View - St. Charles Borromeo


View - St. Charles Borromeo
St. Charles Borromeo
810 Pearl Street, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
(715) 723-4088
Mass: Saturday 4 p.m.
Sunday 7:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
@ St. Peters 6:30 p.m. Call 715-723-4088
ext.100 to register.
Please check with the parish first for
available dates before making all your plans.
St. Charles-Saturday 3:15 p.m.
St. Peter-Saturday 6:00 p.m.
or anytime by appointment
If you would like to be anointed please call the
central office before surgery.
We will bring you Holy Communion and visit
you in the hospital or at home. Please call the
parish office for arrangements.
ABUSE. The Diocese of La Crosse, through
its policies and procedures, seeks to provide a
prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child
by a priest or deacon. Anyone wishing to
make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse
should send that report to Bishop William P.
Callahan at the Diocese of La Crosse, P.O.
Box 4004, La Crosse, WI 54602-4004. The
form is available through the Diocese of
La Crosse, Office for Clergy; or on the diocesan website at:
Individuals are also encouraged to take
their reports directly to civil authorities.
Copies of the diocesan policy are available
through your local parish and on the diocesan
website. If you have any questions about the
Diocese of La Crosse and the implementation
of the Charter for the Protection of Children
and Young People, please contact Father
David Kunz, Vicar for Clergy, Diocese of La
Crosse, at (608) 791-2689; or
Central Parish Office Staff
Rev. Ed Shuttleworth
(715) 723-4088, ext. 108
Deacon Tom Kinnick
(715) 723-4088, ext. 105
Cell: (715) 404-0480
Deacon Dan Rider
(715) 726-0461
Cell: (715) 215-0102
Vi McMahan
(715) 723-4088, ext. 100
Mary Steinmetz
(715) 723-4088, ext. 104
St. Peter the Apostle - Tilden
11358 County Highway Q
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
(715) 723-4088
Mass: Saturday 6:30 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m.
Christian Mothers Society
Mary Krall (715)-874-5173
Annette Hunt (715-407-2529)
St. Peter Catholic School, Tilden
Tammy Christopher, Principal
(715) 288-6250
Home & School
Dennis Hunt (715) 225-4706
McDonell Area Catholic Schools
MACS Central Office
Jeff Heinzen
(715) 723-0538
Jerry Boorsma
(715) 723-4088, ext.103
St. Charles Early Childcare Program
Chris Cook, Director
(715) 723-2161, 6:30 am – 6 pm daily
Greg Gilbertson
(715) 723-4088, ext. 102
Bulletin Deadline
Monday, 1 p.m.
Write or e-mail information to:
Mon.-Thur. 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Friday 9:00 am—1:00 p.m.
Closed Holidays & Holy Days
New Parishioners/Address Change
Please call Parish office (715) 723-4088
Mary Sue Briggs, Principal
St. Charles Borromeo Primary
(715) 723-5827
Holy Ghost Elementary
(715) 723-6478
Br. Roger Betzold, Principal
Notre Dame Middle School
(715) 723-4777
McDonell Central Catholic High
(715) 723-9126
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 25, 2015
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 25, 2015
Mon. Jan. 26
7:00 p.m.
Sts. Timothy & Titus
Tue. Jan. 27
12:10 p.m.
St. Angela Merici
Mass + Charles Meinen
Wed. Jan. 28
8:30 a.m.
St. Thomas Aquinas
Mass + Pat Akan SC
Thur. Jan. 29
8:30 a.m.
Weekday Third week in Ordinary Time
Mass + Arlene Geissler SC
Fri. Jan. 30
8:30 a.m.
