day of M.a.(c-L„ - New Jersey Libertarian Party Open Government
day of M.a.(c-L„ - New Jersey Libertarian Party Open Government
N ,. 9814 , 0 1 1 F.F 2 2 9 J a n26., 2 2015 6 2 0 1 t9901AM :01AtV Jan. Richard M. Gutman Gutman 001081996 Richard -- 001081996 Richard Gutman, P.(:. Richard Gutman, P.C. Prescott Avenue 99 Prescott Avenue Montclair, 07042-502i, NJ Montclair, NJ 07042-5029 q73-744-6038 (voice& fax) fax) 973-744-6038 (voice tichaldn-rgu tman(@gurail. com richodingutman(C gmail.corn Attorney John Paff Attorney for Plaintiff Plaintiff John Paff It?ILEt) FILED JAN22662015 JAN 2015 --77-7.7- • vor-Tvl.r ir c-cor, q,e,.r.i.c. YOLAN DI CICCONE, A,J.S.C. C i i l1 r 1 1 1 1 1 j Cnr1)1T31.1(S SUPIJRIOR COI)RI"OF NEWJERSEY JERSEY SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW [,AW DIV]SION, C:I!'ILPART PAITT LAW DIVISION, CIVIL SOMEITSET COIJN'IY SOMERSET COUNTY L)ocKE'I'No. DOCKET NO. I2 JOI{NPAFF, PAFF, JOHN Plaintifl, Plaintiff, v. L_l>- OF BOROUGH BROOK BOROUGH OF BOT.IND BOUND BROOK Defendant. Defendant. Action Civil Action .CAUSIC SIIOW CAUSE ORDER TO SHOW SUI{MARY ACTIOI\ SUMMARY ACTION beingbrought broughtbefore THIS MATTER MATTER being befbrethe Gutman,attorney tbr THIS thecourt cortrtby b),Richald attolneyfor Richard M. Gutman, PlaintiffJohn relief'by wayof pulsuant JolurPaff, Paff,seeking seekingrelief action 4:67-I(a), based ol'summary Plaintiff by way summary action pursuant totoR.R.4:67-1(a), based in the theverified thefacts factsset setforth tbrth in uponthe ancl thecourt cotrrt havirrg verifiedcomplaint complaintfiled fileclherewith; herervith; upon and the having determined deternrincd thatthis ilsaasummary summar)/ pursul,rnt conrnrencecl b)'order orderto toshow showcause causie prloceeding that this tnattel matter may may be he commenced by as proceeding pursuant toto gooctcalmc N,JS.A. for good shorvn, 47 lA-6 and andfor S.A.47:1A-6 NJ cause shown, I"l'lS on this thr, lb\iuy day IT IS on thatdefendant the defenclant that the - ofof - ", , 2015, , 201-s,ORDERED {r^a:::{ ) ORDERED Boroughof Bound BoundBrook appearand anclshow shorvcause onthe Ei'ookappear cause the -l \ Borough on LtQbefbre sonrerset 2015,before Corrlt inSomerset Corrrrg tlre Superior 2015, the Superior Court in County - 2,0 * 14-- M.a.(c-L„ N&rlU_ S*---Uri ,4 )e, 5+. CV (r', k,00 o'clock Sometville,New .t &..-0o'clockin in the .Ielsey ft" NervJersey theSomerville, at. Ou, of -&{ a rr,h day -, ,f,r' noon,or assoon soonthereafter thcreirfter noon, as ',vhyjudgment judgmentshould hetrt'd,why frrt': ascounsel counselcan notbe beentered entet'ed Should as can be be heard, not for: ofaccess access theBorough's florough'sdenial denialof description" tlrat.the tlreentire entil-e"narrative "nalrativedescription" A. A dr:claration declaration that toto the publicrecords; rightof andmii mri #s #s violated and/orthe thecommon commr)n larvright lecoltls; OPRA and/or topublic violatedOPRA of access access and law to grantPaff the Borough Boroughgrant thatthe l;herequested requested"narrative "naruative ordel that accessto the desc',ripti(rn" Et.An order Paff access description" B. #s; andmri mritts; and ) | ) l 4 { D - J O 9737446036 -t tt1 t G /'t a] c, ati. 1 t01/26/2015 09:10 RECEIVED FROM: #I)20-'.t-2 #1320-002 Jan 62 .0 1 ,9:01AV 9:01AMt Jan. 26.. 2 2015 N ,9314 No f l C An Anaward awardof of-co.sts andattorney's attorney's fees; and C. costs and fees; and just, D.Such Suchother otheL reliefas asthe theCourt Courldeems deenrs equitahle andjust. D. relief equitable and Anditit is isfurther furtherORDERED ORDERED that: And that: L A copy copyof of this thisorder orderto toshow showcause, cause, verified courplaint 1. anrl allsupporting supporling verified complaint and all affidavits orol aftidat'its certifications subrnitted in support suppoltof ofthis thisapplication applicatiorr stlrved beserved per.sonally upon thedefendant clefenclant certifications submitted in be upon the personally rvithin 50 days Our"of thedate datehereof, hereof, accorrJance rvith.l? 4:4-3and andR. within /1.4:4-4, 4:4-4,this of the ininaccordance with this being beingoriginal R. 4:4-3 original process. process. plaintitfmust 2.The Theplaintiff mustfile filewith rviththe pro,rfof thecourt courlhis hisproof ofservice service pleaclings thepleadings 2. ofofthe crnthe the on defendant nolater laterthan thanthree tluee(3) (3)days days before thereturn leturn date. defendant no before the date. '., 3.Plaintiff Plairrtiff shaill fileand andserve serve supporting briefby hy FCb rr,'' -! shall file ansupporting brief 3. '' 8 . #L 2015rviththeClerltof theSuperior Corutin Somerset Corunty. A copl'rnusit besentdircctlytcr2015witheClrkofSupi tnomersCuy.Acptbesndirlyo bt t thechambers charnbels ofJudge Judge the of -Lr!"onGOA L., 3. Dcferrdant shallfile and a.ndserve selveaawritten u'ritte.n answer, ananswering iursweling 3. Defendant shall answer, aabrief, affidavit affidavitorora a tnotiottreturnable on the thereturn leturndate dateto tothis thisorder orderto ltrshow showcause cause andthe therelief reliefrequested motion returnable on and ininthe retluested the rrerifiedcornplaint ploof of andproof of service serviceof ofthe thesame sameby by verified complaint and c" bruu...6) 22 5" F-cbr^5 , 2015. 2015 The aflidavitOr or tr the casc be,must The an.swer, answer, brief, brief, ansrver'ing answering affidavit a motion, motion, as as the case miry may be, musthe befiled filedwith rviththe thr: Clerk Sonrelset County,A thepapers papel's A copy copl'of mustbe Clerk of the the Superior Superior Clourt Court in Somerset County. of the must directly to besent sent dir.ectl),to the Judge-t-'Z:!ng- /1. the chanrbers chambers of Judge 4. The artdserve selveany anywritten rvlittenreply replyto the the.defendant's The plaintiff plaintiff must must file and order defendant's oxleltotoshow show, 1 ti•F-h!+ LJn cause by C14 11,61, / cause opposition opposition by pape's r'ustbe befiled filert 2015. The The r.eply reply papers must -,, 2015. with the Courtin in the thecounty count_y atrove. A copy copl'of ofthe thereply papels listedabove. replypapers the Clerk Clerk of the the Supelior Superior Court listed A must nnust fl be rr".l,(, _"_ of Judge Jrrdge La-tt CAl.tors be sent sent directly directly to to the the chambcrs chambers of doesnot 5.If notfile fileand tothis thisorder order andserve selveopposition opporiition shou'cause, the If the the defendzurt defendant does to totoshow cause, the z2 t9737446038 i3i446036 t01/26/2015 l l / 2 6 ' 2 t l l 5 09:10 [9:]C, R ! C E I V E D FROM: FF:Cl'l: RECEIVED ##1320-003 l i Z r : - { - 1 ,l J a n26., 2 2015 26 0, 1 99:02AM 9:02AlV Jan. N :9314 9 3 1 4 P.F 44 N. applicationwill paperson rvill be be decided decidedon onthe thepapers onthe thereturn retrundate dateand ancl reliefmay grantecl application relief bybydefault, maybebegranted dellault, providedthat plaintiff files thatthe the plaintiff proofof filesaaproof ofservice service andaaproposed proptlserJ provided and form atatleast three forrnofoforder order least tlleedays days prittr to to the thereturn returndate. date. prior plaintiff has 6, If the theplaintiff ltasnot trotalready alreacty cloneso, 6. so,aaproposed propo$edform fcrrmof irddressingthe of order ordeladdressing done therelief relief soughton (alongwith on the the leturn date(along lvithaaself-addressed self-addressed sought return date return with address and returnenvelope envelope rvithreturn return address and postage)must mustbe be submitted submittedto tothe thecourt courtno nolater laterthan (3)days thanthree tluee(3) daysbefore befblethe thereturn postage) date, return date 7. Defendant, Defendant.take