KGMS Student-Parent HB 2014-15


KGMS Student-Parent HB 2014-15
2014 - 2015
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School is a centre of excellence in
developmentally informed instruction that empowers children with learning
disabilities in a passionate, progressive and inspiring learning environment.
420 Seymour River Place
North Vancouver, B.C.
V7H 1S8
Version 1
September 2014
Dear Parents,
On behalf of Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School, I welcome back all returning students and extend
a warm welcome to our new students and their families. We look forward to continue working
collaboratively with all members of our school community to ensure that we provide our students
with an excellent educational experience.
As part of our ongoing effort to work in partnership with the parents and extended families for the
welfare of our students, each year we update and share this School Handbook that outlines the
policies, procedures and expectations that govern day to day life at the school. We would appreciate
it if you would take the time to review the contents of this handbook and invite you ask any
questions or provide any feedback with respect to the information provided.
KGMS is proud of our specialized programmes and committed staff. It is our hope that you will
continue to help us to reinforce this pride within our student community through encouraging your
daughter or son to respect the philosophy, rules, and uniform requirements of the school. A unified
community is critically important to supporting students in both their learning, and sense of selfworth.
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School exists to provide students with an effective academic and
emotionally supportive environment for the education of children with specific learning disabilities.
The KGMS staff are world-class experts at what they do, and it is rewarding to be a member of this
wonderful organization. I encourage you to become involved and share in the KGMS experience.
Have a great year!
Dr. Jim Christopher
Head of School
Page 2
The following time allotments give an overall scheme of how the day flows.
First bell – students enter classrooms
1st Block
2nd Block
10:05 - 10:20
Recess break (15 minutes)
3rd Block
4th Block
12:00 – 12:45
Lunch time (45 minutes)
5th Block
6th Block
7th Block
End of the day for students
Page 3
Head of School
Deputy Head
Director of Learning Services
Office Manager
Director of Finance
IT Support/Communications
Director of Curriculum
Director of Outreach/Mathematics Team Leader
Literacy Team Leader
Head of SEL (Social Emotional Learning)
Division 1
Dr. James Christopher
Mrs. Marie Watler
Mrs. Carleigh Kula
Mrs. Shellie Bartnik
Ms. Carrie Baker
Ms. Katherine Harris
Mrs. Danielle Auger
Mr. Neil Pinkerton
Mrs. Lisa Kantas
Ms. Lorette Tataryn
Ms. Kristin Leigh/Ms.Amanda Clark
Division 2
Ms. Pam Cook /Ms. Alex Edwards /
Division 3
Ms. Johanna Frank-Davis
Division 4
Ms. Colleen Blackwell
Division 5
Mrs. Norlene Page/Mrs. Katy Southerland /
Division 6
Ms. Samantha Wilkie
Division 7
Mr. Adam Lewis
Division 8
Ms. Sara Ferguson
Division 9
Mr. Neil Pinkerton
Ms. Jessica Hanna / Mr. Tyler Gilowski
Mrs. Shannon Smart/ Carl Cloake
Ms. Lauren Dey/Ms. Diana Hristova
Mr. Rafe Haines
High School Resource
Mr. John Davies
Elementary Resource
Ms. Kathleen Mckay
Ms. Sydney Reiner
Page 4
Math/ High School PE
Mr. Eric Hansen
Ms. Jackie De Santis
Science Resource Teacher / Gifted
Ms. Tanya Hill
Language Arts Resource Teacher
Mrs. Lisa Kantas
Language Arts Support Teacher
Ms. Krista Carlberg
Language Arts Support Teacher
Mrs. Hebaaq Pascal
Educational Assistants
Ms. Allison Janzen
Mr. Devon Bruce
Mrs. Andrea Rodgers
Ms. Lorette Tataryn
Ms. Marie Watler
Ms. Amber Hitchen
Tutors/Support Teachers:
Mrs. Cheryl Bertoia
Mrs. Heather Glasgow
Mrs. Anne Marie Roberts
Ms. Karen Ritchie
Ms. Vicki Nelmes
Ms. Sue Hodgkinson
Ms. Diana Carwithen
Ms. Samantha Wilkie
Ms. Joanne Sedley
Mrs. Rachel Roubini
Ms. Pam Cook
Ms. Lynne Rummell
Ms. Jana Zylich
Ms. Lynse Hendricks
Ms. Sandra Whittle
Ms. Brenda Carlton
Mrs. Carole Crowe
Ms. Karen McBride
Ms. Carolynn Fast
Ms. Erin McLean
Mrs. Joy Preston
Mrs. Carol Lasko
Ms. Luanne van Woerkens
Ms. Alicia Colombani
Mrs. Hebaaq Pascal
Ms. Dasha Gritsaenko
Ms. Jill Neale
Ms. Shannon Williams
Mrs. Teresa Giachino
Page 5
Before school: Outdoor supervision is provided until 8:15 am. Children should be suitably
dressed for outdoors. Students are welcome to play outside or be in the library or hallways
until the bell rings. Students should not enter their classroom unless given permission by
classroom teacher.
