October 19, 2014 Adult Education Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time


October 19, 2014 Adult Education Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 19, 2014
Adult Education
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary
Turn your ear to me, Lord, and hear me.
Week of October 13 schedule
Monday, Communion Service, 8AM
Tuesday through Friday, Mass, 8 AM
(theSunday 9a.m.Massisofferedforthepeopleoftheparish)
Tuesday, Joanie Hoctor, R.I.P.
Wednesday, Shirlie Hoctor, Int.
R.C.I.A., Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, will continue on Monday, October 20,
at 7:00 p.m. This program is for those who are seeking more information about and
preparing to join the Catholic Church. Adults, already baptized in the Catholic faith,
who need to receive the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation
need to attend. For more information, please contact Sharon Rosell at 962-5469
Bible Study open to all parishioners: Join us Friday mornings in the St. Jerome
Library 9:00-11:00 a.m. We are doing “Catechism: A Pilgrimage of Faith” the first
hour, followed by the Wives in Prayer the second hour. Cost is $20 for book.
Childcare available. If interested, please call Emily Stickney at 968-9195 or Alison
Mattson at 962-3564.
Thursday, Marie Aronica, R.I.P.
Elementary and Youth Ministries
Friday, Salvatore Camarata, R.I.P.
Saturday, Diane Kramer, R.I.P.
Sunday, 11 AM, Ma. Del Rufugio Olivares &
Felipe Mendoza, R.I.P.
Sunday, 5 PM, Mike & Sophie, R.I.P.
Religious Education 2014-15 Elementary classes continue to meet Sunday, October 19,
10:15 to 11:30 a.m. If you have not yet registered your children, you may do so after
9:00 a.m. Mass. Fees are $30/elementary and $35/middle & high school youth, with a
family maximum of $80. Fees can be paid now or later.
LifeTeen Sessions continue Sunday, October 19, at 6:15 p.m.
Halloween/All Saints LifeTeen Social, Saturday, October 25. We’ll meet at the
Connolly’s, 270 Ginny Lane, 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. for pumpkin carving, bonfire, games and
more. Please bring a snack to share. No Life Night on Sunday, October 26.
We need volunteers to provide meals each Sunday night LifeTeen meeting.
Approximately 20 youth plus helpers. Please contact Thomas (306-0633) to schedule.
Each year at tax time, we conscientiously
give “to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.”
Does my stewardship indicate that I am as
faithful about giving “to God what belongs to
God?” See Matthew 22:21
Welcome to our visitors!
Are you new to St. Andrew’s Parish? We welcome
you. Please introduce yourself to the priest after
Mass, and fill out a registration form. Ask for a
parish directory.
Diocesan Youth Conference (DYC) is November 7-9, at Holy Family Parish in Yakima.
All high school youth are encouraged to attend! Attendees include national Catholic
speaker/songwriter Jackie Francois, three communities of religious sisters and two
communities of religious brothers. Over 200 youth are expected to participate. Cost is
$20 and includes all meals, transportation, lodging and a t-shirt. Registration closes
October 22. Forms are in the office.
EDGE Middle School sessions continue on Monday, October 20, at 6:30 p.m. Tonight,
EDGE youth will meet at F.I.S.H. Food bank (301 W 2nd Ave) for our session. Pick up
youth at F.I.S.H.
Haunted Corn Maze in Union Gap: EDGE youth will attend on Thursday, October 23.
We’ll leave St. Andrew’s at 6:00 p.m. and return by 9:30 p.m. Cost is $5 at the door.
Drivers are needed; please see Thomas.
Building Fund (3qtr $32,184.14)
Total Oct 11 & 12
Religious Education (3qtr $20,751.52) 2017.95
Human Development
Prop. of the Faith
The Pastor and Finance Council have developed a
parish budget which calls for an average weekly
income, from Sunday and Building Fund donations,
of $5,392.35; and $491.60 for Religious Education
Programs. Thank you for your financial support of
the parish.
Crafts Unlimited meet in the activity center on Tuesdays, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Bring a sack lunch and join us in the fun which benefits St. Andrew’s by helping to
make various items for sale during October Festival and our Christmas Gifts &
Goodies Sale in December. For more information, please feel free to call Carole
Vondergeest at 962-1551.
St. Vincent de Paul Ministries will meet this Sunday, October 19, at 10:15 a.m.
Finance Council will meet this Monday, October 20, at 6:30 p.m.
Knights of Columbus will meet Thursday, October 23, at 7:00 p.m.
To better facilitate this list, it will be purged at the beginning of every
even month, ie: October, December, January etc.
Please pray for the sick of our parish— Betty Nolls, John Rosell, Gerald
Gunn, Rob Snyder, Lori Boykiw Smith, Dan Witkowski, Wally Dillon, Pat Carney, Don
Davis, Peter Conti, Elise Batali, Matt Morton, Theresa Lirette, Sandra Arbuckle, Alice
Brown, Tyler Robinson, Ruth Hayter, Richard Kennedy, Jr., Fr. Richard House, Fr.
