Current newsletter - Our Lady of Peace and Blessed Dominic Barberi


Current newsletter - Our Lady of Peace and Blessed Dominic Barberi
FLAME 2 National Youth
Congress 2015: on
Burns Night Celebration Saturday 7th March,
Sat. 31st January. Club opens 7.30pm.
12 noon – 5.30pm at
Tickets - £5 must be purchased
Wembley Arena. Year 10 to young adult.
in advance from the Bar;
Tickets £20 each. Free coach from
closing date 29th Jan.
Reading led by Reading Youth Ministry
If Scottish, wear your tartan!
Leadersst and Fr. Bon. Closing date:
colour poster in Advent Room
Sunday 1 February. Application forms
available on Board 4, Advent Room
Woodley Jumbulance Group have booked
a holiday to Le Fosso in Brittany from
St. Joseph’s College seeks th
to appoint a Deputy Head 4 to 11 September. Anyone who would like to join
the group as a helper or a VIP (unable), or would
(Pastoral) to start this September. The successful
like more information about holidays by
candidate will be a practising Christian and fully
Jumbulance, please contact any of the following:
supportive of the College’s Catholic tradition.
John Gill 9694769; Marie O’Gorman 9691927;
See full details on Board 7 opposite Lady Chapel
or Anne MacDonald 9585841
Reading Churches Men’s Group ST. PADRE PIO PRAYER GROUP meets monthly,
Men’s Breakfast: Next meeting 8.30am on
Sat. 7 February at Reading Blue Coat School. 3 Tuesday, 7.30pm for one hour. Gospel reading,
Topical subject: “The Battle against ISIS - Rosary, Intercessions, Message of Hope. Contact
Teresa or Norman Bricker, Tel: 942 6788
making sense of it all!” See poster, Board 1.
£8.50 per head. Book by Tues. 3rd Feb.
Much Ado About Nothing by William
contact John Broady: Tel 0118 954 3879
Shakespeare: performed by Reading Between the
White Rabbit - RISE Theatre UK
Tour 2015: our Church is delighted
to welcome back RISE Theatre, who will perform
their new original play ‘White Rabbit’ here at church
on Sat. 14th March at 7.30 pm (Doors Open: 7 pm).
Performance suitable for adults and ages 12+.
Tickets - £10 per person. Please contact
Mel Noronha on 0118 9967208 or email: or buy tickets online at:
Lines, 4th – 14th February in St. James Church.
Shows at 7.30pm; Matinees at 2.30pm on Sat. 7th,
Thurs. 12th and Sat. 14th. Themed art exhibition
accompanies this show. Prices range from £20,
£16, £10, £5.
may next be celebrated here
on Friday 6th February from 7pm,
before Mass
338 Wokingham Road, Earley, Reading RG6 7DA
Tel.: 0118 966 3711
Portsmouth Diocesan Trust, Registered Charity No. 246871
Priest: Fr. Emmanuel Odoemene
Administrator: Jane O’Rourke
Hall bookings: Margaret - 0118 987 5588 or
Your Church Office is open this week Tuesday - Friday, 9am-2pm
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Co-ordinator for Youth Ministry:
Jofi Alexander
See also
Emergency numbers for the Sacramental
Ministry of a Priest - call your own priest first
Christ the King, Whitley:
Sat. 6.30pm; Sun. 10am ………………. Fr. Pat Madden 0118 931 4469
St. John Bosco, Woodley:
Sat. 6.30pm; Sun. 10am ………………. Fr. Bonaventure 0118 969 3423
St. James:
Sat. 6pm; Sun. 11am ………………….. Fr. John O’Shea 0118 957 4171
English Martyrs, Tilehurst:
Sat. 6.30pm; Sun. 9.30am, 11.30am, 5pm Cn. Michael Dennehy 0118 957 2149
St. Joseph, Tilehurst:
Sun. 8.30am & 10.30am
Fr. George Lyons 0118 942 8632
St. William of York:
Sun. 9am
Our Lady & St. Anne, Cav’sham: Sat. 5.30pm; Sun. 10am & 6.30pm ….. Fr. Paul Martin 0118 947 1787
READING Sunday Mass Times:
p. 57
25th January 2015
Thought for the week
Making a decision in our lives doesn’t always
mean that the matter is closed. Sometimes we
have second thoughts or get cold feet. Our
priorities may change or, as seems to have
happened to the Corinthians in our Second
Reading, we can get distracted by everyday
cares and anxieties. This is all part of human
nature and is understandable. Paul’s letter to
the people of Corinth is telling them time is
short; we are called to live a good and holy
life, and must get things in perspective.
The same sense of perspective seems to grab the disciples in today’s Gospel when
we hear how the fishermen Simon and Andrew, James and John, responded to the
call of Jesus. What was so compelling about Jesus and His message that enticed
these men away from their lives of security? We all procrastinate sometimes - put off
making positive changes to our lives; but the fishermen responded to Jesus’ call.
He calls us too, and the call is urgent. Jesus came to call every person to belong to
His kingdom. How do you respond to that call?
Psalm Response:
St. Dominic Savio Primary School Western Avenue, Woodley RG5 3BH
Head Teacher: Mr. James Broadbridge Tel. 0118 969 3893
Year B
Lord, make me know your ways.
that our 9am
and 11am
attendees last weekend did not celebrate Mass,
due to fact that the priest who had been booked
did not turn up.... It turns out he actually went to
another Our Lady of Peace church instead!
