre, the
largest island on the lake dominated
by Villa Borromeo, an aristocratic place
surrounded by beautiful gardens.
Monday 6th April | Morning is free
to enjoy the lovely surroundings of the
hotel. Early afternoon, we go on an
optional excursion for the quaint village
of Orta, situated on Lago d’Orta. On our
way we stop to admire the statue of St
Charles Borromeo, born in Arona. Upon
arrival in Orta, we take a chu-chu train
(extra) which takes us up the Sacromonte
to admire the view of Lago D’Orta and
Isola di San Giulio, an island with a
beautifully frescoed basilica. Later the
train takes us down to Piazza le Prarondo
where we have time to have a snack and
roam around the narrow cobbled streets,
or perhaps you might like to take an
optional short boat trip to the island of San
Giulio (extra). We are later picked up by the
chu-chu train to be transferred to the coach
and drive towards Arona.
Tuesday 7th April | Today is market day
in Arona. Before the end of your holiday
we suggest you indulge yourself to some
shopping by visiting the stalls along the
main road edging the lake. At around noon
we leave to the airport for our Air Malta flight
from Milan Linate departing at 3.40 p.m. and
arriving in Malta at 5.35 p.m.
Adult in triple
Adult in twin
Adult in single
Child sharing (2-10yrs)
Half Board (7 dinners)
Supplement Lake View per p. per day
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursions & half board are taken
Return Air Malta flights to Milan Linate
7 nights in 4 star hotel Atlantic in Arona
Buffet Breakfast
Return airport transfers
Welcome Drink
Free Excursion to Milan
Services of tour leader
Taxes and fuel surcharge
Child under 12 pays half
Stresa (Borromean Islands)
boat and entrance included
31 March - 6 April
(3rd April - Public Holiday)
Arezzo, Montecatini, Siena, Greve in
Chianti, Cinque Terre, Pisa, Lucca,
Volterra, San Gimignano, Florence and
& Le Cinque Terre
Easter in
Free excursion to Arezzo and Cortona
Central 4 star Grand Plaza Hotel in Montecatini
Tuesday 31st March | We meet our tour
leader at the airport at 6.30 a.m. for our Air
Malta flight to Rome departing at 8.35 a.m.
and arriving in Rome at 10.00 a.m. We board
our coach and on our way to Montecatini we
stop in Arezzo, an archeologically Etruscan
city with its beautiful Piazza del Duomo and
the impressive sloping Piazza Grande with its
numerous antique shops. We later proceed
to our hotel in Montecatini, popular for its
wonderful scenery, thermal baths and the
Chianti wine.
Wednesday 1st April | We board our
coach and drive through the picturesque
countryside of the Chianti region, a magical
landscape of cypress trees, vineyards and
olive grove. Our optional full day excursion
will first take us to Siena, most famous for
the Palio, the annual horse-race held in
Piazza del Campo. We will see the Basilica
of San Domenico, the Cathedral and many
other sites. Later we visit Greve in Chianti,
which is the principal town in the Chianti
wine district which stretches south of
Florence to just north of Siena.
Thursday 2nd April | We depart for La
Spezia for a full day optional excursion.
We take a ferry (included - weather
permitting) to Cinque Terre, one of the
most beautiful areas of the Liguria region.
Here, five small villages are nestled in the
cliffs overlooking the sea and hills where
the land’s finest wines are grown. We
make a short stop in the picturesque
village of Monterosso.
Friday 3rd April | Today’s optional
full day excursion is to Pisa and Lucca.
Our first stop is in Pisa where we see
the “Campo dei Miracoli”, the world
famous leaning Tower, the Cathedral
and the Baptistery. We then proceed
to Lucca. The town centre is a gem
with its beautiful medieval buildings
and artisan shops. It is set inside a
ring of Renaissance walls fronted by
gardens and huge bastions
Saturday 4th April | We board the
coach and go for a full day optional
excursion to another part of Tuscany
visiting Volterra and San Gimignano.
We have a short stop in Volterra. This
city conserves a medieval aspect, not
only for the 12th century city walls,
but also because of the urban layout
with narrow streets, palaces, tower
houses and churches. We drive to San
Gimignano, probably the most famous
small town in Italy, which dominates the
Val d’Elsa with its breathtaking skyline
bristling with towers.
Sunday 5th April | Today, Easter
Sunday we go to Florence on an
optional full day excursion. Here Easter
is celebrated with the Scoppio del
Carro, explosion of the cart which is
dragged through Florence by white
oxen. Following mass, the Archbishop
sends a dove-shaped rocket into the
cart, igniting the fireworks held in the
cart. This spectacular display is followed
by a parade in medieval costumes.
We spend the rest of the day seeing
amongst others the Duomo, Piazza
Signoria and Ponte Vecchio.
Monday 6th April | After we check out
of the hotel we proceed to Rome Airport
and on our way we stop in the historic
hilltop town of Cortona, and stroll through
the charming medieval streets with its
beautiful architecture. We later proceed to
the airport for our return flight departing at
8.55 p.m. and arriving in Malta at
10.20 p.m.
Adult in triple
Adult in twin
Adult in single
Child (sharing with 2 adults)
Half board (6 meals)
*Special Price
* Special price applies when half board & all excursion are taken
Air Malta flights to Rome
6 nights in 4 star Grand Plaza Hotel in Montecatini
Rooms with private facilities, hair-dryer, and TV
Welcome drink on arrival
Buffet breakfast
Return transfers
Free excursions to Arezzo and Cortona
Services of tour leader
All taxes
Child under 12 pays half
Siena & Greve in Chianti
Cinque Terre (boat included)
Pisa and Lucca
Volterra and San Gimignano
1-6 April
(3 April - Public Holiday)
Easter in
Free excursion to Monster Park in Bomarzo & Marmore’s Falls
3 star hotel in Passignano
Monster Park in Bomarzo, Marmore’s
Falls, Passignano, Perugia, Lake
Trasimeno, Gubbio, Montone, Assisi,
Spello, Orvieto, Civita di Bagnoregio
and Spoleto
Wednesday, 1st April | We meet our leader
at 6.35 a.m. for our flight to Rome Fiumicino
departing at 8.35 a.m. On arrival at 10.00
a.m. our coach will take us for a visit towards
a very interesting Park (entrance extra).
The so-called Monster Park or Sacro Bosco
in Bomarzo, in the province of Viterbo, is a
monumental complex situated on the slopes of
a real natural amphitheatre and is considered
to be one of a kind in the world. We have
time to walk around the park, take photos and
astonish ourselves with such grandeur before
we continue our drive towards yet another
gem, the Marmore’s Falls (entrance extra).
The Marmore’s Falls were created by ancient
Romans and are considered to be the highest
man-made waterfalls in Europe. We will enjoy
our time in this natural park whilst walking
through various pathways. We later proceed
towards our 3 star Hotel in Passignano,
situated on Lake Trasimeno.
Thursday, 2nd April | Today our optional
full day excursion will take us to Perugia.
The centre is one of the largest in Italy and
the main monuments of the city date back
to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
We will have enough time to see the
main highlights of this city before we
enjoy personal free time for lunch. Later
in the afternoon, we drive back to Lake
Trasimeno and visit the Nature Centre
“Oasi la Valle “ (entrance extra). The
Trasimeno is visited by hundreds of
migratory birds of different species: many
stop to nest, the others just to stock
up on food. Our guide will take us on
a journey along the lake to watch the
wildlife and the protected nature of this
Friday, 3rd April | Our full day
optional excursion today will take us
towards one of the best preserved
medieval cities in Italy, the beautiful
Gubbio. Gubbio is renowned for its
many historical monuments and offers
visitors an unforgettable glimpse
into the intricate network of narrow
streets. At the centre of the city stands
the majestic Palazzo dei Consoli.
Here, one can find various objects
of historical and artistic value, such
as the famous Tavole Eugubine,
seven bronze plates dating back to
the third century BC on which the
ancient Umbrian people left one
of the most important epigraphic
evidence of Antiquities. In the
afternoon, we make our way towards
Montone. The town still retains its
ancient medieval look. The excellent
condition of Montone make it a
classic example of a medieval urban
layout, as well as being a place full
of charm and tranquility, immersed
in a landscape of the most beautiful
Saturday, 4th April | Today our full
day optional excursion will take us to
some important cities in Umbria. First
we visit Assisi, birthplace of St Francis.
Here we will see the Unesco World
Heritage Site, the Basilica of St Francis
and other attractions that make this
city unique. We will later proceed
to Spello, one of the most fascinating
medieval towns in Umbria. We enjoy
further free time before we make our
way back to the hotel.
Easter Sunday, 5th April | Today our
optional full day excursion will take us
to Orvieto. The site of the city is among
the most dramatic in Europe, rising
above the almost-vertical faces of tuff
cliffs that are completed by defensive
walls built of the same stone called
Tufa. We will first visit the Underground
Tunneling system (extra), a long kept
secret with labyrinths and caves and
tunnels all lying beneath the surface.
Their spectacular nature has also yielded
many historical and archeological finds.
