St. John the Baptist Catholic Church


St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
Cooks Valley Township – 4540 State Hwy. 40, Bloomer, WI
Web Site: – Mailing Address: 4540 State Hwy. 40, Bloomer, WI 54724
St. John The Baptist, Cooks Valley
Saturday, 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, 9:30 a.m.
St. Paul’s, Bloomer
Saturday, 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, 8:00 & 11:00 a.m.
St. John The Baptist, Cooks Valley
Tuesday & Thursday, 8:30 a.m.
First Friday Mass, 10:30 a.m.
St. Paul’s, Bloomer
Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m.
Friday – School Mass, 8:00 a.m.
Adoration begins immediately following
the 8:30 a.m. Mass Thursday and ends
with the 10:30 a.m. First Friday Mass.
Please check bulletin
Recited every Sunday morning at 9:00 am
Pastor – Fr. John Potaczek
Secretary: Candyce Sarauer
For all sacramental or emergency needs,
please call Fr. Potaczek at 715-568-3255.
St. John’s – Cooks Valley ................................568-3778
St. Paul’s – Bloomer .......................................568-3255
David Loew ....................................................568-2754
Kevin Butek ....................................................962-3433
Family Life
Mary Kay Fanetti ...............................................568-3521
Buildings and Grounds
Jeff Hilger ..........................................................568-5917
Ken Schmitt, custodian......................................568-5508
Deb Klukas ....................................................962-4186
Cindy Swartz ....................................................568-2584
Vice President
MaryJo Schley...................................................568-5644
Amy Leavens ....................................................568-4704
Jean Schindler...................................................962-3026
Saturdays 7:00-7:45 p.m.
Couples should contact the pastor before
the wedding date is set. Allow eight
months for preparation before the
wedding date.
preparation prior to the baptism of their
first child. Please contact the parish office.
James Willi ........................................................568-2158
Choir Director
Christi Larson ....................................................568-2662
We welcome all new parishioners! Please contact the parish
office for registration.
BULLETIN DEADLINE is Tuesday afternoon. Call the
parish office with bulletin information, 568-3778 or e-mail:
1-800-627-7846 or to find out Mass
times at a church near your travel destination.
FEBRUARY 1, 2015
Saturday and Sunday – Feb. 7-8
Sat., Jan. 31
8:00 pm
Sun., Feb. 1
9:30 am
Tues., Feb. 3
Vigil: 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
+Bernadine Michels
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
+Ernest and Eileen Sykora
St. Blaise, Bishop/Martyr; St. Ansgar, Bishop
8:30 am
Thurs., Feb. 5
8:30 am
Fri., Feb. 6
10:30 am
Sat., Feb. 7
8:00 pm
Sun., Feb. 8
9:30 am
+Kay Hazuga’s Parents/Jim Hazuga Fam.
St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr
+Mary (Shakal) Moldenhauer
First Friday
Saturday: Anthony and Joe Mashak, Cole Boettcher
Sunday: Trevor and Trent Gardom, Will Ottinger
Saturday: Patty Zwiefelhofer
Sunday: Kathryn Shakal
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
Saturday: Clayton Shakal
Sunday: Courtney Ottinger and Connie Eide
Rosary Leader for Sunday
Andy Shakal
St. Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs
Money Counters
+Bernard & Veronica Greene & Descendants
Vigil: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
+Kathryn and William Stoffel
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
+John and Paulina Mikl Family
Katie Gardom and Candyce Sarauer
Rosary is Recited Every Sunday Morning at 9 a.m.
24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration begins after the
Thursday Mass before First Friday
2014 Easter candle burns in memory of Bernadine Michels
Religious Education Classes will resume on
Wednesday, February 4, at 6:30 pm.
Valentine Spaghetti Supper
Wednesday, February 11 Sponsored by St. Theresa’s Circle Serving from 4:30‐7:30 pm – Free Will Offering Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Lettuce Salad, Garlic Bread, Valentine Cookies, Cupcakes, and Brownies, Milk and Coffee Everyone Welcome – Prize Drawing at 7:00 pm
Jan. 31-Feb. 6: Frances and Rachael Butek
Feb. 7-13: Candyce Sarauer
What’s on the Pastor’s Mind. . . .
Many are gearing up for the super bowl, parties and food
and all the commercials. But Pope Francis is gearing up for
February 2, the feast of the presentation of the Lord. It is
also the celebration of the world day for consecrated life.
The Holy Father has called for a year of consecrated life.
