Bulletin - West Plains United Church


Bulletin - West Plains United Church
Sunday, January 25th, 2015
West Plains United Church
549 Plains Road West
Burlington, Ontario
L7T 1H1
Email: info@westplains.ca
Website: www.westplains.ca
Fax: 905-529-9707
Minister: The Rev. Joyce Pearce
Worship Leader: The Rev. Heather Gilmour
Music Director: Lianne Tan
Office Administrator: Liz Travis
Sunday, January 25th, 2015 10:30 a.m.
3rd Sunday after Epiphany
We are an active faith community, seeking to deepen
our relationship with God through thoughtful worship,
prayer, uplifting music, outreach, friendship and study,
inspired by a setting overlooking nature. We are a growing
church family, welcoming people of all ages to follow
Jesus’ teachings in their lives.
* indicates an invitation to stand, as you are able.
VU indicates our Voices United hymn book.
MV indicates our More Voices hymn book
Lighting of the Christ Candle
Don Gordon
We prepare for worship with a time of silence.
Opening Words:
Don Gordon
Come, enter this sanctuary,
this home of West Plains church family.
Bring your joys and be thankful.
Bring your troubles and be trusting.
Bring your hearts to share in God’s love.
* Call to Worship:
Don Gordon
(Please stand as you are able)
ONE: For God alone my soul waits in silence;
ALL: From God alone comes my help.
ONE: God alone is my rock and my refuge,
ALL: My fortress; I shall never be shaken
ONE: Come let us worship our God together.
ALL: Let us praise God with our whole heart, soul, mind
and spirit.
* Processional Hymn VU 87 – I am the Light of the World
Welcome & Announcements
Opening Prayer
Prayer of Confession : (together)
Loving God, we confess to you that we have been careless in our
care of creation. We have been reluctant to speak your life-giving
words of grace to our neighbours. We prefer our creature
comforts rather than the challenges to which you call us as
disciples of Jesus. Forgive us. May the wideness in your mercy
open our hearts so that we might be bearers of the good news of
your love for everyone we meet along our way. Amen.
Words of Assurance
* Hymn VU 224 – Sing a Happy Hallelujah (Verse 1&2)
Youth and Sunday School Gather
The Lord’s Prayer
Hymn: VU 224 – Sing a Happy Hallelujah (Verse 3&4)
(Youth and Sunday School leave for their classes)
Hebrew Scripture: Jonah 3:1-10
Don Gordon
“God changed his mind…”
Psalm 62 VU p. 779 with refrain
Gospel Lesson: Mark 1:14-20
“come and see”
Don Gordon
ONE: This is the power of Christ’s love
ALL: Thanks be to God!
Don Gordon
Scripture Choral Refrain: VU 381 – Spirit of Life
Spirit of Life, come unto me.
Sing in my heart all the stirrings of compassion.
Blow in the wind, rise in the sea;
move in the hand, giving life the shape of justice.
Roots hold me close; wings set me free;
Spirit of Life, come to me, come to me.
The Wideness of God’s Mercy
Silent Meditation
Choir Anthem: The Shepherd Psalm (J. Carter)
Invitation to the Offering
Hymn of Dedication (seated): VU 271 – There’s a Wideness in God’s
Mercy (Tune: Stuttgart VU444)
* Presentation and Dedication of Offering with Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
praise him, all creatures here below;
praise him above, ye heavenly host;
praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Prayer Choral Refrain: VU 661 – Come to my Heart
Come to my heart, Lord Jesus;
Teach me to walk in your way.
Come to my heart, Lord Jesus;
Come to my heart today.
Give me the peace and joy
That only you can bring.
Come to my heart, Lord Jesus;
Give me a song to sing.
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Concern
Prayer Choral Refrain: VU 661 – Come to my Heart
Answer my prayer, Lord Jesus;
Teach me to walk in your way.
Answer my prayer, Lord Jesus;
Answer my prayer today.
Give me the peace and joy
That only you can bring.
Answer my prayer, Lord Jesus;
Give me a song to sing.
* Closing Hymn VU 567 – Will You Come and Follow Me
* Blessing and
Sending Forth
* Threefold Amen
* Sung Benediction: VU 563 – Jesus, You Have Come
to the Lakeshore
Jesus, you have come to the lakeshore
looking neither for wealthy nor wise ones;
you only asked me to follow humbly.
Refrain: O Jesus, with your eyes you have searched me,
and while smiling, have spoken my name,
now my boat’s left on the shoreline behind me,
by your side, I will seek other seas.
You need my hands, full of caring
through my labours to give others rest,
and constant love that keeps on loving. R
Postlude (You are invited to remain seated until the Postlude is concluded to
enjoy a time of meditation as we conclude our worship service)
Hymns Reprinted under OneLicense.net A-715986
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Today we welcome Rev. Heather Gilmour! Heather is enjoying
retirement while helping out her colleagues and friends from time to
time. Heather is so happy to be returning to West Plains this Sunday
to see everyone again.
