St Alban's, St Joseph's and St Peter's Catholic Churches Three
St Alban's, St Joseph's and St Peter's Catholic Churches Three
St Alban’s, St Joseph’s and St Peter’s Catholic Churches Three Rosminian Parishes United in One Faith 1st - 7th FEBRUARY 2015 4th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE B) (Education Sunday) THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK It is only our God who unites: all else separates. (Blessed Antonio Rosmini) ACTA - A CALL TO ACTION This is a national group of clergy and laity who have come together to discuss the future of the Church. More details on the An inaugural meeting for a group in the Archdiocese of Cardiff is to meet in St. Brigid’s Parish Hall, Crystal Glen, this Monday 2nd February at 7pm. All are welcome. Further details from Frank Callus or Mobile:- 07956005459. WALES & THE MARCHES CATHOLIC HISTORY SOCIETY Our next lecture is on Sunday, February 8th at 3.00 pm in St. David’s College, Ty Gwyn Road, Cardiff. The speaker is Richard Newton and the lecture is entitled “The Third Marquis of Bute - The Catholic Convert”. Free entry, all welcome. Further info from Tricia Coulthard on 029 2059 5899. MASS IN THE WELSH LANGUAGE On February 22nd, and every Sunday from then on, the Mass will be celebrated at 4.00 pm at the chapel in Nazareth House, Colum Road, Cardiff. This is a new opportunity for learners and for children in Welsh medium education to hear the Mass in Welsh. You will be welcome to join the regular congregation or to just come from time to time. A warm welcome awaits - croeso cynnes i bawb. THE ANNUAL UNIVERSITY MASS This will be celebrated at the re-constructed pre-Reformation church of St. Teilo at St. Fagan’s Museum, Cardiff on Saturday, 7th February at 10.00 am. An ecumenical schola will sing the Victoria Mass. PAPYRUS (Prevention of Young Suicide) Suicide is a leading cause of death among our young people. PAPYRUS seeks to work with communities across the UK to tackle the stigma that surrounds suicide and to promote mental health and wellbeing among young people and those who care for, and work with, them. An event will be held on Wednesday, 25th March at the Pastoral Centre, 910 Newport Road, Rumney, CF3 4LL from 10.00 am to 3.30 pm (light lunch provided). Entry is free for Familias members and a £10 donation is requested from others. Contact Joanne White, 029 2036 5964 or email: All are welcome but we would particularly like to have attendance from Secondary School Heads, Heads of RE/PSHCE, Chaplains, Clergy, anyone in pastoral ministry, Youth workers, Cathechists, Safeguarding Co-ordinators, all members of Familias or anyone who has been affected by suicide. HEALTHCARE & HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCY A Day for Clergy and Hospital Ministers with Bishop Tom Williams on Monday, 2nd March, from 11.00 am at the Pastoral Resource Centre, 910 Newport Road, CF3 4LL, Charge is £10 per person, which includes a buffet lunch. If you plan to attend, please book a place via Sister Maureen, 029 2036 0044 or PROFESSIONALS PROTECT! A two hour public education session for clergy, religious, teaching staff and volunteers or other adults who work/volunteer with children and young people in the diocese is being held on Thursday, 26th February from 6.30 - 8.30 pm at the Pastoral Resource Centre, 910 Newport Road, CF3 4LL. The session aims to raise awareness of child sexual abuse and provide positive messages about what they can do to protect children. Discussion during the session allows participants to understand abuser behaviour and how to overcome them. It concludes with information about what positive preventative actions adults can take in their professional roles to prevent