UQPMS First Year Guide
UQPMS First Year Guide
UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................................................................1 Welcome ....................................................................................................................................................................................2 What is UQPMS? .......................................................................................................................................................................2 UQPMS executive team 2015 .................................................................................................................................................4 Academic ....................................................................................................................................................................................5 Life of a UQPMS Student ....................................................................................................................................................5 Lectur es .................................................................................................................................................................................6 Practicals................................................................................................................................................................................6 Tutorials .................................................................................................................................................................................6 Pass.........................................................................................................................................................................................6 Contacts .................................................................................................................................................................................6 Workshops ............................................................................................................................................................................6 General advice......................................................................................................................................................................7 Academic Resources............................................................................................................................................................8 Social ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 UQ Premedical Society Launch @ Market Day 2014! ................................................................................................ 13 Fundraising BBQ #1 .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 UQPMS presents: The Amazing Race ............................................................................................................................ 14 For the cold and stylish: UQPMS Hoodies .................................................................................................................... 14 UQ Premedical Society @ Market Day Semester 2 .................................................................................................... 15 UQPMS Red Room Night II .............................................................................................................................................. 15 UQPMS vs Griffith BMedSc - PART III ............................................................................................................................ 16 Premedical Sprinters Debut - Bridge to Brisbane ....................................................................................................... 17 UQMS & UQPMS Joint Seminar - A Glimpse into Medicine...................................................................................... 17 2014 UQ Premedical Ball: Casino Royale...................................................................................................................... 18 Services .................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Conclusion............................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Page | 1 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty WELCOME To the bright and eager first year UQ student, Congratulations! You’ve pushed through the hard years of high school and now, you’re finally about to venture into university. Excited? We hope you are! Gone are the days of teachers, timetables and uniforms. University will be, and is, an incredible time in everyone’s lives and you’re bound to enjoy yourself at UQ. That being said, for the first time, you’re off on your own. You can choose to schedule classes to your liking, go out with your friends every second night, sleep through lectures and cram every exam. The only thing at stake is your Grade Point Average (GPA). Which is, despite what some people say, pretty important. For instance, it’s often the deciding factor for a successful application in exchange programs, research opportunities and other extra-curricular initiatives. While the going gets tough with your studies, there’s no doubt that there will always be people to help you. Be it your friends, lecturers or student services, help can be found when you need it. And that’s where we come in! This publication was compiled with the intention of exposing you to UQ. High school leavers often have misconceptions of university and we hope that this guide will answer some of y our questions. Most importantly, we also hope you learn more about what we as a society do and what you can expect for the year to come. Of course, if you have any concerns or anxieties, we’ll be more than happy