TFCA Weekly - The Falls Church Anglican


TFCA Weekly - The Falls Church Anglican
 DREAMS FOR THE FUTURE ______________________________________________________________________
The latest information is on the website at
Check the “Full Calendar” on the home page. Staff phone numbers and
e-mail addresses can be found in “Full Contact Info” footer (home page).
8 am Eucharist
Columbia Baptist Church in the Chapel
103 W. Columbia St, Falls Church, VA 22046
______________________________________________________________________ The falls church Anglican
9 & 11 am Services
DREAMS FOR THE FUTUER ______________________________________________________________________
Bishop O’Connell HS and Columbia Baptist Church are our
primary places for worship, with Falls Church HS our alternate
when Bishop O’Connell is not available. We notify the congregation of worship venue changes via e-mail, an announcement on
the website and here, on the back of the Weekly. If you are attending TFCA and do not receive mail or e-mails from
us, you may not be in the database. Fill out a Parishioner Information Form (PIF) on the website at
Questions? (571) 282-0505 or
Rector’s Message
Columbia Baptist Chapel
8 am · Eucharist Rite 1
Columbia Baptist Chapel
12 pm · Healing Eucharist
I thought it was just happening to us but now I realize it is a national phenomenon in churches. I have noticed over the last 2-3 years
that even our most committed people are attending worship services less frequently. Those who used to come twice a month are
now here once, those who used to come every week are now coming 3 out of 4. I had thought that this was because we have had
such uncertainty about our worship location but I am not so sure
about that now. Pastors all across the country have shared anecdotally with me the same observations. I think that there are 3-4 reasons:
Coming Soon!
See page 10.
For information or to comment on this publication: (571) 282-0505.
______________________________________________________________________ Volunteers needed for collating, 9 am Fridays at the Fairview Park office.
Just show up—on the spot training provided.
Increased kids’ activities on Sundays outside church. Parents are
letting their kids participate in Sunday sports and joining them.
The online opportunities for hearing great sermons, wonderful
worship music – people watch and listen on their tablet and
phone, etc.
Work demands lots of travel – more time away means less
time for worship.
Ways to Serve
We can’t assume that “if we build it they will come”! Our church
leadership and staff will have increasing responsibility to:
See Page 8
See Page 11
Sermon Series:
Sermon schedule on web:
“Featured Events” at
Search/download new or
archived sermons from
Sermons” (on home page).
People have so many opportunities to travel and do fun things
over weekends – a strong pull away from worship.
When we finally have our permanent church home will it truly be a
“second home” for us, a place that we value greatly because of the
significance for us of all we experience there? Or will it be more
“good to have finally” and “glad now I know where to go on Sundays when I am in town”?
Jan 25
The Meaning of a Gift
Preschool Toy
Whole Life
Stewardship, Part II
The falls church Anglican
† Services †
Alternate Location:
Falls Church High School (FCHS)
7524 Jaguar Trail, Falls Church, VA 22042
Week of January 25‐31, 2015 “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
Encounter With God Memory Verse for the Week
Bishop O’Connell HS
9 am · Morning Prayer
11 am · Morning Prayer
That Christ Be King in Our Lives and in the Lives of Others Primary Location:
Bishop O’Connell High School (BOC)
6600 Little Falls Road, Arlington, VA 22213
A Note About TFCA Worship Locations in 2015
TFCA Weekly
Discern what the Holy Spirit truly desires to be doing among
us and keep in step with the Spirit.
Discern what folks’ true needs are and bring God’s truth but
also helpful, valuable, practical training to these areas of need.
Communicate effectively how to follow Jesus.
Do everything we possibly can to help folks get to know and
enjoy and learn from and have fun with one another.
Place highest value on worship and community together so
that in both we are keenly aware of the wonder and value of
these two activities.
“Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping
out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each
other on, especially as we see the Big Day approaching.” (Hebrews
Publishing Team: Susan Fertig-Dykes, Geary Morris, Anna Lacey, Jim Long.
The Falls Church Anglican Main Office: 3190 Fairview Park Drive, Suite 500, Falls Church, VA 22042 Youth Ministry: Marcoin Building, 150 S. Washington St, Falls Church, VA 22046 (571) 282‐0100 · · EVENTS THIS WEEK OR COMING SOON
Connections Center
Please drop by our Center on
Sundays to find out more about
Stay connected—fill out the
info form at
Course coming in March.