Recess: This break is supervised by the assigned staff. A small snack should be provided,
but eating entire lunches during this break is not an accepted practice.
Lunch time: Four lunch hour supervisors are present on the playground. At 12:00 students
will eat their lunch in their classrooms; and at 12:15 students will go outside to play.
Suitable clothing and footwear should be provided for wet weather. An extra pair of pants,
shoes and socks should be kept at the school for unexpected wet days. Please put your
child’s name on all clothing items.
After school: There is supervision for the children for 45 minutes after the end of school.
Students remaining after that time will be required to wait in the school.
Boundaries: Like most schools we must reinforce our school boundaries to ensure the
safety of our students. Students are to stay within the fenced area. The parking lot is out of
Traffic: Please review good pedestrian safety habits and traffic awareness with your child.
They must be especially watchful when leaving for cars entering the parking lot.
Transportation: Please notify the school if transportation for your child is to be changed
from the usual. Misunderstandings can result in children being left at school after all car
pools and buses have gone, or drivers may be looking for a child who has made arrangements
to travel with a friend. We will not allow students to make alternate arrangements except at
your request.
Snow: There may be snowy days that result in extreme driving hazards. Should this occur, a
snow alert will be activated on the website to contact all parents if it becomes necessary to
cancel school for the day.
Absentees: Please phone the school in the morning if your child will not be attending. This
eliminates the question whether the child is merely late due to traffic delays and saves us
phoning you.
If you have arranged to pick up your child for an appointment during the day, please come to
the office so that we know they are leaving and with whom. All visitors to the school must
collect a “visitor” badge from the secretary.
Page 6
You have supplied us with a phone number for an emergency contact should we not be able to reach
you at home or work. This should be someone who is able to come to the school if necessary.
Please notify the school of any phone or address changes for yourself or your emergency contact.
Parent/teacher/tutor Conference Days for the coming school year have been set as follows: Students
do not attend school on these days. (see calendar page)
Nov. 26th, 2014
Mar. 6th, 2015
8:00 am – 3:00 pm
8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Written reports from the child’s tutor and teacher are given to the parent prior to the above dates.
Parents have the opportunity to meet with the classroom teacher and tutor to discuss the child’s
progress. Depending upon the child’s academic progress and the length of attendance at Kenneth
Gordon Maplewood School, the staff may recommend a team or transition meeting format rather
than individual conferences.
On this day, parents may also have the opportunity to observe their child’s tutoring session. This
does not have to take place at each reporting time, but it is recommended that a new parent observe
at least once during the year if possible. If the child is not being observed on the reporting day, then
it is not necessary for him/her to attend. Appointment slips will be sent home approximately two
weeks prior to the above dates. If it is your intention that your child might not return to Kenneth
Gordon Maplewood School next year, please inform us as soon as possible so that we can make
proper contacts and conduct transition planning.
At any other time, conferences with school personnel regarding your child may be arranged by
phoning the school for an appointment.
Page 7
Please provide specific custody information to the school if necessary, plus any other information
that will assist the staff in working with your child. All such information will be kept confidential.
The school will try to assist the family by:
(a) providing newsletters for each parent, if requested
(b) issuing duplicate progress reports, if requested and making special
arrangements to meet your needs and that of your child
The school provides all supplies (including printed workbooks) needed by the student for the
academic year for a fee of $200.00. This will ensure that teachers’ requirements are met exactly
(and hopefully bulk buying will keep the cost down).
It is advisable that students do not bring expensive watches, toys and/or jewelry to school.
The North Shore Health will service Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School for the coming year. The
nurse comes to the school on an on-call basis. The students will participate in routine immunization
programs, after containing parental consent. As well, grade six students will take part in the
Hepatitis B immunization program.
Administering medication at school is not encouraged. If medication must be taken during school
hours – please contact the school and specific arrangements will be made. No aspirins are
kept/distributed at the school. Children who are on prescribed medication should not carry more
than a daily dose. Parents should make arrangements with Administration to leave medication on
site and deliver it personally.