to help! Much love, The UQPMS Executives WHAT IS UQPMS? UQPMS is a non-profit, student run organisation aimed at facilitating the needs of students who wish to study post-graduate medicine at UQ. Among the 200+ clubs and societies, UQPMS is unique by virtue of its members, all of whom study a range of disciplines extending from law to dentistry. By far, the majority of its members study a Bachelor of Science (BSc), majoring in biomedicine. Given our academically inclined membership, we aim to bring the best of the UQ experience to our members. While studying is very crucial, a balance with other activities is arguably optimal. Hence, UQPMS provides not only academic resources but organises numerous and various social events and sponsorship perks. Most importantly, we help foster connections, networks and friendships among our members, who represent the future faces of medicine for years to come. Page | 2 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty Page | 3 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty UQPMS EXECUTIVE TEAM 2015 MATT KIM - PRESIDENT MATTHEW QIU - SECRETARY Avid hip hop dancer Disney, adventure time and high school musical make me happy c: Likes long walks on the beach Card magician Always happy to answer any questions or just generally chat Loves learning, GYG and giving things a go Musician, jogger and research scholar Involved in ASPinS, PASS, UQAO and OPSSE UQU Science Faculty Councillor Always happy to talk! RICHARD LEE - TREASURER AMANDA TAN - VP: ACADEMICS Interested in philosophical discussions "So many books, so little time" - Frank Zappa Jack of four instruments, master of none Wants to be a surgeon Loves research - involved in ASPinS and Summer Research Moved from interstate Chem PASS Leader Enjoys all kinds of sports Movie addict First year survivor MYKY TRAN - VP: MARKETING MICHELLE KIM - VP: SOCIAL 4 instruments, 3 languages but 0 sports PASS tutor and research student Born in Seoul, raised in Sydney Food enthusiast but can’t cook to save my life Afflicted with wanderlust Involved in ASPinS, UQ jPho, PASS, UNYA Studied IB, winner of Peter Doherty award Once won a competition to Uruguay to meet Hugh Jackman ALAN NGUYEN - VP: SPONSORSHIP SEBASTIAN SODINI - VP: DESIGNS Likes cycling, computers and music From Melbourne BIOL1020 PASS leader Is a cinephile Loves sports, sports don't love me Really loves music, used to sing (badly) Worships playing pool Likes trains Interest in technology and graphics Involved in ASPinS and BIOL1020 tutoring Violinist in BEL orchestra Can be found in the SLC “studying” EMAIL ADDRESSES Matt Kim Richard Lee Myky Tran Alan Nguyen president@uqpms.com treasurer@uqpms.com marketing@uqpms.com sponsorship@uqpms.com Matthew Qiu Amanda Tan Michelle Kim Sebastian Sodini secretary@uqpms.com academic@uqpms.com social@uqpms.com designs@uqpms.com Page | 4 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty ACADEMIC LIFE OF A UQPMS STUDENT As mentioned previously, a major proportion of UQPMS students study a Bachelor of Science (BSc) with a major in biomedicine. However, there is a welcoming increase in students studying other degrees of their choice. The bottom line is – study what you want! For provisional entry holders, this is your chance to study whatever you have an interest in, particularly as medicine is known to be a very rigid degree. The timetable represents one of many different combinations of four first year science courses. Given that the number of potential variations in timetables is enormous, the diagram omits the course codes. MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 Lectures Practicals Tutorials PASS Workshops Page | 5 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty LECTURES These are usually presentations given by a lecturer on course content for a duration of 50 minutes. It is the primary way for students to learn the course and is held in any number of lecture theatres. Some lecture sessions run for more than an hour for multiple, consecutive lectures. Some practicals require extra equipment, such as safety goggles and lab coats. Most of this equipment can be found oncampus, including disposable labcoats, which can be bought over the counter at the second hand bookshop. Many courses upload lecture recordings onto the UQ intranet. This can be useful for studying, but remember, there is no substitute for attending le ctures in person! PRACTICALS For biomedical science courses, practicals are opportunities for students to practise techniques, conduct experiments and learn from hands-on experience. A single practical session is allocated 2-3 hours and run by prac tutors. Usually, personal protective equipment is worn at all times as students are able to access equipment and potentially hazardous materials from UQ laboratories. TUTORIALS Weekly tutorials encourage the application of course content to a variety of challenges, providing students with the opportunity to think more deeply about the content than is discussed during lectures. It is held in a classroom setting and is more interactive compared to a lecture. PASS Peer Assisted Study Sessions are a novel and interactive way for students to consolidate their course knowledge. With the help of PASS leaders, students learn through practising problems, group discussions and activities. This is possibly the best opportunity to ask questions as PASS leaders have recently completed the course to a high standard. PASS classes are a great way to meet other like-minded students in the science cohort. The tutors are also an invaluable resource of advice for the subje cts that you will be going through. WORKSHOPS CONTACTS Depending on which course you’re taking, the workshops for it may be more similar to tutorials, PASS or a mixture of both. Workshops can