HSR School Magazine 2012
HSR School Magazine 2012
JSS Public School (Affiliated to CBSE) HSR Layout, Bangalore Fragrance 2012-13 ¥ÀjªÀļÀ 2012-13 JSS Public School #4/A, 14th Main, Sector VI, HSR Layout, Bangalore-560102, Ph: 080 22970133/08 email: jss_hsrps@yahoo.com, Website: www.jsspshsr.com Founder President of JSS Mahavidyapeetha His Holiness Jagadguru Dr. SRI SHIVARATHRI RAJENDRA MAHASWAMIJI Fragrance 2012-2013 2 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 3 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Message JSS Public School, HSR Layout, Bangalore, is almost 9 years old and enjoys a good reputation among the parents and the community in general. It is nice to know that the school is bringing out its 2nd edition of the magazine for the year 2012-13. School magazines in general are not only with full of entertaining articles but also educative, encouraging and challenging. I express my personal appreciation to all the staff and students who are responsible for bringing out this magazine. From The Principal's Desk It is a matter of great privilege and immense pleasure for me to be I take this opportunity to urge our parental fraternity to encourage, part of the second edition of 'Fragrance'-the school magazine for support and guide their wards to take part in all our academic and the academic year 2012-13. co-curricular activities, including the educational excursions and field trips with more enthusiasm. One most striking aspect of the magazine would be a reflection With regards, and showcasing the diversity of minds, thoughts, creativity, arts, I am extremely pleased to inform that we have been granted (S. P. Manjunath) skills etc.of the young souls of the school. It is said that a leader is affiliation by CBSE for 11th and 12th standard. Science and Deputy Secretary, JSS Mahavidyapeetha born with the birth of every child. The only need is to provide an Commerce streams will be functional from the academic year enabling environment, careful nurturing and a spring board for 2014-15 and admissions will be considered for the same. meaningful blossoming and effective use of their unbound I congratulate the editorial team who has burnt their mid night oil talents. 'Fragrance 'intends to fill this void for young minds to for timely publication of this magazine. unleash their innovative ideas. I am hopeful that 'Fragrance 'will be enjoyed by all. I welcome In this era of cut throat competition it is of utmost importance to comments and suggestions from all our valuable readers for impart an integrated education to the future citizens of the Nation much meaningful and informative editions of 'Fragrance 'in the for successfully multitasking. We, therefore, lay special emphasis years to come. on both co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in the form of CCA, providing students an edge over others to be a leader in their respective field of activity. The present issue of school Mr. R. U. Patil magazine would also be a true reflection of all these diverse Principal achievements and progress made and being made by the school in fulfilling the coveted goal of imparting quality education. 4 Fragrance 2012-2013 5 JSS Public School, HSR Layout JSS Public School HSR Layout CCA Report for the year 2012-13 From the Editorial Board have been winning most of the competitions they entered into. Our school cricket team also has proved that success tastes best after being defeated. In table tennis and Karate we have inter school champions this year. This year 2012-13 will be marked as an important year in the history of our school. We launched our website and also published the first edition of our school magazine “Fragrance”. Fragrance will be brought out this year also and will be distributed along with the final results. We have two student groups striving to improve the world they live in, that is “conserve my campus” and “Children's movement Submitting my pranamas to his holiness Jagadguru Shri for civic awareness”. “Newspaper in education” is doing a great Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji and seeking his blessing, I job by not only instilling reading habits but also the spirit of competition. In the beginning of the year, the students of class 10 present the CCA report of our school for the year 2012-13. were interviewed by the NIE team, which was published in the On this 5th annual day celebration of our school, I am privileged newspapers. Students of class 9 and 8 deserve a huge round of Standing From The Left: Mr. Marish Badagi, Mr. Mahesh L., Mr. Ravi Joshi, Mr. Mahesh R. and honoured to present the annual report. applause. They won the second prize in the regional group dance Sitting From The Left: Mrs. Sreekumari, Mrs. Suchitra Hegde, Mrs. Noor Saba, Mrs. Alice Varghese, Mr. R. U. Patil, competition in which 21 schools participated. Our sports day was Mrs. Malathi Raman, Mrs. Jisha Sanjay, Mrs. Aruna Ganesh, Mrs. Geetha Mukund “When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion”, says an damped by the untimely rains last year; however it couldn't Ethiopian proverb, we at JSSPSHSR are tying up the lion quite a dampen our spirited kids and staff members. Karnataka Rajyotsava, Hindi week, teacher's day, children's day Peace, love, respect and unity be with you. and national festivals were celebrated with great fervour. The Welcome to our Annual school magazine FRAGRANCE. This number of times in a year, whether it is the CBSE inspection, annual day celebration, sports or any other celebration. This year we are very pleased to receive a large number of Moving onto academics, our students who appeared for the students of classes 9 and 10 were taken for an educational trip to CBSE board exams have always made us proud by bringing cent year's edition has ventured out to explore the budding talents. articles and although many are not published we hope that this Goa for 5 days. The students of classes 7 and 8 enjoyed their trip You will find very educative, encouraging, challenging and will not deter writers from submitting articles next year. percent results with many of them scoring a perfect 10. Other to Chennai for 3 days. The smaller children are taken for field trips than the school tests and exams, students also participated in on a regular basis every year. The tour committee sees to it that interschool examinations like Olympiad exams, Asset and GK. every class is sent either for a field trip or a study tour. Two teachers were awarded as best teachers in Karnataka. entertaining articles inside. Fragrance is a spectacle for parents, students, teachers and readers. We at JSS have constantly innovated, adapted and re-invented ourselves. Our constant endeavour is to focus on academics, We have appointed experts for karate, dance and music and also Our students had been participating in various interschool coaches for all the games like basketball, TT, cricket, hockey, etc. competitions. But now they have started tasting success. We are The CCA is taken care of by three co-ordinators to motivate the sure; slowly it will become a habit. Students of class 8 won two students for participation in various competitions. prizes in the competitions organized by Oxford public school, first We from the editorial board like to express our heartfelt gratitude discipline, sports and co-curricular activities so that each student to our beloved Principal R. U. Patil who has taken commendable is encouraged to explore his/her potentialities and interests. interest to motivate the students. Fragrance is a showcase for their excellent contributions. “Fragrance” is indeed a true reflection of the multiple skills our students possess. The articles reveal their expressions in a If things go according to our plan, we will start our class 11 next in the Ad- flick and second in the 60 seconds to fame. Class 10 students who participated in the competition organized by year for the science stream. Let me conclude with a quote “to Deeksha PU College also brought laurels to the school by think only the best, to work only the best and to expect only the When we are looking back over the last academic year, it is winning the second prize in quiz and a few third prizes in role play best, to be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you inspiring to know that once again the school has upheld its motto and editor's desk. In art competition conducted at the national are about your own”. in pursuit of excellence both in academics and character. We had level, Nadia of class 5A was awarded the Kala Gaurav award. - Mrs. Alice Varghese Senior Co-ordinator “Practice makes a man perfect” goes the saying, however in the We also thank our teachers for their able guidance and support remarkably reasoned, mature and articulate manner. and of course to all the budding blossoms of JSS for having made this edition so special for us. Pleasant reading!!! a very successful year and are looking forward with much enthusiasm for many such memorable years. case of basketball, “practice makes a whole team perfect”, as they Fragrance 2012-2013 6 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 7 JSS Public School, HSR Layout themselves (which makes them act worse) and sabotages involved in the your child's development of self-discipline. Isn't your goal consequences (for to help your child feel good and act better? instance, if they don't study and get lower Here's how to use positive parenting or gentle guidance to grade in test or they contribute an amazing, emotionally intelligent, self- don't brush and get a disciplined child to the society. cavity) -- and if you can Positive parenting starts by creating a good relationship handle the bad result - with your child, so that he responds to gentle guidance as kids can learn a lot opposed to threats and punishment. The most effective from suffering the consequences of their actions. My discipline strategy is having a close bond with your child. own view is that it works better, but as a last strategy, we Kids who feel connected to their parents naturally want to all certainly learn from letting things go wrong. please them. Learn to say “yes” with a positive attitude. Kids will do Evaluate all teaching, based on whether it strengthens or