Current Bulletin - Holy Rosary Catholic Church


Current Bulletin - Holy Rosary Catholic Church
The Dominican Friars
serving the Archdiocese
of Galveston -Houston
3617 Milam St. G Houston, Texas
77002 H www.
Pastoral Message
February 1, 2015
Dear Parishioners,
Congratulations! We have a pastoral plan. The parishioners
who came to last Sunday’s ratification session enthusiastically approved the plan with its mission statement, goals, and objectives. I
believe enthusiastic approval was given to the plan, becasue of the
well thought-out process that went into creating the plan, which included time for reflection and input from you, the parishioners. Thank
you for your involvement in the pastoral plan creation process! We
could not have done it without you! As a result, we have an excellent
pastoral plan for the next five years. You can read the complete plan
in English and Vietnamese on the parish website.
To review, our mission statement says who we are as a parish,
our goals say what we plan to achieve, and our objectives say how
we plan to achieve our goals. Remember our pastoral plan is for the
next five years. It will take five years for the pastoral plan to come to
the full realization, but each year we will be making progress towards
that full realization with the implementation of our objectives. The
pastoral council received many excellent suggestions for objectives at
the November 8th and 9th assemblies. Some were reflected in this year’s
objectives; others will be reflected in coming years.
Now we begin putting our pastoral plan into action. In the
coming months, the pastoral council will be making you aware of
opportunities to get involved in the pastoral plan. Some parishioners
have already stepped up, saying they want to be involved. That is
great! But in the end, we will need many more parishioners to be involved if our plan is to be a success. See it as a way of growing in faith.
May Our Lady of the Rosary intercede for us!
—Brother Ian, O.P.
Upcoming Events
Today is Holy Rosary’s Black Bag Collection for our St. Vincent
de Paul Society. Please be generous. Thank you!
The DSF drive begins this Sunday: “Be Rich in Good Works...Ready to Share.”
Our parish goal for 2015 is $130,000. This fund enables us to minister in
ways that a single parish cannot. You may go online to
or use the envelopes in the pews or in the vestibule of the church to make
your donation.
SATURDAY 5:00 p.m. (Sunday Vigil)
DI a.m.,
8:00, 11:00
12:30, 5:00 p.m.
Vietnamese: 3:15 and 6:30 p.m.
Latin: 9:30 a.m.
12:05 p.m. Mon.– Sat., 5:15 p.m. Mon.–Fri.
11:30 a.m.– noon,
4:00–5:00 p.m.
WEEKDAYS 11:30 a.m.– noon
and 4:40–5:10 p.m. Mon.–Fri.
4:50 p.m. Mon.–Fri., 4:35 p.m. Sat. and Sun.
Fridays, 12:45–5:00 p.m. (5:05 Benediction)
Telephone 713-529-4854, enter an extension:
Br. Ian G. Bordenave, O.P. (Pastor) 101
Juan M. Torres, O.P. CALENDAR
(Parochial Vicar) 103
j t o r re s @ h o l y ro s a r y p a r i s h . o rg
Fr. Isidore V. Vicente, O.P. (Parochial Vicar) 104
Fr. Anthony Hung Tran, O.P. (Chaplain)
Ava Voissem (Parish Secretary) 101
o f f i c e @ h o l y ro s a r y p a r i s h . o rg
Geoff Green (Business Administrator) 109
businessadmin@holyrosaryparish . org
Valerie Chase (Special Projects) 102
Juan Maldonado (Bookkeeper) 108
Laura Chase (Wedding Coordinator) 110
David Paxton (Music Director) 105
Baptism scheduling 101
Anointing of the sick (visitations) 101
Religious Education Center (3535 Louisiana)
Janet Hafernik, C.R.E., 713-526-4389
Michelle Scenna (Religious Education Secretary)
re c s e c re t a r y @ h o l y ro s a r y p a r i s h . o rg
Priory (Friars in residence, 713-526-6322)
Fr. Richard Williams, O.P. (Prior); Fr. Bryan Fontenot, O.P.; Fr. Martin Iott, O.P.; Fr. Richard Patrick, O.P.