also include computer sessions wherein students code or use programs to consolidate their understanding Though it’s not in the above example, you’ll definitely encounter contact classes in your undergraduate degree. These are general sessions and often differ in their nature depending on the course. of the course content. If you’d like to check what your timetable would look like, UQ has released its own timetable planner (https://timetableplanner .app.uq.edu.au/). One thing you may have noticed is the inconsistency of contact hours across days. It’s quite possible that you’ll be spending two hours on Wednesday and six hours on Friday. To add to the mix, some practicals can happen on a fortnightly basis while some workshops may only run in the first half of semester. We highly recommend checking my si net for the complete list of dates for your course hours as it’s not uncommon for a classroom change a day before university begins. Page | 6 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty Overall, a majority of biomedical science courses have three lectures and a single three hour practical on a weekly basis. Hence, weekly contact hours are usually at maximum 24 hours. Note that this is only an approximation and enrolling into various electives may increase or decrease this time. GENERAL ADVICE We have compiled some advice from second and third year uni students about organizing your time and effectively working in uni. Don’t forget to have time for lunch! Trust me, starving is not fun. Also, if you’r e a routinely late sleeper, maybe DON’T schedule all those 8am’s. You’ll thank yourself later. Take some time when planning out your timetable as you’ll find yourself sticking with most of it. That being said, if you miss out on signing into the classes you want (sign-on is a mad rush so get in early), you can just jump into other lecture streams or PASS classes. Pracs and workshops/tutorials are not as flexible though so make sure you have backup times. - Richard ‘Rizzle Lizzle’ Lee Make sure to check your student email account regularly! To add to that, you should be comfortable using all of the IT systems at UQ. Blackboard (learn.uq.edu.au) is definitely the most important website to know how to use, as most courses will have their content there! Knowing how to use the UQ library effectively (library.uq.edu.au) is invaluable for most of your subjects, and makes r esear ching a topic much easier. I would suggest familiarising yourself with some of the major journal databases such as PubMed, Reaxys and MedLine. -Seb Sodini Allow yourself breaks, but try avoid any break that is larger than 1 hour, you may risk not attending your remaining classes due to demotivation that comes further into the semester. This being said if a long break in your timetable is unavoidable don’t stress yourself out by trying to attend every lecture and not e take on everything within the session. Although going to lectures are an important part of your learning as it’s an opportunity for you to interact directly w ith your lecturers, you can r ewind and relisten to the lectures at your own pace online in lecture recordings afterwards anyway. Use the lectures more as an opportunity to extend and refine your know ledge rather than mindless note taking. This basically means you can be a little bit more lenient in your scheduling of lectures. -Myky ‘MC Mickster’ Tran Page | 7 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty ACADEMIC RESOURCES One of the principal aims of UQPMS is to provide academic support to our members. Foremost, we provide access to our exclusive notes pool, compiled by high achieving students over the years. This has traditionally proved useful among students and we’re currently trying to improve our substantial collection! A recent initiative has been to liaise with our GAMSAT sponsor to arrange member exclusive discounts, workshops or seminars. We have seen terrific success with such a venture and you can be sure to look forward to it this year too. UQPMS also releases course guides, detailing advantages, disadvantages and tips for the huge diversity of courses at UQ. W e’r e currently giving our guides a major overhaul . Flip over to the next page for a sneak peek at what we’re offering. Page | 8 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty BIOL1020 - GENES, CELLS & EVOLUTION COURSE INFORMATION Offered: Semester 1 & Semester 2 at St. Lucia Course Coordinators: Dr Milos Tanurdzic (SEM 1) & Dr Karyn Johnson (SEM 2) Lab Coordinator: Ms Lois Eden Contact hours per week: 2 Lectures, 3 Practicals & 1 PASS class Prerequisites: None Recommended Prerequisites: High school level biology will be helpful but not required. Restrictions: Students who have studied AGRC1020, AGRC1021, ANIM1060, or AGRC1041 must contact the Faculty of Science for permission to enrol into BIOL1020. sessions involve the handling of model organisms and COURSE DESCRIPTION This course covers the fundamentals of modern cellular biology, from basic cell structure and biologically important molecules to the central tenets of genetic inheritance and evolution. Examples include: the mechanics of DNA replication, RNA transcription and translation in prokaryotes, eukaryotes and viruses, how molecular and cellular processes give rise to whole organism phenotypes, how to infer such processes given the phenotype, how cellular, genetic and evolutionary processes affect everyday life, metabolic energy flows, mechanics of cellular division and reproduction. There will also be a brief genomics and biotechnology component that examines the multiple avenues through which we have used organisms to develop molecular tools. Examples of contemporary issues in the assigned tex tbook readings and online activities will be highlighted in