takenotice noticethat plaintiffhas 7. thatthe theplaintiff filedlaalawsuit larvsuitagainst against: youin has filed you the ir"r theSuperior Superior Coutt of Nerv The verified verifiedcomplaint complaintattached attached tothis thisorder Court New Jersey Jersey, The to cause states the basis orcleltotoshow shorv cause states the basis of the the lawsuit, larvsuit,If you you dispute disptrtethis thiscomplaint, conrplaint, you, yon,or yetu attorney, or your attorney,must mustfile filc aawritten rvrittenanswer, answer, an an attsweringaffidavit or aa motion rettunable alfidavit or motionreturnable onthe thereturn retumdate datetotothe theorder ordertotoshow shorv cause answering on cause and zurd ploof of service sen'icebefore belbrethe thereturn retr.urr dateof ofthe theorder orderto toshow shou'r:ause, proof date cause, 'Ihese (lc)untyClerk clocrtments mustbe befiled filedwith rviththe theSomerset Somerset Cllerkof ofthe theSuperior Superir,rl Lloufi.AA These documents must County Court. ditectoryof these office.sis is available availablein inthe theCivil BoroughManagement CrvilBorough directory these offices Office ininthe county lvlanagenent Ofl-rce thr: county Ii sted above above and at @ and online onIi neat listed .us/protgllQlSLlclt.ycterkl http://mvwjudiciary.state.nj.usiprose/10153 deptyclerklawrefpdf. aivrel prljf. Inc:lude payableto a $175.00 to the the"Treasurer of New Stateof "TLeasul'er Include $175.00 filing tbe fee payable State Jersey." You Ner\,.Iersg)'."' Youmust rnustalso alsosend sencl copyof 1,6,,,' answeringaffidavit aflidavitor motionto to the theplaintiff's plaintiff sr attofney crlmotion aa copy your answer', answer, briet, brief, answering attorney whose \vhL)se narneand youl rights; A telephone andaddress nddress appearabove. above.A telephone name appear call will youmust rightsr; will not prrotect protect your you tulstfile fileand arnd answeringaffidavit judgment serveyoul' altswcr)brief, brief,answering affidavitor ormotion motionwith withthe thefee f,'ee serve your answer, orrlljudgment may entered maybebe entcred bYdefault. clef'arrlt, agiritlstyou against I'ou by you cannot 8. If you attortrey, cannotafford affbLdan auattorney, youmay rrrery 8. LegalServices Selvices office oa,ll theLegal you call the office inrnthe county count), the in which rvhichyou youlive LegalServices Scn,ices liveor orthe theLegal Hotlure New Jelsey Statervide ofofNew Jersey Statewide Hotline at 1-888-LS1\1:I-LAW at l -888-LSNJ-LAW (l-888-576-5529), If you noteligible do not nothave havean anattorney attorney andare arenot eligiblefor forfree freelegal legal assistanct: (1-888-576-5529). and assistance 1'rlttdo you may to an anattorney attorneyby referralto ReferralServices. Serviccs. oblainaa referral bycalling oneof ofthe theLawyer LatvyerReferral callingone AA you may obtain 3 a t ) t 4 { T J L J O 9737446038 09:It., D I / 2 6 / 2 0 1 . 509:10 01/26/207.5 TrrarFl:'rn Flr'',1t. RECEIVED FROM: # t J Z [ -r [ 0 1 #1320-004 J a n26, , 22015 62 t ) 1 9,! A2AM :02ANl Jan. ) i 1 4c a r ni / '. , directorywith withcontact inf<irmation c0lltactinformation localLegal forlocal LegalServices Ser:,vices Larvyel Offices directory for Offices and Referral Services alclLawyer Refeural Services availableirr lhe cgultylisted isisavailable in the the Civil Civil Borough Borough Managernent Management Office Officeinthe county above and online liste6 trSove ancl olli'e atat http://www judiciary,state .nj .us/pr. ose/1 0153 deptyclerklawref.pdf. 9,The TheCourt Courtwill will entertain etrtertain at'gument, butnot nottestimony, tcstirnony, onthe thereturn 9. argument, but on ofofthe order retunldate date the ordeto r to slrorvcause, cttu$e, parties urlessthe thecourt courtand andparties areadvised advised thecontrary contral')' nolater later show unless are totothe no than than I daysbefore lreltlrethe thereturn returndate. date. days WANDA CICCONE, A.J.S.C, 44 99737446038 7374460,38 A01/26/2015 I/26/2015 009:11 9:I1 RRECEIVED ECEIVED F R'-)1{: FROM: ##1320-005 I3:C-r:rrli Richard Gutman - 001081996 Richard Gutman, P.C. 9 Prescott Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042-5029 973-744-6038 (voice & fax) Attorney for Plaintiff John Paff ____________________________________ : JOHN PAFF, : Plaintiff, : : v. : : BOROUGH OF BOUND BROOK : Defendant. : ____________________________________: SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY LAW DIVISION, CIVIL PART SOMERSET COUNTY DOCKET NO. Civil Action VERIFIED COMPLAINT Plaintiff John Paff, by way of complaint against the Borough of Bound Brook, states as follows: 1. John Paff is an individual residing at 1605 Amwell Road, Somerset, Somerset County, New Jersey. 2. The Borough of Bound Brook is a political subdivision of the State of New Jersey and is located in Somerset County, New Jersey. 3. John Paff requested from the Borough under the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) the CAD (Computer Aided Dispatching) entries/screenshots for any calls for service or dispatches related to any incidents involving Kimberly Charnuska during 2014. (Paff Cert., Page 1.) 4. On December 12, 2014, the Borough granted Paff access to a redacted copy of an October 29, 2014 CAD incident report regarding Kimberly Charnuska. (Paff Cert., Page 3.) 5. The Borough redacted the entire “narrative description” section and the MNI #s of suspect Ms. Charnuska and reporting person Dan Gallagher. (Paff Cert., Page 5.) 6. The Borough claimed that the Paff’s record request was improper because it allegedly lacked specificity. (Paff Cert., Pages 2-3.) 7. The Borough redacted the entire “narrative description” on the grounds that it allegedly was a criminal investigatory record. (Paff Cert., Page 3.) 8. The Borough gave no reason for redacting the MNI #s. (Paff Cert., Pages 2-3.) First Count (OPRA Right to Redacted “Narrative Description”) 9. Plaintiff Paff repeats the allegations stated above as if set forth at length herein. 10. The Defendant Borough’s denial of access to the entire “narrative description” violated OPRA. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Paff demands judgment against the Borough as follows: A. A declaration that the Borough’s denial of access to the entire “narrative description” violated OPRA. B. An order that the Borough grant Paff access to the requested “narrative description”; C. An award of costs and attorney’s fees; and D. Such other relief as the Court deems equitable and just. Second Count (Common Law Right to Redacted “Narrative Description) 11. Plaintiff repeats the allegations stated above as if set forth at length herein. 12. The public’s need for access to the redacted “narrative description” is greater than the Borough’s need for secrecy. 13. The Defendant Borough’s denial of access to the redacted “narrative description” violated the common law right of access to public records. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Paff demands judgment against Defendant Borough as follows: A. A declaration that the Borough’s denial of access to the entire “narrative description” 2 violated the common law right to public records; B. An order that the Borough grant Paff access to the requested “narrative description”; C. An award of costs and attorney’s fees; and D. Such other relief as the Court deems equitable and just. Third Count (OPRA Right to Redacted MNI #s) 14. Plaintiff Paff repeats the allegations stated above as if set forth at length herein. 15. The Defendant Borough’s failure to state an alleged legal basis for denying access to the MNI #s violated OPRA. 16. The Borough failed to satisfy its burden of proving that its denial of access to the MNI #s was authorized by OPRA. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Paff demands judgment against Defendant Borough as follows: A. A declaration that the Borough’s denial of access to the MNI #s violated OPRA; B. An order that the Borough grant Paff access to the MNI #s; C. An award of costs and attorney’s fees; and D. Such other relief as the Court deems equitable and just. Fourth Count (Common Law Right to Redacted MNI #s) 17. Plaintiff repeats the allegations stated above as if set forth at length herein. 18. There is an insignificant need for secrecy as regards the redacted MNI #s. 19. The Defendant Borough’s denial of access to the redacted MNI #s violated the common law right of access to public records. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Paff demands judgment against Defendant Borough as follows: A. A declaration that the Borough’s denial of access to the MNI #s violated the common 3 law right of access; B. An order that the Borough grant Paff access to the MNI #s; C. An award of costs and attorney’s fees; and D. Such other relief as the Court deems equitable and just. Respectfully submitted, ________________________ Richard Gutman January 15, 2015 Certification Pursuant to R. 4:25-4 - Plaintiff designates Richard Gutman as trial counsel in this action. Certification Pursuant to R. 4:69-4 - There are no necessary transcripts of local agency proceedings in the cause. I certify that the foregoing statements made by me are true. I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment. ________________________ Richard Gutman January 15, 2015 4 ______________________________ : : : Plaintiff, : : V. : : BOROUGH OF BOUND BROOK, : : Defendant. : ______________________________: JOHN PAFF, SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY LAW DIVISION, CIVIL PART SOMERSET COUNTY DOCKET NO. L-72-15 Civil Action PLAINTIFF JOHN PAFF’S BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Richard M. Gutman 001081996 Richard Gutman, P.C. 9 Prescott Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042-5029 973-744-6038 (voice & fax) Attorney for John Paff January 28, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF AUTHORITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii STATEMENT OF FACTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ARGUMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 I. Borough’s Claim That Paff’s Record Request is “Vague” is Disproved by the Borough’s Identification, Location and Production of the Record Sought . . . . . . . . . .3 II. Borough’s Denial of Access to the Entire “Narrative Description” Was Unlawful 4 A. Borough Violated OPRA Because it Has Failed to Satisfy its Burden of Proving that the Criminal Investigatory Records Exemption Applies to the “Narrative Description” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1. 911 CAD Incident Reports are Required by Law to be Maintained . . . . 5 2. The 911 CAD Incident Report’s Narrative Description is Not an Investigatory Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 B. Borough Violated Common Law Right of Access Because the Public’s and Paff’s Need to Know the Nature of the Official Misconduct by A Public Employee Resulting in Suspension and Termination Exceeds the Need for Secrecy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 III. Borough’s Denial of Access to the MNI #s Was Unlawful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 A. Borough Violated OPRA Because it Failed to State any Legal Basis for Denying Access to the MRI #s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 B. Borough Violated OPRA Because it Has Failed to Satisfy its Burden of Proving that the Denial of Access to the MRI#s Was Authorized by Law 10 C. Borough Violated Common Law Right of Access to the MRI #s Because There Was No Need for Secrecy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 TABLE OF AUTHORITIES Cases Bergen v. North Jersey Media, 370 N.J. Super. 504 (App. Div. 2004) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 B urke v. Brandes, 429 N.J. Super. 169 (App. Div. 2012) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-4 Loigman v. Kimmelman, 102 N.J. 98 (1986) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 MAG Entertainment, LLC v. Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control, 375 N.J. Super. 534 (App. Div. 2005) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Michelson v. Wyatt, 379 N.J. Super. 611 (App. Div. 2005) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Education Law Center v. New Jersey Department of Education, 198 N.J. 274 (2009) 8 O’Shea v. Township of West Milford, 410 N.J. Super. 371 (App. Div. 2009) . . . . . . . . . .6-7 Serrano v . South Brunswick Township, et al., 358 N.J. Super. 352 (App. Div. 2003) 5 Statutes N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,5-7 N.J.S.A. 47:1A-3b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 N.J.S.A. 47:1A-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,4,10 N.J.S.A. 47:1A-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 N.J.S.A. 47:1A-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Regulations N.J.A.C. 17:24-2.4(a)(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 STATEMENT OF FACTS On October 29, 2014, Dan Gallagher of Bound Brook High School called 911 to report a suspicious incident at Bound Brook High School in which the suspect was 24-year old high school art teacher Kimberly L. Charnuska of 339 Codrington Pl., Bound Brook. (Paff Cert., Pages 4-5.) The alleged victim was a juvenile. (Paff Cert., Page 3.) Two Bound Brook Borough police officers were dispatched to the high school. (Paff Cert., Page 6.) The police “cleared” the call 26 minutes later. (Paff Cert., Page 6.) A 911 CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) incident report and a related police investigatory report were created. (Paff Cert., Page 3.) On the same day that the incident was reported, Bound Brook High School art teacher Kimberly Charnuska was suspended with pay. Four weeks later she was terminated at a November 24, 2014, Bound Brook Board of Education meeting. (Paff Cert., Page 7.) The next day, John Paff, a resident of Somerset County, sent an email to the Borough of Bound Brook requesting records under both the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) and the common law right of access to public records. He noted that the Bound Brook Board of Education’s November 24, 2014 meeting agenda suggested that art teacher Kimberly Charnuska was suspended with pay on October 29, 2014 and terminated on November 24, 2014. Paff added that he was informed that there may have been a related incident reported to law enforcement. He requested the following records: “1. CAD entries/screenshots for any calls for service or dispatches related to any incidents involving Charnuska during 2014. 