The focus is on religious and those who have taken vows. It
is a good time to reflect on when was the last time we have
been able to have a religious vocation come from our
parish? It is a good reminder for us to pray for sisters and
nuns, monks and brothers. Do we encourage our young
people to look at such vocations? Jesus was presented in
the temple to fulfill the Jewish law and His Father's will.
Are we helping those called to religious life fulfill their
vocation and our Father's will for them? The super bowl is
a good time. Encouraging our young people to follow
God's will is a better use of our time, that we can do all
year long and not for just one day of celebration.
Fr. John Potaczek
Diocesan Annual Appeal-Goal $14,069
Thank you to those who have already sent in
their pledge/payments. At this time we have
$7,675.00 in pledges with a balance of
$6,394.00 yet to go. We are now at 54.5% of
our goal. The appeal ends June 30. Please consider a
pledge today. For info. on how the money is used, visit
Christian Giving–Jan. 25
$ 622.00
$ 778.00
The Bible Timeline Bible study at St. John's will
resume on Feb. 4. We will be covering session 15.
Nominations for Rosary Altar Society Officers.
In the pews you will find nomination sheets for the
offices of vice president and secretary. You may
nominate yourself and/or someone else. Please drop
it in the collection basket.
Died in Christ
Marjorie Swartz -January 27, 2015
Candle In Memoriam. A 7-Day vigil candle burns
this week in memory of Tom LaGesse.
24-Hour Adoration will begin this Thursday following
the 10:00 am Mass until Friday, at the 10:30 am Mass.
Please remember your hour with the Lord or find a
World Youth Day 2016 Fundraiser. Kathryn
Shakal is raising money for World Youth Day in Poland
2016. Employing her ten plus years of sewing
experience, Kathryn hopes to raise money through
making little girl dresses, especially First Communion
dresses. She is happy to meet with you and your special
someone for measuring and other information needed to
desire. (715) 568-5243.
EMHCs and Lectors Needed. We are in need of more
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Lectors.
We ask all Confirmed parishioners who regularly attend
Mass to please take time in prayer to ask our Lord if He
wishes you to help our priests distribute the “Supper of the
Lamb” and help proclaim the good news through the
readings. All ministers are placed on a schedule. If you
cannot be at your assigned Mass, another minister can be
asked to fill in for you. For questions, please contact Fr.
Potaczek at 568-3255 or Kevin Butek at 962-3433.
St. Paul’s Catholic School News
Registration is in progress for our 2015-2016 4K
Program. There is no cost for tuition as we partner with
the public school. Join us for 4K Registration Days
February 12, Supper 4:00-6:30, or February 13,
Breakfast 8:30-11:00, to meet our excellent teacher and
to learn more about our program. Small class size, all
faiths welcome, field trips, etc. Registration materials are
available in our office. Call Mrs. Peterson, 715-5683233, for a tour or if you have questions. We are so
proud to show you what we can offer your child!
2015 Distinguished Graduates. Special commendation is given to the recipients of the 2015 Distinguished
Graduate Awards, Mrs. Marian (Hurt) Hunt and Mr. Tom
Ruff! These individuals admirably represent the benefits of
a Catholic education for years to come. May they receive
many blessings for leading faith filled lives of leadership &
excellence the core values of St. Paul’s Catholic School
Early Release Wed. Feb. 4th.
School will be
dismissed at 12:50 pm on Wednesday, February 4th to
accommodate our monthly faculty meetings.
Activity Committee has scheduled an afternoon of fun at
High Roller Skating in Eau Claire from 1:00-4:30 pm in
for interested families. Please call the office for more
FEBRUARY 1, 2015
Marriage “911” –Retrouvaille Program: February
13-15, 2015 at St. Anthony’s in Marathon. If your
dreams of happiness in marriage have turned to
disappointment and loneliness, this program offers tools
to restore the love that brought you together. No matter
how bad things have been, regardless of how long
problems have existed, people CAN and DO CHANGE.
This is a fully confidential program—you are not
required to share with others beside your spouse. For
more information or registration, call Toll Free: 1-877922-HOPE (4673). Information and on-line registration
also available at:
TMIY - “That Man is You”
To the men of St. John and St. Paul parishes: Our Mission
begins to turn towards the Lenten season. This week we
will present the true grandeur of a man’s heart by
identifying the desire to live the life of God the Father as
the only desire capable of satisfying the human heart. This
is one you do not want to miss.
