What we CANNOTsay about suffering


What we CANNOTsay about suffering
25 January 2015 – Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
What we CANNOT say about suffering
However we choose to define it or understand it, when suffering finds its way into our lives it
forces us to look again at life’s big questions: Who am I? Who is the God I believe in? Where is
this God?
It is one of the deep sadnesses of my own work that much of what people are offered in this
vulnerable space too often reinforces a theology and an image of God that is anything but true
and anything but helpful. More often than not, it is a half-baked theology which makes our God
little more than a bad-tempered puppet master.
The Australian Jesuit Richard Leonard, in his wonderfully titled book Where the Hell is God?
recounts the experience of his family after his sister was made quadriplegic in a devastating car
accident, saying that those who wrote to him “alerted me to how often we hear some terrible
theology that does not draw us to God in the worst moments of our lives. It alienates us. It
alienated me for a while from believing in a God who wants us to have an intelligent discussion
about the complexities of where and how the divine presence fits into our fragile and human
n the face of pain and tragedy, all kinds of things
are said of God and the challenge is to recognise
when the God being spoken of is an imposer. Some
of the most problematic things that I’ve heard people
say are listed below:
• Suffering as redemptive – in other words, that we
suffer so that we will be purified and made worthy
of God. There are two major problems with this. First,
we can never earn redemption, through either our
activity or our suffering. God is a generous God who
gives the gifts of love and redemption freely. God
does not need our suffering in order to look upon us
kindly – he looks upon us kindly because we are his.
While it’s true that for some people in some
circumstances suffering can cause a positive
change in outlook or character, these are side
effects of suffering, not a reason for its existence.
• Suffering as a form of punishment. While most
Christians would reject this view of God when stated
plainly, many people inwardly harbour a belief that
we somehow get what we deserve. What kind of a
God would behave in this way? Who of us would
punish our own children by sending agony because
of some misstep they had made? There are many,
many good reasons for avoiding sinfulness, but fear
that God will send pestilence if you don’t is not one
of them. In his letter, St John writes that ‘true love
drives out fear,’ and the God who is our deepest and
truest love will never seek to manipulate us by
causing us to fear his punishments.
• God sends suffering to the ‘heroes’ of faith. I’ve
heard this one uttered to someone who has had
many years of severe bad health, requiring multiple
surgeries, medical retirement from a much loved job,
and a resultant plunge into deep depression. “God
must love you so much,” someone said to her, “to
trust you with such a gift of suffering.” If God gives
out such ‘gifts’ to the ones he trusts, then we should
be constantly advising him not to trust us. Suffering
is never a gift (tell those who take this line to never
again use paracetamol, visit the dentist, go for
physiotherapy), and it is cruelly insensitive to tell
people that God does not give us more than we can
bear when so many break under the burden of
suffering, falling into depression and in the most
extreme cases resorting to suicide. Suffering is not
a good thing. It is not a gift, not a blessing, not to be
celebrated or rejoiced in by anyone, including God.
God does not use suffering as a test to sift the
worthy from the unworthy. Such a God is petty
minded and a poor judge of humanity and I for one
cannot believe in that God.
Next week we will look at what we can say about
God and suffering. n
What we
about suffering
on back p
Season colour: GREEN
SERIES: Finding God in Suffering
“Soul Space - Finding God in Suffering” is written by Edel McClean - Designed by Gabriel Carbone.
Images from ShutterStock. Published by Redemptorist Communications, 75 Orwell Road, Dublin 6. Printed by Nicholson & Bass
In this series, Edel McClean examines the
problem of suffering
’s read
Jon 3:1
1 Co 7 20
4Mk 1:1
DIVINE MERCY HOLY HOUR There will be a Holy Hour in The Church of the Nativity on
Parish Office
Telephone: 90616300
130 Upper Dunmurry Lane Mon-1.00pm- 4.00pm
Tues-Fri- 10.00am-1.00pm
BT17 0EW
Fr. Rory Sheehan. PP
Thursday 29th January 2015 at 7.30pm . There will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament , singing of
the Divine Mercy Chaplet , Mass at 8.00pm
“Rejoice I bring you good news” CATCHESES Starting Wednesday 28th January in St Luke’s parish
continuing Sundays & Wednesdays at 8 o’clock for 6 weeks.