Weekday Third week in Ordinary Time
Mass + Al & Veronica Goettl SP
Sat. Jan. 31
3:15 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Vigil Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Confessions SC
Mass + Tom Goettl SC
Confessions SP
Rosary SP
Mass + Ken Bohl SP
Sun. Feb. 1
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass + Mary Oberweis SC
Mass + Thomas Heap SP
Mass All Entrusted to the Pastors Care SC
Rosary SC
Any young people in Grades 4 and up are invited to
be trained as Mass Servers for St. Charles. We also
are inviting Moms and Dads to consider serving
with your son or daughter! This is a great opportunity to make Sunday Mass a true “family event”. Training sessions for kids and adults will be held on Saturday mornings, February 7 and 21, from 9:00 – 10:30
a.m. We ask new servers to attend one of the training
sessions. Call the Parish Office 715-723-4088 to sign
up or email Fr. Ed:
Baptism class February 3, 2015 @ St. Peters
church hall 6:30 p.m.
All those anticipating Baptism in the up coming spring,
please plan on attending this session.
Catholic Schools – A Parent
Today marks the beginning of “Catholic Schools Week.” It’s our
annual opportunity to reflect on the important investment our
parishes make in terms of Catholic Education. There’s a lot I
could say to you about the importance of Catholic Schools. But I
thought it might be good to let a parent, Ed Wojcicki, speak. Mr.
Wojcicki shared the following in a recent article for U. S. Catholic magazine.
“First, we wanted our children exposed to the Catholic faith daily
and to a value system that would forever be a part of their lives.
They could and did get this exposure at home as well. But parents are not perfect. So the institution's reinforcement of our
values and a community to support us were blessings, indeed.
The second reason was to have our children experience their
inevitable exposure to a secular world through the filter of
Catholic institutions that theoretically value the life of every person. In their grade school, our children endured an interesting
playground rule. The older children did not play games but
rather monitored the younger students. The older ones grumbled, but they learned every day that to a certain extent they are
indeed their sisters' and brothers' keepers.
Then our children went to an Ursuline high school whose motto
is Serviam, which translates, "I will serve." I like that motto in an
era when self-fulfillment and being happy are the current cultural
infatuations of American society. Many schools, including public
schools, are now requiring community service of some kind.
That's great, but even better, I think, is when "I will serve" is your
motto, your mission. I was proud when my son said yes to
spending several months as an RCIA sponsor, faithfully attending a weekly meeting at our parish in support of a boy from a
public school. And my daughter assumed leadership positions,
sometimes sacrificing some of her want-to-have-fun desires to
attend meetings and help respond to crises. Service is central to
our faith-and probably much healthier for one's personal health
than all the modern rhetoric about self-fulfillment.
We do not yet know what values our children ultimately will accept for themselves and whether they will practice their faith as
they move into adulthood. But we believe that their experiences
of Christian community and service in Catholic schools were
worth the sacrifices and numerous extra checks. The schools
successfully handed down the faith to the next generation, and
our children had as many faith-based experiences as possible in
an increasingly secular society. Given a choice to give them the
same opportunity again, we would.” See more at: http://
I hope Mr. Wojcicki’s words will inspire all of us – parents and
parishioners – to continue to support our Catholic Schools.
They are, I believe, the best investment we can make for our
young people in today’s world.
Father Ed
Goldsmith Chapel will be
closing on Friday’s at 10:00 a.m. and
will re-open on Sunday at 7:00
Parish & Community News
St. Peters News
Christian Mothers:
Church cleaning for the month of January St. Rose
Bingo: January 25, 2015 St. Anne Circle
Menu: roast beef & gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, salads,
bread and assorted cakes. Games begin at 2:00 p.m. Lunch
at 4:00 p.m. In case of inclement weather, please call
715-288-6250 to check if Bingo is cancelled.
Peters Patter
Hello from the 3rd and 4th grade classroom. We have been
busy finishing up our lessons in preparation for the end of the
2nd quarter. The year is already half way over! This weekend
begins our annual Catholic Schools Week. At this time we
would like to thank-you for all you do for our school. We appreciate your dedication to our education. Thank-you!
