If you love me, you will keep my word, and my Father will love you


If you love me, you will keep my word, and my Father will love you
The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and
believe in the gospel. Mark 1.15
January 25, 2015 ~ 3rd Sunday after Epiphany
8:00 a.m. Holy Communion ~ Book of Common Prayer (BCP)
Collect BCP Pg 126
10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist ~ Book of Alternative Services (BAS)
Celebrant: The Rev. Christopher Greaves
Preacher: Mr. Walter Marstrom
Accompanist at 10 a.m. Nancy Davidson
The Gathering of the Community
Welcome – Our Life Together
Opening Responses, Confession and Absolution
see screen
Opening Hymn CP # 404 The trumpets sound the Angels sing
Gather Song
Awake My Soul (Peter Parrott)
Children’s Focus
This little light of mine
An activity table for quiet play is available at the front.
Children and Youth may go to their programs,
returning for communion.
The Proclamation of the Word
Bible Reading
Pew Bible O.T. Pg 960
Jonah 3:1-5,10
Silence for reflection
There is a Redeemer vs.1 & 2
Gospel Reading Pew Bible N.T. Pg 35
Mark 1:14-20
Message: The Gospel according to Jesus
The Prayers of the People, The Collect
BAS Pg 351
The Peace The congregation may greet one another with a sign of
the peace of Christ.
The Celebration of the Eucharist
Offertory Song
CP # 425
Joyful, joyful we adore Thee
Prayer over the Gifts
BAS Pg 351
Eucharistic Prayer
#2 BAS Pg 196
The Lord’s Prayer
The Breaking of the Bread
#6 BAS Pg 213
During Communion
You Satisfy the Hungry Heart
Once Again
CP # 63
Eat This Bread
Prayers after Communion
BAS Pg 351
The Blessing
Lord, I lift your name on high
Dismissal. The service has ended. The mission begins.
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Response: Thanks be to God.
Please join us for refreshments in the
Parish Hall
There are children’s activity bags at the Tower door
(main) entrance. Please feel free to use an activity bag and
return it after the service. A wheelchair-accessible
washroom, with an infant change table, is located through the side
door of the church, in the Parish Hall on the main floor
Everyone is welcome at the Lord’s Table. Baptized Christians
of any age, from any church, may receive the bread and/or
wine of communion. If you do not wish to receive communion,
you may come to the priest for a blessing, indicated by crossing
your arms over your chest. The Diocese prohibits the practice
of dipping the Bread in the cup. Please use the hand sanitizer
which is available at the front or back, of the church. Glutenfree communion wafers are available. Please say to the priest,
DO YOU LIKE TO COOK? For anyone who likes to cook, the
ALPHA COURSE requests volunteers to cook for 20 people on a
Wednesday night, supper served at 6:15 pm. Cooking facilities are
available in the Lower Kitchen or Parish Hall kitchen. Please
prayerfully consider this ministry to our group of people giving
thought to the questions of life. There is a SIGN UP SHEET in the
foyer with the dates. We need someone to cook for THIS
WEDNESDAY, Jan. 28, please and thank you! Sign up or give the
church office call.
VESTRY MEETING AND REPORTS To all involved in the
Parish Council, group leaders, and ministries; Vestry reports must
be into the church! Please drop off your report or e-mail it to the
office at st.johns.bow@bellnet.ca as soon as possible. Thanks!
2015 at 9:30 a.m. for a time of friendship and sharing. Please
sign-up on the sheet in the foyer in the New Year. Questions?
Sharon Kosloski ~ 905-263-8482
OUR ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING (annual general meeting)
takes place Sunday, Feb 15 after the 10:00 a.m. Service and lunch.
All may attend the vestry meeting. The Canons of the Diocese of
Toronto state that to be allowed to speak and vote you must be: A
Baptized Christian, age 16 or older, have attended St. John’s for at
least 3 months, have received communion at least 3 times during the
last year, and are not a member of another parish in the Diocese of
Toronto in which you intend to vote. A draft list of Vestry
Members is posted in the Foyer. Please check the list.
Vocal & beginning piano lessons available through our Music
Director. Please call Nancy 905-571-7028 to arrange lessons.
Anyone interested in volunteering for any of the ministries you
see here in the Leaflet, please contact the church office.