We will then proceed to the Pozzo di
San Patrizio (extra), an enchanting well
built by orders of Pope Clement VII. We
will also visit the Albornoz Fortress, the
Duomo and other sites this city has to
offer. We will also have enough time for
lunch (extra). We will later make our way
towards Civita di Bagnoregio, listed as
one of the most beautiful villages in Italy.
We will walk through hundreds of years
of history and enjoy some free time for
personal sightseeing before we make our
way back to our hotel.
Monday, 6th April | Today, our last half
day optional excursion will take us to
Spoleto, known to be an important Roman
colony. We will see the Duomo, considered
to be the most attractive landmark of the
town. Here one can find various paintings,
including a fifteenth century AD painting
belonging to Filippo Lippi. At the top of the
hill we find Ponte delle Torri, a medieval
masterpiece, standing 220 meters high. We
return to our hotel. Check out of rooms is at
noon. We later leave our hotel and make our
way towards Rome Fiumicino airport for our
flight departing at 8.50 p.m. and arriving in
Malta at 10.20 p.m.
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing
Half board
*Special Price
* Special price applies when half board & all excursion are taken
Air Malta return flights to Rome Fiumicino
5 nights in 3 Star Hotel in Passignano
Buffet breakfast
Rooms with private facilities, A/C and TV
Free excursion to Monster Park & Marmore’s Falls
Services of Tour Leader
All taxes
Child under 12 pays half
Perugia/Lake Trasimeno
Orvieto/Civita di Bagnoregio
Half Day Spoleto
1-7 April
(3 April - Public Holiday)
Fatima, Tomar, Batalha, Alcobaca,
Lisbon, Nazare, Mira d’Aire Caves
and Oporto
Fatima - Portugal
Wednesday 1st April | We meet our
tour leader at the Airport at 12.45 p.m.
for our Air Malta direct flight to Lisbon
departing at 2.45 p.m. On arrival in
Lisbon at 5.20 p.m., we are transferred to
our central hotel in Fatima.
Thursday 2nd April | Breakfast will be
followed by a familiarization walk with
the tour leader and among other places
we visit the Perpetual Adoration Chapel,
the Chapel of Apparitions, the Basilica
and other places of interest in connection
with Our Lady of Fatima. In the afternoon
we go on a half day optional excursion
to Tomar, Batalha and Alcobaca. On
arriving at the top of a hill overlooking
Tomar, we visit the Templar Knights
Monastery (entrance extra). From here
we have a very beautiful panoramic view
of picturesque Tomar. We then proceed
to visit Batalha where we see the Gothic
Cathedral. Some free time before we
continue to visit the Alcobaca Monastry
one of the magnificent monuments of
the country.
Friday 3rd April | After breakfast, by
means of a mini train (extra), we visit
Valinhos where we follow the Stations
of the Cross. Afterwards we go to
Ajustrel to visit the houses where the
three shepherd children Lucia, Jacinta
and Francisco used to live. At 3.00
p.m. we join in the Commemoration of
the Lord’s Passion at the Basilica of the
Most Holy Trinity.
Saturday 4th April | After breakfast
we join the tour leader for an optional
excursion to Lisbon, the capital city of
Portugal. We will see the monument
dedicated to Henry the Navigator,
the Belem Tower, the Moorish Citadel
and the Black Horse Square. In the
afternoon we go to Alfama, the place
where St. Anthony was born, with its
streets decorated with beautiful tiles.
We have some free time for personal
sightseeing and shopping before we
make our way back to Fatima.
Sunday 5th April | Breakfast and after
we participate in the International
Mass. During the afternoon we can go
on an optional excursion to Nazare,
the sea side and fishing resort on
the Atlantic coast and the caves of
Mira d’Aire for a guided tour of these
spectacular caves and the fantastic
show of the dancing waters (entrance
Monday 6th April | Today, after
breakfast, we offer you an opportunity
to travel towards the north of Portugal
on our optional full day excursion to
Oporto, one of the largest and most
important commercial cities in Portugal.
We shall visit St Francis Church (entrance
extra), a Port Winery (entrance extra),
the pedestrian shopping area and other
interesting places. On returning to Fatima,
free time until departure for Lisbon Airport.
(Rooms will be kept until departure from
Tuesday 7th April | We depart from
Lisbon Airport on our Air Malta direct flight
at 2.50 a.m. and arrive in
Malta at 6.40 a.m.
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Children with two adults
Half Board (6 meals)
Air Malta Flights: Malta/Lisbon/Malta
Return Airport Transfers
5 nights in 4 star Hotel Santa Maria
(50 metres from Sanctuary)
Rooms with A/C, satellite TV and services
Daily buffet breakfast
Services of Tour Leader
Services of Spiritual Director
All taxes
Child under 12 pays half
Nazare/Mira d’Aire Caves (entrance extra)
Easter in
1-7 April
(3 April - Public Holiday)
Lisbon, Fatima, Sesimbra, Arrabida,
Estoril, Cabo da Roca, Óbidos, Alcobaca
& Nazaré, Sintra, Mafra and Ericeira
Wednesday 1st April | We meet our tour
leader at the airport at 11.45 a.m. for our
Air Malta direct flight to Lisbon departing at
1.45 p.m. and arriving in Lisbon at 5.20 p.m.
On arrival we are transferred to our 4 star VIP
Executive Arts Hotel in Lisbon, located in front
of Parque das Naçõe strategically placed in
Lisbon’s new modern part. After check-in we
join our tour leader for a familiarisation walk
around this area and have dinner (extra).
Thursday 2nd April | Our full day optional
excursion today takes us to Fatima, one of
the most important spiritual shrines in the
world dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It is an
important Catholic Pilgrimage destination
which draws millions of people each year. We
visit the Sanctuary and its Museum and The
Wax Museum. (Entrance fees to the museums
are extra.)
Friday 3rd April | Today we go for a half
day optional excursion to Sesimbra and
Arrabida. In Sesimbra we visit the old Castle
positioned in the scenic fishing village,
followed by a handicraft centre that features
“Azulejos”, the handmade glazed tiles
found all over Portugal. We later visit the
Arrabida Mountain, a nature preserve with
breathtaking panoramas over the towns of
Setubal and Troia. The afternoon is free to
wander around Lisbon.
Saturday 4th April | After breakfast we
leave for a full day optional excursion
exploring Lisbon, Estoril and Cabo
da Roca. We start the day in Lisbon
seeing, amongst others, the monument
dedicated to Henry the Navigator,
the Belem Tower, the Moorish Citadel
and the Black Horse Square. Later we
head to Estoril where we experience
a thousand sensations while strolling
through an array of diverse markets,
Royal influences, natural heritage and
culture. We then make our way to
Cabo da Roca - a fine and beautiful
scenery spot.
Sunday 5th April - Happy Easter!
| Another full day optional excursion
takes us to the cities of Obidos and
Alcobaca. Óbidos is a charming
medieval village, and is a labyrinth of
cobblestoned streets with whitewashed
houses that liven up with dashes of
vivid yellow and blue paint. In Alcobaca
one may see historical churches and
monasteries. Later we proceed to
Nazaré, a small picturesque fishing
village on the Atlantic Ocean, where one
can stroll along its sandy beach.
Monday 6th April | On our last day
we have a relaxed morning, checkout
at 1.00 p.m. followed by an optional
full day excursion heading first to Sintra,
which offers some of the most exquisite
natural and architectural sites in the
country, such as the Pena Palace. We then
proceed to Mafra, mostly known for the
sumptuous Palacio De Mafra, inspired the
Nobel Prize: Baltasar and Blimunda. After
some free time we head for our last stop,
Ericeira, with its 40 beaches scattered along
the coast of this fishing community. After
dinner we leave the hotel and make our way
to Lisbon airport for our flight
departing at 2.50 a.m. and
arriving in Malta on 7th
April at 5.40 a.m.
Adult in triple
Adult in twin
Adult in single
Child with 2 adults
Half Board (5 buffet meals including
wine, water and juices)
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursion are taken
Air Malta direct flights to Lisbon
5 nights in 4 star Hotel VIP Executive Arts in Lisbon
Room with private facilities, TV, safe & mini bar
Daily buffet breakfast
Services of a local English speaking guide
Return airport transfers
Services of Tour Leader
All taxes
Lisbon, Estoril, Cabo da Roca
Óbidos, Alobaca & Nazaré
Sintra, Mafra, Ericeira
¢39 ¢20
¢30 ¢15
¢35 ¢18
¢35 ¢18
¢35 ¢18
Easter in
Austrian Tyrol
Lakes & Mountains plus a touch of Italy & Germany
Free excursion to Oberammergau
4 star Hotel Tyrol with Wellness & Spa Area
31 March - 7 April
(3 April - Public Holiday)
Oberammergau, Pfunds, Merano, Lago
di Resia, Kaunertal, Landeck, Serfaus, Fiss,
Ladis, Ambras Castle, Innsbruck, Livigno,
Seefeld, Garmisch Partenkirchen and
Tuesday 31st March | We meet our tour
leader at 7.25 a.m. for our Air Malta flight
departing to Munich at 9.25 a.m. and arriving
at 11.45 a.m. On arrival, we start our drive
towards Oberammergau in Bavaria, Germany.