lectures, PASS classes and practicals. Practical use of computational research tools. BIOL10 20 in 2015 Semester 1 will be delivered in three separate sections: MOLECULAR & CELLULAR BIOLOGY Covers various molecular and cellular structures from the three domains of life Looks at examples of fundamental similarities thought to arise from the common origin of life Basic cellular mechanisms are taught to explain how cells divide, replicate, and survive. GENES TO TRAITS Focuses on genes as the biological unit of inheritance Builds on the previous module's understanding of DNA organisation and replication, and RNA transcription and translation Compares gene regulatory mechanisms between bacteria and eukaryotes Page | 9 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty INHERITANCE AND EVOLUTION Teaches how the physical organisation of DNA (into linear or circular chromosomes or plasmids) and the DNA replication mechanisms create observable patterns of phenotypic trait inheritance – Mendelian genetics, the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium etc. Examines mechanisms underlying genetic variation on the population level including but not limited to: mutation, recombination, transformation, gene flow, horizontal gene transfer, gene and genome duplication, genetic drift, and natural selection Most likely out of scope of high school biology ASSESSMENT For comprehensive details on BIOL1020 assessment, check out the Electronic Course Profile at: http://www.courses.uq.edu.au/student_section_loader.php?section=5&profileId=71953 STUDENT REVIEW ADVANTAGES This course is a great introduction to cellular biology for those who have not studied it previously because it covers high school content. Lectur es are logically sequenced and easy to follow. They are well staged and built on so students should not get lost or confused. Lectur e slides have a history of being posted on Blackboard early, which allows students to preread and print off sheets to take notes on during lectures. BIOL1020 can be an interesting and engaging course which is not difficult to do well in, because of various assessment pieces (opportunities to score marks) and practicals with cutting-edge lab equipment made available by the university. Content from lectur es is reinforced in pre-practical work, practicals, PASS classes and online Blackboard assessment so students can gain a solid foundation before reaching exam time. Lectur ers briefly introduce their area of research expertise and invite keen students to talk and ask for research experience at their respective labs. The content cover ed in this course provides a crucial foundation for future studies into molecular or cellular biology and biol ogical research. It also underpins the knowledge covered in BIOL1040, which is an important prerequisite for major second year courses. Success in this course will definitely help you in the long run! Assessment in this course also touches on generic skills such as communication and presentation, and is not solely content based. DISADVANTAGES Being an introductory course to biology, those who have studied high school biology may find this course repetitive and unchallenging, with few novel nuggets of knowledge. However, the average workload from this course makes it good for breaking into university life. Extension topics can be pursued in your own time, as well as research experience with the lecturers. Trying to do well in all assessment pieces or learning activities will, at times, seem difficult, tedious and time consuming. However this is easily achieved by good time management and a good understanding of what is required. Do not forget the dates of practical mini -exams. Practicals may seem simple and tedious at the time but these help with understanding certain concepts. Most lab tutors will allow their students to leave early if all the necessary work is complete. Practical mini-exams are held during your practical sessions. Possible questions are released via Blackboard the Friday before the assessment week, which may be unfair as it gives those who have their mini-exams later in the week a slight advantage in preparation time. You must attend the PASS class you signed on weekly, so if you want to try out any other PASS classes and their worksheets, you must do so during your own time as additional classes. The worksheets may differ so it is good practice to get at least the worksheets to work on. The instructions given for the oral presentation may be confusing; it is important ask the practical tutors what they expect. Page | 10 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty TIPS Go to extra PASS classes if you need more help; don’t feel limited to just one class. However, be sure to attend the class you signed up on SI net! Note that not all the worksheets you receive at one class will be the same at another. When comparing all the resources available, going to PASS and actively participating is the best pr eparation for the final exam. It allows you to clear up any misconceptions you may have, and the works heets you are given are invaluable. In previous years, PASS questions and interactive exercises have been known to be comparable or very similar to final exam questions. If you are stuck, make sure to talk to your tutors and lecturers. They are approachabl e and will be of assistance where possible. Make sure to keep an eye open on my.uq or the library website for past exams closer to your final exam date. Those PASS worksheets are still one of your best bets for consolidating course content. This course can involve a lot of rote learning for a first year course, particularly if you have not taken high school biology. Mnemonics/acronyms have worked well for people in the past, but many find the repetitive class structure helpful – the same content is covered in many different classes throughout the week. Do your pre-readings, and do not skip the lectures. It may be repetitive but it will save you from the last minute cramming during SWOTVAC which typically shortens your telomeres dramatically. SECAT RESULTS I learned a lot in this course 4.3 The course was well structured 3.7 The course was intellectually stimulating 4.2 The learning materials assisted me in this course 4.0 I received helpful feedback on how I was going in the course 3.6 I had a clear undertanding of the aims and goals of the course 4.0 Assessment requirements were made clear to me 3.7 Overall, how would you rate this course? 