2. Police incident reports regarding all incidents involving Charnuska during 2014.” (Paff Cert., Page 1.) In Bound Brook Borough’s response, it characterized both requests as “improper,” “unclear,” “overly broad” and “vague” because they allegedly “do not identify a record with specificity.” The Borough further asserted that Paff’s requests, “requr[e] the custodian to review every document in the Borough’s files and to guess whether any documents are responsive to your request” and that “there is no effective means of searching for such records with any certainty.” Yet, the Borough admitted that it located a 911 CAD Incident Report #14194153 and an associated police investigatory report that were responsive to Paff’s record requests. (Paff Cert., Pages 2-3.) In addition to the grounds that Paff’s record request allegedly was “unclear,” the Borough denied access to the police investigatory report in its entirely on the grounds of OPRA’s exemption for “criminal investigatory records.” N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. (Paff Cert., Page 3.) (This lawsuit does not seek access to the police investigatory report.) The Borough granted access to the 911 CAD Incident Report in redacted form. It redacted all of the information regarding the juvenile victim. (This lawsuit does not seek access to the redacted information about the juvenile victim.) The Borough also redacted Kimberly Charnuska’s driver’s license number. (Paff Cert., Page 3.) (This lawsuit does not seek Ms. Charnuska’s driver’s license number.) While acknowledging that “the Computer Aided Dispatching (CAD) records are generally accepted to be government records subject to disclosure,” the Borough also redacted the entire 911 CAD Incident Report’s Narrative Description on the grounds that it allegedly was exempt under OPRA as a “criminal investigatory record” as well as its general objection that Paff’s entire request was allegedly “unclear.” (Paff Cert., Pages 3.) The Borough also redacted the mni #s for both Kimberly Charnuska and Dan Gallagher without acknowledgment or explanation, other than its general objection that the entire record request was “unclear.” (Paff 2 Cert., Pages 2-5.) The Borough also ignored John Paff’s request for the records under the common law right of access to public records. (Paff Cert., Pages 2-3.) On January 29, 2015, Paff’s counsel mailed Kimberly Charnuska the signed order to show cause, complaint and John Paff certification with attachments. See January 28, 2015, Certification of Richard Gutman. ARGUMENT Because the public agency denying access to records has the burden of proving that the denial of access is authorized by OPRA (N.J.S.A. 47:1A-6), Plaintiff Paff assumes for purposes of this litigation, until the Borough proves otherwise, that at the time of the creation of 911 CAD Incident Report #14194153, Dan Gallagher was the principal of Bound Brook High School. I. Borough’s Claim That Paff’s Record Request is “Vague” is Disproved by the Borough’s Identification, Location and Production of the Record Sought John Paff requested “CAD entries/screenshots for any calls for service or dispatches related to any incidents involving [art teacher Kimberly] Charnuska during 2014.” (Paff Cert., Page 1.) Thus, Paff had requested specific types of records regarding a specific person during a specific time period. The Borough denial of access letter began with a lengthy argument that Paff’s record request was “improper” because it lacked “specificity.” (Paff Cert., Pages 2-3.) On the contrary, Paff’s record request was specific enough to identify and locate the request records with a reasonable amount of effort. Burke v. Brandes, 429 N.J.Super. 169, 176 (App. Div. 2012) (approving request for all records regarding a particular subject). Moreover, the Borough, did, in fact, identify, locate and produce the October 29, 2014, 911 CAD Incident Report #14194153 regarding Ms. Charnuska. (Paff Cert., Page 3.) After 3 having identified and located the 911 CAD Incident Report, it is absurd for the Borough to now assert that Paff’s record request was too “vague” and “unclear” for the Borough to identify or locate the record sought. As the Appellate Division has noted, “[i]ndeed, the fact that the custodian of records in this case actually performed a search and was able to locate and identify records responsive to plaintiff’s request belies any assertion that the request was lacking in specificity or was overbroad.” Id. at 177. II. Borough’s Denial of Access to the Entire “Narrative Description” Was Unlawful A. Borough Violated OPRA Because it Has Failed to Satisfy its Burden of Proving that the Criminal Investigatory Records Exemption Applies to the “Narrative Description” The Borough admits, “the Computer Aided Dispatching (CAD) records are generally accepted to be government records subject to disclosure.” Nevertheless, the Borough denied access to the entire Narrative Description on the grounds that it allegedly is exempt as “criminal investigatory records.” In the Borough’s words, “the Borough’s reporting software permits the investigating officers to insert notes relevant to their investigation of a complaint. Those notes, which are not required by law to be created, are criminal investigatory records.” (Paff Cert., Page 3.) OPRA expressly provides that “[t]he public agency shall have the burden of proving that the denial of access is authorized by law.” N.J.S.A. 47:1A-6. Here, the Borough has failed to satisfy its burden of proving that the denial of the Narrative Description is authorized by OPRA. OPRA defines a “criminal investigatory record,” which is exempt, as “a record which is not required by law to be made, maintained or kept on file that is held by a law enforcement agency which pertains to any criminal investigation or related civil enforcement proceeding.” 4 N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. Thus, in order to establish that a record is exempt under OPRA as a “criminal investigatory record,” the public agency must prove both that the record is not required by law and that it pertains to a criminal investigation or related civil enforcement proceeding. The Borough has proved neither. 1. 911 CAD Incident Reports are Required by Law to be Maintained Police 911 calls and CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) entries are required by law to be maintained. “Each PSAP [Public Safety Answering Point] shall maintain the following: 1. Recordings produced by the logging recorder and all documents or records related to 911 calls in a secured area for no less than 31 days.” N.J.A.C. 17:24-2.4(a)(1). The 911 CAD Incident Report at issue indicates in the upper left-hand corner of its first page that it is a 911 record. (Paff Cert., Page 4.) Thus, because the law requires the maintenance of records related to 911 calls, the 911 CAD Incident Report is not an OPRA “criminal investigatory record.” As the Appellate Division has stated regarding a 911 tape, “because the law requires that such tapes be made and kept, it does not qualify as a ‘criminal investigatory record.’” Serrano v. South Brunswick Township, et al., 358 N.J. Super. 352, 365 (App. Div. 2003). The Borough argues that OPRA’s criminal investigatory record exemption does apply to the Narrative Description because its notes “are not required by law to be created.” (Paff Cert., Page 3.) But, OPRA’s definition of “criminal investigatory records” excludes records that the law requires to be “made, maintained or kept on file” not merely “created.” N.J.A.C. 17:242.4(a)(1) requires the Borough to maintain for no less than 31 days the entire 911 CAD Incident Report at issue, including its Narrative Descriptive. 