almost anything we request if we make the request with a weakens your relationship with your child. Think of loving loving heart. Find a way to say YES instead of NO even guidance, not punishment. Punishment is destructive to while you set your limit. YES!" Your child will respond with your relationship with your child and ultimately creates the generosity of spirit that matches yours. more misbehaviour. Loving guidance is setting limits and How you treat your child is how he will learn to treat himself. reinforcing expectations as necessary, but in an empathic Positive Parenting If you're harsh with him, he'll be harsh with himself. If you're way that helps the child focus on improving his behaviour gentle with him and at the same time, firm about setting rather than on being angry at you. Let's start with the child acting in undesirable ways. When Every parent grapples with this issue. Parenting and a child misbehaves, there are three possible explanations: Discipline are the most debated words for parents. And l He doesn't know what is expected of him. even parents who refrain from physical force usually appropriate limits, he'll develop the ability to set firm but Start all correction by reaffirming the connection. loving limits on his own behaviour. Remember that children misbehave when they feel bad Harsh discipline and punishment, ironically, interfere with about themselves and disconnected from us. the child's ability to develop self-discipline. The problem l He does know but can't control himself. assume that discipline means some form of punishment, because our culture's view of human nature assumes that l He does know but doesn't care. humans must be punished so they will learn not to repeat l If the child doesn't know, teaching is clearly in order. But transgressions. Don't hesitate to set limits as necessary, but set them with with internalising harshness isn't just that it makes for empathy. Of course you need to enforce your rules. But unhappy kids and, eventually, unhappy adults. Kids, who you can also acknowledge his perspective. When kids feel are disciplined with harshness, never learn to manage understood, they're more able to accept our limits. themselves constructively. Defiance is always a relationship problem. If your child To the degree that we're harsh with ourselves because of does not accept your direction ("I don't care what you say, the way we were parented. To the degree that we can you can't make me!"), it's always an indication that the accept our own gentle guidance because we've learned most teaching of this kind is modelled, as you thank But the word “discipline” has nothing to do with somebody for inviting you, or wait for the light to turn punishment. The root of “discipline” is “disciple,” from Latin green before you cross. Kids learn the desirable verb “to teach.” So, the question, of course, is what kind of behaviour by watching you, or their classmates. relationship is not strong enough to support the teaching. is really frustrating for a parent is when their kids from our parents to treat ourselves that way, we are able to And, presumably, the ultimate goal of the learning is self- This happens to all of us from time to time. At that point, do know the behaviour is unacceptable but do it set goals and use our self-discipline to attain them. discipline, so the lesson doesn't have to be repeated. What stop and think about how to strengthen the relationship, anyway. Ultimately, gentle guidance and positive parenting can not how to make the child "mind." Turning the situation into contribute a lot to the child's emotional and intellectual a power struggle will just deepen the rift between you. development. Mind you, being parents, it is our moral help him learn to manage himself. But how? “Positive Consequences teach the wrong lesson if you're involved responsibility too. parenting” is the best possible way. in creating them. On the face of it, Consequences make discipline is most conducive to learning? l What helps kids stop themselves from acting in ways they know l If he they shouldn't? What gets them to start desirable behaviour, and keep doing it? After doing some research, I have got some new ideas from various sources. I would like to share them, blend with my own views. Fragrance 2012-2013 8 does know but can't control himself, we need to It is proved that punishment and criticism undermines your sense: The child does (or doesn't do) something, and relationship with your child, makes kids feel worse about learns from the consequences. If the parent is not JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 - Mrs. Suchitra Hegde English Department 9 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Friends! The greatest gifts of god Man is a social animal. When you step into this world, the first gift is your physically fit body, then your parents, relatives etc. Next, you get your friends. The best friend that a person could have is a life long friend. Friends who fall in this category are the ones that you can trust with any secret or problem you may have. Whenever you express your problems to them, they surely come up with some advice from a past experience. God has not given me whatever dumb people who I wanted, but he has given me cannot express everything I need to live happily in this their feeling by world. Yes, the first thing is that he has speaking. But I made me a human being. This is a am lucky to see, very big gift to me because man is the hear and speak. only animal who has the capacity to Education is very think. important in each and everyone's life. There are many of them who don't A good friend is always there for you, through good times have parents in this world. Few or bad. Whatever it is, a death in your family or your orphans live in orphanages and in birthday, a true friend is always with you. Friends guide, slums. There are orphans who work in support and help in every step of your life. Thomas Hardy The great writer! Luckily, I have six best friends with whom I share all my secrets, feelings etc. These six friends are just like my five sense organs and a backbone. Though we do not live together like sisters, we support each other a lot. For some But there are children who don't know the meaning of school. I am very glad to be studying in a good school like J.S.S. Public School. factories, rural areas, in few people's There are countless people who are house, etc. I feel I am lucky to have my physically affected. I am lucky to have wonderful parents who guide me in my two legs and hands all right. Along each and everything. There are blind with all these gifts, he has given me people who cannot see this amazing the biggest treasure. That is the brain. mysterious world. So, if god has given you everything that I have mentioned above, then thank god and never say that “god has not given me whatever I wanted.” At the same time, people who don't have all the above qualities need not feel sad. Because god has given them something better instead of these qualities. decisions, I always rely on them. I can never imagine my Thomas Hardy was born on June 2, 1840 in a village of and beautiful world. There are deaf With this brain, I can get everything Be happy with whatever you have and life without my friends! upper Bockhamton, located in south-western England. people who cannot hear the melodious that I want. I feel there is nothing much use it as much as you can. His father was a stone mason and a violinist. His mother tunes of the nightingale. There are required in life for living in this Initially, when I came to JSS PUBLIC School, I didn't have - B. R. Moulya, VIII A enjoyed reading and relating all the folk songs and any friends. But by few months, I was fortunate enough to legends of the region. get six friends with whom I could share my feelings, problems and secrets. I am happy that it is proved in my At the age of 8, Hardy began to attend Julia Martins How does a Cracker Burst Facts about English case that 'A friend in need is a friend indeed!' And I am School in Bockhamton. From 1867, Hardy wrote poetry The use of gun powder makes a cracker l English also thankful to God that he gave me such trustworthy and novels, though the first part of his career was burst. Gun powder is a mixture of sulphur, friends! devoted to the novel. At first, he published anonymously, charcoal and potassium nitrate. Colours that but when people became interested in his works, he crackers flash come from various metals. began to use his own name. Different metals burn (glow) in different - Ananya S. Patel, VIII A is the most widespread language in the world and is more widely spoken and written than any other language. l There are over 400 million people who use the English vocabulary as a mother tongue. colours, iron glows in golden colour while Like Dickens, Hardy's novels were also published in barium in green colour. A powder of metals is serial forms in magazines that were popular in both also there inside the cracker. England and America. His first popular novel was 'Under the Greenwood Tree', published in 1872. Hardy achieved fame in the last two decades of his life. l There are over 700 million who speak English as a foreign language Each cracker has a launching tube and a l Over fuse. When the fire burns, it lights the gun powder which is at the base of the cracker. Then the round-and-flash mixture In 1910, he was awarded the 'Order of Merit'. Before his burns. It is made of aluminium which produces white light and a loud noise. death, he had written over 800 poems, many of them Next burns the metal mixtures which starts of different colours. Finally, burns published while he was in his eighties. - Rajashree K. K., IV B and explodes the top layer of the gun powder high up in the sky. Remember fireworks can be dangerous. - Manoj Kashyap, Ist D three-quarters of the world's mail, telexes and cables are in English. l Among all the world's languages (over 2,700) English is undisputedly the richest in vocabulary and the Oxford English Dictionary lists about 500,000 words. - Bhavadharani, 4'A' Fragrance 2012-2013 10 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 11 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Enchanting Europe! filled