child sexual abuse. Places are limited to 20 people per session and will be allocated on a first come basis. Please contact Martin Mahoney on 029 2036 5960 or Joanne White on 029 2036 5964. ST ALBAN’S PARISH Cameron Street, Splott, Cardiff CF24 2NX Tel: 029 2046 3219 ST JOSEPH’S PARISH New Zealand Road, Gabalfa, Cardiff CF14 3BR Tel: 029 2041 1819 ST PETER’S PARISH St Peter Street, Roath, Cardiff CF24 3BA Tel: 029 2048 3394 St. Peter’s Hall Tel: 029 2049 4425 Parishes of the Archdiocese of Cardiff Registered Charity No 242380 Served by Rosminians SAFEGUARDING REPRESENTATIVES St Alban’s - Maggie Suller 07899 748377 St Joseph’s - Chris Mullane 07747 057163 St Peter’s - Theresa Hurley 029 2041 0092 PARISH TEAMS St Peter’s Fr Philip Scanlan, Fr. Michael McCarthy, Fr Jim McKnight & Rev. Robert James St Alban’s Fr. Saji Dominic, Fr Joe Mullen, St Joseph’s Fr Ambrose Maliakkal, Fr Edward Cody, Deacon Mark Howe, Br Brian Butler ST ALBAN’S PRIMARY SCHOOL Tel: 029 2046 2915 ST JOSEPH’S PRIMARY SCHOOL 029 2062 1625 ST PETER’S PRIMARY SCHOOL Tel: 029 2049 7847 CORPUS CHRISTI HIGH SCHOOL Tel: 029 2076 1893 ST ILLTYD’S HIGH SCHOOL Tel: 029 2077 8174 ST DAVID’S CATHOLIC SIXTH FORM COLLEGE Tel: 029 2049 8555 St Alban’s Parish Notices St Joseph’s Parish Notices SVP APPEAL The SVP Group are trying to help a struggling young family in our Parish. They have already been provided with some household items but still need a fridge/freezer, gas cooker, double bed and single bed. If you can help with any of these items please contact Peter McKendry or any other SVP member. PLEASE make a determined effort to maintain a dignified silence before and immediately after Mass FRANCIS JOSEPH CONNOLLY, RIP Please remember in your prayers Francis Joseph Connolly, recently deceased. The Funeral Service will be on Thursday, 5th February at 10.30am. READERS We urgently need more readers for our Masses on Saturday and Sunday each week. If you think you could carry out this important duty please contact Fr. Saji. RECONCILIATION & HOLY COMMUNION 2015 Any queries or concerns please contact Theresa, Maggie or Fr. Saji. CATECHETICAL GROUP Working with children is both challenging and time consuming but very rewarding, and your continued patience and support is much appreciated. If any parent or parishioner would be interested in joining the Catechetical Team at St. Alban’s, please feel free to come and have a chat with Theresa, Maggie or Fr. Saji. COFFEE MORNING Don’t forget our next Coffee Morning at 10.00 am on Tuesday, 3rd February in the Hall. Come along for tea, coffee, a chat and bingo. Also, the January 200 Club draw will take place. FREE FILM NIGHT Our next free film night will be in the Hall on Tuesday, February 10th starting at 7.30 pm. All are welcome. CONFIRMATION 27th JUNE 2015 at 6pm Please keep in your prayers the seventeen young people who have expressed a wish to be Confirmed this year. The first Class will be on Saturday, 21st March from 4pm - 5.30pm. LORNA THOMAS, RIP The Requiem Mass for Lorna will be held on Friday 6th February at 10.30am. BOB MAUNDER, RIP Mary and family would like to thank everyone who sent cards and Masses and all those who attended the wonderful celebration of Bob’s life which we experienced together. God Bless you all. LIFT TO CHURCH A parishioner living in Llantrisant Street would very much appreciate a lift to the 11.00 am Mass each Sunday. If you can help please contact Bro Brian. PRAM REQUIRED A pram is required for a newborn baby Please speak to Fr. Ambrose if you can help. NEWSLETTER The Newsletter will be finalised on Wednesday morning, 4th February. Items are always welcome so if you have anything you would like to submit, either send it to one of the two