2. The 911 CAD Incident Report’s Narrative Description is Not an Investigatory Record The Borough argues that the Narrative Report at issue is OPRA exempt as a “criminal 5 investigatory record” because it is “relevant” to an investigation. (Paff Cert., Page 3.) But simply being relevant to a criminal investigation does not make a record, or part of a record, to be a “criminal investigatory record.” The 911 CAD Incident Report at issue was created to record the circumstances of a 911 call from Principal Dan Gallagher regarding a “suspicious incident” at Bound Brook High School. The report describes how two police officers were sent to the location, where they remained from 7:56 A.M. to 8:22 A.M. (Paff Cert., Page 4-6.) The 911 CAD Incident Report should not be confused with the associated police investigatory report, (Paff Cert., Page 3), which Bound Brook withheld in its entirety and is not sought by this lawsuit. The 911 CAD Incident Report is a report regarding the 911 call. It described activity preceding the police investigation described by the investigatory report. The purpose of OPRA’s criminal investigatory exemption is to protect the confidentiality of investigations. It does not protect records that pre-existed or sparked the investigation or were merely used during the investigation. Unlike investigative records, the disclosure of records that predated the investigation would not reveal the specifics of the investigation and therefore their disclosure would not harm the investigation. In O’Shea v. Township of West Milford, 410 N.J.Super. 371 (App. Div. 2009), the Township denied access to Use of Force Reports on the grounds, among others, that the reports might later be used in criminal investigations. Id. at 376-77. The trial court rejected the Township’s arguments and the Appellate Division affirmed primarily for the reasons stated by the trial judge. Id. at 376. As the Appellate Division explained, the trial judge, said that the UFRs at issue did not qualify as criminal investigatory records both because they were not created as part of an investigation and because defendant had merely speculated that the documents sought would ever be used in an investigation. 6 The judge drew an “analog[y]” between a UFR and an accident report that a police officer fills out. While [the document] may ultimately at some point become part of a criminal investigation and even a civil lawsuit, it is not done as a criminal investigatory action initially. * * * Photos of an accident scene may be looked at as part of . . . a criminal investigation. That doesn’t mean they’re criminal investigatory records. The judge’s “interpretation of a criminal investigatory record is a record created while a criminal investigation is going on[,]” or “the work product of . . . the people investigating.” [Id. at 378.] In conclusion, to the extent that the Narrative Description contains information regarding Principal Dan Gallagher’s 911 call, it is not a “criminal investigatory record” because it consists of information that the police obtained prior to the start of the investigation. Independently, none of the Narrative Description is a “criminal investigatory record” because it was required by law to be maintained for at least 31 days. B. Borough Violated Common Law Right of Access Because the Public’s and Paff’s Need to Know the Nature of the Official Misconduct by A Public Employee Resulting in Suspension and Termination Exceeds the Need for Secrecy New Jersey provides access to public records in three distinct ways: OPRA, the common law right of access to public records and the discovery procedures in civil litigation. MAG Entertainment, LLC v. Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control, 375 N.J.Super. 534, 543 (App. Div. 2005). Records that are not available by one means may be available through another. Id. - As OPRA expressly states, “[n]othing contained in [OPRA] shall be construed as limiting the common law right of access to a government record, including criminal investigatory records of a law enforcement agency.” N.J.S.A. 47:1A-8. Thus, even if Plaintiff Paff did not have a right to 7 the requested Narrative Description under OPRA, he may nevertheless have a common law right of access to that record and vice versa. Bergen v. North Jersey Media, 370 N.J.Super. 504, 517 (App. Div. 2004). The common law right of access to public records is determined by balancing the requestors’ need for the record versus the government’s need for secrecy. Michelson v. Wyatt, 379 N.J. Super. 611, 624 (App. Div. 2005). The common law interest of the record requestor can be either a personal interest or a public interest. Education Law Center v. New Jersey Department of Education, 198 N.J. 274, 302 (2009). Both are present here. Plaintiff Paff maintains blogs that are frequently the sources of news particles. See January 26, 2015, Certification of John Paff. Even without Paff’s journalism, a public interest would exist for the records at issue. Both outweigh any need for secrecy. Two principal characteristics of the Narrative Description generate a considerable public need for disclosure. First, the incident concerned a public matter. A government employee, Dan Gallagher, called the police to report suspected criminal activity by another government employee, Kimberly Charnuska, allegedly committed in her official capacity as a high school teacher. The information sought does not concern Ms. Charnuska’s activities as a private individual. Second, the information did not concern mere suspicions. The matter described in the Narrative Description was sustained to the extent that it resulted in Ms. Charnuska’s suspension and termination. (Paff Cert., Page 7.) There is a compelling public interest in sustained, or even unsustained, allegations of misconduct by government employees in the course of their official conduct. The great extent of that public interest is reflected in OPRA. Despite OPRA’s broad exemption for personnel records, 8 it requires disclosure of the “reason” for a public employee’s “separation.” N.J.S.A. 47:1A-10. Similarly, despite OPRA’s broad exemption for criminal investigatory records and ongoing investigations, it requires disclosure of certain information regarding reported crimes and arrests. N.J.S.A. 47:1A-3b. Plaintiff Paff is not citing the foregoing OPRA provisions as determinative of the common law request, but rather as demonstrating the intense public interest in information regarding misconduct by public employees that results in termination. Under the common law calculus, that public interest in disclosure must be weighed against the need for secrecy. Here, Ms. Charnuska could have little expectation of privacy once Principal Gallagher called the police regarding her suspected criminal activity. Moreover, much of the information regarding this incident is already a matter of public record. The Borough has already publicly disclosed that the police investigated an allegation by Dan Gallagher that 24 year old Bound Brook High School art teacher Kimberly Charnuska, residing at 339 Codrington Pl., Bound Brook, NJ, 08805, committed a crime against a juvenile at the High School, resulting in her suspension that very day and her termination four weeks later. (Paff Cert., Pages 3,5,7.) In conclusion, the public’s need for information regarding a high school teacher’s suspected crime against a juvenile at the high school, resulting in her immediate suspension and later termination, outweighs any conceivable need for secrecy. III. Borough’s Denial of Access to the MNI #s Was Unlawful A. Borough Violated OPRA Because it Failed to State any Legal Basis for Denying Access to the MRI #s The Borough’s December 12, 2014, letter gave no reason for denying access to the mni #s of Kimberly Charnuska and Dan Gallagher. (Paff Cert., Pages 2-3,5.) Therefore, the Borough violated OPRA’s requirement that “[i]f the custodian is unable to comply with the request for access, the custodian shall indicate the specific basis therefor on the request form and promptly 9 return it to the requestor.” N.J.S.A. 47:1A-5g. B. Borough Violated OPRA Because it Has Failed to Satisfy its Burden of Proving that the Denial of Access to the MRI#s Was Authorized by Law The Borough