In Religion the 3rd graders are reading about the Sacrament of
Reconciliation. We are reminded that we all have free will that
allows us to choose right from wrong. We also reviewed the
steps involved in making a good confession. The 4th graders
are reading about the time period leading up to the birth of
Christ. We are studying the life of John the Baptist and then
will be transitioning into Jesus’ birth.
In Math the 3rd graders began a chapter on fractions. They
reviewed that fractions are equal parts of a whole and how to
name a fraction. The 4th graders, meanwhile, finished a chapter on basic fractions and began a chapter in which we will be
multiplying fractions, finding multiples of fractions, etc.
In Wisconsin History we are working on a unit that focuses on
immigration. The students had to fill in a family heritage map
and find out which countries their ancestors came from. We
discussed the reason why immigrants settled where they did
and why some of their ancestors left their homeland to come
and settle in a new world in the first place.
In Science we finished up a unit on force. The students
learned what a force is, along with the specific forces of gravity, and friction. We also read about the concept of inertia. We
finished up the chapter reading about Sir Isaac Newton and
some of the ideas he developed about force and motion and
their effect on objects.
St. Peter School 13th annual sweetheart pancake
Breakfast Sunday, February 15, 2015, at St. Peter’s church
hall. Serving 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Menu: pancakes, French
toast, sausage, ham, eggs, toast, donuts, and more. Cost: (10)
year olds and adults $6.00, children (9-4) $3.00 and under (3)
free. St. Peters is handicapped assessable.
The Tilden Lions sheephead/euchre tournament follows at
1:00 p.m.
Up coming Events &Dates
February 2, 2015 Alpha Program begins at 6:00 p.m. St.
Charles school. Everyone is welcome to come join us.
February 3, 2015 Baptism class at 6:30 p.m. St. Peters Tilden
February 14, 2015 First Communion prep (parents only) 9:00
a.m.-10:30 a.m. St. Peters
February 15, 2015 Sweetheart breakfast St. Peters
February 18, 2015 Ash Wednesday
March 25, 2015 Chicken dinner St. Peters
April 26, 2015 First Communion St. Charles
May 4, 2015 Confirmation
May 10, 2015 First Communion St. Peter
Married at St. Charles January 17, 2015
Lawrence J. Winter & Paula R. Ashbeck
Buried at St. Charles January 22, 2015
Otto Bohl
May he rest in peace
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish Friday Fish Fry
Friday, February 6, 2015 Family Style Fish Fry at Sacred Heart
Parish 13989 195th St. Jim Falls.
Includes soup, fish, potato, coleslaw, rolls, beverage, dessert.
Adults $9.00 Children 4-12 $4.00
Diocesan Women’s Conference Saturday,
March 7, 2015 at St. Mary’s Community Center
1828 Lynn Ave, Altoona. “Embracing Your Call to
Holiness”. Schedule check –in and registration: 7:00 a.m—9:00
a.m. rosary, First Saturday Mass, retreat, confessions and adoration. Registration forms available in the Narthex or back of
the church at St. Peters. For more registration forms go to the
web site
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Boyd
chicken & polish sausage dinner February 15, 2015. Serving
from 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Serving chicken, polish sausage,
kraut, dressing, mashed potatoes, vegetable, bread, dessert,
coffee/milk. Adults $9.00, children (6-12) $5.00 and under (5)
free. Sponsored by Knights of Columbus to support our Catholic School.
Bingo at the KC hall in Chippewa Falls on
Friday nights.
1316 Bel Air Blvd., Chippewa Falls, WI * 715.723.0538
Dear Parishioners,
It's coming soon and it’s going to be a BLAST! Catholic
Schools Week begins today Sunday, January 25th
through the 31st. Here are few of the exciting activities
that our students and staff will be participating in: A spectacular musical called "Peter Pan", the Athletic Booster
Club brunch, a deanery-wide western rally day, an author
visitation day, a crazy sock and comfy day, Christie Mt.
Ski trip, a jousting competition, the annual snowflake
dance, and best of all, enrollment for next year! Tours of
all our schools are available. Just call ahead. Please see
our website for a complete list of activities and come celebrate Catholic School fun with us!
