bulletin - Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church
bulletin - Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church
January 24/25, 2015 Emmanuel Core Values At Emmanuel, our mission is to make followers of Jesus who love and live like Him. We value: ~ Active community: every one ministered to, cared for & involved in ministry. ~ God-honouring worship in our gatherings and in our lives. ~ Prayer-directed and driven ministries. Pray for Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NLT) Families of the Week: This week, we invite you to pray with us for Emmanuel families on page 39-40 in the 2014 phone directory. Specific Requests: Men’s Retreat for Pastor Terry as he speaks and for openness to the Holy Spirit’s leading in the men’s lives. John Gerbrandt family as John is hospitalized. Pray for comfort and courage as they wait for God’s timing. For Community & Global Impact: First Baptist Church & Pastor David Millar German Church of God & Pastor Ron Taron ~ Life-changing Biblical teaching for all ages. Missionaries: Buck & Joanne Nageli serving with New Tribes Mission ~ Developing and deploying godly leadership. This Week: ~ Effective outreach to the world. Gracious · Intentional · Generous Monday: 9:15 am - English Classes, 7 pm - Women’s Bible Study, Jr High Youth Tuesday: 9:30 am - MOPS, 1 pm - Women’s Bible Study, 4:15 pm - Sr High Bible Study, 7 pm - Young Adults Wednesday: 9:15 am - English Classes, 4:15 pm - Jr High Bible Study, 6:30 pm - Awana, 7 pm - Prayer Meeting with special guests Cliff & Iris Dirks Thursday: 7 am - Men’s Bible Study, 7 pm - Sr High Youth Friday: 6:15 am - Men’s Prayer Time, 6 pm - 2nd Chapter Saturday: 8 am - Men’s Prayer Time, 5:15 pm - Pre-Service Prayer, 6 pm - Emmanuel Saturday Night Sunday: 8:45 am - Pre-Service Prayer, 9:30 & 11 am - Sunday Services God Always Calls Collect Genesis 12 Weekends @ Emmanuel EMMANUEL SATURDAY NIGHT | 6 pm TRADITIONAL | 9:30 am CONTEMPORARY | 11 am CHAPEL SERVICE | 11 am JAM (Jesus and Me) - ages 3-Grade 6 during Emmanuel Saturday Night and ages 3-Grade 4 during the Sunday, 11 am service Rainbow Zone (Nursery Care 0-36 months) during all services Pre-Service Prayer 45 minutes prior to Emmanuel Saturday Night & Traditional If you’re a visitor with us this weekend…. Sharing Life at Emmanuel Choir Rehearsals | Wednesday at 7 pm | Sanctuary This year there will be no auditions or sight reading tests, come if you love singing with others. For more information contact Lin Wiebe at 204-326-9865 or email lin.wiebe@eefc.ca. 2nd Chapter Potluck | Friday at 6 pm | Hub Those age 55+ are invited to an evening of food and fellowship with guest speakers Jim & Ena Scobbie and special music by the Young Men’s Quartet from Providence U. C. Cost is $3 per person. Check your mailboxes for your invitation. Group Launch | Monday, February 9 at 7 pm | Chapel Looking to connect with other believers about faith and God? Consider our small group ministry – LifeGroups! Get a taste of what a LifeGroup is like during Group Launch. At the end of the five-week session, you’ll have an opportunity to continue your faith walk in a LifeGroup setting. Sign up in the Hub next weekend. For more information contact Emmanuel’s LifeGroup coordinator, Myra Gerbrandt, at lifegroups@eefc.ca New Communion Schedules are in your church mailbox this weekend. Vespers Choir | February 1 at 7 pm | Mennonite Heritage Museum. No admission, a freewill offering will be taken. Lin Wiebe will be the guest conductor for the evening. SCHS Information Evening | February 10 | SCHS Kindergarden to grade 4 at 6:30 pm and grade 5 - 12 at 7:30 pm. Opportunities to Serve: ~ MOPS: Looking for people interested in providing childcare every other Tuesday morning from 9:15 – 11. Contact Natasha at 204-320-1022 or Tess at 204-326-5452. A special welcome to you! We’re happy you have chosen Emmanuel as your place of worship today. We’d like to encourage you to fill out an In Touch Card and put it in the offering plate or drop it off at the Info Centre where we have a gift for you. More information about the ministries at Emmanuel can be found in our Event Guide or online at eefc.ca. Order of Service Announcements Baptism Video Coming Up at Emmanuel T HIS WEEKEND TU E SDAY F E B RU A RY 3 YO U N G E M M A N U E L We celebrate with Jessica Block who is being baptized. From 9:30 – 11 am MOPS is a program for moms with children age 5 and under. GriefShare is a friendly group of people who walk with you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. The next session begins February 3 at 7:30 pm in the Chapel. New monthly calendars will be available the first weekend of every month at the Info Centre or on our website at eefc.ca. Special Music ~ Eastman Male Choir Call to Worship Hymn #10 ~ O Worship the King Pastoral Prayer ~ Pastor Danny Plett Offering & Special Music ~ Eastman Male Choir Words to Teach Us ~ Pastor David Rafeedie Sending Hymn #461 ~ He Leadeth Me Sending/Benediction Questions for discussion with LifeGroups, family, friends, or personal reflection. 1. Sunday Review: Reflecting on this week’s message from the Word: (as a group you can discuss these points and try to answer any remaining questions): a. What challenged you the most? b. Was there anything that surprised you, or that you had never heard before? c. What impacted you the most from the message? d. Was there anything that you still do not understand? 2. Read Genesis 12. What stands out in your mind about Abram? Why do you think God chose Abram; from whom a nation would form and the Messiah comes? 3. Read Acts 7:1-8 and Hebrews 11:8. What do these passages tell you about the kind of man Abram was? 4. What motivations would you say are behind Abram’s sin in Genesis 12:10-20? What do you think would lead Abram to do what he did? Why do you think Sarai would go along with Abram’s idea? 5. Seeing how Abram behaved in Genesis 13 and 14, what lessons do you think Abram learned about God from his sin? 6. How would you characterize Abram’s call? What makes the call of Abram foundational to salvation history? 7. What does Genesis chapter 12 tell you about God? If Genesis 12 were the only revelation you had of God, how would you describe him? 8. What lessons from Genesis 12-14 do you glean for your own understanding of God and yourself? In what ways can you apply those lessons in your life? For alternate ideas within any section, check the website: 360 McKenzie Ave. Steinbach, MB 204-326-9865 | eefc.ca Sermon Notes January 24/25, 2015