Alberto Cerezo, Yvonne Prater, Maria Stampsli, Don Bacon, Joe Ng, Daniel Papineau
and our priests and nuns who suffer from poor health, and those who are sick but wish
to remain anonymous, we pray to the Lord. (Please call the office with updates for this
2014 World Mission Sunday Appeal envelopes are on the bulletin table. We are
invited to reach out and help build the Church throughout the Missions, in the most
remote areas across our world. Your prayers and generous gift will help the work of
priests, religious and lay leaders in Mongolia and throughout the Missions who offer
the poor practical help and the experience of god’s love and mercy, His hope and
peace. For more information, visit www.IAmAMissionary.org
The Sunday 5 PM Music Ministry is looking for new members. If you would like
to share your talent in singing, bass guitar, guitar, piano/keyboard, percussion,
stringed or wind instrument at Mass or for Praise & Worship, please contact Jerry
Connolly at 962-4207 or connolly@fairpoint.net
Give thanks for religious. Share your gratitude for the senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and
religious order priests who made a positive difference in so many lives. Please give
generously to the collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious. Envelopes are on the
bulletin table. Thank you for your generosity.
Annual Rent-A-Teen Fund Raiser will be on Saturday, November 15. If you wish to
have some of our teens rake leaves, clean houses, or do other odd jobs, please sign up
in the parish office. By donation. Proceeds benefit youth activities.
St. Andrew’s Preschool is still accepting registrations for the 2014-15 school year.
$40.00 non-refundable registration fee. Tuition is $90/month for Tuesday/Thursday
classes; $110/month for Monday/Wednesday/Friday classes. There are 4 spots and
2 spots available, respectively, for the classes this year. Classes are in full swing.
Mass with the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick has been RESCHEDULED for Friday, October 24, at 9:00 a.m., please note new time
as well. Please consider offering a ride to someone who would not
otherwise be able to attend. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Thank you for your support of the Annual Rummage Sale. Proceeds of $885.59 were
raised to benefit religious education programs.
The next Baptism Preparation class will be on Monday, October 27, at 7:00 p.m.
(English), and Wednesday, October 29, at 7:00 p.m. (Spanish). Parents and god parents
are required to attend. Please bring a copy of the State Birth Certificate. Sorry, we are
unable to provide childcare.
Confirmation Sessions continue on Wednesday, October 22, at 7:00 p.m.
Join us in Centering Prayer, a form of silent or contemplative prayer that has been
part of Catholic history for centuries, on Mondays at 5:15 p.m., in the meditation/cry
room. You’ll be home by 6:00 p.m. For more information, please call Karen at 9629648.
St. Vincent de Paul Ministries Annual Giving Tree Program will have
registration on Sunday, November 9, at 10:15 a.m. We will only be able
to take the first 25 families. This program is meant for families who are
low income, or are in need for other reasons, and cannot provide a
Christmas dinner or gifts for their family. Interpreters will be available. Gift sign-ups
are for infants/children, 0-17 years of age. All other families should plan on signing up for
the Community Christmas Basket Program. Those forms will be available at DSHS and
“Sermon on the Amount”
Oct 4 & 5
Regular Sunday (3qtr $172,298.27) 3860.00
Upcoming Meetings
The next Parents’ Night Out Fund Raiser will be Friday, November 14, 6:00 - 10:00
p.m. Contact Thomas to reserve your spot(s). Proceeds benefit youth activities.
The Cursillo Movement seeks to empower
the living of a full, Catholic, Christian life.
The 3-day Cursillo weekend will provide
attendees the opportunity to reflect on
their lives, encounter Jesus more deeply,
and grow in fellowship with other Catholics.
The 3-Day Weekend includes a short
retreat, review of Catholic Christian values,
Catholic instruction by lay persons and
ordained ministers, celebration of the
Eucharist, and Christian fellowship.
Speakers will offer unique and powerful
insights on prayer, Church teaching, and
sustained Christian renewal in the world.
Attendees will leave spiritually enlivened,
encouraged by new friendships, and
equipped to strengthen their faith journey.
Join us January 15-18, 2015 (men) or
J a n u a ry 22-25 , 201 5 ( w o m e n) .
Registration forms are located on the
bulletin table and are due by December 1,
Karlo Broussard will present “Shining
Light on the Transcendence of Man” on
Thursday, November 6, at 6:30 p.m., in
the social hall. Questions answered: Is
man mere matter?
Or Does man
transcend matter with that which we
refer to as an immaterial soul? He will
show how the evidence from philosophy
and scientific research with near death
experiences leads to the reasonable
conclusion that man does in fact possess
a transphyical or transmaterial soul and
thus is made for eternity.
During the month of November we
remember especially those who are
deceased. A Remembrance Table
will be at the back of the church for
you to share pictures of your loved
ones. Please write your name and
phone number on the back. There
will also be a Remembrance Book
for you to record names in. All Souls
envelopes will be available. After
writing in name(s), please put in
donation basket, or give to office.
Envelopes will be placed on the
Altar and remembered during all
Masses. On Sunday, November 2,
Fr. Tomás will bless the graves at
Holy Cross Cemetery at 1:00 p.m.
The Cornerstone Catholic Conference is
Friday & Saturday, October 24/25, at the
Greater Tacoma Convention & Trade
Center. Visit www.cornerstonecatholic.com
or call 206-301-0556 for more information.