We realize that children often want to return to school before they are completely well, however we
urge you to keep them home until they are capable of handling a full day at school, including
outdoor play at lunch and recess break. If students become ill at school parents are called to pick
them up rather than have them go home on the bus.
Page 8
1) In the event that clean up of body fluids such as blood, urine or feces is required, staffs are to
call the school custodian for cleanup.
2) The custodian is to follow safe work practices to make sure that the area is cleaned
thoroughly with Virox AHP or bleach.
3) In the event the custodian is not available, the Head of school or the Director of Instruction
are to be notified. The Head of School or the Director of Instruction are to follow safe work
practices as above.
No child can function properly at school without proper rest and regular eating habits. The
youngster with special learning needs expends a tremendous amount of energy on all academic tasks
and consequently requires rest. The rigor of our program and the travel add to that energy demand
requiring more rest and consistency in routine. Please support your child’s learning by having an
early bedtime and providing nutritious lunches/snacks.
These drills will be held on a regular basis at Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School. It is important
that children be taught how to react and vacate the building quickly and in an orderly fashion in case
of emergency. Proper behavior and a serious attitude are demanded from all students during these
drills. All classrooms and the gym open directly to the outside, facilitating easy access.
The School’s Code of Conduct requires that pupils behave in a kind, considerate and responsible
manner toward other children as well as all staff members. The Board has recommended that the
staff have discretion and control over all disciplinary matters. It is expected that children will
respect and care for the school building and grounds. In particular, garbage and waste paper must be
deposited in the containers provided and children must conduct themselves properly in the
washrooms. Parental support is expected in fostering appropriate behaviour and establishing good
work and personal habits.
Parents are informed on an ongoing basis if a problem is developing. Behaviour, which is hurtful or
dangerous to others, is not acceptable and will result in a suspension if initial warnings are not
heeded. The staff has developed a discipline policy that will be shared with students in the first
week of school. To be effective we must work together and we anticipate your full support.
Page 9
We encourage open communication between home and school. We will contact you whenever
necessary and hope that any concern or questions you or your child may have will be promptly
discussed with the teacher, tutor, and Head of School. It helps us understand the child’s behavior and
to be supportive if we are informed of any unusual upset or disruption which has occurred at home.
If you have further questions after reading this booklet, please contact the school.
After a long day of concentrated effort in the structured setting at Kenneth Gordon Maplewood
School, children need time to play and relax. Therefore, we strive to limit homework to 10 minutes
per grade level per night. Transitioning students may be expected to do more.
The value of homework lies in the establishment of good study habits, responsibility and selfsufficiency; all of which contribute to self-confidence.
It is of great importance that parents take responsibility for homework in the following ways:
1. Discuss with the child a suitable hour, which will be a regular homework time. This
become routine. No deviation. (We are building good high school habits.)
2. A quiet place (no distractions) should be chosen and supplies provided (pencils, proper lighting,
3. A specific place to store homework materials upon arrival from school and after homework
completion so that it is not forgotten.
4. Check to see that homework is complete (but don’t sit down and help do it).
All homework will be well within the student’s capabilities to do without parental assistance. We
want to see what the child is capable of doing independently.
Please note:
During the first weeks of school, teachers will distribute to the children homework guidelines, which
set out expectations for all of us. These will be reviewed, discussed and practiced. These guidelines
will be included in a plastic envelope page in the student’s homework binder and you will receive a
letter of explanation at that time which you will be asked to sign. The guidelines will remain in the
front of your child’s homework binder for reference throughout the year.
Page 10
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School Discipline Policy
The school’s mission is to provide an effective academic and emotionally supportive environment
for the children who attend Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School. To accomplish this, all
stakeholders must work to ensure that children have an equal opportunity to learn in this emotionally
safe environment. It is important that staff, parents, and students support each other as we endeavor
to provide a safe, stress free environment for all children at this school. The staff of Kenneth
Gordon Maplewood School will work to implement this policy to ensure that each child takes
responsibility for his or her own behavior.
The KGMS discipline policy applies on the school property (including before and after school
times), on the bus, or on any field trips or outings.
Opportunity for Learning
Our commitment is to provide continued support for the students in the school by the immediate
response to behavior, as well as supporting and teaching students about positive choices. For
example, teaching opportunities are made available through social responsibility classes, teaching
social curriculum, integrated play groups and through professionals on site.
Staff Responsibilities
Reinforce clear and acceptable guidelines as outlined in the KGMS discipline policy
Recognize and support children’s positive behaviour
Ensure a safe and comfortable learning environment
Communicate, any incidents through the classroom log book or incident report book
Page 11
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School Discipline Policy
Principal’s discretion
It is understood that the principal has wide discretion for the implementation of the discipline policy.