The town is famous for its production of a
Passion Play ever since the 17th century, its
woodcarvers, the attractive fresco paintings
and their characteristic decorations. Time
for lunch (extra) and also some free time
for personal sightseeing. We later proceed
towards Pfunds where we check in at our 4
star Hotel Tyrol.
Wednesday 1st April | On our first optional
full day excursion we cross over to Italy,
passing through the Dolomite region arriving
in Merano, which was the old capital of the
Tyrolean region. Our trip passes through
wonderful mountain scenery till we reach this
Italian medieval town, centred on Gothic Via
dei Portici. On our way we make a short stop
at Lago di Resia on the Reschen Pass.
Thursday 2nd April | Today’s full day
optional excursion takes us to Kaunertal
and Landeck. At Kaunertal the breathtaking
natural beauty of the high Alps is revealed
in all its glory and you will be impressed by
the magnificence of the Alpine landscape.
Early afternoon we proceed to Landeck
where we have the possibility to do some
Friday 3rd April | Morning at leisure
where we can join the tour leader
for a walk around Pfunds taking
us through the serene streets with
decorated houses, dwarfed by pine
clad mountains rising steeply into an
unspoilt countryside. We have time
to hear Mass. Late in the morning we
take an optional half day excursion to
visit the picturesque villages of Serfaus,
Fiss and Ladis. Our first stop will be
in Serfaus. Here we have time to go
on the mountain by cable car (extra).
Later we drive to Ladis, passing
through Fiss. We stop in Ladis and
walk around Lake Landerer and take a
look at Laudegg Castle. Our last stop
will be a visit to the old Roman road
Via Claudia.
Saturday 4th April | We board
our coach for our full day optional
excursion heading first to the 16th
century Ambras Castle (entrance
extra). We shall have a guided tour
of the castle taking us through
chambers and halls full of art,
precious collections and curiosities.
We later proceed to Innsbruck and
go around this old medieval town
with its narrow stress and pavement
cafes. We will see the Golden Roof,
the Hofburg Palace, St Anne’s Column
and mingle with the locals in Maria
Theresien Strasse, a main shopping
street full of historic architecture.
Sunday 5th April | This morning
we leave Tyrol for a full day optional
excursion driving to Livigno, the
famous ski resort in the Alps, offering
its breathtaking nature and crisply fresh
air. We have time to explore and enjoy
this exceptional village and its exquisite
landscape. Livigno is one of the largest
and highest ski areas in the region
and a duty free resort. There is a wide
choice of bars, cafés and restaurants as
well as a considerable number of shops.
On our return to the hotel, if we have
enough time we can stop in the Latteria
de Livigno where we can buy Livigno
cheese (extra) or simply indulge in an
ice-cream (extra), Italian style!
Monday 6th April | A totally different
full day optional excursion takes us
to three localities set amongst the
Alps. Our first stop will be in Tyrolean
Seefeld, a peaceful village on the plateau
surrounded by mountains. We later cross
into the Bavarian town of GarmischPartenkirchen, Germany’s largest alpine ski
resort and also a playground for cyclists,
hikers and mountain climbers. Our last stop
is in the Bavarian village of Mittenwald set
at the foot of the German Alps.
Tuesday 7th April | We have an early
departure to Munich airport for our Air Malta
flight departing at 12.40 p.m. and arriving in
Malta at 2.55 p.m.
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Youths under 14
Child with 2 Adults
Half Board (7 meals)
*Special Price
* Special price applies when half board & all excursion are taken
Air Malta return flights to Munich
7 nights in 4 star Hotel Tyrol in Pfunds
All rooms with private facilities and TV
Welcome Drink
Daily Buffet Breakfast
Free usage of indoor swimming pool, sauna
& steam bath
Free excursion to Oberammergau
Return airport transfers
Services of tour leader
All taxes
Child under 12 pays half
Ambras Castle/Innsbruck
Seefeld/Garmisch Partenkirchen/Mittenwald
Easter in
Austria plus a touch of Hungary and Slovakia
1-7 April
(3 April - Public Holiday)
Vienna, Vienna Woods, Baden Bei Wien,
Sopron (Hungary), Schonbrunn Palace,
Mariazell and Bratislava (Slovakia)
Wednesday, 1st April | We meet our tour
leader at 5.15 a.m. for our flight departing
to Vienna at 7.15 a.m. On arrival at 9.30
a.m., our coach will take us to our 4 star
hotel in Vienna. Since check in is normally
in the afternoon, we will leave our luggage
in the luggage room and go for an optional
half day city tour of the capital city of Austria
and Queen of the Danube: Vienna. We will
see the Opera House, the Fine Arts Museum,
the Parliament and the Belvedere Palace – the
residence of Prince Eugene of Savoy (extra).
We then make our way back to our hotel and
check in.
Thursday, 2nd April | Today our full day
optional excursion will take us to the beautiful
Vienna woods. Here, we will also visit Leichtenstein Castle (extra) and Cistercian Abbey
of Heiligenkreuz (extra). We can enjoy some
free time here before we make our way to
the Spa resort and medieval town of Baden
Bei Wien where Beethoven once lived.
Free excursion to
Schaffhausen and
Rhine Falls
Constance, Mainau Island,
Dorotheenhutte, Strasbourg,
Stuttgart, Hohenzollern
Castle, Furtwangen, Triberg,
Titisee, Europa Theme
Park, Colman, Freiburg,
Schaffhausen and Rhine
Friday, 3rd April | Our full day optional
excursion today takes us to Sopron. Sopron
is situated next to the western borders of
Hungary at the foot of the Alps. It is one
of the oldest gems of the country. Sopron
merges past and present in itself. It creates
a bridge between Hungary and its western
neighbours, opening a gate for foreign
guests visiting Hungary, as it is symbolized
by the coat of arms of the city. Here, we
will have time to drive past the Firewatch
tower with its gate of faith, the Storno
House with its important collection of art,
the Baroque style Trinity pillar and many
others. We will enjoy some free time for
personal sightseeing and lunch.
Saturday, 4th April | Today we will
go for another exciting excursion. Our
coach will take us to Schonbrunn Palace
where we will be able to visit the Palace
(extra), its gardens and also the zoo
(extra), known to be the World’s oldest
existing zoo. Since our coach will not
be coming back for us today, we are
free to spend as much time as we
want here and we can later go to the
city centre to enjoy more of our time
in Vienna.
Sunday, 5th April | Today we’ve got a
free day, or why not go for an optional
full day excursion to the pilgrimage
town of Mariazell? Here we will drive
past picturesque Austrian Alpine
landscape, typical villages and beautiful
valleys with dramatic restful scenery.
When we get to Mariazell, we will drive
past Mariazell Basilica, known to be the
most important pilgrimage destination
in Austria and one of the most visited
shrines in Europe. Inside the church,
a miraculous wooden image of the
Virgin Mary can be found. We will have
enough time for mass, lunch and for
personal sightseeing.
Monday, 6th April | This morning our
full day optional excursion takes us to
Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia. Our
coach will pass by the most important
places, historical and cultural sites outside
of the Old Town. We then stop at
Bratislava Castle (extra), Napoleon’s Hill
and Slavin with their fantastic panoramic
views. We then continue our way along
the Danube to the magnificent ruins of
the Devin Castle (extra), situated above
the confluence of the Danube and Morava
Rivers, boasting a superb view over the
countryside and neighbouring Austria.
Tuesday, 7th April | Since today is our
last day, we’ve got a day at leisure to enjoy
Vienna in whatever way you seem most fit
for you. You can visit Mariahilferstrasse, one
of the main shopping streets in Vienna, or
why not visit the large and famous amusement
park, Prater? With so many attractions to visit,
this place is ideal to finish of this lovely holiday!
We later return to our hotel. (check out is at
noon). We then board our coach and make
our way towards Vienna airport for our flight
departing at 7.45 p.m. and arriving in Malta at
10.00 p.m.
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing
Half Board (6 meals)
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursion are taken
Air Malta return flights to Vienna
6 nights in 4 Star hotel in Vienna
Buffet breakfast
Rooms with private facilities, A/C and TV
Services of tour leader
All taxes
Child under 12 pays half
Vienna City Tour
Vienna Woods/Baden Bei Wien
Sopron (Hungary)
Schonbrunn Palace
(transfer Hotel to Palace only)
Bratislava (Slovakia)
Black Forest Magic
Free excursion to Schaffhausen and Rhine Falls
1-8 April
(3 April - Public Holiday)
Schwenningen, Constance, Mainau
Island, Dorotheenhutte, Strasbourg,
Hohenzollern Castle, Stuttgart, Triberg,
Furtwangen, Titisee, Europa Theme Park,
Colmar, Freiburg, Schaffhausen and
Rhine Falls
Wednesday 1st April | We meet our tour
leader at the airport at 12.25 p.m. for our Air
Malta flight to Zurich (opportunity for duty
free shopping) departing at 2.25 p.m. On
arrival at 4.45 p.m. we are transferred to our
hotel in Schwenningen in Germany for our 7
night stay in the Black Forest region. The small
charming town of Schwenningem, with its
traditional buildings and town square is ideally
situated for discovering the delights of the
area. On arrival at the hotel we are offered a
welcome drink followed by some free time and
familiarisation walk.