with loads and loads of locks. Right opposite to this bridge, was the Louvre museum. In the midst of glorifying statues, carvings, delightful paintings, sparkling lights and incredible There I was, on my feet, awestruck and completely amused in beauty, hung one painting behind a glass locker with hundreds of Charles-de-Gaulle International airport. I had just landed in Paris people around it. It was apparently, the ever so mysterious, Mona after an exhausting air journey of nearly 10 hours! But before I Lisa, the most renowned painting in the world. We moved ahead could shake my shock away, I was in another flight to Europe to the great Notre dame, unbelievably large with huge glass countryside. painted windows and a ceiling worked upon beautifully by Let me not get you in a fix any longer and clear this out. I first Michelangelo. The rest of our stay in Paris was Musee D'Orsey, visited the port town of France, which is famous since the French Palais de Justice –The supreme court, National Senate –which is Revolution, Bordeaux. Long stretches of eye-catching green the national assembly, Arc de Triumph and Place de la away by the dance and music. Time went by fast to realise and we were back in Bordeaux to board a TGV to Paris. One full hour of travel did not go in vain when we arrived to look at “night in Paris” with our jaws dropped. Paris is awake for 24 hours. But unfortunately, my energy wasn't. I had to compel my excitement to wait for the next morning. I woke up, completely curious to explore the lavish, large and lovely fashion capital. Yes, you read it right. Paris is called the fashion capital of the world. I can never stop if I begin with details. Hence, I'll give you an overview. Concorde. Shopping at Champs Elysees -the most popular pastures, knee length maize fields, enchanting vineyards, orchards and deep blue beaches are just a few that characterize shopping street in the world, was one of the most memorable the enigmatic countryside of Bordeaux. French wine is experiences ever! A ride on a cruise on the smooth, cold, breezy admirable qualities demonstrated by Europeans, have something that the entire humankind sees a charm in. I am water, watching the entire city and the Golden Eiffel Tower undoubtedly become a part of my behaviour. European tradition definitely not an exception. I, along with my parents, went ahead outshining everything else, is worth a mention. to visit a red wine factory to know the wine making procedure. and lifestyle is something I'll always admire and cherish for the rest of my life. I am sure this trip has enriched my knowledge and The third country in our tour, Switzerland it was. Zurich, Lucerne, We had a look at the biggest sand dune of Europe, a couple of Geneva are all beautiful places. While Paris has been made museums, oyster farms, and Bay of Bordeaux and exotic beautiful, Switzerland is ostentatious just the way it is. Meadows, historical monuments. Up next was Spain. Two hours in a Royal Swiss cows, orchards, stone roads and Mount Alps gave me a Cruise, was what it took to go Espanol! The amazing Spanish feel of what paradise must be looking like. We made a visit to culture and sea fishing is worth a notice. I was absolutely blown Eiffel tower! It was right there, outside my window. I picked up my Mount Titlis, the highest peak at the Alps. Three rotairs (round overcoat, put on my hat, wrapped my stole around my neck, vehicles or cable cars) is what it took for us to reach the ice- purchased tickets for the double deckered tram and set out to covered summit. Ice flyers, ice slides and incredible games were explore Paris. It was a cold day, with the temperature well below at our disposal. But my lovely experience of playing in the snow is 10 degree Celsius. I was freezing, perhaps turning into ice, but I what the most unforgettable memory remains. Interlaken was a saw the Eiffel and out of no-where, I had all the stamina in the wonderful place for adventure. Bungee-jumping, roller-coaster, world. I took an elevator and hopped out into the uppermost floor skiing and what not! Lastly, we visited the acclaimed and world's to get a bird's eye view of Paris. I was on top of the Eiffel! I stood number one chocolate factory -Lindt and Sprungli. there gawping at the impeccable beauty. I felt as proud as the Every place in Europe tells a story. Every scene that you pick and architect of Eiffel himself looking at his creation. frame becomes excellent wallpaper. Time management, That's not just it. We caught a tram, punched our tickets and voila! punctuality, wonderful etiquettes, discipline and several broadened my outlook. Finally, I would like to add that none of this would have been possible had it not been for my loving parents. My immense gratitude and love is forever with them. - Sinchana Hegde, Class IX We were in Pont de Archeveche, popularly called the lock bridge, Fragrance 2012-2013 12 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 13 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Short stories that can change our life… Leonhard Euler All efforts will be rewarded Have you sincerely tried and still failed? Living from 1707 to A King goes to a Guru and gives him a pair of golden 1 scissors decked with diamonds as his birthday present, since the Guru was a tailor. The Guru returned the scissors back and said, 'I prefer a needle'. The King returned with a Golden needle and offered it to the Guru and asked him why he preferred a needle. The Guru said, 'It is symbolic. The scissors is like the ignorant mind which cuts and divides people. The needle is like the heart, which joins and unites unlike the scissors. I want my student to learn that the heart is 1783, Leonhard Euler Perhaps you failed because there was something more that was is regarded as the needed to bring the success you were seeking. greatest In 1492, Columbus landed on the islands in the Caribbean. He mathematician to returned to Spain with gold, mysterious plants, unknown birds, have ever walked this animals etc. He thought he had achieved his objective and had planet. He was reached Asia. He had failed. But, without being aware of it ground breaking and immediately, Columbus had found something more! Quite a bit on par with Einstein in more! genius. His primary important than the head. Like Christopher Columbus you may contribution to the Let us build our hearts with love, for the heart of education is fail to reach your objectives, may fail field is with the the education of the heart. in your efforts, but you may discover introduction of mathematical notation including the concept of a something more...You may inspire function, shorthand trigonometric functions, the ‘e’ for the base Mother tells her son, 'Please get up son, you have to 2 3 go to school'. Son replies, 'Mummy I don't want to go to school, as A child quarrels with his mother and goes to the hills of the natural logarithm (The Euler Constant), the Greek letter nearby and screams at the top of his voice. 'I hate you, sigma for summation and the letter ‘ ’ for imaginary units, as I hate you, I hate you. The hills echo back, 'I hate you, I nobody likes me'. hate you, I hate you’. The child get scared and runs back to his and direct those who follow you, to head in the right direction, and to continue farther until they achieve well as the symbol ‘ ’ for the ratio of the circumference of a the worthwhile objectives which you circle to its diameter. All of which play a huge bearing on Mother says, 'Son you must go to school or how can you come mother crying that there is a child on the hill who says 'I hate modern mathematics, from the everyday to the incredibly up in life?' you.' Mother tells her son, go back to the hills and say 'I love complex. conceived. You have the time and power to think. You can persistently strive with a positive mental attitude to achieve your definite aims Son replies, 'Even the teachers don't like me'. you' and see what happens. As well as this, he also solved the Seven Bridges of Mother says, 'But my darling you have to go to school, you are As we sow, so we reap. This is the law of action. Life is like the Konigsberg problem in graph theory, found the Euler 40 years old and your are the principal of the School'. echo. Characteristic for connecting the number of vertices, edges The little difference between success and failure is often Life can be a process of aging or growing. Aging is adding (Stories narrated by Pujya Swami Sukhabodananda in his discourse) and faces of an object, and proved many well known theories, something more. years to your life and growing is adding life to your years. Very - Mrs. Malathi Raman few people grow up; they only grow old. Department of Science to find something more and discover a new YOU. - Mrs. Jisha Sanjay Department of Social Science too many to list. Furthermore, he continued to develop calculus, topology, number theory, analysis and graph theory as well as much, much more - and ultimately he paved the way Rainbow Experiment and explore Filling a bottle with water A rainbow is seen if the sun shines out in the middle of a shower. When the drops of rain fall and the sun shines on them, the white sun light is divided into spectrum of colours. Take a drinking bottle which has a narrow mouth. Take water in The colours of the rainbow are divided into seven bands a steel vessel and try to pour water from the vessel to the namely: Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red. bottle with one of your eyes closed. Repeat filling the bottle with water keeping both eyes open. When was it easier to fill the bottle with water? When both eyes were open or when one aye was shut? colours to form a rainbow. This is because of the two eyes separated by a little distance -Ranjini Kishen Kumar, VII-A no coincidence that industry and technological developments Your presence is a gift to the entire world, rapidly increased around this time. You're unique and one of a kind, (Source: Internet) Your life can be what you want it to be, - Sanjana H. M. Class VII B Take it one at a time. Think positive Count your blessings, not your troubles, And you'll make it through what comes along. Say to yourself every morning; The sunlight gets reflected when it enters