The MACS Principals and Students
Peter Pan – Tickets at the door
McDonell High School presents Peter Pan –Saturday,
January 24th at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, January 25th at
2:00 p.m.
Catholic Schools Week Brunch
On Sunday, January 25th, a community brunch hosted by
the McDonell Athletic Booster Club, will be held at
McDonell High School from 8:30 to 12:30 p.m. Cost:
(Grade 6 to adult) $6.00, (K-5) $4.00 and preschool free.
Mayor Greg Hoffman will be present at 9:00 a.m. with a
proclamation from the city.
Mid-Winter Mardi Gras Saturday, February 7th at
McDonell High School 6:00 pm to midnight. Enjoy a dinner, live music by Troppo Big Band Jazz Orchestra, casino style games, raffles and more. Purchase your tickets
now online or call 715.723.0538.
Seating for dinner is limited.
BB4C, Childcare and Kindergarten-second Open
Tuesday, February 3rd from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. at 429 W
Spruce St. Chippewa Falls.
St. Charles Borromeo School –Enrollment begins
Wednesday, January 28th.
St. Charles Early Childhood Center (Ages two, three
and four) includes the 4K program, Building Bridges 4
Children (BB4C). Enrollment begins February 2nd.
Thank you, to the staff and teachers of our schools.
Thank you, to all the parents who provide all the hours of
service to help support our schools and thank you, to all
the members of our parishes who help provide the funding for the schools.
God Bless you and your families for all the support.
CCD & Youth
Classes for the second semester are underway. Class will be
held on Jan. 28, Feb. 4,11,18, March 4,11, 18, 25, April 8 and
April 15. March 18, 2015 is Teen Life Night for grades 6-10 at
6:30 p.m. Call 725-723-4088 ext. 102 Greg Gilbertson if you
have questions or concerns.
If school is closed we do not have CCD.
Please continue to pray for all those preparing for the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation.
If your child was not Baptized at St. Charles or St. Peters
please request a copy of their Baptism certificate as soon as
possible and send or bring it to the Central Office.
Christie Mountain ski trip February 25, 2015 All St. Peter/ St.
Charles members are invited to come enjoy a day of skiing or
tubing. Discount group rates apply. Please note, we need to
have a minimum of 20 tubers to have the tubing hill open to us.
Forms are available in the back of church. Deadline to sign up
Sunday, February 8, 2015. Questions please call Tami at 715568-4777.
Catholic Charities “Lucky in Love” Mardi Gras Catholic Charities is pleased to announce its second Mardi
Gras Masquerade on February 13, 2015 at The Florian
Gardens. The fun begins at 6:00 pm with live music, food,
casino games, auction items and door prizes all in a
Mardi Gras atmosphere! Come dressed in costume or
fancy dress – beads and masks available. This event will
benefit local programs in Chippewa Valley including the
Sojourner House, St. Lawrence Community Services and
Adoption Services. Advance tickets are required and are
$50 per person. For more information or to register,
please contact Roberta Kostka, Development Associate
at 715.832.6644 x 16 or visit our website at
A two day National Marriage Encounter Weekend is
scheduled for March 7th – 8th in Eau Claire. The program,
which is presented by local couples from the Chippewa Valley
Marriage Encounter, will be held at Americas Best Value Inn
across from Sacred Heart Hospital. Renew the bonds of mutual understanding and love brought about by better communication in your marriage. Marriage Encounter is designed for
couples of all ages and denominations who are interested in
having a closer relationship in their marriage. The weekend
will begin on Saturday morning with 7:30 registration and
close on Sunday afternoon by 3:30 pm. For more information
regarding the upcoming Marriage Encounter weekend, contact
Chippewa Valley Marriage Encounter, 127 E. Mac Arthur Ave.,
Eau Claire, WI 54701; phone at 715-832-3296, e-mail at or through our website at
Registration for the Alpha program which begins on February
2, 2015 with a session on “Come and See!”can be done by
going to the web site or
call Greg @ 715-723-4088 ext. 102 or return the form from
last Sunday’s bulletin.
