ENERGY UPDATE - Investor Village
ENERGY UPDATE - Investor Village
Document prepared for Bradley Osborne - ENERGY UPDATE 2300 Jamieson Place, 308 Fourth Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2P 0H7 Tel: (403) 261-4850 Fax: (403) 261-7571 Website: E-mail: New Well Update: Licenses and November Production January 23, 2015 Licenses: 2014 Review and 2015 Outlook 17,115 wells were licensed in 2014, up by 10% from 15,512 in 2013. For 2015, we expect a decrease in licensing activity following the recent collapse in crude oil and natural gas prices. In the first week of 2015 licenses are down 40% to ~230 wells compared to ~397 one year ago. The licensing activity to-date is heavily weighted towards oil sands development activities. The top licensees thus far in 2015 include: Cenovus, Bounty, Crescent Point, Value Creation, Rockeast, ConocoPhillips, Tourmaline, Teine, Twin Butte, and Encana. The top licensed formations include the McMurray, the Woodbend Group, the Viking, the Beaverhill Lake Group, the Dina, the Cummings, the Montney, the Cardium, the Shaunavon, and the Glauconitic. New Production Rates in the Public Domain The top performing new wells in the public domain (November data) are listed on pages 2 and 3. Of the natural gas wells, strong rates have continued to be shown in the Spirit River Formation as Tourmaline, Perpetual, Bellatrix, WCSB Well Licenses by Month 2,500 Paramount, and Husky all brought on significant gas wells in the period. The top natural gas well was a 15 MMcf/d Falher well brought on by Tourmaline. Of the condensaterich wells, the liquids-rich Montney play continues to be the dominant zone as Seven Generations, Delphi, XTO, WCSB Year-to-Date Top 10 Licensed Formations 140 Number of Wells Licensed 2014 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 McMurray Fm. Viking Fm. Dina Mbr. Montney Fm. Woodbend Gp. Beaverhill Lake Gp. Cummings Mbr. Shaunavon Fm. Cardium Fm. 50 Number of Wells Licensed 45 2,000 Glauconitic Mbr. Source: geoSCOUT. WCSB Year-to-Date Top 10 Licensees Number of Wells Licensed 2014 2015 2015 2014 40 2015 35 30 1,500 25 20 1,000 15 10 500 5 0 Bounty 0 Jan* Feb Mar Apr May Source: geoSCOUT. *2015 Month to-date. Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Value Creation Cenovus Crescent Point Source: geoSCOUT. ConocoPhillips Rockeast Tourmaline Teine Encana Twin Butte Copyright © Peters & Co. Limited, 2015 The statements contained herein are based upon information that we believe to be reliable, although we cannot guarantee their accuracy. Our firm or its directors or members of their families may at times have a long or short position in the securities mentioned herein and may make purchases or sales of these securities while this memorandum is in circulation. Peters & Co. Equities Inc., a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Peters & Co. Limited and operates as a broker-dealer in the United States. For more information on our “Disclosure and Compliance” details, please visit our website 1 Document prepared for Bradley Osborne - and Contact all brought on significant condensate wells in the Alberta Deep Basin. Of note, Encana brought on a Lower Montney well at Swan that produced ~100 B/d of condensate, with this being an important liquids-rich data point from a predominately dry gas area. Of the oil wells, Legacy brought on five of the top 20 wells, including four Midale wells at Pinto with rates between 300 B/d and 500 B/d. Crew and Trilogy both brought on notable Montney oil wells between their respective oil fields at Tower and Kaybob. The top natural gas, crude oil, and condensate-producing wells brought on-stream between October and November are highlighted in the accompanying charts (total of ~1,959 wells). The rankings are based on the top rates from the most recent data available in geoSCOUT. Top New Oil Wells October - November 2014 1,200 Calendar-Day BOE/d Calendar Day Gas BOE/d Calendar Day Oil B/d 1,000 800 Montney Torquay Frobisher Belly River Sunburst Midale Rock Creek Midale Shaunavon Midale Midale Montney Cardium Turner Valley Glauconitic Belly River Montney 0 Midale 200 Midale 400 Belly River 600 Source: geoSCOUT. 2 Document prepared for Bradley Osborne - Top New Natural Gas Wells October - November 2014 18,000 Calendar-Day Avg Gas Mcf/d 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 Montney Falher Cardium Wilrich Wilrich Falher Wilrich Montney Notikewin Falher Montney Ellerslie Wilrich Falher Wilrich 0 Wilrich 2,000 Wilrich Falher 4,000 Wilrich 6,000 Glauconitic 8,000 Source: geoSCOUT. Top New Condensate Wells October - November 2014 1,800 Calendar-Day BOE/d 1,600 Calendar-Day Avg Gas BOE/d Calendar-Day Avg Condensate B/d 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 Montney Montney Montney Montney Montney Duvernay Ellerslie 0 Montney 200 Montney 400 Montney 600 Source: geoSCOUT. Note: Wellhead-condensate only; Plant-condensate not included. 3