Included in this is the understanding that the principal can suspend or expel any student for just
Exemplar negative behaviours
Level one behaviours can commonly lead to consequences such as loss of privileges, community
service, or service on a related task force. These consequences are in addition to contact with the
student’s parents or guardians.
Level one behaviours might include:
Inappropriate language
Disrespectful speech or attitude
Touching or striking another student
Bullying (non-violent and not severe)
Level two behaviours might include:
Physical or severe bullying
Repeated level one offences
Failure to positively respond to level one consequences
Striking another student
Page 12
School Code of Conduct
Be Kind
1) Be kind to staff and students
a. No threatening, teasing or name calling
b. No bullying or intimidating behaviour
2) Follow classroom rules
3) Include others in your games and play
Be Respectful
1) Respect staff and students
2) Use appropriate language
a. No swearing
b. No racial slurs
3) Be respectful when sharing common space
4) Walk quietly and respectfully in the hallway
5) Comply with requests from adults
6) Respect the Peace Kids
7) Respect school property
8) Follow Classroom rules
9) Demonstrate co-operative behaviour
10) Positively interact with your classmates during
recess and lunch
a. No Electronic devices during the school day
11) Be respectful to ourselves and others by being free of alcohol, cigarettes and illegal substances
Page 13
Be Careful
1) Walk safely and carefully on the boardwalk
2) Observe out of bound areas
3) Respect seasonal rules on the playground
4) Leave rocks and sticks on the ground
5) Refrain from physical contact
6) Follow Classroom rules
7) Be respectful to ourselves and others by being free
alcohol, cigarettes and illegal substances
8) Report any unsafe behaviour
a. Speak up if you feel abused or bullied or you witness this
Immediately report any weapons, alcohol, cigarettes or illegal substances on school
property or on the bus
Be Prepared
1. Wear proper uniform and dress appropriately for the weather
2. Follow Classroom rules
3. Be prepared for class
Page 14
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School recognizes parents as the child’s primary caretakers. As such, it
is the parents who have the most knowledge about their child and must bear the primary
responsibility for his/her well being. Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School asks that parents exercise
the following responsibilities in support of their child’s education at Kenneth Gordon Maplewood
Recognize and celebrate their child’s success in relation to his or her ability.
Demonstrated commitment to the priority and importance of their child’s education.
Willingness to inform and be fully informed about all aspects of the child’s developmental
progress (medical, scholastic, social, emotional), and (where needed and/or requested), to
take appropriate remedial/intervention action.
Make every effort to establish and maintain a collaborative relationship with Kenneth
Gordon Maplewood School staff and to exhibit support for school policy/program in public.
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School requires that its students, faculty and administration follow the
rules and regulations of the school. The school also expects parents to recognize and follow the rules
and regulations of the school. Courtesy and civility are part of this, especially when it relates to
dealings between parents and the school administrators, or representatives of the school, such as the
teaching staff. Parents are subject to the rules, regulations and policies of the school, in that they
have a contractual relationship with the school, but most importantly they also set an example to our
students. Therefore, Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School places great emphasis on comportment of
all the members of the school community including parents and families.
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School is the beneficiary of the prior generosity of many people. As an
independent school, Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School receives minimal support from the
provincial government. Its sources of income are tuition, voluntary gifts, income from invested
resources and income earned from special activities. Fees charged cover about 60% of the general
operating budget. Kenneth Gordon families are asked to consider a financial gift in proportion to
their ability. All gifts are tax deductible to extent permitted by law.
Page 15
All students will be required to adhere to the dress code. Khakis may be worn until Thanksgivings
and after Spring Break.
Students are expected to take pride in their appearance and look their personal best (clothing is
clean, pressed and tidy at all times).
each item of clothing to be labeled with your child’s name
each item of clothing to be labeled with your child’s name
white or navy blue shirt (short or long sleeved)
navy pants/shorts (no cargo style pants, sweat pants )
khaki colored, pants, shorts are acceptable (no board shorts
KGMS sweatshirt or navy sweater (in good condition)
white shirt or blue shirt (short or long sleeved)
navy/khaki skort, shorts or pants are acceptable (full length pants, mid thigh to knee
length shorts)
KGMS sweatshirt or navy sweater (in good condition)
GYM STRIP – each item to be labeled with your child’s name
bring t-shirt and shorts from home
Runners that will not leave marks on the gym floor.