email addresses below or hand it in to the Presbytery by Tuesday evening. or This Week’s Events/Meetings Monday 6pm Legion of Mary Presbytery Monday 7.30pm UCM Meeting Presbytery Tuesday 7.00pm Divine Mercy Meeting Presbytery This Week’s Events/Meetings Monday 7.30pm UCM Meeting Room Thursday 7.30pm Bible Study Lady Chapel St Peter’s Parish Notices PLEASE make a determined effort to maintain a dignified silence before, during and immediately after Mass, especially in the porch area. CONFIRMATION This Sacrament will be celebrated on Thursday, June 18th at 7.00 pm for our young Parishioners in Year 9 or above. Attendance at ALL the preparation classes will be essential but before these can begin (probably before Easter, so keep at watch on the Newsletter), each candidate must attend the previous Sunday Mass to collect their personal letter of application. These letters must be signed by the candidate and their parents (or guardian) and returned personally by the candidate before the first Confirmation class. ST. BLAISE Tuesday of this week, February 3rd, is the feast of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr. Because there is a Requiem Mass here at 10.00 am on Tuesday, there will be no 9.30 am Mass on that day and the traditional Blessing of Throats on St. Blaise’s day will be given after the 8.00 am and 9.30 am Masses on MONDAY. JUSTICE AND PEACE Anyone interested in the cause of justice and peace is invited to attend the National meeting of the Justice and Peace network taking place on February 14th at St. David’s Sixth Form College, Ty Gwyn Road from 10.30 am until 4.00 pm. MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIFE SYNOD At the back of the Church there are copies of the questionnaire leading up to the Synod which is taking place in Rome later this year. Personal responses can always be left at the Presbytery, marked “SYNOD RESPONSE”, and need to be handed in by February 16th. FIRST FRIDAY DEVOTIONS Why not join us in St. David’s Chapel on Friday, 6th January between 3.00 and 400 pm? All welcome. We still need more volunteers to help cover sickness or holidays for work on the weekly Newsletter, Church cleaning and general office tasks. If you are willing and able, please contact Fr. Philip. Many thanks. Reading Rotas for February are now ready for collection from the Sacristy. The new altar linen rota is now ready to be collected from the Sacristy. BIG BINGO at St Peter’s Hall on Monday 2nd February. Doors open 6.30pm. Eyes down 7pm. Chicken/Fish suppers and Raffle. All welcome. Dates for your Diaries Monday 2nd February ACTA - A Call to Action. A meeting in St. Brigid’s Parish Hall at 7.00 pm. Everyone is welcome. Big Bingo at St Peter’s Hall. Doors open 6.30pm. Eyes down 7pm. Chicken/Fish suppers and Raffle. All welcome. Ty Croeso Retreat Centre, Llantarnam Abbey - an opportunity to explore gospel values and the meaning of life through film. Cost £5. Phone 01633 867317. Friday 6th February First Friday Devotions at St. David’s Chapel, St. Peter’s Church from 3 - 4 pm. Saturday 7th February Annual University Mass at St. Teilo’s Church, St. Fagan’s Museum at 10.00 am. Elvis Night at St. Peter’s Church Hall at 7.30pm. Tickets £20 (includes food) from Welsh Hearts 029 2078 6521. Rock ‘n’ Roll fancy dress welcome. Sunday 8th February Wales & the Marches Catholic History Society Lecture “The Third Marquis of Bute The Catholic Convert” at St. David’s College at 3.00 pm. Free entry - all welcome. Saturday 14th February National Meeting of the Justice and Peace network from 10.30 am - 4.00 pm at St. David’s College, Ty Gwyn Road. Sunday 22nd February Mass in the Welsh Language at Nazareth House Chapel at 4.00 pm. Croeso cynnes i bawb. Friday 