Program - IPOKRaTES
Program - IPOKRaTES
IPOKRaTES Foundation Clinical Seminar Frontiers in Neurointensive Care and Neonatal Neurology ADEIT - Fundación Universidad - Empresa de la Universitat de València, Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3, 46001 València, Valencia, Spain February 12 - 14, 2015 Objectives IPOKRaTES seminars provide high quality postgraduate education which enables professional to keep abreast of the most recent developments and offer participants the opportunity to discuss clinical problems or scientific issues personally with international experts. This seminar focuses on recent advances in neuro-intensive care and neonatal neurology in premature and mature newborn infants. Lecturers Vento Maximo de Vries Linda Miller Steven Saigal Saroj Shankaran Seetha Bonifacio Sonja University & Polytechnic Hospital „La Fe“, Valencia, Spain University Medical Centre Utrecht, The Netherlands Hospital for Sick Children, Canada McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, USA University California, San Francisco, USA Limited Number of Participants: 65 Please Note: Only registered participants, NO on site registration! Please register via internet: For Further Details Please See: Program Design Linda de Vries & Maximo Vento Target Groups Doctors, nurses and affiliates of university and non-university hospitals in the field of neonatology and intensive care as well as of neuro-intensive-care & neurology and related specialities. Major Sponsors Dräger, Elsevier, Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Heinen + Löwenstein, Ped Air Ambulance Local Sponsors Red SAMID (Salud Materno Infantil y del Desarrollo) (Instituto Carlos III; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Local Organizer Maximo Vento, PhD, MD, Professor of Pediatrics University & Polytechnic Hospital „La Fe“, Valencia, Spain Phone: +34 96 124 56 88, email: Information/ Registration IPOKRaTES Head Office c/o m:con – mannheim:congress GmbH Rosengartenplatz 2, 68161 Mannheim / Germany Phone +49 (0)621 4106-134, Fax +49 (0)621 4106-80134 e-mail:, internet: Travel VISA required, each participant is responsible for his/her VISA, and IPOKRaTES assumes NO liability. Participation Fees Single person before October 31, 2014 € 350.- after November 1, 2014 € 400.- Frontiers in Neurointensive Care and Neonatal Neurology ADEIT - Fundación Universidad - Empresa de la Universitat de València February 12 - 14, 2015 Thursday, February 12th, 2015 08:30 Introduction to the seminar Linda de Vries & Maximo Vento 09:00 Pathophysiology of birth asphyxia: ATP, Ca++ and Oxygen Radicals Vento M 10:00 Development of a Neonatal Neurocritical Care Unit - a change in unit culture Bonifacio S 11:00Break 11:30 Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy in the Full Term Neonate Miller St 12:30Lunch 14:00 Biomarkers of brain damage: experimental findings 15:00 Practical aspects of Therapeutic Hypothermia 16:00 Hypothermia and Hypothermia Plus: State of the Art 17:00 Clinical Case Discussions 18:00End Vento M Bonifacio S Shankaran S Friday, February 13th, 2015 09:00 Brain Injury in Neonates with Congenital Heart Disease 10:00 Applying aEEG monitoring - Is that baby seizing? Use at the bedside, pros, cons, pitfalls and case review 11:00Break 11:30 Neonatal stroke, including sinovenous thrombosis Miller St Bonifacio S de Vries L 12:30Lunch 14:00 Is delayed cord clamping beneficial in premature infants? 15:00 Brain Injury in the Preterm Neonate: the importance of the everyday 16:00 Lifetime perspectives of very premature infants 17:00 Clinical Case Discussion 18:00End Saigal S Miller St Saigal S Miller St, Bonifacio S Saturday, February 14th, 2015 09:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:30 13:00 Neonatal intracranial hemorrhage: prevention and treatment Treatment of posthaemorrhagic ventricular dilatation Evaluation & Break Quality of life of extremely low birth wight infant: what matters in the long-term Summary & Conclusions End of Seminar Subject to change. Shankaran S de Vries L Saigal S de Vries L, Vento M