Notices - Almondbury Methodist Church


Notices - Almondbury Methodist Church
A warm welcome is extended to visitors and anyone who is worshipping with us for the first time.
Junior church and creche is available - the children usually go out after the 2nd hymn. Please join
us for coffee which will be served in the Wesley Centre after the service
In the event of the fire alarm sounding, please leave the building as instructed by the fire stewards
to the designated assembly point
Sunday 25th. January
10.30 a.m. Almondbury arrangements
Hymns - Allfrom STF 501, 94, 119. 264, 242, 652
Readings - Exodus 20 vv. 1 - 21, John 13 vv. 34 - 35
Readers - Miriam Bidnell & Mary Sellars
Flower Ditribution :- Susan Roberts
6.30 pm. Invitation from All Hallows for us to attend their Evensong as part of the Prayer for Christian Unity
Week when the guest preacher will be Rev. Tim Francis. Please try to support our Anglican brothers and
sisters at this service.
Monday 26th. January
10 a.m. Luncheon Club - All welcome to arrive from 10.15 am but there is no set time. If you have a disability and need transport we can arrange it.
7.30 p.m. - 9.00 pm Table Tennis Club. All are welcome.
Tuesday 21st. January
5.45 p.m. Rainbows For more information contact Sally on 01484 316758
Thursday 23rd. January
1.30 - 3.00 p.m. TOTS - games and activities for children and their carers aged from birth to school age.
Sunday 1st February
10.30 a.m. Morning Worship All Age Worship led by Rev. Tim Francis
Readers - David Clarkson and Ray Nichols
Flower distribution - Helen Megoran
Joint Lent Groups willl start on the following dates:Mondays at All Hallows starting on 23 rd February at 2.30 PM.
Thursdays at Almondbury Methodist Church starting on 20 th February at 7.30 pm.
Next lunchtime communion will be Thursday,12 th February at 12 noon, followed by soup and roll
The circuit prayer meeting is moving to Dalton St Paul’s. All are welcome on the first and third
Tuesdays of each month, 12.00 noon to 1.00 pm to support the mission of the circuit.
Volunteers needed !!!
Almondbury Community Forum are looking for more volunteers to join their group. The group are wanting to involve volunteers from the business sector, churches and voluntary organisations. The group organises community events and makes decisions about what’s happening in the Almondbury area.
Interested volunteers will be invited to a community event at the end of January to have a chat and meet
other interested volunteers.
If you’re interested in getting involved, please contact Linda Andrews, Community Engagement & Development Officer on 01484 221000 or 07976963906 or e-mail
Welcome Centre - donations of tinned meat/fish, tinned/dried potatoes, cup-a-soup, jam, meat paste, long
life milk, , toothbrushes and deodorant will be much appreciated. There is a box in the church vestibule for
contribution of items.
The last date for contributions the next edition of “In Touch” is 31st January !!! The address to send material to is
Almondbury Methodist Church Pantomime Group present CINDERELLA.
The dates of the pantomime:Thursday, Friday and Saturday 12 th. 13 th’ and 14 th.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday19 th. 20 th. And 21 st.
7.15pm each evening and 2.15pm. Saturday matinees.
Tickets - Adults £6.00, Children £4.00. Senior citizens £4.00 on Thusdays and matinees only.
For bookings please phone 01484 424753. Book early to avoid disappointment.
If you feel able to help to sell ice cream or tea/coffee etc during any of the pantomime performances could
you please sign the volunteer list in the Wesley Centre.
Also, if anyone would like to bake buns or tray bakes to sell during the performance could you let either
Jean Boothroyd or Jennifer Prewett know.
Many thanks in anticipation, Jennifer
Notices for Sunday 1 st February to Elaine Lee, e-mail - or phone
Circuit Local Preachers Recognition Service to be held on Sunday, 2nd February at Kirkheaton United
Church, 3 pm when Jez Hackett will be recognised. Preacher to be Rev Dr Roger Walton, Chair of District.
Circuit Prayer Meeting - will continue on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays monthly from 12.30 - 2.00 pm in the foyer
at Dalton St Paul’s. Dates are :- 21st Jan. 4th & 18th Feb. 4th & 18th March. Feel free to come and go as
you wish and/or forward items for praise and prayer to David Brook or Naomi Sharp (
and )
Action For Children - Thank you to all who have helped to raise the sum of £565.89p during Christmas,
2013 ( offerings from the Carol Service, Christmas Day Service, Carol singing & Christmas card box, M.Early
Gledholt Methodist - Fundraising Evening. Thursday 30th Jan 7.00 pm. The Methodist Church is
supporting two teams of Nicaraguan street children to take part in the Street Child World Cup. Evening will
include a showing of Africa United (12) plus Dixon’s ice cream, popcorn and drinks. Film producer, Jackie
Sheppard will be there for discussion after the film ( see poster on Circuit notice board ).
Gledholt Methodist Coffee Morning Saturday 1st February 10 am - 12 noon. Proceeds to be split
between sponsoring the Street Child World Cup Nicaraguan teams and supporting a church in Moldova.
Cakes and other items to sell would be welcomed ( see poster on Circuit notice board )
Philip and Catherine Barnett want to say thank you for many cards and good wishes at Christmas. We are
sorry that we can’t respond personally to everyone but wish all our friends in Almondbury a peaceful and
Happy New Year.
WELCOME CENTRE – Donations of tinned meat, fish, tinned or dried potatoes, cup-a-soups, jam, meat
paste, long life milk, deodorant, toothpaste and toothbrushes would be much appreciated. There is a box
in the church vestibule for contribution of items.
PRAYER LINK – please contact Doreen Henderson, Tel. 423359 with any prayer requests
It’s that time of year again, (Oh yes it is, Oh no it isn’t – Oh yes it is)
Almondbury Methodist Church Pantomime Group presents
Dick Whittington
Dates of Pantomime:
Thurs 20th, Fri 21st and Saturday 22nd February and Thurs 27th, Fri 28th February and Sat 1st March.
7.15 pm each evening and 2.15pm Saturday matinees.
Tickets £6.00 Adults, £4.00 Children and £4.00 Senior Citizens (Thursday and Matinees only)
To make a booking by phone please ring 424753
Notices for Sunday 26th January to Neil Schofield by Wednesday, 22nd. January, 2014 Tel.303984 or
e-mail to