27th February Marriage Encounter Weekend running from 27th February - 1st March. Lydiard House, Swindon. Wednesday 11th March Desert Day at Ty Croeso, Llantarnam Abbey. A day of total quiet! Soup and rolls provided. Cost £12.50. Contact 01633 867317. Friday 27th March A Lenten Retreat running through to Sunday 29th March at Ty Croeso, Llantarnam Abbey. Cost £120. Contact 01633 867317. DEADLINE FOR NEWSLETTER ITEMS: Wednesday afternoon By telephone or drop off a note to your presbytery email Mass Times & Intentions SAT 31st JANUARY & SUN 1st FEBRUARY 4th SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (Education Sunday) St Alban’s 6.00 pm Catherine, Tom & John Clements St Joseph’s 6.00 pm Hilda, Bob & George Austin St Joseph’s 9.15 am Private Intention St Peter’s 9.30 am Maureen Keane St Alban’s 10.00 am Gordon Houlston St Joseph’s 11.00 am All Parishioners/Blandina & Alcide Rodrigues St Peter’s 11.00 am Patrick Daley St Peter’s 12.15 pm All Parishioners St. Joseph’s 4.00 pm Mass in Syro-Malabar Rite MON 2nd FEB - THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD (Feast) St Peter’s 8.00 am Reynolds Family St Joseph’s 9.15 am Marj Burns/Wynne Collins St Peter’s 9.30 am GE Carol Noble St. Peter’s 1.30 pm Funeral Service - Michelle Reynolds St. Albans 7.00 pm Jaqueline McQuade St. Joseph’s 7.30 pm UCM Monthly Mass-Bob Maunder TUES 3rd FEB - St. Blaise, Bishop & Martyr & St. Ansgar, Bishop St Peter’s 8.00 am The Barry Family St Joseph’s 9.15 am Jill Jones St. Alban’s 9.30 am Trish Jones St. Peter’s 10.00 am Requiem for Joseph Baker WEDS 4th FEB - Feria St Peter’s 8.00 am John Millett St Joseph’s 9.15 am Bob Maunder/GE Ellie May Goodwin St Peter’s 9.30 am Karen Williams St Alban’s 7.00 pm Bob Maunder Sacrament of Reconciliation St Peter’s St Joseph’s St Alban’s St Peter’s St Joseph’s Friday Saturday Saturday Saturday Sat After evening Mass 12noon - 1pm 12noon - 12.30pm 12.15 - 1pm 5.45pm (before 6pm Mass) Adoration St Alban’s St Joseph’s St. Peter’s St Alban’s Monday Wednesday Wednesday Friday St Peter’s Mon - Fri St Peter’s Mon - Thurs 6 - 7 pm ( St Joseph’s Chapel) 9.40 am - 3.30 pm 10 am - 8 pm (St David’s Chapel) 8.30 - 9.30am (St Joseph’s Rosary & Benediction Rosary daily after 8am Mass and before 7.00 pm Mass on Friday. Morning Prayer 9.15am (St David’s Chapel) Please keep in your prayers OUR RECENTLY DECEASED - R.I.P Lorna Thomas, Ian Thomas, Pamela Daughton, Michelle Reynolds, Joseph Baker, Francis Joseph Connolly. ANNIVERSARIES St Albans: William Affley, John Barry, Joan Kerrigan, Joan Lansdown, Neil Sheehan, John Donovan, Parul Beglay, Sheila Evans, Joseph Cryer, Mary Buckley, John Eley, Gaynor Davey. St. Joseph’s: Nellie Brittan, Margaret Coombes, Beatrice Edwards, William Deere, Ian Davies, Marcella Blakemore, Constance Fitzgerald, Ellen King, William Regan, Cornelius Sullivan, Pamela Mills, Mary Kingston, Michael Deneefe, William Burnett. St Peter’s: Juan Gamecho, Patrick Daly, Agnes O’Brien, David Lewis, Winifred Cavanagh, Catherine Phenis. THURS 5th FEB - St. Agatha, Virgin & Martyr St. Peter’s 8.00 am GE Romilly Fenlon St Joseph’s 9.15 am Bob Maunder St Peter’s 9.30 am Robert Maunder St. Alban’s 9.30 am GE Bridie Scanlan St. Alban’s 10.30 am Funeral Service - Francis Joseph Connolly FRI 6th FEB - St. Paul Miki & Companions, Martyrs St. Peter’s 8.00 am GE Romilly Fenlon St Joseph’s 9.15 am Rita Barry St Alban’s 9.30 am For all Parishioners St. Joseph’s 10.30 am Requiem for Lorna Thomas St. Peter’s 7.00 pm Maureen McNicholas BAPTISMS SAT 7th FEB - Votive Memorial of Our Lady St Peter’s 8.00 am Private Intention St. Joseph’s 9.15 am Private Intention St Alban’s 6.00 pm Terry O’Brien St Joseph’s 6.00 pm All Parishioners/Tom Caine MARRIAGES