Taize - Brother Paulo - Birmingham Methodist Circuit


Taize - Brother Paulo - Birmingham Methodist Circuit
Issue No. 25
Monday 2nd February, 11.00am: Property Sub-Group meeting at
Lozells Methodist Church
The Circuit Connector
News from the Birmingham Methodist Circuit
Dear Sisters & Brothers
One political commentator has recently described the forthcoming
General Election as the most significant election that this country has
faced since 1945. That is a debatable point, but there is no question
that we as a nation have to decide on the type of society we want to
live in, which means thinking about how we relate to one another and
the wider world. To help each one of us reflect on our values and
vision several groups and organisations are compiling discussion
papers, including the Joint Public Issues Team which is supported by
the Methodist, Baptist and United Reformed Churches.
Another ecumenical organisation called Together for the Common
Good has written in its latest public statement:
The Church cannot propose concrete political solutions, but its body of
thinking and its people can inform rational argument, promote
spiritual awareness and bring positive energy. We think that
Christians of all traditions are ideally positioned, in their diverse
spheres of influence, to introduce the practice of the Common Good at
every level of society.
As we prepare to decide about the future of Britain along with our
neighbours on Thursday, 7th May, we the Birmingham Methodist
Circuit challenge our own values and vision through the Holy Habits
programme to be launched at the ICC on the morning of Sunday, 17th
May. Grounded in our mission priorities of developing discipleship and
offering hospitality, and built on the common life of the first Christians
recorded in Acts 2, the programme will make us face up to how we
relate to one another and the wider world as the people called
Methodist in this time and place.
Happy New Year and may the peace of God with you!
Neil Johnson
(on behalf of the Superintendents’ Team)
Tuesday 10th February, 7.30pm: Circuit Executive at Acocks Green
Methodist Church
Sunday 15th February, 6.30pm: Circuit Praise at Perry Hall Methodist
Monday 23rd February, 7.30pm: Resources Forum at Maypole
Methodist Church
Tuesday 3rd March, 10.00am: Ministers Staff Meeting at St Andrews
Saturday 7th March, 10.00am – 1.00pm: Creating Safer Space Training
at The Church at Carrs Lane
Wednesday 11th March, 7.30pm: Circuit Executive at Acocks Green
Methodist Church
Thursday 19th March, 7.30pm: Preachers and Worship Leaders
Meeting at The Church at Carrs Lane
Saturday 21st March, 10.00am: Circuit Assembly at The Church at
Carrs Lane
Monday 20th April, 7.30pm: Service & Evangelism Forum Meeting at
The Church at Carrs Lane
Saturday 25th April, 10.00am: District Synod at Dorridge Methodist
Wednesday 29th April, 7.30pm: Worship, Learning & Caring Forum at
Selly Oak
Taize - Brother Paulo
Brother Paulo is coming to Birmingham for the
weekend 7/8th March and will lead a weekend of prayers, bible
study and workshops starting with midday prayer at The Church at
Carrs Lane on 7th and including evening prayer probably also at
Carrs Lane that day.
Perry Hall Methodist Church
An evening service including modern worship songs and
hymns, and a time of openness to the Holy Spirit
Sunday 15th February at 6.30pm
The next Circuit
Assembly will be
taking place on
21st March 2015,
10.00am to 1.00pm
at The Church at
Carrs Lane.
The morning session
will include various
charities who have
been invited to
share with us the
important work they
are involved in and
will give a brief
followed by
The Assembly is
open to all who
would like to attend
and look forward to
seeing you.
If you haven’t heard about it yet
our Circuit, Birmingham
Methodist Circuit, is going to be
undergoing a two year
programme where we will be
seeking to challenge ourselves
with the ten holy habits found at
the start of the book of Acts. To
find out more about it you can
ask your Minister or check out
the Circuit’s website www.
This new programme will
officially be launched on the 17th
of May 2015 and will finish
around the same time two years
We are looking for people
interested in any of the following;
Writing, Preaching, All forms of
Worship, Prayer,
Communications, Graphic
Design, Proof Reading, or any
other skills you may have, please
Rev Helen Jobling - Resources - 0121 240 4767, helen.jobling@methodist.org.uk
Rev Neil Johnson - Service & Evangelism - 0121 616 1800
Rev Tony Malcolm – Worship, Learning & Caring - 01564 779 720,
Shelley Roberts - Finance & General - 0121 616 1800
Beverley Francis - Circuit Administrator – Website News & Events, Room Bookings
0121 616 1800 bfrancis@birminghammethodistcircuit.org.uk
Sue Saunderson - Circuit Administrator – Personnel Statistics & Plan
Tel 0121 472 1060 (based at Selly Oak Methodist Church)
Ken Evans Property Officer, Lozells Methodist Community Centre, Tel 0121 554 9360,
Option 9 ken.evans@birminghammethodistcircuit.org.uk
Office address: Birmingham Methodist Circuit, Central Office, The Church at Carrs Lane,
Carrs Lane, Birmingham, B4 7SX, Telephone - 0121-616 1800,
Website address: www.birminghammethodistcircuit.org.uk
Birmingham Churches
Winter Night Shelter
This year’s shelter begins on
12 January for 8 weeks. The 12
bed shelter is an ecumenical
project which sees churches
offering shelter to those who find
themselves rough on the streets
of Birmingham this winter.
Seven host churches will provide
their building, volunteers and
food, as well as 3 outreach teams
and Sifa Fireside are also part of
the project supporting the
homeless guests and providing
For more information or if you
wish to make a contribution
please contact Sarah Turner,
Development Worker,
phone no 0121 426 0442.
Thank you.
Can You Help Or Do You
Know Someone Who
It is now over 3 years since we came
together as the Birmingham Circuit. We
are no longer 'new' and we are thankful
for the many people who have helped
with some of the day to day tasks within
the Circuit. We now need some more
people to help. We need a new treasurer
to replace Brian Dickens who has done an
excellent job for us over the last four
years; we need some more people to be
Circuit Stewards. Gill Fletcher has been
an amazing conscientious Manse Steward
and Visitor for many years - are there
others who could now help with these
tasks? Over the coming weeks we will be
encouraging each Church to release
someone to serve in the Circuit. Could
you be that person?