3.8 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Neutral 4 Agree 5 Strongly Agree Student Evaluation of Course and Teacher (SECaT) questionnaires are coordinated by the University to evaluate student involvement and response in a particular course through a 5-point scale (‘1’ and ‘5’ corresponds to strongly disagree/poor and strongly agree/excellent respectively). The UQ Premedical Society has recently been advised to convey this information, which is the proper ty of the University, to provide an insight to courses to its members. It should be noted that the data is available on-line on the public domain of the UQ Teaching and Educational Development Institute for any interested parties to peruse. Page | 11 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty Stay tuned for the 2015 edition of our academic publications! Page | 12 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty SOCIAL 2014 witnessed a fantastic year for the social side of UQPMS. We’ve decided showing is better than telling so here are some photos! UQ PREMEDICAL SOCIETY LAUNCH @ MARKET DA Y 2014! FUNDRAISING BBQ #1 Page | 13 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty UQPMS PRESENTS: THE AMAZING RACE FOR THE COLD AND STYLISH: UQPMS HOODIES Page | 14 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty UQ PREMEDICAL SOCIETY @ MARKET DAY SEMESTER 2 UQPMS RED ROOM NIGHT II Page | 15 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty UQPMS VS GRIFFITH BMEDSC - PART III Page | 16 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty PREMEDICAL SPRINTERS DEBUT - BRIDGE TO BRISBANE UQMS & UQPMS JOINT S EMINAR - A GLIMPSE INTO MEDICINE Page | 17 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty 2014 UQ PREMEDICAL BALL: CASINO ROYALE Page | 18 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty Page | 19 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty Page | 20 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty Page | 21 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty SERVICES UQ has fantastic facilities and people to assist students. Be it a dental check-up, student exchange trips or counselling, you’ll always have somewhere to go or ask! To make things simple, we’ve gone ahead and compiled a list for your convenience. The University of Queensland Student Services Counselling Accommodation Religious Services Disability Services UQ Health Service GP Bookings Dentistry Pharmacy Psychology UQ Sports Gym Access Swimming Pool Tennis Court Oval Bookings Athletic Gear Hire Multipurpose Courts UQ Advantage Office Research Programs Internships Volunteering UQ Abroad Exchange Programs UQ Security Emergency Contacts Maintenance Issues After Hours Emergencies On Campus Services Food available on campus Banks Bookshops Campus Optometrists Campus Pharmacy STA Travel Uni Hair Salon Uni Copying Services Academic Bachelor of Science Study Planner Faculty of Science Contact Details http://www.uq.edu.au/student-services/ http://www.uq.edu.au/healthservice/stlucia-clinicinfo http://www.uqsport.com.au/ http://www.uq.edu.au/uqadvantage/ http://www.pf.uq.edu.au/emerg.html http://www.uq.edu.au/study/?page=4326 http://www.science.uq.edu.au/planner http://www.science.uq.edu.au/contact-us Page | 22 UQPMS U niversity of Queensland Premedical Socie ty Academic Calendar UQ School of Medicine: Doctor of Medicine Program Entry Pathways to the MD General My.UQ Sign In Blackboard Login My si-net Sign In UQ Library UQ Union Food and Retail Student Help on Campus Clubs and Societies UQ Timetable Planner UQ Guide 2015 Undergraduate Study Search other undergraduate programs Apply for credit/exemption Scholarships available Student Help On Campus (SHOC) UQ Orientation UQ Maps UQ Premedical Society http://www.uq.edu.au/events/calendar_view.php?category_ id=16 http://www.som.uq.edu.au/future-students/doctor-ofmedicine-(md).aspx http://www.som.uq.edu.au/about/organisation/doctor-ofmedicine-degree-(md)-at-uq/recommended-entry-pathwaysto-the-uq-doctor-of-medicine.aspx https://my.uq.edu.au http://www.uqu.com.au/ https://timetableplanner.app.uq.edu.au/ http://youruq.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/2015Study-Guide-UG_WEB.pdf http://youruq.com/study-at-uq/undergraduate http://www.uqu.com.au/student-support http://orientation.uq.edu.au/ http://www.uq.edu.au/maps/ www.facebook.com/UQPMS CONCLUSION In short, there are so many things to do UQ! Students often miss out until they realise lost opportunities as they face the end of their degree. We hope that this guide assists you as a platform to find out more about UQ and so, face your first day, month and year with an open mind. Remember, if you have any questions whatsoever, don’t hesitate to ask. The executives a re always happy to chat so don’t be scared to say hi! Be sure to like our Facebook Page (www.facebook.com/uqpms), visit our recently refurbished website (www.uqpms.com) and send a friend request to UQ PremedSoc. We’d hate for you to miss out on what we’ve got planned so always stay tuned for more! Once again, congratulations on entering into UQ - see you soon! Page | 23