Where Jesus Christ reveals Himself in your life.
VISIT OUR PARISH WEBSITE www.ourladyqueenofpeacekilwee.com
OLQP Youth Team encourage those between the ages of 19-35 to get involved with the
Youth Alpha Course as discussion Group Leaders and facilitators.
No experience of a theology degree is required just a bit of interest. There will
be a short training evening provided.
Please consider getting involved, in order to encourage out young people in their social, personal
and faith development.
If you require any further details contact the Parish Office 02890616300
Have you ever considered a vocation to the priesthood? Have you felt called to serve Christ in the
Church as a priest? If so, take this opportunity to gather with other men who are discerning a
vocation to the priesthood. This retreat will create the time and space to help you discern God’s
calling in your life.
The retreat will take place in Drumalis Retreat Centre, from Friday 13th – Sunday 15th February 2015.
If you wish to attend this retreat or would like further information contact: Fr. Kevin McGuckien, 23
Hannahstown Hill, Belfast, BT17 0LT (02890614567) Email:kevinmcguckien@hotmail.com.
“No longer Slaves, But Brothers and Sisters” - Booklets are available in the Church porches
The Residents Committee would encourage those attending mass in Our Lady Queen of Peace to
avail of the ample car park provided.
By parking on the road or the footpath residents access to Netherlands Park is greatly impeded and
potential health and safety issues are increased. The Residents Committee along with the Sacristan
invest many hours in maintaining the green areas immediately outside the church; the fruits of their
labours are greatly reduced when persons use the green areas as a parking facility.
Let us try and exercise thoughtfulness in these areas.
Summer Pilgrimage. Are you 17-23? Why not join us as we journey to celebrate the life and mission
of St Columbanus in Milan, Piacenza, Bergamo and Bobbio. 2nd – 7th August 2015. £690 includes
flights, transfers, accommodation, half board, t-shirts and hoodie. Application forms available from
the Living Youth website www.livingyouthni.org. Closing date: Thursday 29th January 2015.
A special meeting of the Down and Connor Diocesan Pioneer Council will take place on Sunday 1
February 2015 at 3 pm in Clonard Monastery, Falls Road, Belfast. Special Guest speakers will be Mr
Robert Shannon (National President of the Pioneer Association) and Mrs Mary Brady (Development
Officer for the Pioneer Association). All Pioneer Council representatives within the Diocese are
warmly invited to attend this important meeting.
A QUICK JOURNEY THROUGH THE BIBLE IN LENT –the great adventure the journey is in
7/8 sessions, starting the Friday before Lent – February 13th at 7.00pm to 9.00pm and continuing
each Friday of Lent until Friday 27th March
in St Anne’s Parish Centre
Each Session will include:
A short prayer
A 30 minute D.V.D. session
A group sharing using questions from a Work Book
Some easy homework
Final prayer
If you would wish to follow this popular course which is recommended by the Living Church Office,
could you please give your name to Rosaleen or Barbara in the Parish Office before Friday 6th
February. Phone 028 90610112 or by email … office@saintannesparish.net. This is a great opportunity
to renew your familiarity with the narrative story of God’s relationship with His people – the ups and
downs culminating in the coming of our Saviour.
safeTALK is for everyone who wants to help prevent suicide: front line workers, clergy, volunteers,
parents, youth, teachers, law enforcement … anyone who wants to help prevent suicide.
safeTALK is intended as "suicide alertness" training. safeTALK teaches you to recognise persons with
thoughts of suicide and to connect them to suicide intervention resources. It is designed for
communities or organisations that already have ASIST trained helpers in place to maximise
intervention as the main suicide prevention focus.
Training talks place on the date below, to book please contact Claire Kennedy at SEHSCT on 028 9250
1373 or email claire.kennedy@setrust.hscni.net
Date: Tuesday 27th January 2015
Venue: Colin Neighbourhood Partnership, Cloona House, 31 Colin Road, Poleglass BT17 0LG
Duration: 9.15am – 12.30pm
Cost: Free of charge. For more info visit CNP’s website.
Kathleen Robinson Months Mind
ANNIVERSARIES We pray for those whose anniversaries occur around this time.