Thursday 2nd April | We go on a full
day optional excursion commencing from
the town of Constance situated on the
famous Lake Constance known also as Lake
Bodensee, bordering Germany, Austria
and Switzerland. We proceed to the town
centre where we have time for shopping
and personal sightseeing. Early afternoon we
head to the botanical Isle of Mainau with its
main attraction the Butterfly House (entrance
extra). After dinner we can opt to go together
in a nearby café.
Friday 3rd April | Today we head
to Strasbourg in neighbouring France for
an optional full day excursion. On our
way we enjoy the beautiful Black Forest
scenery, making a stop at the Glass
Paradise in Dorotheenhutte Complex
and its unique all year round Christmas
shop. We then proceed to Strasbourg, the
site of the European Parliament. We visit
Petite France - the old medieval town with
its superb cathedral. Strasbourg’s charm
and beauty are there for everybody
to admire. We will also have time for
Saturday 4th April | Another full
day optional excursion starting with
a visit to Europe’s most famous
medieval Hohenzollern Castle (shuttle
bus and entrance extra). The third
version castle built at an elevation of
855 metres, always had a strategic
importance during war times. The
stunning panorama from up is truly
worth a voyage. We later proceed
to Stuttgart and after a short walking
tour we have free time for sightseeing
and shopping from Konig Strasse, the
1,100 metre long main pedestrian
shopping paradise.
Sunday 5th April | Full day optional
excursion to the heart of the Black
Forest. A day of scenic delights
awaits us to enjoy visits to Furtwangen Clock Museum, Triberg Waterfalls
(both extra) and Titisee. We will have
time to admire the world’s largest
cuckoo clock in Clock Park Eble. This
region has the greatest concentration of
producing and selling the synonymous
cuckoo clocks. It has been doing so all
over the world for more than 250 years.
Monday 6th April | Free day, or why
not join the group and spend the day
at the Europa Theme Park (entrance
extra), the fantastic world of adventure
for ALL ages. A day of amusement with
over 100 attractions and spectacular
shows all prepared to make our day an
eventful and special one.
Tuesday 7th April | Today’s full day
optional excursion takes us once more
to France stopping in Colmar, a famous
romantic place rich with architectural
and cultural heritage, known also as
‘Little Venice of Alsace’. We admire the
half-timbered houses and peaceful canals
while walking through the cobbled
streets. We drive back to the Black
Forest stopping in Freiburg, the capital
of the Black Forest Region. Here we visit
the Gothic Cathedral dominating the
square and stroll around the 14th century
buildings and pedestrian area. Free time
is given for personal sightseeing and
Wednesday 8th April | Some free time
before our coach will take us to the airport,
with a stop en-route in Schaffhausen with
its fine Renaissance era buildings and later
proceed to admire our last attraction the
magnificent Rhine Falls. We proceed to
Zurich Airport for our return Air Malta
flight departing at 5.40 p.m. and arriving
in Malta at 7.55 p.m.
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing with 2 adults
Half Board (6 dinners in
nearby restaurant)
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursion are taken
Return Air Malta flights
Return airport transfers
7 nights in 4 star Central Hotel in Schwenningen
Welcome drink on arrival
All rooms with private services, TV, hairdryer
& central heating
Fitness and Sauna Area
Tea and coffee making facilities in room
Daily hot and cold buffet breakfasts
Free Schaffhausen and Rhine Falls excursion
Services of tour leader
All Taxes
Child under 12 pays half
Constance/Mainau Island
Hohenzollern Castle/Stuttgart
(Shuttle Bus & Castle entrance extra)
Europa Theme Park (entrance fee extra)
Easter in
Northern Germany
Free guided Hannover City Tour
1-8 April
(3 April - Public Holiday)
Hannover, Hamburg, Lüneburg, Bremen,
Hildesheim, Goslar, Braunschweig, Celle,
Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen and
Maschsee Lake
Wednesday 1st April | We meet our tour
leader at the airport at 5.50 a.m for our
Air Malta flight departing at 7.50 a.m. and
arriving in Hamburg at 10.55 a.m. On arrival
we are transferred to our 4 star Mercure
Hotel Mitte in Hannover set in a peaceful park
location in the city centre. After check-in we
go for a guided city walk through Hannover’s
inner city to learn interesting facts and facets of
the town’s history. Later one can explore the
lively city centre with its impressive shopping
boulevard and the charming Old Town with
its narrow streets and secluded corners on the
banks of the river Leine.
Thursday 2nd April | This morning we
head off for our optional full day excursion in
Hamburg, located astride to the River Elbe.
It is Germany’s second largest city with a
population of over 1.8 million. We start our
day with one of Hamburg’s most popular
landmarks: The Grand Church St. Michaelis
(extra), amongst other attractions. Time
for personal sightseeing shall be given to
explore Hamburg’s city centre and a main
attraction – the old town, which takes visitors
back to the time when rich merchants made
their fortune with coffee, tea and spices, on
Cremon Street.
Friday 3rd April | Today we enjoy a full
day optional excursion in Lüneburg, an
attractive and historic town on the River
Ilmenau, offering medieval charm, great
pubs and a story of salt. All around
Lüneburg you will find some impressive
gables and a great selection of historic
buildings, including historic vaults,
medieval breweries, historic salt works
and an old port. Lüneburg is without
a doubt one of the prettiest towns in
Northern Germany with its retained
charming medieval character. We
shall stroll through Am Sande which is
Lüneburg’s most beautiful square, and
go round the market.
Saturday 4th April | Another full day
optional excursion takes us to beautiful
Bremen. Bremen‘s history stretches
back more than 1,200 years, and is
still tangible and cherished today.
Nowhere is its history more evident
than in the market square, where the
architectural styles of different eras
are visible. Some famous landmarks of
Bremen are the Rathaus, the statue of
the Street Musicians of Bremen from
the Brothers Grimm fairy tale, and
the landmark that best symbolises
the city’s freedom and independence
of spirit is the statue of the knight
Roland that has been calmly smiling
down on the marketplace since 1404.
Sunday 5th April – Happy Easter
| We enjoy our full day optional
excursion starting in Hildesheim, the
undisputed capital of Romanesque
culture which boasts two UNESCO
world heritage sites, and the Marktplatz
adorned with half-timbered houses.
The historic square is one of the most
beautiful old market-places in Germany,
with the reconstructed KnochenhauerAmtshaus (former butchers’ guild hall),
We later proceed to Goslar, situated at
the foot of the Harz mountains, where
we visit the Remmelsberg silver mine
(extra - ¢10.50 adults, ¢6.00 children
to be paid with deposit / It will be chilly
and moist underground so please bring
jackets and sturdy shoes).
Monday 6th April | Our full day
optional excursion today takes us to
the city of Braunschweig. On our way
we pass by or take a few moments
to see this interesting landmark - the
Happy Rizzi House, one of the hundred
most beautiful buildings with Pop
Art designed paintings of happy faces,
hearts and much more. The Burgplatz,
with St. Blasii Cathedral, Dankwarderode
castle and the lion statue, is the most
important square in the city. Free time is
given in the glass-roofed shopping area or
to go round the marketplace.
Tuesday 7th April | We enjoy our last day
with an optional full day excursion heading
first to Celle. With over five-hundred
picturesque half-timbered houses dating
back from the 16th to the 18th Century,
Celle is one of the most enchanting towns
in Germany and is often compared to the
historic town of Rothenburg in Bavaria. On
our way back to Hannover we make a stop
at the Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen (extra)
and Maschsee lake, two other main important
sights in Hannover.
Wednesday 8th April | We leave the hotel
and make our way to Hamburg airport for our
Air Malta flight departing at 11.45 a.m and
arriving in Malta at 2.50 p.m.
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child with 2 adults
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursion are taken
There are many restaurants in the city centre
where one can choose from
Air Malta return flights to Hamburg
7 nights in 4 star Mercure Hotel Hannover Mitte
Room with private facilities, TV, a/c & free Wi-Fi
Daily Buffet Breakfast
Free guided Hannover city tour
Return airport transfers
Services of tour leader
All taxes
Child under 12 pays half
Celle/Royal Gardens/Maschsee Lake
2 - 6 April
(3 April - Public Holiday)
Zagreb, Trakoscan Castle,
Plitvice Lakes and Samobar
Easter in Zagreb
Thursday, 2nd April | We meet our tour
leader at 00.20 a.m. for our Air Malta
flight departing at 2.20 a.m. On arrival in
Zagreb at 4.35 a.m., our coach will take us
to our 4 star central hotel in Zagreb, check
in and overnight. Later in the morning,
we go for an optional half day city tour of
Zagreb, the metropolis of Croatian spirit.
Zagreb has grown to be a city of one million
inhabitants and Croatia’s cultural, spiritual,
economic, political and sport center. We
will visit the Upper Town with its Gothic
Cathedral, beautifully ornate, St. Catherine’s
Church or massive St. Mark’s Church with
multi-colored, tiled roof. We will also see the
medieval Stone Gate, the open-air market,
the Lower Town and its colorful turn-of-thecentury architecture best represented in the
building of Croatian National Theater and
Opera House. We later enjoy free time to
explore the city.
