Heritage Pleasing Pastries
Heritage Pleasing Pastries
A Publication of HUMC heritageumc@verizon.net Capital Campaign Committee News Fund-raising for our Building Renovation Program continues. The Capital Campaign Committee has had many pleasant visits with members so far and the visitations will continue until all members have been contacted and had the opportunity to ask and get answers to your questions. The purpose of these visits is to provide an opportunity for all to ask questions in a private setting, comment on proposed renovations to the church and the disposition of the Market Street property, comment on improvements that you would like to see or comment on changes to the schematic drawings that are handouts at these meetings. The purpose is also to solicit your support for the project at whatever contribution level your particular financial situation will allow. A pledge card is provided to send into the church. At whatever level that you are moved to give, we have a historical memento for each contributor which is a building block made from the same blue stone that makes up our church façade. This is meant to be a lasting tribute for your efforts in supporting the renovation project. If you choose to forego a home visit, we would be happy to mail the information packet but please ask your contact person for a Building Block as a thank you for your contribution. If you have not been contacted by the end of March, please call the church office and request a visitation. Our work with area Charitable Foundations also continues. An external audit of our church finances has been completed and we received an excellent recommendation from Singer Accounting. This audit was necessary in order to complete certain formal grant applications and letters of interest. We still require several validation letters to be returned from the random list of 2015 contributors but that is all we lack to close out the audit. If you were selected to return a validation letter, please do so at your earliest convenience. We thank all who have contributed thus far or are pledged to contribute over the next year or two. With our combined effort, we will be better able to serve and meet the needs of the church, as well as the needs of the community, for generations to come. Sincerely, The Capital Campaign Committee: Tom Shearer, Chair, Bill & Glenda Dickson, Pastor John Flower, Dan Fritz, Ryan & Barb Glista, Beth Hebb, Maggie & Rick Hildebrand, Harry Marker, Dick Markle, Bill Pritts and Ron Wagner Heritage Pleasing Pastries Pie Sale to support our Building Renovation Fund Frozen 10” pies for $12/each. Choose from the following: Apple Crisp, Blueberry, Cherry, Peach, Pineapple Upside Down, Pumpkin, Red Raspberry, Strawberry Rhubarb, Pecan ($14) Order forms can be found in the sanctuary and our website. Drop off your pie order by the first Monday of each month with payment to the church office. Pie pick up is at the church on Thursday, April 14th between 3-6 pm. www.ligonierheritageumc.org 724-238-2627 April 2016 NEW MONDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY STARTING MARCH 28th The Monday evening Bible study group will be starting "The Call, The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul" on March 28th. Adam Hamilton will take us from the road to Damascus to the sun-drenched lands of modern-day Greece and Turkey to a Roman prison, as he follows the journeys of Paul in this sixweek DVD study about Christianity’s greatest teacher and missionary. You’ll see exactly where some of the most dramatic events in the spread of Christianity took place, and through Hamilton’s insightful and colorful teaching style, you’ll quite probably likely gain a better understanding of Paul’s missionary travels than if you had covered the many miles in person. Join us in the lounge at 7:00 pm on Monday, March 28th. Circle of Ruth April 7th The Circle of Ruth will be meeting on Thursday, April 7th at 7:00 in the lounge. Beth Caldwell will be bringing a dessert to share. See you there! Louise Clarion University Choir Concert at Heritage April 17th It is our pleasure to welcome the Clarion University Choir to Heritage on Sunday April 17th at 7 pm. All are welcome to come out and enjoy this wonderful mix of musical genres, sacred, popular, etc. After the concert, there will be a light meal and refreshments for all in the Fellowship Hall downstairs, before returning to the Ramada. Rummage Sale April 22-23 The Spring Rummage Sale will be held 8 AM – 3 PM on Friday, April 22, and 8 AM – Noon on Saturday, April 23. Good, clean, usable clothing and household items are needed; you may bring small items to the church ‘Pancake Kitchen’ any time the church is open. Since the church does not have room to store larger items, such as furniture, bikes, televisions, etc., please drop those items off in the ‘Old Nursery’ beginning April 18. If you need assistance getting your donations to the church, call Chuck Shaffer at 724-593-7343. In addition, your help is needed on April 21 for setup and both days of the sale. A signup sheet will be available on the bulletin board the first of this month. Heritage Happenings page 2 SHORT ON JELLY COLLECTION Heritage is committed to collecting 150 jars of jelly for the April 16th distribution and we are WAY short of our goal. Jelly can be left in the blue bin in the stairway or down by the pancake kitchen door. Please have your donations in by April 