The Trent Durham Area Day of Celebration takes place Saturday,
March 7, 2015 at St. Peter’s, Cobourg. Everyone from all parishes in
Trent Durham are encouraged to register for a wonderful day of fun,
fellowship and learning together. Bishop Nicholls notes: Our
theme: Seeking the Depths, will help us to focus on our faith journey
as individuals and communities. We will; draw on the gifts of clergy
and lay leaders across our Diocese who come, “...to equip the saints for
the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ until we all
come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God,. to
maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ” (Ephesians
4:12,13) The workshop sessions are divided into two topics: Journey
Inward and Journey Outward and are 1 ½ hours in length this
year. Come - bring a friend - or bring a whole group from your
parish!! Deadline for registration is February 26th so register early to
get your first choice of workshops.
Blood Donor Clinic, Wed Jan 28, 1- 7 pm, Garnet Rickard Centre,
Hwy 2 and 57, Bowmanville.
MONDAY Jan. 26
7:00 p.m. ~ Adult Badminton, Parish Hall
6:30 p.m. ~ Sparks, Great Hall
1:00 – 3:30 p.m. ~ Community Corner, Lower
4:00 - 5:00 p.m. ~ Informal Prayer Time, L. Kitchen
6:00 p.m. ~ Girl Guides and Brownies
9:30 a.m. ~ Mid-Week Communion followed by
refreshments and conversation in the Parish Hall
9:30 a.m. ~ Ladies Bible Study, Lower Kitchen
7:30 p.m. ~ Men’s Bible Study & Sharing Group,
Parish Hall
9:30 a.m. ~ Ladies Bluejean Breakfast, Parish Hall
SUNDAY Feb 1 ~ Epiphany 4
8:00 a.m. ~ Holy Communion
10:00 a.m. ~ Holy Eucharist, Sunday School age 3
to High School ~ Refreshments following, Song
Writing Circle 11:30-1:00 pm
STEWARDSHIP CORNER: Your givings are helping our Diocese of
Toronto support an exciting church-planting project! Under the leadership of the
Rev. Ryan Sim (who attended Sunday School at St John’s as a boy) Redeemer
Ajax started three years ago reaching out to thousands of commuters from the
GTA: 1460 installations of the mobile app, over 800 distinct users in 2014
alone, 4001 videos played on Christian Education topics from the website
“Redeem the Commute” with the Daily Challenges being the most popular
content. The Family Room (like our Messy Church) meets every other Sunday
morning in a school gym with about 29 people now attending on average.
Practicing generosity is an expression of our discipleship and builds up the
Church community for God’s growing Kingdom.
PAR = Pre-Authorized Remittance PAR forms are available on the table.
Guests may use Offering Envelope (Cash or Cheque to St. John’s Church) on
the back of the pew and place on Offering Plate. Thank you for your generosity.
Sharing in the Ministry of our Parish Today
Williette Gardner
Pauline Garvey
Sharon Kosloski
Chalice Bearer:
Shirley McCormick & Scott Young
Lydia Young
Prayer Team:
Julie Chatterton & Marg Husky
Zayne Looby
Children’s Focus:
Rev. C. Greaves
Dwane Hickey
Sharing in the Ministry of our Parish Feb. 1st
Julie Chatterton
Garth Flowers
Catherine Elliott
Chalice Bearer:
Pat Passmore & Shirley McCormick
Linda McNeil
Prayer Team:
Pat Russel & Deb Smith
Clarissa Greaves
Children’s Focus:
Canon Susan Sheen
Dwane Hickey
Next Week’s Bible Readings
Sunday February 1, 2015 ~ Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
1 Timothy 4:7b-13; Mark 1:21-28
Message: Running the Race
St. John’s Anglican Church, Bowmanville
Seeking God’s renewal by making disciples of Jesus Christ
11 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A3
Church Office 905-623-2460
Incumbent The Rev Christopher Greaves kitgreaves@icloud.com 905623-5873
Retired Clergy: Rev. Canon Susan Sheen susan.sheen@sympatico.ca
Incumbent’s Warden – Julie Chatterton
Deputy Incumbent’s Warden - Williette Gardner
People’s Warden – Shirley McCormick
Deputy Warden – David Crowe
Music Director – Nancy Davidson
Parish Administrator –Laura Frisina
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Tues. - Fri.
January 25th, 2015
~ 3rd Sunday after Epiphany ~
Welcome to
St. John’s Anglican Church, Bowmanville.
You are our guest and we pray you will be filled with
God’s renewing, loving presence.
Let us know how we may encourage one another.
905-623-2460 www.stjohnsbowmanville.com
email: st.johns.bow@bellnet.ca