Bulletin - Sacred Heart


Bulletin - Sacred Heart
12 Church St. Box 118
Mildmay, Ont. N0G 2J0
Phone: 519-367-5304
Fax: 519-367-2379
Web Site:
Pastor: Father Van Duy Nguyen
Administrative Assistant:
Mrs. Jenna Pellett
March 8, 2015
Sacred Heart
Roman Catholic Church
Music Ministries:
Mrs. Bernice Reinhart
Mrs. Karen Ruetz
Rectory Office Hours
Mon - Thurs – 9:30am – 2:30pm
Altar Servers, Baptism, First
Confession & Communion,
Confirmation, Marriages,
Vocations & Anointing of the Sick
Please talk to Father
Sacrament of Confession
Saturdays 4:30-4:50pm
And the mission of
St. Francis Xavier
Sunday Masses
Saturday Vigil 5:00pm
Sunday 9:00am
Sunday 11:00am
Third Sunday of Lent
Mass Intentions
Tuesday 10th 7pm
Francis Reinhart Requested by: Bernice Reinhart
Wednesday 11th 9am
Cleta & Leo Hoffarth Requested by: The Estate
Thursday 12th 9am
School Mass
Alfred Seifried Requested by: Michael & Tracey Schaus
Friday 13th
Dolores Schuett Requested by: The Estate
Benediction & Stations of the Cross
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Mass Intentions
Saturday 14th 5pm For The People
Sunday 15th 9am
Dave Dietrich Requested by: Ken & Doreen
Carlsruhe 11am Francis Bross
Requested by: Jack &
Cathy Weber
Pray for the sick, Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of
our community, especially Mel Schmidt, Gerard & Camilla Lorentz, Kay Lang, Len Fischer,
Irene Tangney, Richard Gross, Rudy Stengal, Florence Bross, Tom Donnelly, Darlene
Thorne, Clara Ruetz, Marie Kueneman, and for all who are in need.
Thank you to everyone who supports the church with your contributions. May God Bless you
100 fold!
Mildmay-Sun March 1/15
Offerings: $1,356.10
Building Fund: $ 182.00
Fuel: $137.00
Seminary Education: $5.00
Carlsruhe-Sun March 1/15
Offerings$ 623.00
Building Fund: $140.00
Fuel: $40.00
Loonie / Toonie $44.15
WINTER STORMS Week Day Mass: When winter weather conditions are bad, you should consider
not coming out to daily Mass. The Church’s sidewalks are not always clear of snow that early in the
morning or late in the evening, and walking on snow and ice covered sidewalks can be very risky. When
schools are CLOSED, weekday Mass will be cancelled.
Remember to change your clocks this weekend.
The Lector and Minister of Communions Spring 2015, schedules are ready to be picked up in the
Sacristy. If anyone would like to become a Lector or Minister of Communion please speak with
Father or contact Jenn in the office.
Please consider donating to our local Food Bank. We also have a box in the lobby for any
donations to help those in need. The box will be taken to the Food Bank at the end of the month.
A fundraiser will be held at the Walkerton Knights of Columbus Hall (between Walkerton &
Mildmay) on Sat. Apr. 25, 2015 to raise funds for the Teeswater Sacred Heart Church Building
Fund. This is the 2nd Annual "Games Day" -- recreational progressive Bid Euchre, Solo, Regular Euchre
and Crokinole. Entry fee is $11.00. Please contact Jo-Ann & Peter Carter 519-392-8115 for entry forms
and more details.
In an age when [we] have forgotten our origins and are blind even to [our] most
essential needs for survival, water along with other resources has become the victim of
[our] indifference.
- Rachel Carson
The words of Rachel Carson could easily be on the lips and in the heart of Jesus as He drives
the money changers from the Temple in today’s Gospel (John 2:13-25): In an age when [we]
have forgotten our origins and are blind even to [our] most essential needs for survival, water
along with other resources has become the victim of [our] indifference.
Water Of Life
FRACKING is way of extracting sources of energy such as gas and oil. Fracking is a process
through which large amounts of fresh water combined with sand and other substances, some
toxic, are driven under high pressure down wells drilled into deep layers of shale. This creates
cracks through which bubbles of trapped oil and natural gas can escape into the well.
Where will all the fresh water for fracking come from? How will the dirty water that’s
pumped out be prevented from contaminating groundwater? How will the silence,
solitude and serenity of our beautiful landscapes be preserved?
Lenten Reflection from The School Sisters of Notre Dame
Holy Baptism
On Sunday March we welcomed into our Parish family
Caleb Gordon
Son of
Craig & Shannon Grubb
Lauren Carlee
Daughter of
Craig & Shannon Grubb