THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK keep his footing, cannot stand before God.”
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK keep his footing, cannot stand before God.”
St Alban’s, St Joseph’s and St Peter’s Catholic Churches Three Rosminian Parishes United in One Faith 12th - 18th OCTOBER 2014 28th SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (CYCLE A) THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK “We must not deceive ourselves: anyone who does not pray cannot keep his footing, cannot stand before God.” (Blessed Antonio Rosmini) THE ROSARY Whenever She has appeared, Our Lady has always asked us to pray the Rosary every day. If we have not done so, let us respond to Her request in this month of the Rosary. If we are distracted as we pray the Rosary, we can help ourselves by having a particular intention for each decade - for Peace, for a sick person, for our Parish, for Vocations. In this way, not only do we do as Our Lady asks, but draw down through Her intercession so many graces and blessings. ARCHDIOCESE OF CARDIFF COMMISSION FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY The Commission for Christian Unity has published a book entitled “Towards Christian Unity” to mark the fiftieth celebration of the Decree Unitatis Redintegratio (The Restoration of Unity) which was promulgated on 21st November 1964 by the Second Vatican Council. Copies of the book are available from the Parish Priest. The books can be photocopied and will be available for downloading off the diocesan website very shortly. The Commission hopes this bilingual book will be useful for personal prayer and reflection and a help to groups in their discussions and prayer together. NATIONAL YOUTH SUNDAY November 23rd, the Solemnity of Christ the King, has been dedicated a “Youth Sunday” by the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. The seminarians of our Archdiocese are organising a Youth Retreat Day at the Cornerstone at St. David’s Cathedral, concluding with Mass celebrated by the Archbishop. The retreat day will begin at 2.30 pm, and will be an opportunity to learn something about the way we encounter Jesus, to share our faith, how to share your faith with others, and meet socially with other young people from the Archdiocese of Cardiff. It is designed for those of postConfirmation age (14+). More information can be found on Facebook at Youth or at where you can register your interest. PETITION REGARDING SCHOOL TRANSPORT FUNDING Thank you to all those who signed the petition against Cardiff Council’s decision to withdraw funding for discretionary fare paying buses for children who live within 3 miles of their school. If you didn’t get an opportunity, you can still do so online at These transport changes could affect many family’s choice for their children to attend a faith school in the future. VACANCY FOR HEADTEACHER St. Richard Gwyn Catholic High School, Barry, is seeking a Headteacher to commence work on 1st January, 2015. Full details can be obtained from Caroline Robinson 01446 729253 or email Closing date is 17th October. AN ORATORIO FOR COMPASSION... On Saturday, 8th November at 8.00 pm (pre-concert talk at 7.15 pm) in Dora Stoutzker Hall, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff, CF10 3ER. The Welsh Camerata is to give the first performance of a work called “Karunã” with internationally renowned soloists Emma Kirkby, Ian Yemm and Paul Carey Jones. Tickets £20, concessions £16, available fro m 029 2039 1391 or website ST ALBAN’S PARISH Cameron Street, Splott, Cardiff CF24 2NX Tel: 029 2046 3219 ST JOSEPH’S PARISH New Zealand Road, Gabalfa, Cardiff CF14 3BR Tel: 029 2041 1819 ST PETER’S PARISH St Peter Street, Roath, Cardiff CF24 3BA Tel: 029 2048 3394 St. Peter’s Hall Tel: 029 2049 4425 Parishes of the Archdiocese of Cardiff Registered Charity No 242380 Served by Rosminians SAFEGUARDING REPRESENTATIVES St Alban’s - Maggie Suller 07899 748 377 St Joseph’s - Rhys James 07826 847 726 St Peter’s - Theresa Hurley 029 2041 0092 PARISH TEAMS St Peter’s Fr Philip Scanlan, Fr. Michael McCarthy, Fr Jim McKnight & Rev. Robert James St Alban’s Fr. Saji Dominic, Fr Joe Mullen, St Joseph’s Fr Ambrose Maliakkal, Fr Edward Cody, Deacon Mark Howe, Br Brian Butler ST ALBAN’S PRIMARY SCHOOL Tel: 029 2046 2915 ST JOSEPH’S PRIMARY SCHOOL 029 2062 1625 ST PETER’S PRIMARY SCHOOL Tel: 029 2049 7847 CORPUS CHRISTI HIGH SCHOOL Tel: 029 2076 1893 ST ILLTYD’S HIGH SCHOOL Tel: 029 2077 8174 ST DAVID’S CATHOLIC SIXTH FORM COLLEGE Tel: 029 2049 8555 St Alban’s Parish Notices St Joseph’s Parish Notices PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Maureen Mercer, whose Funeral Service will be at St. Alban’s Church on Monday, 13th October at 12.30 pm and Peter Verallo whose Requiem Mass will be on Wednesday, 15th October at 12 noon at St. Alban’s Church. OCTOBER - THE MONTH OF THE ROSARY The Rosary will be said before each Mass as follows:Weekdays at 8.55 am; Saturdays at 5.40 pm and Sundays at 8.55 am and 10.40 am. On Friday, 31st October at 7.00 pm there will be Solemn Rosary and Benediction. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING HARVEST FAST DAY This Harvest Fast Day, our parish raised money for CAFOD. Thank you for your compassion and solidarity. The amount you gave will help to ensure countless more people are able to eat healthy, nutritious food today and can grow their own food to help support themselves tomorrow. APPEAL FOR HELP Volunteers are required to carry out small maintenance tasks in and around the School, i.e., gardening, etc. They are also needed to assist in class with the reading development of the pupils. See Fr. Saji or phone the School on 029 2046 2915. COFFEE MORNING The next Coffee Morning will be in the Hall at 10.00am on Tuesday 4th November. Come along for Bingo, tea or coffee and a chat. We’ll also be holding the 200 Club Draw for September. All are welcome! SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION 2015 Calling all pupils from St. Joseph’s Parish in Year 8 or above. Confirmation Classes will begin on Saturdays in the new year to be confirmed. Please write a short letter to Fr. Ambrose saying why you consider that you are ready to begin this preparation course for Confirmation. Details to follow. FILM CLUB Our next film screening on Tuesday, 21st October at 3.00 pm is the acclaimed “War Horse” by director Steven Spielberg (Cert 12). A World War I story of a remarkable friendship between a horse and his young trainer. Why not make it a family occasion? Admission free. Refreshments available. CALLING ALL ALTAR SERVERS There will be a meeting for all Altar Servers on Thursday, 23rd October at 6.00 pm in the Meeting Room. Please try to attend. This Week’s Events/Meetings This Week’s Events/Meetings Monday 7.30pm UCM Meeting Room Monday 7.30pm Legion of Mary Presbytery Tuesday after 9.15 Mass Church Cleaning Monday 7.30pm UCM Meeting Presbytery Tuesday 7.00 pm One World Group Presbytery Tuesday 6.30 pm Parish Council Meeting Presbytery Thursday 7.30pm Bible Study Lady Chapel Tuesday 7.00pm Presbytery Divine Mercy Meeting St Peter’s Parish Notices “THE THINGS THEY ASK” The third and final booklet in this series is now available and covers topics such as ‘The meaning of Prayer’, ‘Right and Wrong - how do we know?’ and ‘Why are we here?’. We ask for a donation of £1 per copy to help with the cost of printing. Please take a copy and pass it on to anyone you know who would be interested. CALLING ALL CARERS! Following the recent meeting of the Parish Council, we are resuming efforts to co-ordinate the various activities in the Parish which are directed to the care of the isolated, lonely and needy. For this reason, we invite members of the LOM, SVP, Eucharistic Ministers and Visiting Group to meet in the Presbytery at 7.00 pm on Thursday, October 30th. This will hopefully clarify what is being done, what needs to be done and how it can all be co -ordinated. Individuals who are not in one of these groups will also be very welcome. READERS OF THE WORD Those Parishioners who read the Scriptures at Mass are invited to a meeting in the Presbytery at 8.00 pm on Wednesday, October 29th, at which we shall share some of the latest insights and guidance for all who have this Ministry. Then, on Sunday, November 2nd, all the Readers present at each Mass will be officially commissioned to carry on the Ministry of the Word, rather like the Ministers of Holy Communion. SINCERE THANKS to those who volunteered to be ‘Listeners’ and also to those who gave their views in the recent ‘Listening Exercise’. This forms part of the Parish’s response to the Archbishop’s request to support Cardiff citizens in the task of identifying the issues that really concern people. For more information, please contact Peter Sullivan on 07906 101015 OPEN AFTERNOON AT ST. PETER’S PRIMARY SCHOOL Monday, 3rd November from 3.00 - 6.00 pm. We invite prospective parents to come to our school to view our facilities, meet our staff and have questions and queries answered. They may also make an application for their children to join our Nursery or Reception class in September, 2015. Dates for your Diaries Sunday 12th October Wales and the Marches Catholic History Society The first of our Autumn talks will be held at St. David’s Catholic Sixth Form College, Cardiff at 3.00 pm. The subject is “Eastern Christianity and the British Isles - an encounter between cultures” and the speaker is Fr. James Siemens, Parish Priest of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Parish of St. Theodore of Tarsus at St. Cuthbert’s. Tuesday 14th October Symbols, Signs, Images - Their value on our Spiritual Journey - a talk by Sister Brigid Cantwell SSJS at Ty Croeso Centre, Llantarnam Abbey, Cwmbran. Tel 01633 867317 or Concert in aid of Music as Therapy - the Cwmbach Male Choir and Cenestra Male Choir at 7.30 pm, St. Andrew’s Church, Penylan Road, . Tickets £8 from 07891 663333 /07596 999123 or on the door. Proceeds go to fund music therapy projects for children in Palestine. Saturday 18th October Concert for Lesotho - The Tredegar Orpheus Male Voice Choir at 7.00pm in St. Brigid’s Church, Crystal Glen, CF14 5QN in support of local charity Seeds for the Future (Lesotho). Tickets £8 adult and £4 children available on the door or from Elizabeth Taylor tel. 2075 1401, email Wednesday 22nd October The Founding Assembly of Cardiff Citizens begins at 7.00 pm at Tabernacle Welsh Baptist Church on the Hayes, Cardiff. Around 800 people will be present from dozens of civil organisations and groups from across Cardiff. Archbishop George Stack will be amongst the leaders present from all sections of society and civic life. He has urged us, as Catholics, to be part of this initiative that seeks to promote social justice and the common good. Admission is free but if you wish to attend you will need a ticket. For further information, please contact Peter Sullivan on 07906 101015 24th - 26th October Retreat Weekend for Young Adults (20’s 30’s) An opportunity for some input, prayer and a chance to meet other young Catholics will be held at Katherine House, Salford. The cost is donation only (suggested £25 if waged) and more information can be obtained from St. Lynne fcJ at Thursday 30th October Lecture at Swansea University at 7 pm. Lord Harries of Pentregarth speaks about “Modern Art - enemy or friend of religious art?” In Faraday Lecture Theatre A. Phone 01792 606444 for more information Mass Times & Intentions SAT 11th & SUN 12th OCTOBER St Alban’s 6.00 pm DM Bodman & Stimpson Families St Joseph’s 6.00 pm GE Rickard Family St Joseph’s 9.15 am All Parishioners St Peter’s 9.30 am Sr. Mary Wilfred Allan St Alban’s 10.00 am John Bodenham St Joseph’s 11.00 am Christopher Whelan St Peter’s 11.00 am Eileen McLoughlin St Peter’s 12.15 pm Michael Nicholls Sacrament of Reconciliation St Peter’s St Joseph’s St Alban’s St Peter’s Friday Saturday Saturday Saturday After evening Mass 12noon - 1pm 12noon - 12.30pm 12.15 - 1pm St Alban’s St Joseph’s St Peter’s St Alban’s Monday Wednesday Wednesday Friday St Peter’s Mon - Fri St Peter’s Mon - Thurs Adoration 6 - 7pm (St Joseph’s Chapel) 9.45am - 3.30pm 10am - 8pm (St David’s Chapel) 8.30 - 9.30am (St Joseph’s Rosary & Benediction Rosary daily after 8am Mass and before 7.00 pm Mass on Friday. Morning Prayer MON 13th OCT - Feria St Peter’s 8.00 am GE Virginia Broderick St Joseph’s 9.15 am Private Intention St Peter’s 9.30 am GE Chris Hurley St. Albans 10.30 am Funeral Service for Maureen Mercer St. Albans 7.00 pm Gordon Houlston TUES 14th OCT - St. Callistus I, Pope & Martyr St Peter’s 8.00 am Paul Fenlon St Joseph’s 9.15 am Anthony G. Carey St Peter’s 9.30 am DM Ianni & Zurlo Families St. Albans 9.30 am For all Parishioners WEDS 15th OCT - St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin & Doctor of the Church St Peter’s 8.00 am Anne Willis St Joseph’s 9.15 am Peter & Charlie Muscat St Peter’s 9.30 am DM Ianni & Zurlo Families St Alban’s 7.00 pm Margaret Davies 9.15am (St David’s Chapel) Please keep in your prayers OUR RECENTLY DECEASED - R.I.P Maureen Mercer, Peter Verallo, ANNIVERSARIES St Albans: Anthony Donovan, George Samuel, Mary Hexter, James French, Mary Higgs, Albert Green, Emma Owen, David Powell, Geranio San-Martin, Aidan Somers, Stephanie Watkins, Anne Pauline, Johannah Pugsley, Charlotte Hoddinot, Maureen Wakeham, Linda Newton, Daniel Collins. St. Joseph’s: Patricia John, William Williams, Charles Davies, Joan Rees, George Jones, Albert Williams, John King, Sr. Conleth, Jon Walters. St Peter’s: Anastasi John Darmanin, Mary O’Brien. THURS 16th OCT - St. Richard Gwyn, Schoolmaster and Martyr St Peter’s 8.00 am GE Marina Diffey St Joseph’s 9.15 am GE Elizabeth Kidley St Peter’s 9.30 am Marie & Frankie Jacobs & Chris Carapiet St Alban’s 9.30 am Julia Kent FRI 17th OCT - St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr St Peter’s 8.00 am GE Marina Diffey St Joseph’s 9.15 am DM Roche Family St Alban’s 9.30 am For all Parishioners St. Albans 12 noon Requiem for Peter Verallo St Peter’s 7.00 pm Pat Marsh SAT 18th OCT - ST. LUKE, Evangelist Feast St Peter’s 8.00 am Catherine Fisher St Joseph’s 9.15 am Thanksgiving St Alban’s 6.00 pm David Helkvist St Joseph’s 6.00 pm Robert & Ellen Blackler BAPTISMS - Sunday, 12th October at 3.30 pm Olly Hallett (St. Peter’s) DEADLINE FOR NEWSLETTER ITEMS: Wednesday afternoon Either drop off a note to your presbytery, telephone, or email