each drop of rain. It bends and separates into these seven bands of spectrum Never forget for modern mathematics and all its revelations. It is probably Within you are so many answers, Today is going to be a great day! Understand, be courageous, be strong. I can handle more than I think I can! Don't put limits to yourself, Things don't get better by worrying about them! Your dreams are waiting to be realized. and the brain. Our eyes are not together and they are I can be satisfied if I try to do my best! Don't leave your important decisions to change, The barain however, combines the two images into one, using There is always something to be happy about! Reach for your peak, your goal and your prize. the extra information to tell how close or far away the things I am going to make someone happy today! separated a little. So, each eye sees a slightly different image. are. But still while aiming, you close one of your eyes. - Aarushi Phutane, IV-A Have health, hope and happiness, Life is great, make the most of it! Take the time to wish on a star. BE AN OPTIMIST! And don't ever forget for even a day, How special 'you' are. - Sayli P. Bande, 4'B' Fragrance 2012-2013 14 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 - Flavia Poly, VIII A 15 JSS Public School, HSR Layout 16 17 a pleasant 60 minutes cruise to enjoy the calm and cool flow of Our exciting trip to Goa !!!! the River Mandovi and watched the lovely culture of Goa with songs and dances like Dekhni, Fugdi and Portugese Corredinho with live music. That night, we halted at the same hotel after The Month of October is to be away from home. It means it's the dinner. On 12th October, we had our breakfast and checked out time for excursion. This excursion was not only an educational of the hotel. We first visited Mangeshi temple and sought the trip but also a fun-filled memorable trip. This year our school blessings of Lord Mangeshi. Next, we moved to Ancestral Goa planned to take us for an excursion to the land of beaches, to the which is a unique sightseeing spot of an entire Goan village with land of culture, to the place of forts and sculpture...GOA!! 100 years of history. There we also got to see laterite sculpture, big foot of Lord Vishnu – believed to be the one when he first stepped down on Earth, Spice Garden and also Art Gallery. After sightseeing, we came back to the Vasco da Gama Railway station and then to Bangalore. we made a move to the Palmarinha Hotel. After breakfast, we left to Auguada Fort, a famous 17th century fort. After sightseeing, we We reached Bangalore around 8:30 A.M. and waved bye to all paved our way back to the Hotel, had our lunch and left to Baga our friends as we were tired after returning. Our trip to Goa was beach and Calangute beach - considered to be the queen of very exciting, thrilling, fun – filled and truly knowledgeable. Goa's beaches. - Rashmitha P. S. 10th Std. (2012 – 2013) As soon as we received the itinerary for our trip to Goa, even before we saw the places they are taking us to, we made up our minds to leave for Goa and welcome the most memorable period of our schooldays with our friends. While all the arrangements were made for our departure, we packed up for leaving to Goa. On 9th October, we arrived at school at 11:30 A.M. with all our luggage and then left for the railway station. At around 1:00 P.M., we reached there and boarded the train. We had our lunch and then while some of them were chatting, the others involved themselves in playing board games and UNO cards. At night, we had our dinner and were informed that we would be reaching at around 8:00 A.M. the next morning. We enjoyed a lot at the beaches. The force of the waves was pushing us backwards. But we tried withstanding it. It was great The next day, we arrived at Madgaon Railway Station and then fun. Later, we came to the hotel, got refreshed and then left for shopping. There was no sufficient time for shopping. We were literally pulled back to the buses. We came back to our hotel, had our dinner and went to bed. The following day, after freshening up, we had our breakfast. Then we left to North Goa for sightseeing. We first went to Bom Jesus where the incorruptible remains of St. Francis Xavier are kept. We learnt about the architecture, people and their tradition. Next, we moved to St. Cathedral, which is on the other side of the road. This church is reputed to be the largest of its kind in the east. After admiring the art of sculptors, we went back to the hotel for lunch. After lunch, we went to enjoy the Sun down Cruise Fragrance 2012-2013 18 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 19 JSS Public School, HSR Layout A holiday prank A mother’s love The school was closed for holidays and Ramu I know a face, a lovely face So full of beauty, as of grace, and Raju were thinking of how to spend their holidays. Raju suddenly got an idea. There That face that could compare to no other, was an old man living in the next street. His That lovely lady is my mother! name was Mr. Shyam. He would always scold the boys for making noise while playing on the Throughout the ages the one children. There is physical and street. form of purest, unselfish love is emotional stress, but when she a mother's love. A mother sees her children happy and bonds with her unborn child prosperous; all her own when she carries and nourishes personal discomforts soon it for nine long months in her vanish. Raju told Ramu, “let's ring Mr. Shyam's doorbell twice and run away. Let us do so A morning walk every hour.” They carried out their plan At the dawn of a new day, I admire the flowers blooming, successfully. Mr. Shyam would open the door When it is time for the birds, I enjoy the fresh air, every time the bell rang and would get To catch the early worm that lay, I see the birds flying, annoyed. He decided to teach the pranksters On ground, with the chirping sound. And people walking in sunshine. suddenly opened the door and poured the pail of water on the person standing there. I join the whole creation, The fresh air made me, To proclaim how nice! Feel that I am sleeping on the grass, As the rising sun's adoration, Happiness rushed in to my soul, Is spreading its rays which I see. On a morning walk. To his shock and surprise, the person at the - Spoorthy A. N., 7th Std door was his friend Mr. Ravi who had come to visit him. His friend was completely drenched. Mr. Shyam apologized and explained what happened. attachment with her child throughout the life. a lesson. He waited behind the door with a pail of water. Soon the doorbell started ringing. He womb and shares a deep Song for my family We should always respect and love our parents for we owe A visit to the museum them a debt of gratitude that we I visited Vishweshwaraya industrial and No matter how far a child may can never repay. Even though grow physical, independent or at times it is hard to abide by all famous, to a mother, he or she that they expect from us, one will always remain her little should try one's best to make child. Perhaps it is hard to their lives easy and happy. For fathom the hardships and that's what loving and caring is inconvenience mothers go all about. through to bring up their technological museum during my Christmas holidays. It is an autonomous organization under the ministry of culture, government of India. The museum building, which is located in Cubbon Park with an area of 40,000 sq. ft., was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister of India Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on 11th November - Sagar S. Maddi, 4th C 1963. The first gallery on “Electro Technic” was Ramu and Raju were hiding behind the tree Song for my family open to the public on 27th July 1965. and laughing. I sing about my family The museum has 4 floors and each floor has 2 - Karthik V. K., IV A Because they give me peace. sections. I saw a dinosaur on the first floor. It is I sing about my family actually a relict working on hydraulics. There is an Because they care about me. engine hall on the same floor, where I saw I sing about my family machines and automobiles of jet aircrafts engine. Because they live with me. I sing about my family Because they love me. I sing about my family Because they understand me. - Silpa Santosh Kumar, 4'C' I also saw a replica of the actual aeroplane made Happy independence day! by the Wright Brothers. It was really an amazing experience. There are also lots of working models based on different mechanisms. The museum has several galleries, which include 1) Fun science, 2) Space, 3) Biology, 4) Electrical, 5) India, the country of pride; Electronics and 6) Mathematics based on Has completed its 65th year of independence Ramanujan. I really enjoyed my visit to the Let's rejoice today in this happy ride museum and also learned lots of things. And greet each other, - Sayli Bande, 4th B Happy Independence Day!!!!! - Aparnaa T., 4 'A' Fragrance 2012-2013 20 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 21 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Experiencing Failure… The day when I forgot my school “I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career…I've lost almost It was the month of October. Like any other day, I woke up The next day, we went to in the morning at 7:30 A.M. as usual. To my surprise, I saw Commercial Street as it's the 300 games.26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning my sister in front of my eyes who had come from America. best place for shopping. We shot…but I've failed. I have failed over and over again in my life My face was lit with a bright smile as soon as I saw her. I purchased many beautiful and that is why I've succeeded.” was really excited as I knew that she would bring some dresses there. My sister was These are the words of a man who is often regarded as the god of gifts for me. She has brought my favourite chocolates. really happy and thrilled to see such good quality As I had one week vacation, dresses in amazing colours and designs. Later, we went in we had planned how to Metro train after shopping at M.G. Road. It was the first spend our holidays. First, we time I travelled in the Bangalore Metro. It was really a very went to Mekedatu Falls, thrilling and pleasant where we enjoyed in the experience in 'Namma water and had a lot of fun. Metro.' Friends, here are the success stories of a few people who have made it big in their lives even after failing bitterly. 