We are sincerely sorry for any inconvenience and
disappointment caused. The Mass intentions for
these 2 Masses have been moved to the first
available dates, so Mass will be celebrated for
both these intentions; contact Jane
in the church office for details
Valentines Day - Next Generation
Christian Foundation: The Reading
Community Gospel Choir will perform
here in our church on Saturday 14th February
to raise funds for your charity, the NGCF. This will
be our third concert. Tickets will be on sale after
Masses next Sunday 25th January, price £10.
Please support us and have a fantastic evening.
Master Bakers and Chefs - we need your cakes!
You supported us so splendidly in past years so
your help this time will be greatly appreciated
Please keep in your prayers all those whose anniversaries occur this week:
José Matias (2014); Rupert Christopher (2006); Paul McMenamin (2001); Joseph Haughton (1973);
Edyth Cameron (1979); Mary Tompkins (2001); Sue Rose (2001); and Joseph Fernando (1984).
CUBS Mondays 6.45pm/BEAVERS Thursdays 5.45pm/SCOUTS Fridays 8pm this week in HALL
11 am
5 pm
CHILDREN’S LITURGY at 9am AND 11am Masses. Please register your child before Mass
8.15am : Rosary recited in Lady Chapel
for all
Fr. Emmanuel
2nd collection
Catholic Education
2.30pm: Readers Training (Church)
Clements & Hardy families (living &
Ordinary Time dead members) - Found. Mass
Euphrazia Matete’s intention
(p. 59)
Josie O’Neill RIP
4th Sunday
9 am
NO MASS St. John Bosco
Sat. 31
30th Jan.
29th Jan.
1st Feb.
Fr. Emmanuel returns
11am: Finance Meeting (D.B. Room)
St. Thomas
28th Jan.
8pm: Refurbishment meeting (D.B. Room)
8pm: Baptism Preparation mtg. 2 (D.B. Room)
Today we welcome
Fr. John Taylor to 9am
& 11am Masses and
Fr. Bon to 5pm Mass,
and thank them very
much for coming here
at such short notice!
St. Angela
Wilson family
(p. 57)
NO MASS St. Timothy & St. Titus
Mon. 26th
25th Jan.
5 pm
Regina & Zbigniew Zaboklicki
3 Sunday
Ordinary Time Marilyn Witting RIP (rec. dec.)
8.15am : Rosary recited in Lady Chapel
9am & 11am Celebrant: Fr. John Taylor
from Mill Hill Fathers, Maidenhead
5pm Celebrant: Fr. Bon from St. John Bosco
9 am
11 am
27th Jan.
• Offertory collection 18th January: Envelopes £117.00
Loose cash £274.95
Standing Orders £547.00
your kind donations
Total: £938.95
• Second collection NEXT Sunday 1st Feb.
is for the Catholic Education Service.
Thank you for
This offers a Catholic contribution to our educational landscape
and seeks to ensure that the principles of Catholic Social
Teaching are reflected in all aspects of national education policy
Important message
for all readers:
Evangelisation Strategy Teams:
Formation & training
Bishop Philip writes: “As you know, the Church in our time
session NEXT
is calling us to the work of new evangelisation. We are
Sunday 1st Feb.,
Christ’s missionary disciples, and He has given us many
2.30pm to 4.00 pm
in church
charisms and talents for this work. Now we want to set up
in every Pastoral Area an Evangelisation Strategy Team,
Reading Divine Mercy
comprised of clergy and laity, to direct the work of mission
Circle - next Holy Hour:
at the local, parish level. In your Pastoral Area there will
next Sunday 1st February at
soon be a Holy Hour to pray for this initiative.
St. Thomas More Church,
The Strategy Team is a new body to replace the Pastoral
2.30pm - 3.30pm.
Council. A team will be formed in each Pastoral Area
between Lent and Easter. It should represent all ages and There will be exposition,
meditations and the
types. It’s all about vision! Its purpose is to sponsor
mission-projects across the area. Teams will meet once a Divine Mercy Chaplet
term. To find out more, see leaflets [now available in
will be sung.
Advent Room]; or go to our diocesan website:
afterwards; all are
There you will find a video with more info, and details of
most welcome
what the commitment would be for team members.”
New rota is being made for
A reminder that we
Ministers of the Word and
have Exposition of
Communion. If you are
Blessed Sacrament interestedofplease
let Jane in church
here in our church on the first Friday of each Month,
from 10am, and evening Mass every first Friday. The next
is on Friday 6th February, when Adoration will be from more people for our 5pm Masses,
especially Ministers of Communion,
10am-1pm ONLY (we have a Funeral Mass at 2pm).
more Ministers of Communion at
We need more volunteers to help with Adoration in
11am. Please inform Jane if you
1-hour slots; please sign up on sheet on Board 1
(Advent Room). For more information please contact Mel wish to be included or change Mass
time. Thank you in advance
Noronha: Tel. 0118 9967208 or
Volunteering - why not practice a New Year
resolution by helping others? Come to our
local Stroke Club which meets in our church hall
(Carl Barton Room) every Tuesday afternoon (1.30pm3.30pm), and help in this worthwhile contribution to our
local community. More details from Dick James
(Tel. 969 3000), or just call in on a Tuesday
Happy Feast Day
for Saturday to all our
neighbours at
St. John Bosco parish!