Application for Rezoning in Ligonier Borough
Application for Rezoning in Ligonier Borough
.A :-il" I Application for Rezoning in Ligonier Borough T.#Jh L2O E Main Street, Ligonier Pennsylvania 15658 Please Prlnt or Tgpe 1 Name of Applicant: Lieonier Vallev YMCA Phone number (7241 E-Mail Address 238-758O Cell Phone number (7241 238-1748 bwrisht@lisoniervmca.ors Business (if applicable) (Above) Address 110 West Church Street Citlr Lisonier State 2. Zip 15658 Name of the Property Owner Lieonier Vallev YMCA Daytime Telephone 724-238-7580 Address 1 10 West Church Street City 3. _PA _ Lieonier State _PA Zi p 15658 Lot ID#(s) Tax Map Number(s) 16-1-15-0-164 16-1-15-O-163 Subdivision or Tract Name 4. Property Street Address I O6 Wesf Wellinston Alle-v 9.23 N Market Street 5. Specific Proposed use: Change zonins district from R2 to C2 an add parkins lot surface as conditional use in the C-2 district 6. Action Requested X Rezoning Change To rezone from X R2 to C2 Amendment to Zoning Ordinance 7. Justification for action requested. Currentlv. parking is not allowed on C2 plans and C2 class requires parkinE. (Attach page if additional space is required) Previous Applications Has any application been submitted to the Planning Commission concerning any part of the subject property within the past two years? NoX Yes I[ yes, provide the details and final deposition below. Describe the impact on infrastructure (Streets, Traffic, Drainage, sewer) Proiected to close Wellinston Allev. All drainase wili be addressed in stormwater managerne,nt E,lan and the plan dictates lessening the overall impact of the building ttrrough BiMP's. Traffic studv beine completed to better understand traffic issues. 10 Describe the impact on public services; such as schools, parks, transportation and other public facilities. Increase public services throuqh the addition of a medical office and health care 1i Acknowledgement In filing this apptication, I understand that it becomes a part of the public ."coid of the Borough of Ligonier and hereby certify that all information Lontained herein is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I certify that this application complies with all subdivision "deed restrictions" pertaining to the subject property within the Borough of Ligonier' Also, I understand that the application fee of $SOO.OO is due at the time the application is submitted and is nonrefundable. (Applications must be received 7 days prior to a regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission) Application must be signed bg both applicant and propertg outner if different. Letter of auihorization must be iubmittid. in abience of the propertg oLuner's signature or uthere an authoized. agent signs in lieu of either propertA owner or applicant' nt's S Type or print Applicant's Date