1. Soichiro Honda, founder of the famous automotive companyHonda. His story began when he went to attend an interview to work for the Toyota Company. He was rejected and in fact, told that he was unfit for the job. This man never gave up and There were many monkeys he decided that he would create a company that would all around us and I was very scared. Then, later we went My vacation was very to Shri Shri Ravishankar Ashram and it was very peaceful exciting and joyful. I there. There were also enjoyed it a lot. I never many foreign tourists. expected that my vacation this year would be so wonderful Everything seemed calm and pleasurable. This was my most memorable vacation, and quite. I and my sister during which I almost forgot my school. were really very happy to basketball-Michael Jordan. compete with the Toyota's. And so he did. 2. Stephen King's inspirational story: - Most people know - Neha K. Shenoy, X Std. see this place. Why do we dream??? Stephen King the famous writer but few know about all that he went through. King's first novel was rejected almost everywhere it was submitted. He was depressed to such an The well known psychologist and hypnotist extent that he threw it in the garbage. His wife picked it up and Dr. Sigmund Freud explained that our dreams fulfil insisted that he submitted it again and again. And in the end the motives, wishes and desires which cannot be he became the Stephen king that we all know today. satisfied in the actual conditions of our waking life. There are many things that we desire, but the 3. Thomas Edison's success story is one that can inspire any rigidities of social customs, traditions and man after experiencing failure. Edison failed 999 times to utilizations make it difficult for us to reveal these invent the incandescent light bulb but he succeeded on his Heaven of nature 1000th attempt. When asked how he could keep going even Find something for a wealthy life, after failing so many times…he said that he never failed. He And everything for a healthy life, said that each time he did not get it he said to himself “I've This is a life time benefit, discovered one new way how not to invent the light bulb.”And And all time profit. that is what kept him going. feelings and emotions in real life. Therefore, these motivating forces manifest themselves in our sleep as dreams when there is no 'censor' and when the sanctions of morality are absent and do not interfere with their realization. Freud's theory of dreams helps us to understand Here you find no gadget, Friends what we learn from these stories is that we must live like But people are fulfilled with what they get, the waves that Dr.Kalam admires. All of us will fail. But only those Juicy fruits and healthy veggies are a treat, who manage to keep getting up succeed. We must never bow This is the place where nature and culture meet. down to failure and we must remember that it is after all…a Dreams may be of a different type like that of pumonition.That is, dreams predict the dangerous or unpleasant events looming ahead! stepping stone to success. Enjoy the greenery and the nature, The phenomena of dreams are very difficult to Remember that only a person who learns from not only his but This forms heaven's miniature, Totally it is nature's depiction, also other's experiences can succeed in life because life is too This is what village vision is. short to experience everything. interpret. They are still mysterious and one such topic which is not being explained by science. - Raksha R., X Std (2011-12) - By Pranav Rao, Class IX - Disha R., VIII A Fragrance 2012-2013 many of our dreams. 22 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 23 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Paintings - A canvas for creative expressions Fragrance 2012-2013 Keerthi K., VII A Uravi P., V A Saptami C., X Lohith K. S. VII B Disha R., VIII A Srishti S., V A Y. L. Subikshaa, V B Renuka, IV D Ashitha, III D Abhinaya V., VII A Navyatha, VI C Akhila P., VII B Sinchana Hedge, IX Akanksha H., X Neha Shenoy, IX Vaidehi, V B 24 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 25 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Paintings - A canvas for creative expressions Good wishes for future endeavours! A farewell function for class 10th students (2012-13) Anika, III Abhishek, VIII B Anannya Deshpande VIII A Class of 2012-13 (Group photograph of 10th standard students with staff) Abhirami VII B Pujitha L. VII A Rashmitha VIII B Deeksha R. R. X Bavith N., VI A Aashritha, VII A Fragrance 2012-2013 26 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Class of 2011-12 (Group photograph of 10th standard students with staff) Fragrance 2012-2013 27 JSS Public School, HSR Layout How to make a pencil eraser I don't want to die - Earth Buy pliatex mould rubber at an art supply or craft store. Mix pliatex with I don't want to die Are useless and am tired water evenly, depending on how I want to thrive Wake up the world large you want the eraser to be (for In the blue sky And spread the word example, use 10ml of water and 1ml Of the mighty high For now I am dying of pliatex). In a different container, Don't kill me I nurtured you for centuries I am nature Now is your turn to do, Don't give me If i die; so do you. A reason to save; Save yourself As all the efforts you tried and save me too! put half as much vinegar as you have combined between pliatex and water. Pour the pliatex/water combination into the vinegar and stir the entire concoction at the same time. Shape the eraser/rubber to your - Anagha S., 9th I am growing up! liking. It should be malleable enough to make into shapes. I started life as a tiny baby. My parents had to feed me, dress Remove the rubber after a moment me up and do everything for me. Now I am a child and can do and place it into a container with many things by myself. I have grown taller and stronger. water. You will need to remove any Now I am six years old and soon my teeth will begin to fall out bubbles during this step. and I shall get permanent teeth in their place. Soon I shall be a Remove the rubber from the water and let it dry. Once it dries you will have your new eraser! - Ramya M. VI-B l Art is the first normal achievement of a child and it helps teenager and then an adult. By then I will stop growing. Some the child to express about life, thus giving him joy. adults become older; they become weaker. Some people live l Art helps the child to relieve the pent up emotions and to be grandparents or even great grandparents! - Navanita Krishnan, I ‘C’ From dilemma to direction The Importance of Art in Education and Life leads to positive brain development. l Art increases the power of observation of a child, which enables him to learn any subject better and also make him more sensitive. Idioms… Value of discipline Have you gone bananas or what? Do you know the value of discipline? You will be Meaning: To go crazy. surprised to find out how much discipline had scored in an exam conducted for 100 marks. To find out the score, You never sit still. You must have ants in your pants. calculate the value of the letters starting 1 to 26. Meaning: Extremely restless; over active. Eg. a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4,.............., z=26. The spy bit the dust at the end of the book. D=04 Meaning: To die, to fall in defeat, fail to succeed. S=19 Meaning: A problem that's very difficult to solve. C=03 I'm very busy. Go fly a kite. I=09 Meaning: Stop disturbing, don't irritate. P=16 Being looked down upon for every rage; l Art increases the child's power of perception and Service to mankind was his boundless passion, of the subject matter easier. With his vivid dreams and a far sighted vision; l Art helps to increase the power of concentration in the His journey was momentous, Self-trust was the secret of his success. I now call the days of Yore, I cannot find him, he is no more; appreciate the best in others. But how can I forget him then? l Art helps to create an overall balanced personality of a For he has gone never to return. child. Art becomes his way of life. Many noble lessons to me he taught, l Art makes child more imaginative and creative, which enables him to face future challenges in a more Nobody can become perfect merely causing to act; innovative manner. Hands that help are holier than lips that pray, ( Source- 'Camlin') Add it up and you get hundred. So you know why discipline - M. Rashmitha, 8th B. With the nostalgic memories, yet I deem to ascend. l Art knows no language barrier and makes understanding E=05 Meaning: To give an embarrassing performance. My self-esteem has seen a transcend, visualization, thus speeding the process of education. l Art helps one to have better Aesthetic values and N=14 She really laid an egg at the talent show. self confidence. good handwriting. I=09 Meaning: Behave yourself, mind your manners. Having lost my father at a tender age, l Art helps to develop hand muscles, which can lead to L=12 Please mind your P's and Q's when the chief guest arrives. realisation of his inner innovative urge, thus boosting his child. I=09 That last algebra problem was a hard nut to crack. l Art gives the child a great sense of achievement and a Do good to others as much as you say. - Mr. M. I. Badagi, Art Teacher - Mrs. Noor Saba Takreen English Department is so valuable!! - Soumya Verma, X STD (2011-12) Fragrance 2012-2013 28 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 29 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Weird traditions Crocodile’s Dental Hygiene My favourite day - Shraddha Hegde, X Std (2011-12) We “The Humans” daily brush our teeth LA TOMATINA CHASED BY BULLS It is a festival held in Valencia town of Bunol.In this festival; July 7th to 14th is the annual running of bulls in Pomptona. the participants throw tomatoes at each other. Though the A herd of fighting bulls is let loose onto the streets after a origin of the festival is unknown, it is one of the highlights of crowd of young men. The aim of