Angela Black and Harry Thompson,
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and may perpetual light shine upon them
THE SANCTUARY LIGHT: Has been dedicated on week beginning 25th January
‘For a special intention’
Envelope Offering £907.00 Loose Offering £428.00 Diocesan Youth £535.00
Many thanks for your continued support
CHURCH HOUSEKEEPING: Group A Friday 30th January 2015
ST. VINCENT de PAUL: Anyone needing help please contact 90616300
Details of MASS TIMES AND ADDITIONAL NOTICES can be seen on the Parish web site.
Looking to the future Bishop Treanor is calling the diocese to create new Pastoral Communities. This
is part of a dynamic which began with the Listening Process of 2011. This new proposal is guided
both by the vision of a co-responsible Church focused on mission and the realities which are
manifested by the findings of the Diocesan Review which took place last Spring. The Diocese is
currently engaged in a process to determine the boundaries of our new Pastoral Communities. You
are invited to read the Consultation Document available on the Diocesan Website
Wish to thank all parishioners who have supported the society throughout the year & especially your
generosity over the Christmas period. The annual Christmas collection within the parish amounted to
£4415.00. The help that we also received with the toy collection and the making of the food
hampers by the school children has all been greatly appreciated.
The Christmas ballot this year raised the grand sum of £1135.00.
Many thanks to all who bought and sold tickets.
SOCIETY OF ST MARTHA There is an urgent need for additional volunteers to join some of
the Church housekeeping teams especially for Saturday mornings at 10.30am.
If you could give some time to this very necessary work please contact the parish office 90616300
BETHANY BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP is a parish based group ministry which aims
to help those bereaved and grieving. Support is offered on an individual basis in the home, to groups
in drop-in centres, by phone calls, by helping at funeral liturgies and remembrance services.
As of January 2015 there are twenty four parishes in the Diocese with Bethany Teams.
For more information or to register interest in the next training session which begins in February,
please contact Joan McKeever, 3 The Park ,Tel 90628539
The premature baby charity for Northern Ireland
Can you help TinyLife, to help tiny lives?
Would you have a few hours to spare once a week to help support a family with a premature or ill
baby in their own home?
We need volunteers in your area.
For further information contact us on 02890 815050 or e-mail marie@tinylife.org.uk
The Safeguarding Committee recently completed The Parish Audit in relation to Safeguarding our
children, young people and vulnerable adults. We are pleased to state that Our Lady Queen of Peace
Parish is compliant with all standards as outlined by the National Board for Safeguarding.
All those volunteers in our parish, who are working with children, young people and vulnerable
adults(Eucharistic Ministers to the Nursing Homes) are vetted through Access N.I. All have attended
relevant Safeguarding Training .
If you have concerns re: the safety of a child, young person or vulnerable adult you can contact :
Social Services
Duty Social Worker 02890507000
Child Protection Team
028 90259457
02890650222 (out of hours)
The Diocesan Safeguarding Office
You can also speak to one of the committee members through the parish office (90 616300)
Committee members are : Fr. Rory Sheehan, Mr. Gerry Heery, Mrs. Pauline Moane, Mrs. Joan Mc
Keever (chair)
Alternative Mass Cards are on sale in the shop or from any member of the Apostolic Group.
A priest does not need to sign them -The onus is on you to go to Mass and offer it up for the
deceased and their family. A suggested contribution is £2.00.
BAPTISMS - First Sunday of every month.
To register please contact the parish office at least one month in advance of baptism.
Parents presenting their first born child for Baptism will be expected to attend a pre-baptism meeting.
Please contact the Parish Office to book a place at the meeting as spaces are limited.
PRAYER LIBRARY A small prayer library is located in the Baptistery. There, you will find books of
guidance, suggestions on prayer which you can borrow for use at home.
Please record the details of the book you have borrowed and returned
‘Dear parishioners. The St Vincent de Paul as a Christian Society strives to help the genuinely needy.
Neither poverty nor the Society discriminates. Sadly and increasingly we have bogus callers who
abuse the Christian generosity of our parishioners whose support we depend on. It is difficult to
refuse someone who presents as “seemingly” distressed as we may mistake the genuine for the
bogus but we ask parishioners to direct anyone who contacts them seeking help, either at their
homes or at the church, to call 90601899 or 90351561.
Tuesday’s Child gives 100 percent of donations received and monies raised. If you are
donating online both pay systems take a small % of your donation.