Whether you’re new or have
been a member for a long time,
if you haven’t been Confirmed,
please consider joining us.
See page 10.
Contact: Erin O’Keefe at,
(571) 282-0700.
Welcome Visitors and
Newcomers! Women’s Ministry
Save the date! Join us for the annual
Women’s Retreat: Register now for the
annual Women’s Retreat, Mar 6-8, at the
Wyndham hotel in Gettysburg, PA. Our
own Susan Yates is speaking on Is God Big Enough? An Invitation to Find Out! Susan
will encourage us to really believe our
God is bigger than whatever issue we’re
facing. Pick up a brochure today in the
Cafeteria or register online at
Contact Laura Hill at lauraohill@
Bible Studies: Both the Thu morning and
Thu evening programs are doing a 16-wk
study on 1 and 2 Thessalonians by Beth
Moore. Go to
women2015 to register and to see other
new studies starting as well as ongoing
studies you can join at any time!
Jan Prep for Children’s Choir Spring Musical: Calling all K-5th Graders! We
begin practicing in Jan for May 8 & 10 performances. After school rehearsals Tue.
Contact: Michelle McCarten at
Peacemakers: Resolving Conflict Biblically Through Conflict Coaching.
TFCA now offers help to restore broken or fraying relationships with family members, co-workers, or neighbors. Our trained Peacemakers offer one-on-one conflict
coaching and mediation in a process designed to help you respond to conflict
biblically. For more information, stop by the Peacemakers’ table, between the 9
and 11 am Services, where you can pick up a handout and ask questions. You may
also contact the Rev. Rick Wright directly at Young Adults Luncheon Today: The TFCA Young Adults group gathers
today in the Cafeteria after the 11 am Service to connect and enjoy lunch together.
Please join us!
Finding Your Way Through the Weekly
Events/Announcements, p. 2-3
Healing & Prayer, p. 4
Congregational Care, p. 5
Sermon Notes, p. 6
Prayers, p. 7
Children & Family Ministry, p. 8
Youth Ministry, p. 9
Spiritual Formation (Adult classes), p. 10
Outreach Ministries, p. 11
Tabernacle Season Updates, p. 12
Serve with TFCA Ministries:
NEXT SUN: Global Engagement Trips 2015! GET Kickoff Lunch is Sun,
Feb 1, 12:45 pm in the BOC Cafeteria. Join us to hear about GET teams
going to Rwanda, Nicaragua, SE Asia and India. Contact Shireen at sdavid
Spread the Word: Tax Help Services, Feb 7 thru Apr 11. Every year TFCA
volunteers help file taxes for low income individuals in the community.
Please spread the word to anyone in need of tax filing assistance whose
income does not exceed $54k. This is a free service. Location is 370 South
Washington Street, Suite #200, Falls Church. For more info contact: ncoleman
Opportunity to Befriend Chinese Visiting Scholars and Teach Pre-teen Chinese
Children: Be a friendship partner to a visiting scholar from China, studying at
George Mason Univ. Commitment is for upcoming semester and is flexible:
you invite the scholar (and his/her child) to visit with you and your family and
then keep in touch with them. Great for both singles and families. Volunteers
also needed to teach 9-12 yr-old children of the scholars on Fri evenings,
6-7 pm or 8-9:30 pm. Contact Linda Sellevaag at or
(703) 966-7095.
Stop by the Cafeteria on Sun, Feb 1, 8 and 15 to check out handmade items
from Kenya: All proceeds go to support the at-risk young women who are
being ministered to by TFCA Missionaries (Sam and Lynn Owen) in Nairobi.
Serve with TFCA Ministry Partners in our community:
Stuff the Bus With Food: Let’s help "Stuff the Bus" on Sat, Jan 31 at the Giant on
W. Broad Street in Falls Church, with food items for needy area residents.
Sponsored by Fastran and the Falls Church Community Service Council (FCS).
Purchase suggested items from 9:30 am-4:30 pm and help fill the bus.
Volunteers also needed day of; volunteer by e-mail
Volunteer with The Lamb Center, a Christian day shelter for the homeless in
Fairfax. Sat volunteers needed for a variety of activities. Also need donations of
socks, underwear, thermal shirts and pants, and t-shirts. Great for small groups
to serve together! Contact Dave Larrabee:
Volunteer with Falls Church Homeless Shelter! A variety of ways to volunteer,
with varying commitment levels. Make a meal or pack lunches, drive/deliver
laundry to be cleaned, collect/deliver food and supplies for a week, serve as
volunteer staff at the shelter:
Serve at and/or stock Columbia Baptist Food Pantry: Sat volunteers needed!