Friday, 3rd April | Today our optional full
day excursion takes us to a UNESCO’s World
Heritage Site, the Plitvice Lakes, known
to be one of the most beautiful and best
preserved spots in the country. It is a valley
situated between high forested mountains
in which lie, one below another, a string
of sixteen beautiful lakes of crystal blue
and green water colours. Fed by small
streams and brooks, they spill into each
other in foaming cascades and thundering
waterfalls. Lunch (extra) can be enjoyed
in a restaurant of a typical ambience in
the heart of the Park. We will enjoy a
guided tour of the National Park and
enjoy free time. We return to Zagreb in
the evening.
Saturday, 4th April | Our optional
full day excursion today takes us to
Trakoscan castle, the most visited, most
famous and best preserved castle in
the country. Built in the 14th century
as a small fortress, the castle has been
rebuilt and renovated several times
until the 19th century. After a guided
tour of the castle, you can stroll
around the lovely woods encircling the
castle’s lake. Free time to enjoy this
amazing fortress. We later enjoy some
wine tasting at the wine cellar.
Sunday, 5th April | Morning at
leisure. Early afternoon, we go on
a half day optional excursion to the
nearby medieval town of Samobor. This
town of baroque architecture lies on
the eastern slopes of the Samoborsko
hills at the gateway to the romantic
valley of the Gradna Creek. Samobor is
amongst the most popular destinations
for Croatian residents and with such
beautiful surroundings it is easy to
understand why. On our way back to
our hotel, we visit a family farm where
we can taste some quality wines whilst
enjoying a snack.
Monday, 6th April | Today we have a free
day at leisure to enjoy Zagreb and do some
personal sightseeing and shopping. Check
out of rooms by 4.00p.m. Later in the
evening we depart out hotel and make our
way towards the airport for our Air Malta
flight departing at 00.45 a.m. and arriving
in Malta at 2.55 a.m (7th April).
4 star Arcotel Allegra in Zagreb
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing
Half Board (buffet)
5 star Westin Zagreb in Zagreb
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child sharing
Half Board (buffet)
*Special Price
*Special Price
Return Air Malta flights to Zagreb
Return coach transfers
5 nights in 4 or 5 star hotel in Zagreb
Daily hot and cold buffet breakfast
Services of tour leader
All Taxes
City Tour half day
Plitvice Lakes
Trakoscan Castle plus wine tasting
in Bezanec Castle
Somobor/Wine Tasting Half day
¢20 ¢10
¢46 ¢30
31 March - 7 April
(3 April - Public Holiday)
Holy Week in
Andalucia, Spain & Gibraltar
Torremolinos, Seville, Cordoba,
Malaga, Gibraltar, Ronda, Granada,
Mijas, Puerto Banus and Marbella
Tuesday 31st March | We meet the tour
leader at the airport at 2.40 p.m. for our Air
Malta direct flight to Malaga, departing at
4.40 p.m. and arriving Malaga at 7.35 p.m.
On arrival we are transferred to our 4 star
central Hotel Cervantes in Torremolinos on
the Costa del Sol. After check-in we get ready
for dinner.
Wednesday 1st April | We start our holiday
with a full day optional excursion to Seville,
the capital of Andalucia, where we start our
day with a city tour of this important
historical city. We walk through the town
centre towards the Cathedral (included)
which is the third largest in the Catholic
world, the Giralda, the Alcazar Palace, the
Tower of Gold and a view of the river
Guadalquivir. Some free time is given and
later we proceed to the famous Plaza
d’Espagna and the beautiful Maria Luisa
gardens before we make our way back to
Thursday 2nd April | This morning our
optional full day excursion takes us to
Cordoba, a city of history and arts. We
visit the famous mesquita, Cordoba’s
Cathedral (included), supported by 850
columns fully decorated for the Holy
Week festivities, and walk to the antique
Jewish quarters, a labyrinth of narrow
winding streets of great charm and
beauty. Free time is given to explore the
traditional piazzas, the roman temples
and monuments.
Friday 3rd April | The morning is free
to relax and enjoy Torremolinos. After
lunch we go for an optional half day
excursion to Malaga. We discover the
city centre with the tour leader walking
through the piazzas and beautiful
streets decorated for the holy week
activities followed by a visit to the
imposing Malaga Cathedral where we
attend the last part of the Good
Friday service. We later join the
thousands of people that throng the
squares and streets of Malaga for the
traditional Good Friday processions,
an amazing experience! We return
late to our hotel. (Due to this
occasion, today we have lunch
instead of dinner)
Saturday 4th April | Our full day
optional excursion today takes us to
the Rock of Gibraltar which is a duty
free British territory. This is a great
opportunity for one to do some
shopping in the Main Street. We
suggest that you visit the
spectacular St Michael’s Caves,
Europa Point and the famous
Barbary Apes (entrance & transport
Sunday 5th April - Happy Easter!
| We board our coach and head off
on our optional full day excursion
driving by the old romantic road to
Ronda, perched on high mountains.
We have time to visit Plaza de Toros,
the 18th century bullring and it’s
bullfighting museum (extra), home
of some of the most famous
matadors in history. We then join the
locals in the Easter procession with the
statue of the Risen Christ and the statue
of Our Lady carried shoulder high by
young women. Later we explore this
picturesque town steeped in history.
One can attend the Palm Sunday mass
celebration in Ronda’s cathedral
adorned with the Good Friday antique
Monday 6th April | Another full day
optional excursion takes us to historic
Granada, located at the foot of the
Sierra Nevada. We start our tour by
visiting the Capilla Royal, the gothic
Granada Cathedral (included) and later
explore the maze of ancient narrow
streets in the city centre which are full of
fascinating curiosities, local crafts and
delicacies. Later we visit the famous
Alhambra Palace and Generalife Gardens
(included), once the residence and court
of the Moorish leaders of Granada,
accompanied by a local English speaking
Tuesday 7th April | We enjoy our last
day with a full day optional excursion
heading first to Mijas, an old village
perched on the mountains. Mijas is purely
Andalucian in charm and character with its
whitewashed houses, cobbled streets, old
wine taverns and typical boutiques filled
with beautiful pottery and artistic leather
objects d’arte. Later we proceed to the
beautiful coastal town of Marbella,
playground of the rich and famous, stopping
to visit Puerto Banus, the main port of
Marbella’s three boating marinas. Later we
make our way to Malaga airport for our Air
Malta flight departing at 8.25 p.m. and
arriving in Malta at 11.10 p.m.
Adult in triple
Adult in twin
Adult in single
Child with 2 adults
Half Board (7 buffet meals)
*Special Price
* Special price applies when half board & all excursion are taken
Air Malta direct flights to Malaga
7 nights in 4 star Hotel Cervantes in Torremolinos
All rooms with private facilities, TV, safe and mini bar
Daily Buffet Breakfast
Return airport transfers
Services of tour leader
All taxes
Child under 12 pays half
* Seville
* Cordoba
* Granada
Mijas/Puerto Banus/Marabella
* Entrances to Seville Cathedral, Cordoba Cathedral,
Granada Cathedral and the Royal Chapel, Alhambra
Palace and Generalife Gardens are all included in the
above costs.
10 - 13 April
(Orthodox Easter)
Thessaloniki, Meteora, Kalambaka,
Mount Olympus, Edessa waterfalls
Thessaloniki, Greece
Many stories, one heart
Friday 10th April |
We meet at Malta
International airport at
1.30 a.m. for our direct
flight to Thessaloniki to
depart at 3.30 a.m. We
arrive at 6.05 a.m. in the
capital city of Northern
Greece, and the second
biggest city in Greece.
It is about 40 minutes
up the road from Nea
Moudania. It’s home to a
mix of cosmo-cool bars and
shopping districts, and an
old quarter with crumbling
city walls and winding
cobbled lanes. On arrival
we are transferred to our
four star central hotel. We
check in our rooms and
have buffet breakfast. Mid
morning we start our optional panoramic
city tour of Thessaloniki where we see
amongst others the Rotonda triumphal
arch, via Egnatia with the medieval
churches, the holocaust monument and
the port of Thessaloniki and the symbol of
the city the white tower. The rest of the
day is free for personal sightseeing and to
discover Thessaloniki. After dinner enjoy
the nightlife of the world’s fifth-best party
city worldwide.
Saturday 11th April | We have an
early buffet breakfast and early start to
the day, as we head towards Meteora
and Kalambaka on this optional full
day excursion. The otherworldly rocks
of Meteora combine nature with
religious and archeological interests
since the 6 monasteries that survive
are masterpieces of the 12th century
until the 18th century A.D. Kalambaka
the town at the foot of the rocks with
the monasteries is a charming little
town facing those milestones of the
Orthodox Church. Late in the evening we
return to our hotel.
Sunday 12th April | Buffet breakfast and
we start with an optional excursion to Dion
and Mount Olympus which has an altitude
of 2.917 m The walk to Mt Olympus will lead
us to the springs of Litohoro the beautiful
village which is the’’ gate’’ to the spectacular
mountain. We return to our hotel and enjoy
the evening.
Monday, 13th April | Buffet breakfast
and we start our last day with an optional
excursion to Edessa and enjoy the day in the
town and it’s beautiful waterfalls. There are
also wonderful vineyards where we can enjoy
some wine-tasting. Check out of rooms is
at 8.00 p.m. We depart late at night on our
way to the airport for our flight back to Malta
departing Thessaliniki at 0.10 a.m. arriving in
Malta at 0.45 a.m. Tuesday 14th April.