Assistance for those in need
St.Vincent de Paul Society, 713-529-2156
1–7, 2015
Sun. Deuteronomy 18:15–20
I Corinthians 7:32–35
Mark 1:21–28
We pray especially for those
named at this week’s Masses:
8:00 † Sophie and Steve Varnish
9:30 Tucker Arnold
11:00 † Mrs. Urbina
12:30 The Stephens Family
5:00 For the people of the parish
Mon. The Presentation
of the Lord
Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40
12:05 † Stuart Toomey
5:15 † Joe Laughlin
Tue. St. Blaise,
bishop and martyr
St. Ansgar, bishop
Heb 12:1-4; Mk 5:21-43
12:05 Paul Tran
5:15 † T. Marion Miller
Wed. St. Catherine de’ Ricci, O.P.,
Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Mk 6:1-6
12:05 † Barbara Davis
5:15 † Martha M. Pitarra
Thu. St. Agatha,
virgin and martyr
Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Mk 6:7-13
12:05 Karen Pratte
5:15 Tom Colbert
Fri. St. Paul Miki and
companions, martyrs
Heb 13:1-8; Mk 6:14-29
12:05 † Paul Bordenave
5:15 † Cheryl Ann Jefferson
Sat. Weekday
Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Mk 6:30-34
12:05 † Dr. Joseph Graham
5:00 Maria B. Morales
Reflection on the Sunday Scriptures
Prophets, anyone? PROPHETS: a word that appears constantly in the Hebrew Scriptures and which is the background for the Word of God for this
Sunday. It is through the mouth of the Prophets that Israel, and we ourselves, are given a glimpse of a God, who, from of old, wanted to reveal
Himself to us. Moses is the greatest of the Prophets since from the earlier
times of human history he was chosen to be the mouthpiece, the spokesperson,
of this God who exercised his role as leader, warrior, guide, protector, lover
and through it all we catch a glimpse of the God whom we adore. Moses
is the prototype and figure of the new Moses, Jesus Christ, who will bring
people from exile and slavery into the Promised Land.
Moses as Prophet sent by Yahweh God dismantled the power of the
Pharaoh and the politics of oppression exposing the gods of the Egyptians
as powerless and not gods at all. He offered to the Israelites an alternative
life style, one around and under the leadership of God to whom they swore
allegiance. Moses is the model of all the prophets of Israel who later would
have to remind the chosen community of the wonders He had worked for
all. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel will be the great Prophets of Israel,
a great honor, but one that also brings confrontation, persecution, and even
death for speaking the TRUTH of God.
And so a new Prophet, a new Moses, Jesus will come in the fullness
of time to lead all humanity away from the slavery of sin into a promise
never heard before: fullness of life, eternal life and oneness with His Father.
He will also be ultimately persecuted and killed for teaching this new concept of religion based, not on holocausts and animal sacrifices, but on the
surrendering of one’s own will to the Father, as He did. In time he will be
taken away and others, his followers, will continue the MISSION.
So, prophets, anyone? It is a scary thought. But new prophets are needed, today more than ever. St. Mark in the Gospel today (1: 21-28) tells us
that people were astounded and amazed at the teachings of Jesus, because
he taught with authority (v. 27). There are many messengers today and many
voices competing in our modern world for the very soul of men and women, young and old. Young especially. One of the great distortions in modern
life is the rationalization of sin. Moral absolutes as given in the Commandments are substituted for mere personal whims and desires. The Law of
God and natural law have given way in many, even in our political leaders,
to personal aspirations and artificial human rights. The unborn are disposable in the name of those artificial personal freedoms. That could be the ultimate deception of the Devil, to embrace evil as something good.