For a list of current food needs and other ways you can volunteer your time
Volunteer once/month with Samaritan Advocates, a Christian nonprofit that
provides free legal advice and prayer to individuals/families in the Culmore
area. Greeters, prayer ministers, and translators needed the 4th Sat of the
month. No experience necessary. More info: Nar Coleman at ncoleman@ or (571) 282-0802.
Scratch Pad to Hatch Plans GROW
Date:____________________ IF YOU HAVEN’T JOINED THE CITY: Prayers for today: Spiritual Formation & Discipleship
_________________________ All rooms listed below are for current Sunday at
Bishop O’Connell High School. Request an invitation Class descriptions may be found at:
Verse by Verse: 9 am, Richard Eldridge (ongoing, Room 118)
Men: 0900 Men's Fraternity 33 The Series Steve Pittman, Ray Chartier, Ken
Pittman -- Room 117
In the Word: 11 am, Richard Campanelli, Rich Dean, Joel Harris. Current
study is Colossians (ongoing, Room 117).
Young Adults Class: 9:30 am, Karla Petty (Room 116) _____________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ The Falls Church Anglican
God's Marriage Blueprint: 11 am (Room 115). Led by Henry & Madelin
Barratt. Men's Fraternity 33 The Series: Steve Pittman, Ray Chartier, Ken Pittman
(Room 117). Our current series is A Man and His Traps. This volume of 33 The
Series challenges and equips men to go below the surface, to look deep into
their hearts and explore some areas that are all too easy to ignore but that
are critical in their journey toward Authentic Manhood. See more at:
New Biblical Peacemaking Series Begins TODAY: 9:15 am, Gregory Strong
and Rob Nielsen (Room 115). We all experience conflicts in our lives and in
our relationships with others. This adult education course is designed to help
you understand your own “conflict style” and learn God’s response to interpersonal conflicts. The 8-week course begins today and uses the DVD series
“Resolving Everyday Conflict,” published by Peacemaker Ministries.
Young Adults at TFCA
You may be fresh out of college and starting out in a new city. You may be
a seasoned professional and a Washingtonian. Wherever you are, however
long you’ve been here, we’d love to meet you. Our goal is to help young
adults at TFCA connect in community and you’re invited! If you want to
receive our newsletter, you can sign up to do so on our website:; Facebook:; or
e-mail us at:
Seniors Ministry
Springtime at Shrine Mont: May 12-14, Speaker: Rev. Dr. Thomas
Body & Soul Gold: Work off those Christmas calories with friends. Weekly,
Tarrants III. Worship will be led by Simon Dixon.
on Mon, 10:30 am-12 Noon; Wed, 12:45-2 pm. Columbia Baptist, Room
 Wed Bible Class: Study of the Psalms taught by Rev. Lubelfeld.
10 am-12 Noon, Columbia Baptist, Room 100.
 Bridge: Every Tue, 9:30 am-12 Noon. Location varies, contact Jenny Byrne.
 Book Club: The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom, starts Tue, Feb 10,
12:30-1:30 pm at Jenny Byrne’s. Bring lunch, beverages provided.
Questions: Contact Jenny Byrne: (571) 282-0206.
ATTENTION ENGAGED COUPLES: If you are recently engaged, congratulations! Before you set the date, before you find your venue, before you buy the
dress, make an investment in your future as a married couple! The Falls Church
Anglican offers an excellent pre-marital preparation course which includes
meeting with clergy, taking the PREPARE Inventory, and being mentored by a
happily married couple who will take the time to discuss and walk with you
through many of the issues that arise in marriage. We recommend 6‐8 months of time to carefully, meaningfully walk through the process of preparation for your lifelong commitment in marriage. Please contact Donna Wills at (571) 282-0207
or, to request pre-marital mentoring through TFCA.
(Mentoring is conditional upon availability of mentoring couples, so contacting
us early is recommended.)
Coming This Week
Anglican Polity Course from TFCA through Reformed Theological Seminary:
Fri evening, Jan 30-Sat, Jan 31 at Columbia Baptist Church (credit and noncredit opportunities). Contact Rick Wright at (571) 282-0501 or
Coming Soon
TFCA Employment Opportunities
Visit for full information.