This Session Contains:
•The Reality of Man’s Heart
•The Moment of Self Consciousness
•The Thirst of the Human Heart
•The Fulfillment of the Heart’s Desires
•The Temptation and Fall of Humanity
•The Renewal of Creation
•A Man After God’s Own Heart
Please Join Us! Our World needs authentic leaders. You
are being called to become a man after God’s own Heart,
That Man is You! seeks to form men who will be capable of
transforming homes and society. We will share a light
breakfast and social time at 6:30 am followed by the
Paradisus Dei weekly video instruction and group
discussion in St. Paul’s Parish Hall. There is no charge to
Learn more at the Paradisus Dei link:
To register to participate go to:
5977 or contact:
Tim Guski at 715-821-5295 or
Pro-Life Legislative Conference in Madison.
Wisconsin Right to Life is sponsoring a Pro-Life
Legislative Conference in Madison on Tuesday, February
10 from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm, to discuss current political
goals in Wisconsin and to connect participants with their
legislators. If you are interested in meeting there as part of
a group from the Diocese of La Crosse, register at (where you can find complete information
on the conference) no later than Sunday, Feb. 8 and contact
the Office for Ministries and Social Concerns at 608-7912664.
Pancake Breakfast, St. Peter, Tilden, Sun., Feb. 15,
8:30-11:30 am. Sheephead/Euchre tournament following
at 1 pm.
the Joy of Christ
How Does God Guide Us?
Have you ever found yourself saying, “If only God would tell me what to do?” We know He wants what’s best for us,
both now and in the “long run.” And we also know, He wants to guide us. The following points are helps to receiving
and understanding God’s guidance.
Practice the Presence of God (See Hebrews 10:19-23,
Psalm 16:11, Psalm 51:11, Psalm 140:13)
You become better able to distinguish God’s guidance
by making a practice of being aware of His continual
presence. You will want to spend some set-apart, quiet
time, no matter how short, on a daily basis to converse
with Jesus, to build a relationship with Him as you would
with a friend. As you share your thoughts and feelings
with Him, you will begin to sense the reality of His caring
Presence in the everyday moments of your life. Then,
“on purpose” decide to turn your thoughts or attention
to God as you go about your day, and offer “thought
prayers” of thanksgiving, requests for help etc.
Know the Word (See John 8:31-32; 2 Timothy 3:16-17)
A great deal of God’s guidance is given to you in the
Scriptures. Therefore, it is necessary to spend time
reading His Word—especially the four Gospels. Very
often, as you are reading, the Lord will “quicken” or
“highlight” a verse or passage in your heart. It will speak
to you personally and help you to know your next step in
His way for you.
Have “no mind of your own in the matter” (See Proverbs
3:5-8; Philippians 2:5)
pray for the
grace to come to the Lord for guidance without already
having “made up your mind” as to what you want the
answer to be. Be honest; if you already have a strong
leaning as to what you want, tell Jesus. Then, remember
that He really does want what is best and is good for
you, what you really do want in the end! He is always for
life, truth, and love.
Do not discount the desires of your heart. These are
God has placed desires deep in your heart that He
to you after you express your willingness to follow Him
will be added. (See Matthew 6:33)
Realize that Sin “blinds” (See 1 John 2:11; 2 Corinthians
4:4-6; 2 Peter 1:3-9)
No one is perfect. You will always be dealing with
some areas of sinfulness until you get to Heaven, but
you need to make sure that you are not continuing in
conscious, willful sin. Doing so compromises (“dulls”)
your discernment and ability to make sound judgments
in all areas of life—in the natural order, as well as
the spiritual. There is “pleasure in sin for a season”
(Hebrews 11:25), but it eventually corrodes all that
is good in relationships, material blessings, mental
outlook etc.
You can’t “free yourself” from sin but Jesus has obtained
this power for you on the Cross. You must acknowledge
your sin (disordered choices) to Him and follow His
direction to freedom. It’s important to remember that
you do this one step at a time.
continued on next page >>
Diocese of La Crosse, WI
God’s Peace—Our Special Guidance (See Philippians
4:6-7; John 14:27; John 16:33 1Corinthians 14:33;
2Thessalonians 3:16)
As you follow the Lord’s direction as best you understand
it, you will experience a deep, settled peace in your heart. It
may be experiencing. There is no “counterfeit” for this peace
when you experience it, you know it...and only God can
give it! This peace is accompanied by joy, not “happiness”
and based on the “happenings” or circumstances you
are experiencing. This peace and eventual joy is the most
to remember that this peace/joy will always be accompanied
by other “signposts, as well (see below).
“Two or More Witnesses” (See 2 Corinthians 13:1)
God can speak to you in many ways. As you seek God’s
proper amount of time (He normally takes longer than you
would like!) to allow His “guidances” to come to you. You
can’t force or hurry up the process. Like the lights that
mark out the course of a runway at night for an airplane
pilot, the Lord will give you “lights” (notice the plural) that
will map out His course for you. Some of these “lights” or
“signposts” were already mentioned:
- The peace given in your heart by the Holy Spirit.