Purchasing your uniform items through the school may be done on the first day of school and
throughout the school year.
*No hats of any kind permitted inside the school
Page 16
2014 – 2015
(July 15th, 2014)
September Wednesday 3rd
Friday 5th
Wed – Fri 10th – 12th
Tuesday, 16th
Thursday, 25th
Friday 26th
Monday 29th
Students 1st Day (Full Day)
Student Portrait Day
High School Camp
Curriculum Night
MPC Wine & Cheese Gathering
Casual Day
Pro D Day – No Students
Monday 13th
Friday 24th
Friday 31st
Thanksgiving – School Closed
District Pro D Day – No Students
Halloween/Casual Day
Friday 7th
Monday, 10th
Tuesday 11th
Monday 24th
Tue – Thurs 25 – 27th
Wednesday 26th
Friday 28th
Report Writing Day – No Students
School Closed
Remembrance Day – School Closed
Report Cards home
Book Fair
Parent/Teacher/Tutor Conference – No Students
Casual Day
Friday 19th
Dec 22nd – 31st
Last day before Christmas break / Casual Day
Winter Break – School closed
1st – 9th
Monday 12th
Friday 30th
Winter Break - School closed
First day back
Casual Day
Friday 6th
Monday 9th
Friday 13th
Friday 20th
Friday 27th
Pro D Day – No Students
Family Day – School Closed
Pancake breakfast
Report Writing Day – No Students
Casual Day
Page 17
2014 – 2015
Wednesday 4th
Thursday 5th
Friday 6th
Mon 9th – Fri 20th
Monday 23rd
Friday 27th
Report cards home
Friday 3rd
Monday 6th
Friday 17th
Friday 24th
Good Friday – School Closed
Easter Monday - School Closed
Casual Day
Pro D Day – No Students
Monday 18th
Friday 29th
Victoria Day - School closed
Casual Day
Friday 5th
Thursday 11th
Friday 12th
Wednesday 17th
Thursday 18th
Report Writing Day – No students
Sports Day
Casual Day
Talent Show
Last ½ day/Closing Ceremony/Report Cards home
Last day for students before Spring Break/Casual Day
Parent/Teacher/Tutor conferences - No students
Spring Break - School closed
First day back
Casual Day
(March 2007)
Page 18
The school encourages open and professional communication between staff members and
parents/guardians at all times. Parents/guardians are encouraged to bring issues of concern regarding
their children and their education forward to their child’s teacher, tutor or other appropriate staff
member promptly.
General Procedures
If an issue arises and has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the parent/guardian and a staff
member or members, one or both of them are to follow the following process:
Both parties shall meet with the school’s administrator and the administrator will work with
the parties to the issue in a collaborative and constructive manner with due consideration of
the interests of the School, its students and those of the parent/guardian and his/her child.
For their part, parents/guardians who avail themselves of these procedures will be taken to
have agreed to conduct themselves in a respectful manner to the Administrator and staff of
the School.
The administrator will identify and document any consensus reached between the parties or,
failing consensus, his/her decision with respect to the issue. The administrator will provide
written evidence of the consensus or the decision to all of the parties.
A parent or guardian who disputes the consensus identified by the Administrator or a
decision may bring the matter to the Executive Committee of the Board by delivery of a letter
to the Board Chair requesting a meeting and describing the issue and what is being sought
from the Executive Committee.
The decision of the Executive Committee is final in respect of the disposition of any issue
that arises in the context of a parent/guardian and staff member, which is referred to the
Executive Committee.
Student Discipline Procedure
Where an issue involves the potential for disciplinary action being taken in respect of a student, the
general procedure as outlined above will apply but the following additional rules will apply:
Page 19
1. Parent/guardian will have a full opportunity to be heard by the Administrator.
2. The discipline process will be conducted at all stages in a manner, which treats the
student with respect and dignity.
3. Any decision of the administrator or the Executive Committee will be provided in writing
to the parent or guardian.
Powers of Administrator and Executive Committee of the Board
1. The Administrator may determine the disciplinary measures, if any, appropriate to the
circumstances of the case on an individual basis.
2. The Administrator has the authority to suspend or expel a student in appropriate
3. The decision of the Administrator in connection with discipline is appealable to the
Executive Committee, pursuant to the general procedures outlined above.
4. On receiving to be heard, the Executive Committee will give the parent/guardian a full
right to be heard, including the right to be represented by counsel.
5. The Executive Committee has the authority to impose any discipline, which the
Administrator could have imposed initially.