IT Support Specialist
Part-time (20 hrs/wk)
Anglican Essentials: Membership/Confirmation Course, starts Mar 1, 8 weeks,
9 am in the Library. Register now:
Preschool and Elementary Manager for Children & Family Ministry Full-time
Director, Spiritual Formation and Discipleship Full-time
YOUTH MINISTRY Monthly Healing Service, Sun, Feb 1: 7 pm, Main Sanctuary of Columbia
Baptist Church. If you are in need of healing or know someone who is, we hope
you will attend. This Service is open to anyone and includes a time of singing,
teaching, testimonials and prayer for the sick, laying on of hands and anointing
with oil. There will also be an opportunity for individual prayer after the Service.
Healing Prayer Hour: Sun, 11 am-12:30 pm, BOC, Room 116. May we pray for
you? This isn't a class, it's an opportunity for prayer. We pray for anyone who
stops by. For more information, contact Martha Cooper, (571) 232-7295,
Prayer at the Rail (PAR): Following scheduled Sun morning Services, prayer
teams are available to pray confidentially with you.
Wednesday Healing Eucharist: Noon Service of Holy Communion and healing
prayer in the Columbia Baptist Chapel.
Weekly “Call-Ahead” Prayer: Available on a first-come-first-served basis, Tue,
1:30-4 pm, Columbia Baptist Church, Room 203. Call TFCA’s Receptionist at
(571) 282-0100 to sign up for a half hour prayer appointment with a prayer team
who will pray for you.
Intercessory Prayer: Call our Confidential Prayer line, (571) 282-0220, and
leave your prayer request in the confidential message box or send an e-mail to: A team of intercessors will pray daily for 2 weeks
for individual requests and 4 weeks for marriages. For continued prayer, you may
resubmit your request. We welcome updates and praise reports! Be assured all
requests are kept strictly confidential, and no one will contact you concerning
your request. For requests for those in the military and their families, call the
Confidential Prayer line at (571) 282-0221.
Have you received healing through prayer? Whether it was physical, mental,
Director: Jim Byrne,, (301) 704-2732
Youth Office,, (571) 282-0300
The purpose of the Student Ministry of Crossroads and Cornerstone is to bring glory to
God by helping young people come to healthy maturity in Christ Jesus.
HIGH SCHOOL PARENTS: The Youth Ministry Parenting Class offered last year was so
helpful, parents have asked Dr. Ted George, author of Untangling the Mind, and his wife
Angie George to lead a HS Parent Support Group. The next meeting will be on Sun,
Feb 8 at 7 pm at the home of Norm and Melissa Fichthorn, 1528 Hardwood Lane,
McLean. We will continue our discussion on anxiety and stress. This is a great resource
for parents of high schoolers transitioning to adulthood. Please RSVP to MelissaF981 ASAP, so they will have an idea regarding how many to set up for;
however, last minute attendees are always welcome.
CROSSROADS (middle school) Grades 6-8
Preston Hansen, (703) 303-5699 or
Bekah Valerio, (571) 277-3781
 BREAKAWAY Mar 6-8 REGISTRATION! Register online at
msbreakaway2015 or pick up flier and return to Youth Office. Don’t miss out! Invite lots of friends! Deadline to avoid the late fee is Feb 10.
8th Graders: 8th Grade Weekend, Apr 17-19. Online registration is OPEN at http:// Register now!
Pittsburgh Mission Trip, Jul 13-17, 2015! Registration OPEN! For more information
and to register go to
Crush: Middle School, Sun morning class: 9-10:30 am, in Cafeteria.
Crossroads tonight: 4:30-6:15 pm at Capital Life Church, 1800 N. Glebe Rd,
Arlington. Bring friends & money for Snack Shack treats.
Save the Date! Overflow Spring Brk Missions: Mar 31-Apr 2; 8th Grade Weekend:
Apr 17-19; Fusion: Jul 6-10; Pittsburgh Mission Trip: Jul 13-17.
emotional, spiritual, or relational, others need to hear your testimony! Don't be
like the nine lepers who failed to thank Jesus. The more people who hear of Jesus'
healing power, the more will ask and receive. Send a brief testimony to for posting on Ministry’s web page. (Anonymity will
be preserved, if desired.)
CORNERSTONE (high school) Grades 9-12
Mike Steenhoek, (703) 635-8865 or
Rachel Hansen, (540) 908-5158
 BREAKAWAY Feb 13-16 REGISTRATION: Registration still open. Late fee applies.