Again, there are many voices, many messengers but not many TRUE
PROPHETS who speak God’s TRUTH. But this TRUTH must be lived,
preached, embraced or we may perish. Yes, Prophets are needed in the
midst of this humanity which is unable or unwilling to admit its own moral misery.
Prophets and witnesses are needed. God’s grace will conquer any human foibles, selfishness, deception and sinfulness. But we must be, like the
publican in the gospel story, willing to say: God, have mercy on me a sinner.
May God’s Peace be with you always.
Parents: The Cry Room will
reopen in February 2015 with
updated video and sound.
—Fr. Vicente
Religious Education News
Spring Break is March 8 and 15 for Holy
Rosary’s Religious Education. There
will be no CCE classes held on those
days. Please go to the web site, or contact Janet Hafernik at 713-526-4389 or
Dominican Experience
If you would like to explore a vocation as a Dominican priest or brother,
the Dominican Friars of the Province
of St. Martin de Porres invite you to
join them for a Dominican Experience
Weekend. This weekend of prayer,
community, and information sharing
is designed to help men explore the
possibility of a vocation to Dominican
life. College-age and older men are invited to St. Albert the Great Priory in
Irving, Texas February 13-15. For information, contact the Vocation Promoter
Fr. Charles Johnson at or call 504-837-2129, ext. 6, or
visit our website at
Knights of Columbus
February 15: Pancake Breakfast will be
offered in the parish hall to bring in the
season of Lent.
Fish Fry dates are as follows: February
20 and 27, and March 20 and 27. Join us
after Mass or after the Stations of the
Cross on these Friday evenings.
If you wish to help, call Don Payne at
Br. Ian kindly asks people not to park
under the porte-cochere in front of the
parish hall. He would like to reserve
this area for loading and off-loading.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Home School
Resource Center
A parent information meeting to learn
about Regina Caeli and a potential resource center in the Katy area for the
2015-16 academic year, will be held on
Sunday, February 15, at 6:00 p.m. in the
STEM Building Lecture Hall, Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire
Blvd., Houston 77036. Please RSVP to
John Fahy at
or (713) 485-5314. For more info please
visit: or contact
Nikki Hand at (470) 239-0259.
Southern Dominican Gala’s
Wine Auction
Fr. Juan Torres, O.P., is requesting monetary donations towards this year’s
Southern Dominican Gala Wine Auction. Please make checks payable to
“Southern Dominican Gala” (in the
memo area, please write “wine”), and
send it to the parish office, Attn.: Fr.
Juan Torres, O.P. All contributions are
greatly appreciated and tax deductible.
Please save the date for the next Gala
on Sunday, April 26, at the Houstonian.
Be Rich in Good Works...
Be Ready to Share
Our Diocesan Services Fund (DSF) parish goal for 2015 is $130,000. With every parish family’s full participation,
we will surely exceed this amount and
do our share to help so many in need,
advancing the work of the church in
our community. To give online, please
visit www.archgh.ord/dsf or use the
envelopes provided in the pews or the
vestibule. For those who have already
responded with a gift, please accept
our sincere gratitude.
Help Wanted
There is a vital need for Spanish and
English speaking volunteers to take
calls from the poor and to visit Jesus in
the poor. If you can offer a few hours a
week, please contact any member of the
St. Vincent de Paul Society or call the
help line and leave a message at 713529-2156. Thank you.
Young Adult News
For more info, please email us at hrya. or on Facebook.
Bayou Awakening Retreat is offered
to young adults ages 18 to 25 and will
take place the weekend of March 13-15.
The mission of Awakening is to bring
young adults to a personal encounter
with Christ, provide opportunity for
spiritual renewal and to connect young
adults to the Catholic church.
Register online at or by mail before March 6. All
young adults in this age range are welcome. For more info, call 713-741-8778.
Order of Malta
The 7th annual Mass for the Anointing of the Sick will take place on Saturday, February 7, at 10 a.m. at the CoCathedral of the Sacred Heart, 1111 St.