the runners is to try and the Spanish summer festivals. feel the breath of the bull on their backs. using the tooth brush. But what about the dogs and Giraffe etc how do they clean their teeth, and especially in case of Crocodile how the teeth cleaning happens is very strange and interesting to know. A small bird called Egyptial Plover is the tooth cleaner for the Crocodile. This bird obtains its food by extracting the parasites living inside the Crocodile’s mouth that are lodged between the teeth. It also removes the Leeches from the Crocodile’s tongue. The Crocodile doesn’t harm the bird in this process. In fact this bird also helps wards off Crocodiles’s from Danger, Whenever there is any danger, Egyptian Plover will take sudden flight and in case Crocodile doesn’t heed the sign, it will continuously poke on the head of Crocodile till it heads towards the safety zone. Isn’t this very interesting to know. MONKEY BUFFET FESTIVAL POLTERABEND Monkey Buffet Festival is held annually in Thailand. During It is a pre-wedding tradition where the guests break dishes, this festival, 2000 monkeys are invited to eat fruits and flowerpots, tiles etc. To symbolize working together, the The Bheemeshwari Fishing Camp is a resort located near vegetables during an annual feast held in honour of gods. bride and the groom must clean up all the mess. Kanakapura Taluk on the banks of the River Cauvery. We Source: Scientific Facts & Puzzles Book - Shriya Toleti, III-B made plans to go there with all my cousins and their families. I was very excited on the day before our journey and started my preparation by packing a lot of snacks, chocolates and games to share with my cousins. Our journey to the resort began early in the morning and we reached there on time. I was very happy to meet my cousins and also had a welcome drink with them. We then started playing in the climbing net which was tied to two big trees. We took lots of photos. I also enjoyed lying on the hammocks which were tied between trees. I enjoyed people Wonderful Age playing adventurous games like zip line, Burma coop and parallel walk. Great thoughts Age that is visible-IMAGE Age that is heavy-LUGGAGE Then we had a wonderful lunch and I went to play with my Never break four things in your life – trust, promise, relation and heart because cousins in the Cauveri River. I went for the boating ride when they break they do not make noise but pain a lot! - Charles Age that is adventurous-VOYAGE (which was a bit scary initially, because of the crocodiles but Age that binds-MARRIAGE at the end I enjoyed it. It was almost evening and we started If you win, you need not explain. But if you lose, you need to explain. - Adolf Hitler Age that stinks-GARBAGE our journey back to home. If you judge people, you have no time to love people. - Mother Teresa Age that is used in Maths-AVERAGE - V. Vignesh Karthik, 4th B Forgive your enemies but never ever forget their names. - John F. Kennedy - Sayli Bande, IV B God make stars. I just produce them! - Samuel Goldwin - Sharathchandra R., III C Fragrance 2012-2013 30 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 31 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Infrastructure - Conducive to all round development of students Fragrance 2012-2013 32 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 33 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Grandparents-Changing roles... Save water to save us Think of your grandparents and what comes to your mind!!!! any time with their children. And it is especially so in the case of Water is essential Elderly white or grey haired ladies and gentlemen sitting leisurely little toddlers who need more attention in the most essential For our survival on the park benches, laughing, talking and enjoying the relaxed period of their life. This is where the grandparents gallantly step phase of life they have reached. Their kids have grown into into their shoes and perform the role of the parents with a smile on matured adults and grandchildren go to school and it seems life their faces. They don't shy away or shirk the job saying their duty can get no better. is over and that they have 'retired'. But instead they bravely extend their hand towards the tender child and guide him gently If that's the picture you conjure in your mind about the life and role with love and care to his destination. of grandparents…think again. Times have changed. Today life is Rain forests Wasting is a crime We will realise in time! When you are brushing or When you are a fast paced roller coaster ride and the grandparents are also As a teacher working in the Nursery section I am constantly bathing absorbed into it. amazed by the number of grandparents attending parent-teacher Don't let water meetings, discussing the child's progress, problems, sharing tips If parents are busy working round the clock earning money and based on their experiences and playing an active role in the lives paying EMI's, grandparents are not left far behind. Who says they of their grandchild. Kudos to all the grandparents who have all the time in the world. They are as busy or even more than painstakingly strive to give the child a normal healthy life and help most of us. them in the grooming and schooling. And what are they busy doing? Who picks and drops the children Dear grandparents!!! The kids may not be able to express their from the school or the bus stop every morning and evening when gratitude to you in so many words but I am sure you are richly their parents are away at work? Who feeds the child when he rewarded when your grandchild's face lights up with delight and comes home from school? Who dresses up the child for school? he comes rushing to give you a hug. Who takes the child to the park to play? Who wipes his tears when he falls down and hurts himself? Who helps the child to complete Way to go grandparents! Keep up the good work…for those his homework? Well…of course it is the dada-dadi or nana-nani. delicate and tender toddlers need your love and care to bloom things in a region, their Physical environment and all their When you wash your inter-relationship. They are dense, wet and green because hands or they get large amount of rains. The Amazon rainforest is the When you water your plants world's largest rainforest. Use only as much as you want. Rainforests are rich in plants and animals. Some rainforests When you see a running tap have important medicinal plants. Unfortunately rainforests are Close it like a smart chap being destroyed rapidly. Use it carefully and be wise or In rainforests, nothing is wasted. When leaves fall down, You will pay a big price flowers wilt, animals die, they decay and release nutrients into We must save water the soil. Water transpires, forms clouds and causes rain. - Kishan Ballal, IX Std To save our future. into beautiful flowers! Sadly, today in many households, with both parents working and Rain forests are a kind of ecosystem-a community of all living Keep on running. - N. Sangeetha, I A day-care centres becoming a costly and risky affair, many - Mrs. Aruna Ganeshkumar Nursery Teacher families are depending on grandparents for the child's upbringing Tree plantation as a safe, cheaper and easier option. Parents are so busy with their nerve wrecking schedules that they are hardly able to spend The rapid industrialization and population growth has cut down millions of trees across the globe. The air pollution has given rise to carbon dioxide and made our environment poisonous. Tree consumes carbon dioxide and release oxygen in the Exams environment. Trees gives us fruits, flowers, fuel, timbers and cool shade from scorching rays of the sun . Exams are knocking at the door Notes are to be revised The pressure is mounting more and more Fun and play will be sacrificed. habitat for insects and animals. There's just a week left And I haven't prepared at all yet On my table, tonnes of books are piled So, I won't be able to sleep I bet. Seeing them I grow really wild Only studies and not a bit of play My answers are weird, Doubts have to be cleared Trees in our forest attract rain clouds and provide natural It's all my own making, I must say! - M. Yashaswini, X Std (2011-12) Trees conserve soil which is very important to keep the soil fertile enough to provide food for mankind and animal world. Our survival depends on trees, so come “PLANT A TREE” - Varun D. Vishwakarma, 4th A Fragrance 2012-2013 34 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 35 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Vacations - An oasis in a desert The Rejuvenating Holiday I consider that vacations are like an oasis in a long stretch of desert to every child. I would be wrong if I say that I don't enjoy vacations. Children always long to have their dream holidays. They plan their vacations in advance throughout the year. I am not an exception. I too, planned my vacation with my parents. On the whole, my vacation turned out be a wonderful juxtaposition of fun, adventure, learning and going back to my “roots”. Let me elaborate them one by one. FUN In the month of April, there could have been nothing better than Our academic session came to an end and the school vacation not a very big city, has a wonderful gem factory. The collection of for two months began. It made me so excited that I wanted to diamonds, pearls, gems etc. were phenomenal. I wish I could spend every second of my holidays in the best possible way. The own that factory! Then we went to 'Chang Temple.' We bought a enthusiasm reached its peak when my parents told me that we souvenir of two huge wooden elephants made of mango wood. are going to Thailand during the holidays. I couldn't control After which we went to a show called 'Fantasea'. There, we myself. I jumped around with joy and hugged my mom and dad watched traditional dance performances, acrobatics, tightly. relaxing on the breezy coast of an endless blue sea, to beat the landscape and the dark caves. We went trekking to the peak of heat and watching the glow of the red sun setting. That is exactly the island, making way among the tall trees. We reached near a lighthouse I saw the mechanism which makes the light to be seen After a long drive, me and my parents reached