has as yet not even attempted to satisfy its burden of proving that the denial of access to the mni #s of Charnuska and Gallagher is authority by law. N.J.S.A. 47:1A-6. C. Borough Violated Common Law Right of Access to the MRI #s Because There Was No Need for Secrecy As previously indicated, the Borough has not yet suggested any reason for denying the mni #s of Charnuska and Gallagher. “[I]f the governmental need in confidentiality is slight or non-existent, citizen-taxpayer status will ordinarily warrant that the matters be disclosed.” Loigman v. Kimmelman, 102 N.J. 98, 105 (1986). Respectfully submitted, Richard M. Gutman 10 Richard M. Gutman - 001081996 Richard Gutman, P.C. 9 Prescott Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042-5029 973-744-6038 (voice & fax) Attorney for Plaintiff John Paff ____________________________________ : JOHN PAFF, : Plaintiff, : : v. : : BOROUGH OF BOUND BROOK : Defendant. : ____________________________________: SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY LAW DIVISION, CIVIL PART SOMERSET COUNTY DOCKET NO. Civil Action Certification of John Paff I, John Paff, hereby certify and say as follows: 1. I am the plaintiff in the above-titled lawsuit. 2. I have personal knowledge of the facts alleged in the Complaint. 3. The factual allegations of the Complaint are true. 4. All attached documents are true copies and have not been redacted, changed, modified, adjusted or otherwise altered in any manner by me or my agents. I certify that the foregoing statements made by me are true. I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment. Executed on January ______, 2015 11t25t2014 11/25/2014 - Rei:ords Gmail ttequest Bornd Brook Gmail - Records Request toto Bound Brook and SC PO and SCpO Cn*;:,il i1 J,ohnPaff <opengoWissues@r;mai Paff< John > Lc;om> l.i"r ,r rr r{1, Records Request toBound BoundBrook Brookand andSCPO SCpO Records Request to message 11message <> Paff John <paff©pobox.corn> fohnPaff pM Tue, 2014 at PM rue,Nov Nov25, 25,2014, at4:52 4:512, <>, Kathye Quick To: , Kathye Quick < Dronna >, Donna Godleski Godleski <dgodles ki@boundbrook-nj. org> <dgodleski© > makethis thisrequest requ€St trcboth boththe theSomerset Somerset Count'y II make to County Prosecutor's Office Prosecutor's Office police andthe theBound BoundBrook BrookPolice Department. Department. and askboth bothagencies pleaseaccept agencies tr:please acceptthis thise-mail/fax e-mail/'fax II ask to as asmy myrequest request under the OpenPublic Publir: Records (OPRA) Act and under the Open Records Act (OPRA) and the the cornmon common law lawright right of access. access. Please senrd allresponses responses andresponsive responsive of Please send all and records to me recordsto mevia via p a f f @ p o b o x . c o m . e m a i l t o T h a n k y o u . e-mail to . Thank you. Background: Background: Theagenda agendafor BoundBrook BrookEducation's Education's November The for the the Bound November 24, 24,2014 ZOI4 meeting suggest that art teacher Kimberly Cherrnuska meeting suggest that art teacher Kimberly Charnuska was wassuspended suspended pay with on October i19,20t4 andterminated terminated with pay on October 29, 2014 and on 24, 2014. onNovember November 24,2014. II am am informed informed thatthere theremay mayhave havebeen beensome som€: that specific incident(s) that specific incident(s) that were reported to law enforcement and that were were reported to law enforcement and that were related relatedto toMs. Ms. C h a r n u s k a ' s s u s p e n s i r c a n d t e r m i n a t i o n . Charnuska's suspension and termination. Records Records requested: requested: 1. 1. CAD serviceor rCispatches CADentries/screenshots entries/screenshots for for any any calls calls for for service or dispatches rrelated e l a t e dtto oa n y i n c i d e n t s i n v o l v i n g c h a r n u s k during au rn any incidents involving Charnuska d i g2014. 20L4. 22.' P olice i incident n c i d e nrreports te p o r t srregarding e g a r d i nall agl lincidents i n c i d e n tinvolving Police isn v o l v i nCharnuska g Charnuska dduring u r i n g2014. 2014. If claimthat anyrecords records areexempt, please exempt, If you you claim that any are please at atleast leastacknowledge acknowledge provide their existence and me with a detailed description their existence and provide me with a detailed description of ofeach. each, lohn John Paff Paff P.O. P.O. Box Box 5424 5424 Somerset, 08875 Somerset, NJ NJ 08875 Voice: Voice: 732-873-1251 732-873-1251 Fax: Fax: 908-325-0129 908-325-0129 paff@pobox,com e-mait: e-mail: paff@pobox.corn I htFs//mail.googile.corn/majl/u/Cl/?ui=2&ik=af5d1308f4&vis/,/=pt&search=sent&th= 149e8f1 1b()c9f.1ag&siml= 149egf1 https://mail.googlescom/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=af5d1308f4Aview=pt&search=sent&th=149e8f11b0c9f1a8&sim1=149e8f11b0c9f1a8 1b0c9f1ag 1/2 BORIOUGH oFBOUND B0UND BOROUGH OF BROOK BRooK 230-H-amilton rBoundBrook, St. 230 Hamilton St. • Bound NJ Brook, llu08805 OrgEOS (732) 3r&0833. Far: (732) 356-0833 • Fax: (732) 356-8990 G&*Csili, lzszt wuw.boundbrook BOUND BROOK 1681 Robert RotprtP.P.Fazen Fazen Mayor tlayor December12,2014 December 12, 2014 VIA ELECTROMC MIAIL: VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL: John Paff John Paff P.O.Box 5424 P.O. Box 5424 Somerset, NJ08875 08875 Somerset, NJ Re:OPRA OPRA Reerestr Dated November Re: Request, Dated November 25,ZS,ZO?.4 2014 Dear Mr. Paff: Dear Mr. Paff: The undersigned undersignedis is the theCustodian custodianof ofRecords Recordsfor The Brook. forthe theBorough BoroughofofBound your Bound Brook.Your open Public RecordsAct ("opRA"), N.J.S.A. 47:rA-r.r, Open Public Records Act ("OPRA"), N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. et seq., request, submitted via seq., request,submitte,d via clectonic mail sent on November 25, i} /'in 4:52 p.m. e! electronic mail sent on November 25, 2014, at 4:52 p.m. (after was (afterthe theclose ofoibusiness) business) was received the Borough on November 26, 2014. "to." received by by the Borough on November 26, 2014. Seven days from that date was sevenbusiness trusiness day,s from that datr: was December 2014' on December5, 2014,the Borough December 9' 9, 2014. On December 5, 2014, the Borough requested, and tolt:taa 2reqr"rested, andyou youconsented consented 2weekextensionof time urithin which to respondto y'odrequest week extension of time within which to respond to your request for the following records: fo, tir" forrowirrg.""o.o* I ' CAD cAD entries/screenshots sntries/screenshots any calls 1. cailsfor for any for service serviceor ordispatches dispatches related to anyincidents incidentsinvolving involving[Kimberly] related to any Charnuska during [Kimberly] charnuskaiuring 2014. 2014. 2' incident,.reports regarding all 2. Police Police incident reports regarding involving a' incidents irncirrents invorving Charnuska during 2014. Charnuska during 2014. publicRecords pursuant tothe Please be advised that a request pursuant to Act, theOpen openPublic F.ecords Act, a r u [N.J.S.A. , N r ] . Jr. JS . 4A . |]1]|* 47:1A-1 et seq. ("OPRA") must identify the records sought with specificity. Bart v. Passaic County Pub. Hous. Agency, 406 N.J. Super. 445, 451 (App. Div. 2009). OPRA does not permit open-ended requests for every document an agency has on file. Spectraserv, Inc. v. Middlesex Cnty. Utilities Auth., 416 N.J. Super. 565, 576 (App. Div. 2010). OPRA "is not intended as a research tool litigants may use to force government officials to identify and siphon useful informetinn r r ^ information." " l\,,fAf] E'nra-r^i--^-4 375, N.J. N.J. information." MAG Entertainment, LLC vs. Division of Alcohol Beverage Control, 375, Super. 