VINCENT’S SHOP; Do you have a few hours to spend each week? Why not help out at our newly
Tuesday’s Child is a catholic charity helping children and their families in areas of the world ravaged
by war and extreme poverty. Everything we do is All Through Mary for the glory of the Infant
Child. Tuesday’s Child gives 100 percent of donations received and monies raised. When you donate
online, both pay systems we use take a small % of your donation. Administration costs are covered
by a private sponsor and gift aid received goes to our projects. We work directly with catholic
missionaries in all project areas. Where monies are donated to projects run by missionary priests, we
ask for masses to be celebrated in return for Ireland.
The stand in the front porch of the Church offers 16 different CD’s. We encourage you to take
advantage of this wonderful opportunity! A suggested donation of £2.00 per CD covers the basic
The St Vincent De Paul requires donations of good furniture and Bric-a brac on an on going basis to
assist families who are being housed and seeking help. Meeting this demand is a constant struggle
that may only be met through the public’s generosity.
Aware of the many demands already made of parishioners and thankful for your continued support
may we ask you to consider donating good used furniture to us by contacting any of our members or
telephoning our area office on 90601899
established Vincent’s Shop facing Turf Lodge. Volunteers urgently needed
A St Vincent De Paul clothes bank has been installed to the left of the Church in the car park.
Used clothes are very welcome. All proceeds go to West Belfast.
Make your home warmer and reduce energy costs – Grant schemes offering insulation and possibly
new central heating at no cost are available, if you own or privately rent your home and meet
qualifying criteria. For more information or independent advice on reducing energy costs call Bryson
Energy on 0800 1422 865/02866 340782 and quote Health Routes
If an older person you know needs advice, information or practical support on a wide range of issues
including welfare benefits, community care, housing and health, contact the
Age NI Advice Service on Freephone 0808 808 7575 to speak to a specialist advisor in
confidence. Our advisors can provide a free benefit check to ensure that older people are accessing
the benefits they are entitled to.
FREE HEARING-AID CLINIC: Do you wear an NHS hearing aid or know someone who
does? Action on Hearing Loss runs a free drop-in clinic at Harvester House, 4-8 Adelaide Street,
Belfast BT2 8GA. Telephone 028 90239 619
If you're having trouble with your hearing aid, need new batteries (they are free), need the tubing
changed, or just need some information, come along and talk to our trained Action on Hearing Loss
volunteers. They'll be glad to help
Action on Hearing loss runs a free Hear to Meet group at Harvester House, 4-8 Adelaide Street,
Belfast, BT2 8GA.
Location: The Montague Centre, 2 Fallswater Street, BT12 6BZ
Date: 1st Wednesday every month
Time: 10am to 12pm
Location: Suffolk Library, Stewartstown Road, BT11 9JP
Dates: Thursday 29 Jan
Time: 10.30am to 12pm
Location: Whiterock Library, Whiterock Road, BT12 7FW
Date: 25 March 2015
Time: 11am to 1pm
For more information, please contact Úna Mulgrew on 07918721704
Email: belfastH2H@hearingloss.org.uk
VOLUNTEER APPEAL Action for Hearing Loss is setting up some new clinics in Belfast and we
are looking for Volunteers – Contact Angela, on 02890 239 619. If you have a few hours to spare a
month we would love to hear from you.
The West Belfast Historical Society is meeting on Friday the 13th of February in the Falls Park
Pavilion at 7.30pm
This months talk is entitled 'Milltown Cemetery' and the talk will be given by Mr Tom Hartley.
The entrance to the park is via the main gate opposite Maguire's Garage on the Falls Road. Follow
the road along the Ballymurphy River to the secure parking area behind the Pavilion.
All are welcome to attend.
ARE YOU SUFFERING THE PAIN OF LOSS? Looking for help and understanding?
Beginning Experience (a support group for widowed, separated and divorced people) meets every
Wednesday from 8pm to 10pm in St Bride’s Hall, 38, Derryvolgie Avenue, Malone Rd, Belfast.
Residential Weekend: Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd March 2015 in Drumalis Retreat and Conference
Centre, Larne. Application forms available on request.
