
January 20, 2015
Michael Church, Editor
IAC Chapter 36 kicked off the new year on January 10th with the first Chapter meeting/Borrego Fly-In
for 2015. The meeting was made comfortable through the generosity of the managers of the Assagio Restaurant
at the Borrego Valley Airport: we had lots of space, tables, and chairs.
Presiding over the meeting were directors Gray Brandt, Michael Church, Casey Erickson, Brenda Frazier
(by phone), Ty Frisby, Bill Hill, Anthony Oshinuga, Dick Stonehouse, and Nicolaas Vlok.
Showing up to add input and get in some flying were members Mike Maley, Pete Thompson, Rory
Moore, Mike Hennessey, Nicolai Murphy, Bill Bancroft, and Rick Kaneaster.
Full Minutes of the meeting are available on the website at http://www.iac36.org/ Go there to review all
the meeting motions and decisions. Some important details are worthy of special note:
• Newly elected directors were welcomed: Michael Church, Ty Frisby, and Nicolaas Vlok.
• The new Chapter Officers for 2015 are, Casey Erickson, President; Dick Stonehouse, Vice President; Bill Hill, Treasurer; Michael Church, Secretary.
• Michael Church volunteered for the role of Newsletter Editor and was accepted (perhaps obvious).
• Nicolaas Vlok accepted responsibility for upgrading and managing the chapter website, email Exploder, and chapter Facebook page.
• Spring contest:
oBill Bancroft volunteered to be CD. He will share duties with Bill Hill.
oBill Hill has already started/completed many of the admin actions required for an IAC
sanctioned contest. He and Bancroft have divided the chores between them, with Bancroft
responsible for publicity, staffing, and all on-site chores during the event. He is rounding up key volunteers.
o Casey Erickson volunteered to be Chief Judge.
• Communication Media--Nicolaas Vlok
o There will be two email lists. The first will be managed by the BOD and reserved for official chapter announcements. The second (“Free Exploder”) will be managed by Vlok and remain open to all members for discussion and exchange of ideas. It can be reached by addressing emails to iac36members@westcoastaerobatics.org
o There are currently two Chapter Facebook pages. They will be combined, if practical, and
managed by Vlok.
o The chapter website will be brought up to date and redesigned as necessary to ensure its data is timely and relevant.
It came as a surprise to some in attendance at the meeting
that the Borrego Waiver requires active monitoring of all inbox flight by a radio-equipped ground-based observer.
Since we are limited to a maximum of 40 weekdays* of box
use annually, the President will monitor usage to assure we
do not over-run our allowance.
* Monday-Thursday
New procedures are in place for use of the Box Log: in the
event an entry is made erroneously, corrections should be
accompanied by a signature. The Log form is being redesigned to accommodate this requirement.
Due to limitations on the number of available weekdays
the Borrego box can be used, the BOD moved to eliminate
all “exclusive” use of the facility in 2015. This issue will be
revisited if a future waiver expands the number of available
practice days.
News From Borrego
Bill Hill
Gray and I met with the Invenergy Desert Green Solar Farm LLC Asset Manager, Brett Scheland and his Technical Operations Manager, Frank Reichert in Borrego to introduce ourselves and go onsite to inspect the condition
of the West T-Marker. Brett and Frank are located at the Invenergy Headquarters in Chicago. Brett assured us
that access to the markers for maintenance and corner judging during our contests will not be a problem. During
the inspection of the West T- Marker the conversation was answering their questions about competition aerobatics. Brett has no concern about our flying over the solar farm.
Frank, Brett, Bill, and Gray
Just before we left the farm the Soitec Operations Manager, Joseph Thorpe arrived so we were able to meet the
man who will have the gate open for us when we need access to the West T. Soitec is operating the solar farm for
Invenergy and has opened a field office in Borrego.
After I left to fly back to John Wayne, Brett and Frank spent several hours visiting with Gray at his hanger. Bret
was a Nuclear Attack Submarine Naval Officer and Frank was a Navy Electronics Petty Officer. Frank’s brother is
an Air Force C-130 pilot. They were very interested in learning about aerobatic competition flying.
Brett did tell me that their $1,000 AKROFEST trophy sponsorship was being processed for payment.
As you can see in the picture, the West T OBS panels are in poor condition. At least 10 panels will have to be
overlaid with a new plywood panel.
Chapter 36 Hammerhead Roundup
March 26-28
Chapter 49 Gold Cup
[Not yet posted]
Chapter 38 Coalinga Western Showdown
May 28-30
Chapter 26 Delano
[Labor Day Weekend?]
Chapter 36 Borrego Akrofest
[2nd Weekend October?]