- Your sense (“gut” level) about what you know is right
or wrong.
- Dreams...remember Joseph in the Old Testament,
and Joseph in the New Testament.
- The counsel of godly and wise, experienced persons—
parents, pastors, teachers, and friends whom you
respect for their integrity.
- Sometimes without knowing of your discernment
process, a friend will come and voice some words
that speak directly to your situation; your heart will
“lift” and you know it is a piece of guidance, or…you’ll
be reading or listening and the Lord will highlight a
word or phrase that helps give you clarity.
These different “witnesses” from the Lord, especially the
These helps to receiving and understanding God’s Guidance were partially compiled/
partially adapted from a series of tapes entitled “12 Principles of God’s Guidance” given
For more information contact:
Parish Name: St. John the Baptist
Cooks Valley Township
4540 State Hwy 40
Bloomer WI 54724
Sales &
Richard Schley
(715) 568-5644
Emergency Cell: (715) 933-1830
16101 Cty. Hwy A
Bloomer, Wis. 54724
Horan Funeral
420 Bay St., Chippewa Falls
100% Grass‐fed Beef Cooks Valley
Tree Service
Seasonal Availability Club Calves *Tree Removal *Brush Chipping
Don Sarauer
Ken & Laurie Schmitt 715‐568‐5508
Blue Diamond
Family Dental
Shadick’s Foods
1303 Main Street – 715-568-4430
7:00 am – 9:00 pm
Thomas J Rufledt, DDS
Gregory A Mihm, DDS
David J Irwin, DDS
Christopher Goettl, DDS
Shadick’s C-Store
18928 Hwy 40 – 715-568-1461
5:00 am – 10:00 pm
1502 Main St., Bloomer
Locally Owned and Operated
Propane•Fuel Oil•Gas•Diesel
(715) 723-2828
1080 W. River Street Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Seeds & Stuff
Pioneer brand seed products
General Farm Products
Pet, Lawn, Garden Products
Grain Handling Equipment
5 miles east of Colfax on Hwy. 40
962-3587 or 962-3154
Kent (Sid) Hoke MP.L.C. 224199
Dan (Slick) Hoage MP.L.C. 220974
Take your Faith beyond Sunday
and into the rest of the week!
Schriver - Thompson
Funeral Home &
Cremation Services
Farm Market
1806 17th Ave., Bloomer
Family owned and operated by
Matt Thompson
Food & Spirits Nightly Specials
Open Wed. – Sun. for Lunch
It’s a pleasure to serve you!
Patti Nowak & Nick Anderson
601 Main Street, Bloomer, WI 54724
Open Daily
Phone (715)568-1514
M-F 7am – 6pm
Sat 8am – 4pm
Sun 9am – 1pm
MC Trucking
Clothes Closet
Service  Remodeling
Construction  Sewer Systems
 Hot Water Heating Systems
 New
“Fully Insured”
Phone: (715) 962-4155 Fax: (715) 962-4156
1316 Main St.
Bloomer, WI 54724
David & Benjamin Olson
1516 Larson Street, Bloomer
Over 60 Years of Service
(Behind the new Bloomer Food Pantry)
Auto Wash
Rita & Kevin Lenfant, owners
Not Just a Flower Shop!
1017 Railroad Ave. • PO Box 175
(Behind Holiday Station) Colfax, WI 54730
3 Self‐Serve Bays – 1 Automatic P: 715-962-3525 • F: 715-962-2525
Gift Certificates Available 1418MainStreet
2059 19th Ave ‐ Bloomer 715‐568‐2233
Bloomer Floral & Gift
For Every Reason and Season
Open Tuesdays 4-7 pm
Fridays 12 noon – 4 pm
719 Ivy Street
Mark & Carol Clements
ShaleBlack DirtGravel Fill
Trucking & Excavating Needs
 Plumbing
The St. John’s Dairy Farmers say,
“Your body is God’s temple, drinking
MILK keeps it healthy”
Kuts & Kurls 1706 York Street, Ste. 9 Bloomer, Wisconsin 715‐568‐1400 Michael Sarauer
Hay Sales - Custom Baling
Large Square Bales
568-5540 or 715-456-2668
Nate’s Towing
Nate Prince, Owner
24-Hour Service
Please patronize the Advertised businesses
who help make it possible for our weekly bulletin!
To advertise on this Bulletin call 568-3778
Remember St. John In Your Will
Our Legal Title is: St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
4540 State Hwy. 40, Bloomer WI 54724
14617 40th Street – Bloomer, WI 54724