6. The decision of the Executive Committee will be final.
Page 20
Understanding what child abuse and neglect are and knowing how to take appropriate action are
critical in ensuring the safety and well-being of children. Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School is
committed to responding to the needs of children. All staff will be in-serviced on the proper
protocol/procedures to follow should they suspect a child is in need of protection.
Legal Duty to Report
Everyone who has a reason to believe that a child has been or is likely to be physically harmed,
sexually abused or sexually exploited, or needs protection due to the specific circumstances outlined
in the Child, Family and Community Service Act, is legally responsible under that act to report the
matter to a child protection social worker.
Failing to Report
Sometimes people do not make a report because they think they need proof to back it up. This is
not true. All that is required is reason to believe that a child has been, is, or is likely to be
physically harmed, sexually abused, sexually exploited, or in need of protection.
The person making the report is not responsible for determining whether abuse and/or neglect
actually happened. That is the job of the child protection social worker.
Failing to promptly report is an offence under the Child, Family and Community Service Act.
Failing to report or making a false report carry a maximum penalty of a $10,000 fine, or six months
in jail, or both.
Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect
Report to a child protection social worker in either a Ministry for Children and Families office, or a
first Nations child welfare agency that provides child protection services.
If you are in Vancouver call 660-4927
Elsewhere in B.C. call 1-800-663-9122
Call the Helpline for Children: Dial 0 and ask the operator for Zenith 1234
If the child is in immediate danger, call the police at 911.
Page 21
The School and its staff recognize the right of all members of the School Community including
employees, students, and volunteers, to work and learn in a safe environment which is free from
harassment of any kind. In addition, the School recognizes the obligation of all members of the
School Community to promote, monitor and maintain a harassment free environment, conducive to
work and study.
Policy Statement
The fundamental objectives of this Harassment Policy are:
To prevent harassment of any kind against any member of the School Community; and,
2. To establish procedures for the handling of complaints, remedying situations and imposing
discipline where appropriate.
Harassment refers to any physical, verbal or visual behavior by an employee, student or volunteer
that is directed at or offensive to any person for which there is no bona fide and reasonable
justification. Such behaviour includes, but is not limited to, actions that adversely affect any
individual or groups as defined by the British Columbia Human Rights Code. Finally, such
behaviour includes one-time incidents or continuous actions by any member of the School
School Community refers to students and adults, including employees and volunteers, who study and
work within the School environment.
Sexual Harassment refers to any physical, verbal or visual behaviour of a sexual nature by a person
who knows or ought reasonably to know that such behaviour is unwanted or unwelcome. Such
behaviour includes the circulation or publication of any material of a sexual nature that has the effect
of creating an uncomfortable environment for any member of the School Community. Further, such
behaviour includes any sexual advance made by a person that includes or implies a threat of denial
of opportunity for advancement in work or study. Finally, such behaviour includes one-time
incidents or continuous actions by any member of the School Community.
Page 22
January 1, 2005
Page 23
Table of Contents
The School’s Commitment to You………………………………………………………………………………..24
Ten Privacy Principles……………………………………………………………………………………………..24
Principle 1 – Accountability ……………………………………………………………………………………....24
Principle 2 – Identifying Purposes………………………………………………………………………………..25
Principle 3 – Consent………………………………………………………………………………………………25
Principle 4 – Limiting Collection…………………………………………………………………………………..26
Principle 5 - Use, Disclosure and Retention……………………………………………………………………26
Principle 6 – Accuracy……………………………………………………………………………………………..28
Principle 7 – Safeguarding Personal Information……………………………………………………………….28
Principle 8 – Individual Access……………………………………………………………………………………29
Principle 10 – Complaint Process………………………………………………………………………………..29
Page 24
January 1, 2005
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School
The School’s Commitment to You
Safeguarding personal information of parents and students is a fundamental concern of Kenneth
Gordon Maplewood School. The school is committed to meeting or exceeding the privacy
standards established by British Columbia’s Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and any other
applicable legislation.
This Personal Information Privacy Policy describes the policies and practices of Kenneth Gordon
Maplewood School regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information about
students and parents, including the steps the school has taken to ensure personal and financial
information is handled appropriately and securely.
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School may add, modify or remove portions of this Personal
Information Privacy Policy when it is considered appropriate to do so, and any such changes will be
effective upon giving notice of the revised policy. You may ask for the most recent update of this
Personal Information Privacy Policy at the school office. This Personal Information Privacy Policy may
be supplemented or modified by agreements entered into between Kenneth Gordon Maplewood
School and an individual from time to time.
