On a Journey of Faith
On a Journey of Faith
The Pastoral Area of Southport On a Journey of Faith 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time 1st February 2015 Year B Very often in life we can be knocked down by the hurts other people can inflict upon us – by their actions in what they say or do. Sometimes, it can be as difficult to recover from these knocks as from a physical illness. Yet, the Word of God today reminds us of the healing, authoritative power of the Lord. When Jesus taught he spoke with authority. When Jesus healed He spoke the Word of God as no one had spoken it before. When He commanded, even unclean spirits obeyed. The Lord wants to speak to each one of us individually, so that He can touch us with His healing love and power. We have been given the gift of faith and our faith is nourished by the Word of God. Whatever difficult situation we may find ourselves in, may we always echo the response of today’s Psalm and listen to His voice! Praise Him! MISSION STATEMENT OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF LIVERPOOL: “Taking to heart the last words of the Lord Jesus, we will go into the world to proclaim the Good News to the whole of Creation”. St Marie’s 25 Seabank Road Southport PR9 0EJ Parish Priest: Father John Heneghan Telephone: (01704) 531229 Fax: (01704) 512590 Email: stmaries.southport@rcaolp.co.uk Website: www.stmariessouthport.org.uk Archdiocesan Website: www.liverpoolcatholic.org.uk Liturgical Week Today – 4th Sunday 0f Ordinary Time Monday – Feast of the Presentation of the Lord Thursday – St Agatha Friday – St Paul Miki Next Sunday – 5th Sunday 0f Ordinary Time **************** The Pastoral Area of Southport St Marie’s St Patrick’s Holy Family Fr John Heneghan Fr Mark Madden Fr Philip Gregory (Dean) Mgr Peter Fleetwood St Teresa’s Canon John Gaine St Joseph & Our Lady of Lourdes Fr Atli Jonsson Sacred Heart & St John Stone Fr Tony Slingo Tel: 531229 Tel: 228943 Tel: 532613 Tel: 566865 Tel: 568313 Tel: 577722 st rd Mass in Polish – is celebrated here at St Marie’s on the 1 and 3 Sunday’s of the month at 3pm. Mass in Indian (Malayalam) – is celebrated here at St Marie’s on the last Thursday of each month at 6p.m Marian Centre for Evangelisation – this wonderful resource of our parish is behind the Church.. For more info. Tel: 07544768483 email: contact@mariancentre.org.uk, website: www.mariancentre.org.uk CHURCH RESTORATION The extensive scaffolding is now in place, work on renewing the roof has begun and will continue for several months. During this period the normal weekday services, including 12 noon Mass, will take place in the Marian Centre…..all the weekend services will continue in Church as normal. The total donated to date for the Church Restoration Fund is £1,375 (the final cost will be in the 100’s of £1,000’s) Thanks for your patience and prayer! ****************************************** WALSINGHAM PILGRIMAGE This year’s 4 day pilgrimage to Walsingham will take place from Thursday June 18th to Sunday June 21st. The all inclusive price will be £200. An excursion will also be included visiting a local attraction. For further details please contact Ann Davies on Southport 543113 ****************************************** THE KNIGHTS OF ST COLUMBA The Knights of St Columba, Southport, are holding an open evening on Monday 8th February 2015 in the social centre at St John Stone (Sandbrook Way, Woodvale, Southport,) from 9pm. This is an opportunity to meet with the current members of the order in an informal, social setting to discover more about The Knights, our activities and our role in both our Southport parishes and the larger Catholic community. AFRICA Recently we received an email showing Rwandan babies wrapped in blankets and hats knitted by our group here at St Marie’s. Thank you to our knitters! KENYA We have been able to send a cheque for £928-91 to the SMG Sisters working in Kenya. They hope to extend their work in M’Wingi with a craft centre to teach the “unteachables” a trade. FOREVER ANGELS Emma Grimley is into her second month in Mwanza baby home in Tanzania. She is very grateful for your support and prayers. NIGERIA In Nigeria the news is not as good. The Priest at the mission supported by Sacred Heart and St John Stone’s is under threat from Boko Haram and the Sisters from Park House, Waterloo have been forced to abandon 2 mission stations. At one of them two men were killed. Thirty Sisters