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Children with two adults
Half Board (4 meals)
Supplement 5 star
Mediterranean Palace Hotel
Half board in 5 star (4 meals)
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
** There are many restaurants and taverns close to the hotel from
where to eat. Our suggestion is to enjoy the atmosphere of the
local restaurants. Its worth doing!
Flights: Malta/Thessaloniki/Malta
3 nights in 4 star Hotel Capsis
Daily buffet breakfast
Services of Tour Leader
Return airport transfers
All taxes
Thessaloniki city tour
Kalambaka and Meteora
Dion and Mount Olympus
Edessa Waterfalls
All excursions include an English Speaking Guide
Northern Spain Short Break
22 - 26 April
Zaragoza, Carinena, Lleida, Huesca,
Madrid and the Ordesa y Monte
Perdido National Park
Wednesday, 22nd April | We meet our tour
leader at 4.35 p.m. for our Air Malta direct
flight to Zaragoza departing at 6.35 p.m. and
arriving at 8.55 p.m. On arrival, our coach will
take us to our 4 star central hotel in Zaragoza
and check in.
Thursday, 23rd April | Our first optional half
day excursion today takes us for a city tour of
this enchanting city, Zaragoza. Our city tour
will take us past various highlights around
the city, including the Aljaferia, the Basilica of
Our Lady of El Pilar, the Primo de Rivera Park,
the Central Market and many more. We will
then have free time for personal sightseeing
and lunch (extra). Further free time in the
afternoon or why not go on an afternoon
optional excursion for some wine tasting in
Friday, 24th April | Today our full day
optional excursion will take us to two
interesting cities – Lleida and Huesca.
Despite its many charms and attractions,
Lleida remains a relatively unknown city.
Here we will find an interesting variety of
buildings that show how different cultures
have left their mark on the city. These
include Roman and Medieval ruins and
much more recent constructions, such as
La Paeria and El Palau de la Diputació. We
will also have time to visit an interesting
park, La Mitjana. We will then continue
our drive towards city of Huesca. We will
see various monuments and sights such
as the Church of San Pedro el Viejo, The
College of Santiago, the Royal Palace and
many more.
Saturday, 25th April | Today we
have time at leisure or why not join
us on a journey to the capital city of
Spain, Madrid. Our coach will drop us
off at the train station where we will
board a train to Madrid (train ticket
extra). On arrival in Madrid, a coach
will collect us and take us for a half day
city tour of this amazing city, driving
past many landmarks, such as the Plaza
de Mayor, the Congress Hall, Neptune
Fountain and more. The rest of the day
is free for lunch (extra) and for personal
sightseeing. We will later meet our leader
and make our way back to the train
Sunday, 26th April | Our last optional
full day excursion will take us to the
Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park.
The National Park is part of the Pyrenees
and Monte Perdido National Park which
was declared a World Heritage site in 1997
by the UNESCO. The scenery is dominated
by the great massif of Monte Perdido (3,355
m), with the peaks of the Tres Sorores
branching out into the valleys of Ordesa,
Pineta, Añisclo and Escuaín. We will enjoy
our time here before we return to our hotel
(check out by noon). We later depart our
hotel and make our way towards Zaragoza
airport for our flight departing at 11.10 p.m.
and arriving in Malta at 1.30 a.m. (27th April,
early Monday morning).
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child Sharing
Half Board
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursion are taken
Air Malta direct flights to Zaragoza
4 nights in 4 star central hotel in Zaragoza
Rooms with private facilities, TV and a/c
Daily buffet breakfast
Return airport transfers
Services of tour leader
All taxes
Zaragoza City Tour
Carinena Wine Tasting
* Madrid
Ordesa y Monte Perdido National Park
* The cost of this excursion includes transport from hotel
to station and also city tour in Madrid. However, train
ticket is not included.
2 - 16 April
(3 April - Public Holiday)
Hanoi, Halong Bay, Hue, Hoi An, Hai
Van Pass, Danang, Marble Mountain,
Hue, Saigon, Mekong, Phnom Penh,
Angkor Wat & Siem Reap
Vietnam & Cambodia
4 star hotels, all excursions, meals & entrances included as per programme
Thursday, 2nd April | We meet at the
airport for our Emirates flight to Hanoi via
Bangkok. The flight leaves at 3.45 p.m. and
arrives in Dubai at 01.00 a.m. early Friday
Friday, 3rd April | Our Emirates flight
departs to Bangkok at 3.40 a.m. and arrives at
12.50 p.m. we then board our flight to Hanoi
leaving at 3.55 p.m. On arrival at 5.45 p.m.
we are transferred to our 4 star hotel. We
check in and free time to relax after the long
flight and to familiarize ourselves with Hanoi.
We later have a welcome dinner at a local
restaurant. Overnight in Hanoi.
Saturday, 4th April | We start our holiday
with a city tour of Hanoi, where first we visit
the complex dedicated to Ho Chi Minh,
the nation’s founder. This complex also
comprises the One Pillar Pagoda, whose
origins date back to the foundation of the
city. Then we visit the Tran Quoc Pagoda,
Hanoi’s oldest pagoda on the bank of
West Lake. Lunch at a local restaurant
and in the afternoon we visit Van Mieu
- Quoc Tu Giam (Temple of Literature &
Vietnam’s first university). Constructed in
the 11th century, the gardens and the well
preserved architecture offer a relaxing
glimpse into Vietnam’s past. We take a
cyclo ride around the Old Quarter streets
which were named after the specific
goods once offered for sale at these
places. We stop at Hoan Kiem Lake to
learn about legend of the lake and visit
Ngoc Son Temple, followed by a Water
Puppet show - a uniquely Northern
Vietnamese art form depicting scenes
from rural life and episodes of national
history. Overnight in Hanoi.
Sunday, 5th April | Breakfast and we
depart from our hotel to Halong Bay,
one of the World Natural Heritages
recognized by UNESCO with over
3,000 spectacular limestone islands
rising from the clear, emerald sea
in the Gulf of Tonkin. Upon arrival,
we are transferred to our Cruise
ship where we will enjoy a welcome
drink before checking in. While we
pass by many rocky islets, caves,
floating villages and beaches,
our fresh seafood lunch will be
served on board. We then stop to
explore Surprise Cave, one of the
most beautiful caves of the bay.
Some free time for swimming or
relaxing on the sundeck. Later the
cruise ship will move in a quiet
area to dock for the night. Typical
Vietnamese dinner will be served on
board. Overnight on board.
Monday, 6th April | Early birds
can attend a Tai Chi demonstration
on the sundeck at the break of
dawn. Breakfast is served while we
continue exploring Halong Bay by
sailing across its 2000 islets. Arriving
at the dock we disembark and are
transferred back to Hanoi. Lunch
at a local restaurant and we make
our way to the airport for our flight
to Danang. Upon arrival, we are
transferred to our hotel. Overnight in
Hoi An.
Tuesday, 7th April | Today we go for a
guided walking tour around Hoi An Ancient
Town. Where we visit the Japanese covered
bridge, Chinese assembly hall, a typical
Vietnamese merchant’s house, one of the
interesting museums and the local market.
There are numerous art galleries, souvenirs
and tailor shops where you can get some
express made-to-measure clothes if you like.
We then visit a craftsman home in the old
streets where a brief introduction on the
history of the lanterns and will go through
the stages of making them. We will make a
lantern by your own and we will keep it as a
souvenir of our time in Hoi An. Lunch at local
restaurant and the rest of the afternoon is free
for leisure. Overnight in Hoi An.
Wednesday, 8th April | We leave Hoi An
to Hue via Danang where we pass through
the Hai Van Pass, which ranks among the
top rides in Vietnam with sweeping vistas to
historic sites. At the base of the mountain
we see a stretch of prisitine coasline near the
village of Lang Co. At the top of the mountain
we stop and soak in the beautiful views of
one of Vietnam’s most scenic spots. Upon
arrival in Danang, we make a stop to visit the
Cham Museum where it houses the finest
collection of Cham sculptures. We will see
many sandstone carvings, statues of genies
and female dancers and numerous valuable
artifacts. Then we proceed to the Marble
Mountains with mysterious cave pagodas
and a stone carving village at the foot of the
mountain. We continue to Hue, upon arrival
at our hotel we check-in and then have lunch
at a local restaurant. In the afternoon we visit
the Imperial Citadel where Kings of Vietnam’s
last feudal dynasty ruled from 1802 to 1945,
we will see amongst other the Flag Tower,
Nine Holy Cannons, Ngo Mon Gate, Thai Hoa
Palace, Nine Dynastic Urns, Forbidden Purple
City. We then continue to visit the Tomb of
King Tu Duc - the ‘poet Emperor’, which is set
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child Sharing
Visa Authorization letter
Please ask at the desk for visa requirements
Please ask for more information regarding triple rooms
in Halong Bay
Emirates flights to Bangkok and back (via Dubai)
Vietnam Airlines flight from Bangkok to Hanoi and
internal flights to Danang & Saigon
Cambodia Angkor Air internal flights to Phnom Penh
& Siem Reap
Bangkok Airways flight from Siem Reap to Bangkok
13 nights accommodation in 4 star hotels
13 buffet breakfasts, 10 lunches and 2 dinners
Meals (except for breakfasts) are taken in typical local
All transfers in a private air conditioned vehicle
All excursions guided by English speaking guide as
indicated in itinerary
Entrance fees to places of interest as shown on
Services of Tour Leader
All taxes
International flights with Emirates Airlines
in an elegant garden with a magnificent lake
and pavilion complex. Overnight in Hue.