534, 546 (App. Div. 2005). As such, requests for "any and all" documents on a specific subjectare consideredoverly broad. subject are considered overly broad. B_eru Bent vv. Stafford Twp. Police Dept., 381 N.J. Super. 30, 37 l';'::.*,,.:j:t:1,,,":1.: *ii,r,specincity Barr v passaic *1fr'rflTfl^,,:'T:.?40o 1u;,_11;Tlry'*:.T"?+.Ffrr ++s, +sr-rnppli,r" ibo6i;ffill ffilJ| Y-suqer. r'^onnL" ffiru f#-?ff1,::0ffii":1 i:Ty*:y":i.*-2s::? s;'jj;i*,r! Nffie dif:i",pffi s6s, s7-6 oi".tilib:ffi; repp. ' .r'"l"Io"*in*a'rfiii'l'lrl"l ,***, Xl;iJ ffiffi; 1"1 S"l* :i :""'l.i i:tl't 4l'ffi (App. Div. 2005). A custodian may reject a request that is overly broad or vague so as to prevent prevent identification of the records ,ought. identification of the records sought. New Jersey Bui Builders Ass'n v. New Jersey Council on Affordable AffordableHousing, Housing,390 390lrl.J. N.J.Super. Super. 166,172 166, 172 (App. (App. Div, Div. Z00i;. 2007). As ,,any/allincidents requestsfor documents Asaa preli*1lu'V preliminarymatter, matter, your your requests documentsinvolving involving "any/all inciclents involving charnuska"are improp.i b""aus" they withspecificitv, specificity.ItItisis involving Chamuska" are improper because theydo donot notidentiff identify aa record record with ') {-\ unclearwhat qualifies as what qualifies asian an"incident" "incident"ororwhat whatdocuments documents rvouldqualify qualiryasas unclear would "involving" "involving"Ms. Ms. Charnuska.As result,there theteisisno noeffective effectivemeans meansofofsearching searching forsuch Charnuska. As aa result, for records with any such records wiih any certainty.These Theserequests requestsare areoverly overlybroad broadand andvague, vague,requiring requiringthe thecustodian custodian certainty. totoreview every review every documentin in the the Borough's BorougJh's filesand andtotoguess guess whetherany anydocuments documentsare document files whether totoyour areresponsive responsive your request. Your requests may therefore be denied. Notwithstandfung theobjectionable request. Your requests may therefore be denied. Notwithstanding the nature ofof objectionable natu6e yolu request, request,and and without without waiving waiving same, same,the theBound BoundBrook BrookPolice Prolice Deparbnentwas your Department toto wasable able identifu one one CAD CAD Incident Incident Report Reportarguably arguablyresponsive responsiveto yout first b your firstrequest, identify and related request, andone one rclated police investigation report, arguably responsive your second request. police investigation report, arguably responsive totoyour second request. A copy copyof of CAD CAD Incident IrrcidentReport Report##14194153 providedto 14194153 beingprovided youininresponse toyou A isisbeing totoyour 1.1. response your first request. request.Please Pleasenote notethat thatthe followingredactions thefollowing redactions havebeen been made first have made totothe document: the document: (a) Narrative Narative Description: Description:While While the theComputer ComputerAided AidcdDispatching (CAD)records Dtispatchirrg (CAD) are (a) rccord.s are generally accepted goverrunentrecords be,government rccordssubject subjcctto todisclosure, disclosure,the generally accepted to be reporting theBorough's Borough's reporting softwarepermis the investigating investigating officers officers to insert inserlnotes notcsrelevant relevanttototheir software permits the ofofa a theirinvestigation investigation complaint.Those notes,which tvhich are arenot notrequired requiredby bylaw lawtotobe r:reated, becreated, are complaint. Those notes, are criminal investigatory criminal investigatory records.N.J.S.A, 47:1A-1.1.Therefore Thereforethe thenarrative narrativedescription descriptionhas hasbeen been records. N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. redacted from this redacted from this document, document. (b) The Thc suspect's suspect's .Driver's license number pursurnttotoN.J.S.A. hasbeen been redacted Driver's license number has redacted pursuant 47:1A(b) N,J.S.A. 4',1:lA(requiring 5(a) redaction of social socialsecurity rcarrC securitynumbers, numbers,credit creditcard numbers, 5(a) (requiring redaction of numbers, unlisted telephone unlisted telephone numbers,and licen:se anddriver driver license numbers). numbers, numbers). (c) Identifying Identiffing information information regarding regardingthe thealleged allegedvictim victinnhas hasbeen totoprotect the beenredacted redacted (c) proter:r the victim'sreasonable reasonable expectationof privacy,N.J.S.A. of privacy. N.J,S.A.47:1A-1. 47:lA-1.The Theneed privacyisiiincreased victim's expectation needfor forprivacy incn:ased asthe thealleged is aa juvenile. as alleged victim victim is juvenile. 2, The police investigatoryreport reportassociated associated theCAD CAD Incident IncidentReport 2. The police investigatory with the isis Reporr##14194153 14194153 being withheld it as is a criminal investigatory record not sulrject release being withheld as it is a criminal investigatory record not subject totorelease under OPRA. under OlpRA. N .J.S.A .47:1A-1,1. N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. You challengethe thedecision decisionto to deny denyaccess. acceiss. At your youroption, You have have a right to challenge At option,you youmay mayeither either instirute Superior Court Court of New Jersey Jerseyor or file file a acomplaint institute aa proceeding proceedingirr in the Superior of New complaintwith withthe the Govemrnent you Government Records Records Council Council (GRC) (GRC) by completing completing the the Denial Denial of Access Access Complaint ComplaintForm. Form.You may ttoll-freetelephone telephoneat at866-850-0511, 866-850-051 I , by by mail :mailatatP.O. P.O.Box may contact contact the the GRC by toll-free Box819, 819,Trenton, Trenton, NJ, NJ, 08625, 08625, by by e-mail e-mail at g', , or or at at their their web web site site at . The The GRC GRC can also answer other questions about the law. questic,ns All regardingcomplaints filed can also answer other questions law. All questions regarding fiL:dinin "ompLints Superior rJirected be directed to the theCourt CourtClerk yourCounty. Clerkin inyour County. Superior Court Court should should be to Very Very truly truly yours, yours, .dtagh,o1 ' 7?-.) h^-Ttn+gM' Donna Donna Marie Marie Godleshi, Godleski, RMC Bound Bound Ilrook Brook Borough Borough Clerk a J MainFoun Main Form Page I ofI of3 3 Pagc SOMERSE|T COUNTY COMM SOMERSET COUNTY COMM soMmvILL,E, SOMERVILLE, NJNJ CADIncident IncidentReport Report#14194153 #14194[53 CAD % Incldontlnforrnadon Incident Information -LAU CAD 0 ----„ ' t4t94153 14194153 lnddcar Typt Incident Type 8OISUSPINCIDENT 801 SUSP INCIDENT Eru Lrvrl Ems Level uc"ct l,tlrn Level Alarm I I ;-oo-F Date Incident Call Taker ongn0l{07:55:25 07:55:25 10/29/2014 b25201 t252Ql Descrlpdon !.rcrhdo! Priority Prlorltv 2z ' ModlnrdBy Br Modified Modified HodlflodDate Drrc b2520t b25201 10/29/2014 14:09:12 ilngn0W l4:09:12 Event Informafion Event Information MllldEllrv Bullna Name Nrmr Business Municipality J ' 4 BOUNDBROOKBOR 4 BOUND BROOK BOR BOUND BOUND BROOK BROOI(HIGH HIOHSCHOOL SCHOOi Flrr Bor Fire Box RA RA Corrcct Loctdon 401 401 --- 401 401 _ qO-UNDBROOK}IIGH SICHOOL IIW WUNION U M O NAVE AVE BOUND BROOK HIGH SCHOOL // 111 Correct Location cb.! Street # rI I 111 Nerr -l-- tElcl Nrltlc Street Name Aprrtrnclt #il Cross Apartment CrorrStreet Strcct uxtoNAVE evr lw W UNION Near MNSOR ST TO LIVINGSTONST WINSOR ST TO LIVINGSTON ST ttoportngPergon Reporting Person RPNmr RP Name oALLACHE& DAl.f GALLAGHER, DAN RP Ad&clr RP Address Lrldolrlr Landmarks hdrtrrro..r Additional -RPPbonr RP Phone How llow Received ltocdhcd 732-356-2s00 732-356-2500 RADIO RADIO O-.C Closed Sy By Date Closed DrrcCbrd b25201 b25201 10/29/2014 0E:22:06 08:22:06 l0nSrn0l4 Incidents Incidents Agency Name BBP-PD Incident Number 14015054 Incident Incident Types Types Dispatch Class Incident Type AMBULANCE FIRE/RESCUE POLICE SUSP INCIDENT hW | | 0. t,40.I SUeED// adpartner/cad97/cadincvieWmain jsp?agenslEsMR_CC hrtp:// uti I 11/26/2014 nn6tz$t4 Main Form Page 2 of 3 Pagc 2iof3 Main Form Note(s) Note(s) Note Type CALL -TKR Narrative Description 3Entered By l0n9l20l4l4:09:12 10/29/201414:09:12 User ID b2520 I - Percon(s) Person(s) Psnsonr 1 SUSPECT Persons 1 SUSPECT Last Name First Name Middk Name CHARNIJSKA KIMBERLY L Street 0 Street City State 339 CODRINGTON PL. 