Bulletin - Sacred Heart


Bulletin - Sacred Heart
12 Church St. Box 118
Mildmay, Ont. N0G 2J0
Phone: 519-367-5304
Fax: 519-367-2379
Web Site:
Pastor: Father Van Duy Nguyen
Administrative Assistant:
Mrs. Jenna Pellett
February 1, 2015
Sacred Heart
Roman Catholic Church
Music Ministries:
Mrs. Bernice Reinhart
Mrs. Karen Ruetz
Rectory Office Hours
Mon - Thurs – 9:30am – 2:30pm
Altar Servers, Baptism, First
Confession & Communion,
Confirmation, Marriages,
Vocations & Anointing of the Sick
Please talk to Father
Sacrament of Confession
Saturdays 4:30-4:50pm
And the mission of
St. Francis Xavier
Sunday Masses
Saturday Vigil 5:00pm
Sunday 9:00am
Sunday 11:00am
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions
Tuesday 3rd
Alfred Seifried Requested by Don & Phyllis Niesen
Wednesday 4th 9am
Lorne Ruland
Thursday 5th
Bea Schefter Requested by: The Family
Friday 6th
Requested by: Jean
Jeff, Penny, Matt
& Brooke Rogers
Mary Lou Cassidy Requested by: Rosanne Bross
Fifthth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Intentions
Saturday 7th
Sunday 8th
9am William & Bill Devlin Requested by Dorothy
Carlsruhe 11am
Dolores Schuett Requested by The Estate
For The People
Welcome Back Father Van Duy
Pray for the sick, Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of
our community, especially Mel Schmidt, Gerard & Camilla Lorentz, Kay Lang, Len Fischer,
Irene Tangney, Richard Gross, Rudy Stengal, Florence Bross, Tom Donnelly, Darlene
Thorne, Clara Ruetz, Marie Kueneman, and for all who are in need.
Thank you to everyone who supports the church with your contributions. May
God Bless you 100 fold!
Mildmay-Sun January 25/15
Offerings: $1,507.00
Building Fund: $ 14.00
Fuel: $43.00
Carlsruhe-Sun January 25/15
Offerings: $295.00
Building Fund: $10.00
Fuel: $ 0.00
Mission Tie Quilts, Starting January 12th every Monday from 1-4pm at the Carlsruhe Church Hall.
No experience necessary. All are welcome.
2014 Tax Receipts are at the back of each church. Please don’t forget to pick yours up
The Lector and Minister of Communions Spring 2015, schedules are ready to be picked up in the
Sacristy. If anyone would like to become a Lector or Minister of Communion please speak with Father or
contact Jenn in the office.
Please consider donating to our local Food Bank. We also have a box in the lobby for any
donations to help those in need. The box will be taken to the Food Bank at the end of the month.
Sacred Heart Parish Walkerton, Valentine’s Evening, Saturday February 14. Doors open at
5:30pm. Dinner at 6pm. Dancing to follow $25.00/ person. Guest speaker – Teresa Hartnett Featuring
“FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES” Based on a book written by Dr. Garry Chapman. Music By: Lincoln Miller.
Tickets available at the Parish Office, Marlin Travel and Pellow Pharma save or after all Masses next
Knights of Columbus Chili Dinner, warm up your winter. Sunday February 1, 2015. Chepstow
Lion’s Park Community Hall. Serving 4:30pm to 6:30pm. Adults $10, Youth 6-12yrs $5, 5yrs & under
Free. Take Out Available. Tickets advance and at the door. All proceeds to Mary Immaculate and St.
Josephs Parish and Chepstow-Cargill Community Projects.
Knights of Columbus Breakfast. At the Walkerton KC Hall. The second Sunday of the month.
10am until 1pm. Sunday February 8tj, $8 for adults and youth age 5-10, $5 for the full buffet. Everyone is
For Healing
Lord, You invite all who are burdened to come to You. Allow your healing hand to heal
me. Touch my soul with Your compassion for others. Touch my heart with Your courage
and infinite love for all. Touch my mind with Your wisdom, that my mouth may always
proclaim Your praise. Teach me to reach out to You in my need, and help me to lead
others to You by my example. Most loving Heart of Jesus, bring me health in body and
spirit that I may serve You with all my strength. Touch gently this life which You have
created, now and forever.
We all know God, but how many of us truly know God on a personal and intimate level? A three-day Cursillo
weekend, which is a short review of Christianity, is designed to help you on that journey. Beginning
on Thursday night and ending Sunday afternoon, through a series of talks by lay people and clergy, and the
sacraments, you will get to take a closer look at yourself, God, and others.
The Cursillo weekend attempts to create an environment where you can encounter Christ in a personal way.
Everyone experiences Cursillo in their own unique way. It is our hope and prayer that you come away with the
profound knowledge, that Christ loves you in a personal and intimate way, and that you can’t help but share that
love with others.
So, if you are over 18 years of age, and are open to a closer relationship with our God and Saviour, consider a
Cursillo weekend:
Men’s is Apr 23-26, 2015
Women’s is Apr 30-May 3, 2015
To help us prepare, please register soon.
For more information speak with a “Cursillista” in your parish, Google cursillohamilton.org, or contact:
Wilma Malick
Marg Weber
Dan Brown
Fr. Ray Reitzel, CR
(905) 633-7639
(519) 747-5937
(519) 570-4105
(519) 725-1445