Murudeshwar, a from far away. beautiful, spiritual town on the coast of the Arabian sea. We stayed in a resort gymnastics, dramas etc. We also watched the performance of well-trained circus elephants. It wasn't too far for that day to come. We left on the night of 18th April. When we reached the airport we got even more excited. All huge lighthouse built almost a century ago. At the top of the what I experienced. Thereafter we returned to the tents, we had set up for the night, where we could view fully exhausted. After a campfire was lit, we had our food, which the lights and the was prepared on the same fire! Next day, we were woken up by waves hitting the shore the loud chirping of the wild birds. I could feel the dew drops falling from one side of the on me through the canopy of the tent. In the afternoon, we The next day, we shifted to another world famous hotel 'Club room, which was departed from the island leaving it deserted once again! that came to my mind was that I must have been blessed to have Med'. It was the right place for us to get rejuvenated. On the completely made of such wonderful parents who wanted us to have this wonderful afternoon, we went to a beach called 'Kata beach'. There we transparent glass. I voyage to Thailand. played and swam. We also tried to make sand castles. In the could not wait any To quote a popular proverb, “No work and all play makes Jack a evening, water tides became high and it seemed that the bright longer and I went out dull boy”, I had to utilise my vacation in a constructive way too. We took a flight from Bangalore to Bangkok and another flight to Learning orange sun was kissing the surface of the sea. It was really an and let my feet touch the wet sand. As the waves brushed past Thus I landed up in a coaching centre that strengthens the amazing sight. my feet, I felt the joy that no wealth or no luxury can ever give foundation of a student's knowledge in science and technology. It We spent another four days in the hotel enjoying many enthralling me. made me inquisitive on all matters. However we enjoyed the heavy rains during sunset. The typical activities such as Trapeze, Bungy jumping, Hockey, Golf, Thereafter going on a water bike, splashing water on me was the tropical climate was amazing. We stayed in a hotel named Archery, Scuba diving, Para-sailing, Jet-skiing, Ping-pong and most thrilling experience I've ever had. Mixed feelings like fear, 'Burasuri'. The hotel's ambience was simply amazing. The rooms pool aerobics. Every night, the hotel organised various events for excitement, nervousness and thrill swept through me. Phuket, which is among the world's best beach destinations. After 14 hours of journey, we stepped out of the airport. The weather in Phuket was hot and humid and we were drenched with sweat. were large and spacious. From the balcony, we were able to have us to have fun such as the Purple night, Around the world, Joke a view of the beach which was extremely beautiful. Dusk and Zone etc. We spent a lot of time on shopping, ate many varieties Adventure dawn were simply awesome to watch from the balcony. of fruits and had a couple of mock tails. What can be a bigger adventure Next day, we went to an island in a ship. It was the first time I At last the fun came to an end but the memories will always travelled in a ship for such a long distance. As soon as we remain throughout the life and will be cherished for ever. It was reached there, we had an exciting activity called snorkelling. We the best holiday I had so far. I thank my parents a lot for such a Like every year I paid a visit to my hometown where my 'roots” lie, where my parents were brought up. I got to meet my relatives, cousins and had a very happy time together. To top it up, I want to thank my wonderful parents for arranging than to be stranded on a deserted such a fun-filled, action-packed, educational and meaningful island for a night? That was the vacation! This has been the most memorable vacation I've ever best thing ever happened to me. wore life jackets, paddle fins and water glasses. My heart wonderful holiday. They really took us on a voyage to a My family and I went in a boat to thumped hard when we dived into the sea. The best part was that dreamland! an island located far from the had and it has left me longing for more such vacations. (One of the best essays selected in essay competition) - Sinchana Hegde, Class IX coast of Goa. we could see colourful fishes and coral reefs. (One of the best essays selected in the essay competition.) - Yashashwini R., IX Std. We were exhausted after the snorkelling and came back to the Getting the name 'Devgad' from British, the tiny island is green with dense forest. I left no stone unturned in exploring the hotel. The following day we went for a city tour. Phuket, though Fragrance 2012-2013 Going back to my “roots” 36 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 37 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Talakadu Temples under sand dunes m s i t o i r t a p g n i t a r b e l e C r u o v r e f h t i w Fragrance 2012-2013 38 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 39 JSS Public School, HSR Layout State I would like to visit Maharashtra Kerala The main tourist places I liked are Marine Drive, Church Gate and (A part of activity taken up under social studies) Gateway of India. The shoe house is the most attractive tourist spot. Mumbai's special sweet dish Shrikhand is my favourite dish. Andhra Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir The famous Shirdi Sai Baba temple is visited by people of all I like Kashmir because the Mughal Emperor Jahangir described religions. The people are friendly. So I like to visit Maharashtra. - Aarushi, IV A Kashmir as 'Heaven on Earth'. Many people from all over the world come here to enjoy the natural beauty. It has pleasant climate. There are beautiful snow covered mountains, valleys, lakes and rivers. We can do skiing and ice-skating. Shalimar Bagh, Nishad Bagh and Indira Gandhi Tulip garden are famous I would like to visit Andhra Pradesh because of l Historical for their natural beauty. The summer capital is Srinagar and places like Golconda Fort, Kakatiya temple, winter capital is Jammu. - Bhavadharani, IV A Charminar etc. in Hyderabad. l Many The God's own country is educational institutions like Osmania University, located in South Western India. Kakatiya University, which offer quality educational Its capital is programmes. l Parks l The Thiruvananthapuram. Malayalam is the principal like Ocean Park, Lumbini Park and Ramoji film city. spicy food and mouth-watering Hyderabadi biryani. l Divine Himachal Pradesh places like Tirupathi, Sri Kalahasti, Srisailam, Bhadrachalam etc. in the surroundings. - Nikhila, IV D Uttar Pradesh The historical places of Karnataka Aihole and Pattadakal Uttar Pradesh is the largest tourist place in India. Hima means snow in Sanskrit, and the literal meaning of the language spoken. Kerala can state's name means 'In the lap of Himalayas'. It was named by be divided into three distinct one of the great Sanskrit scholars Acharya Diwakar Dutt Sharma. regions- The eastern It is known for its abundant natural beauty. In 1950, Himachal was highlands, the central midlands declared as a Union territory but after the state of Himachal and the western coastal plains. Pradesh Act 1971, Himachal emerged as the 18th state of the It has 44 rivers. South west Republic of India. It has many prestigious boarding schools. monsoon brings rainfall to the Shimla is the capital city of Himacha Pradesh. state. Agriculture and fishing It has spectacular hills, valleys, rivers, forests and vast plains. The first dominate the economy. People wear bright colored clothes; men wear kurta, coat, There have been many famous place I would like to visit is Taj Mahal, which appears in several waistcoat and embroidered caps. listings of Seven Wonders of the World. Then I would like to visit Lehenga choli. Rice, maize and vegetables form an important Women wear Ghagra, personalities in Kerala. Adi Ayodhya, the birth place of Lord Rama, and Mathura, the birth part of their diet. Some of the commonly spoken languages Sankaracharya and Narayana place of Lord Krishna. Last but not the least, Sarnath, from where include Hindi, Pahari, Dogri, Punjabi, Kangri and Kinnauri. Guru were great saints. There were freedom fighters like - Harshil, IV D Buddha started his teachings on how to live peacefully. I like to Lakshmi Sehgal, P. Krishna eat Kachoris, all types of puris, jalebis, etc which are famous Pillai and Pazhassi Kerala there. Varma Raja. Col. Arthur - Shreya Joshi, IV D These two villages in North Karnataka are a treasure chest of art Wellesley, who later defeated and architecture of the 8th century. The architecture is a blend of Napoleon in Waterloo, had to Northern and Southern India. The Durga temple at Aihole and the concede defeat to Pazhassi Virupaksha and Sangameswara temples at Pattadakal are Raja. Artisits like Swathi tranquil and visiting here is bliss. Aihole is known as the birth Thirunal, Ravi Varma, K J. place of Hindu architecture while the Pattadakal complex is a Yesudas and athlete P.T. Usha UNESCO world heritage site. hail from Kerala. - Sagar S. M., IV C It is the only state in India to achieve complete literacy. - Karthik V. K., IV A Fragrance 2012-2013 40 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 41 JSS Public School, HSR Layout JSS Pre-Primary Section Tomorrow’s Leaders! Shubhashree, 10th Std. Topper Meghna P., 10th Std. Topper Class Leaders and Sports Captains It's wonderful to be in our creating new ideas. It is a treat to nursery section. Here, our watch them. tender ones learn to read, write A world full of love, laughter, fun and sing. They use their and sunshine is a perfect heaven delicate fingers in fixing, for our little ones. moulding, pasting, folding and An overview The Montessori Method is incorporated in the existing system of education which helps the overall development of the child in the Empowerment of Teachers crucial stages of 2yrs 8 months to 5 years 8 months. It helps the child to perform both at the social and intellectual level. Each child is given attention and is given the freedom to think