Ten Privacy Principles
As part of Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School’s commitment, the Ten Privacy Principles govern
the actions of the school as they relate to the use of personal information. This Personal Information
Privacy Policy describes the Ten Privacy Principles and provides further details regarding Kenneth
Gordon Maplewood School’s compliance with the principles.
In this Personal Information Privacy Policy, the following terms have the meanings set out below:
“personal information” means any information about an identifiable individual, as further defined
under British Columbia’s Personal Information Protection Act or other applicable laws. Personal
information excludes the name, position name or title, business telephone number, business address,
business email, and business fax number of an individual, as well as any publicly available
information as designated under applicable laws, such as information available from a public
telephone directory or from a public registry.
“Parent” means the parent, guardian, or other legal representative of a student.
“Student” means a prospective, current, or past student of Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School.
Principle 1 – Accountability
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School is responsible for maintaining and protecting the personal
information under its control. In fulfilling this mandate, the school designates (an) individual(s) who
is(are) accountable for the school’s compliance with the Ten Privacy Principles. This individual is the
Privacy Officer of the school.
Version 1
You may contact our Privacy Officer as follows:
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School
Privacy Officer
420 Seymour River Place, North Vancouver, BC
(604) 985-5224
(604) 985-4562
Principle 2 – Identifying Purposes
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School will, before or at the time personal information is collected,
identify the purposes for which the information is collected, used and disclosed.
What Information is Collected?
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School collects and uses personal information to provide students
with the best possible educational services enunciated by the Mission statement of the school. Most
of the information the school collects comes to the school directly from parents and students or is
information regarding the student’s school activities, performance or behaviour, such as attendance
records or grades. For example, when a student applies to register in the school, the school will ask
you to provide the information that enables it to complete the registration process. This also includes
information on academic, health, and personal matters needed by the school to provide the best
possible education and co-curricular programs. Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School also collects
information in connection with the use of its computer systems.
Personal information may also be collected and used and disclosed in the course of the operation of
building security systems, including video and other surveillance systems.
Principle 3 – Consent
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School will obtain consent of the individual for the collection, use or
disclosure of personal information except where the law states exemptions, grants permission, or
creates a requirement for collection, use, or disclosure of personal information.
Requirements for consent to collection, use or disclosure of personal information vary depending on
circumstances and on the type of personal information that is intended to be collected, used or
disclosed. In determining whether consent is required and, if so, what form of consent is appropriate,
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School will take into account both the sensitivity of the personal
information and the purposes for which Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School will use the
information. Consent may be express, implied (including through use of “opt-out” consent where
appropriate), or deemed. For example, if an individual provides his/her mailing address and requests
information regarding a particular service, consent to use the address to provide the requested
information may be implied.
On giving reasonable written notice to Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School, an individual may
withdraw consent to the collection, use or disclosure of his or her personal information. Upon notice of
withdrawal of consent, Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School will notify the individual of the likely
consequences of withdrawing his or her consent and, except where otherwise required or permitted
by law, Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School will stop collecting, using or disclosing the personal
information as requested.
If a person provides Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School or its service providers or agents with
personal information about an individual, the person represents that it has all necessary authority
and/or has obtained all necessary consents from such individual to enable Kenneth Gordon
Maplewood School to collect, use and disclose such personal information for the purposes set forth
in this Personal Information Privacy Policy.
Principle 4 – Limiting Collection
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School will limit the personal information collected to that information
necessary for the purposes identified by the school.
Principle 5 – Use, Disclosure and Retention
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School will only use, disclose and retain personal information for the
purpose for which it was collected unless the individual has otherwise consented, or when its use,
disclosure or retention is required or permitted by law.
How is Information Used?
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School uses personal information as follows:
to communicate with parents and students, process applications and ultimately to
provide students with the educational services and co-curricular programs you
to enable the school to operate its administrative function, including payment of
school fees and maintenance of non-educational school programs including parent
and volunteer participation and fundraising.
health, psychological, or legal information is used to provide certain specialized
services in those areas or as adjunct information in delivering educational services.
If for any reason personal information is required to fulfill another purpose, the school will, where
appropriate, notify you and ask you for your consent before the school proceeds.
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School may use anonymous information, such as information
collected through surveys or statistical information regarding students, to constantly improve our
When May Information be Disclosed?
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School may disclose an individual’s personal information to others in
connection with the purpose for which it was collected, as consented to by the individual, or as
required or permitted by law. The following are some examples of how Kenneth Gordon Maplewood
School may disclose personal information.