11th. If everyone brings one jar, we would reach that goal quickly. Thanks so much for your generosity! We Seriously Need Helpers For Our Sunday School Classes. Seriously. We are so excited to have so many youth participating in Sunday School and Children’s Church!!! Just one problem… In order to comply with Safe Sanctuaries, we need more volunteers so we can get everyone an assistant in the classrooms. We have also had requests to start a Middle School Class and if we have the help we can totally make it happen! The Education Committee will help you, I promise! The curriculum has already been chosen and it even comes with a teacher’s guide (bonus!). The class could start as early as April 3rd if we can get the teachers. Contact the office, Zach, Ellen Yeskey or Pastor John if you would like to give it a try. Clearances are a must, but they’re free. Need help? See Beth in the office. TEAM WAGNER BENEFIT DINNER Sunday, May 1st Mark your calendars for a fundraiser dinner to benefit Leah Wagner! The event will be held on Sunday, May 1st from 1—5 pm at Antiochian Village. Tickets are $35 each (cash preferred), checks made payable to Sarah Resenic. The buffet menu will include salad, rolls, garlic bread, two choices of pasta and assorted desserts. If you would like to attend, please sign up on the bulletin board asap. Tickets are limited! Please join us for a day of live music, good food, and sharing in friendship and love for the Wagner family. We would be honored to see you there! Giant Eagle Gift Card Mission Fundraiser Hey, do you know what would be so great? If you would stop by the church office before you shop and pick up a Giant Eagle Gift card! Use them just like cash to purchase gas, groceries, prescriptions, gift cards or anything sold at Giant Eagle or GetGo, and 5% of each card sold benefits our Missions program! Cards are available in amounts of $25, $50, and $100! And now, for your convenience, the gift cards will also be available in the church office after both worship services on the first Sunday of the month, beginning in April! Cash or check accepted! Plain Cities Concert here on April 16th!! Plain Cities will be participating in our Saturday Contemporary Worship Service on April 16th at 6 pm, then following the service, they will cut loose and give us what is sure to be an amazing concert! This event is geared towards our youth, but all are welcome! We’ll have pizza and pop in the Fellowship Hall following the concert. Plain Cities is from Columbus, OH, and they performed at Ligonier High School last month. SATURDAY CONTEMPORARY SERVICE NEWS Please join us Saturdays at 6 pm for Faith, Hope and Music! Here’s our list of upcoming speakers: March 26th Paul McCracken with special music by Leah Wagner; April 2nd Chuck Shaffer; April 9th Anthony Hita with special music by Blessed Resistance; April 16th Monte Holland; April 23rd Dave Wasemann; April 30th Duane Slade; May 7th: Pastor John; May 14th Fred Vanderhoff; May 21st Ardi Hill. Come and you will see.” John 1:39. National Day of Prayer Events Thursday, May 5th Many of you have been part of this day in recent years and know how inspirational and spiritually meaningful it can be. The only part of the day that requires a paid reservation is the breakfast buffet. Last year well over one hundred people attended. Please see below for all the activities that will be taking place at this year’s National Day of Prayer. 7:30 am Prayer Breakfast at The Barn, $7/person Pick your tickets up at the office. Checks only made payable to LVAC and reservations must be turned in to the office by April 29th. 11 am Hymn Sing at Ligonier Gardens 7 pm Contemporary Praise Sing in Sanctuary 7:30 pm CHIL Youth Activities at The Barn Altar Flower Dates Available Would you like to sponsor altar flowers? If so, we have two dates available: May 1st (one vase) and May 15th (2 vases). Vases are $15/ each. Contact Marge Burns at 724238-9384 if interested. Serrv Shop Opening in May! The Serrv Shop will be opening in May so be sure to stop by and check out the "New" look to the shop! Lots of new and beautiful handmade merchandise from Serrv and 10,000 Villages! Volunteers are needed to help run the shop. Please watch for a sign up sheet on the bulletin board. Heritage Happenings page 3 New Coffeehouse at Creative Differences Creative Differences is starting a Coffeehouse every Saturday beginning April 2nd from 6— 10 pm at 111 North Fairfield Street. The first Saturday of the month will feature a Coffeehouse by and for young people and the remaining Saturdays will be open to all singers, musicians, writers, artists and the public. Come out for live entertainment, soup, desserts, flavored coffees and teas. For more information, call 724-757-2943 or go to CreativeDifferencesOnline.com. HYMN SUGGESTION BOX Have a favorite Hymn you haven’t heard in a while? Let us know! A Hymn suggestion box is located on the table in the sanctuary. We look forward to hearing from you and getting your favorite Hymns into our worship services. Congrats, Graduates! Olmsted Manor This “Created for Happiness; Understanding Your Life in God” retreat begins with dinner at 5:30 pm on Sunday, April 17th and continues through lunch on Tuesday, April 19th. Leader Ruth Higginbotham will lead a spiritual growth study on the Christian search for happiness. You are invited to be a part of this exciting, energizing and educational experience. The cost is $160-$180. Call 814 -945-6512, email anne@olmstedmanor.org or go online at www.olmstedmanor.org/events if interested. SIGN UP FOR SUMMER CAMP! It’s time to sign up for Summer Camp!!! Check out the brochures in our literature rack, and be sure to go online at wpaumc.org to see all the camps available and to register. These camps offer exciting opportunities while also allowing the campers to make new friends and grow closer to Christ. For more information about the camps and to register, please visit the Conference website at wpaumc.org. The church covers 75% of the cost so don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity! Please be sure to let us know when you register. Vacation Bible School August 1-5 Save the date for this year’s VBS!!! Surf Shack, Catch the Wave of God's Amazing Love will be August 1-5. Want to be a part of the action? Adult and teen volunteers are needed. Come out and Catch the Wave!!! The nine week course on how to get control of your personal finances, Financial Peace University, was concluded on March 10 with ten graduates who attended at least 8 of the 9 classes. Of those ten, 6 graduates were members of our congregation, including Bill Pritts, Ryan & Barb Glista, Bill Dickson, Sue Hilf and Bill Hixson. Pastor John attended all nine classes and provided valuable insight, taken from his business life experiences before he entered the ministry. We also had two couples from the Johnstown area and several folks from the Ligonier merchant community make up the balance of the class. The program is a video-based series of lectures by Dave Ramsey, New York Times best-selling author and radio host. The program teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presented practical steps, with biblical context, on how to get rid of debt, manage your money and how to spend and save wisely. This course was a life changing event for some of the attendees. We will be conducting future classes on Financial Peace University (FPU) and will announce dates as soon as we can. If you are interested in a future class, please feel free to talk over their experience with any of the members mentioned above. Notify the church office if you are interested in signing up for the next class. ~Tom Shearer, Class Coordinator Bible Tour June 13th Save the date! Monday June 13th....Ligonier Bus Trip to do the "Bible Tour" at the Pennsylvania State Capital building. Our Capital Building has a great deal of historical sacred architecture worth seeing. Rep. Mike Reese has arranged the tour for us, and we will be able to sit in on a legislative session, and have lunch there. Plans and pricing are being finalized, but at the moment it looks like a bus charter leaving at 6:30 am and returning 6:30 pm...at a price anticipated to be in the range of $50/pp. You may begin to sign your interest at the Church bulletin board; actual reservation will be made by your prepayment once the price is finalized. Open to the Ligonier area, there are forty-five seats available. Sponsored by the Ligonier Valley Association of Churches National Day of Prayer planning committee. April 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed 3 Holy Communion 4 Pie Orders Due 5 10 am Tuesday 6 11 am Clergy 6:30 pm CCC Mtg. 10 Morning Bible Study Mtg. in lounge at Ligonier Gardens 11:30 am Book 5 pm BPW Mtg. Study in Lounge 5:30 pm Worship Prep Mtg. 11 2 pm Circle #1 12 11:30 am 17 10:45 am Sat 1 2 8 9 Ruth Mtg. in Lounge 15 7 pm Coffee- 16 7 pm Plain Pick Up house at The Barn Cities Concert in Sanctuary/Youth Night 19 6 pm Educa- 20 2:15 Ramada 21 22 8 am—3 pm 23 8 am - noon tion Mtg. Rummage Sale 10-2 pm Lunch Rummage Sale Book Study in Lounge 18 Bible Mentor Class 7 7 pm Circle of Fri 14 3-6 pm Pie Mtg. in Lounge 13 Thu Tour 7 pm Clarion University Concert Newsletter Deadline Rummage Sale 24 Camp Alleghe- 25 26 7 pm Member- 27 28 6 pm Women’s 29 ny Booster Dinner ship Committee Mtg. in Lounge Dinner in Fellowship Hall 30 7 pm Trustees Mtg. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 7th 10th 11th 11th 13th 16th 16th 22nd 22nd 23rd 25th 29th April Birthdays April Greeters 8:30 a.m. 3rd Don & Sherry Smith 10th Art & Cheryl McMullen 17th John James & Beth Hebb 24th The Hockenberry Family Cathy Vanderhoff Dawn Gilbert Bill Hixson (for real) Alec Bloom Jacob Cramer Cole Brunton Marjorie McCarty Morgan Glista Jeffrey Goswick Megan Glista Nate Hockenberry Anna Baum Sadie Hockenberry Chase Weaver Daryle Brown Anniversary wishes to Henry Fisher Chuck & Sharon Shaffer, April 3rd Bethanie Orban Bill & Pam Stablein, married April 4th 10:45 a.m. Floyd & Dot McConnaughey John & Dottie Johnson The Glista Family Ron & Louise Wagner Regular and Weekly Meetings Sunday 8:30 & 10:45 am Worship Services 9:40 am Sunday School Monday 10:00 am Pastor’s Bible Study 7:00 pm Monday Night Bible Study Tuesday 10:00 am Tues. Morning Bible Study 7:00 pm Cub Scouts in Fellowship Hall Weds 6:15 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal 8:00 pm AA Meeting Friday 8:00 pm AA Meeting Saturday 6:00 pm Contemporary Worship Service Sunday Satellite Services: 9:00 am Barnes Place (Latrobe) 9:30 am Greensburg Care Center 9:30 am Loyalhanna Care Center (Latrobe) 9:30 am Loyalhanna Senior Suites (Latrobe) 9:30 am Brookdale Senior Living (Latrobe) 9:30 & 10:15 am Walden’s View Sr Living (N. Huntingdon) 10:30 am Nature Park Commons (Greensburg)
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