and explore things. The child is consciously exploring and applying knowledge in his day to day life. Come lets watch them sing, dance, laugh and shout as we go down the memory lane and remember all that happened in this year. Introducing Children to Folk Art Won Second Prize in Interschool Dance Competition Childhood comes once in a life time but the pressure of contesting at every step has taken away the social aspect of growing up with friends and appreciating others. Playing is essential in the lives of children. It is how they make use of their surroundings. At JSS PrePrimary, playing is not only fun, but also an engrossing activity, challenging and full of excitement. The class room is a place for learning while playing. The children enter with open hearts and minds. It is our goal as teachers to keep this spirit alive. Our Pre-Primary grades begin from nursery and go till U.K.G. Our faculty is our strength (Staff of JSSPS-HSR) Fragrance 2012-2013 42 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 43 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Visit to a nursery Assembly The children stand in straight lines as they get ready LKG students enjoyed their first field trip to a nursery. They for the assembly program to start. They recite the excitedly boarded the buses and set off for the nursery. The prayers, sing the national anthem and do the morning students had the opportunity to observe plants, flowers and exercises which are a feast to the eyes for all those nature at its best. The teachers were very proud of the student's who are watching. behaviour and were thrilled when they received positive praise about the good behavior of our students. Save my planet Let's walk, let's observe, let's listen and let's learn, as we take Field trip to a market a walk hand in hand within the school campus. Yes it's our U.K.G children on a mission to save the planet earth. Festivals celebrated!!! Raksha bandhan Diwali The children celebrated Diwali with a colourful programme. The The tiny tots of the Nursery section celebrated Market Day by classes were decorated with beautiful diyas and rangoli. They visiting a fruit and vegetable market in the vicinity. Fruits and also spoke about the significance of celebrating Diwali. vegetables displayed in baskets were identified by the children. The children enjoyed a make believe drama of “buying” fruits and vegetables. Raksha Bandhan signifies the importance of love between a brother and sister. During this festival the sister ties a special handmade thread called Rakhi which means 'the thread of Field trip to A fire station love’ on the wrist of her brother. The brother in turn promises to protect his sister from all dangers. The students celebrated the Christmas festival with lot of love and enthusiasm. educating and protecting Christmas is the festival which Republic day children from the dangers celebrates the birth of Jesus caused by fire around them Christ. Pre-Primary children The spirit of patriotism was was the main theme for this field trip. Accordingly, the UKG celebrated the festival by awakened in the hearts of students visited the local fire station to learn about fire safety. decorating a Christmas tree the young ones by telling They had wonderful time learning about the fire engine. They and exchanging gifts with them the significance of the were taught to call the emergency No”101” in case of fire. each other. Republic Day and giving The importance of each child a tricolor Flag, Badge and Wrist bands. Fragrance 2012-2013 44 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 45 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fruit day Picnic The benefits of eating fruits were taught Join in the fun and frolic as the little ones to the children by having a fruit salad day trudge along to their favourite place to where the children brought fruits from have a picnic. It is a time for liveliness home. The teachers made salad in the and cheer and the children enjoy with a class which was then shared by all the lot of vim and vigour. children. Fancy dress competition Kids place Fancy dress is a time for a lot of gaiety. The variety of Park is my favorite place. My home The importance of eating vegetables characters and costumes with a lot of makeup done with is in H.S.R layout, which has many was taught to the children by organising patience was mind blowing. There were Doctors, parks. Parks have trees, plants and a vegetable salad day where the Teachers, Mythological characters, Clowns, Robots and kids play area. I go to the park every children brought vegetables from home. even Newspapers and Tooth brushes. day evening and play slides, swing Vegetable day and see-saw. Many aunties, uncles The teachers made salad in the class which was then relished by all the The children had a whale of time watching and and grandparents come to the park participating in the competition. for a walk. children. - Keerthan K. K., UKG D Play time Festivals in the pre-primary section A glimpse of colourful festivals celebrated in our montessori section. “Children play in order to understand the world around them, to express themselves, and to practice new skills.Play contributes to a child’s physical and social knowledge,logical understanding, and sense of selfworth.” (Empowering Children, Dale Shipley, c. 1993.) Snack time Reading, writing and play activities need a lot of energy. For that the children need to eat a healthy and nutritious breakfast. Children in nursery are made to sit cross-legged on mats in groups where they can share their food with each other and have an enjoyable breakfast. Fragrance 2012-2013 46 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 47 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Story time Montessori activities Storytelling is one of the most basic ways of sharing knowledge, of making sense of experiences and of seeing oneself in relation to others. In the classroom, storytelling is an important activity with strong links to literacy. Enter the world of stories with our Pre-Primary students. The Exercise of Practical Life (EPL) activities help a child learn Rhyme time Art and craft language. Spoken language is enhanced through enrichment of how to take care of himself and his environment and fine tune vocabulary and oral group activities. After learning the phonic elementary movements like walking, moving, sitting and sounds, children are taught the orthographic complications and standing. EPL activities also help a child learn social graces and sight words to enable them to decode words for reading. Children manners and improve his social skills. These activities help the are introduced to grammar through oral activities and material. child become self confident and independent. Creative Development Our Nursery children have vivid imagination, a sense of wonder and enjoy creating. They love to draw, paint and build spontaneously to express themselves. Here we give you a Maths: The maths curriculum starts with introducing children to Sensorial: The purpose and aim of Sensorial work is for the child counting quantities. It moves on to associating quantities with to acquire clear, concise information and then to be able to make number symbols. The decimal system helps the child to classifications in his environment. Montessori believed that understand place values from units to thousands through sensorial experiences begin at birth. Through his senses, the concrete material. This understanding forms the base for all further work in Math. By age 6 the child gains mastery over child studies his environment. brief glimpse into their young minds. addition, subtraction, multiplication and division through the use Language: The language curriculum focuses on developing of material. Save trees Water drop Farmer waters the plant, it gives us food. We drink water everyday, it keeps us alive. We bathe in water daily, it keeps us fresh. I like to play with water, keeps me happy. My holiday But my dad says we do not have more ground water, Music and singing is one of the most instinctive things we do Because we did not get enough rain this year. with our newborns. This crooning forms the first basis of My dad asked me to plant trees, communication with our babies, long before words can be I have planted one. Have you? understood. Eventually as a baby grows into a toddler they - Divya Raghavi A.S., UKG D begin singing and dancing to nursery rhymes. Enjoy the rhymes session with our children. I am a drop of water I might be very tiny but I am very precious. In winter break, I went to a museum and snow city with my Please do not waste me relatives. I had great fun with them. In snow city I wore boots, If you waste me there won't be any life on earth hand gloves, sweaters and cap. I played with my cousin. In the Follow the rules to save me. museum I saw light water fall and one interesting thing. I saw one Lets pledge to conserve water regularly. machine which counts the average water of our body. It should be Save me. 70% of our body weight. Mine is 40-50 %, now I will try to increase Secure the future. it with healthy food, fruits and more water. - Dhruvin H. D., UKG C Save earth. - Hari priya G. S., UKG C Fragrance 2012-2013 48 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 49 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Kids’ Art Gallery - Beautiful expressions Fragrance 2012-2013 50 JSS Public School, HSR Layout Fragrance 2012-2013 51 JSS Public School, HSR Layout V½AiÀÄ PÀÆUÀÄ ±Á¯Á «zÁåyðUÀ½UÁV 16 ¸ÀÆvÀæUÀ¼ÀÄ PÀ£ÀßqÀzÀ £ÀÄr-ªÀÄÄvÀÄÛ PÀ£ÀßqÀzÀ £ÀÄr ZÉ£Àß PÀ£ÀßqÀzÀ d® ZÉ£Àß PÀ£ÀßqÀzÀ £É® ZÉ£Àß N PÀAzÀ ¨Á PÀ°AiÉÆÃt UÁzÉUÀ¼ÀÄ PÀ£ÀßqÀzÀ CAzÀ ZÉAzÀ 1. CgÀ¸À£À PÀÄzÀÄgÉ ¯ÁAiÀÄzÀ°è ªÀÄÄ¥Áà¬ÄvÀÄ. - ªÀĺÀäzï ¥sÀgÀºÁ£ï SÁ£ï J¥sï. 2£Éà vÀgÀUÀw ‘¹' «¨sÁUÀ 2. CPÀÌ ¸ÀvÀÛgÉ CªÀiÁªÁ¸Éå ¤®èzÀÄ, CtÚ ¸ÀvÀÛgÉ ºÀÄtÂÚªÉÄ ¤®èzÀÄ. 3. C°è E°è J¯Éèà EzÀÝgÀÆ PÉÆ®ÄèªÀ «¢ü ©qÀzÀÄ. 4. £É®Ä«UÉ ºÁgÀzÀ ¨ÉPÀÄÌ ªÀÄÄV°UÉ ºÁjzÀAvÉ. 1. ªÀÄ®UÀĪÁUÀ, K¼ÀĪÁUÀ ¥ÀgÀªÀiÁvÀä£À £É£À¥ÀÅ, DUÀ¯Éà fêÀ£ÀPÉÌ ªÀÄĢݣÀ V½AiÉÄÃ, ªÀÄĢݣÀ V½AiÉÄà £À£ÀߣÀÄ PÀÆr §gÀĪÉAiÀÄ V½AiÉÄÃ? ±ÀgÀtgÀ ªÀZÀ£ÁªÀÄÈvÀ ªÀiÁ«£À ªÀÄgÀzÀ°, ºÀtÚ£ÀÄ PÀÄPÀÄÌvÁ ºÀUÀ®Ä ºÀ¹«AUÉ PÀÄ¢zÀÄ, EgÀļÀÄ ¤zÉæUÉ ¸ÀAzÀÄ JZÀÑvÀÄÛ M§â£Éà PÀĽwgÀĪÉÃPÉ, V½AiÉÄÃ? 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