MOMS IN PRAYER: Groups specifically pray for the children and staff of your
Class of 2015: Senior Florida Trip 3/28-4/3! Registration is open! $200 deposit
saves your spot. Pick up a flier today or register online:
classof2015. Don’t miss this trip!
Pittsburgh Mission Trip, Jul 13-17, 2015. Registration OPEN! For more information
and to register go to
child's school. With the school year at its midpoint, it’s the perfect time to begin
to purposely pray for our children and for their teachers to be reinvigorated.
To locate a group, contact Cindy Bledsoe, (703) 734-0936 or cindy.bledsoe
Pray for our Nation
Our national “security” is under God’s authority.
Monthly: Come first Tue, Feb 3, to Pray for our Nation, 7:30-8:45 pm, Room
202, Columbia Baptist. Everyone is welcome anytime you can join us. For information contact Lesley Hackman at or (703) 759-6414.
Register online at or pick up flier. Don’t
miss out! Invite friends!
Super Cornerstone: Small Group Parties next week, Feb 1! Watch website
for locations!
Youth Confirmation Class for high school age students: Begins Sun, Feb 1, Room
114. This class is taught by David Gustafson and consists of
10 required sessions. Confirmation Service is May 3 with Bishop John Guernsey at
Bishop O'Connell HS. Text is Your Confirmation by John Stott (available in class).
Save the Date! SR FL Trip: Mar 28-Apr 3; Pittsburgh Mission Trip: Jul 13-17.
Every Sun, all are invited to Pray for Our Nation from 10:30-11 am outside the
Chapel at Bishop O’Connell High School. For information contact Judy Stokes at or (703) 941-7828.
Crew: HS discipleship class Sun mornings, 9-10:15 am, Room 113.
Cornerstone Tonight! 6:30-9 pm, Capital Life Church, 1800 N. Glebe Rd,
Arlington! Invite friends and bring $5 for food.
Helping Families Love and Follow Jesus in Community With One Another Regular Sunday Morning Kid Connection
The Congregational Care Table is in the Cafeteria: Sundays 10:30-11 am. Stop by for Q&A!
The falls church Anglican
Joy and peace in ALL things…. (Philippians 4:1‐13)
The Care Team - Making Connections to Meet Needs. The Care Team is a core of TFCA
volunteers dedicated to assisting parishioners with a variety of needs, from help with yard
work or emergency meals to crisis intervention, referral to available resources, or lending a
listening ear. Confidentiality is carefully guarded. The Care Team is led by the Rev. Lisa
Henderson. Contact us at (571) 282-0201 or
Nursery care and small groups for children birth-grade 5 are offered
during the Services at 9 & 11 am.
Visitors sign-in at Nursery or Kid Connection Welcome Center.
Nursery care is available for children under the age of 2.
Preschoolers meet in classes grouped by age.
Elementary-age children meet in small groups by grade.
Please pick up children promptly after the Service.
Nursery TODAY: 9 am Team E (George); 11 am Team L (Vakerics)
Nursery 2/1: 9 am Team F (Lanzetti); 11 am Team M (Simmons)
Preschool Toy Drive: The toys in the preschool classrooms are tired and sparse!
Please help the children find the joy of play by donating any gently used
preschool-aged toys at the Welcome Center in the Lobby this week! Drive
ends Sun, Feb 1. Consider items that are durable, washable, and encourage
community. Some wonderful additions would include: blocks, large Legos, play
food/kitchen items, and dress-up clothes.
How can your whole family take part in the FORWARD Campaign? If you
missed getting your Prayer & Giving Calendar, but have
an elementary-aged child that would like to participate in
this activity, stop by a Kid Connection Welcome Center
today to get your calendar and burlap pouch. Then plan
to spend a few minutes each day with your children using
this special tool to help them as they learn and grow in stewardship.