Thursday, 9th April | We are transferred
to the pier to take a boat to visit Thien Mu
Pagoda on the bank of the scenic Perfume
River. We then continue by bus to visit Tomb
of King Khai Dinh, its interest lies within
its uneasy combination of Vietnamese and
European features and the use of fragments
of ceramics and glass for decoration. Lunch at
local restaurant and after we are transferred
to the airport for our flight to Saigon. Upon
arrival, we go at our hotel for check-in.
Overnight in Saigon.
Friday, 10th April | Check out from our
hotel to visit the incredible network of the
underground Cu Chi Tunnels constructed by
Vietnamese fighters during the long struggle
for independence and reunification. This
network of over 200 km of tunnels became
legendary during the 1960’s when they
played a vital part in the American War,
allowing the Viet Cong to control a large
rural area close to Ho Chi Minh City. In
their heyday, the tunnels were functioning
underground cities. Then we head back
to the city for lunch at local restaurant. In
the afternoon, we visit the War Remnants
Museum and the Reunification Palace. We
end the day with a visit to the Saigon Notre
Dame Cathedral and the bustling Ben Thanh
Market for shopping. Overnight in Saigon.
Saturday, 11th April | Depart from our
hotel in the morning for a 2 hour pleasant
drive to Ben Tre province, crossing Rach Mieu
bridge. On arrival in Hung Vuong Pier, we
hop on a motorized boat were we cruise Ben
Tre river – one of the tributaries of Mekong
river. Our first stop is at a brick factory to
know more about the traditional ways to
make the main material of the many houses
in the Mekong Delta. We then visit one of
the many coconut processing workshops
located along the canal. We return to the
boat and go through the natural creeks to
a village where we see some locals making
sleeping mats. Lunch at a riverside restaurant,
afterwards we take a rowing-boat along the
beautiful water palm creek before boarding
the boat to go back to pier. Return to hotel
and overnight in Saigon.
Sunday, 12th April | The day is free for
shopping or to discover more the capital.
Later we are transferred to the airport for our
flight to Phnom Penh in Cambodia. Upon
arrival, check-in at our hotel. Overnight in
Phnom Penh.
Monday, 13th April | Phnom Penh has
been the capital since 1866 and although
it suffered extensive damage during the
Khmer Rouge era, the city still retains its
rustic charm. Accompanied by an Englishspeaking local guide we will tour the city to
discover its ancient and recent past. We will
visit Cambodia’s Royal Palace, which stands
majestically in the city center just off the
riverfront area. Several buildings are open to
visitors including the Silver Pagoda whose
floor is lined with solid silver tiles. We then
continue to the Cambodia National Museum
that is located in a fabulous old building, the
Museum is filled with art and artifacts dating
back to the pre-Angkorian era. At the north
end of the city is the hilltop pagoda of
Wat Phnom, for which the capital was
named. Climb the stairs to the top of the
hill for fabulous views of the city below.
Lunch at a local restaurant. Then in
the afternoon we go to visit Tuol Sleng
Prison (S-21) and the Killing Fields which
is a sobering reminder of the evils of the
Khmer Rouge regime. Although not a
joyful tour, visiting these monuments
unlocks keys to understanding the
development of this still developing
country. Overnight in Phnom Penh.
Tuesday, 14th April | Free time until
we make our way to the airport for our
flight to Siem Reap. Upon arrival, pick
up and transfer to our selected hotel.
Overnight in Siem Reap.
Wednesday, 15th April | The
masterpiece of Angkor Wat is Cambodia’s
most beloved and best preserved temple.
The 500-acre site is one of the largest
religious monuments in the world and
represents the architectural pinnacle of
the Khmer Empire. Originally dedicated
to the Hindu god Vishnu, it has remained
a place of worship since its founding
in the 12th century. Thought to be a
miniature replica of the universe, its
composition of towers, moats and
concentric walls reveals an architectural
sophistication, and the bas-reliefs with
their plump figures and triumphal battle
scenes reflect a robust, healthy and
wealthy period of history. Banteay Srei
has intricate carvings of sensuous celestial
dancers wearing bangles, beaded anklets
and sheer drop-waist skirts. The pleats are
still folded beautifully in the sandstone
- 1,000 years on. We start the morning
with a visit to the temples of Angkor:
Angkor Thom - South Gate, Bayon, the
Baphoun, the Terrace of Elephants, the
Terrace of the Leper King and the Temple
Phimean Akas. Lunch at a local restaurant
and in the afternoon we visit Angkor Wat
- the UNESCO World Heritage site. Later
we climb the steps leading up to Bakheng
hill to catch a spectacular sunset over the
temples. Overnight in Siem Reap.
Thursday, 16th April | The day is free
to enjoy Siem Reap with its colonial and
Chinese-style architecture in the Old
French Quarter, and around the Old
Market. In the city, there are museums,
traditional Apsara dance performances,
Cambodian cultural village, souvenir
and handycraft shops, silk farms and
many markets. We suggest you visit
the Psar Chaa – Old market which
every day is packed with locals as well
as tourists. Many small stalls are set
up on the ground, like vegetables,
fish and meat. There are many stalls
which you can find everything you
can imagine - from spices, snacks,
souvenirs, linen, clothes, leather goods,
home furnishings and more. Not to be
missed are stalls that sell Cambodian
silk scarfs or shawls. (Check-out time
is at noon). Later in the afternoon we
are transferred to the airport for our
departure flight back home, leaving at
8.30 p.m. and arriving in Malta at 2.10
p.m. (Friday, 17th April).
Short break in
Free Paris City Tour
30 April - 3 May
Paris, Notre Dame,
Eiffel Tower, Versailles,
Reims and Montmartre
and visit the spectacular cathedral
listed as UNESCO World Heritage.
The Cathedral of Reims is a Gothic
art masterpiece where the kings of
France were crowned, and every
year it welcomes around a million
visitors. The Cathedral of Reims is
still unequalled in the richness of its
statuary and considered as the largest
Cathedral in Europe. Free time for
personal sightseeing is given, before
we make our way to the cellars of
Mercier Champagne (extra - ¢9.00
per person to be paid with deposit)
for an interesting and informative visit.
Friday 1st May | This morning
we head off for our optional full
day excursion in Reims, the home
of Champagne, and also known
as the city of kings. We drive by
Château-Thierry and Marne River,
Saturday 2nd May | We continue our
holiday with a half day excursion in
Versailles, a city renowned worldwide
for its château. The Château de
Versailles and the gardens of Versailles,
which has been on UNESCO’s World
Thursday 30th April | We meet our
tour leader at the airport at 4.35 a.m.
for our Air Malta flight departing at
6.35 a.m. and arriving in Paris at 9.25
a.m. On arrival our coach takes us for a
Paris city tour which takes us to iconic
buildings such as Notre Dame de Paris
and the Eiffel Tower. We then proceed
to the Seine River where we have
enough time to discover Paris from a
different perspective by taking a boat
trip (extra). We are then transferred to
our 3 star Hotel Ibis Berthier Porte de
Clichy and later join our tour leader for
a familiarisation walk.
Sunday 3rd May | We enjoy our last
day with an optional full day excursion
heading first to Montmartre where we
walk through the cobbled streets of
one of the most historic and interesting
neighborhoods in Paris. We visit
he Basilica of Sacré-Coeur which sits
on the crest of the hill and admire the
panorama view of Paris at a height
of 130 metres. We visit Boulevard de
Clichy which is lined with bars and
typical café’s in the heart of Paris. We
end our excursion with a visit to the
most famous landmark Paris offers,
the Eiffel Tower (extra) and with a
panoramic view over Paris - no better
spot for taking some photos. We are
then transferred to Paris Airport for
our flight departing at 8.30 p.m. and
arriving in Malta at 11.05 p.m.
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
Child with 2 adults
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursion are taken
There are many restaurants in the city centre where one can
choose from.
Air Malta return flights to Paris
3 nights in 3 star Hotel Ibis Berthier Porte de Clichy
Room with private facilities, TV, a/c & free Wi-Fi
Daily Buffet Breakfast
Free guided Paris city tour
Return airport transfers
Services of tour leader
All taxes
Versailles (including entrance)
Montmartre & Eiffel Tower
¢49 ¢30
¢49 ¢30
¢45 ¢28
Free excursion
to Chartres
surroundings, the formal garden
and the park surrounding it add
to the impression of delicate grace
emanating from the castle.
Chartres, Orléans, Amboise,
Château de Chenonceau,
Blois, Chambord Château
and Villandry
Heritage List for 30 years, is one of
the most beautiful achievements of
18th-century French art. We shall have
a guided tour (included) and stroll
through the exquisite gardens, and
later make our way back to the hotel.