When Authorized by You
Other educational institutions routinely contact the school for personal information
about students. For example, if a student moves to another school, college or
university, student records are requested by the enrolling institution. Your permission
to pass on these records is usually obtained when the student is registered and you
authorize the school to disclose such information to other appropriate educational
institutions for the ongoing education of the student.
Contact information may be used to enable the school to provide the paraeducational and administrative services usually operated by the school. These
services include phoning committees, participation groups, parent meetings,
fundraising, events, annual general meetings, etc.
In some cases, when communication is over the telephone, your consent to the use and/or disclosure
of your information will be obtained verbally. In other cases such as when you communicate through
e-mail, your consent will be obtained electronically.
When Required by Law
The type of information the school is legally required to disclose most often relates to family court
issues, legal proceedings, court orders and government tax reporting requirements. Student
information as per Form 1701 is annually filed with the Ministry of Education.
Only the information specifically requested is disclosed and the school takes precautions to satisfy
itself that the authorities making the request have legitimate grounds to do so.
When Permitted by Law
The school is legally permitted to disclose some personal information in situations such as an
investigation of illegal activities, reasonable methods to collect overdue accounts, a medical
emergency or suspicion of illegal activities, etc. Only pertinent information is disclosed.
The school does not sell, lease or trade information about you to other parties.
Outside Service Suppliers
At Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School, the school sometimes contacts outside organizations to
perform specialized services such as printing, student assessments, market research or data
processing. For example, the school may give its yearbook publisher the information required to
produce the annual yearbook. Suppliers of specialized services are given only the information
necessary to perform those services, and Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School takes appropriate
steps to ensure that such information is securely transferred and stored and is used only to fulfill the
purposes for which it was disclosed to the service provider.
Restricting Sharing Information
If you choose to limit the sharing of your personal information, please contact the school office and
submit a written letter specifying which items of personal information you wish to limit, and to whom
you wish these items to be restricted. Please remember that certain agencies, by law, have access to
certain types of personal information.
How Long Is Personal Information Retained?
Personal information will only be retained for the period of time required to fulfill the purpose for which
it was collected. Once the personal information is no longer required to be retained to fulfill the
purposes for which it was collected and is no longer required or permitted to be retained for legal or
business purposes, it will be destroyed or made anonymous.
Principle 6 – Accuracy
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School will take appropriate steps to ensure that personal information
collected by Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School is as accurate and complete as is reasonably
required in connection with the purposes for which it was collected, used or disclosed.
How May I Update Outdated or Incorrect Information?
An individual may, upon written request to Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School, request that
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School correct an error or omission in any personal information that is
under Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School’s control and Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School
will, as appropriate, amend the information as requested and send the corrected personal information
to each third party to which it has disclosed the information during the preceding year.
Principle 7 – Safeguarding Personal Information
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School will protect personal information by security safeguards that
are appropriate to the sensitivity level of the information.
The School’s Employees
In the course of daily operations, access to personal information is restricted to authorized employees
who have a legitimate reason for accessing it. For example, teachers will have access to personal
information about students but not your account with the school.
Employees are appropriately educated about the importance of privacy and they are required to
follow the school’s policies and procedures regarding handling of personal information.
Student Files
Student files are stored in secured filing cabinets. Access is restricted to only those employees
(teachers, teacher-aides, counsellors, secretaries, etc.) who, by nature of their work, are required to
see them.
Electronic Security
The school manages electronic files appropriately with passwords and security measures that limit
access by unauthorized personnel. The school’s security practices are reviewed periodically to
ensure that the privacy of personal information is not compromised.
Principle 8 – Openness
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School will make information available to individuals concerning the
policies and practices that apply to the management of personal information.
Individuals may direct any questions or enquiries with respect to the school’s privacy policies or
practices to the Privacy Officer of Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School.
Principle 9 – Individual Access
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School will inform an individual, upon the individual’s request, of the
existence, use and disclosure of the individual’s personal information, and shall give the individual
access to it in accordance with the law.
How May I Access My Personal Information?
Individuals may access and verify any personal information with appropriate notice so that the office
is able to supply the information required. Most of this information is available in the registration forms
and other forms that you filled out.
Parent Access to Student Personal Information
A parent may access and verify school records of the student, with appropriate notice during normal
school hours. In situations of family breakdown, the school will grant access to records of students in
accordance with the law.
Principle 10 – Complaint Process
Individuals may question compliance with the above principles.
Questions, Concerns and Complaints
Questions, concerns, and complaints about privacy, confidentiality and personal information handling
policies and practices of the school should be directed to the school’s Privacy Officer by calling the
school office. If necessary, individuals will be referred to use the school’s complaint procedure and
appeals policies.