To all who are worshipping with us today, we extend a warm
welcome. Visitors are asked to sign the guest book in the front foyer.
Please join us in the Parlour for a time of refreshment and friendship.
Mary Anne and Don Gordon are hosting refreshments today.
The greeters today are Bev and Murray Biggley, the ushers are
Ron and Audrey Underwood, the counting team is Peter Fox,
Marilyn Fox and Daryll Fitzner. The Sunday School Teacher is
Pat Mifflin. The Welcoming Team is Joan Fox and Lois Lennon.
Please keep in your prayers this week:
Neil Bantleman - being detained in Jakarta prison
Joan Gallagher-Bell – at home
Tom Fox - at home
Wally Haverstock - at home
Linda Pearce - at home
Nicole Peranic – in treatment
Dr. Jim Watson – Calgary hospital recovering from two surgeries
We remember all those who are in need of our prayer energy.
Conference Prayer Cycle – Grace United, Dunnville
(Niagara Presbytery)
Our sympathies and prayers are with Margaret Brown and her
family on the death of Margaret’s mother, Lenore Grace Winger, on
Wed. January 14th. The funeral service took place in Hagersville on
Jan. 16th.
Congratulations to Vick Naresh on winning 1st place the Art Battle in
Toronto on Tues. Jan. 20th! There were 16 contestants and 2 rounds
to complete the paintings for the competition. Vick now moves on to
the next level of competition in June.
Rev. Joyce Pearce will be away on vacation from Thursday, January
22nd to Thursday, January 29th. The Rev. Alison Nicholson at East
Plains United will be on call for urgent concerns. The phone
messages will be checked regularly.
January Observer magazines are available at the back of the
ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE: On Wednesday, February 18 all
are invited to join in our Ash Wednesday service at 10:30 am. Coffee
and muffins will be served at 10 am followed by our service of ashes.
Be sure to invite neighbours and friends to join in!
ANNUAL MEETING: Our congregational Annual Meeting is on
Sunday, February 8th. The Annual Reports will be distributed on
Sunday, February 1st.
MOVIE NIGHT! A Movie Night is being planned for Wednesday,
February 11th at the home of Joyce and Rip Pearce. The movie is
“The Hundred Foot Journey”. Join us for a lasagna dinner with all the
fixings at 6 pm followed by the movie at 7 pm. Joyce and Rip are
donating the dinner; donations for the meal will be given to the
Renovation Fund. Mark this date on your calendar! Sign up soon –
space is limited!
A MID WINTERS THAW! Featuring Steel City Rovers. Saturday,
February 7th at St. James United Church in Waterdown. See the poster
on the bulletin board for more information and ticket options.
SOPHISITICATED SWING! A Valentine’s Eve Concert at East
Plains United Church on Fri. Feb. 13th at 7:30 pm. Tickets $20.
RENO FUND: Our new front east-end windows and new paint job
on the outside of the church look fantastic! The amount owing to this
project is $6,528 as of December 31st, 2014. All donations gratefully
Book discussion date: Sunday, April 12th from 12 noon to 1:00 pm.
The Book: Still Life With Bread Crumbs by Anna Quindlen (#1
choice of Stoney Creek United Church Book Club in 2014).
Book discussion date: Sunday, May 24th from 12 noon to 1:00 pm.
The Book: Putting Away Childish Things by Marcus Borg (a book
recommended by Joyce’s colleagues). All are welcome to join us!
A MESSAGE FROM THE OFFICE! It is becoming increasingly
difficult to put mail in the committee boxes due to the volume of
paperwork currently stored in there. I would be very grateful if you
could clean out your boxes before the Annual Meeting. Many Thanks!
Scripture Readings for next Sunday:
Deuteronomy 18:15-20, 1 Corinthians 8:1-13, Mark 1: 21-28
Feb. 1
Todd Gordon
Kathy Gordon
Tony Vandervlist
Isabel Vandervlist
Sarah Thomas
Rev. Joyce takes her day off on Mondays; urgent phone messages or
emails will receive a response.
MONDAY – 26th
9am - Aerobics
8pm - 9pm - AA
TUESDAY – 27th
9am – 9pm – Darlene Groves Counselling
9am – Aerobics
2pm – Prayer Shawl Meeting
6:30pm – Nar Anon
7.15pm – Choir Practice
8.30am- Lectionary Group Meeting
10am – 3pm – Golden Horseshoe Chorus
7.15pm – Al Anon
FRIDAY – 30th
9am – Aerobics
9am – 5pm – Christy Lamphier
10am – 1pm – TAP
SUNDAY – 1st
8:30am – AA
Annual Report Distribution