are congregated in their one remaining convent. Southport Youth Service Group The group meets for the 2nd time in the Marian Centre on Thursday evening. Representatives of the 8 parishes of our Pastoral Area will gather and your prayerful support will be a blessing! ****************************************** St Vincent de Paul Society St Marie’s SVP have twins in Sudan and India. Having donated to Sudan Emergency Appeal last January, we have decided this year to donate £500 to the INDIAN SVP STUDENT SPONSORSHIP SCHEME. Expanding the economy has not benefited the poor. There is discrimination against Christians and other religious minorities. They take low paid jobs no one else will do or caste rules don’t permit. Low costs and wages reflect low living standards. These figures show how low:-Higher Education Scheme (Medical, Dental and Engineering and Education Students) and Technical Training Scheme (Nursing, Industrial Training) all at £60 per year; Vocational Training Scheme (Industrial Training, Welders, Carpenters, Plumbers) £30 per year. Schoolchildren Funding Scheme for first year primary school- after which the child’s educational needs will be funded by SVP India or Australia - £15.00 per child. These SVP schemes are a way out of poverty for India’s poor. Thanks to you all for your support of the SVP Twinnage Scheme. ****************************************** 100 CLUB This month’s Winners are: £25 Barbara Martin - £15 Pauline Gunn £10 Eileen Maylor. Congratulations! Please collect your winnings from the Parish Office. Please place due subscriptions in an envelope marked clearly with your name and 100 Club and place in the offertory bag or drop it off at the Parish Office. Thank you for continued support. Walking with Pope Francis ‘The work of evangelisation enriches the mind and the heart; it opens up spiritual horizons; it makes us more and more sensitive to the workings of the Holy Spirit. A committed missionary knows the joy of being a spring which spills over and refreshes others. We do not live better when we flee, hide, refuse to share, stop giving and lock ourselves up in our own comforts. Such a life is nothing less than slow suicide.’ (from his letter to us ‘the Joy of the Gospel’) ****************************************** FEBRUARY BAPTISMS We welcome into God’s family Julia Gabriela Molenda…Julia Danuta Grayna Dziolko…. Thomas William Redman who will receive the wonderful sacrament of Baptism after the 11am Mass. We hold these little ones and their families in our love and prayer ****************************************** R.C.I.A The next meeting will be on February 19 th at 7pm We will explore – Sacraments of Nourishment – Eucharist. We hold all those walking the Journey of Faith in our love and prayer. COLLECTIONS Offertory………….£1,032.81 Last Week’s Retiring Collection… £262.03 School Levy This week’s Retiring Collection…. Catholic Education Services Next Week’s Retiring Collection… CAFOD Thank you so much for your kind generosity! ACKNOWLEDGED WITH THANKS Marian-Care – £200, £30 £5 (Morrison’s voucher) Pennies for Africa - £1.36 Flowers - £10, We hold in prayer all who are sick in body, mind or spirit and those who care for them; also those who have died and gone before us marked with the sign of faith… Teresa Connor…Fr Brian Coakley…Fr Fred Matthews…. May those who grieve their passing come to experience the peace of the Risen Christ. The Parish House is open from 10.00am to 12.00 noon and from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm Mon- Fri for general enquiries, e.g. Mass Cards, and to feed the homeless and those in need. Week Commencing 1st Feb 2015 First Mass of Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday Sunday 6pm 9am 11am 12 Noon Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday 12 Noon 12 Noon 12 Noon 12 Noon 12 Noon 6pm 9am 11am Stephen McKee John Ewens People of the Parish Service of The Word & Holy Communion Friends of Millie & Margaret Mullan Malcolm Meadows Carmel O’Neill Rose Gilbert Peter Des Landes Ken Roberts Oliver Conmy People of the Parish The Rosary will be prayed Monday to Saturday after 12 00 Noon Mass SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Tuesday to Saturday 11.30 to 12.00 noon (or by appointment with Father John) EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Monday to Saturday 11.30 to 12.00 noon Liverpool RC Archdiocese Trustees Inc. Registered Charity No. 232709