All moms who face the challenge of balancing parenting and work are invited to
join the newly formed Working Moms Group. Whether you work part-time,
full-time or are considering going back to work, join us as we fellowship
together! First gathering Tue, Jan 27, 7:30 pm at the Panera in Falls Church (450
W. Broad Street). For more info contact Ginny(
Now Seeking for the Children & Family Ministry:
Preschool and Elementary Manager (full-time): Join the Children & Family Ministry in
serving our young ones! This energetic team seeks someone passionate about helping the
next generation grow in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ. The Preschool and
Elementary Manager is responsible for maintaining and leading programs including Sun
morning coordinating, special functions, and Summer opportunities for preschool through
fifth grade students. Send resume and cover letter to Caroline Crocker, Director of
Children and Family Ministry:
Volunteer Sub for Administrative Assistant: Starting mid-Feb we will be looking to involve
a volunteer in administrative work while our current Administrative Assistant is on maternity leave. We are looking for someone with strong organizational and interpersonal skills,
proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, and familiar with data entry, reporting and data
management skills. If interested, please contact Caroline Crocker, Director of Children and
Family Ministry at
Need to Speak to Someone on the Children & Family Ministry staff team?
Caroline Crocker – (571) 282-0401
Carolyn Wright – (571) 282-0402
Rachel Hinkle – (571) 282-0400
COMPASSION (Anger Management Workshop) Tuesdays starting 1/27/15: This ministry of
TFCA will hold classes at McLean Bible Church for 12 wks from 7-9 pm. Workshop is for
men & women 16 & older & is aimed at all types of anger from hurting feelings to hitting.
Replace anger w/ beneficial behaviors. Highly effective in reducing angry outbursts.
Materials are $50. To register call Lauren at (703) 770-8670 (MBC).
Are you wrestling with budget, debt, or other financial issues? The Financial Counseling
Ministry is a team of parishioners experienced in personal finance who provide confidential
help. They do not offer investment advice. The emphasis is on short-term strategies aimed at
assisting people to get and stay on the right track financially. To be connected with a team
member, call David Rix at (703) 506-4480,
CORRECTION re Marriage Mentoring Contact Information: If you have tried to contact our
marriage mentoring ministry and not gotten a response in the past few months, please
forgive our mistake. The contact information was incorrect. Please try again to contact Mark
and Paula Inglis at (703) 242-0932,
Hospitalized? We want to offer ways your church can pray for and share the love of Jesus
with you at this time. If you wish, lay volunteer visitors & clergy would love to visit you.
Please call the Care Team at (571) 282-0201 or TFCA’s Receptionist at (571) 282-0100.
Needs & Blessings
Submission to Needs & Blessings from TFCA parishioners and ministries only, subject to approval/
editing by Glenis Pittman, Ads run 2 Sundays and are posted on the website in TFCA Weekly. Deadline 5 pm Sunday. No business promotions. Ad can be submitted for a maximum of 3 times as space allows. TFCA does not guarantee, recommend, or endorse any of the jobs, goods, or services being offered or those making the offerings. Seek FT Office Manager at Innovative Defense Technologies: Software development
company & government contractor located in Arl, VA. Job description:
office-assistant/. Great opportunity if you have a couple of yrs’ experience working in office
environment. The people & company are great! Very pleasant office, flex hrs, competitive
salary & full benefits. Send resume to or
FREE Furniture & Girls’ Books: Metal expandable bed frame (twin to king), wooden quilters
frame (adaptable for crib to king size quilt), Christian fiction books for girls ages 8-12 (e.g.,
Mandie series). Contact Lesley Hackman at
Seek Director of Development & Communication for Samaritan Inns, a faith-based agency
providing residential addiction recovery treatment to low-income people in DC. Contact
Larry Huff, President, at or Christine Johnson at csarjohnson
Seek 2 Long-Term Substitute Teachers at Immanuel Christian School This School Yr: 7th grade
Language Arts to start in Feb & 2nd grade to begin mid-Mar. Go to
about-ics/employment-opportunities/ & download documents needed for application.
Send completed forms to Attn: Mary Jo Copeland, Instructional Supervisor, at
Seek Car Donation or Low Cost for Majid-John: Contact Majid at (571) 318-6006,
For Rent – 2 BR Luxury Condo in Pentagon City: Available now, furnished or unfurnished.
Reply to
For Rent – Basement Bedroom in Falls Church Townhome for Christian Female: Furnished
or unfurnished, private half bath, shared kitchen, washer/dryer & full bath. Wifi, ample
parking, convenient to shopping, restaurants, East & West Falls Church Metro. Available
Feb 1. $600 per/mo includes utilities. Contact Sheeba at
Seek Babysitter/Nanny to watch my 2 young children for about 10 hrs a week at our home
while I work in the office. Flexible days/times. Contact Emily at,
(202) 642-5339.