In the evening one can join the tour
leader and discover the beauty of Paris
by night, seeing sights such as the
Avenue of Champs-Élysées & the Arc
de Triomphe, one of the most famous
monuments in Paris.
Loire Valley Castles
& Gardens
4 - 7 June
Thursday 4th June | We meet our
tour leader at 04.35 a.m. for our
Air Malta flight to Paris departing at
06.35 a.m. On arrival at 09.25 a.m.
our coach picks us up to go to our
hotel in Orleans in Loire Valley. On
our way we stop in Chartres for a
free excursion. Will go through the
picturesque streets where we see
half-timbered houses, old bridges,
crafts workshops and restaurants. The
highlight of Chartres is the cathedral
with its gothic architecture and is
listed as World Heritage by UNESCO.
We then proceed to our hotel for
check–in, afterwards we go with the
tour leader for a familiarization walk
of Orleans. A city with an attractive
old quarter centering around
the 18th and 19th century streets,
with arcaded galleries that evoke a
gracious and prosperous history.
Friday 5th June | Today’s full
day optional excursion takes us to
Amboise, cradle of the Renaissance.
It is often said that Amboise has the
most Italian flair of all the Loire Valley
cities. It is also home to one of the
largest markets in the area, which is
held on Friday. We have some free
time before we proceed to a wine
cellar where a briefing will be held
on the Loire Valley heritage, together
with tasting sessions of wines and
local food products. Our last stop is
Château de Chenonceau (extra),
which is built on the river Cher and
the unique beauty of its architecture
reflects in the water. The lovely
Saturday 6th June | Another full
day optional excursion takes us in
the heart of the Loire Valley to the
royal town of Blois which is packed
with animated streets, paved squares,
restaurants and taverns. We then
proceed to Chambord Château
(extra) which is a unique monument
by its architecture and proportions.
The largest of the Loire castles, the
turreted Chambord Castle was built
for King Francois 1st as a hunting
lodge. The intricate stone “double
helix” staircase leading up to the
spires and turrets of the rooftop
terrace is thought to have been
designed by Leonardo da Vinci.
Sunday 7th June | Our last half day
optional excursion takes us to the
most spectacular gardens of Villandry
(extra). By its diversity, originality and
by its size (15 acres) Villandry is the
Loire Valley garden which should not
be missed. We can relax in the shade
of the lime-trees and the pergolas, by
the vast lawns of the water garden or
the new italian-style waterfalls, there
is also a secret maze! Afterwards we are
transferred to the airport for our return
flight departing at 08.30 p.m. and
arriving in Malta at 11.05 p.m.
Adult in triple
Adult in twin
Adult in single
Child sharing
*Special Price
* Special price applies when all excursions are taken
There are many restaurants in the city centre
where one can choose from
Air Malta Flights direct to Paris
3 nights in 3 star hotel in Orleans
Daily American buffet breakfast
Free excursion to Chartres
Services of Tour leader
Return airport transfers
All taxes
Amboise (wine tasting incl.)
& Chenonceau Château
Blois & Chambord Château
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7
Group 8
Group 9
Group 10
Lake Bled in Slovenia
Plus a touch of Italy & Austria
applicable on this
Direct flights to Ljubljana - Hotel rooms refurbished in January 2014
10-17 July
17-24 July
24-31 July
31 July - 7 August
7-14 August
14-21 August
21-28 August
28 August - 4 September
4-11 September
11-18 September
Bled, Bohinj, Mount Vogel, Kranjska
Gora, Ljubljana, Venzone, Monte
Lussari, Villach, Klagenfurt, Novo
Mesto, Krka River, Postojna Caves and
Predjama Castle
prices as
FRIDAY | We will meet our leader at
6.30 p.m. for our direct Air Malta flight to
Ljubljana departing at 8.35 p.m. On arrival at
10.40 p.m., we proceed to our 3 star central
Hotel Krim in Bled and check into our rooms.
SATURDAY | This morning we go on an
optional full day excursion to visit Ljubljana,
the capital city of Slovenia. This friendly city
has a baroque section of the old town, with
narrow cobbled streets nestled between
the castle slopes and the river Ljubljanica.
Particular highlights of the old town include
the Cathedral of St Nikolai, the city hall, the
three bridges and the open market. After
the guided tour, we will take a boat ride
(included – weather permitting) on the River
Ljubljanica to admire the city from the river
SUNDAY | An enjoyable full day optional
excursion is planned to visit Kranjska
Gora. Set near the borders with Austria
and Italy, this winter and summer tourist
resort touches Triglav National Park. The
picturesque village still retains its identity
and it is fun to make use of the cable chairs
up on the mountain (extra).
MONDAY | We start with an optional full
day excursion to explore the town of Bled,
known as the pearl of the Slovenian Alpine
region due to its emerald-green lake, with
the small church on the island of the lake
and the medieval castle on a cliff above
the lake. We visit Bled Castle (extra)
and then proceed to Bohinj, the largest
glacier lake in Slovenia, situated in the
region of the Julian Alps. We will take
a cable car (extra) up to Mount Vogel
and admire the stupendous view till we
reach the summit. After this experience
we will have time to relax by the side
of the peaceful Bohinj Lake.
TUESDAY | On our full day optional
excursion we cross over to Italy
driving towards the medieval village
of beautiful Venzone in the Friulian
region. This village is synonymous
for its lavender. Venzone was almost
completely destroyed in the seventies
due to an earthquake and it was
reconstructed stone by stone. We
then proceed to the foot of Monte
Lussari where we can take a cable
car (extra – weather permitting).
Monte Lussari is famous with
pilgrims due to the tradition related
to the discovery of a statue of Mary
with Baby Jesus.
WEDNESDAY | We board our
coach for a full day optional
excursion and cross over to Austria
visiting two beautiful towns - Villach,
a small town with roots going back
to Roman times, and Klagenfurt,
one of Austria’s prettiest old towns.
Klagenfurt was awarded the
prestigious Europa Nostra Diploma
for its restored arcaded Renaissance
courtyards. The Neuer Platz is
dominated by the Lindwurm, a
winged dragon which is the emblem
of the city and was modelled on
the dragon of legend, said to have
resided in a swamp here long ago.
THURSDAY | Today we will go on an
optional full day excursion in the area of
Novo Mesto visiting a traditional farm
famous for its Cvicek wine as well as a
peaceful ride on the Krka river on a large
traditional raft. The farm is a 150 years
old country house which was restored
and refurbished in the traditional way.
We will be welcomed with a tasting
of home-made bread, salami sausage
and local wine. The raft experience,
meandering under four main bridges
takes us to the main sights around this
beautiful river while being entertained
with live music on board (weather
permitting)! We will also have free
time in Novo Mesto village to do some
personal sight-seeing.
FRIDAY | Our last full day optional
excursion takes us to Postojna and
Predjama. Postojna caves (entrance
extra) are amongst the largest in
the world. There are 22 kilometres
of amazing stalactite and stalagmite
structures. An electric train will take us
into the caves and then a guide will walk
us through the most dramatic parts of the
caves. We will also visit Predjama Castle
(entrance extra), a unique structure in
Gothic style built right in the mountains
under a natural rocky arch. We will return
to our hotel. Check out of rooms is at noon.
Dinner will be served at 6.00 p.m. followed
by departure to Ljubljana Airport for our
Air Malta flight departing at 11.25 p.m.
and arriving in Malta at 01.30 a.m., early
Saturday morning.
Adult in Triple
Adult in Twin
Adult in Single
1st Child
2nd Child
Half Board (5 Buffet plus
1 Slovenian Buffet Dinner and 1
Candlelight 4-Course Dinner)
*Special Price
* Special price applies when half board & all excursion are taken
Return Air Malta direct flights to Ljubljana
7 nights in 3 star Hotel Krim in Bled
7 buffet breakfasts
Welcome drink
Rooms with private facilities, A/C & TV
Return coach transfers
Services of tour leader
All taxes
Child under 12 pays half
Bled/Bohinj/Mt Vogel
Kranjska Gora
Venzone/Monte Lussari (Italy)
Villach/Klagenfurt (Austria)
** Novo Mesto Farm/Raft
Predjama Castle/Postojna Caves
** Price of this excursion includes the entrance, tasting of
local wine, boat ride, music on board and guides
All excursions are guided by an English speaking guide
Cruise Packages
River Cruise
Amelia 4 Star Plus
3 nights cruise in outside cabin
and 4 nights in Cologne’s hotel
26 April - 3 May - from ¢899
River Cruise
MS Rousse Prestige
6 nights cruise in outside
accommodation on all inclusive basis
12-19 August - from ¢1110
Celebrity Infinity
7 nights cruise on a full board basis, 2 nights
in Vancouver’s hotel, 1 night on the Blue River,
1 night in Banff and 1 night in Revelstoke
8-21 August - from ¢3199
MS Zuiderman
11 nights cruise on a full board basis
and 1 night in a 4 star hotel in Venice.
Visiting Greece and Turkey.
21 July - 2 August - from ¢2159
Celebrity Eclipse
8 nights Norwegian Cruise
on a full board basis
23-30 August - from ¢1669
Book by end of January 2015 to avail from these special prices! Ask for detailed programmes.