For further information please contact Phil Tel: 028 90 207645 or Marie Tel: 07542070835
THE WAY OF ST JAMES -Camino de Santiago
Sections from the Pyrenees to Santiago 22nd – 28th May 2015. 6 Nights Hotel Accommodation, with
Breakfast and dinner daily; Coach and back-up car with group throughout; Walk leader with group
throughout; All airport and local taxes; Travel insurance included.Flying from Dublin Airport COST
£715.00 STG SEATS ARE LIMITED Single room supplement is extra £50.00 deposit secures a seat!
For further details contact: Jean Reynolds 028 44830979 or email: jeanreynolds@hotmail.co.uk
St Patrick’s parish, Belfast 200th Anniversary Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi. Staying in the heart
of Rome. Visiting the principal holy places of the Eternal City. Attendance at a Papal event in St Peter’s
Square. Overnight in the city of St Francis and St Clare
October 2nd – 9th 2015 - 995 Euro (approx £780 per person sharing)
Itinerary and booking forms available from parish office.
If you are single and between 21 and 40 years of age and feel you may have an interest in religious
life and would like to share with others similar questions then exploreAway aims to provide the input,
support and accompaniment needed to help participants discern their call. The programme involves
five residential weekends and one residential weekend retreat throughout the year, based in Dublin
The weekends will provide input on vocation, discernment, prayer and religious life- its core values
and the various ways it is lived.
Email enquires@exploreaway.net or Tel 087 358 4447 or 085 766 4480
Are you in your 30’s,40’s, 50’s or over, Interested in making new friends / living & sharing your faith
together / participating in various events,. Interested in finding out more ? Why not come along and
see for yourself. Simply register now by emailing your name to faithtogether@clonard.com or text
your name/to 07842960198 and we will be in touch.
TIDY GRAVES We Tidy Graves is offering a tidy up service and placing of a Christmas wreath on a
loved ones grave from only £15.
Contact Andrew on 02890 292 140 or mobile 0771 8282 816
Website: www.wetidygraves.com
We are a locally based Charity offering children living in the areas most heavily contaminated by the
radioactive fallout a respite holiday, helping them recover from the effects of the disaster. The short
time that they spend with us greatly improves their health and offers a tremendous boost to their
immune system.
If you can help, please contact Mairead on 07752399393 anytime on Sunday or after 7pm
the rest of the week. You can also email us at :- ccafamilies36@gmail.com
Family Care Adoption Services is presently seeking families who would be interested in adopting
children aged between 2 – 6 years and who need the love and attention of a caring and
understanding family. Could this be you?
If you would like to find out more please contact Family Care Adoption Services on: Belfast: 028
90691133 or email@familycaresociety.org
Website: www.familycaresociety.co.uk We look forward to hearing from you
The charity Lifeni is looking for volunteers for their charity shop on the Lisburn Road. If you would
like to find out more please contact Jayne/Joanne @90438339.
We are also seeking donations of good quality clothes, accessories, shoes, books and bric-a-brac.
Lifeni caring, educating, upholding the value of human life.
Since 1960, Viatores Christi has aimed to respond to needs overseas and at home by giving people an
opportunity to share their lives and skills with those in need. People from all backgrounds and
professions join VC - people who want to challenge themselves to make a difference in the world,
however big or small. If you want to explore such a challenge, and you are interested in learning more
email colin@viatoreschristi.com call 01-8689986 or visithttp://viatoreschristi.com/events/
Counselling (for adults and children over the age of 5) – counselling provides an opportunity
to explore thoughts and feelings, to identify worries and concerns and to create self awareness
and bring about change. Examples of therapies used include: Person Centred Counselling;
Sandplay/art therapy; Thought Field Therapy and Emotional Freedom Technique
Complementary therapies which include: reflexology, aromatherapy, relaxation techniques,
Bach Flower remedies, gentle massage, Bowen and Emmett therapy.
Acupuncture clinic – acupuncture can help with pain and symptom control.
One to one Coaching.
A group focused Positive Living Programme – this programme uses life coaching techniques
to help people reflect, refocus, build coping skills and set personal goals to be able to move
forward positively with life after a cancer diagnosis.
For further information Tel 90803344 or email info@actioncancer.org or visit the website at
The Historic Institutional Abuse Inquiry is an independent Inquiry set up to investigate abuse
of children in residential institutions (but not schools) in Northern Ireland between 1922 and 1995.