Sermon Notes
Sunday, January 25, 2015
The Rev. Kathleen Christopher, 8 am, Columbia Baptist Chapel
The Rev. Dr. John W. Yates II, 9 & 11 am, Bishop O’Connell High School
Sermon Series:
Whole Life Stewardship, Part II
“The Meaning of a Gift ”
Scripture Readings:
2 Samuel 24:18-25; Mark 12:41-44; Psalm 139:1-17 The First Offering – Genesis 4:1-6
Not all gifts to God are pleasing to God
The Symbolism of the Gift – 2 Samuel 24:18-25
The gift that doesn’t cost the giver doesn’t touch God’s heart
My Money and Me – Matthew 6:21
The connection between the purse and the person
The Value of the Gift – Mark 12:41-44
It isn’t the amount of the gift but the cost to the giver
Week of January 25, 2015 (Please place this in your Bible for easy reference.)
Pray for: Bishops in the Anglican Church, specifically: Foley Beach; John Guernsey; Julian
Dobbs; “Daughter” Churches: Potomac Falls Anglican, Potomac Falls, VA; St. Brendan’s,
Washington, DC; Christ the King, Alexandria; Christ Church Vienna; Restoration Anglican,
Arlington; All Nations DC, Washington, DC; Winchester Anglican; Incarnation Church,
Williamsburg, VA
DOMA: Shepherd’s Heart Anglican Church, Fairfax, VA; Anglican Fellowship of
Washington, Potomac, MD
Outreach: Silk Road Ministries; Fran Boyle travel ministering in Sudan and then on to the
Middle East (Jan 28-Mar 3); Scott Thompson traveling to Sudan (Jan 28-Feb 16);
Archbishop Amos Madu, Oji River Diocese, Eastern Nigeria
Parishioners in Ministry in the Community: Kathleen Prender, Accountant; David Prevette,
Architect; Jen Prevette, Graphics Design
Parishioners Serving Abroad: Timothy Allen; Phil & Debbi Barth; Robert & Sara Buckley;
Daniel and Maya Hastings; Jonathan & Laurie Howard and family; Bernard & Patricia
Myers and family; Lisa Pittman; Roberta Rossi; Schleicher family; Robyn & Daniel Russell.
Friends Serving Our Country Abroad: Wesley Chapman; Austin Jackson; Major Michael
Starz; Daniel Lyell
Births and Adoptions:
Parishioners in Hospital:
Others in Hospital: Len Taing; Henry Barret Sr; Carolyn Fossen
Parishioners in Need of Prayer: Arianna Aggen; John Alexander; Homer Ambrose; Kay
Anderson; Allyson Armistead; Whitney Ball; Sharon Betts; Agnes & David Burke; Chris
Butler; Peter Byler; Christen and Daniel Byler; Nar T. Coleman; Lorraine Counihan; Mike
Cromartie; Krista Cummings; Ruth Ellerman; Liangliang Feng; Donna Forester; Karen
Fowler Foster; Rodie Fowler; Bing Fuller; Larry Gasho; Norby Gasho; Sam Gillespie family;
Chester Gore; Lauren Homer; Rolf Lang; Audrey Leonard; Rob Martinez; Suzanne
Martinez; John McDonnell; Liz Mullan; Sue Munson; Gail Nolan; Maureen Olbon; Ann &
Dick Pellerin; Darin Powers; David Pugh; Victor Reese; Jim Ryun; Ann Schultz; M.E.
Shehata; Harold Smith; Henry Smith; Loring Starnes; Tom Tarrants; Anna Van Lier; Samuel
Waters; Donna Wills
Others in Need of Prayer: Patricia Bisenius; Patsy Casey; Phillip Chumley; Will Clark; Shirley
Crowe; Wendy Davies; Brett Gravatt and family; Daniel Manners; Bill Nurse; Elizabeth
McKay; Lauren Gierre McKay; Stuart Williams THE DEPARTED:
Dinner Table Discussion
What opportunities do we have to give to God?
How can our gifts be significant to God?
Why does God include giving as an important part of the Christian’s lifestyle?
What is the relationship between the gift and the giver?
Flowers Given in Memory of: Julia Campbell
To request a name be added to the Prayer List, call (571) 282‐0100 or e‐mail Names remain on the prayer list for 3 weeks, unless an extension is requested ahead of time. “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
Encounter With God Memory Verse for the Week
Sermon podcasts and text can be found on the website at Link to the
entire sermon archive from the “Sermons” tab on the home page.