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BB24 BB27 BB27 BB24 BB27 BB24 DISP DISP ONLOC ONLOC CLEAR _CLEAR 07:56:13 07:56:14 07:56:23 07:56:25 08:22:04 08:22:06 N N N N Y Y Location Dbm ID b25201 b25201 b25201 b25201 b25201 b25201 _ Dispositions Dispositions Dispositions Disposition Type .Incident Report? POLICE (CLR) CLEAR INCIDENT Accident Report? —. Due By RIVENBARK, K lf,t. 't a I ' r , &incn... nn6nOV 11/26/2014 http :// ew/main.j sp?agencr---S MR-CC &incn... v Richard Gutman - 001081996 Richard Gutman, P.C. 9 Prescott Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042-5029 973-744-6038 (voice & fax) Attorney for Plaintiff John Paff ____________________________________ : : Plaintiff, : : v. : : BOROUGH OF BOUND BROOK : Defendant. : ____________________________________: JOHN PAFF, SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY LAW DIVISION, CIVIL PART SOMERSET COUNTY DOCKET NO. SOM-L-72-15 Civil Action CERTIFICATION OF JOHN PAFF Plaintiff John Paff, of full age, certifies as follows: 1. I am a lifelong resident of New Jersey and currently reside at 1605 Amwell Road, Somerset (Franklin Township), Somerset County, New Jersey. 2. I have served as the Chairman of the New Jersey Libertarian Party's Open Government Advocacy Project since 2005. I have also served on the Board of Directors of the New Jersey Foundation for Open Government, Inc. (NJFOG) since 2008 and currently serve as its treasurer. 3. I am considered an authority on the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) and the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA). On October 24, 2014, I was awarded the “Heroes of the Fifty States” award at the National Freedom of Information Coalition's (NFOIC) Freedom of Information Summit in St. Petersburg, Florida. 4. My avocation is holding New Jersey government officials accountable. I began this pursuit in 1992 when I investigated deceased Somerset County Prosecutor Nicholas L. Bissell's use of asset forfeiture laws to seize property and money from sometimes innocent parties. See, e.g. "Bissell bows to group on forfeiture's audit," Star-Ledger, Joe Tyrrell, June 3, 1992 and "Forfeiture flap triggers harsh words," Times of Trenton, Adam Miller, November 8, 1993. 5. After the enactment of the Open Public Record Act (OPRA) in 2002, I became active in pushing the new law's boundaries and testing its contours. I have been the a plaintiff in eight published court opinions: Paff and Asbury Park Press v. County of Monmouth, 406 N.J. Super. 1 (App. Div. 2009, aff'd 201 N.J. 5 (2010); Paff v. New Jersey Dept. of Labor, Bd. of Review, 379 N.J. Super. 34 (App. Div. 2005); Paff v. Byrnes, 385 N.J. Super. 574 (App. Div. 2006); Libertarian Party of Cent. New Jersey and Paff v. Murphy, 384 N.J. Super. 136 App. Div. 2006); Paff v. New Jersey Dept. of Labor, 392 N.J. Super. 334 (App. Div. 2007); Paff v. City of East Orange, 407 N.J. Super. 221 (App. Div. 2009); Paff v. Division of Law, 412 N.J. Super. 140 (App. Div. 2010); Paff v. New Jersey State Firemen's Ass'n, 431 N.J. Super. 278 (App. Div. 2013) and Paff v. Director, Office of Attorney Ethics, 399 N.J. Super. 632, (Law Div. 2007). I have also been a plaintiff in several other unpublished trial and appellate court decisions. 6. Since 2009, I have maintained a blog entitled "NJ Open Government Notes" ( where I report on OPRA and Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) court cases and other matters involving New Jersey government transparency. As of January 2015, I have posted more than 450 articles on this blog. 7. Since 2008, I have maintained a blog entitled "NJ Civil Settlements" ( where I report on civil settlements entered into between citizen plaintiffs and New Jersey government agencies and officials. As of January 2015, I have posted more than 295 articles on this blog. 8. In addition to "NJ Open Government Notes" and "NJ Civil Settlements," I also publish "Random note on NJ government" (, "NJ Police Internal Affairs Complaints" ( "What's happening in Englewood Cliffs Borough" 2 ( and the "Fairfield Township Informant" ( 9. During my 20+ years of advocating for greater transparency in government and accountability for government officials, I have developed relationships with dozens of journalists throughout New Jersey. I am recognized as a worthy news source by these journalists and the stories I post on my various blogs are often picked up by the mainstream media. 10. In 2014 alone, my blog posts and other avenues of public advocacy caused approximately fifty news articles to be published. Among them are "Camden ordered to turn over police overtime records," South Jersey Times, Jason Laday, January 3, 2014; "Medford settles suit for $83,000," Burlington County Times, Peg Quann, February 26, 2014; "Cliffside Park Chief's Payout Larger Than Acknowledged," The Record, Linh Tat, March 6, 2014; "Hamilton school district ordered to pay court fees for man in OPRA case," The Times of Trenton, Mike Davis, June 7, 2014; "Medford tight-lipped on investigation," Burlington County Times, Alexis Sachdev, August 13, 2014; "N.J. Facing more suits for release of documents," Herald News, Stephanie Akin, August 13, 2014; Activist: Don't let Perth Amboy BOE pay hush money," Home News Tribune, Sergio Bichao, September 8, 2014; "Judge: Police Dashboard Videos Are Public Records," Star Ledger, Christopher Baxter, October 14, 2014 and "Names of Cops who are subject To Internal Affairs Complaints are Public Record, Judge Rules," Star Ledger, Christopher Baxter, October 17, 2014. I certify that the foregoing statements made by me are true. I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment. January 26, 2015 ________________________ John Paff 3 Richard Gutman - 001081996 Richard Gutman, P.C. 9 Prescott Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042-5029 973-744-6038 (voice & fax) Attorney for Plaintiff John Paff ____________________________________ : : Plaintiff, : : v. : : BOROUGH OF BOUND BROOK : Defendant. : ____________________________________: JOHN PAFF, SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY LAW DIVISION, CIVIL PART SOMERSET COUNTY DOCKET NO. SOM-L-72-15 Civil Action CERTIFICATION OF RICHARD M. GUTMAN I, Richard M. Gutman, of full age, certifies as follows: 1. I am attorney for John Paff. 2. I mailed the attached letter to Ms. Charnuska on January 29, 2015, with the stated enclosures. 3. The attached letter is a true copy and has not been redacted, changed, modified, adjusted or otherwise altered in any manner by my agents or me. I certify that the foregoing statements made by me are true. I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment. January 29, 2015 ________________________ Richard M. Gutman