Joseph Parkway, Houston 77002. The
Sacrament of Penance will be available
beginning at 9 a.m. Rev. Brendan Cahill
will be the celebrant for the Mass.
For more info or to register, please call
the Order of Malta at 713-870-8304 or
go to
Flower Donations
If you are wish to donate altar flowers
for a Sunday, please contact the parish
office. The cost is $130.
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Kevin G. Gardner II, Gloria Guerrero, Kevin Gardner Sr., Bob Reeder, William Beaver,
Alex Jimenez, Joe Kowis, Wayne Andrews, Blanche Mireles, Bonnie St. Julian, Mary Ann Weishoupt, Frank Mustachia,
Mary Jo Spurr, K. M. Chacko, Richard Galvan, Angel Davis, Hoa Thi Dang, Dr. Hubert Ried, Jean Ried, Mrs. Kay Hermes,
Norma McLellan Pribyl, and Bob Rogers
ALTAR FLOWERS: Christine and Kow Loon Ly donated the flowers on the main altar in celebration of their wedding. Please remember them in your prayers.
COLLECTIONS FOR January 25: This fiscal year, the weekly parish offertory goal is $24,000. Last week’s
total giving was $19,677.80. For the fiscal year, we are $36,723.66 below our goal. The second collection for the church
in Latin America was $4,922.52.
The parish’s 2015 Diocesan Services Fund goal is $130,000.
For all who give sacrificially to support Holy Rosary Parish and its ministries, and who support the Archdiocese
through the DSF as it ministers in ways a single parish cannot, we offer our heartfelt thanks.
Prayer for Consecrated Persons
God our Father, we thank you for calling men and
women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as sisters,
brothers, religious priests, consecrated virgins, and
hermits, as well as members of Secular Institutes.
Renew their knowledge and love of you, and send
your Holy Spirit to help them respond generously and
courageously to your will. We ask this through our
Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and
the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Pope Francis has proclaimed
2015 the Year of Consecrated Life
Please join us in the parish hall for
Wednesday Lunch
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An Outreach Ministry of Holy Rosary
Lunch is served after the 12:05 Mass.
(Feb. 4 menu: Seared Mexican Tilapia)
To help, please contact Maria Correa
at or 713-724-5262
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Lenten Resolutions...?
Holy Name Passionist Retreat Center has several upcoming dates. The theme for this
year is Meeting the Jesus I Never Knew, Becoming Companions at the Foot of the Cross. For
more information go to
Miles Christi has several retreats for men or women coming up in the Houston area.
Check it out at
Dominican Sisters’ Spirituality Center presents Fr. Brian J. Pierce, O.P. on Friday and
Saturday, March 13-14, at 6501 Almeda Rd., Houston 77021. For more information please
call 713-440-3719 or email
There are many ways in which a retreat may be made, by meditating on the Scriptural
Rosary (if only a decade at a time), in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, watching
Symbolon, reading some of the book selections from the kiosk in the vestibule of the
church, listening to the CDs, supporting Christian movies (Old Fashioned will be released
on Valentine’s Day) or being a prayerful presence in front of Planned Parenthood. Holy
Rosary’s day is the fourth Thursday of every month but you are welcome at any time.
Supporter of the
Southern Dominican Gala
“If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.”
This was our response to today’s Responsorial Psalm. This is also the mission of the St. Vincent
de Paul Society – listening to the voice of those in need, the marginalized, the hopeless. Every
day we get calls of help from people who need our assistance to keep their electricity going, help
them find shelter for the night, and then help them find a permanent solution for the long term,
people who need medicine or formula and diapers for their babies, for food. Our hearts go out
to these requests and your generosity to the Black Bag collection today and every first Sunday of
the month as well as contributions to the Poor Box in the rear of the church allow us to respond.
Together with a hand up we offer our and your prayers for their comfort and witness their joy at our caring. Thank
you for supporting us. Call 713-529-2156 for help or to help out.