MINISTERIES FOR Jan. 31 & Feb. 1, 2015
4:00 p.m. Mass St. Charles
SERVERS:Tom Eder, Josh Leibrandt, Paige Kempen
READERS: Rita Nowak, Tom Eder
EMOC: Matt Amundson, Rita Nowak, Mike Brown, Tim &
Cindy Nyhus, Mark Baker
CANTOR: Barb Eckwright
USHERS: Frank Falkner, Jerry Jacobson, Milt
Lechleitner, Mel Clegg
6:30 p.m. Mass St. Peter
SERVERS: Max Hauser, Noah Weimert
READER: Diane Woolever
EMOC: Diane Woolever, Cathy Bohl
ROSARY: Jeanne Bennesch
GREETERS: Eslinger Family
GIFT BEARERS: Eslinger Family
CANTOR: Julie Geissler
SCRIP: Kim Dachel
7:30 a.m. Mass St. Charles
SERVERS: Connor MacNicol, Clayton & Leopold Schulte
READERS: Erin Ripienski, Roxanne MacNicol
EMOC: Lorraine Gardow, Joe Oberweis, John MacNicol,
Erin Ripienski, Butch & Kathy Dachel
CANTOR: Carol Heyde
SACRISTAN: John MacNicol
USHERS: Francis Gaier, Sheldon Schneider,
James Bandoli, Paul Roach
9:00 a.m. Mass St. Peter (Hospitality )
SERVERS: Leo Burmeister, Wyatt Moon, Scott Wild
READER: David Meinen
EMOC: Sandy Reischel, Paula Thelen
ROSARY: Rochester Family
GREETERS:Fran Sykora
GIFT BEARERS: Doug Secraw Family
CANTOR: Natalie & Olivia Burmeister
SCRIP: Diane Meinen
10:30 a.m. Mass St. Charles
SERVERS: Mark, Tim & Claire Buchmann
READERS: Gini Dachel, Yvette Kinnick
EMOC: Phyllis Goettl, Linda Marinello, Lelah Krista, Ken
& Diane Koss, Yvette Kinnick
CANTOR: Robert Parkhurst
SACRISTAN: Barb Parkhurst
USHERS: Eugene Goettl, Gary VanSleet, Mark Norquist,
Curt Hunt
Week of January 17 & 18, 2015
Weekly Budget:
Weekly Contributions:
Shortfall (Over):
Month to date budget:
Month to date collected:
Monthly short (over):
Year to date budget:
Year to date collected:
Shortfall (Over):
2014-2015 Diocesan Annual Appeal
Collected as of 1/14/15:
Cash left to raise:
Extra Collections
Sustaining Fund $633.12
Children’s Fund $13.00
Solemnity of Mary $15.00
School Fund
Fuel Fund
First Offering
Borromeo Children’s Fund – Jeanne Picotte, Nancy McCarthy
Hymnal – Carol Akan (SC)
School Fund: Dolores Bresina, Dan & Kathy Eder,
Donna Amerson
Fuel Fund: Dan & Kathy Eder
Scrip News
Here is the latest update for the Scrip program – Please make
your checks out to MACS Scrip from today forward. Your scrip
order must still be purchased through the respective parishes if
you want St. Charles Parish or St Peter School to get credit for
the rebate that is possible on all Scrip purchases.
Gordy’s 1% Rebate Program
After many years of supporting our parishes through this rebate
program, Gordy’s will be eliminating it as of January 31, 2015.
All receipts for this time period need to be turned into your charitable organization and remitted for reimbursement. All slips must
be turned in by March 31st. After that date no payments will be
made. Gordy’s will continue to support our parishes through the
use of Scrip cards. They offer a 5% discount for all Scrip cards
purchased. Please consider using Gordy’s Scrip to pay for your
grocery and gas purchases.