Abuse could be sexual or physical abuse, or emotional abuse or neglect. The Inquiry has an
Acknowledgment Forum where you can come and tell experienced professionals in private, and in
confidence, about abuse you experienced. Another part of the inquiry will investigate abuse, and
then make recommendations to the Northern Ireland government. You can choose to talk to both
parts, or to either part, of the Inquiry.
If you were abused in an institution, or saw others being abused, the Inquiry wants to talk to you. It
hopes that as many people as possible who experienced abuse in institutions, or witnessed others
being abused, will come forward to help the Inquiry investigate the way these children were treated,
and what should be done about it. If you know someone who was abused encourage them to
contact us.
If you want to contact us you can get more information on our website www.hiainquiry.org. If you
live in the UK you can write to us at FREEPOST HIA Inquiry, or ring us at our FREEPHONE number
0800 068 4935. If you live outside the UK you can write to us at HIA Inquiry, PO Box 2080, Belfast,
BT1 9QA,
Volunteers are vital to our work and make a real difference to everyone living with Parkinson’s in the
Belfast area.
You can volunteer for us in lots of ways, from raising awareness of Parkinson’s to helping at a
support group. Here’s what some of our volunteers say about volunteering at Parkinson’s UK:
“I feel that I am part of something really special and that what is achieved really does make a
difference to people with Parkinson’s.”
“Raising funds for research gives me hope that a cure will be found”.
“Volunteering lets me focus on what I can do, rather than what I can’t do because of my
Join us today and you will be part of a team with full training to carry out your role. You will also
have a dedicated person to support you and receive out of pocket expenses. For more information
on the volunteer roles available and an application pack contact Paula Mc Larnon, Branch and
Volunteer Support, 0844 225 3684 or email pmclarnon@parkinsons.org.uk
HEAVEN’S ROAD FM CATHOLIC RADIOwww.heavensroadfm.com is a new internet Radio
broadcasting Catholic programmes, prayers, interviews and music. Their website broadcasts up to 40
Masses and other services daily and has over 200+ podcasts available as Listen-again. Tune in and
listen/watch. The Radio is run on a shoestring by unpaid volunteers, so any donation, however small,
would be very welcome. Cheques should be made payable to Heavens Road fm Catholic Radio and
sent to Heavens Road fm Radio, St John’s Seminary, Wonersh, Guildford, GU5 0QX. Follow on
Facebook (Heavens Roadfm) or twitter (@HeavensRoadFM).
Heavens Road fm Catholic Radiowww.heavensroadfm.com is broadcasting a special series of
programmes on Vocations startingSunday 12th Oct. Tune in and enjoy this new series on our
Catholic radio. Their website broadcasts up to 40 live Masses daily. They are also looking for
enthusiastic people to help make programmes and techies to operate the Radio. Further info
athttp://www.heavensroadfm.com/vols/. Follow on Facebook (Heavens Roadfm) or twitter
Camara are a Local Charity based in Unit 10, Townsend Enterprise Park. Belfast BT13 2 ES, who
take old computers, wipe the data, refurbish them and set them up in schools in Africa as computer
labs. Combined with accredited training courses and ongoing maintenance we have taught over half a
million young people how to use a computer. This vital skill in today's world opens up
unending opportunities for the young people whilst also building a better future for the country.
To do this amazing work we need old computers. There is huge demand from Africa
for Camara computers as we send them preloaded with software and train the teachers how to use
them. From 11th November we will run our annual "One week, One Thousand Computers" campaign.
Churches in Northern Ireland contributed over a quarter of this last year.
This annual event tries to find 1,000 unused and unwanted pcs and laptops for reuse in deprived
schools in Africa. Camara wipe and repair computers of all ages, shapes and sizes, load them with
educational software and ship them to one of Camara’s seven African Hubs where they are
distributed to the most deprived schools. We are asking people to dig out their old computers that are
gathering dust.
Visit www.camara.org for details of where to drop your computers off between 9.30 and 4.30 any
week day.
For your information. It costs £100 per computer to process, ship and provide the relevant training
and maintenance for a minimum of 21 children to learn how to use it over the next 3 years. Most
schools require a 25 computer suite at a cost of £2,500. Whilst we are not asking for donations
anyone who feels they would like to support Camara in this way may do so
through https://mydonate.bt.com/charities/camara or by sending a donation along with a computer to
our base in 10, Townsend Enterprise Park.